コード例 #1
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: yangzxstar/nupic
    def learn(self,
    Learn a new training presentation

    inputPattern: training pattern to learn. This should be a dense array if
                  isSparse==0 or a list of non-zero indices if
    inputCategory: category index of the training pattern.
    partitionID:  ??
    isSparse:     If >0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
                  isSparse is the length of the dense representation.

        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "%s learn:" % (g_debugPrefix)
            print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
            print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(
                inputPattern, cellsPerCol=self.cellsPerCol)

        if rowID is None:
            rowID = self._iterationIdx

        assert partitionId is None, \
          "No documentation is available for partitionId, not sure how it works."

        # Dense vectors
        if not self.useSparseMemory:

            # Not supported
            assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
            if isSparse > 0:
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput

            if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
                # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
                return self._numPatterns

            if self._Memory is None:
                # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
                self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100, inputWidth))
                self._numPatterns = 0
                self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

            addRow = True

            if self._vt is not None:
                # Compute projection
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            if self.distThreshold > 0:
                # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
                dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
                minDist = dist.min()
                addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    # Double the size of the memory

                if not self._specificIndexTraining:
                    # Normal learning - append the new input vector
                    self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns += 1
                    # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
                    vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
                    while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
                    if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
                        self._categoryList += [-1] * (
                            vectorIndex - len(self._categoryList) + 1)
                    self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

                # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
                self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

                if partitionId is not None:

        # Sparse vectors

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
            if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
                    or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
                    or self.numWinners > 0):
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput
                isSparse = 0

            # Get the input width
            if isSparse > 0:
                inputWidth = isSparse
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

            # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
            if self._Memory is None:
                self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

            # Support SVD if it is on
            if self._vt is not None:
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
            #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
            if isSparse == 0:
                thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
            addRow = True

            # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
            # only the start cell for bursting columns.
            if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
                numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
                burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(
                    -1, self.cellsPerCol).min(axis=1).nonzero()[0]
                for col in burstingCols:
                    thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     1:(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     self.cellsPerCol] = 0

            # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
            if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
                dist = None
                # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
                #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
                if self.replaceDuplicates:
                    dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
                    if dist.min() == 0:
                        rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                        self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
                        addRow = False

                # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
                #  added
                if self.distThreshold > 0:
                    if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
                        dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
                    minDist = dist.min()
                    addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
                    if not addRow:
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

            # Add the new vector to our storage
            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if isSparse == 0:
                                          [1] * len(inputPattern))
                self._numPatterns += 1
                if partitionId is not None:
                if self.fixedCapacity:
                    if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
                      self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
                        leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(
                        self._numPatterns -= 1

        if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

        return self._numPatterns
コード例 #2
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: yangzxstar/nupic
class KNNClassifier(object):
    """k nearest neighbor classifier"""
    def __init__(
        k=1,  # The K in KNN
        distanceNorm=2.0,  # By default, we use L2 norm as distance metric
        distanceMethod='norm',  # The method used to compute distance. See
        # below for options
        distThreshold=0,  # Distance threshold for entering patterns
        doBinarization=False,  # Inputs are binarized.
        binarizationThreshold=0.5,  # Threshold for binarization of inputs.
        useSparseMemory=True,  # Use sparse memory matrix
        sparseThreshold=0.1,  # Anything below this threshold is considered zero.
        relativeThreshold=False,  # Multiply the threshold by the max input value
        numWinners=0,  # Only numWinners elements of input are stored
        numSVDSamples=None,  # Number of samples to do SVD after
        numSVDDims=None,  # % of the dims to keep after SVD
        fractionOfMax=None,  # The cut-off fraction in relation to the largest singular value when adaptive dimension selection is used
        verbosity=0,  # verbosity level (0: none, increasing integers
        #  providing increasing levels of verbosity
        maxStoredPatterns=-1,  # Limits the maximum number of the training
        # patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed
        # capacity mode, the unused patterns are
        # deleted once the number of stored patterns
        # is greater than maxStoredPatterns
        replaceDuplicates=False,  # if true, during learning, replace existing
        # entries that match exactly, even if
        # distThreshold is 0.
        cellsPerCol=0,  # if >=1, then only store the start cell in
        # any columns which are bursting.
        """ Constructor for the kNN classifier.

    distanceMethod -- method used to compute distance. Possible options are:
      'norm': When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
              When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
              In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
      'rawOverlap': Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
              (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
              and prototype).
      'pctOverlapOfLarger': Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      max(# bits in input, # bits in prototype)
      'pctOverlapOfProto': Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# bits in prototype)

    distThreshold -- Distance Threshold. If a pattern that is less than
      distThreshold apart from the input pattern already exists in the kNN's
      memory, then the input pattern is not added to kNN's memory.
        self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

        self.k = k
        self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
        assert (distanceMethod in ('norm', 'rawOverlap', 'pctOverlapOfLarger',
        self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
        self.distThreshold = distThreshold
        self.doBinarization = doBinarization
        self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
        self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
        self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
        self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
        self.numWinners = numWinners
        self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
        self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
        self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
        if self.numSVDDims == 'adaptive':
            self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
            self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
        self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
        self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns

    def clear(self):

        self._Memory = None
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = None
        self._categoryList = []
        self._partitionIdList = []
        self._partitionIdArray = None
        self._finishedLearning = False
        self._iterationIdx = -1

        # Fixed capacity KNN
        if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            assert self.useSparseMemory, "Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only in" \
                                         " the sparse memory mode"
            self.fixedCapacity = True
            self._categoryRecencyList = []
            self.fixedCapacity = False

        # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
        self._protoSizes = None

        # Used by PCA
        self._s = None
        self._vt = None
        self._nc = None
        self._mean = None

        # Used by Network Builder
        self._specificIndexTraining = False
        self._nextTrainingIndices = None

    def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

        m = 2 * self._Memory.shape[0]
        n = self._Memory.shape[1]
        self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory, (m, n))
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

    def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

        # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
        if not self.relativeThreshold:
            inputPattern = inputPattern * (abs(inputPattern) >
        elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
            inputPattern = inputPattern * \
              (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

        # Do winner-take-all
        if doWinners:
            if (self.numWinners > 0) and (self.numWinners <
                                          (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
                sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
                # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
                sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
                sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
                inputPattern = sparseInput

        # Do binarization
        if self.doBinarization:
            # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
            inputPattern = (inputPattern >

        return inputPattern

    def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToRelabel, newCategory):
        if idToRelabel not in self._categoryRecencyList:

        recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToRelabel)
        self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

    def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
        # Form a list of all categories to remove
        rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                        if rowID in idsToRemove]

        # Remove rows from the classifier

    def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):

        removedRows = 0
        if self._Memory is None:
            return removedRows

        # The internal category indices are stored in float
        # format, so we should compare with a float
        catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

        # Form a list of all categories to remove
        rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                        if catID == catToRemove]

        # Remove rows from the classifier

        assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

    def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
        # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
        removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

        # Remove categories
        self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

        self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(
            numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList), removalArray).tolist()

        # Remove the partition ID, if any
        if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            self._partitionIdArray = numpy.delete(self._partitionIdArray,

        # Remove actual patterns
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            # Delete backwards
            for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
            self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

        numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

        # Sanity checks
        numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            if self._Memory is not None:
                assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
            assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
        assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected
        assert self._partitionIdArray is None or \
               self._partitionIdArray.shape[0] == numRowsExpected

        self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
        return numRemoved

    # Used to increment iteration for models that don't learn each timestep
    def doIteration(self):
        self._iterationIdx += 1

    def learn(self,
    Learn a new training presentation

    inputPattern: training pattern to learn. This should be a dense array if
                  isSparse==0 or a list of non-zero indices if
    inputCategory: category index of the training pattern.
    partitionID:  ??
    isSparse:     If >0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
                  isSparse is the length of the dense representation.

        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "%s learn:" % (g_debugPrefix)
            print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
            print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(
                inputPattern, cellsPerCol=self.cellsPerCol)

        if rowID is None:
            rowID = self._iterationIdx

        assert partitionId is None, \
          "No documentation is available for partitionId, not sure how it works."

        # Dense vectors
        if not self.useSparseMemory:

            # Not supported
            assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
            if isSparse > 0:
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput

            if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
                # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
                return self._numPatterns

            if self._Memory is None:
                # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
                self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100, inputWidth))
                self._numPatterns = 0
                self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

            addRow = True

            if self._vt is not None:
                # Compute projection
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            if self.distThreshold > 0:
                # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
                dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
                minDist = dist.min()
                addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    # Double the size of the memory

                if not self._specificIndexTraining:
                    # Normal learning - append the new input vector
                    self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns += 1
                    # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
                    vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
                    while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
                    if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
                        self._categoryList += [-1] * (
                            vectorIndex - len(self._categoryList) + 1)
                    self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

                # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
                self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

                if partitionId is not None:

        # Sparse vectors

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
            if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
                    or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
                    or self.numWinners > 0):
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput
                isSparse = 0

            # Get the input width
            if isSparse > 0:
                inputWidth = isSparse
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

            # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
            if self._Memory is None:
                self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

            # Support SVD if it is on
            if self._vt is not None:
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
            #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
            if isSparse == 0:
                thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
            addRow = True

            # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
            # only the start cell for bursting columns.
            if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
                numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
                burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(
                    -1, self.cellsPerCol).min(axis=1).nonzero()[0]
                for col in burstingCols:
                    thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     1:(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     self.cellsPerCol] = 0

            # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
            if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
                dist = None
                # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
                #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
                if self.replaceDuplicates:
                    dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
                    if dist.min() == 0:
                        rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                        self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
                        addRow = False

                # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
                #  added
                if self.distThreshold > 0:
                    if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
                        dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
                    minDist = dist.min()
                    addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
                    if not addRow:
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

            # Add the new vector to our storage
            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if isSparse == 0:
                                          [1] * len(inputPattern))
                self._numPatterns += 1
                if partitionId is not None:
                if self.fixedCapacity:
                    if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
                      self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
                        leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(
                        self._numPatterns -= 1

        if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

        return self._numPatterns

    def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
        """Return the overlap amount of the input pattern with each category.

    This returns 2 numpy arrays of the same length, the overlaps and the
    category numbers. The overlap is computed by compuing:
      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    inputPattern:   pattern to check overlap of
    retval:         (overlaps, categories)
                    overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                    categories: category index for each element of overlaps

        assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

        overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
        return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

    def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
        """Return the distance between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    This returns 2 numpy arrays of the same length, the distances and the
    category numbers.

    inputPattern:   pattern to check distance with
    retval:         (distances, categories)
                    overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                    categories: category index for each element of distances

        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        return (dist, self._categoryList)

    def infer(self,
        """Find the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index plus a distribution over all categories.

    This method returns a 4 item tuple:
    (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
      winner: The category with the greatest number of nearest neighbors within
                the kth nearest neighbors
      inferenceResult: A list of length numCategories, each entry contains the
                number of neighbors within the top K neighbors that are in that
      dist: A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the distance from
                the unknown to that prototype. All distances are between 0 and
      categoryDist: A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the distance
                from the unknown to the nearest prototype of that category. All
                distances are between 0 and 1.0.


        # If no categories learned yet (applies for first inference with
        #  online learning)
        if len(self._categoryList) == 0:
            winner = 0
            inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
            dist = numpy.ones(1)
            categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

            maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
            inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx + 1)
            dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)

            sorted = dist.argsort()

            validVectorCount = len(
                self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
            for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
                inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

            winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
            inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()

            categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                                  self._categoryList, dist)
            categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix)
            print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(
                inputPattern, cellsPerCol=self.cellsPerCol)
            print "  winner category:", int(winner)
            print "  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult
            print "  dist of each prototype:", dist
            print "  dist of each category:", categoryDist

        result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
        return result

    def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories=3):
        """Return index to the pattern that is closest to inputPattern as well
    as indices to the topKCategories closest categories."""

        inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList) + 1)
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

        sorted = dist.argsort()

        validVectorCount = len(
            self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

        topNCats = []
        for i in range(topKCategories):
            topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]]))

        return winner, dist, topNCats

    def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    Return the training pattern belonging to the given category 'cat', that
    matches inputPattern the closest.

    inputPattern: the pattern to compare with
    cat:       the category to consider
    retval:    dense version of training pattern, None if no patterns found

        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        sorted = dist.argsort()

        for patIdx in sorted:
            patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

            # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
            if patternCat == cat:
                if self.useSparseMemory:
                    closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
                    closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

                return closestPattern

        # No patterns were found!
        return None

    def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    Return the closest training pattern that is *not* in the given
    category 'cat'.

    inputPattern: the pattern to compare with
    cat:       the category to avoid
    retval:    dense version of training pattern, None if no patterns found
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for patIdx in sorted:
            patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

            # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
            if patternCat != cat:
                if self.useSparseMemory:
                    closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
                    closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

                return closestPattern

        # No patterns were found!
        return None

    def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
        """Return a training pattern either by index or category number

    idx:                Index of the training pattern
    sparseBinaryForm:   If true, return only a list of the non-zeros in the
                          training pattern
    cat:                If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category
                          cat. If this is specified, idx must be None


        if cat is not None:
            assert idx is None
            idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

        if not self.useSparseMemory:
            pattern = self._Memory[idx]
            if sparseBinaryForm:
                pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

            (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
            if not sparseBinaryForm:
                pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
                numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
                pattern = nz

            return pattern

    def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
        """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. The
    distances are all between 0 and 1.0"""

        if distanceNorm is None:
            distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

        # Sparse memory
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            if self.distanceMethod == 'pctOvlerapOfLarger':
                if self._protoSizes is None:
                    self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
                dist = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
                maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPattern.sum())
                if maxVal > 0:
                    dist /= maxVal
                dist = 1.0 - dist
            elif self.distanceMethod == 'rawOverlap':
                if self._protoSizes is None:
                    self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
                inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()
                dist = (inputPatternSum -
                if inputPatternSum > 0:
                    dist /= inputPatternSum
            elif self.distanceMethod == 'pctOverlapOfProto':
                if self._protoSizes is None:
                    self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
                dist = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
                dist /= self._protoSizes
                dist = 1.0 - dist
            elif self.distanceMethod == 'norm':
                dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
                distMax = dist.max()
                if distMax > 0:
                    dist /= distMax
                raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" % \

        # Dense memory
            if self.distanceMethod == 'norm':
                dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern),
                dist = dist.sum(1)
                dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0 / self.distanceNorm)
                dist /= dist.max()
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

        return dist

    def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId=None):
        """Return distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns."""

        if not self._finishedLearning:
            self._finishedLearning = True

        if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
            inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

        sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

        # Compute distances
        dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
        # Invalidate results where category is -1
        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

        # Ignore vectors with same partition id
        if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            dist[self._partitionIdArray == partitionId] = numpy.inf

        return dist

    def finishLearning(self):

        if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

        # Check if our partition ID list is non-trivial
        # (i.e., whether it contains at least two different
        # partition IDs)
        if self._partitionIdList:
            partitions = set(self._partitionIdList)
            if len(partitions) > 1:
                # Compile into a numpy array
                self._partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)
                # Trivial partitions; ignore
                self._partitionIdArray = None
            # Either way, we don't need the original list
            self._partitionIdList = []

    def restartLearning(self):
    This is only invoked if we have already called finishLearning()
    but now want to go back and provide more samples.
        # We need to convert the partition ID array back into a list
        if hasattr(self, '_partitionIdArray'):
            # In the case of trivial partitions, we need to regenerate
            # the 'null' partition ID
            if self._partitionIdArray is None:
                self._partitionIdList = [0] * self._numPatterns
                self._partitionIdList = self._partitionIdArray.tolist()

    def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):

        if numSVDSamples is None:
            numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

        if not self.useSparseMemory:
            self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
            self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

        self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
        self._a -= self._mean
        u, self._s, self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

        if finalize:

        return self._s

    def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
        v = singularValues / singularValues[0]
        idx = numpy.where(v < fractionOfMax)[0]
        if len(idx):
            print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(
            return idx[0]
            print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(
                v) - 1, "out of ", len(v)
            return len(v) - 1

    def finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):

        if numSVDDims is not None:
            self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

        if self.numSVDDims == 'adaptive':
            if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
                self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(
                    self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
                self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

        if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
            print "******************************************************************************"
            print "Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than the number of pattern dimensions."
            print "Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0]
            print "******************************************************************************"
            self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

        self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

        # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors
        if len(self._vt) == 0:

        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns, self.numSVDDims))
        self._M = self._Memory
        self.useSparseMemory = False

        for i in range(self._numPatterns):
            self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

        self._a = None

    def leaveOneOutTest(self):
    Run leave-one-out testing.

    Returns the total number of samples and the number correctly classified.

    Ignores invalid vectors (those with a category of -1).

    Uses partitionIdList, if non-empty, to avoid matching a vector against
    other vectors that came from the same training sequence.

        if self.useSparseMemory:
            raise Exception(
                "leaveOneOutTest only works with dense memory right now")

        # The basic test is simple, but we need to prepare some data structures to
        # handle _specificIndexTraining and _partitionIdList
        categoryListArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList[:self._M.shape[0]])
        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            # Find valid and invalid vectors using the category list
            validIndices = (categoryListArray != -1)
            invalidIndices = (categoryListArray == -1)

        # Convert list of partitions to numpy array if we haven't
        # already done so.
        partitionIdArray = None
        if hasattr(self, '_partitionIdArray') and \
            self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            partitionIdArray = self._partitionIdArray
        elif self._partitionIdList:
            # Use the partition id list
            partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)

        # Find the winning vector for each cache vector, excluding itself,
        # excluding invalid vectors, and excluding other vectors with the
        # same partition id
        winners = numpy.zeros(self._M.shape[0], numpy.int32)
        for i in xrange(self._M.shape[0]):
            if self._specificIndexTraining \
                and categoryListArray[i] == -1:  # This is an invalid vector

            # Calculate distance between this vector and all others
            distances = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - self._M[i, :]),
            distances = distances.sum(1)

            # Invalidate certain vectors by setting their distance to infinity
            if self._specificIndexTraining:
                distances[invalidIndices] = numpy.inf  # Ignore invalid vectors
            if partitionIdArray is not None:  # Ignore vectors with same partition id
                distances[partitionIdArray == partitionIdArray[i]] = numpy.inf
                distances[i] = numpy.inf  # Don't match vector with itself

            if self.k == 1:
                # Take the closest vector as the winner (k=1)
                winners[i] = distances.argmin()
                # Have the top k winners vote on the category
                categoryScores = numpy.zeros(categoryListArray.max() + 1)
                for j in xrange(self.k):
                    winner = distances.argmin()
                    distances[winner] = numpy.inf
                    categoryScores[categoryListArray[winner]] += 1
                winners[i] = categoryScores.argmax()

        if self.k == 1:
            # Convert the winners (vector IDs) to their category indices
            # For k > 1, the winners are already category indices
            winners = categoryListArray[winners]

        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            # Count the number of correct categories, ignoring invalid vectors
            matches = (
                winners[validIndices] == categoryListArray[validIndices])
            # Count the number of correct categories
            matches = (winners == categoryListArray)

        # number of samples, number correct
        return float(matches.shape[0]), matches.sum()

    def remapCategories(self, mapping):
    Change the category indices.

    mapping -- List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
      would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to 0,
      and category 2 to 1.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

        categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
        newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
        for i in xrange(len(mapping)):
            newCategoryArray[categoryArray == i] = mapping[i]
        self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

    def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
    Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    vectorIndices -- Single index or list of indices.
    categoryIndices -- Single index or list of indices. Can also be a single
      index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same category will
      be used for all vectors.

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

        if not hasattr(vectorIndices, '__iter__'):
            vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
            categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
        elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, '__iter__'):
            categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

        for i in xrange(len(vectorIndices)):
            vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
            categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]
            # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
            # vector yet
            if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
                self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

    def __getstate__(self):
    Return serializable state.  This function will return a version of the
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
    Set the state of ourself from a serialized state.
        if 'version' not in state:
        elif state['version'] == 1:
        elif state['version'] == 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"


        # Set to new version
        self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION
コード例 #3
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: AlexWD/nupic
class KNNClassifier(object):
  """k nearest neighbor classifier"""

  def __init__(self,
      k=1,                       # The K in KNN
      exact=False,               # Specifies exact matching for inferring class
                                 # labels.
      distanceNorm=2.0,          # By default, we use L2 norm as distance metric
      distanceMethod='norm',     # The method used to compute distance. See
                                 # below for options
      distThreshold=0,           # Distance threshold for entering patterns
      doBinarization=False,      # Inputs are binarized.
      binarizationThreshold=0.5, # Threshold for binarization of inputs.
      useSparseMemory=True,      # Use sparse memory matrix
      sparseThreshold=0.1,       # Anything below this threshold is considered
                                 # zero.
      relativeThreshold=False,   # Multiply the threshold by the max input value
      numWinners=0,              # Only numWinners elements of input are stored
      numSVDSamples=None,        # Number of samples to do SVD after
      numSVDDims=None,           # % of the dims to keep after SVD
      fractionOfMax=None,        # The cut-off fraction in relation to the
                                 # largest singular value when adaptive
                                 # dimension selection is used.
      verbosity=0,               # verbosity level (0: none, increasing integers
                                 # providing increasing levels of verbosity
      maxStoredPatterns=-1,      # Limits the maximum number of the training
                                 # patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed
                                 # capacity mode, the unused patterns are
                                 # deleted once the number of stored patterns
                                 # is greater than maxStoredPatterns
      replaceDuplicates=False,   # if true, during learning, replace existing
                                 # entries that match exactly, even if
                                 # distThreshold is 0.
      cellsPerCol=0,             # if >=1, then only store the start cell in
                                 # any columns which are bursting.

    """ Constructor for the kNN classifier.

    distanceMethod -- method used to compute distance. Possible options are:
      'norm': When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
              When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
              In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
      'rawOverlap': Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
              (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
              and prototype).
      'pctOverlapOfLarger': Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      max(# bits in input, # bits in prototype)
      'pctOverlapOfProto': Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# bits in prototype)

    distThreshold -- Distance Threshold. If a pattern that is less than
      distThreshold apart from the input pattern already exists in the kNN's
      memory, then the input pattern is not added to kNN's memory.
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

    self.k = k
    self.exact = exact
    self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
    assert (distanceMethod in ('norm', 'rawOverlap', 'pctOverlapOfLarger',
    self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
    self.distThreshold = distThreshold
    self.doBinarization = doBinarization
    self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
    self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
    self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
    self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
    self.numWinners = numWinners
    self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
    self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
    self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
    if self.numSVDDims=='adaptive':
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
    self.verbosity = verbosity
    self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
    self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
    self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns

  def clear(self):

    self._Memory = None
    self._numPatterns = 0
    self._M = None
    self._categoryList = []
    self._partitionIdList = []
    self._partitionIdArray = None
    self._finishedLearning = False
    self._iterationIdx = -1

    # Fixed capacity KNN
    if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
      assert self.useSparseMemory, "Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only in" \
                                   " the sparse memory mode"
      self.fixedCapacity = True
      self._categoryRecencyList = []
      self.fixedCapacity = False

    # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
    self._protoSizes = None

    # Used by PCA
    self._s = None
    self._vt = None
    self._nc = None
    self._mean = None

    # Used by Network Builder
    self._specificIndexTraining = False
    self._nextTrainingIndices = None

  def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

    m = 2*self._Memory.shape[0]
    n = self._Memory.shape[1]
    self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory,(m,n))
    self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

  def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

    # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
    if not self.relativeThreshold:
      inputPattern = inputPattern*(abs(inputPattern) > self.sparseThreshold)
    elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
      inputPattern = inputPattern * \
        (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

    # Do winner-take-all
    if doWinners:
      if (self.numWinners>0) and (self.numWinners < (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
        sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
        # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
        sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
        sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
        inputPattern = sparseInput

    # Do binarization
    if self.doBinarization:
      # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
      inputPattern = (inputPattern > self.binarizationThreshold).astype(float)

    return inputPattern

  def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToRelabel, newCategory):
    if idToRelabel not in self._categoryRecencyList:

    recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToRelabel)
    self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

  def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                    if rowID in idsToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

  def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):

    removedRows = 0
    if self._Memory is None:
      return removedRows

    # The internal category indices are stored in float
    # format, so we should compare with a float
    catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                    if catID == catToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

    assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

  def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
    # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
    removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

    # Remove categories
    self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

    self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList),

    # Remove the partition ID, if any
    if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      self._partitionIdArray = numpy.delete(self._partitionIdArray, removalArray)

    # Remove actual patterns
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      # Delete backwards
      for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
      self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

    numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

    # Sanity checks
    numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._Memory is not None:
        assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
      assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
    assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected
    assert self._partitionIdArray is None or \
           self._partitionIdArray.shape[0] == numRowsExpected

    self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
    return numRemoved

  # Used to increment iteration for models that don't learn each timestep
  def doIteration(self):
    self._iterationIdx += 1

  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    Learn a new training presentation

    inputPattern: training pattern to learn. This should be a dense array if
                  isSparse==0 or a list of non-zero indices if
    inputCategory: category index of the training pattern.
    partitionID:  ??
    isSparse:     If >0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
                  isSparse is the length of the dense representation.

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s learn:" % (g_debugPrefix)
      print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
      print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    assert partitionId is None, \
      "No documentation is available for partitionId, not sure how it works."

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex - len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        if partitionId is not None:

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # Add the new vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        if partitionId is not None:
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns

  def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the overlap amount of the input pattern with each category.

    This returns 2 numpy arrays of the same length, the overlaps and the
    category numbers. The overlap is computed by compuing:
      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    inputPattern:   pattern to check overlap of
    retval:         (overlaps, categories)
                    overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                    categories: category index for each element of overlaps

    assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

    overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
    return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

  def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the distance between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    This returns 2 numpy arrays of the same length, the distances and the
    category numbers.

    inputPattern:   pattern to check distance with
    retval:         (distances, categories)
                    overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                    categories: category index for each element of distances

    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    return (dist, self._categoryList)

  def infer(self, inputPattern, computeScores=True,
                  overCategories=True, partitionId=None):
    """Find the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index plus a distribution over all categories.

    This method returns a 4 item tuple:
    (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
      winner: The category with the greatest number of nearest neighbors within
                the kth nearest neighbors. If the inferenceResult contains no
                neighbors, the value of winner is None; this applies to the case
                of exact matching. 
      inferenceResult: A list of length numCategories, each entry contains the
                number of neighbors within the top k neighbors that are in that
      dist: A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the distance from
                the unknown to that prototype. All distances are between 0 and
      categoryDist: A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the distance
                from the unknown to the nearest prototype of that category. All
                distances are between 0 and 1.0.


    if len(self._categoryList) == 0:
      # No categories learned yet; i.e. first inference w/ online learning.
      winner = 0
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
      dist = numpy.ones(1)
      categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

      maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx+1)
      dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)
      validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)

      # Loop through the indices of the nearest neighbors.
      if self.exact:
        # Is there an exact match in the distances?
        exactMatches = numpy.where(dist<0.00001)[0]
        if len(exactMatches) > 0:
          for i in exactMatches[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[i]] += 1.0
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
          inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

      # Prepare inference results.
      if inferenceResult.any():
        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
        inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()
        winner = None
      categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                            self._categoryList, dist)
      categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix)
      print "  active inputs:",  _labeledInput(inputPattern,
      print "  winner category:", winner
      print "  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult
      print "  dist of each prototype:", dist
      print "  dist of each category:", categoryDist

    result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
    return result

  def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories = 3):
    """Return index to the pattern that is closest to inputPattern as well
    as indices to the topKCategories closest categories."""

    inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList)+1)
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

    sorted = dist.argsort()

    validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
    for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
      inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

    winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

    topNCats = []
    for i in range(topKCategories):
      topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]] ))

    return winner, dist, topNCats

  def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    Return the training pattern belonging to the given category 'cat', that
    matches inputPattern the closest.

    inputPattern: the pattern to compare with
    cat:       the category to consider
    retval:    dense version of training pattern, None if no patterns found

    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()

    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
      if patternCat == cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    Return the closest training pattern that is *not* in the given
    category 'cat'.

    inputPattern: the pattern to compare with
    cat:       the category to avoid
    retval:    dense version of training pattern, None if no patterns found
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()
    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
      if patternCat != cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
    """Return a training pattern either by index or category number

    idx:                Index of the training pattern
    sparseBinaryForm:   If true, return only a list of the non-zeros in the
                          training pattern
    cat:                If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category
                          cat. If this is specified, idx must be None


    if cat is not None:
      assert idx is None
      idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      pattern = self._Memory[idx]
      if sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

      (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
      if not sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
        numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
        pattern = nz

      return pattern

  def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
    """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. The
    distances are all between 0 and 1.0"""

    if distanceNorm is None:
      distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

    # Sparse memory
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self.distanceMethod == 'pctOvlerapOfLarger':
        if self._protoSizes is None:
          self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
        dist =  self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
        maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPattern.sum())
        if maxVal > 0:
          dist /= maxVal
        dist = 1.0 - dist
      elif self.distanceMethod == 'rawOverlap':
        if self._protoSizes is None:
          self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
        inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()
        dist = (inputPatternSum - self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern))
        if inputPatternSum > 0:
          dist /= inputPatternSum
      elif self.distanceMethod == 'pctOverlapOfProto':
        if self._protoSizes is None:
          self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
        dist =  self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
        dist /= self._protoSizes
        dist = 1.0 - dist
      elif self.distanceMethod == 'norm':
        dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
        distMax = dist.max()
        if distMax > 0:
          dist /= distMax
        raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" % \

    # Dense memory
      if self.distanceMethod == 'norm':
        dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern), self.distanceNorm)
        dist = dist.sum(1)
        dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0/self.distanceNorm)
        dist /= dist.max()
        raise RuntimeError ("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

    return dist

  def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId = None):
    """Return distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns."""

    if not self._finishedLearning:
      self._finishedLearning = True

    if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
      inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

    sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

    # Compute distances
    dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
    # Invalidate results where category is -1
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

    # Ignore vectors with same partition id
    if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      dist[self._partitionIdArray == partitionId] = numpy.inf

    return dist

  def finishLearning(self):

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

    # Check if our partition ID list is non-trivial
    # (i.e., whether it contains at least two different
    # partition IDs)
    if self._partitionIdList:
      partitions = set(self._partitionIdList)
      if len(partitions) > 1:
        # Compile into a numpy array
        self._partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)
        # Trivial partitions; ignore
        self._partitionIdArray = None
      # Either way, we don't need the original list
      self._partitionIdList = []

  def restartLearning(self):
    This is only invoked if we have already called finishLearning()
    but now want to go back and provide more samples.
    # We need to convert the partition ID array back into a list
    if hasattr(self, '_partitionIdArray'):
      # In the case of trivial partitions, we need to regenerate
      # the 'null' partition ID
      if self._partitionIdArray is None:
        self._partitionIdList = [0] * self._numPatterns
        self._partitionIdList = self._partitionIdArray.tolist()

  def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):

    if numSVDSamples is None:
      numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
      self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

    self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
    self._a -= self._mean
    u,self._s,self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

    if finalize:

    return self._s

  def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
    v = singularValues/singularValues[0]
    idx = numpy.where(v<fractionOfMax)[0]
    if len(idx):
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(v)
      return idx[0]
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(v)-1, "out of ", len(v)
      return len(v)-1

  def finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):

    if numSVDDims is not None:
      self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

    if self.numSVDDims=='adaptive':
      if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

    if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
      print "******************************************************************************"
      print "Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than the number of pattern dimensions."
      print "Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0]
      print "******************************************************************************"
      self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

    self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

    # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors  
    if len(self._vt) == 0:

    self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns,self.numSVDDims))
    self._M = self._Memory
    self.useSparseMemory = False

    for i in range(self._numPatterns):
      self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

    self._a = None

  def leaveOneOutTest(self):
    Run leave-one-out testing.

    Returns the total number of samples and the number correctly classified.

    Ignores invalid vectors (those with a category of -1).

    Uses partitionIdList, if non-empty, to avoid matching a vector against
    other vectors that came from the same training sequence.

    if self.useSparseMemory:
      raise Exception("leaveOneOutTest only works with dense memory right now")

    # The basic test is simple, but we need to prepare some data structures to
    # handle _specificIndexTraining and _partitionIdList
    categoryListArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList[:self._M.shape[0]])
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      # Find valid and invalid vectors using the category list
      validIndices = (categoryListArray != -1)
      invalidIndices = (categoryListArray == -1)

    # Convert list of partitions to numpy array if we haven't
    # already done so.
    partitionIdArray = None
    if hasattr(self, '_partitionIdArray') and \
        self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      partitionIdArray = self._partitionIdArray
    elif self._partitionIdList:
      # Use the partition id list
      partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)

    # Find the winning vector for each cache vector, excluding itself,
    # excluding invalid vectors, and excluding other vectors with the
    # same partition id
    winners = numpy.zeros(self._M.shape[0], numpy.int32)
    for i in xrange(self._M.shape[0]):
      if self._specificIndexTraining \
          and categoryListArray[i] == -1:  # This is an invalid vector

      # Calculate distance between this vector and all others
      distances = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - self._M[i,:]), self.distanceNorm)
      distances = distances.sum(1)

      # Invalidate certain vectors by setting their distance to infinity
      if self._specificIndexTraining:
        distances[invalidIndices] = numpy.inf  # Ignore invalid vectors
      if partitionIdArray is not None:  # Ignore vectors with same partition id
        distances[partitionIdArray == partitionIdArray[i]] = numpy.inf
        distances[i] = numpy.inf  # Don't match vector with itself

      if self.k == 1:
        # Take the closest vector as the winner (k=1)
        winners[i] = distances.argmin()
        # Have the top k winners vote on the category
        categoryScores = numpy.zeros(categoryListArray.max() + 1)
        for j in xrange(self.k):
          winner = distances.argmin()
          distances[winner] = numpy.inf
          categoryScores[categoryListArray[winner]] += 1
        winners[i] = categoryScores.argmax()

    if self.k == 1:
      # Convert the winners (vector IDs) to their category indices
      # For k > 1, the winners are already category indices
      winners = categoryListArray[winners]

    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      # Count the number of correct categories, ignoring invalid vectors
      matches = (winners[validIndices] == categoryListArray[validIndices])
      # Count the number of correct categories
      matches = (winners == categoryListArray)

    # number of samples, number correct
    return float(matches.shape[0]), matches.sum()

  def remapCategories(self, mapping):
    Change the category indices.

    mapping -- List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
      would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to 0,
      and category 2 to 1.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

    categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
    newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
    for i in xrange(len(mapping)):
      newCategoryArray[categoryArray==i] = mapping[i]
    self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

  def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
    Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    vectorIndices -- Single index or list of indices.
    categoryIndices -- Single index or list of indices. Can also be a single
      index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same category will
      be used for all vectors.

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

    if not hasattr(vectorIndices, '__iter__'):
      vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
    elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, '__iter__'):
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

    for i in xrange(len(vectorIndices)):
      vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
      categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]
      # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
      # vector yet
      if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
        self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

  def __getstate__(self):
    Return serializable state.  This function will return a version of the
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
    return state

  def __setstate__(self, state):
    Set the state of ourself from a serialized state.
    if 'version' not in state:
    elif state['version'] == 1:
    elif state['version'] == 2:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"


    # Set to new version
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION
コード例 #4
class KNNClassifier(object):
    """k Nearest Neighbor Classifier"""
    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor for the kNN classifier.

    @param k (int) The number of nearest neighbors used in the classification of
        patterns. Must be odd

    @param exact (boolean) If true, patterns must match exactly when assigning
        class labels

    @param distanceNorm (int) When distance method is "norm", this specifies
        the p value of the Lp-norm

    @param distanceMethod (string) The method used to compute distance between
        input patterns and prototype patterns. The possible options are:
        "norm": When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
                When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
                In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
                The distances are normalized such that farthest prototype from
                a given input is 1.0.
        "rawOverlap": Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
                (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
                and prototype).
        "pctOverlapOfInput": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        (# ON bits in input)
        "pctOverlapOfProto": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        (# ON bits in prototype)
        "pctOverlapOfLarger": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        max(# ON bits in input, # ON bits in prototype)

    @param distThreshold (float) A threshold on the distance between learned
        patterns and a new pattern proposed to be learned. The distance must be
        greater than this threshold in order for the new pattern to be added to
        the classifier's memory

    @param doBinarization (boolean) If True, then scalar inputs will be

    @param binarizationThreshold (float) If doBinarization is True, this
        specifies the threshold for the binarization of inputs

    @param useSparseMemory (boolean) If True, classifier will use a sparse
        memory matrix

    @param sparseThreshold (float) If useSparseMemory is True, input variables
        whose absolute values are less than this threshold will be stored as

    @param relativeThreshold (boolean) Flag specifying whether to multiply
        sparseThreshold by max value in input

    @param numWinners (int) Number of elements of the input that are stored. If
        0, all elements are stored

    @param numSVDSamples (int) Number of samples the must occur before a SVD
        (Singular Value Decomposition) transformation will be performed. If 0,
        the transformation will never be performed

    @param numSVDDims (string) Controls dimensions kept after SVD
        transformation. If "adaptive", the number is chosen automatically

    @param fractionOfMax (float) If numSVDDims is "adaptive", this controls the
        smallest singular value that is retained as a fraction of the largest
        singular value

    @param verbosity (int) Console verbosity level where 0 is no output and
        larger integers provide increasing levels of verbosity

    @param maxStoredPatterns (int) Limits the maximum number of the training
        patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed capacity mode, the unused
        patterns are deleted once the number of stored patterns is greater than
        maxStoredPatterns. A value of -1 is no limit

    @param replaceDuplicates (bool) A boolean flag that determines whether,
        during learning, the classifier replaces duplicates that match exactly,
        even if distThreshold is 0. Should be True for online learning

    @param cellsPerCol (int) If >= 1, input is assumed to be organized into
        columns, in the same manner as the temporal pooler AND whenever a new
        prototype is stored, only the start cell (first cell) is stored in any
        bursting column
        self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

        self.k = k
        self.exact = exact
        self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
        assert (distanceMethod in ("norm", "rawOverlap", "pctOverlapOfLarger",
                                   "pctOverlapOfProto", "pctOverlapOfInput"))
        self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
        self.distThreshold = distThreshold
        self.doBinarization = doBinarization
        self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
        self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
        self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
        self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
        self.numWinners = numWinners
        self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
        self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
        self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
        if self.numSVDDims == "adaptive":
            self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
            self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
        self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
        self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns

    def clear(self):
        """Clears the state of the KNNClassifier."""
        self._Memory = None
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = None
        self._categoryList = []
        self._partitionIdList = []
        self._partitionIdArray = None
        self._finishedLearning = False
        self._iterationIdx = -1

        # Fixed capacity KNN
        if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            assert self.useSparseMemory, (
                "Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only "
                "in the sparse memory mode")
            self.fixedCapacity = True
            self._categoryRecencyList = []
            self.fixedCapacity = False

        # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
        self._protoSizes = None

        # Used by PCA
        self._s = None
        self._vt = None
        self._nc = None
        self._mean = None

        # Used by Network Builder
        self._specificIndexTraining = False
        self._nextTrainingIndices = None

    def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

        m = 2 * self._Memory.shape[0]
        n = self._Memory.shape[1]
        self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory, (m, n))
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

    def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

        # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
        if not self.relativeThreshold:
            inputPattern = inputPattern * (abs(inputPattern) >
        elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
            inputPattern = inputPattern * \
              (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

        # Do winner-take-all
        if doWinners:
            if (self.numWinners > 0) and (self.numWinners <
                                          (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
                sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
                # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
                sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
                sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
                inputPattern = sparseInput

        # Do binarization
        if self.doBinarization:
            # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
            inputPattern = (inputPattern >

        return inputPattern

    def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToRelabel, newCategory):
        if idToRelabel not in self._categoryRecencyList:

        recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToRelabel)
        self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

    def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
        # Form a list of all categories to remove
        rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                        if rowID in idsToRemove]

        # Remove rows from the classifier

    def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):

        removedRows = 0
        if self._Memory is None:
            return removedRows

        # The internal category indices are stored in float
        # format, so we should compare with a float
        catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

        # Form a list of all categories to remove
        rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                        if catID == catToRemove]

        # Remove rows from the classifier

        assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

    def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
        # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
        removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

        # Remove categories
        self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

        self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(
            numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList), removalArray).tolist()

        # Remove the partition ID, if any
        if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            self._partitionIdArray = numpy.delete(self._partitionIdArray,

        # Remove actual patterns
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            # Delete backwards
            for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
            self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

        numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

        # Sanity checks
        numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            if self._Memory is not None:
                assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
            assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
        assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected
        assert self._partitionIdArray is None or \
               self._partitionIdArray.shape[0] == numRowsExpected

        self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
        return numRemoved

    def doIteration(self):
        """Utility method to increment the iteration index. Intended for models that
    don't learn each timestep.
        self._iterationIdx += 1

    def learn(self,
        """Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    @param inputPattern (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    @param inputCategory (int) The category to be associated to the training

    @param partitionId (int) partitionID allows you to partition the data set
        by associating unique IDs with sets of vectors. One use case is to
        ignore a specific set of vectors during inference for k-fold cross
        validation (see description of infer() for further details).
        This is an optional parameter.

    @param isSparse (int) If 0, the input pattern is a dense representation. If
        isSparse > 0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
        isSparse is the length of the dense representation

    @param rowID (int) UNKNOWN

    @return The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix
            print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
            print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(
                inputPattern, cellsPerCol=self.cellsPerCol)

        if rowID is None:
            rowID = self._iterationIdx

        # Dense vectors
        if not self.useSparseMemory:

            # Not supported
            assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
            if isSparse > 0:
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput

            if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
                # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
                return self._numPatterns

            if self._Memory is None:
                # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
                self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100, inputWidth))
                self._numPatterns = 0
                self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

            addRow = True

            if self._vt is not None:
                # Compute projection
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            if self.distThreshold > 0:
                # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
                dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
                minDist = dist.min()
                addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    # Double the size of the memory

                if not self._specificIndexTraining:
                    # Normal learning - append the new input vector
                    self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns += 1
                    # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
                    vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
                    while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
                    self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
                    self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
                    if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
                        self._categoryList += [-1] * (
                            vectorIndex - len(self._categoryList) + 1)
                    self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

                # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
                self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

                if partitionId is not None:

        # Sparse vectors

            # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
            if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
                    or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
                    or self.numWinners > 0):
                denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
                denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
                inputPattern = denseInput
                isSparse = 0

            # Get the input width
            if isSparse > 0:
                inputWidth = isSparse
                inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

            # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
            if self._Memory is None:
                self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

            # Support SVD if it is on
            if self._vt is not None:
                inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

            # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
            #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
            if isSparse == 0:
                thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
            addRow = True

            # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
            # only the start cell for bursting columns.
            if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
                numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
                burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(
                    -1, self.cellsPerCol).min(axis=1).nonzero()[0]
                for col in burstingCols:
                    thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     1:(col * self.cellsPerCol) +
                                     self.cellsPerCol] = 0

            # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
            if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
                dist = None
                # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
                #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
                if self.replaceDuplicates:
                    dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
                    if dist.min() == 0:
                        rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                        self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
                        addRow = False

                # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
                #  added
                if self.distThreshold > 0:
                    if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
                        dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
                    minDist = dist.min()
                    addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
                    if not addRow:
                        if self.fixedCapacity:
                            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
                            self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

            # Add the new vector to our storage
            if addRow:
                self._protoSizes = None  # need to re-compute
                if isSparse == 0:
                                          [1] * len(inputPattern))
                self._numPatterns += 1
                if partitionId is not None:
                if self.fixedCapacity:
                    if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
                      self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
                        leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(
                        self._numPatterns -= 1

        if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

        return self._numPatterns

    def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
        """Return the degree of overlap between an input pattern and each category
    stored in the classifier. The overlap is computed by compuing:
      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    @param inputPattern pattern to check overlap of

    @return (overlaps, categories) Two numpy arrays of the same length:
        overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        categories: category index for each element of overlaps
        assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

        overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
        return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

    def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
        """Return the distances between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    @param inputPattern pattern to check distance with

    @return (distances, categories) numpy arrays of the same length:
        overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        categories: category index for each element of distances
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        return (dist, self._categoryList)

    def infer(self,
        """Finds the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index as well as a distribution over all categories.

    @param inputPattern (list) A pattern to be classified

    @param computeScores NO EFFECT

    @param overCategories NO EFFECT

    @param partitionId (int) If provided, all training vectors with partitionId
        equal to that of the input pattern are ignored.
        For example, this may be used to perform k-fold cross validation
        without repopulating the classifier. First partition all the data into
        k equal partitions numbered 0, 1, 2, ... and then call learn() for each
        vector passing in its partitionId. Then, during inference, by passing
        in the partition ID in the call to infer(), all other vectors with the
        same partitionId are ignored simulating the effect of repopulating the
        classifier while ommitting the training vectors in the same partition.

    This method returns a 4-tuple: (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
      winner:           The category with the greatest number of nearest
                        neighbors within the kth nearest neighbors. If the
                        inferenceResult contains no neighbors, the value of
                        winner is None; this applies to the case of exact
      inferenceResult:  A list of length numCategories, each entry contains the
                        number of neighbors within the top k neighbors that
                        are in that category.
      dist:             A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to that prototype. All
                        distances are between 0.0 and 1.0
      categoryDist:     A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to the nearest prototype of
                        that category. All distances are between 0 and 1.0.
        if len(self._categoryList) == 0:
            # No categories learned yet; i.e. first inference w/ online learning.
            winner = 0
            inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
            dist = numpy.ones(1)
            categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

            maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
            inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx + 1)
            dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)
            validVectorCount = len(
                self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)

            # Loop through the indices of the nearest neighbors.
            if self.exact:
                # Is there an exact match in the distances?
                exactMatches = numpy.where(dist < 0.00001)[0]
                if len(exactMatches) > 0:
                    for i in exactMatches[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
                        inferenceResult[self._categoryList[i]] += 1.0
                sorted = dist.argsort()
                for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
                    inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

            # Prepare inference results.
            if inferenceResult.any():
                winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
                inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()
                winner = None
            categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                                  self._categoryList, dist)
            categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix)
            print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(
                inputPattern, cellsPerCol=self.cellsPerCol)
            print "  winner category:", winner
            print "  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult
            print "  dist of each prototype:", dist
            print "  dist of each category:", categoryDist

        result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
        return result

    def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories=3):
        """Returns the index of the pattern that is closest to inputPattern,
    the distances of all patterns to inputPattern, and the indices of the k
    closest categories.
        inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList) + 1)
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

        sorted = dist.argsort()

        validVectorCount = len(
            self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

        topNCats = []
        for i in range(topKCategories):
            topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]]))

        return winner, dist, topNCats

    def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
        """Returns the closest training pattern to inputPattern that belongs to
    category "cat".

    @param inputPattern The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    @param cat The required category of closest neighbor

    @return A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no such
        patterns exist
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        sorted = dist.argsort()

        for patIdx in sorted:
            patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

            # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
            if patternCat == cat:
                if self.useSparseMemory:
                    closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
                    closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

                return closestPattern

        # No patterns were found!
        return None

    def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
        """Return the closest training pattern that is *not* of the given
    category "cat".

    @param inputPattern The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    @param cat Training patterns of this category will be ignored no matter
        their distance to inputPattern

    @return A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no such
        patterns exist
        dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for patIdx in sorted:
            patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

            # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
            if patternCat != cat:
                if self.useSparseMemory:
                    closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
                    closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

                return closestPattern

        # No patterns were found!
        return None

    def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
        """Gets a training pattern either by index or category number.

    @param idx Index of the training pattern

    @param sparseBinaryForm If true, returns a list of the indices of the
        non-zero bits in the training pattern

    @param cat If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category cat. If
        this is specified, idx must be None.

    @return The training pattern with specified index
        if cat is not None:
            assert idx is None
            idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

        if not self.useSparseMemory:
            pattern = self._Memory[idx]
            if sparseBinaryForm:
                pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

            (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
            if not sparseBinaryForm:
                pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
                numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
                pattern = nz

            return pattern

    def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
        """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. All
    distances are between 0.0 and 1.0

    @param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are calculated

    @param distanceNorm Degree of the distance norm
        if distanceNorm is None:
            distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

        # Sparse memory
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            if self._protoSizes is None:
                self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
            overlapsWithProtos = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
            inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()

            if self.distanceMethod == "rawOverlap":
                dist = inputPattern.sum() - overlapsWithProtos
            elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfInput":
                dist = inputPatternSum - overlapsWithProtos
                if inputPatternSum > 0:
                    dist /= inputPatternSum
            elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfProto":
                overlapsWithProtos /= self._protoSizes
                dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
            elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfLarger":
                maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPatternSum)
                if maxVal.all() > 0:
                    overlapsWithProtos /= maxVal
                dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
            elif self.distanceMethod == "norm":
                dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
                distMax = dist.max()
                if distMax > 0:
                    dist /= distMax
                raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" %

        # Dense memory
            if self.distanceMethod == "norm":
                dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern),
                dist = dist.sum(1)
                dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0 / self.distanceNorm)
                dist /= dist.max()
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

        return dist

    def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId=None):
        """Return the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns.

    @param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are returned

    @param partitionId If provided, ignore all training vectors with this
        if not self._finishedLearning:
            self._finishedLearning = True

        if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
            inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

        sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

        # Compute distances
        dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
        # Invalidate results where category is -1
        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

        # Ignore vectors with same partition id
        if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            dist[self._partitionIdArray == partitionId] = numpy.inf

        return dist

    def finishLearning(self):
        if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

        # Check if our partition ID list is non-trivial
        # (i.e., whether it contains at least two different
        # partition IDs)
        if self._partitionIdList:
            partitions = set(self._partitionIdList)
            if len(partitions) > 1:
                # Compile into a numpy array
                self._partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)
                # Trivial partitions; ignore
                self._partitionIdArray = None
            # Either way, we don't need the original list
            self._partitionIdList = []

    def restartLearning(self):
        """This is only invoked if we have already called finishLearning()
    but now want to go back and provide more samples.
        # We need to convert the partition ID array back into a list
        if hasattr(self, "_partitionIdArray"):
            # In the case of trivial partitions, we need to regenerate
            # the "null" partition ID
            if self._partitionIdArray is None:
                self._partitionIdList = [0] * self._numPatterns
                self._partitionIdList = self._partitionIdArray.tolist()

    def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):
        if numSVDSamples is None:
            numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

        if not self.useSparseMemory:
            self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
            self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

        self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
        self._a -= self._mean
        u, self._s, self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

        if finalize:

        return self._s

    def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
        v = singularValues / singularValues[0]
        idx = numpy.where(v < fractionOfMax)[0]
        if len(idx):
            print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(
            return idx[0]
            print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(
                v) - 1, "out of ", len(v)
            return len(v) - 1

    def finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):
        if numSVDDims is not None:
            self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

        if self.numSVDDims == "adaptive":
            if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
                self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(
                    self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
                self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

        if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
            print "******************************************************************"
                "Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than "
                "the number of pattern dimensions.")
            print "Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0]
            print "******************************************************************"
            self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

        self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

        # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors
        if len(self._vt) == 0:

        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns, self.numSVDDims))
        self._M = self._Memory
        self.useSparseMemory = False

        for i in range(self._numPatterns):
            self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

        self._a = None

    def leaveOneOutTest(self):
        """Run leave-one-out testing.

    Returns the total number of samples and the number correctly classified.
    Ignores invalid vectors (those with a category of -1).
    Uses partitionIdList, if non-empty, to avoid matching a vector against
    other vectors that came from the same training sequence.
        if self.useSparseMemory:
            raise Exception(
                "leaveOneOutTest only works with dense memory right now")

        # The basic test is simple, but we need to prepare some data structures to
        # handle _specificIndexTraining and _partitionIdList
        categoryListArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList[:self._M.shape[0]])
        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            # Find valid and invalid vectors using the category list
            validIndices = (categoryListArray != -1)
            invalidIndices = (categoryListArray == -1)

        # Convert list of partitions to numpy array if we haven't
        # already done so.
        partitionIdArray = None
        if hasattr(self, "_partitionIdArray") and \
            self._partitionIdArray is not None:
            partitionIdArray = self._partitionIdArray
        elif self._partitionIdList:
            # Use the partition id list
            partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)

        # Find the winning vector for each cache vector, excluding itself,
        # excluding invalid vectors, and excluding other vectors with the
        # same partition id
        winners = numpy.zeros(self._M.shape[0], numpy.int32)
        for i in xrange(self._M.shape[0]):
            if self._specificIndexTraining \
                and categoryListArray[i] == -1:  # This is an invalid vector

            # Calculate distance between this vector and all others
            distances = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - self._M[i, :]),
            distances = distances.sum(1)

            # Invalidate certain vectors by setting their distance to infinity
            if self._specificIndexTraining:
                distances[invalidIndices] = numpy.inf  # Ignore invalid vectors
            if partitionIdArray is not None:  # Ignore vectors with same partition id
                distances[partitionIdArray == partitionIdArray[i]] = numpy.inf
                distances[i] = numpy.inf  # Don't match vector with itself

            if self.k == 1:
                # Take the closest vector as the winner (k=1)
                winners[i] = distances.argmin()
                # Have the top k winners vote on the category
                categoryScores = numpy.zeros(categoryListArray.max() + 1)
                for j in xrange(self.k):
                    winner = distances.argmin()
                    distances[winner] = numpy.inf
                    categoryScores[categoryListArray[winner]] += 1
                winners[i] = categoryScores.argmax()

        if self.k == 1:
            # Convert the winners (vector IDs) to their category indices
            # For k > 1, the winners are already category indices
            winners = categoryListArray[winners]

        if self._specificIndexTraining:
            # Count the number of correct categories, ignoring invalid vectors
            matches = (
                winners[validIndices] == categoryListArray[validIndices])
            # Count the number of correct categories
            matches = (winners == categoryListArray)

        # number of samples, number correct
        return float(matches.shape[0]), matches.sum()

    def remapCategories(self, mapping):
        """Change the category indices.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

    @param mapping List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
        would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to
        0, and category 2 to 1
        categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
        newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
        for i in xrange(len(mapping)):
            newCategoryArray[categoryArray == i] = mapping[i]
        self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

    def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
        """Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

    @param vectorIndices Single index or list of indices

    @param categoryIndices Single index or list of indices. Can also be a
        single index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same
        category will be used for all vectors
        if not hasattr(vectorIndices, "__iter__"):
            vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
            categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
        elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, "__iter__"):
            categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

        for i in xrange(len(vectorIndices)):
            vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
            categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]

            # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
            # vector yet
            if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
                self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Return serializable state.

    This function will return a version of the __dict__.
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Set the state of this object from a serialized state."""
        if "version" not in state:
        elif state["version"] == 1:
        elif state["version"] == 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"


        # Set to new version
        self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION
コード例 #5
ファイル: knn_classifier.py プロジェクト: pastorenick/nupic
class KNNClassifier(Serializable):
  This class implements NuPIC's k Nearest Neighbor Classifier. KNN is very
  useful as a basic classifier for many situations. This implementation contains
  many enhancements that are useful for HTM experiments. These enhancements
  include an optimized C++ class for sparse vectors, support for continuous
  online learning, support for various distance methods (including Lp-norm and
  raw overlap), support for performing SVD on the input vectors (very useful for
  large vectors), support for a fixed-size KNN, and a mechanism to store custom
  ID's for each vector.

  :param k: (int) The number of nearest neighbors used in the classification
      of patterns. Must be odd.

  :param exact: (boolean) If true, patterns must match exactly when assigning
      class labels

  :param distanceNorm: (int) When distance method is "norm", this specifies
      the p value of the Lp-norm

  :param distanceMethod: (string) The method used to compute distance between
      input patterns and prototype patterns. The possible options are:

      - ``norm``: When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
              When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
              In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
              The distances are normalized such that farthest prototype from
              a given input is 1.0.
      - ``rawOverlap``: Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
              (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
              and prototype).
      - ``pctOverlapOfInput``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# ON bits in input)
      - ``pctOverlapOfProto``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# ON bits in prototype)
      - ``pctOverlapOfLarger``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      max(# ON bits in input, # ON bits in prototype)

  :param distThreshold: (float) A threshold on the distance between learned
      patterns and a new pattern proposed to be learned. The distance must be
      greater than this threshold in order for the new pattern to be added to
      the classifier's memory.

  :param doBinarization: (boolean) If True, then scalar inputs will be

  :param binarizationThreshold: (float) If doBinarization is True, this
      specifies the threshold for the binarization of inputs

  :param useSparseMemory: (boolean) If True, classifier will use a sparse
      memory matrix

  :param sparseThreshold: (float) If useSparseMemory is True, input variables
      whose absolute values are less than this threshold will be stored as

  :param relativeThreshold: (boolean) Flag specifying whether to multiply
      sparseThreshold by max value in input

  :param numWinners: (int) Number of elements of the input that are stored. If
      0, all elements are stored

  :param numSVDSamples: (int) Number of samples the must occur before a SVD
      (Singular Value Decomposition) transformation will be performed. If 0,
      the transformation will never be performed

  :param numSVDDims: (string) Controls dimensions kept after SVD
      transformation. If "adaptive", the number is chosen automatically

  :param fractionOfMax: (float) If numSVDDims is "adaptive", this controls the
      smallest singular value that is retained as a fraction of the largest
      singular value

  :param verbosity: (int) Console verbosity level where 0 is no output and
      larger integers provide increasing levels of verbosity

  :param maxStoredPatterns: (int) Limits the maximum number of the training
      patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed capacity mode, the unused
      patterns are deleted once the number of stored patterns is greater than
      maxStoredPatterns. A value of -1 is no limit

  :param replaceDuplicates: (bool) A boolean flag that determines whether,
      during learning, the classifier replaces duplicates that match exactly,
      even if distThreshold is 0. Should be True for online learning

  :param cellsPerCol: (int) If >= 1, input is assumed to be organized into
      columns, in the same manner as the temporal memory AND whenever a new
      prototype is stored, only the start cell (first cell) is stored in any
      bursting column

  :param minSparsity: (float) If useSparseMemory is set, only vectors with
      sparsity >= minSparsity will be stored during learning. A value of 0.0
      implies all vectors will be stored. A value of 0.1 implies only vectors
      with at least 10% sparsity will be stored


  def __init__(self, k=1,

    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

    self.k = k
    self.exact = exact
    self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
    assert (distanceMethod in ("norm", "rawOverlap", "pctOverlapOfLarger",
                               "pctOverlapOfProto", "pctOverlapOfInput"))
    self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
    self.distThreshold = distThreshold
    self.doBinarization = doBinarization
    self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
    self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
    self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
    self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
    self.numWinners = numWinners
    self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
    self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
    self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
    self.verbosity = verbosity
    self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
    self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
    self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns
    self.minSparsity = minSparsity

  def clear(self):
    """Clears the state of the KNNClassifier."""
    self._Memory = None
    self._numPatterns = 0
    self._M = None
    self._categoryList = []
    self._partitionIdList = []
    self._partitionIdMap = {}
    self._finishedLearning = False
    self._iterationIdx = -1

    # Fixed capacity KNN
    if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
      assert self.useSparseMemory, ("Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only "
                                    "in the sparse memory mode")
      self.fixedCapacity = True
      self._categoryRecencyList = []
      self.fixedCapacity = False

    # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
    self._protoSizes = None

    # Used by PCA
    self._s = None
    self._vt = None
    self._nc = None
    self._mean = None

    # Used by Network Builder
    self._specificIndexTraining = False
    self._nextTrainingIndices = None

  def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

    m = 2 * self._Memory.shape[0]
    n = self._Memory.shape[1]
    self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory,(m,n))
    self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

  def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

    # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
    if not self.relativeThreshold:
      inputPattern = inputPattern*(abs(inputPattern) > self.sparseThreshold)
    elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
      inputPattern = inputPattern * \
        (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

    # Do winner-take-all
    if doWinners:
      if (self.numWinners>0) and (self.numWinners < (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
        sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
        # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
        sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
        sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
        inputPattern = sparseInput

    # Do binarization
    if self.doBinarization:
      # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
      inputPattern = (inputPattern > self.binarizationThreshold).astype(float)

    return inputPattern

  def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToCategorize, newCategory):
    Allows ids to be assigned a category and subsequently enables users to use:

      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.removeCategory`
      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.closestTrainingPattern`
      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.closestOtherTrainingPattern`
    if idToCategorize not in self._categoryRecencyList:

    recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToCategorize)
    self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

  def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
    There are two caveats. First, this is a potentially slow operation. Second,
    pattern indices will shift if patterns before them are removed.

    :param idsToRemove: A list of row indices to remove.
    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                    if rowID in idsToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

  def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):
    There are two caveats. First, this is a potentially slow operation. Second,
    pattern indices will shift if patterns before them are removed.

    :param categoryToRemove: Category label to remove
    removedRows = 0
    if self._Memory is None:
      return removedRows

    # The internal category indices are stored in float
    # format, so we should compare with a float
    catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                    if catID == catToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

    assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

  def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
    A list of row indices to remove. There are two caveats. First, this is
    a potentially slow operation. Second, pattern indices will shift if
    patterns before them are removed.
    # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
    removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

    # Remove categories
    self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

    if self.fixedCapacity:
      self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(
        numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList), removalArray).tolist()

    # Remove the partition ID, if any for these rows and rebuild the id map.
    for row in reversed(rowsToRemove):  # Go backwards
      # Remove these patterns from partitionList

    # Remove actual patterns
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      # Delete backwards
      for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
      self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

    numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

    # Sanity checks
    numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._Memory is not None:
        assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
      assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
    assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected

    self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
    return numRemoved

  def doIteration(self):
    Utility method to increment the iteration index. Intended for models that
    don't learn each timestep.
    self._iterationIdx += 1

  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    :param inputPattern: (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    :param inputCategory: (int) The category to be associated to the training

    :param partitionId: (int) partitionID allows you to associate an id with each
        input vector. It can be used to associate input patterns stored in the
        classifier with an external id. This can be useful for debugging or
        visualizing. Another use case is to ignore vectors with a specific id
        during inference (see description of infer() for details). There can be
        at most one partitionId per stored pattern (i.e. if two patterns are
        within distThreshold, only the first partitionId will be stored). This
        is an optional parameter.

    :param isSparse: (int) If 0, the input pattern is a dense representation. If
        isSparse > 0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
        isSparse is the length of the dense representation

    :param rowID: (int) UNKNOWN

    :returns: The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print("%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix)
      print("  category:", int(inputCategory))
      print("  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if isSparse > 0:
      assert all(inputPattern[i] <= inputPattern[i+1]
                 for i in range(len(inputPattern)-1)), \
                     "Sparse inputPattern must be sorted."
      assert all(bit < isSparse for bit in inputPattern), \
        ("Sparse inputPattern must not index outside the dense "
         "representation's bounds.")

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex -
                                          len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # If sparsity is too low, we do not want to add this vector
      if addRow and self.minSparsity > 0.0:
        if isSparse==0:
          sparsity = ( float(len(thresholdedInput.nonzero()[0])) /
                       len(thresholdedInput) )
          sparsity = float(len(inputPattern)) / isSparse
        if sparsity < self.minSparsity:
          addRow = False

      # Add the new sparse vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns

  def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
    Return the degree of overlap between an input pattern and each category
    stored in the classifier. The overlap is computed by computing:

    .. code-block:: python

      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    :param inputPattern: pattern to check overlap of

    :returns: (overlaps, categories) Two numpy arrays of the same length, where:
                * overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                * categories: category index for each element of overlaps
    assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

    overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
    return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

  def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the distances between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    :param inputPattern: pattern to check distance with

    :returns: (distances, categories) numpy arrays of the same length.
        - overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        - categories: category index for each element of distances
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    return (dist, self._categoryList)

  def infer(self, inputPattern, computeScores=True, overCategories=True,
    """Finds the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index as well as a distribution over all categories.

    :param inputPattern: (list) A pattern to be classified

    :param computeScores: NO EFFECT

    :param overCategories: NO EFFECT

    :param partitionId: (int) If provided, all training vectors with partitionId
        equal to that of the input pattern are ignored.
        For example, this may be used to perform k-fold cross validation
        without repopulating the classifier. First partition all the data into
        k equal partitions numbered 0, 1, 2, ... and then call learn() for each
        vector passing in its partitionId. Then, during inference, by passing
        in the partition ID in the call to infer(), all other vectors with the
        same partitionId are ignored simulating the effect of repopulating the
        classifier while ommitting the training vectors in the same partition.

    :returns: 4-tuple with these keys:

      - ``winner``: The category with the greatest number of nearest neighbors
          within the kth nearest neighbors. If the inferenceResult contains no
          neighbors, the value of winner is None. This can happen, for example,
          in cases of exact matching, if there are no stored vectors, or if
          minSparsity is not met.
      - ``inferenceResult``: A list of length numCategories, each entry contains
          the number of neighbors within the top k neighbors that are in that
      - ``dist``: A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the distance
          from the unknown to that prototype. All distances are between 0.0 and
      - ``categoryDist``: A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to the nearest prototype of
                        that category. All distances are between 0 and 1.0.

    # Calculate sparsity. If sparsity is too low, we do not want to run
    # inference with this vector
    sparsity = 0.0
    if self.minSparsity > 0.0:
      sparsity = ( float(len(inputPattern.nonzero()[0])) /
                   len(inputPattern) )

    if len(self._categoryList) == 0 or sparsity < self.minSparsity:
      # No categories learned yet; i.e. first inference w/ online learning or
      # insufficient sparsity
      winner = None
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
      dist = numpy.ones(1)
      categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

      maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx+1)
      dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)
      validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)

      # Loop through the indices of the nearest neighbors.
      if self.exact:
        # Is there an exact match in the distances?
        exactMatches = numpy.where(dist<0.00001)[0]
        if len(exactMatches) > 0:
          for i in exactMatches[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[i]] += 1.0
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
          inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

      # Prepare inference results.
      if inferenceResult.any():
        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
        inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()
        winner = None
      categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                            self._categoryList, dist)
      categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print("%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix))
      print("  active inputs:",  _labeledInput(inputPattern,
      print("  winner category:", winner)
      print("  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult)
      print("  dist of each prototype:", dist)
      print("  dist of each category:", categoryDist)

    result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
    return result

  def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories=3):
    """Returns the index of the pattern that is closest to inputPattern,
    the distances of all patterns to inputPattern, and the indices of the k
    closest categories.
    inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList)+1)
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

    sorted = dist.argsort()

    validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
    for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
      inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

    winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

    topNCats = []
    for i in range(topKCategories):
      topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]] ))

    return winner, dist, topNCats

  def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Returns the closest training pattern to inputPattern that belongs to
    category "cat".

    :param inputPattern: The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    :param cat: The required category of closest neighbor

    :returns: A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no
        such patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()

    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
      if patternCat == cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Return the closest training pattern that is *not* of the given
    category "cat".

    :param inputPattern: The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    :param cat: Training patterns of this category will be ignored no matter
        their distance to inputPattern

    :returns: A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no
        such patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()
    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
      if patternCat != cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
    """Gets a training pattern either by index or category number.

    :param idx: Index of the training pattern

    :param sparseBinaryForm: If true, returns a list of the indices of the
        non-zero bits in the training pattern

    :param cat: If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category cat. If
        this is specified, idx must be None.

    :returns: The training pattern with specified index
    if cat is not None:
      assert idx is None
      idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      pattern = self._Memory[idx]
      if sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

      (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
      if not sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
        numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
        pattern = nz

    return pattern

  def getPartitionId(self, i):
    Gets the partition id given an index.

    :param i: index of partition
    :returns: the partition id associated with pattern i. Returns None if no id
        is associated with it.
    if (i < 0) or (i >= self._numPatterns):
      raise RuntimeError("index out of bounds")
    partitionId = self._partitionIdList[i]
    if partitionId == numpy.inf:
      return None
      return partitionId

  def getPartitionIdList(self):
    :returns: a list of complete partition id objects
    return self._partitionIdList

  def getNumPartitionIds(self):
    :returns: the number of unique partition Ids stored.
    return len(self._partitionIdMap)

  def getPartitionIdKeys(self):
    :returns: a list containing unique (non-None) partition Ids (just the keys)
    return list(self._partitionIdMap.keys())

  def getPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(self, partitionId):
    :returns: a list of pattern indices corresponding to this partitionId.
        Return an empty list if there are none.
    return self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])

  def _addPartitionId(self, index, partitionId=None):
    Adds partition id for pattern index
    if partitionId is None:
      indices = self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])
      self._partitionIdMap[partitionId] = indices

  def _rebuildPartitionIdMap(self, partitionIdList):
    Rebuilds the partition Id map using the given partitionIdList
    self._partitionIdMap = {}
    for row, partitionId in enumerate(partitionIdList):
      indices = self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])
      self._partitionIdMap[partitionId] = indices

  def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
    """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. All
    distances are between 0.0 and 1.0

    :param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are calculated

    :param distanceNorm Degree of the distance norm
    if distanceNorm is None:
      distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

    # Sparse memory
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._protoSizes is None:
        self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
      overlapsWithProtos = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
      inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()

      if self.distanceMethod == "rawOverlap":
        dist = inputPattern.sum() - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfInput":
        dist = inputPatternSum - overlapsWithProtos
        if inputPatternSum > 0:
          dist /= inputPatternSum
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfProto":
        overlapsWithProtos /= self._protoSizes
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfLarger":
        maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPatternSum)
        if maxVal.all() > 0:
          overlapsWithProtos /= maxVal
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
        distMax = dist.max()
        if distMax > 0:
          dist /= distMax
        raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" %

    # Dense memory
      if self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern), self.distanceNorm)
        dist = dist.sum(1)
        dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0/self.distanceNorm)
        dist /= dist.max()
        raise RuntimeError ("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

    return dist

  def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId=None):
    """Return the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns.

    :param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are returned

    :param partitionId If provided, ignore all training vectors with this
    if not self._finishedLearning:
      self._finishedLearning = True

    if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
      inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

    sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

    # Compute distances
    dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
    # Invalidate results where category is -1
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

    # Ignore vectors with this partition id by setting their distances to inf
    if partitionId is not None:
      dist[self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])] = numpy.inf

    return dist

  def finishLearning(self):
    Used for batch scenarios.  This method needs to be called between learning
    and inference.
    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

  def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):
    Compute the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD is a factorization
    of a real or complex matrix. It factors the matrix `a` as
    `u * np.diag(s) * v`, where `u` and `v` are unitary and `s` is a 1-d array
    of `a`'s singular values.

    **Reason for computing the SVD:**
    There are cases where you want to feed a lot of vectors to the
    KNNClassifier. However, this can be slow. You can speed up training by (1)
    computing the SVD of the input patterns which will give you the
    eigenvectors, (2) only keeping a fraction of the eigenvectors, and (3)
    projecting the input patterns onto the remaining eigenvectors.

    Note that all input patterns are projected onto the eigenvectors in the same
    fashion. Keeping only the highest eigenvectors increases training
    performance since it reduces the dimensionality of the input.

    :param numSVDSamples: (int) the number of samples to use for the SVD

    :param finalize: (bool) whether to apply SVD to the input patterns.

    :returns: (array) The singular values for every matrix, sorted in
               descending order.
    if numSVDSamples is None:
      numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
      self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

    self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
    self._a -= self._mean
    u,self._s,self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

    if finalize:

    return self._s

  def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
    Compute the number of eigenvectors (singularValues) to keep.

    :param singularValues:
    :param fractionOfMax:
    v = singularValues/singularValues[0]
    idx = numpy.where(v<fractionOfMax)[0]
    if len(idx):
      print("Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(v))
      return idx[0]
      print("Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(v)-1, "out of ", len(v))
      return len(v)-1

  def _finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):
    Called by finalizeLearning(). This will project all the patterns onto the
    SVD eigenvectors.
    :param numSVDDims: (int) number of egeinvectors used for projection.
    if numSVDDims is not None:
      self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

    if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
      print ("Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than "
             "the number of pattern dimensions.")
      print("Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0])
      self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

    self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

    # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors
    if len(self._vt) == 0:

    self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns,self.numSVDDims))
    self._M = self._Memory
    self.useSparseMemory = False

    for i in range(self._numPatterns):
      self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

    self._a = None

  def remapCategories(self, mapping):
    """Change the category indices.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

    :param mapping: List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
        would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to
        0, and category 2 to 1
    categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
    newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
    for i in range(len(mapping)):
      newCategoryArray[categoryArray==i] = mapping[i]
    self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

  def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
    """Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

    :param vectorIndices: Single index or list of indices

    :param categoryIndices: Single index or list of indices. Can also be a
        single index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same
        category will be used for all vectors
    if not hasattr(vectorIndices, "__iter__"):
      vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
    elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, "__iter__"):
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

    for i in range(len(vectorIndices)):
      vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
      categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]

      # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
      # vector yet
      if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
        self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

  def getSchema():
    return KNNClassifierProto

  def read(cls, proto):
    if proto.version != KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid KNNClassifier Version")

    knn = object.__new__(cls)

    knn.version = proto.version
    knn.k = proto.k
    knn.exact = proto.exact
    knn.distanceNorm = proto.distanceNorm
    knn.distanceMethod = proto.distanceMethod
    knn.distThreshold = proto.distThreshold
    knn.doBinarization = proto.doBinarization
    knn.binarizationThreshold = proto.binarizationThreshold
    knn.useSparseMemory = proto.useSparseMemory
    knn.sparseThreshold = proto.sparseThreshold
    knn.relativeThreshold = proto.relativeThreshold
    knn.numWinners = proto.numWinners
    knn.numSVDSamples = proto.numSVDSamples
    knn.numSVDDims = proto.numSVDDims
    knn.fractionOfMax = proto.fractionOfMax
    knn.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    knn.maxStoredPatterns = proto.maxStoredPatterns
    knn.replaceDuplicates = proto.replaceDuplicates
    knn.cellsPerCol = proto.cellsPerCol
    knn.minSparsity = proto.minSparsity

    if knn.numSVDDims == "adaptive":
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = False

    # Read private state
    if proto.memory is not None:
      which = proto.memory.which()
      if which == "ndarray":
        knn._Memory = numpy.array(proto.memory.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64)
      elif which == "nearestNeighbor":
        knn._Memory = NearestNeighbor()

    knn._numPatterns = proto.numPatterns

    if proto.m is not None:
      knn._M = numpy.array(proto.m, dtype=numpy.float64)

    if proto.categoryList is not None:
      knn._categoryList = list(proto.categoryList)

    if proto.partitionIdList is not None:
      knn._partitionIdList = list(proto.partitionIdList)

    knn._iterationIdx = proto.iterationIdx
    knn._finishedLearning = proto.finishedLearning

    if proto.s is not None:
      knn._s = numpy.array(proto.s, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.vt is not None:
      knn._vt = numpy.array(proto.vt, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.mean is not None:
      knn._mean = numpy.array(proto.mean, dtype=numpy.float32)

    return knn

  def write(self, proto):

    proto.version = self.version
    proto.k = self.k
    proto.exact = bool(self.exact)
    proto.distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm
    proto.distanceMethod = self.distanceMethod
    proto.distThreshold = self.distThreshold
    proto.doBinarization = bool(self.doBinarization)
    proto.binarizationThreshold = self.binarizationThreshold
    proto.useSparseMemory = bool(self.useSparseMemory)
    proto.sparseThreshold = self.sparseThreshold
    proto.relativeThreshold = bool(self.relativeThreshold)
    proto.numWinners = self.numWinners
    proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
    proto.maxStoredPatterns = self.maxStoredPatterns
    proto.replaceDuplicates = bool(self.replaceDuplicates)
    proto.cellsPerCol = self.cellsPerCol
    proto.minSparsity = self.minSparsity

    # Write private state
    if self._Memory is not None:
      if isinstance(self._Memory, numpy.ndarray):
        proto.memory.ndarray = self._Memory.tolist()

    proto.numPatterns = self._numPatterns

    if self._M is not None:
      proto.m = self._M.tolist()

    if self._categoryList is not None:
      proto.categoryList = self._categoryList

    if self._partitionIdList is not None:
      proto.partitionIdList = self._partitionIdList

    proto.finishedLearning = bool(self._finishedLearning)
    proto.iterationIdx = self._iterationIdx

    if self._s is not None:
      proto.s = self._s.tolist()

    if self._vt is not None:
      proto.vt = self._vt.tolist()

    if self._mean is not None:
      proto.mean = self._mean.tolist()

  def __getstate__(self):
    """Return serializable state.

    This function will return a version of the __dict__.
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
    return state

  def __setstate__(self, state):
    """Set the state of this object from a serialized state."""
    if "version" not in state:
    elif state["version"] == 1:
    elif state["version"] == 2:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"

    # Backward compatibility
    if "_partitionIdArray" in state:

    if "minSparsity" not in state:
      state["minSparsity"] = 0.0


    # Backward compatibility
    if "_partitionIdMap" not in state:

    # Set to new version
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION
コード例 #6
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: AlexWD/nupic
  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    Learn a new training presentation

    inputPattern: training pattern to learn. This should be a dense array if
                  isSparse==0 or a list of non-zero indices if
    inputCategory: category index of the training pattern.
    partitionID:  ??
    isSparse:     If >0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
                  isSparse is the length of the dense representation.

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s learn:" % (g_debugPrefix)
      print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
      print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    assert partitionId is None, \
      "No documentation is available for partitionId, not sure how it works."

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex - len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        if partitionId is not None:

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # Add the new vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        if partitionId is not None:
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns
コード例 #7
ファイル: knn_classifier.py プロジェクト: pastorenick/nupic
  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    :param inputPattern: (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    :param inputCategory: (int) The category to be associated to the training

    :param partitionId: (int) partitionID allows you to associate an id with each
        input vector. It can be used to associate input patterns stored in the
        classifier with an external id. This can be useful for debugging or
        visualizing. Another use case is to ignore vectors with a specific id
        during inference (see description of infer() for details). There can be
        at most one partitionId per stored pattern (i.e. if two patterns are
        within distThreshold, only the first partitionId will be stored). This
        is an optional parameter.

    :param isSparse: (int) If 0, the input pattern is a dense representation. If
        isSparse > 0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
        isSparse is the length of the dense representation

    :param rowID: (int) UNKNOWN

    :returns: The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print("%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix)
      print("  category:", int(inputCategory))
      print("  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if isSparse > 0:
      assert all(inputPattern[i] <= inputPattern[i+1]
                 for i in range(len(inputPattern)-1)), \
                     "Sparse inputPattern must be sorted."
      assert all(bit < isSparse for bit in inputPattern), \
        ("Sparse inputPattern must not index outside the dense "
         "representation's bounds.")

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex -
                                          len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # If sparsity is too low, we do not want to add this vector
      if addRow and self.minSparsity > 0.0:
        if isSparse==0:
          sparsity = ( float(len(thresholdedInput.nonzero()[0])) /
                       len(thresholdedInput) )
          sparsity = float(len(inputPattern)) / isSparse
        if sparsity < self.minSparsity:
          addRow = False

      # Add the new sparse vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns
コード例 #8
ファイル: knn_classifier.py プロジェクト: pastorenick/nupic
  def read(cls, proto):
    if proto.version != KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid KNNClassifier Version")

    knn = object.__new__(cls)

    knn.version = proto.version
    knn.k = proto.k
    knn.exact = proto.exact
    knn.distanceNorm = proto.distanceNorm
    knn.distanceMethod = proto.distanceMethod
    knn.distThreshold = proto.distThreshold
    knn.doBinarization = proto.doBinarization
    knn.binarizationThreshold = proto.binarizationThreshold
    knn.useSparseMemory = proto.useSparseMemory
    knn.sparseThreshold = proto.sparseThreshold
    knn.relativeThreshold = proto.relativeThreshold
    knn.numWinners = proto.numWinners
    knn.numSVDSamples = proto.numSVDSamples
    knn.numSVDDims = proto.numSVDDims
    knn.fractionOfMax = proto.fractionOfMax
    knn.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    knn.maxStoredPatterns = proto.maxStoredPatterns
    knn.replaceDuplicates = proto.replaceDuplicates
    knn.cellsPerCol = proto.cellsPerCol
    knn.minSparsity = proto.minSparsity

    if knn.numSVDDims == "adaptive":
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = False

    # Read private state
    if proto.memory is not None:
      which = proto.memory.which()
      if which == "ndarray":
        knn._Memory = numpy.array(proto.memory.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64)
      elif which == "nearestNeighbor":
        knn._Memory = NearestNeighbor()

    knn._numPatterns = proto.numPatterns

    if proto.m is not None:
      knn._M = numpy.array(proto.m, dtype=numpy.float64)

    if proto.categoryList is not None:
      knn._categoryList = list(proto.categoryList)

    if proto.partitionIdList is not None:
      knn._partitionIdList = list(proto.partitionIdList)

    knn._iterationIdx = proto.iterationIdx
    knn._finishedLearning = proto.finishedLearning

    if proto.s is not None:
      knn._s = numpy.array(proto.s, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.vt is not None:
      knn._vt = numpy.array(proto.vt, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.mean is not None:
      knn._mean = numpy.array(proto.mean, dtype=numpy.float32)

    return knn
コード例 #9
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: 08s011003/nupic
class KNNClassifier(object):
  """k Nearest Neighbor Classifier"""

  def __init__(self, k=1,
    """Constructor for the kNN classifier.

    @param k (int) The number of nearest neighbors used in the classification of
        patterns. Must be odd

    @param exact (boolean) If true, patterns must match exactly when assigning
        class labels

    @param distanceNorm (int) When distance method is "norm", this specifies
        the p value of the Lp-norm

    @param distanceMethod (string) The method used to compute distance between
        input patterns and prototype patterns. The possible options are:
        "norm": When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
                When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
                In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
                The distances are normalized such that farthest prototype from
                a given input is 1.0.
        "rawOverlap": Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
                (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
                and prototype).
        "pctOverlapOfInput": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        (# ON bits in input)
        "pctOverlapOfProto": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        (# ON bits in prototype)
        "pctOverlapOfLarger": Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
                1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                        max(# ON bits in input, # ON bits in prototype)

    @param distThreshold (float) A threshold on the distance between learned
        patterns and a new pattern proposed to be learned. The distance must be
        greater than this threshold in order for the new pattern to be added to
        the classifier's memory

    @param doBinarization (boolean) If True, then scalar inputs will be

    @param binarizationThreshold (float) If doBinarization is True, this
        specifies the threshold for the binarization of inputs

    @param useSparseMemory (boolean) If True, classifier will use a sparse
        memory matrix

    @param sparseThreshold (float) If useSparseMemory is True, input variables
        whose absolute values are less than this threshold will be stored as

    @param relativeThreshold (boolean) Flag specifying whether to multiply
        sparseThreshold by max value in input

    @param numWinners (int) Number of elements of the input that are stored. If
        0, all elements are stored

    @param numSVDSamples (int) Number of samples the must occur before a SVD
        (Singular Value Decomposition) transformation will be performed. If 0,
        the transformation will never be performed

    @param numSVDDims (string) Controls dimensions kept after SVD
        transformation. If "adaptive", the number is chosen automatically

    @param fractionOfMax (float) If numSVDDims is "adaptive", this controls the
        smallest singular value that is retained as a fraction of the largest
        singular value

    @param verbosity (int) Console verbosity level where 0 is no output and
        larger integers provide increasing levels of verbosity

    @param maxStoredPatterns (int) Limits the maximum number of the training
        patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed capacity mode, the unused
        patterns are deleted once the number of stored patterns is greater than
        maxStoredPatterns. A value of -1 is no limit

    @param replaceDuplicates (bool) A boolean flag that determines whether,
        during learning, the classifier replaces duplicates that match exactly,
        even if distThreshold is 0. Should be True for online learning

    @param cellsPerCol (int) If >= 1, input is assumed to be organized into
        columns, in the same manner as the temporal pooler AND whenever a new
        prototype is stored, only the start cell (first cell) is stored in any
        bursting column
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

    self.k = k
    self.exact = exact
    self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
    assert (distanceMethod in ("norm", "rawOverlap", "pctOverlapOfLarger",
                               "pctOverlapOfProto", "pctOverlapOfInput"))
    self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
    self.distThreshold = distThreshold
    self.doBinarization = doBinarization
    self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
    self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
    self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
    self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
    self.numWinners = numWinners
    self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
    self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
    self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
    self.verbosity = verbosity
    self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
    self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
    self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns

  def clear(self):
    """Clears the state of the KNNClassifier."""
    self._Memory = None
    self._numPatterns = 0
    self._M = None
    self._categoryList = []
    self._partitionIdList = []
    self._partitionIdArray = None
    self._finishedLearning = False
    self._iterationIdx = -1

    # Fixed capacity KNN
    if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
      assert self.useSparseMemory, ("Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only "
                                    "in the sparse memory mode")
      self.fixedCapacity = True
      self._categoryRecencyList = []
      self.fixedCapacity = False

    # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
    self._protoSizes = None

    # Used by PCA
    self._s = None
    self._vt = None
    self._nc = None
    self._mean = None

    # Used by Network Builder
    self._specificIndexTraining = False
    self._nextTrainingIndices = None

  def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

    m = 2 * self._Memory.shape[0]
    n = self._Memory.shape[1]
    self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory,(m,n))
    self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

  def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

    # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
    if not self.relativeThreshold:
      inputPattern = inputPattern*(abs(inputPattern) > self.sparseThreshold)
    elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
      inputPattern = inputPattern * \
        (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

    # Do winner-take-all
    if doWinners:
      if (self.numWinners>0) and (self.numWinners < (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
        sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
        # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
        sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
        sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
        inputPattern = sparseInput

    # Do binarization
    if self.doBinarization:
      # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
      inputPattern = (inputPattern > self.binarizationThreshold).astype(float)

    return inputPattern

  def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToRelabel, newCategory):
    if idToRelabel not in self._categoryRecencyList:

    recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToRelabel)
    self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

  def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                    if rowID in idsToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

  def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):

    removedRows = 0
    if self._Memory is None:
      return removedRows

    # The internal category indices are stored in float
    # format, so we should compare with a float
    catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                    if catID == catToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

    assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

  def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
    # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
    removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

    # Remove categories
    self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

    self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(
      numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList), removalArray).tolist()

    # Remove the partition ID, if any
    if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      self._partitionIdArray = numpy.delete(self._partitionIdArray,

    # Remove actual patterns
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      # Delete backwards
      for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
      self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

    numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

    # Sanity checks
    numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._Memory is not None:
        assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
      assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
    assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected
    assert self._partitionIdArray is None or \
           self._partitionIdArray.shape[0] == numRowsExpected

    self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
    return numRemoved

  def doIteration(self):
    """Utility method to increment the iteration index. Intended for models that
    don't learn each timestep.
    self._iterationIdx += 1

  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    """Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    @param inputPattern (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    @param inputCategory (int) The category to be associated to the training

    @param partitionId (int) partitionID allows you to partition the data set
        by associating unique IDs with sets of vectors. One use case is to
        ignore a specific set of vectors during inference for k-fold cross
        validation (see description of infer() for further details).
        This is an optional parameter.

    @param isSparse (int) If 0, the input pattern is a dense representation. If
        isSparse > 0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
        isSparse is the length of the dense representation

    @param rowID (int) UNKNOWN

    @return The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix
      print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
      print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex -
                                          len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        if partitionId is not None:

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        numCols = thresholdedInput.size / self.cellsPerCol
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # Add the new vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        if partitionId is not None:
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns

  def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the degree of overlap between an input pattern and each category
    stored in the classifier. The overlap is computed by compuing:
      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    @param inputPattern pattern to check overlap of

    @return (overlaps, categories) Two numpy arrays of the same length:
        overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        categories: category index for each element of overlaps
    assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

    overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
    return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

  def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the distances between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    @param inputPattern pattern to check distance with

    @return (distances, categories) numpy arrays of the same length:
        overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        categories: category index for each element of distances
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    return (dist, self._categoryList)

  def infer(self, inputPattern, computeScores=True, overCategories=True,
    """Finds the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index as well as a distribution over all categories.

    @param inputPattern (list) A pattern to be classified

    @param computeScores NO EFFECT

    @param overCategories NO EFFECT

    @param partitionId (int) If provided, all training vectors with partitionId
        equal to that of the input pattern are ignored.
        For example, this may be used to perform k-fold cross validation
        without repopulating the classifier. First partition all the data into
        k equal partitions numbered 0, 1, 2, ... and then call learn() for each
        vector passing in its partitionId. Then, during inference, by passing
        in the partition ID in the call to infer(), all other vectors with the
        same partitionId are ignored simulating the effect of repopulating the
        classifier while ommitting the training vectors in the same partition.

    This method returns a 4-tuple: (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
      winner:           The category with the greatest number of nearest
                        neighbors within the kth nearest neighbors. If the
                        inferenceResult contains no neighbors, the value of
                        winner is None; this applies to the case of exact
      inferenceResult:  A list of length numCategories, each entry contains the
                        number of neighbors within the top k neighbors that
                        are in that category.
      dist:             A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to that prototype. All
                        distances are between 0.0 and 1.0
      categoryDist:     A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to the nearest prototype of
                        that category. All distances are between 0 and 1.0.
    if len(self._categoryList) == 0:
      # No categories learned yet; i.e. first inference w/ online learning.
      winner = 0
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
      dist = numpy.ones(1)
      categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

      maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx+1)
      dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)
      validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)

      # Loop through the indices of the nearest neighbors.
      if self.exact:
        # Is there an exact match in the distances?
        exactMatches = numpy.where(dist<0.00001)[0]
        if len(exactMatches) > 0:
          for i in exactMatches[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[i]] += 1.0
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
          inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

      # Prepare inference results.
      if inferenceResult.any():
        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
        inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()
        winner = None
      categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                            self._categoryList, dist)
      categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix)
      print "  active inputs:",  _labeledInput(inputPattern,
      print "  winner category:", winner
      print "  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult
      print "  dist of each prototype:", dist
      print "  dist of each category:", categoryDist

    result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
    return result

  def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories=3):
    """Returns the index of the pattern that is closest to inputPattern,
    the distances of all patterns to inputPattern, and the indices of the k
    closest categories.
    inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList)+1)
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

    sorted = dist.argsort()

    validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
    for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
      inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

    winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

    topNCats = []
    for i in range(topKCategories):
      topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]] ))

    return winner, dist, topNCats

  def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Returns the closest training pattern to inputPattern that belongs to
    category "cat".

    @param inputPattern The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    @param cat The required category of closest neighbor

    @return A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no such
        patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()

    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
      if patternCat == cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Return the closest training pattern that is *not* of the given
    category "cat".

    @param inputPattern The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    @param cat Training patterns of this category will be ignored no matter
        their distance to inputPattern

    @return A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no such
        patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()
    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
      if patternCat != cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
    """Gets a training pattern either by index or category number.

    @param idx Index of the training pattern

    @param sparseBinaryForm If true, returns a list of the indices of the
        non-zero bits in the training pattern

    @param cat If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category cat. If
        this is specified, idx must be None.

    @return The training pattern with specified index
    if cat is not None:
      assert idx is None
      idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      pattern = self._Memory[idx]
      if sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

      (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
      if not sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
        numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
        pattern = nz

      return pattern

  def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
    """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. All
    distances are between 0.0 and 1.0

    @param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are calculated

    @param distanceNorm Degree of the distance norm
    if distanceNorm is None:
      distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

    # Sparse memory
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._protoSizes is None:
        self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
      overlapsWithProtos = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
      inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()

      if self.distanceMethod == "rawOverlap":
        dist = inputPattern.sum() - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfInput":
        dist = inputPatternSum - overlapsWithProtos
        if inputPatternSum > 0:
          dist /= inputPatternSum
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfProto":
        overlapsWithProtos /= self._protoSizes
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfLarger":
        maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPatternSum)
        if maxVal.all() > 0:
          overlapsWithProtos /= maxVal
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
        distMax = dist.max()
        if distMax > 0:
          dist /= distMax
        raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" %

    # Dense memory
      if self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern), self.distanceNorm)
        dist = dist.sum(1)
        dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0/self.distanceNorm)
        dist /= dist.max()
        raise RuntimeError ("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

    return dist

  def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId=None):
    """Return the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns.

    @param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are returned

    @param partitionId If provided, ignore all training vectors with this
    if not self._finishedLearning:
      self._finishedLearning = True

    if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
      inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

    sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

    # Compute distances
    dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
    # Invalidate results where category is -1
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

    # Ignore vectors with same partition id
    if self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      dist[self._partitionIdArray == partitionId] = numpy.inf

    return dist

  def finishLearning(self):
    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

    # Check if our partition ID list is non-trivial
    # (i.e., whether it contains at least two different
    # partition IDs)
    if self._partitionIdList:
      partitions = set(self._partitionIdList)
      if len(partitions) > 1:
        # Compile into a numpy array
        self._partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)
        # Trivial partitions; ignore
        self._partitionIdArray = None
      # Either way, we don't need the original list
      self._partitionIdList = []

  def restartLearning(self):
    """This is only invoked if we have already called finishLearning()
    but now want to go back and provide more samples.
    # We need to convert the partition ID array back into a list
    if hasattr(self, "_partitionIdArray"):
      # In the case of trivial partitions, we need to regenerate
      # the "null" partition ID
      if self._partitionIdArray is None:
        self._partitionIdList = [0] * self._numPatterns
        self._partitionIdList = self._partitionIdArray.tolist()

  def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):
    if numSVDSamples is None:
      numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
      self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

    self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
    self._a -= self._mean
    u,self._s,self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

    if finalize:

    return self._s

  def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
    v = singularValues/singularValues[0]
    idx = numpy.where(v<fractionOfMax)[0]
    if len(idx):
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(v)
      return idx[0]
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(v)-1, "out of ", len(v)
      return len(v)-1

  def finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):
    if numSVDDims is not None:
      self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

    if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
      print "******************************************************************"
      print ("Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than "
             "the number of pattern dimensions.")
      print "Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0]
      print "******************************************************************"
      self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

    self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

    # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors
    if len(self._vt) == 0:

    self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns,self.numSVDDims))
    self._M = self._Memory
    self.useSparseMemory = False

    for i in range(self._numPatterns):
      self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

    self._a = None

  def leaveOneOutTest(self):
    """Run leave-one-out testing.

    Returns the total number of samples and the number correctly classified.
    Ignores invalid vectors (those with a category of -1).
    Uses partitionIdList, if non-empty, to avoid matching a vector against
    other vectors that came from the same training sequence.
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      raise Exception("leaveOneOutTest only works with dense memory right now")

    # The basic test is simple, but we need to prepare some data structures to
    # handle _specificIndexTraining and _partitionIdList
    categoryListArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList[:self._M.shape[0]])
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      # Find valid and invalid vectors using the category list
      validIndices = (categoryListArray != -1)
      invalidIndices = (categoryListArray == -1)

    # Convert list of partitions to numpy array if we haven't
    # already done so.
    partitionIdArray = None
    if hasattr(self, "_partitionIdArray") and \
        self._partitionIdArray is not None:
      partitionIdArray = self._partitionIdArray
    elif self._partitionIdList:
      # Use the partition id list
      partitionIdArray = numpy.array(self._partitionIdList)

    # Find the winning vector for each cache vector, excluding itself,
    # excluding invalid vectors, and excluding other vectors with the
    # same partition id
    winners = numpy.zeros(self._M.shape[0], numpy.int32)
    for i in xrange(self._M.shape[0]):
      if self._specificIndexTraining \
          and categoryListArray[i] == -1:  # This is an invalid vector

      # Calculate distance between this vector and all others
      distances = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - self._M[i,:]),
      distances = distances.sum(1)

      # Invalidate certain vectors by setting their distance to infinity
      if self._specificIndexTraining:
        distances[invalidIndices] = numpy.inf  # Ignore invalid vectors
      if partitionIdArray is not None:  # Ignore vectors with same partition id
        distances[partitionIdArray == partitionIdArray[i]] = numpy.inf
        distances[i] = numpy.inf  # Don't match vector with itself

      if self.k == 1:
        # Take the closest vector as the winner (k=1)
        winners[i] = distances.argmin()
        # Have the top k winners vote on the category
        categoryScores = numpy.zeros(categoryListArray.max() + 1)
        for j in xrange(self.k):
          winner = distances.argmin()
          distances[winner] = numpy.inf
          categoryScores[categoryListArray[winner]] += 1
        winners[i] = categoryScores.argmax()

    if self.k == 1:
      # Convert the winners (vector IDs) to their category indices
      # For k > 1, the winners are already category indices
      winners = categoryListArray[winners]

    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      # Count the number of correct categories, ignoring invalid vectors
      matches = (winners[validIndices] == categoryListArray[validIndices])
      # Count the number of correct categories
      matches = (winners == categoryListArray)

    # number of samples, number correct
    return float(matches.shape[0]), matches.sum()

  def remapCategories(self, mapping):
    """Change the category indices.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

    @param mapping List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
        would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to
        0, and category 2 to 1
    categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
    newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
    for i in xrange(len(mapping)):
      newCategoryArray[categoryArray==i] = mapping[i]
    self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

  def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
    """Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

    @param vectorIndices Single index or list of indices

    @param categoryIndices Single index or list of indices. Can also be a
        single index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same
        category will be used for all vectors
    if not hasattr(vectorIndices, "__iter__"):
      vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
    elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, "__iter__"):
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

    for i in xrange(len(vectorIndices)):
      vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
      categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]

      # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
      # vector yet
      if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
        self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

  def __getstate__(self):
    """Return serializable state.

    This function will return a version of the __dict__.
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
    return state

  def __setstate__(self, state):
    """Set the state of this object from a serialized state."""
    if "version" not in state:
    elif state["version"] == 1:
    elif state["version"] == 2:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"


    # Set to new version
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION
コード例 #10
ファイル: KNNClassifier.py プロジェクト: tanduong/nupic
  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    """Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    @param inputPattern (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    @param inputCategory (int) The category to be associated to the training

    @param partitionId (int) partitionID allows you to associate an id with each
        input vector. It can be used to associate input patterns stored in the
        classifier with an external id. This can be useful for debugging or
        visualizing. Another use case is to ignore vectors with a specific id
        during inference (see description of infer() for details). There can be
        at most one partitionId per stored pattern (i.e. if two patterns are
        within distThreshold, only the first partitionId will be stored). This
        is an optional parameter.

    @param isSparse (int) If 0, the input pattern is a dense representation. If
        isSparse > 0, the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices and
        isSparse is the length of the dense representation

    @param rowID (int) UNKNOWN

    @return The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix
      print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
      print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex -
                                          len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # Add the new sparse vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns
コード例 #11
ファイル: knn_classifier.py プロジェクト: Erichy94/nupic
class KNNClassifier(Serializable):
  This class implements NuPIC's k Nearest Neighbor Classifier. KNN is very
  useful as a basic classifier for many situations. This implementation contains
  many enhancements that are useful for HTM experiments. These enhancements
  include an optimized C++ class for sparse vectors, support for continuous
  online learning, support for various distance methods (including Lp-norm and
  raw overlap), support for performing SVD on the input vectors (very useful for
  large vectors), support for a fixed-size KNN, and a mechanism to store custom
  ID's for each vector.

  :param k: (int) The number of nearest neighbors used in the classification
      of patterns. Must be odd.

  :param exact: (boolean) If true, patterns must match exactly when assigning
      class labels

  :param distanceNorm: (int) When distance method is "norm", this specifies
      the p value of the Lp-norm

  :param distanceMethod: (string) The method used to compute distance between
      input patterns and prototype patterns. The possible options are:

      - ``norm``: When distanceNorm is 2, this is the euclidean distance,
              When distanceNorm is 1, this is the manhattan distance
              In general: sum(abs(x-proto) ^ distanceNorm) ^ (1/distanceNorm)
              The distances are normalized such that farthest prototype from
              a given input is 1.0.
      - ``rawOverlap``: Only appropriate when inputs are binary. This computes:
              (width of the input) - (# bits of overlap between input
              and prototype).
      - ``pctOverlapOfInput``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# ON bits in input)
      - ``pctOverlapOfProto``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      (# ON bits in prototype)
      - ``pctOverlapOfLarger``: Only appropriate for binary inputs. This computes
              1.0 - (# bits overlap between input and prototype) /
                      max(# ON bits in input, # ON bits in prototype)

  :param distThreshold: (float) A threshold on the distance between learned
      patterns and a new pattern proposed to be learned. The distance must be
      greater than this threshold in order for the new pattern to be added to
      the classifier's memory.

  :param doBinarization: (boolean) If True, then scalar inputs will be

  :param binarizationThreshold: (float) If doBinarization is True, this
      specifies the threshold for the binarization of inputs

  :param useSparseMemory: (boolean) If True, classifier will use a sparse
      memory matrix

  :param sparseThreshold: (float) If useSparseMemory is True, input variables
      whose absolute values are less than this threshold will be stored as

  :param relativeThreshold: (boolean) Flag specifying whether to multiply
      sparseThreshold by max value in input

  :param numWinners: (int) Number of elements of the input that are stored. If
      0, all elements are stored

  :param numSVDSamples: (int) Number of samples the must occur before a SVD
      (Singular Value Decomposition) transformation will be performed. If 0,
      the transformation will never be performed

  :param numSVDDims: (string) Controls dimensions kept after SVD
      transformation. If "adaptive", the number is chosen automatically

  :param fractionOfMax: (float) If numSVDDims is "adaptive", this controls the
      smallest singular value that is retained as a fraction of the largest
      singular value

  :param verbosity: (int) Console verbosity level where 0 is no output and
      larger integers provide increasing levels of verbosity

  :param maxStoredPatterns: (int) Limits the maximum number of the training
      patterns stored. When KNN learns in a fixed capacity mode, the unused
      patterns are deleted once the number of stored patterns is greater than
      maxStoredPatterns. A value of -1 is no limit

  :param replaceDuplicates: (bool) A boolean flag that determines whether,
      during learning, the classifier replaces duplicates that match exactly,
      even if distThreshold is 0. Should be True for online learning

  :param cellsPerCol: (int) If >= 1, input is assumed to be organized into
      columns, in the same manner as the temporal memory AND whenever a new
      prototype is stored, only the start cell (first cell) is stored in any
      bursting column

  :param minSparsity: (float) If useSparseMemory is set, only vectors with
      sparsity >= minSparsity will be stored during learning. A value of 0.0
      implies all vectors will be stored. A value of 0.1 implies only vectors
      with at least 10% sparsity will be stored


  def __init__(self, k=1,

    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION

    self.k = k
    self.exact = exact
    self.distanceNorm = distanceNorm
    assert (distanceMethod in ("norm", "rawOverlap", "pctOverlapOfLarger",
                               "pctOverlapOfProto", "pctOverlapOfInput"))
    self.distanceMethod = distanceMethod
    self.distThreshold = distThreshold
    self.doBinarization = doBinarization
    self.binarizationThreshold = binarizationThreshold
    self.useSparseMemory = useSparseMemory
    self.sparseThreshold = sparseThreshold
    self.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold
    self.numWinners = numWinners
    self.numSVDSamples = numSVDSamples
    self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims
    self.fractionOfMax = fractionOfMax
    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      self._adaptiveSVDDims = False
    self.verbosity = verbosity
    self.replaceDuplicates = replaceDuplicates
    self.cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol
    self.maxStoredPatterns = maxStoredPatterns
    self.minSparsity = minSparsity

  def clear(self):
    """Clears the state of the KNNClassifier."""
    self._Memory = None
    self._numPatterns = 0
    self._M = None
    self._categoryList = []
    self._partitionIdList = []
    self._partitionIdMap = {}
    self._finishedLearning = False
    self._iterationIdx = -1

    # Fixed capacity KNN
    if self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
      assert self.useSparseMemory, ("Fixed capacity KNN is implemented only "
                                    "in the sparse memory mode")
      self.fixedCapacity = True
      self._categoryRecencyList = []
      self.fixedCapacity = False

    # Cached value of the store prototype sizes
    self._protoSizes = None

    # Used by PCA
    self._s = None
    self._vt = None
    self._nc = None
    self._mean = None

    # Used by Network Builder
    self._specificIndexTraining = False
    self._nextTrainingIndices = None

  def _doubleMemoryNumRows(self):

    m = 2 * self._Memory.shape[0]
    n = self._Memory.shape[1]
    self._Memory = numpy.resize(self._Memory,(m,n))
    self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

  def _sparsifyVector(self, inputPattern, doWinners=False):

    # Do sparsification, using a relative or absolute threshold
    if not self.relativeThreshold:
      inputPattern = inputPattern*(abs(inputPattern) > self.sparseThreshold)
    elif self.sparseThreshold > 0:
      inputPattern = inputPattern * \
        (abs(inputPattern) > (self.sparseThreshold * abs(inputPattern).max()))

    # Do winner-take-all
    if doWinners:
      if (self.numWinners>0) and (self.numWinners < (inputPattern > 0).sum()):
        sparseInput = numpy.zeros(inputPattern.shape)
        # Don't consider strongly negative numbers as winners.
        sorted = inputPattern.argsort()[0:self.numWinners]
        sparseInput[sorted] += inputPattern[sorted]
        inputPattern = sparseInput

    # Do binarization
    if self.doBinarization:
      # Don't binarize negative numbers to positive 1.
      inputPattern = (inputPattern > self.binarizationThreshold).astype(float)

    return inputPattern

  def prototypeSetCategory(self, idToCategorize, newCategory):
    Allows ids to be assigned a category and subsequently enables users to use:

      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.removeCategory`
      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.closestTrainingPattern`
      - :meth:`~.KNNClassifier.KNNClassifier.closestOtherTrainingPattern`
    if idToCategorize not in self._categoryRecencyList:

    recordIndex = self._categoryRecencyList.index(idToCategorize)
    self._categoryList[recordIndex] = newCategory

  def removeIds(self, idsToRemove):
    There are two caveats. First, this is a potentially slow operation. Second,
    pattern indices will shift if patterns before them are removed.

    :param idsToRemove: A list of row indices to remove.
    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, rowID in enumerate(self._categoryRecencyList) \
                    if rowID in idsToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

  def removeCategory(self, categoryToRemove):
    There are two caveats. First, this is a potentially slow operation. Second,
    pattern indices will shift if patterns before them are removed.

    :param categoryToRemove: Category label to remove
    removedRows = 0
    if self._Memory is None:
      return removedRows

    # The internal category indices are stored in float
    # format, so we should compare with a float
    catToRemove = float(categoryToRemove)

    # Form a list of all categories to remove
    rowsToRemove = [k for k, catID in enumerate(self._categoryList) \
                    if catID == catToRemove]

    # Remove rows from the classifier

    assert catToRemove not in self._categoryList

  def _removeRows(self, rowsToRemove):
    A list of row indices to remove. There are two caveats. First, this is
    a potentially slow operation. Second, pattern indices will shift if
    patterns before them are removed.
    # Form a numpy array of row indices to be removed
    removalArray = numpy.array(rowsToRemove)

    # Remove categories
    self._categoryList = numpy.delete(numpy.array(self._categoryList),

    if self.fixedCapacity:
      self._categoryRecencyList = numpy.delete(
        numpy.array(self._categoryRecencyList), removalArray).tolist()

    # Remove the partition ID, if any for these rows and rebuild the id map.
    for row in reversed(rowsToRemove):  # Go backwards
      # Remove these patterns from partitionList

    # Remove actual patterns
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      # Delete backwards
      for rowIndex in rowsToRemove[::-1]:
      self._M = numpy.delete(self._M, removalArray, 0)

    numRemoved = len(rowsToRemove)

    # Sanity checks
    numRowsExpected = self._numPatterns - numRemoved
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._Memory is not None:
        assert self._Memory.nRows() == numRowsExpected
      assert self._M.shape[0] == numRowsExpected
    assert len(self._categoryList) == numRowsExpected

    self._numPatterns -= numRemoved
    return numRemoved

  def doIteration(self):
    Utility method to increment the iteration index. Intended for models that
    don't learn each timestep.
    self._iterationIdx += 1

  def learn(self, inputPattern, inputCategory, partitionId=None, isSparse=0,
    Train the classifier to associate specified input pattern with a
    particular category.

    :param inputPattern: (list) The pattern to be assigned a category. If
        isSparse is 0, this should be a dense array (both ON and OFF bits
        present). Otherwise, if isSparse > 0, this should be a list of the
        indices of the non-zero bits in sorted order

    :param inputCategory: (int) The category to be associated to the training

    :param partitionId: (int) partitionID allows you to associate an id with each
        input vector. It can be used to associate input patterns stored in the
        classifier with an external id. This can be useful for debugging or
        visualizing. Another use case is to ignore vectors with a specific id
        during inference (see description of infer() for details). There can be
        at most one partitionId per stored pattern (i.e. if two patterns are
        within distThreshold, only the first partitionId will be stored). This
        is an optional parameter.

    :param isSparse: (int) 0 if the input pattern is a dense representation.
        When the input pattern is a list of non-zero indices, then isSparse
        is the number of total bits (n). E.g. for the dense array
        [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], isSparse should be `0`. For the equivalent sparse
        representation [1, 2, 5] (which specifies the indices of active bits),
        isSparse should be `6`, which is the total number of bits in the input

    :param rowID: (int) UNKNOWN

    :returns: The number of patterns currently stored in the classifier
    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s learn:" % g_debugPrefix
      print "  category:", int(inputCategory)
      print "  active inputs:", _labeledInput(inputPattern,

    if isSparse > 0:
      assert all(inputPattern[i] <= inputPattern[i+1]
                 for i in xrange(len(inputPattern)-1)), \
                     "Sparse inputPattern must be sorted."
      assert all(bit < isSparse for bit in inputPattern), \
        ("Sparse inputPattern must not index outside the dense "
         "representation's bounds.")

    if rowID is None:
      rowID = self._iterationIdx

    # Dense vectors
    if not self.useSparseMemory:

      # Not supported
      assert self.cellsPerCol == 0, "not implemented for dense vectors"

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense
      if isSparse > 0:
        denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
        denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
        inputPattern = denseInput

      if self._specificIndexTraining and not self._nextTrainingIndices:
        # Specific index mode without any index provided - skip training
        return self._numPatterns

      if self._Memory is None:
        # Initialize memory with 100 rows and numPatterns = 0
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)
        self._Memory = numpy.zeros((100,inputWidth))
        self._numPatterns = 0
        self._M = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]

      addRow = True

      if self._vt is not None:
        # Compute projection
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      if self.distThreshold > 0:
        # Check if input is too close to an existing input to be accepted
        dist = self._calcDistance(inputPattern)
        minDist = dist.min()
        addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)

      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if self._numPatterns == self._Memory.shape[0]:
          # Double the size of the memory

        if not self._specificIndexTraining:
          # Normal learning - append the new input vector
          self._Memory[self._numPatterns] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns += 1
          # Specific index training mode - insert vector in specified slot
          vectorIndex = self._nextTrainingIndices.pop(0)
          while vectorIndex >= self._Memory.shape[0]:
          self._Memory[vectorIndex] = inputPattern
          self._numPatterns = max(self._numPatterns, vectorIndex + 1)
          if vectorIndex >= len(self._categoryList):
            self._categoryList += [-1] * (vectorIndex -
                                          len(self._categoryList) + 1)
          self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = int(inputCategory)

        # Set _M to the "active" part of _Memory
        self._M = self._Memory[0:self._numPatterns]

        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)

    # Sparse vectors

      # If the input was given in sparse form, convert it to dense if necessary
      if isSparse > 0 and (self._vt is not None or self.distThreshold > 0 \
              or self.numSVDDims is not None or self.numSVDSamples is not None \
              or self.numWinners > 0):
          denseInput = numpy.zeros(isSparse)
          denseInput[inputPattern] = 1.0
          inputPattern = denseInput
          isSparse = 0

      # Get the input width
      if isSparse > 0:
        inputWidth = isSparse
        inputWidth = len(inputPattern)

      # Allocate storage if this is the first training vector
      if self._Memory is None:
        self._Memory = NearestNeighbor(0, inputWidth)

      # Support SVD if it is on
      if self._vt is not None:
        inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

      # Threshold the input, zeroing out entries that are too close to 0.
      #  This is only done if we are given a dense input.
      if isSparse == 0:
        thresholdedInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern, True)
      addRow = True

      # If given the layout of the cells, then turn on the logic that stores
      # only the start cell for bursting columns.
      if self.cellsPerCol >= 1:
        burstingCols = thresholdedInput.reshape(-1,
        for col in burstingCols:
          thresholdedInput[(col * self.cellsPerCol) + 1 :
                           (col * self.cellsPerCol) + self.cellsPerCol] = 0

      # Don't learn entries that are too close to existing entries.
      if self._Memory.nRows() > 0:
        dist = None
        # if this vector is a perfect match for one we already learned, then
        #  replace the category - it may have changed with online learning on.
        if self.replaceDuplicates:
          dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput, distanceNorm=1)
          if dist.min() == 0:
            rowIdx = dist.argmin()
            self._categoryList[rowIdx] = int(inputCategory)
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID
            addRow = False

        # Don't add this vector if it matches closely with another we already
        #  added
        if self.distThreshold > 0:
          if dist is None or self.distanceNorm != 1:
            dist = self._calcDistance(thresholdedInput)
          minDist = dist.min()
          addRow = (minDist >= self.distThreshold)
          if not addRow:
            if self.fixedCapacity:
              rowIdx = dist.argmin()
              self._categoryRecencyList[rowIdx] = rowID

      # If sparsity is too low, we do not want to add this vector
      if addRow and self.minSparsity > 0.0:
        if isSparse==0:
          sparsity = ( float(len(thresholdedInput.nonzero()[0])) /
                       len(thresholdedInput) )
          sparsity = float(len(inputPattern)) / isSparse
        if sparsity < self.minSparsity:
          addRow = False

      # Add the new sparse vector to our storage
      if addRow:
        self._protoSizes = None     # need to re-compute
        if isSparse == 0:
          self._Memory.addRowNZ(inputPattern, [1]*len(inputPattern))
        self._numPatterns += 1
        self._addPartitionId(self._numPatterns-1, partitionId)
        if self.fixedCapacity:
          if self._numPatterns > self.maxStoredPatterns and \
            self.maxStoredPatterns > 0:
            leastRecentlyUsedPattern = numpy.argmin(self._categoryRecencyList)
            self._numPatterns -= 1

    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self.numSVDSamples is not None \
          and self._numPatterns == self.numSVDSamples:

    return self._numPatterns

  def getOverlaps(self, inputPattern):
    Return the degree of overlap between an input pattern and each category
    stored in the classifier. The overlap is computed by computing:

    .. code-block:: python

      logical_and(inputPattern != 0, trainingPattern != 0).sum()

    :param inputPattern: pattern to check overlap of

    :returns: (overlaps, categories) Two numpy arrays of the same length, where:
                * overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
                * categories: category index for each element of overlaps
    assert self.useSparseMemory, "Not implemented yet for dense storage"

    overlaps = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
    return (overlaps, self._categoryList)

  def getDistances(self, inputPattern):
    """Return the distances between the input pattern and all other
    stored patterns.

    :param inputPattern: pattern to check distance with

    :returns: (distances, categories) numpy arrays of the same length.
        - overlaps: an integer overlap amount for each category
        - categories: category index for each element of distances
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    return (dist, self._categoryList)

  def infer(self, inputPattern, computeScores=True, overCategories=True,
    """Finds the category that best matches the input pattern. Returns the
    winning category index as well as a distribution over all categories.

    :param inputPattern: (list or array) The pattern to be classified. This
        must be a dense representation of the array (e.g. [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]).

    :param computeScores: NO EFFECT

    :param overCategories: NO EFFECT

    :param partitionId: (int) If provided, all training vectors with partitionId
        equal to that of the input pattern are ignored.
        For example, this may be used to perform k-fold cross validation
        without repopulating the classifier. First partition all the data into
        k equal partitions numbered 0, 1, 2, ... and then call learn() for each
        vector passing in its partitionId. Then, during inference, by passing
        in the partition ID in the call to infer(), all other vectors with the
        same partitionId are ignored simulating the effect of repopulating the
        classifier while ommitting the training vectors in the same partition.

    :returns: 4-tuple with these keys:

      - ``winner``: The category with the greatest number of nearest neighbors
          within the kth nearest neighbors. If the inferenceResult contains no
          neighbors, the value of winner is None. This can happen, for example,
          in cases of exact matching, if there are no stored vectors, or if
          minSparsity is not met.
      - ``inferenceResult``: A list of length numCategories, each entry contains
          the number of neighbors within the top k neighbors that are in that
      - ``dist``: A list of length numPrototypes. Each entry is the distance
          from the unknown to that prototype. All distances are between 0.0 and
      - ``categoryDist``: A list of length numCategories. Each entry is the
                        distance from the unknown to the nearest prototype of
                        that category. All distances are between 0 and 1.0.

    # Calculate sparsity. If sparsity is too low, we do not want to run
    # inference with this vector
    sparsity = 0.0
    if self.minSparsity > 0.0:
      sparsity = ( float(len(inputPattern.nonzero()[0])) /
                   len(inputPattern) )

    if len(self._categoryList) == 0 or sparsity < self.minSparsity:
      # No categories learned yet; i.e. first inference w/ online learning or
      # insufficient sparsity
      winner = None
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(1)
      dist = numpy.ones(1)
      categoryDist = numpy.ones(1)

      maxCategoryIdx = max(self._categoryList)
      inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(maxCategoryIdx+1)
      dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern, partitionId=partitionId)
      validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)

      # Loop through the indices of the nearest neighbors.
      if self.exact:
        # Is there an exact match in the distances?
        exactMatches = numpy.where(dist<0.00001)[0]
        if len(exactMatches) > 0:
          for i in exactMatches[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
            inferenceResult[self._categoryList[i]] += 1.0
        sorted = dist.argsort()
        for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
          inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

      # Prepare inference results.
      if inferenceResult.any():
        winner = inferenceResult.argmax()
        inferenceResult /= inferenceResult.sum()
        winner = None
      categoryDist = min_score_per_category(maxCategoryIdx,
                                            self._categoryList, dist)
      categoryDist.clip(0, 1.0, categoryDist)

    if self.verbosity >= 1:
      print "%s infer:" % (g_debugPrefix)
      print "  active inputs:",  _labeledInput(inputPattern,
      print "  winner category:", winner
      print "  pct neighbors of each category:", inferenceResult
      print "  dist of each prototype:", dist
      print "  dist of each category:", categoryDist

    result = (winner, inferenceResult, dist, categoryDist)
    return result

  def getClosest(self, inputPattern, topKCategories=3):
    """Returns the index of the pattern that is closest to inputPattern,
    the distances of all patterns to inputPattern, and the indices of the k
    closest categories.
    inferenceResult = numpy.zeros(max(self._categoryList)+1)
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)

    sorted = dist.argsort()

    validVectorCount = len(self._categoryList) - self._categoryList.count(-1)
    for j in sorted[:min(self.k, validVectorCount)]:
      inferenceResult[self._categoryList[j]] += 1.0

    winner = inferenceResult.argmax()

    topNCats = []
    for i in range(topKCategories):
      topNCats.append((self._categoryList[sorted[i]], dist[sorted[i]] ))

    return winner, dist, topNCats

  def closestTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Returns the closest training pattern to inputPattern that belongs to
    category "cat".

    :param inputPattern: The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    :param cat: The required category of closest neighbor

    :returns: A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no
        such patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()

    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern belongs to desired category, return it
      if patternCat == cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def closestOtherTrainingPattern(self, inputPattern, cat):
    """Return the closest training pattern that is *not* of the given
    category "cat".

    :param inputPattern: The pattern whose closest neighbor is sought

    :param cat: Training patterns of this category will be ignored no matter
        their distance to inputPattern

    :returns: A dense version of the closest training pattern, or None if no
        such patterns exist
    dist = self._getDistances(inputPattern)
    sorted = dist.argsort()
    for patIdx in sorted:
      patternCat = self._categoryList[patIdx]

      # If closest pattern does not belong to specified category, return it
      if patternCat != cat:
        if self.useSparseMemory:
          closestPattern = self._Memory.getRow(int(patIdx))
          closestPattern = self._M[patIdx]

        return closestPattern

    # No patterns were found!
    return None

  def getPattern(self, idx, sparseBinaryForm=False, cat=None):
    """Gets a training pattern either by index or category number.

    :param idx: Index of the training pattern

    :param sparseBinaryForm: If true, returns a list of the indices of the
        non-zero bits in the training pattern

    :param cat: If not None, get the first pattern belonging to category cat. If
        this is specified, idx must be None.

    :returns: The training pattern with specified index
    if cat is not None:
      assert idx is None
      idx = self._categoryList.index(cat)

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      pattern = self._Memory[idx]
      if sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = pattern.nonzero()[0]

      (nz, values) = self._Memory.rowNonZeros(idx)
      if not sparseBinaryForm:
        pattern = numpy.zeros(self._Memory.nCols())
        numpy.put(pattern, nz, 1)
        pattern = nz

    return pattern

  def getPartitionId(self, i):
    Gets the partition id given an index.

    :param i: index of partition
    :returns: the partition id associated with pattern i. Returns None if no id
        is associated with it.
    if (i < 0) or (i >= self._numPatterns):
      raise RuntimeError("index out of bounds")
    partitionId = self._partitionIdList[i]
    if partitionId == numpy.inf:
      return None
      return partitionId

  def getPartitionIdList(self):
    :returns: a list of complete partition id objects
    return self._partitionIdList

  def getNumPartitionIds(self):
    :returns: the number of unique partition Ids stored.
    return len(self._partitionIdMap)

  def getPartitionIdKeys(self):
    :returns: a list containing unique (non-None) partition Ids (just the keys)
    return self._partitionIdMap.keys()

  def getPatternIndicesWithPartitionId(self, partitionId):
    :returns: a list of pattern indices corresponding to this partitionId.
        Return an empty list if there are none.
    return self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])

  def _addPartitionId(self, index, partitionId=None):
    Adds partition id for pattern index
    if partitionId is None:
      indices = self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])
      self._partitionIdMap[partitionId] = indices

  def _rebuildPartitionIdMap(self, partitionIdList):
    Rebuilds the partition Id map using the given partitionIdList
    self._partitionIdMap = {}
    for row, partitionId in enumerate(partitionIdList):
      indices = self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])
      self._partitionIdMap[partitionId] = indices

  def _calcDistance(self, inputPattern, distanceNorm=None):
    """Calculate the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns. All
    distances are between 0.0 and 1.0

    :param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are calculated

    :param distanceNorm Degree of the distance norm
    if distanceNorm is None:
      distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm

    # Sparse memory
    if self.useSparseMemory:
      if self._protoSizes is None:
        self._protoSizes = self._Memory.rowSums()
      overlapsWithProtos = self._Memory.rightVecSumAtNZ(inputPattern)
      inputPatternSum = inputPattern.sum()

      if self.distanceMethod == "rawOverlap":
        dist = inputPattern.sum() - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfInput":
        dist = inputPatternSum - overlapsWithProtos
        if inputPatternSum > 0:
          dist /= inputPatternSum
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfProto":
        overlapsWithProtos /= self._protoSizes
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "pctOverlapOfLarger":
        maxVal = numpy.maximum(self._protoSizes, inputPatternSum)
        if maxVal.all() > 0:
          overlapsWithProtos /= maxVal
        dist = 1.0 - overlapsWithProtos
      elif self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = self._Memory.vecLpDist(self.distanceNorm, inputPattern)
        distMax = dist.max()
        if distMax > 0:
          dist /= distMax
        raise RuntimeError("Unimplemented distance method %s" %

    # Dense memory
      if self.distanceMethod == "norm":
        dist = numpy.power(numpy.abs(self._M - inputPattern), self.distanceNorm)
        dist = dist.sum(1)
        dist = numpy.power(dist, 1.0/self.distanceNorm)
        dist /= dist.max()
        raise RuntimeError ("Not implemented yet for dense storage....")

    return dist

  def _getDistances(self, inputPattern, partitionId=None):
    """Return the distances from inputPattern to all stored patterns.

    :param inputPattern The pattern from which distances to all other patterns
        are returned

    :param partitionId If provided, ignore all training vectors with this
    if not self._finishedLearning:
      self._finishedLearning = True

    if self._vt is not None and len(self._vt) > 0:
      inputPattern = numpy.dot(self._vt, inputPattern - self._mean)

    sparseInput = self._sparsifyVector(inputPattern)

    # Compute distances
    dist = self._calcDistance(sparseInput)
    # Invalidate results where category is -1
    if self._specificIndexTraining:
      dist[numpy.array(self._categoryList) == -1] = numpy.inf

    # Ignore vectors with this partition id by setting their distances to inf
    if partitionId is not None:
      dist[self._partitionIdMap.get(partitionId, [])] = numpy.inf

    return dist

  def finishLearning(self):
    Used for batch scenarios.  This method needs to be called between learning
    and inference.
    if self.numSVDDims is not None and self._vt is None:

  def computeSVD(self, numSVDSamples=None, finalize=True):
    Compute the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD is a factorization
    of a real or complex matrix. It factors the matrix `a` as
    `u * np.diag(s) * v`, where `u` and `v` are unitary and `s` is a 1-d array
    of `a`'s singular values.

    **Reason for computing the SVD:**
    There are cases where you want to feed a lot of vectors to the
    KNNClassifier. However, this can be slow. You can speed up training by (1)
    computing the SVD of the input patterns which will give you the
    eigenvectors, (2) only keeping a fraction of the eigenvectors, and (3)
    projecting the input patterns onto the remaining eigenvectors.

    Note that all input patterns are projected onto the eigenvectors in the same
    fashion. Keeping only the highest eigenvectors increases training
    performance since it reduces the dimensionality of the input.

    :param numSVDSamples: (int) the number of samples to use for the SVD

    :param finalize: (bool) whether to apply SVD to the input patterns.

    :returns: (array) The singular values for every matrix, sorted in
               descending order.
    if numSVDSamples is None:
      numSVDSamples = self._numPatterns

    if not self.useSparseMemory:
      self._a = self._Memory[:self._numPatterns]
      self._a = self._Memory.toDense()[:self._numPatterns]

    self._mean = numpy.mean(self._a, axis=0)
    self._a -= self._mean
    u,self._s,self._vt = numpy.linalg.svd(self._a[:numSVDSamples])

    if finalize:

    return self._s

  def getAdaptiveSVDDims(self, singularValues, fractionOfMax=0.001):
    Compute the number of eigenvectors (singularValues) to keep.

    :param singularValues:
    :param fractionOfMax:
    v = singularValues/singularValues[0]
    idx = numpy.where(v<fractionOfMax)[0]
    if len(idx):
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", idx[0], "out of ", len(v)
      return idx[0]
      print "Number of PCA dimensions chosen: ", len(v)-1, "out of ", len(v)
      return len(v)-1

  def _finalizeSVD(self, numSVDDims=None):
    Called by finalizeLearning(). This will project all the patterns onto the
    SVD eigenvectors.
    :param numSVDDims: (int) number of egeinvectors used for projection.
    if numSVDDims is not None:
      self.numSVDDims = numSVDDims

    if self.numSVDDims=="adaptive":
      if self.fractionOfMax is not None:
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s, self.fractionOfMax)
          self.numSVDDims = self.getAdaptiveSVDDims(self._s)

    if self._vt.shape[0] < self.numSVDDims:
      print "******************************************************************"
      print ("Warning: The requested number of PCA dimensions is more than "
             "the number of pattern dimensions.")
      print "Setting numSVDDims = ", self._vt.shape[0]
      print "******************************************************************"
      self.numSVDDims = self._vt.shape[0]

    self._vt = self._vt[:self.numSVDDims]

    # Added when svd is not able to decompose vectors - uses raw spare vectors
    if len(self._vt) == 0:

    self._Memory = numpy.zeros((self._numPatterns,self.numSVDDims))
    self._M = self._Memory
    self.useSparseMemory = False

    for i in range(self._numPatterns):
      self._Memory[i] = numpy.dot(self._vt, self._a[i])

    self._a = None

  def remapCategories(self, mapping):
    """Change the category indices.

    Used by the Network Builder to keep the category indices in sync with the
    ImageSensor categoryInfo when the user renames or removes categories.

    :param mapping: List of new category indices. For example, mapping=[2,0,1]
        would change all vectors of category 0 to be category 2, category 1 to
        0, and category 2 to 1
    categoryArray = numpy.array(self._categoryList)
    newCategoryArray = numpy.zeros(categoryArray.shape[0])
    for i in xrange(len(mapping)):
      newCategoryArray[categoryArray==i] = mapping[i]
    self._categoryList = list(newCategoryArray)

  def setCategoryOfVectors(self, vectorIndices, categoryIndices):
    """Change the category associated with this vector(s).

    Used by the Network Builder to move vectors between categories, to enable
    categories, and to invalidate vectors by setting the category to -1.

    :param vectorIndices: Single index or list of indices

    :param categoryIndices: Single index or list of indices. Can also be a
        single index when vectorIndices is a list, in which case the same
        category will be used for all vectors
    if not hasattr(vectorIndices, "__iter__"):
      vectorIndices = [vectorIndices]
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices]
    elif not hasattr(categoryIndices, "__iter__"):
      categoryIndices = [categoryIndices] * len(vectorIndices)

    for i in xrange(len(vectorIndices)):
      vectorIndex = vectorIndices[i]
      categoryIndex = categoryIndices[i]

      # Out-of-bounds is not an error, because the KNN may not have seen the
      # vector yet
      if vectorIndex < len(self._categoryList):
        self._categoryList[vectorIndex] = categoryIndex

  def getSchema():
    return KNNClassifierProto

  def read(cls, proto):
    if proto.version != KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid KNNClassifier Version")

    knn = object.__new__(cls)

    knn.version = proto.version
    knn.k = proto.k
    knn.exact = proto.exact
    knn.distanceNorm = proto.distanceNorm
    knn.distanceMethod = proto.distanceMethod
    knn.distThreshold = proto.distThreshold
    knn.doBinarization = proto.doBinarization
    knn.binarizationThreshold = proto.binarizationThreshold
    knn.useSparseMemory = proto.useSparseMemory
    knn.sparseThreshold = proto.sparseThreshold
    knn.relativeThreshold = proto.relativeThreshold
    knn.numWinners = proto.numWinners
    knn.numSVDSamples = proto.numSVDSamples
    knn.numSVDDims = proto.numSVDDims
    knn.fractionOfMax = proto.fractionOfMax
    knn.verbosity = proto.verbosity
    knn.maxStoredPatterns = proto.maxStoredPatterns
    knn.replaceDuplicates = proto.replaceDuplicates
    knn.cellsPerCol = proto.cellsPerCol
    knn.minSparsity = proto.minSparsity

    if knn.numSVDDims == "adaptive":
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = True
      knn._adaptiveSVDDims = False

    # Read private state
    if proto.memory is not None:
      which = proto.memory.which()
      if which == "ndarray":
        knn._Memory = numpy.array(proto.memory.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64)
      elif which == "nearestNeighbor":
        knn._Memory = NearestNeighbor()

    knn._numPatterns = proto.numPatterns

    if proto.m is not None:
      knn._M = numpy.array(proto.m, dtype=numpy.float64)

    if proto.categoryList is not None:
      knn._categoryList = list(proto.categoryList)

    if proto.partitionIdList is not None:
      knn._partitionIdList = list(proto.partitionIdList)

    knn._iterationIdx = proto.iterationIdx
    knn._finishedLearning = proto.finishedLearning

    if proto.s is not None:
      knn._s = numpy.array(proto.s, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.vt is not None:
      knn._vt = numpy.array(proto.vt, dtype=numpy.float32)

    if proto.mean is not None:
      knn._mean = numpy.array(proto.mean, dtype=numpy.float32)

    return knn

  def write(self, proto):

    proto.version = self.version
    proto.k = self.k
    proto.exact = bool(self.exact)
    proto.distanceNorm = self.distanceNorm
    proto.distanceMethod = self.distanceMethod
    proto.distThreshold = self.distThreshold
    proto.doBinarization = bool(self.doBinarization)
    proto.binarizationThreshold = self.binarizationThreshold
    proto.useSparseMemory = bool(self.useSparseMemory)
    proto.sparseThreshold = self.sparseThreshold
    proto.relativeThreshold = bool(self.relativeThreshold)
    proto.numWinners = self.numWinners
    proto.verbosity = self.verbosity
    proto.maxStoredPatterns = self.maxStoredPatterns
    proto.replaceDuplicates = bool(self.replaceDuplicates)
    proto.cellsPerCol = self.cellsPerCol
    proto.minSparsity = self.minSparsity

    # Write private state
    if self._Memory is not None:
      if isinstance(self._Memory, numpy.ndarray):
        proto.memory.ndarray = self._Memory.tolist()

    proto.numPatterns = self._numPatterns

    if self._M is not None:
      proto.m = self._M.tolist()

    if self._categoryList is not None:
      proto.categoryList = self._categoryList

    if self._partitionIdList is not None:
      proto.partitionIdList = self._partitionIdList

    proto.finishedLearning = bool(self._finishedLearning)
    proto.iterationIdx = self._iterationIdx

    if self._s is not None:
      proto.s = self._s.tolist()

    if self._vt is not None:
      proto.vt = self._vt.tolist()

    if self._mean is not None:
      proto.mean = self._mean.tolist()

  def __getstate__(self):
    """Return serializable state.

    This function will return a version of the __dict__.
    state = self.__dict__.copy()
    return state

  def __setstate__(self, state):
    """Set the state of this object from a serialized state."""
    if "version" not in state:
    elif state["version"] == 1:
    elif state["version"] == 2:
      raise RuntimeError("Invalid deserialization of invalid KNNClassifier"

    # Backward compatibility
    if "_partitionIdArray" in state:

    if "minSparsity" not in state:
      state["minSparsity"] = 0.0


    # Backward compatibility
    if "_partitionIdMap" not in state:

    # Set to new version
    self.version = KNNCLASSIFIER_VERSION