コード例 #1
    def test_errcall(self):
        def foo(*args):

        olderrcall = np.geterrcall()
        with np.errstate(call=foo):
            assert_(np.geterrcall() is foo, 'call is not foo')
            with np.errstate(call=None):
                assert_(np.geterrcall() is None, 'call is not None')
        assert_(np.geterrcall() is olderrcall, 'call is not olderrcall')
コード例 #2
 def test_invalid(self):
     with np.errstate(all='raise', under='ignore'):
         a = -np.arange(3)
         # This should work
         with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         # While this should fail!
         except FloatingPointError:
             self.fail("Did not raise an invalid error")
コード例 #3
 def test_divide(self):
     with np.errstate(all='raise', under='ignore'):
         a = -np.arange(3)
         # This should work
         with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
             a // 0
         # While this should fail!
             a // 0
         except FloatingPointError:
             self.fail("Did not raise divide by zero error")
コード例 #4
 def test_complex_bad2(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         v = 1 + 1j
         v += np.array(-1 + 1.j) / 0.
     vals = nan_to_num(v)
     assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_old_ma.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
コード例 #6
 def _check_ninf_nan(dummy):
     msgform = "csqrt(-inf, nan) is (%f, %f), expected (nan, +-inf)"
     z = np.sqrt(np.array(complex(-np.inf, np.nan)))
     #Fixme: ugly workaround for isinf bug.
     with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         if not (np.isnan(z.real) and np.isinf(z.imag)):
             raise AssertionError(msgform % (z.real, z.imag))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_half.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
    def test_nans_infs(self):
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            # Check some of the ufuncs
            assert_equal(np.isnan(self.all_f16), np.isnan(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.isinf(self.all_f16), np.isinf(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.isfinite(self.all_f16), np.isfinite(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.signbit(self.all_f16), np.signbit(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.spacing(float16(65504)), np.inf)

            # Check comparisons of all values with NaN
            nan = float16(np.nan)

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 == nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan == self.all_f16).any())

            assert_((self.all_f16 != nan).all())
            assert_((nan != self.all_f16).all())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 < nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan < self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 <= nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan <= self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 > nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan > self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 >= nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan >= self.all_f16).any())
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_scalarmath.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
    def test_branches(self):
        with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
            for t in [np.complex64, np.complex128]:
                # tupled (numerator, denominator, expected)
                # for testing as expected == numerator/denominator
                data = list()

                # trigger branch: real(fabs(denom)) > imag(fabs(denom))
                # followed by else condition as neither are == 0
                data.append(((2.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)))

                # trigger branch: real(fabs(denom)) > imag(fabs(denom))
                # followed by if condition as both are == 0
                # is performed in test_zero_division(), so this is skipped

                # trigger else if branch: real(fabs(denom)) < imag(fabs(denom))
                data.append(((1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 0.0)))

                for cases in data:
                    n = cases[0]
                    d = cases[1]
                    ex = cases[2]
                    result = t(complex(n[0], n[1])) / t(complex(d[0], d[1]))
                    # check real and imag parts separately to avoid comparison
                    # in array context, which does not account for signed zeros
                    assert_equal(result.real, ex[0])
                    assert_equal(result.imag, ex[1])
コード例 #9
 def test_complex_bad(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         v = 1 + 1j
         v += np.array(0 + 1.j) / 0.
     vals = nan_to_num(v)
     # !! This is actually (unexpectedly) zero
     assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
コード例 #10
def check_complex_value(f, x1, y1, x2, y2, exact=True):
    z1 = np.array([complex(x1, y1)])
    z2 = complex(x2, y2)
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        if exact:
            assert_equal(f(z1), z2)
            assert_almost_equal(f(z1), z2)
コード例 #11
    def test_generic(self):
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            vals = nan_to_num(np.array((-1., 0, 1)) / 0.)
        assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0]))
        assert_(vals[1] == 0)
        assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2]))
        assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)

        # perform the same test but in-place
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            vals = np.array((-1., 0, 1)) / 0.
        result = nan_to_num(vals, copy=False)

        assert_(result is vals)
        assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0]))
        assert_(vals[1] == 0)
        assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2]))
        assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
コード例 #12
 def test_underlow(self):
     # Regression test for #759:
     # instantiating MachAr for dtype = np.float96 raises spurious warning.
     with errstate(all='raise'):
         except FloatingPointError as e:
             msg = "Caught %s exception, should not have been raised." % e
             raise AssertionError(msg)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_histograms.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_inf_edges(self):
     # Test using +/-inf bin edges works. See #1788.
     with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         x = np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2)
         expected = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]])
         h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, [-np.inf, 2, 10]])
         assert_allclose(h, expected)
         h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, np.array([-1, 2, np.inf])])
         assert_allclose(h, expected)
         h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, [-np.inf, 3, np.inf]])
         assert_allclose(h, expected)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_old_ma.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_testScalarArithmetic(self):
     xm = array(0, mask=1)
     #TODO FIXME: Find out what the following raises a warning in r8247
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
         assert_((1 / array(0)).mask)
     assert_((1 + xm).mask)
     assert_(maximum(xm, xm).mask)
     assert_(minimum(xm, xm).mask)
     assert_(xm.filled().dtype is xm._data.dtype)
     x = array(0, mask=0)
     assert_(x.filled() == x._data)
     assert_equal(str(xm), str(masked_print_option))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_old_ma.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_testArithmetic(self):
     # Test of basic arithmetic.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     a2d = array([[1, 2], [0, 4]])
     a2dm = masked_array(a2d, [[0, 0], [1, 0]])
     assert_(eq(a2d * a2d, a2d * a2dm))
     assert_(eq(a2d + a2d, a2d + a2dm))
     assert_(eq(a2d - a2d, a2d - a2dm))
     for s in [(12,), (4, 3), (2, 6)]:
         x = x.reshape(s)
         y = y.reshape(s)
         xm = xm.reshape(s)
         ym = ym.reshape(s)
         xf = xf.reshape(s)
         assert_(eq(-x, -xm))
         assert_(eq(x + y, xm + ym))
         assert_(eq(x - y, xm - ym))
         assert_(eq(x * y, xm * ym))
         with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
             assert_(eq(x / y, xm / ym))
         assert_(eq(a10 + y, a10 + ym))
         assert_(eq(a10 - y, a10 - ym))
         assert_(eq(a10 * y, a10 * ym))
         with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
             assert_(eq(a10 / y, a10 / ym))
         assert_(eq(x + a10, xm + a10))
         assert_(eq(x - a10, xm - a10))
         assert_(eq(x * a10, xm * a10))
         assert_(eq(x / a10, xm / a10))
         assert_(eq(x ** 2, xm ** 2))
         assert_(eq(abs(x) ** 2.5, abs(xm) ** 2.5))
         assert_(eq(x ** y, xm ** ym))
         assert_(eq(np.add(x, y), add(xm, ym)))
         assert_(eq(np.subtract(x, y), subtract(xm, ym)))
         assert_(eq(np.multiply(x, y), multiply(xm, ym)))
         with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
             assert_(eq(np.divide(x, y), divide(xm, ym)))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_scalarmath.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_zero_division(self):
     with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
         for t in [np.complex64, np.complex128]:
             a = t(0.0)
             b = t(1.0)
             assert_(np.isinf(b / a))
             b = t(complex(np.inf, np.inf))
             assert_(np.isinf(b / a))
             b = t(complex(np.inf, np.nan))
             assert_(np.isinf(b / a))
             b = t(complex(np.nan, np.inf))
             assert_(np.isinf(b / a))
             b = t(complex(np.nan, np.nan))
             assert_(np.isnan(b / a))
             b = t(0.)
             assert_(np.isnan(b / a))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_getlimits.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
def test_known_types():
    # Test we are correctly compiling parameters for known types
    for ftype, ma_like in ((np.float16, _float16_ma),
                           (np.float32, _float32_ma), (np.float64,
        assert_ma_equal(_discovered_machar(ftype), ma_like)
    # Suppress warning for broken discovery of double double on PPC
    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        ld_ma = _discovered_machar(np.longdouble)
    bytes = np.dtype(np.longdouble).itemsize
    if (ld_ma.it, ld_ma.maxexp) == (63, 16384) and bytes in (12, 16):
        # 80-bit extended precision
        assert_ma_equal(ld_ma, _float80_ma)
    elif (ld_ma.it, ld_ma.maxexp) == (112, 16384) and bytes == 16:
        # IEE 754 128-bit
        assert_ma_equal(ld_ma, _float128_ma)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_mem_overlap.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
    def test_unary_gufunc_fuzz(self):
        shapes = [7, 13, 8, 21, 29, 32]
        gufunc = _umath_tests.euclidean_pdist

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

        for ndim in range(2, 6):
            x = rng.rand(*shapes[:ndim])

            it = iter_random_view_pairs(x, same_steps=False, equal_size=True)

            min_count = 500 // (ndim + 1)**2

            overlapping = 0
            while overlapping < min_count:
                a, b = next(it)

                if min(a.shape[-2:]) < 2 or min(b.shape[-2:]) < 2 or a.shape[-1] < 2:

                # Ensure the shapes are so that euclidean_pdist is happy
                if b.shape[-1] > b.shape[-2]:
                    b = b[...,0,:]
                    b = b[...,:,0]

                n = a.shape[-2]
                p = n * (n - 1) // 2
                if p <= b.shape[-1] and p > 0:
                    b = b[...,:p]
                    n = max(2, int(np.sqrt(b.shape[-1]))//2)
                    p = n * (n - 1) // 2
                    a = a[...,:n,:]
                    b = b[...,:p]

                # Call
                if np.shares_memory(a, b):
                    overlapping += 1

                with np.errstate(over='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
                    assert_copy_equivalent(gufunc, [a], out=b)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_scalarmath.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_signed_zeros(self):
     with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
         for t in [np.complex64, np.complex128]:
             # tupled (numerator, denominator, expected)
             # for testing as expected == numerator/denominator
             data = (((0.0, -1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, -0.0)),
                     ((0.0, -1.0), (0.0, -1.0),
                      (1.0, -0.0)), ((0.0, -1.0), (-0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 0.0)),
                     ((0.0, -1.0), (-0.0, 1.0),
                      (-1.0, 0.0)), ((0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0)),
                     ((0.0, -1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (1.0, -0.0)),
                     ((-0.0, -1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (1.0, -0.0)),
                     ((-0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, -0.0)))
             for cases in data:
                 n = cases[0]
                 d = cases[1]
                 ex = cases[2]
                 result = t(complex(n[0], n[1])) / t(complex(d[0], d[1]))
                 # check real and imag parts separately to avoid comparison
                 # in array context, which does not account for signed zeros
                 assert_equal(result.real, ex[0])
                 assert_equal(result.imag, ex[1])
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_old_ma.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
 def test_testUfuncRegression(self):
     f_invalid_ignore = [
         'sqrt', 'arctanh', 'arcsin', 'arccos',
         'arccosh', 'arctanh', 'log', 'log10', 'divide',
         'true_divide', 'floor_divide', 'remainder', 'fmod']
     for f in ['sqrt', 'log', 'log10', 'exp', 'conjugate',
               'sin', 'cos', 'tan',
               'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan',
               'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh',
               'absolute', 'fabs', 'negative',
               'floor', 'ceil',
               'add', 'subtract', 'multiply',
               'divide', 'true_divide', 'floor_divide',
               'remainder', 'fmod', 'hypot', 'arctan2',
               'equal', 'not_equal', 'less_equal', 'greater_equal',
               'less', 'greater',
               'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor']:
             uf = getattr(umath, f)
         except AttributeError:
             uf = getattr(fromnumeric, f)
         mf = getattr(np.ma, f)
         args = self.d[:uf.nin]
         with np.errstate():
             if f in f_invalid_ignore:
             if f in ['arctanh', 'log', 'log10']:
             ur = uf(*args)
             mr = mf(*args)
         assert_(eq(ur.filled(0), mr.filled(0), f))
         assert_(eqmask(ur.mask, mr.mask))
コード例 #21
 def test_ind(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isinf(np.array((0., )) / 0.) == 0)
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_half.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
    def test_half_fpe(self):
        with np.errstate(all='raise'):
            sx16 = np.array((1e-4, ), dtype=float16)
            bx16 = np.array((1e4, ), dtype=float16)
            sy16 = float16(1e-4)
            by16 = float16(1e4)

            # Underflow errors
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a * b, sx16, sx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a * b, sx16, sy16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a * b, sy16, sx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a * b, sy16, sy16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b, sx16, bx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b, sx16, by16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b, sy16, bx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b, sy16, by16)
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b,
                              float16(2.**-14), float16(2**11))
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b,
                              float16(-2.**-14), float16(2**11))
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b,
                              float16(2.**-14 + 2**-24), float16(2))
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b,
                              float16(-2.**-14 - 2**-24), float16(2))
            assert_raises_fpe('underflow', lambda a, b: a / b,
                              float16(2.**-14 + 2**-23), float16(4))

            # Overflow errors
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a * b, bx16, bx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a * b, bx16, by16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a * b, by16, bx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a * b, by16, by16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a / b, bx16, sx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a / b, bx16, sy16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a / b, by16, sx16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a / b, by16, sy16)
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a + b, float16(65504),
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', lambda a, b: a - b, float16(-65504),
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', np.nextafter, float16(65504),
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', np.nextafter, float16(-65504),
            assert_raises_fpe('overflow', np.spacing, float16(65504))

            # Invalid value errors
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.divide, float16(np.inf),
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.spacing, float16(np.inf))
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.spacing, float16(np.nan))
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.nextafter, float16(np.inf),
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.nextafter, float16(-np.inf),
            assert_raises_fpe('invalid', np.nextafter, float16(0),

            # These should not raise
            float16(65472) + float16(32)
            float16(2**-13) / float16(2)
            float16(2**-14) / float16(2**10)
            np.nextafter(float16(65504), float16(-np.inf))
            np.nextafter(float16(-65504), float16(np.inf))
            float16(2**-14) / float16(2**10)
            float16(-2**-14) / float16(2**10)
            float16(2**-14 + 2**-23) / float16(2)
            float16(-2**-14 - 2**-23) / float16(2)
コード例 #23
 def test_posinf(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isnan(np.array((1., )) / 0.) == 0)
コード例 #24
 def test_complex1(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isnan(np.array(0 + 0j) / 0.) == 1)
コード例 #25
 def test_neginf(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array((-1., )) / 0.) == 0)
コード例 #26
ファイル: financial.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
def nper(rate, pmt, pv, fv=0, when='end'):
    Compute the number of periodic payments.

    :class:`decimal.Decimal` type is not supported.

    rate : array_like
        Rate of interest (per period)
    pmt : array_like
    pv : array_like
        Present value
    fv : array_like, optional
        Future value
    when : {{'begin', 1}, {'end', 0}}, {string, int}, optional
        When payments are due ('begin' (1) or 'end' (0))

    The number of periods ``nper`` is computed by solving the equation::

     fv + pv*(1+rate)**nper + pmt*(1+rate*when)/rate*((1+rate)**nper-1) = 0

    but if ``rate = 0`` then::

     fv + pv + pmt*nper = 0

    If you only had $150/month to pay towards the loan, how long would it take
    to pay-off a loan of $8,000 at 7% annual interest?

    >>> print(round(np.nper(0.07/12, -150, 8000), 5))

    So, over 64 months would be required to pay off the loan.

    The same analysis could be done with several different interest rates
    and/or payments and/or total amounts to produce an entire table.

    >>> np.nper(*(np.ogrid[0.07/12: 0.08/12: 0.01/12,
    ...                    -150   : -99     : 50    ,
    ...                    8000   : 9001    : 1000]))
    array([[[  64.07334877,   74.06368256],
            [ 108.07548412,  127.99022654]],
           [[  66.12443902,   76.87897353],
            [ 114.70165583,  137.90124779]]])

    when = _convert_when(when)
    (rate, pmt, pv, fv, when) = map(np.asarray, [rate, pmt, pv, fv, when])

    use_zero_rate = False
    with np.errstate(divide="raise"):
            z = pmt * (1 + rate * when) / rate
        except FloatingPointError:
            use_zero_rate = True

    if use_zero_rate:
        return (-fv + pv) / pmt
        A = -(fv + pv) / (pmt + 0)
        B = np.log((-fv + z) / (pv + z)) / np.log(1 + rate)
        return np.where(rate == 0, A, B)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_mem_overlap.py プロジェクト: frank1991430/test
    def test_unary_ufunc_1d_manual(self):
        # Exercise branches in PyArray_EQUIVALENTLY_ITERABLE

        def check(a, b):
            a_orig = a.copy()
            b_orig = b.copy()

            b0 = b.copy()
            c1 = ufunc(a, out=b0)
            c2 = ufunc(a, out=b)
            assert_array_equal(c1, c2)

            # Trigger "fancy ufunc loop" code path
            mask = view_element_first_byte(b).view(np.bool_)

            a[...] = a_orig
            b[...] = b_orig
            c1 = ufunc(a, out=b.copy(), where=mask.copy()).copy()

            a[...] = a_orig
            b[...] = b_orig
            c2 = ufunc(a, out=b, where=mask.copy()).copy()

            # Also, mask overlapping with output
            a[...] = a_orig
            b[...] = b_orig
            c3 = ufunc(a, out=b, where=mask).copy()

            assert_array_equal(c1, c2)
            assert_array_equal(c1, c3)

        dtypes = [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.float32,
                  np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]
        dtypes = [np.dtype(x) for x in dtypes]

        for dtype in dtypes:
            if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
                ufunc = np.invert
                ufunc = np.reciprocal

            n = 1000
            k = 10
            indices = [

            for xi, yi in itertools.product(indices, indices):
                v = np.arange(1, 1 + n*2 + k, dtype=dtype)
                x = v[xi]
                y = v[yi]

                with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                    check(x, y)

                    # Scalar cases
                    check(x[:1], y)
                    check(x[-1:], y)
                    check(x[:1].reshape([]), y)
                    check(x[-1:].reshape([]), y)
コード例 #28
 def test_complex1(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array(1 + 1j) / 0.) == 0)
コード例 #29
 def test_neginf_scalar(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_all(np.isinf(np.array(-1.) / 0.) == 1)
コード例 #30
 def test_generic(self):
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         vals = isneginf(np.array((-1., 0, 1)) / 0.)
     assert_(vals[0] == 1)
     assert_(vals[1] == 0)
     assert_(vals[2] == 0)