コード例 #1
ファイル: test_ufuncs.py プロジェクト: craigkerstiens/pypy
    def test_divide(self):
        from numpypy import array, divide

        a = array([-5.0, -0.0, 1.0])
        b = array([ 3.0, -2.0,-3.0])
        c = divide(a, b)
        for i in range(3):
            assert c[i] == a[i] / b[i]

        assert (divide(array([-10]), array([2])) == array([-5])).all()
コード例 #2
ファイル: graphlib.py プロジェクト: jperla/happynews
def row_normalize(matrix):
    """Accepts 2-D matrix.
        Modifies matrix in place.   
        Returns matrix with rows normalized.
    nrows, ncols = matrix.shape
    rowsums = axis_sum(matrix, axis=1)

    if ispypy():
        for i in xrange(len(rowsums)):
            matrix[i] /= rowsums[i]
        np.divide(matrix, np.matrix(rowsums).T, matrix)
    return matrix
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_complex.py プロジェクト: yuyichao/pypy
    def test_basic(self):
        import sys
        from numpypy import (dtype, add, array, dtype,
            subtract as sub, multiply, divide, negative, absolute as abs,
            floor_divide, real, imag, sign)
        from numpypy import (equal, not_equal, greater, greater_equal, less,
                less_equal, isnan)
        assert real(4.0) == 4.0
        assert imag(0.0) == 0.0
        a = array([complex(3.0, 4.0)])
        b = a.real
        b[0] = 1024
        assert a[0].real == 1024
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        a = array(complex(3.0, 4.0))
        b = a.real
        assert b == array(3)
        assert a.imag == array(4)
        a.real = 1024
        a.imag = 2048
        assert a.real == 1024 and a.imag == 2048
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        a = array(4.0)
        b = a.imag
        assert b == 0
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        exc = raises(TypeError, 'a.imag = 1024')
        assert str(exc.value).startswith("array does not have imaginary")
        exc = raises(ValueError, 'a.real = [1, 3]')
        assert str(exc.value) == \
            "could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape ()"
        a = array('abc')
        assert str(a.real) == 'abc'
        assert str(a.imag) == ''
        for t in 'complex64', 'complex128', 'clongdouble':
            complex_ = dtype(t).type
            O = complex(0, 0)
            c0 = complex_(complex(2.5, 0))
            c1 = complex_(complex(1, 2))
            c2 = complex_(complex(3, 4))
            c3 = complex_(complex(-3, -3))

            assert equal(c0, 2.5)
            assert equal(c1, complex_(complex(1, 2)))
            assert equal(c1, complex(1, 2))
            assert equal(c1, c1)
            assert not_equal(c1, c2)
            assert not equal(c1, c2)

            assert less(c1, c2)
            assert less_equal(c1, c2)
            assert less_equal(c1, c1)
            assert not less(c1, c1)

            assert greater(c2, c1)
            assert greater_equal(c2, c1)
            assert not greater(c1, c2)

            assert add(c1, c2) == complex_(complex(4, 6))
            assert add(c1, c2) == complex(4, 6)

            assert sub(c0, c0) == sub(c1, c1) == 0
            assert sub(c1, c2) == complex(-2, -2)
            assert negative(complex(1,1)) == complex(-1, -1)
            assert negative(complex(0, 0)) == 0

            assert multiply(1, c1) == c1
            assert multiply(2, c2) == complex(6, 8)
            assert multiply(c1, c2) == complex(-5, 10)

            assert divide(c0, 1) == c0
            assert divide(c2, -1) == negative(c2)
            assert divide(c1, complex(0, 1)) == complex(2, -1)
            n = divide(c1, O)
            assert repr(n.real) == 'inf'
            assert repr(n.imag).startswith('inf') #can be inf*j or infj
            assert divide(c0, c0) == 1
            res = divide(c2, c1)
            assert abs(res.real-2.2) < 0.001
            assert abs(res.imag+0.4) < 0.001

            assert floor_divide(c0, c0) == complex(1, 0)
            assert isnan(floor_divide(c0, complex(0, 0)).real)
            assert floor_divide(c0, complex(0, 0)).imag == 0.0

            assert abs(c0) == 2.5
            assert abs(c2) == 5
            assert sign(complex(0, 0)) == 0
            assert sign(complex(-42, 0)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, 0)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(-42, 2)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, 2)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(-42, -3)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, -3)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(0, -42)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(0, 42)) == 1

            inf_c = complex_(complex(float('inf'), 0.))
            assert repr(abs(inf_c)) == 'inf'
            assert repr(abs(complex(float('nan'), float('nan')))) == 'nan'
            # numpy actually raises an AttributeError,
            # but numpypy raises a TypeError
            if '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names:
                exct, excm = TypeError, 'readonly attribute'
                exct, excm = AttributeError, 'is not writable'
            exc = raises(exct, 'c2.real = 10.')
            assert excm in exc.value[0]
            exc = raises(exct, 'c2.imag = 10.')
            assert excm in exc.value[0]
            assert(real(c2) == 3.0)
            assert(imag(c2) == 4.0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_complex.py プロジェクト: charred/pypy
    def test_basic(self):
        from numpypy import (complex128, complex64, add, array, dtype,
            subtract as sub, multiply, divide, negative, absolute as abs,
            floor_divide, real, imag, sign)
        from numpypy import (equal, not_equal, greater, greater_equal, less,
                less_equal, isnan)
        complex_dtypes = [complex64, complex128]
            from numpypy import clongfloat
        assert real(4.0) == 4.0
        assert imag(0.0) == 0.0
        a = array([complex(3.0, 4.0)])
        b = a.real
        b[0] = 1024
        assert a[0].real == 1024
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        a = array(complex(3.0, 4.0))
        b = a.real
        assert b == array(3)
        assert a.imag == array(4)
        a.real = 1024
        a.imag = 2048
        assert a.real == 1024 and a.imag == 2048
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        a = array(4.0)
        b = a.imag
        assert b == 0
        assert b.dtype == dtype(float)
        exc = raises(TypeError, 'a.imag = 1024')
        assert str(exc.value).startswith("array does not have imaginary")
        exc = raises(ValueError, 'a.real = [1, 3]')
        assert str(exc.value) == \
            "could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape ()"
        a = array('abc')
        assert str(a.real) == 'abc'
        # numpy imag for flexible types returns self
        assert str(a.imag) == 'abc'
        for complex_ in complex_dtypes:

            O = complex(0, 0)
            c0 = complex_(complex(2.5, 0))
            c1 = complex_(complex(1, 2))
            c2 = complex_(complex(3, 4))
            c3 = complex_(complex(-3, -3))

            assert equal(c0, 2.5)
            assert equal(c1, complex_(complex(1, 2)))
            assert equal(c1, complex(1, 2))
            assert equal(c1, c1)
            assert not_equal(c1, c2)
            assert not equal(c1, c2)

            assert less(c1, c2)
            assert less_equal(c1, c2)
            assert less_equal(c1, c1)
            assert not less(c1, c1)

            assert greater(c2, c1)
            assert greater_equal(c2, c1)
            assert not greater(c1, c2)

            assert add(c1, c2) == complex_(complex(4, 6))
            assert add(c1, c2) == complex(4, 6)

            assert sub(c0, c0) == sub(c1, c1) == 0
            assert sub(c1, c2) == complex(-2, -2)
            assert negative(complex(1,1)) == complex(-1, -1)
            assert negative(complex(0, 0)) == 0

            assert multiply(1, c1) == c1
            assert multiply(2, c2) == complex(6, 8)
            assert multiply(c1, c2) == complex(-5, 10)

            assert divide(c0, 1) == c0
            assert divide(c2, -1) == negative(c2)
            assert divide(c1, complex(0, 1)) == complex(2, -1)
            n = divide(c1, O)
            assert repr(n.real) == 'inf'
            assert repr(n.imag).startswith('inf') #can be inf*j or infj
            assert divide(c0, c0) == 1
            res = divide(c2, c1)
            assert abs(res.real-2.2) < 0.001
            assert abs(res.imag+0.4) < 0.001

            assert floor_divide(c0, c0) == complex(1, 0)
            assert isnan(floor_divide(c0, complex(0, 0)).real)
            assert floor_divide(c0, complex(0, 0)).imag == 0.0

            assert abs(c0) == 2.5
            assert abs(c2) == 5
            assert sign(complex(0, 0)) == 0
            assert sign(complex(-42, 0)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, 0)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(-42, 2)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, 2)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(-42, -3)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(42, -3)) == 1
            assert sign(complex(0, -42)) == -1
            assert sign(complex(0, 42)) == 1

            inf_c = complex_(complex(float('inf'), 0.))
            assert repr(abs(inf_c)) == 'inf'
            assert repr(abs(complex(float('nan'), float('nan')))) == 'nan'
            # numpy actually raises an AttributeError,
            # but numpypy raises a TypeError
            exc = raises((TypeError, AttributeError), 'c2.real = 10.')
            assert str(exc.value) == "readonly attribute"
            exc = raises((TypeError, AttributeError), 'c2.imag = 10.')
            assert str(exc.value) == "readonly attribute"
            assert(real(c2) == 3.0)
            assert(imag(c2) == 4.0)