def solve(G, k, s, rowdy_groups, i): #TODO: Write this method as you like. We'd recommend changing the arguments here as well #precalculate rowdy groups #K = number of buses. #S = max bus size. #29's messed up if i == 29 or i == 1064: nodes = list(G.nodes()) step = len(nodes) // k return [nodes[j:j + step] for j in range(0, len(nodes), step)] seedr = random.randint(0, 100000) buses = [] options = nxmetis.MetisOptions(seed=seedr) vol, buses = nxmetis.partition(G, k, recursive=True, options=options) #adjust for < S if any([1 for bus in buses if len(bus) > s]): #readjust partition. print(s, k, [len(bus) for bus in buses]) #O(N) algorithm to by-hand pick off and rebalance picks = [] for j in range(len(buses)): if len(buses[j]) > s: picks.extend(buses[j][s:]) buses[j] = buses[j][:s] for j in range(len(buses)): if len(buses[j]) < s: space = s - len(buses[j]) buses[j].extend(picks[len(picks) - space:]) picks = picks[:len(picks) - space] print(s, k, [len(bus) for bus in buses]) return buses
def metis_partition(G): # For further details on metis-parameters, please refer to the manual settings = nxmetis.MetisOptions(ncuts=4, niter=200, ufactor=280) par = nxmetis.partition(G, 2, options=settings) the_edge_cut = par[0] community1 = par[1][0] community2 = par[1][1] comm = [community1, community2, the_edge_cut] return (comm)
def partition_here(graph): if nx.is_empty(graph): return 0, 0 Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_components(graph), key=len, reverse=True) G = graph.subgraph(Gcc[0]) settings = nxmetis.MetisOptions(ncuts=4, niter=200, ufactor=280) par = nxmetis.partition(G, 2, options=settings) community1 = par[1][0] community2 = par[1][1] rwc = np.mean(randomwalk_polarization(G, 100, 0.02, 1000, community1, community2)) prc = len(G)/len(graph) return rwc, prc
def partition_metis(g, fpga, pe, ufactor=1): logger.debug("Dividing into {} partitions, ufactor: {}".format( fpga, ufactor)) ug = g.to_undirected() for node in ug.nodes(): ug.nodes[node]['weight'] = objval, fpgaparts = nxmetis.partition(ug, fpga, options=nxmetis.MetisOptions( contig=False, ufactor=ufactor)) logger.debug( "Edges crossing: {} , expected from random partition: {}".format( objval, nx.number_of_edges(ug) * (fpga - 1) / fpga)) logger.debug("Improvement: {}x".format( (nx.number_of_edges(ug) * (fpga - 1) / fpga) / objval)) parts = [] for part in fpgaparts: parts.extend(_partition_greedy(g, pe, part)) return relabel_with_parts(g, parts)
action='store_true', help='Specfiy if you want to save figures') parser.add_argument("--nodes", default=30, type=int, help="Number of nodes in Erdos-Renyi Graph") parser.add_argument( "--p", default=0.4, type=float, help="Probability of edge being present in Erdos-Renyi Graph") args = parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": g = generate_er_graph(args.nodes, args.p) options = nxmetis.MetisOptions(dbglvl=nxmetis.enums.MetisDbgLvl.time, niter=1) _, parts = nxmetis.partition(G=g, nparts=2, options=options, recursive=False) recursive_fiedler_values = nx.algebraic_connectivity(g.subgraph(parts[0])), \ nx.algebraic_connectivity(g.subgraph(parts[1])) MAX_FIEDLER_VALUEX = -sys.maxsize MAX_FIEDLER_VALUEY = -sys.maxsize for i in range(100): swap_vertices, partition_vector = heurisitc_algorithm(g, parts) parts[0] = [vtx for vtx, i in enumerate(partition_vector) if i == 0] parts[1] = [vtx for vtx, i in enumerate(partition_vector) if i == 1] # print(initial_fiedler_values) # print(parts) (max_x, max_y) = maximum_fiedler_value_swaps(g, swap_vertices,
non_anchor_edge_included_vertex.add(h) non_anchor_edge_included_vertex.add(t) # constructing nx.Graph and using metis in order to get min-cut partition G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(non_anchor_edge_list) for node, degree in entity_degree.items(): if node in G: G.node[node]['node_weight'] = degree options = nxmetis.MetisOptions( # objtype=1 => vol ptype=-1, objtype=1, ctype=-1, iptype=-1, rtype=-1, ncuts=-1, nseps=-1, numbering=-1, niter=cur_iter, seed=-1, minconn=-1, no2hop=-1, contig=-1, compress=-1, ccorder=-1, pfactor=-1, ufactor=-1, dbglvl=-1) edgecuts, parts = nxmetis.partition(G, nparts=partition_num, node_weight='node_weight') # putting residue randomly into non anchor set residue = non_anchor_id.difference(non_anchor_edge_included_vertex) for v in residue: parts[randint(0, partition_num - 1)].append(v) # printing the number of entities in each paritions printt('[info] maxmin > # of entities in each partitions : [%s]' % " ".join([str(len(p)) for p in parts])) # 원소 여러 개를 한 번에 전송
def find_metis_parts(conn, cur, parts): """TODO""" # Open a cursor to perform database operations (factor_view, variable_view, weight_view) = get_views(cur) # Obtain graph (factor, factor_pt, factor_ufo, fmap, edges) = \ get_factors(cur, factor_view) hyperedges = [] for f in factor: newedge = [] for i in range(f['ftv_offset'], f['ftv_offset'] + f['arity']): newedge.append(fmap[i]['vid']) hyperedges.append(newedge) G = nx.Graph() for e in hyperedges: for i in range(len(e)): for j in range(i + 1, len(e)): newedge = (e[i], e[j]) G.add_edge(*e) # Run metis to obtain partitioning metis_options = \ nxmetis.MetisOptions(objtype=nxmetis.enums.MetisObjType.vol) (cost, partitions) = \ nxmetis.partition(G, parts, options=metis_options) print(80 * "*") print(cost) print(partitions) print(80 * "*") # Find nodes to master master_variables = set([]) # Get all edges cut_edges = set(G.edges()) for p in partitions: H = G.subgraph(p) cut_edges -= set(H.edges()) print(H.edges()) H.clear() for edge in cut_edges: n1, n2 = edge master_variables.add(n1) master_variables.add(n2) # Store parition in DB try: cur.execute("CREATE TABLE variable_to_cc(dd_id bigint, cc_id bigint);") except: conn.rollback() cur.execute("TRUNCATE variable_to_cc;") rows = [] # Output master variables for node in master_variables: rows.append([node, -1]) print(master_variables) # Output minion variables pid = 0 for p in partitions: only_master = True for node in p: if node not in master_variables: only_master = False rows.append([node, pid]) if not only_master: pid += 1 print(rows) dataText = ','.join(cur.mogrify('(%s,%s)', row) for row in rows) print(dataText) try: cur.execute("INSERT INTO variable_to_cc VALUES " + dataText) if pid > 1: cur.execute("CREATE INDEX dd_cc ON variable_to_cc (dd_id);") conn.commit() G.clear() return True except: conn.rollback() G.clear() return False
def split_graph(g_component, full_g, undirected_g, dict_edges, modified_dict_edges, loop_edges, edges_by_nodes, two_way_edges, last_idx, parts_info, is_repeat_graph=False, fake_edges=None, find_hanging_nodes=False, mapping_info=None, chrom=None, contig_edges=None): graphs = [] hanging_nodes = [] connected_nodes = [] num_enters = [] num_exits = [] complex_component = False if len(g_component) > MAX_NODES: complex_component = True target_graph_parts = int(math.ceil(len(g_component.nodes()) / MAX_SUB_NODES)) # use METIS library to partition a graph into smaller subgraphs options = nxmetis.MetisOptions(ncuts=5, niter=100, ufactor=2, objtype=1, contig=not mapping_info, minconn=True) edgecuts, parts = nxmetis.partition(g_component.to_undirected(), target_graph_parts, options=options) graph_partition_dict = dict() for part_id, nodes in enumerate(parts): for node in nodes: graph_partition_dict[node] = part_id num_graph_parts = len(parts) else: graph_partition_dict = dict((n, 0) for n in g_component.nodes()) parts = [[g_component.nodes()]] num_graph_parts = 1 for part_id in range(num_graph_parts): parts_info['part' + str(last_idx + part_id)] = \ {'n': len(parts[part_id]), 'big': False if num_graph_parts == 1 else True, 'idx': last_idx + part_id, 'in': set(), 'out': set()} edges_count = defaultdict(int) def is_flanking_edge(edge_id): # check if the edge belongs to a component or is adjacent if mapping_info: return chrom not in mapping_info[edge_id] if is_repeat_graph: return not dict_edges[edge_id].repetitive if contig_edges: return edge_id not in contig_edges return False if fake_edges: g_component.remove_edges_from(fake_edges) # iterate through subgraphs of the component for part_id in range(num_graph_parts): subgraph = [] subnodes = [] sub_hanging_nodes = [] sub_connected_nodes = [] main_edges = defaultdict(set) flanking_edges = defaultdict(set) total_exits = 0 total_enters = 0 for e in g_component.edges(): start, end = e[0], e[1] if part_id == graph_partition_dict[start] or part_id == graph_partition_dict[end]: # use edges that belongs to the current subgraph edges = edges_by_nodes[(start, end)] + two_way_edges[(start, end)] for edge_id in edges: if not is_flanking_edge(edge_id): main_edges[(start, end)].add(edge_id) flanking_edge_pairs = [(start, node) for node in undirected_g.neighbors(start)] + \ [(node, start) for node in undirected_g.neighbors(start)] + \ [(end, node) for node in undirected_g.neighbors(end)] + \ [(node, end) for node in undirected_g.neighbors(end)] for start, end in flanking_edge_pairs: for edge_id in edges_by_nodes[(start, end)] + two_way_edges[(start, end)]: if is_flanking_edge(edge_id): flanking_edges[(start, end)].add(edge_id) unique_nodes = set() for graph_edges, is_flanking in [(main_edges, False), (flanking_edges, True)]: for (start, end), edges in graph_edges.items(): if is_repeat_graph and is_flanking: # store nodes with unique edges for repeat-focused graph unique_nodes.add(start) unique_nodes.add(end) link_component = last_idx + part_id if start in graph_partition_dict and graph_partition_dict[start] != part_id: # add node representing a hidden part of the graph link_component = last_idx + graph_partition_dict[start] start = 'part' + str(link_component) elif end in graph_partition_dict and graph_partition_dict[end] != part_id: link_component = last_idx + graph_partition_dict[end] end = 'part' + str(link_component) if link_component != last_idx + part_id: # add edges to a hidden part of the graph for edge_id in edges: edge = dict_edges[edge_id] new_edge_id = if edges_count[]: new_edge_id = + '_' + str(edges_count[]) edges_count[] += 1 if start == 'part' + str(link_component): parts_info['part' + str(link_component)]['out'].add(new_edge_id) else: parts_info['part' + str(link_component)]['in'].add(new_edge_id) new_edge = edge.create_copy(start, end) modified_dict_edges[new_edge_id] = new_edge subgraph.append(new_edge_id) elif start != end or len(edges) < 2: for edge_id in edges: edge = dict_edges[edge_id] new_edge_id = if edges_count[]: # edges with the same id can belongs to several graph components new_edge_id = + '_' + str(edges_count[]) edges_count[] += 1 new_edge = edge.create_copy(start, end) modified_dict_edges[new_edge_id] = new_edge subgraph.append(new_edge_id) else: edge_id = 'loop%s' % start loop_edge = Edge(edge_id) loop_edge.start, loop_edge.end = start, end loop_edge.is_complex_loop = True subgraph.append(edge_id) for loop_edge_id in edges: edge = dict_edges[loop_edge_id] modified_dict_edges[loop_edge_id] = edge loop_edges[edge_id].add(loop_edge_id) graphs.append((len(subgraph) + 10000 * (num_graph_parts - part_id), subgraph)) # add unique subgraph id if find_hanging_nodes: # search for nodes with zero indegree or outdegree for n in g_component.nodes(): if graph_partition_dict[n] != part_id: continue in_multiplicity = 0 out_multiplicity = 0 for e in full_g.in_edges(n): edges = edges_by_nodes[(e[0], e[1])] + two_way_edges[(e[0], e[1])] for edge_id in edges: in_multiplicity += dict_edges[edge_id].multiplicity for e in full_g.out_edges(n): edges = edges_by_nodes[(e[0], e[1])] + two_way_edges[(e[0], e[1])] for edge_id in edges: out_multiplicity += dict_edges[edge_id].multiplicity if not full_g.in_degree(n) or not full_g.out_degree(n): sub_hanging_nodes.append(n) elif int(out_multiplicity - in_multiplicity) != 0: subnodes.append(n) hanging_nodes.append(sub_hanging_nodes) if is_repeat_graph: # search for nodes with zero indegree or outdegree for n in g_component.nodes(): if graph_partition_dict[n] != part_id: continue if not full_g.in_degree(n) or not full_g.out_degree(n): sub_hanging_nodes.append(n) for n in unique_nodes: if not full_g.in_degree(n) or not full_g.out_degree(n): sub_hanging_nodes.append(n) # add flanking unique edges and calculate number of entrances/exits to the repeat cluster for n in unique_nodes: enters = 0 exits = 0 other_edges = 0 for e in full_g.in_edges(n): start, end = e[0], e[1] edges = edges_by_nodes[(start, end)] + two_way_edges[(start, end)] for edge_id in edges: if start == end: continue if edge_id in subgraph and dict_edges[edge_id].repetitive: continue if edge_id in subgraph: if start != end: exits += 1 else: if start != end or n not in g_component.nodes(): other_edges += 1 for e in full_g.out_edges(n): start, end = e[0], e[1] edges = edges_by_nodes[(start, end)] + two_way_edges[(start, end)] for edge_id in edges: if start == end: continue if edge_id in subgraph and dict_edges[edge_id].repetitive: continue if edge_id in subgraph: if start != end: enters += 1 else: if start != end or n not in g_component.nodes(): other_edges += 1 if other_edges: sub_connected_nodes.append(n) total_exits += exits total_enters += enters connected_nodes.append(sub_connected_nodes) hanging_nodes.append(sub_hanging_nodes) num_enters.append(total_enters) num_exits.append(total_exits) last_idx += num_graph_parts viewer_data = ViewerData(graphs, hanging_nodes, connected_nodes, modified_dict_edges, parts_info, enters=num_enters, exits=num_exits) return viewer_data, last_idx, complex_component
import networkx as nx import metis import numpy as np import nxmetis from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from shapely.ops import cascaded_union from gistools.geometry import katana_centroid, polygon_collection_to_graph, explode from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer from geopandas import GeoDataFrame graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from([(n, n + 1) for n in range(50)]) for n in graph.nodes: graph.add_node(n, weight1=[n, n], weight2=len(graph.nodes) - n) nparts = 10 tpweights = [[1 / nparts, 1 / nparts] for _ in range(nparts)] _, partition = nxmetis.partition(graph, nparts, node_weight="weight1", tpwgts=tpweights, recursive=False, options=nxmetis.MetisOptions(iptype=3, rtype=1, contig=True, ncuts=10)) print(partition)