def _write_signal(self, signal, epoch, i): # for now, we assume that all signals should go in /acquisition # this could be modified using Neo annotations signal_name = or "signal{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, signal_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<MultiChannelTimeSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") conversion, base_unit = _decompose_unit(signal.dimensionality) attributes = {"conversion": conversion, "unit": base_unit, "resolution": float('nan')} if isinstance(signal, AnalogSignal): ts.set_dataset("starting_time", time_in_seconds(signal.t_start), attrs={"rate": float(signal.sampling_rate.rescale("Hz"))}) elif isinstance(signal, IrregularlySampledSignal): ts.set_dataset("timestamps", signal.times.rescale('second').magnitude) else: raise TypeError("signal has type {0}, should be AnalogSignal or IrregularlySampledSignal".format(signal.__class__.__name__)) ts.set_dataset("data", signal.magnitude, attrs=attributes) ts.set_dataset("num_samples", signal.shape[0]) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", signal.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(epoch, time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_stop), signal_name, ts)
def _write_event(self, event, nwb_epoch, i): event_name = or "event{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, event_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<AnnotationSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") ts.set_dataset("timestamps", event.times.rescale('second').magnitude) ts.set_dataset("data", event.labels) ts.set_dataset("num_samples", event.size) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", event.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(nwb_epoch, time_in_seconds(event.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(event.segment.t_stop), event_name, ts)
def _write_neo_epoch(self, neo_epoch, nwb_epoch, i): neo_epoch_name = or "intervalseries{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, neo_epoch_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<AnnotatedIntervalSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") ts.set_dataset("timestamps", neo_epoch.times.rescale('second').magnitude) ts.set_dataset("durations", neo_epoch.durations.rescale('second').magnitude) ts.set_dataset("data", neo_epoch.labels) #ts.set_dataset("num_samples", neo_epoch.size) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", neo_epoch.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(nwb_epoch, time_in_seconds(neo_epoch.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(neo_epoch.segment.t_stop), neo_epoch_name, ts)
def _write_signal(self, signal, epoch, i): # for now, we assume that all signals should go in /acquisition # this could be modified using Neo annotations signal_name = or "signal{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, signal_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<MultiChannelTimeSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") conversion, base_unit = _decompose_unit(signal.units) attributes = { "conversion": conversion, "unit": base_unit, "resolution": float('nan') } if isinstance(signal, AnalogSignal): sampling_rate = signal.sampling_rate.rescale("Hz") # The following line is a temporary hack. IOs should not modify the objects # being written, but NWB only allows Hz, and the common IO tests # require units to be the same on write and read. # the proper solution is probably to add an option to the common IO tests # to allow different units signal.sampling_rate = sampling_rate ts.set_dataset("starting_time", time_in_seconds(signal.t_start), attrs={"rate": float(sampling_rate)}) elif isinstance(signal, IrregularlySampledSignal): ts.set_dataset("timestamps", signal.times.rescale('second').magnitude) else: raise TypeError( "signal has type {0}, should be AnalogSignal or IrregularlySampledSignal" .format(signal.__class__.__name__)) ts.set_dataset( "data", signal.magnitude, dtype=np.float64, #signal.dtype, attrs=attributes) ts.set_dataset( "num_samples", signal.shape[0] ) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not #ts.set_dataset("num_channels", signal.shape[1]) ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", signal.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(epoch, time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_stop), signal_name, ts)
def _write_event(self, event, nwb_epoch, i): event_name = or "event{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, event_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<AnnotationSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") ts.set_dataset("timestamps", event.times.rescale('second').magnitude) ts.set_dataset("data", event.labels) ts.set_dataset( "num_samples", event.size ) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", event.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(nwb_epoch, time_in_seconds(event.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(event.segment.t_stop), event_name, ts)
def _write_signal(self, signal, epoch, i): # for now, we assume that all signals should go in /acquisition # this could be modified using Neo annotations signal_name = or "signal{0}".format(i) ts_name = "{0}_{1}".format(, signal_name) ts = self._file.make_group("<MultiChannelTimeSeries>", ts_name, path="/acquisition/timeseries") conversion, base_unit = _decompose_unit(signal.units) attributes = {"conversion": conversion, "unit": base_unit, "resolution": float('nan')} if isinstance(signal, AnalogSignal): sampling_rate = signal.sampling_rate.rescale("Hz") # The following line is a temporary hack. IOs should not modify the objects # being written, but NWB only allows Hz, and the common IO tests # require units to be the same on write and read. # the proper solution is probably to add an option to the common IO tests # to allow different units signal.sampling_rate = sampling_rate ts.set_dataset("starting_time", time_in_seconds(signal.t_start), attrs={"rate": float(sampling_rate)}) elif isinstance(signal, IrregularlySampledSignal): ts.set_dataset("timestamps", signal.times.rescale('second').magnitude) else: raise TypeError("signal has type {0}, should be AnalogSignal or IrregularlySampledSignal".format(signal.__class__.__name__)) ts.set_dataset("data", signal.magnitude, dtype=np.float64, #signal.dtype, attrs=attributes) ts.set_dataset("num_samples", signal.shape[0]) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not #ts.set_dataset("num_channels", signal.shape[1]) ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", signal.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(epoch, time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_stop), signal_name, ts)
def create_trials(orig_h5, nuo): trial_id = orig_h5["trialIds/trialIds"].value trial_t = orig_h5["trialStartTimes/trialStartTimes"].value good_trials = orig_h5["trialPropertiesHash/value/4/4"].value ignore_ivals_start = [time for (time, good_trial) in zip(trial_t, good_trials) if good_trial == 0] # trial stop isn't stored. assume that it's twice the duration of other # trials -- padding on the high side shouldn't matter ival = (trial_t[-1] - trial_t[0]) / (len(trial_t) - 1) trial_t = np.append(trial_t, trial_t[-1] + 2 * ival) ignore_ivals_stop = [time for (time, good_trial) in zip(trial_t[1:], good_trials) if good_trial == 0] ignore_intervals = [ignore_ivals_start, ignore_ivals_stop] # for i in range(10): # version for only five epoch's to reduce time for i in range(len(trial_id)): # use: in range(5): to reduce run time tid = trial_id[i] trial = "Trial_%d%d%d" % (int(tid / 100), int(tid / 10) % 10, tid % 10) # print trial # DEBUG start = trial_t[i] stop = trial_t[i + 1] epoch = ut.create_epoch(nuo, trial, start, stop) tags = [] if good_trials[i] == 1: tags.append("Good trial") else: tags.append("Non-performing") for j in range(len(epoch_tags[trial])): tags.append(epoch_tags[trial][j]) epoch.set_dataset("tags", tags) # keep with tradition and create a units field, even if it's empty if trial not in epoch_units: units = [] else: units = epoch_units[trial] epoch.set_custom_dataset("units", units) # raw data path raw_path = "descrHash/value/%d" % (trial_id[i]) # try: raw_file = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path])[0] if len(raw_file) == 1: raw_file = "na" else: raw_file = str(raw_file) # except KeyError: # raw_path = "descrHash/value/%d/" %(trial_id[i]) # try: # raw_file_1 = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path + "/1"])[0] # except IndexError: # raw_file_1 = '' # try: # raw_file_2 = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path + "/2"])[0] # except IndexError: # raw_file_2 = '' # raw_file = str(raw_file_1) + " and " + str(raw_file_2) # except IndexError: # raw_file = '' # epoch.set_dataset("description", "Raw Voltage trace data files used to acuqire spike times data: " + raw_file + "\n\ # ignore intervals: mark start and stop times of bad trials when mice are not performing") epoch.set_dataset("description", "Raw Voltage trace data files used to acuqire spike times data: " + raw_file) # epoch.set_ignore_intervals(ignore_intervals) # collect behavioral data ts = "/stimulus/presentation/auditory_cue" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "auditory_cue", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/pole_in" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_in", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/pole_out" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_out", ts) ts = "/acquisition/timeseries/lick_trace" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "lick_trace", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/aom_input_trace" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "aom_input_trace", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/simple_optogentic_stimuli" # ts = "/stimulus/presentation/laser_power" # DEBUG -- don't add this right now -- too many smaples make building file take too long # epoch.add_timeseries("laser_power", ts) ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "simple_optogentic_stimuli", ts)
else: raise TypeError("signal has type {0}, should be AnalogSignal or IrregularlySampledSignal".format(signal.__class__.__name__)) ts.set_dataset("data", signal.magnitude, <<<<<<< HEAD dtype=np.float64, #signal.dtype, attrs=attributes) ts.set_dataset("num_samples", signal.shape[0]) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not #ts.set_dataset("num_channels", signal.shape[1]) ======= attrs=attributes) ts.set_dataset("num_samples", signal.shape[0]) # this is supposed to be created automatically, but is not >>>>>>> 131f06f... rebase onto master ts.set_attr("source", or "unknown") ts.set_attr("description", signal.description or "") nwb_utils.add_epoch_ts(epoch, time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_start), time_in_seconds(signal.segment.t_stop), signal_name, ts) <<<<<<< HEAD def _write_spiketrains(self, spiketrains, segment): mod = self._file.make_group("<Module>", "Units", abort=False) #mod.set_custom_dataset('description', 'Spike times and waveforms') # create interfaces #spk_waves_iface = mod.make_group("EventWaveform") #spk_waves_iface.set_attr("source", "Data as reported in Nuo's file") spiketrain_group = mod.make_group("UnitTimes", abort=False) spiketrain_group.set_attr("source", "block {0}".format( fmt = 'unit_{{0:0{0}d}}_{1}'.format(len(str(len(spiketrains))),
data = np.linspace(1., 100.0, 6*4*1000).reshape(24,1000) times = np.linspace(0.0, 60.*2., 1000) # create an instance of MyNewTimeseries. Name of group will be "my_new_timeseries # it will be stored in /acquisition/timeseries nts = f.make_group("<TrajectorySeries>", "hand_position", path="/acquisition/timeseries", attrs={"source": "source of data for my new timeseries"} ) nts.set_dataset("data", data, attrs={"conversion": 1.0, "resolution": 0.001, "unit": "meter and radian; see definition of dimension trajectories in format specification"}) nts.set_dataset("timestamps", times) # specify meaning of variables reference_frame = ("Meaning of measurement values in array data, (e.g. sensor s1, s2, s3, s4; " "x, y, z, pitch, roll, yaw) should be described here") nts.set_dataset("reference_frame", reference_frame) # Add in sample epochs to specify the trials trial_times = [ [0.5, 1.5], [2.5, 3.0], [3.5, 4.0]] for trial_num in range(len(trial_times)): trial_name = "Trial_%03i" % (trial_num+1) start_time, stop_time = trial_times[trial_num] ep = utils.create_epoch(f, trial_name, start_time, stop_time) utils.add_epoch_ts(ep, start_time, stop_time, "hand_position", nts) # All done. Close the file f.close()
def create_trials(orig_h5, nuo): trial_id = orig_h5["trialIds/trialIds"].value trial_t = orig_h5["trialStartTimes/trialStartTimes"].value good_trials = orig_h5['trialPropertiesHash/value/4/4'].value ignore_ivals_start = [time for (time, good_trial) in zip(trial_t,good_trials) if good_trial == 0] # trial stop isn't stored. assume that it's twice the duration of other # trials -- padding on the high side shouldn't matter ival = (trial_t[-1] - trial_t[0]) / (len(trial_t) - 1) trial_t = np.append(trial_t, trial_t[-1] + 2*ival) ignore_ivals_stop = [time for (time, good_trial) in zip(trial_t[1:],good_trials) if good_trial == 0] ignore_intervals = [ignore_ivals_start, ignore_ivals_stop] # for i in range(10): # version for only five epoch's to reduce time for i in range(len(trial_id)): # use: in range(5): to reduce run time tid = trial_id[i] trial = "Trial_%d%d%d" % (int(tid/100), int(tid/10)%10, tid%10) # print trial # DEBUG start = trial_t[i] stop = trial_t[i+1] epoch = ut.create_epoch(nuo, trial, start, stop) tags = [] if good_trials[i] == 1: tags.append("Good trial") else: tags.append("Non-performing") for j in range(len(epoch_tags[trial])): tags.append(epoch_tags[trial][j]) epoch.set_dataset("tags", tags) # keep with tradition and create a units field, even if it's empty if trial not in epoch_units: units = [] else: units = epoch_units[trial] epoch.set_custom_dataset("units", units) # raw data path raw_path = "descrHash/value/%d" % (trial_id[i]) # try: raw_file = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path])[0] if len(raw_file) == 1: raw_file = 'na' else: raw_file = str(raw_file) # except KeyError: # raw_path = "descrHash/value/%d/" %(trial_id[i]) # try: # raw_file_1 = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path + "/1"])[0] # except IndexError: # raw_file_1 = '' # try: # raw_file_2 = parse_h5_obj(orig_h5[raw_path + "/2"])[0] # except IndexError: # raw_file_2 = '' # raw_file = str(raw_file_1) + " and " + str(raw_file_2) # except IndexError: # raw_file = '' # epoch.set_dataset("description", "Raw Voltage trace data files used to acuqire spike times data: " + raw_file + "\n\ # ignore intervals: mark start and stop times of bad trials when mice are not performing") epoch.set_dataset("description", "Raw Voltage trace data files used to acuqire spike times data: " + raw_file) #epoch.set_ignore_intervals(ignore_intervals) # collect behavioral data ts = "/stimulus/presentation/auditory_cue" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "auditory_cue", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/pole_in" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_in", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/pole_out" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_out", ts) ts = "/acquisition/timeseries/lick_trace" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop,"lick_trace", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/aom_input_trace" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop,"aom_input_trace", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/simple_optogentic_stimuli" #ts = "/stimulus/presentation/laser_power" # DEBUG -- don't add this right now -- too many smaples make building file take too long #epoch.add_timeseries("laser_power", ts) ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "simple_optogentic_stimuli", ts)
file_name, dataset_name = fetch_stimulus_link(seed, x, y, dx, dy) file_name_base = file_name[len(OUTPUT_DIR):] # strip OUTPUT_DIR from front of name #- img.set_data_as_remote_link(file_name, dataset_name) link_str = "extlink:%s,%s" % (file_name_base, dataset_name) img.set_dataset("data", link_str) # special string, causes creation of external link img.set_dataset("bits_per_pixel", 8) img.set_dataset("format", "raw") img.set_dataset("dimension", [x/dx, y/dy]) img.set_attr("description", "type = " + str(type_s) + "; seed = " + str(seed)) img.set_attr("comments", "Based on ran1.bin. Pixel values are 255 for light, 0 for dark") # create epoch stim_end = timestamps[-1] + 1 epoch = ut.create_epoch(bfile, "stim_%d"%(i+1), stim_offset[i], stim_end) stim_start = stim_offset[i] ts_path = "/stimulus/presentation/" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, stim_start, stim_end, "stimulus", ts_path) # create module 'Cells' for the spikes mod_name = "Cells" mod = bfile.make_group("<Module>", mod_name) mod.set_attr("description", "Spike times for the individual cells and stimuli") mod.set_attr("source", "Data as reported in the original file") # create interfaces spk_times_iface = mod.make_group("UnitTimes") spk_times_iface.set_attr("source", "Data as reported in the original crcns file") # determine number of cells spikes_mat = mfile["spikes"] num_cells = spikes_mat.shape[0] num_stims = spikes_mat.shape[1] # unit_list = [] ## Added for specification language conversion method for i in range(num_cells):
def create_trials(orig_h5, simon): trial_id = orig_h5["trialIds/trialIds"].value trial_t = orig_h5["trialStartTimes/trialStartTimes"].value * 0.001 # trial stop isn't stored. assume that it's twice the duration of other # trials -- padding on the high side shouldn't matter ival = (trial_t[-1] - trial_t[0]) / (len(trial_t) - 1) trial_t = np.append(trial_t, trial_t[-1] + 2*ival) for i in range(len(trial_id)): tid = trial_id[i] trial = "Trial_%d%d%d" % (int(tid/100), int(tid/10)%10, tid%10) start = trial_t[i] stop = trial_t[i+1] #- epoch = simon.create_epoch(trial, start, stop) epoch = simon.make_group("<epoch_X>", trial) epoch.set_dataset("start_time", start) epoch.set_dataset("stop_time", stop) # pole_pos_path = "trialPropertiesHash/value/3/3" # pole_pos = str(orig_h5[pole_pos_path].value[i]) # epoch.description = ("Stimulus position - in Zaber motor steps (approximately, 10,000 = 1 mm): " + pole_pos) if trial in epoch_roi_list: epoch.set_custom_dataset("ROIs", epoch_roi_list[trial]) epoch.set_custom_dataset("ROI_planes", epoch_roi_planes[trial]) tags = [] if trial in epoch_trial_types: for j in range(len(epoch_trial_types[trial])): #- epoch.add_tag(epoch_trial_types[trial][j]) tags.append(epoch_trial_types[trial][j]) epoch.set_dataset("tags", tags) epoch.set_dataset("description", "Data that belong to " + trial) ts = "/processing/Licks/BehavioralEvents/lick_left" #- epoch.add_timeseries("lick_left", ts) ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "lick_left", ts) ts = "/processing/Licks/BehavioralEvents/lick_right" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "lick_right", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/water_left" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "water_left", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/water_right" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "water_right", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/pole_accessible" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_accessible", ts) ts = "/processing/Whisker/BehavioralEpochs/pole_touch_protract" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_touch_protract", ts) ts = "/processing/Whisker/BehavioralEpochs/pole_touch_retract" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "pole_touch_retract", ts) ts = "/stimulus/presentation/auditory_cue" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "auditory_cue", ts) ts = "/processing/Whisker/BehavioralTimeSeries/whisker_angle" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "whisker_angle", ts) ts = "/processing/Whisker/BehavioralTimeSeries/whisker_curve" ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, start, stop, "whisker_curve", ts)
link_str) # special string, causes creation of external link img.set_dataset("bits_per_pixel", 8) img.set_dataset("format", "raw") img.set_dataset("dimension", [x / dx, y / dy]) img.set_attr("description", "type = " + str(type_s) + "; seed = " + str(seed)) img.set_attr( "comments", "Based on ran1.bin. Pixel values are 255 for light, 0 for dark") # create epoch stim_end = timestamps[-1] + 1 epoch = ut.create_epoch(bfile, "stim_%d" % (i + 1), stim_offset[i], stim_end) stim_start = stim_offset[i] ts_path = "/stimulus/presentation/" + ut.add_epoch_ts(epoch, stim_start, stim_end, "stimulus", ts_path) # create module 'Cells' for the spikes mod_name = "Cells" mod = bfile.make_group("<Module>", mod_name) mod.set_attr("description", "Spike times for the individual cells and stimuli") mod.set_attr("source", "Data as reported in the original file") # create interfaces spk_times_iface = mod.make_group("UnitTimes") spk_times_iface.set_attr("source", "Data as reported in the original crcns file") # determine number of cells spikes_mat = mfile["spikes"] num_cells = spikes_mat.shape[0] num_stims = spikes_mat.shape[1]