コード例 #1
ファイル: junction.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def trim(self, show=True):



        if not any(self.ICs):
            raise Exception

        for half, h, IC in zip((0, 1), self.wing.halves, self.ICs):
            if not self.half in (2, half):
            U, V = h.U
            if not self.tip:
                jnc1 = self.wing.junctions[1]
                if (not jnc1) or (jnc1 and not jnc1.ICs[half]):
                    P0 = IC.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    P1 = IC.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P2 = Point(U[-1], V[-1])
                    P3 = Point(U[ 0], V[-1])
                    C0 = IC
                    C1 = make_linear_curve(P1, P2)
                    C2 = make_linear_curve(P2, P3)
                    C3 = make_linear_curve(P3, P0)
                    IC1 = jnc1.ICs[half]
                    P0 = IC.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    P1 = IC.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P2 = IC1.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P3 = IC1.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    C0 = IC
                    C1 = make_linear_curve(P1, P2)
                    C2 = IC1.reverse()
                    C3 = make_linear_curve(P3, P0)
                jnc0 = self.wing.junctions[0]
                if (not jnc0) or (jnc0 and not jnc0.ICs[half]):
                    P0 = Point(U[ 0], V[0])
                    P1 = Point(U[-1], V[0])
                    P2 = IC.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P3 = IC.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    C0 = make_linear_curve(P0, P1)
                    C1 = make_linear_curve(P1, P2)
                    C2 = IC
                    C3 = make_linear_curve(P3, P0)
                    IC0 = jnc0.ICs[half]
                    P0 = IC0.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    P1 = IC0.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P2 = IC.cobj.cpts[-1]
                    P3 = IC.cobj.cpts[ 0]
                    C0 = IC0
                    C1 = make_linear_curve(P1, P2)
                    C2 = IC.reverse()
                    C3 = make_linear_curve(P3, P0)
            IC = make_composite_curve([C0, C1, C2, C3], remove=False)

        if show:
            return draw(self.S, self.wing)
コード例 #2
ファイル: fuselage.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def setup(self, nlcpt=50, cap=True, show=True):
        ''' Setup the NURBS representation of the initial bullet head
        cylinder.  Analogous to modelling clay, it is this NURBS Surface
        that will be successively shaped by molders.

        nlcpt = the number of longitudinal control points used to
                represent the cylinder with
        cap = whether or not to close the rear-end gap with a rounded
              Surface; for geometries destined for inviscid flow
              simulations this flag should be set to False
        show = whether or not to draw the newly setup cylinder

        fig = a Figure


        R, BL, NL = self.R, self.BL, self.NL

        O, X, Y = [0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]
        args = (O, X, Y, NL, R, 0, np.pi / 2.0)
        P0, P1 = Point(0, 0, -R), Point(BL, 0, -R)

        nose = make_ellipse(*args)
        body = make_linear_curve(P0, P1)
        for c in nose, body:

        n = make_composite_curve([nose, body])
        n = refit_curve(n, nlcpt, num=50000)
        n2, = n.cobj.n
        for i in xrange(n2 + 1):
            Pw = n.cobj.Pw[i]
            if Pw[0] > 0 or Pw[2] < -R:
                Pw[2] = -R

        if cap:
            P2 = Point(BL, 0, 0)
            rear = make_linear_curve(P1, P2)
            n = make_composite_curve([n, rear])

        n = make_revolved_surface_nrat(n, O, [1, 0, 0], 180)

        if not cap:
            n.cobj.Pw[:, -1, 1] = 0.0

        self.nurbs = n
        self.molders = []
        if show:
            return draw(self)
コード例 #3
ファイル: grid.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def read_grid(self, plot3d_file='grid.g', endian='big_endian', show=False):

        ''' Pre: None '''

        self.blk = []

            open_file(plot3d_file, endian)
            nblk = read_nblk()
            jkmmax = np.zeros((3, nblk), dtype='i', order='F')
            read_header(jkmmax, nblk)
            for ib in xrange(nblk):
                nxyz = np.append(jkmmax[:,ib], 3)
                xyz = np.zeros(nxyz, order='F')
                read_one_block(jkmmax[:,ib], 3, xyz)
                P0 = Point(*xyz[ 0, 0, 0])
                P1 = Point(*xyz[ 0, 0,-1])
                P2 = Point(*xyz[ 0,-1, 0])
                P3 = Point(*xyz[ 0,-1,-1])
                P4 = Point(*xyz[-1, 0, 0])
                P5 = Point(*xyz[-1, 0,-1])
                P6 = Point(*xyz[-1,-1, 0])
                P7 = Point(*xyz[-1,-1,-1])
                cvol = ControlVolume([[[P0, P1], [P2, P3]],
                                      [[P4, P5], [P6, P7]]])
                blk = Block(cvol, (1,1,1))
                blk.indx, blk.xyz = ib + 1, xyz
            nnode = sum([blk.xyz.size for blk in self.blk]) / 3
            print('{} has {} nonunique nodes.'.format(plot3d_file, nnode))

        if show:
            return draw(self)
コード例 #4
ファイル: fuselage.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
 def _setup_control_volume(self, R, zs):
     C = make_linear_curve(Point(), Point(z=R))
     C = C.elevate(2)
     args = C, (0, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), 180, 3, 1e-4
     S = make_revolved_surface_nrat(*args)
     Ps = [S.cobj.Pw[:, :, :-1][:, :, np.newaxis, :]]
     for z in zs[1:]:
         P = Ps[0].copy()
         P[..., 0] += z
     P = np.concatenate(Ps, axis=2)
     Pw = obj_mat_to_4D(P)
     Pw[0, ..., 1] = Pw[-1, ..., 1] = 0.0
     return ControlVolume(Pw=Pw)
コード例 #5
ファイル: airfoil.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def sharpen(self, l=0.05, show=True):
        ''' Sharpen the Airfoil's TE by (1) extending its extremities
        with curvature-continuous B-spline Curves and (2) finding where
        they intersect.  Upon success an intersection Point is created
        and set on the Airfoil.intersection attribute.  This Point will
        be automatically included when the Airfoil is refitted with any
        of the available fitting techniques, after which point the
        Airfoil should be sharp.  Should you later desire to discard the
        intersection Point, simply reset Airfoil.intersection equal to

        l = the length of the two extensions (for phase 1)
        show = whether or not to draw the new set of data Points

        fig = a Figure

        def dist(us):
                return distance(n0.eval_point(us[0]), n1.eval_point(us[1]))
            except KnotOutsideKnotVectorRange:
                return np.inf

        n = self.nurbs
        if not n:
            raise UnfitAirfoil()
        if self.issharp:
            raise AlreadySharpAirfoil()
        u = arc_length_to_param(n, l)
        n0, n1 = [n.extend(u, end=end) for end in (False, True)]
        U0, = n0.U
        U1, = n1.U
        bnds = [(U0[0], U0[-1]), (U1[0], U1[-1])]
        us = brute(dist, bnds, finish=None)
        u0, u1 = fmin(dist, us, xtol=0.0, ftol=0.0, disp=False)
        x0, x1 = (n0.eval_point(u0), n1.eval_point(u1))
        l2n = distance(x1, x0)
        if l2n > 1e-8:
            draw(n, n0, n1, stride=0.1)
            raise NoIntersectionFoundAirfoil(l2n)
        i = np.average([x0, x1], axis=0)
        if self.issymmetric:
            i[2] = 0.0
        i = Point(*i)
        print('geom.airfoil.Airfoil.sharpen :: '
              'intersection Point found ({})'.format(i.xyz))
        self.intersection = i
        if show:
            d = [n, n0, n1, i]
            d += self.data['lo'] + self.data['up']
            fig = draw(*d, stride=0.1)
            return fig
コード例 #6
ファイル: airfoil.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
 def read(si, npt):
     nr = 0
     while True:
         xz = fh.readline().strip()
         if not xz:
         nr += 1
         x, z = xz.split()
         x, z = float(x), float(z)
         pt = Point(x=x, z=z)
         if nr == npt:
コード例 #7
ファイル: filler.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def _split(self, Bk, Gk):
        ''' Split all boundary Curves at their parametric midpoint. '''

        for BG in zip(Bk, Gk):
            CD = make_curves_compatible1(BG)[3]
            C, D = CD

        self.CLRk, self.DLRk, Mk, self.DMk = split_nsided_region(
            self.Ck, self.Dk)

        CLRk0 = None if not len(self.Ck) == 2 else self.CLRk[0]
        C = find_central_point_nsided_region(Mk, self.DMk)
        CN = find_normal_vec_nsided_region(C, Mk, self.DMk, CLRk0)

        self.C = Point(*C)
        self.C.originate = self._originate

        self.CN = Point(*CN)
        self.CN.innerize = self._innerize

        self.Mk = [Point(*mk) for mk in Mk]
コード例 #8
ファイル: filler.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def __init__(self, Bk, Gk):
        ''' Form a Filler from a set of N boundary curves and associated
        cross-derivative fields.  These are usually picked interactively
        whilst in plot.mode.ExtractCrossBoundariesMode.

        There are many subtleties involved in designing a Filler.  Some
        of them are pointed out nurbs.surface.make_nsided_region and
        many more in the reference cited therein.  For best results,
        all the boundary Curves should be about the same arc length.

        Bk = the boundary Curves
        Gk = the cross-derivative Curves


        self.C = Point()
        self.CN = Point()

        self.Mk = []
        self.DMk = np.array([[]])

        self.Ck = []
        self.Dk = []

        self.CLRk = []
        self.DLRk = []

        self.CIk = []
        self.BLRk = []

        self.nurbs = []

        self.O = None  # originating and deoriginating

        self._split(Bk, Gk)
コード例 #9
ファイル: fuselage.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def _setup(self):
        def transform_ffd(R):
            O, D, S, Pw = R._O, R._D, R._S, R._Pw
            D_new = distance(O, R.xyz)
            sf = D_new / D
            if np.allclose(sf, 1.0):
            scale(Pw, sf, R.line[0], R.line[1])
            R._D = D_new
            if S and not np.allclose(S.xyz[2], R.xyz[2]):
                args = S.line[0], S.line[1], R.xyz, [0, 1, 0]
                xyz = intersect_3D_lines(*args)
                S._xyzw[1:3] = xyz[1:3]

        super(FairingMolder, self)._setup()
        Ps = []
        for i in xrange(self.cobj.n[0] + 1):
            Pw = self.cobj.Pw[i, :, 1]

            R = Pw[-1].copy()
            O = Pw[0, :3]
            L = Pw[-1, :3] - O
            scale(R, 1.3, O, L)  # knob
            R = Point(*R)

            R._O = O
            R._D = distance(O, R.xyz)
            R._S = None
            R._Pw = Pw
            R.line = O, L

            R.transform_ffd = transform_ffd
            R.ffd = self

        Ps[0]._S = Ps[1]
        Ps[1]._S = Ps[0]
        Ps[-2]._S = Ps[-1]
        Ps[-1]._S = Ps[-2]

        self.pilot_points = Ps
        self.glued = Ps + [self]
コード例 #10
ファイル: fuselage.py プロジェクト: sunstarchan/Genair
    def _setup(self):
        def transform_ffd0(O):
            R, D, Pw = O._R, O._D, O._Pw
            sf = O.xyz[1] / D
            if not np.allclose(sf, 1.0):
                scale(Pw, sf, L=[0, 1, 0])
            dz = O.xyz[2] - Pw[0, 0, 2]
            if not np.allclose(dz, 0.0):
                Om = [r._xyzw for r in R] + [Pw]
                for o in Om:
                    translate(o, [0, 0, dz])
            O._D = O.xyz[1]

        def transform_ffd1(R):
            O, D, Pw = R._O, R._D, R._Pw
            z0 = O.xyz[2]
            sf = (R.xyz[2] - z0) / D
            if not np.allclose(sf, 1.0):
                x = R.xyz[0]
                scale(Pw, sf, [x, 0, z0], [0, 0, 1])
            R._D = R.xyz[2] - z0

        super(FuselageMolder, self)._setup()
        n, dummy, l = self.cobj.n
        Ps = []
        for k in xrange(l + 1):
            Pw = self.cobj.Pw[:, :, k]

            O = Pw[n / 2, 0, :3]
            R = Pw[n / 2, -1].copy()
            R[2] = O[2]
            L = R[:3] - O
            scale(R, 1.3, O, L)  # knob
            R = Point(*R)
            R._D = R.xyz[1]
            R._Pw = Pw
            R.plane = O, [1, 0, 0]
            R.transform_ffd = transform_ffd0

            O = Pw[-1, 0, :3]
            R = Pw[-1, -1].copy()
            L = R[:3] - O
            scale(R, 1.3, O, L)  # knob
            R = Point(*R)
            R._D = R.xyz[2] - O[2]
            R._Pw = Pw[n / 2:]
            R.line = O, [0, 0, 1]
            R.transform_ffd = transform_ffd1

            O = Pw[0, 0, :3]
            R = Pw[0, -1].copy()
            L = R[:3] - O
            scale(R, 1.3, O, L)  # knob
            R = Point(*R)
            R._D = R.xyz[2] - O[2]
            R._Pw = Pw[:n / 2]
            R.line = O, [0, 0, 1]
            R.transform_ffd = transform_ffd1

            O, R0, R1 = Ps[-3:]
            O._R = (R0, R1)
            R0._O = O
            R1._O = O

        for p in Ps:
            p.ffd = self

        self.pilot_points = Ps
        self.glued = Ps + [self]