コード例 #1
def E_zpe():
    """ run hessian on equilibrium geometry
        get zero point energy.
       note: linear tri-atomics and larger
       give high ZPE values in NWChem @ HF/6-31G*

    global Ezpe
    global Ethermal
    global Hthermal
    global AtomsList

    # these identifiers replicate those used in NWChem freq calculations
    # AUKCAL  = 627.5093314  # WRONG!
    AUKCAL = kCalPerHartree
    c = 2.99792458e10
    h = 6.62606957e-27
    kgas = 1.3806488e-16  # cgs units
    Rgas = 1.9872041 / 1000.0 / AUKCAL  # atomic units

    temperature = 298.15

    if is_atom():
        Ezpe = 0.0
        Ethermal = 1.5 * Rgas * temperature  # 3/2 * RT
        Hthermal = Ethermal + (Rgas * temperature)
        return False

    # run hessian on equilibrium geometry
    # ignore ZPE, calculate it from vibrations list
        zpe, vibs, intens = nwchem.task_freq("dft")
    except NWChemError, message:
        report("NWChem error: %s\n" % message)
        report("FAILED: Zero Point Energy calculation")
        return True
コード例 #2
    def E_zpe(self):
        """Run hessian on equilibrium geometry, get zero point energy.
        Note: linear tri-atomics and larger give high ZPE values in
        NWChem @ HF/6-31G*


        AUKCAL  = 627.5093314
        c       = 2.99792458E+10
        h       = 6.62606957E-27
        kgas    = 1.3806488E-16     # cgs units
        Rgas    = 1.9872041/1000.0/AUKCAL     # atomic units

        temperature = 298.15

        if self.is_atom():
            self.Ezpe = 0.0
            self.Ethermal = 1.5 * Rgas * temperature # 3/2 * RT
            self.Hthermal = self.Ethermal + (Rgas * temperature)
            return False

        # run hessian on equilibrium geometry
        # ignore ZPE, calculate it from vibrations list
        zpe, vibs, intens = nwchem.task_freq("dft")

        # Handroll the ZPE because NWChem's zpe accumulates
        # truncation error from 3 sigfig physical constants.
        vibsum = 0.0
        for freq in vibs:
            if (freq > 0.1):
                vibsum += freq

        cm2Ha = 219474.6    # cm-1 to Hartree conversion
        self.Ezpe    = vibsum / (2.0 * cm2Ha)

        # shamelessly swipe code from NWCHEM/src/vib_wrtFreq.F
        eth = 0.0
        hth = 0.0
        xdum = 0.0

        for freq in vibs:
            if (freq > 0.1):
                thetav = freq * (h * c / kgas)    #freqency temperature in Kelvin from cm-1
                if (temperature > 0.0):
                    xdum   = math.exp(-thetav/temperature)
                    xdum = 0.0

                xdum = xdum / (1.0 - xdum)
                eth = eth + thetav * (0.5 + xdum)

        eth = eth * Rgas

        # linear boolean is available only after task_freq('scf') runs
        # NWChem only writes the flag if molecule is linear
            is_linear = nwchem.rtdb_get("vib:linear")
            is_linear = False

        if (is_linear):
            # translational(3/2RT) and rotation(2/2RT) thermal corrections
            eth = eth + 2.5 * Rgas * temperature
            # translational(3/2RT) and rotation(3/2RT) thermal corrections
            eth = eth + 3.0 * Rgas * temperature

        # Hthermal = eth+pV=eth+RT, since pV=RT
        hth = eth + Rgas * temperature
        self.debug("Handrolled E,H thermal= %.6f, %.6f\n" % (eth,hth))

        self.Ethermal = eth
        self.Hthermal = hth
コード例 #3
def HF_zpe():
    ''' run hessian on equilibrium geometry
        get zero point energy.
       note: linear tri-atomics and larger
       give high ZPE values in NWChem @ HF/6-31G*

    global Ezpe
    global Ethermal
    global Hthermal
    global AtomsList

    #AUKCAL = 627.5093314   # bogus
    AUKCAL = kCalPerHartree
    c = 2.99792458E+10
    h = 6.62606957E-27
    kgas = 1.3806488E-16     # cgs units
    Rgas = 1.9872041 / 1000.0 / AUKCAL     # atomic units

    temperature = T298


    if is_atom():
        Ezpe = 0.0
        Ethermal = 1.5 * Rgas * temperature
        Hthermal = Ethermal + (Rgas * temperature)
        # Ethermal = 0.001416      # 3/2 * RT
        # Hthermal = 0.002360      # Ethermal + kT
        return False

    # run hessian on equilibrium geometry
    # ignore ZPE, calculate it from vibrations list
    zpe, vibs, intens = nwchem.task_freq("scf")

    # Handroll the ZPE because NWChem's zpe accumulates
    # truncation error from 3 sigfig physical constants.

    vibsum = 0.0
    for freq in vibs:
        if (freq > 0.1):
            vibsum += freq

    cm2Ha = 219474.6    # cm-1 to Hartree conversion
    Ezpe = vibsum / (2.0 * cm2Ha)

    # get total thermal energy, enthalpy
    eth = nwchem.rtdb_get("vib:ethermal")
    hth = nwchem.rtdb_get("vib:hthermal")
    debug("NWChem zpe,E,H thermal= %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n" % (Ezpe,eth, hth))

    eth = 0.0
    hth = 0.0
    xdum = 0.0

    for freq in vibs:
        if (freq > 0.1):
            # freqency temperature in Kelvin from cm-1
            thetav = freq * (h * c / kgas)
            if (temperature > 0.0):
                xdum = math.exp(-thetav / temperature)
                xdum = 0.0

            xdum = xdum / (1.0 - xdum)
            eth = eth + thetav * (0.5 + xdum)

    # linear boolean is available only after task_freq('scf') runs
    # NWChem only writes the flag if molecule is linear

    eth = eth * Rgas

        is_linear = nwchem.rtdb_get("vib:linear")
        is_linear = False

    if (is_linear and QCISDT_flag):
        # translational(3/2RT) and rotation(2/2RT) thermal corrections
        eth = eth + 2.5 * Rgas * temperature
        # translational(3/2RT) and rotation(3/2RT) thermal corrections
        eth = eth + 3.0 * Rgas * temperature

    # Hthermal = eth+pV=eth+RT, since pV=RT
    hth = eth + Rgas * temperature
    debug("RgasT= %.9f, kT_298_perMol= %.9f\n" %
        (Rgas * temperature, kT_298_perMol))
    debug("Handrolled E,H thermal= %.6f, %.6f\n" % (eth, hth))

    Ethermal = eth
    Hthermal = hth

    return False