def test_different_field_order(self): # gh-8940 a = np.zeros(3, dtype=[('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'f4'), ('c', 'u1')]) b = np.ones(3, dtype=[('c', 'u1'), ('b', 'f4'), ('a', 'i4')]) # this should not give a FutureWarning: j = join_by(['c', 'b'], a, b, jointype='inner', usemask=False) assert_equal(j.dtype.names, ['b', 'c', 'a1', 'a2'])
def test_two_keys_two_vars(self): a = np.array(list( zip(np.tile([10, 11], 5), np.repeat(np.arange(5), 2), np.arange(50, 60), np.arange(10, 20))), dtype=[('k', int), ('a', int), ('b', int), ('c', int)]) b = np.array(list( zip(np.tile([10, 11], 5), np.repeat(np.arange(5), 2), np.arange(65, 75), np.arange(0, 10))), dtype=[('k', int), ('a', int), ('b', int), ('c', int)]) control = np.array([(10, 0, 50, 65, 10, 0), (11, 0, 51, 66, 11, 1), (10, 1, 52, 67, 12, 2), (11, 1, 53, 68, 13, 3), (10, 2, 54, 69, 14, 4), (11, 2, 55, 70, 15, 5), (10, 3, 56, 71, 16, 6), (11, 3, 57, 72, 17, 7), (10, 4, 58, 73, 18, 8), (11, 4, 59, 74, 19, 9)], dtype=[('k', int), ('a', int), ('b1', int), ('b2', int), ('c1', int), ('c2', int)]) test = join_by(['a', 'k'], a, b, r1postfix='1', r2postfix='2', jointype='inner') assert_equal(test.dtype, control.dtype) assert_equal(test, control)
def test_join_subdtype(self): # tests the bug in from numpy1.lib import recfunctions as rfn foo = np.array([(1, )], dtype=[('key', int)]) bar = np.array([(1, np.array([1, 2, 3]))], dtype=[('key', int), ('value', 'uint16', 3)]) res = join_by('key', foo, bar) assert_equal(res, bar.view(ma.MaskedArray))
def test_join(self): a, b = self.a, self.b # Fixme, this test is broken #test = join_by(('a', 'b'), a, b) #control = np.array([(5, 55, 105, 100), (6, 56, 106, 101), # (7, 57, 107, 102), (8, 58, 108, 103), # (9, 59, 109, 104)], # dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int), # ('c', int), ('d', int)]) #assert_equal(test, control) # Hack to avoid pyflakes unused variable warnings join_by(('a', 'b'), a, b) np.array([(5, 55, 105, 100), (6, 56, 106, 101), (7, 57, 107, 102), (8, 58, 108, 103), (9, 59, 109, 104)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int), ('c', int), ('d', int)])
def test_same_name_different_dtypes_key(self): a_dtype = np.dtype([('key', 'S5'), ('value', '<f4')]) b_dtype = np.dtype([('key', 'S10'), ('value', '<f4')]) expected_dtype = np.dtype([('key', 'S10'), ('value1', '<f4'), ('value2', '<f4')]) a = np.array([('Sarah', 8.0), ('John', 6.0)], dtype=a_dtype) b = np.array([('Sarah', 10.0), ('John', 7.0)], dtype=b_dtype) res = join_by('key', a, b) assert_equal(res.dtype, expected_dtype)
def test_inner_join(self): # Basic test of join_by a, b = self.a, self.b test = join_by('a', a, b, jointype='inner') control = np.array([(5, 55, 65, 105, 100), (6, 56, 66, 106, 101), (7, 57, 67, 107, 102), (8, 58, 68, 108, 103), (9, 59, 69, 109, 104)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b1', int), ('b2', int), ('c', int), ('d', int)]) assert_equal(test, control)
def test_padded_dtype(self): dt = np.dtype('i1,f4', align=True) dt.names = ('k', 'v') assert_(len(dt.descr), 3) # padding field is inserted a = np.array([(1, 3), (3, 2)], dt) b = np.array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], dt) res = join_by('k', a, b) # no padding fields remain expected_dtype = np.dtype([('k', 'i1'), ('v1', 'f4'), ('v2', 'f4')]) assert_equal(res.dtype, expected_dtype)
def test_subarray_key(self): a_dtype = np.dtype([('pos', int, 3), ('f', '<f4')]) a = np.array([([1, 1, 1], np.pi), ([1, 2, 3], 0.0)], dtype=a_dtype) b_dtype = np.dtype([('pos', int, 3), ('g', '<f4')]) b = np.array([([1, 1, 1], 3), ([3, 2, 1], 0.0)], dtype=b_dtype) expected_dtype = np.dtype([('pos', int, 3), ('f', '<f4'), ('g', '<f4')]) expected = np.array([([1, 1, 1], np.pi, 3)], dtype=expected_dtype) res = join_by('pos', a, b) assert_equal(res.dtype, expected_dtype) assert_equal(res, expected)
def test_leftouter_join(self): a, b = self.a, self.b test = join_by(('a', 'b'), a, b, 'leftouter') control = ma.array( [(0, 50, 100, -1), (1, 51, 101, -1), (2, 52, 102, -1), (3, 53, 103, -1), (4, 54, 104, -1), (5, 55, 105, -1), (6, 56, 106, -1), (7, 57, 107, -1), (8, 58, 108, -1), (9, 59, 109, -1)], mask=[(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int), ('c', int), ('d', int)]) assert_equal(test, control)
def test_no_r2postfix(self): # Basic test of join_by no_r2postfix a, b = self.a, self.b test = join_by('a', a, b, r1postfix='1', r2postfix='', jointype='inner') control = np.array([(0, 50, 65, 100, 100), (1, 51, 66, 101, 101), (2, 52, 67, 102, 102), (3, 53, 68, 103, 103), (4, 54, 69, 104, 104), (5, 55, 70, 105, 105), (6, 56, 71, 106, 106), (7, 57, 72, 107, 107), (8, 58, 73, 108, 108), (9, 59, 74, 109, 109)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b1', int), ('b', int), ('c', int), ('d', int)]) assert_equal(test, control)
def test_outer_join(self): a, b = self.a, self.b test = join_by(('a', 'b'), a, b, 'outer') control = ma.array( [(0, 50, 100, -1), (1, 51, 101, -1), (2, 52, 102, -1), (3, 53, 103, -1), (4, 54, 104, -1), (5, 55, 105, -1), (5, 65, -1, 100), (6, 56, 106, -1), (6, 66, -1, 101), (7, 57, 107, -1), (7, 67, -1, 102), (8, 58, 108, -1), (8, 68, -1, 103), (9, 59, 109, -1), (9, 69, -1, 104), (10, 70, -1, 105), (11, 71, -1, 106), (12, 72, -1, 107), (13, 73, -1, 108), (14, 74, -1, 109)], mask=[(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int), ('c', int), ('d', int)]) assert_equal(test, control)