コード例 #1
def test_diag(nps_app_inst):
    import nums.numpy as nps

    assert nps_app_inst is not None

    ba: BlockArray = nps.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    np_arr = ba.get()
    # Make a diag matrix.
    ba = nps.diag(ba)
    np_arr = np.diag(np_arr)
    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)
    # Take diag of diag matrix.
    ba = nps.diag(ba)
    np_arr = np.diag(np_arr)
    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)
    # Tests all combinations of sizes and block sizes in the range 1 to 4
    for i in range(1, 4):
        for j in range(1, 4):
            for k in range(1, i + 1):
                for l in range(1, j + 1):
                    ba: BlockArray = nps.array(np.full((i, j), 1))
                    ba = ba.reshape(block_shape=(k, l))
                    np_arr = ba.get()
                    ba = nps.diag(ba)
                    np_arr = np.diag(np_arr)
                    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)
コード例 #2
def test_trace(nps_app_inst):
    import nums.numpy as nps

    assert nps_app_inst is not None

    a: BlockArray = nps.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])

    # Construct diagonal matrix with nums and numpy.
    a_diag = nps.diag(a)
    a_diag_np = np.diag(a.get())

    # Apply trace to diagonal matrices.
    a_diag_trace = nps.trace(a_diag).get()
    a_diag_np_trace = np.trace(a_diag_np)

    assert np.allclose(a_diag_trace, a_diag_np_trace)

    # Test pre-defined diagonal matrices.
    b: BlockArray = nps.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
                               [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]])

    b_diag_trace = nps.trace(b).get()
    b_diag_np_trace = np.trace(b.get())

    assert np.allclose(b_diag_trace, b_diag_np_trace)

    # Test that trace raises on arrays with 3+ axes.
    mat: BlockArray = nps.zeros((2, 3, 2))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Test that trace raises when called with non-zero offset.
    mat: BlockArray = nps.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
    mat_diag = nps.diag(mat)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        nps.trace(mat_diag, offset=2)

    # Test data type of trace.
    mat_diag = nps.diag(nps.array([1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04]))
    mat_diag_np = np.diag(np.array([1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04]))
    mat_diag_trace = nps.trace(mat_diag, dtype=int).get()
    mat_diag_np_trace = np.trace(mat_diag_np, dtype=int)

    assert np.allclose(mat_diag_trace, mat_diag_np_trace)
    assert mat_diag_trace.dtype == int

    # Test trace on non-square matrices
    ba: BlockArray = nps.array(np.full((10, 12), 1))
    ba = ba.reshape(block_shape=(3, 4))
    np_arr = ba.get()
    ba = nps.trace(ba)
    np_arr = np.trace(np_arr)

    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)
コード例 #3
def test_diag(nps_app_inst):
    import nums.numpy as nps

    assert nps_app_inst is not None

    ba: BlockArray = nps.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    np_arr = ba.get()
    # Make a diag matrix.
    ba = nps.diag(ba)
    np_arr = np.diag(np_arr)
    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)
    # Take diag of diag matrix.
    ba = nps.diag(ba)
    np_arr = np.diag(np_arr)
    assert np.allclose(ba.get(), np_arr)