def test_lnarray_shape_methods(self, arrays): m_bs, m_ss = view_as(*arrays) tall, smol = m_bs.shape, m_ss.shape hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(np.max(np.abs(m_bs.imag)) > .01) hy.assume(np.max(np.abs(m_bs.real)) / np.max(np.abs(m_bs.imag)) < 1e3) expect = utn.trnsp(tall) self.assertArrayShape(m_bs.t, expect) self.assertArrayShape(m_bs.h, expect) self.assertArrayNotAllClose(m_bs.t, m_bs.h) self.assertArrayShape(m_ss.c, smol + (1, )) self.assertArrayShape(m_bs.c.uc, tall) expect = insert(smol) self.assertArrayShape(m_ss.r, expect) self.assertArrayShape(m_bs.r.ur, tall) self.assertArrayShape(m_ss.s, smol + (1, 1)) self.assertArrayShape(, tall) # expect = smol[:1] + (1,) + smol[1:2] + (1,) + smol[2:] expect = insert(insert(smol, 2), 1) self.assertArrayShape(m_ss.expand_dims((1, 3)), expect) expect = tall[:1] + ([1:4]), ) + tall[4:] self.assertArrayShape(m_bs.flattish(1, 4), expect) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "repeated axis"): m_bs.expand_dims((m_bs.ndim - 1, -3)) half = (m_bs.ndim + 2) // 2 + 1 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): (m_bs.s).flattish(half, -half)
def test_qr_returns_expected_values_with_tall(self, m_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() unitary, right = gfl.qr_n(m_bs) tall = unitary @ right eye = la.dagger(unitary) @ unitary id_s = np.identity(m_bs.shape[-1], m_bs.dtype) # with self.subTest(msg='qr'): self.assertArrayAllClose(tall, m_bs, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='Q^T Q'): self.assertArrayAllClose(id_s, eye, cond=cond)
def test_lu_raw_returns_expected_values_tall(self, m_bs): tall = m_bs.shape hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() tl_l, tl_u, tl_ip0 = gfl.lu_n(m_bs) tl_f, tl_ip = gfl.lu_rawn(m_bs) tl_f = la.transpose(tl_f) linds = (..., ) + np.tril_indices(tall[-2], -1, tall[-1]) uinds = (..., ) + np.triu_indices(tall[-2], 0, tall[-1]) # with self.subTest(msg="tall"): self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_f[linds], tl_l[linds], cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_f[uinds], tl_u[uinds], cond=cond) self.assertEqual(tl_ip, tl_ip0)
def test_lq_returns_expected_values_with_tall(self, m_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() left, unitary = gfl.lq_n(m_bs) tall = left @ unitary eye = unitary @ la.dagger(unitary) eyet = la.dagger(unitary) @ unitary id_s = np.identity(m_bs.shape[-1], m_bs.dtype) # with self.subTest(msg='lq'): self.assertArrayAllClose(tall, m_bs, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='Q Q^T'): self.assertArrayAllClose(id_s, eye, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='Q^T Q'): self.assertArrayAllClose(id_s, eyet, cond=cond)
def test_rlstsq_qr_returns_expected_shape_tall(self, arrays, fun): m_ss, m_sb, m_bs = arrays hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) tall = m_bs.shape expect = utn.array_return_shape('(m,n),(p,n)->(m,p),(n,p)', m_ss, m_bs) tau = expect[1][:-2] + tau_len(m_bs, fun) result = fun(m_ss, m_bs) self.assertArrayShapesAre(result, expect + (tau, )) self.assertArrayShapesAre(unbroadcast_factors(m_bs, *result[1:]), (utn.trnsp(tall), tall[:-2] + tau[-1:])) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.core_dim_err): fun(m_sb, m_bs) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.broadcast_err): fun(*utn.make_bad_broadcast(m_ss, la.transpose(m_sb)))
def test_lu_basic_returns_expected_values_tall(self, m_bs): tall = m_bs.shape hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() tl_l, tl_u, tl_ip = gfl.lu_n(m_bs) tal = gfl.rpivot(tl_l @ tl_u, tl_ip) tlp = gfl.pivot(m_bs, tl_ip) dinds = (..., ) + np.diag_indices(tall[-1], 2) # to check l uinds = (..., ) + np.triu_indices(tall[-2], 1, tall[-1]) # to check l linds = (..., ) + np.tril_indices(tall[-1], -1, tall[-1]) # to check u # with self.subTest(msg="tall"): self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_l[dinds], 1.) self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_l[uinds], 0.) self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_u[linds], 0.) self.assertArrayAllClose(tl_l @ tl_u, tlp, cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(tal, m_bs, cond=cond)
def test_pinv_returns_expected_values_tall(self, m_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() # with self.subTest(msg='tall'): tall_p = gfl.pinv(m_bs) id_s = np.identity(m_bs.shape[-1], m_bs.dtype) self.assertArrayAllClose(tall_p @ m_bs, id_s, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='tall,+qr'): tall_pq, tall_f, tall_tau = gfl.pinv_qrn(m_bs) qrf, tau = gfl.qr_rawn(m_bs) self.assertArrayAllClose(tall_pq, tall_p, cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(tall_f, qrf, cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(tall_tau, tau, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='tall,-qr'): tall_qp = gfl.qr_pinv(tall_f, tall_tau) self.assertArrayAllClose(tall_qp, tall_p, cond=cond)
def test_rqr_lstsq_returns_expected_shape_tall(self, arrays, fun): m_ss, m_sb, m_bb, m_bs = arrays hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) _, x_f, tau = fun(m_ss, m_bs) expect = utn.array_return_shape('(n,m),(m,p)->(n,p)', x_f, m_bb) self.assertArrayShape(gfl.qr_lstsq(x_f, tau, m_bb), expect) expect = utn.array_return_shape('(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)', m_ss, x_f) self.assertArrayShape(gfl.rqr_lstsq(m_ss, x_f, tau), expect) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.core_dim_err): gfl.qr_lstsq(x_f, tau, m_sb) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.core_dim_err): gfl.rqr_lstsq(m_sb, x_f, tau) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.broadcast_err): gfl.qr_lstsq(x_f, *utn.make_bad_broadcast(tau, m_bb, (1, 2))) x_f, tau = unbroadcast_factors(m_bs, x_f, tau) expect = utn.array_return_shape('(m,n),(m,p)->(n,p)', m_bs, m_bb) self.assertArrayShape(gfl.qr_lstsq(x_f, tau, m_bb), expect)
def test_qr_rawn_returns_expected_values(self, m_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() rrr = gfl.qr_n(m_bs)[1] num = rrr.shape[-1] ht_bs, tau = gfl.qr_rawn(m_bs) h_bs = la.transpose(ht_bs) vecs = np.tril(h_bs, -1) vecs[(..., ) + np.diag_indices(num)] = 1 vnorm = gfb.norm(la.row(tau) * vecs, axis=-2)**2 right = np.triu(h_bs) # with self.subTest(msg='raw_n'): self.assertArrayAllClose(right[..., :num, :], rrr, cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(vnorm, 2 * tau.real, cond=cond) for k in range(num): vvv = vecs[..., num - k - 1:num - k] ttt = la.scalar(tau[..., -k - 1]) right -= ttt * vvv * (la.dagger(vvv) @ right) # with self.subTest(msg='h_n'): self.assertArrayAllClose(right, m_bs, cond=cond)
def test_lq_rawn_returns_expected_values(self, m_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_bs)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs).max() llo = gfl.lq_n(m_bs)[0] num = llo.shape[-1] ht_bs, tau = gfl.lq_rawn(m_bs) h_bs = la.transpose(ht_bs) vecs = np.triu(h_bs, 1) vecs[(..., ) + np.diag_indices(num)] = 1 vnorm = gfb.norm(la.col(tau) * vecs[..., :num, :], axis=-1)**2 left = np.tril(h_bs) # with self.subTest(msg='raw_n'): self.assertArrayAllClose(left, llo, cond=cond) # with self.subTest(msg='tau_n'): self.assertArrayAllClose(vnorm, 2 * tau.real, cond=cond) for k in range(num): vvv = vecs[..., num - k - 1:num - k, :] ttt = la.scalar(tau[..., -k - 1]) left -= ttt.conj() * (left @ la.dagger(vvv)) * vvv # with self.subTest(msg='h_n'): self.assertArrayAllClose(left, m_bs, cond=cond)
def test_lnarray_operations_return_expected_values(self, arrays): m_bs, m_ss, vec = view_as(*arrays) m_bs_m = hn.core_only(m_bs) vec = hn.core_only(vec, dims=1) hy.assume(hn.tall(m_bs)) hy.assume(m_ss.ndim != 3) # causes np..solve's broadcasting issue hy.assume(hn.all_well_behaved(m_ss, m_bs_m)) expect = utn.array_return_shape('(a,b),(b,c)->(a,c)', m_bs, m_ss) ts_o = np.empty(expect, m_ss.dtype) ts_r = la.matmul(m_bs, m_ss, ts_o) self.assertArrayAllClose(ts_r, ts_o) self.assertArrayAllClose(m_bs @ m_ss, np.matmul(m_bs, m_ss)) self.assertArrayAllClose(m_bs @ m_ss, np.matmul(m_bs, m_ss)) self.assertArrayAllClose(m_bs @ vec, np.matmul(m_bs, vec)) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_ss).max() self.assertArrayAllClose(gf.solve(m_ss, vec), nl.solve(m_ss, vec.c).uc, cond=cond) cond = np.linalg.cond(m_bs_m).max() self.assertArrayAllClose(gf.lstsq(m_bs_m.t, vec), nl.lstsq(m_bs_m.t, vec, rcond=None)[0], cond=cond) self.assertArrayAllClose(gf.rmatmul(m_ss, m_bs), np.matmul(m_bs, m_ss))
def test_lstsq_qr_raises_with_low_rank(self, ones_bs): hy.assume(hn.tall(ones_bs)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(*utn.invalid_err): gfl.lstsq_qrn(ones_bs, ones_bs[..., :2])