def run_snow_otf_nzcsm_main(hydro_years_to_take, run_id, met_inp, which_model, catchment, output_dem, mask_dem, mask_folder, dem_folder, output_folder, data_folder, orog_infile, precip_infile, air_temp_infile, solar_rad_infile, config): if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # open input met data files nc_file_orog = nc.Dataset(data_folder + '/' + orog_infile, 'r') nc_file_rain = nc.Dataset(data_folder + '/' + precip_infile, 'r') nc_file_temp = nc.Dataset(data_folder + '/' + air_temp_infile, 'r') nc_rain = nc_file_rain.variables['sum_total_precip'] nc_temp = nc_file_temp.variables['sfc_temp'] if which_model == 'dsc_snow': nc_file_srad = nc.Dataset(data_folder + '/' + solar_rad_infile, 'r') nc_srad = nc_file_srad.variables['sfc_dw_sw_flux'] vcsn_dt4 = nc.num2date(nc_file_srad.variables['time1'][:], nc_file_srad.variables['time1'].units,only_use_cftime_datetimes=False,only_use_python_datetimes=True) # load met grid (assume same for all input data) vcsn_elev = nc_file_orog.variables['orog_model'][:] vcsn_elev_interp = vcsn_elev.copy() vcsn_lats = nc_file_orog.variables['rlat'][:] vcsn_lons = nc_file_orog.variables['rlon'][:] rot_pole = nc_file_orog.variables['rotated_pole'] rot_pole_crs = ccrs.RotatedPole(rot_pole.grid_north_pole_longitude, rot_pole.grid_north_pole_latitude, rot_pole.north_pole_grid_longitude) vcsn_dt = nc.num2date(nc_file_rain.variables['time2'][:], nc_file_rain.variables['time2'].units,only_use_cftime_datetimes=False,only_use_python_datetimes=True) vcsn_dt2 = nc.num2date(nc_file_temp.variables['time0'][:], nc_file_temp.variables['time0'].units,only_use_cftime_datetimes=False,only_use_python_datetimes=True) # calculate model grid etc: # output DEM dem_file = dem_folder + '/' + output_dem + '.tif' if output_dem == 'si_dem_250m': nztm_dem, x_centres, y_centres, lat_array, lon_array = setup_nztm_dem(dem_file, extent_w=1.08e6, extent_e=1.72e6, extent_n=5.52e6, extent_s=4.82e6, resolution=250) elif output_dem == 'nz_dem_250m': nztm_dem, x_centres, y_centres, lat_array, lon_array = setup_nztm_dem(dem_file, extent_w=1.05e6, extent_e=2.10e6, extent_n=6.275e6, extent_s=4.70e6, resolution=250, origin='bottomleft') else: print('incorrect dem chosen') if mask_dem == True: # Get the masks for the individual regions of interest mask = np.load(mask_folder + '/{}_{}.npy'.format(catchment, output_dem)) # Trim down the number of latitudes requested so it all stays in memory wgs84_lats, wgs84_lons, elev, northings, eastings = trim_lat_lon_bounds(mask, lat_array, lon_array, nztm_dem, y_centres, x_centres) _, _, trimmed_mask, _, _ = trim_lat_lon_bounds(mask, lat_array, lon_array, mask.copy(), y_centres, x_centres) else: wgs84_lats = lat_array wgs84_lons = lon_array elev = nztm_dem northings = y_centres eastings = x_centres # set mask to all land points mask = elev > 0 trimmed_mask = mask # calculate lat/lon on rotated grid of input yy, xx = np.meshgrid(northings, eastings, indexing='ij') rotated_coords = rot_pole_crs.transform_points(ccrs.epsg(2193), xx, yy) rlats = rotated_coords[:, :, 1] rlons = rotated_coords[:, :, 0] rlons[rlons < 0] = rlons[rlons < 0] + 360 # set up time to run, paths to input files etc for year_to_take in hydro_years_to_take: print(year_to_take) # specify the days to run (output is at the end of each day) # out_dt = np.asarray(make_regular_timeseries(dt.datetime(year_to_take, 7, 1), dt.datetime(year_to_take, 7, 2), 86400)) out_dt = np.asarray(make_regular_timeseries(dt.datetime(year_to_take - 1, 4, 1), dt.datetime(year_to_take, 4, 1), 86400)) # set up output netCDF: out_nc_file = setup_nztm_grid_netcdf( output_folder + '/snow_out_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(met_inp, which_model, catchment, output_dem, run_id, year_to_take), None, ['swe', 'acc', 'melt', 'rain', 'ros', 'ros_melt'], out_dt, northings, eastings, wgs84_lats, wgs84_lons, elev) # set up initial states of prognostic variables init_swe = np.zeros(elev.shape) # default to no snow init_d_snow = np.ones(elev.shape) * 30 # default to a month since snowfall swe = init_swe d_snow = init_d_snow # set up daily buckets for melt and accumulation bucket_melt = swe * 0 bucket_acc = swe * 0 swe_day_before = swe * 0 bucket_rain = swe * 0 bucket_ros = swe * 0 bucket_ros_melt = swe * 0 # store initial swe value out_nc_file.variables['swe'][0, :, :] = init_swe out_nc_file.variables['acc'][0, :, :] = 0 out_nc_file.variables['melt'][0, :, :] = 0 out_nc_file.variables['rain'][0, :, :] = 0 out_nc_file.variables['ros'][0, :, :] = 0 out_nc_file.variables['ros_melt'][0, :, :] = 0 # for each day: for ii, dt_t in enumerate(out_dt[:-1]): print('processing', dt_t) # load one day of precip and shortwave rad data precip_hourly = nc_rain[int(np.where(vcsn_dt == dt_t)[0]):int(int(np.where(vcsn_dt == dt_t)[0]) + 24)] temp_hourly = nc_temp[int(np.where(vcsn_dt2 == dt_t)[0]):int(np.where(vcsn_dt2 == dt_t)[0]) + 24] # interpolate data to fine grid hi_res_precip = interpolate_met(precip_hourly.filled(np.nan), 'rain', vcsn_lons, vcsn_lats, vcsn_elev_interp, rlons, rlats, elev) hi_res_temp = interpolate_met(temp_hourly.filled(np.nan), 'tmax', vcsn_lons, vcsn_lats, vcsn_elev_interp, rlons, rlats, elev) # mask out areas we don't want/need if mask is not None: hi_res_precip[:, trimmed_mask == 0] = np.nan hi_res_temp[:, trimmed_mask == 0] = np.nan hourly_dt = np.asarray(make_regular_timeseries(dt_t, dt_t + dt.timedelta(hours=23), 3600)) hourly_doy = convert_datetime_julian_day(hourly_dt) hourly_temp = hi_res_temp hourly_precip = hi_res_precip if which_model == 'dsc_snow': sw_rad_hourly = nc_srad[int(np.where(vcsn_dt4 == dt_t)[0]):int(np.where(vcsn_dt4 == dt_t)[0]) + 24] hi_res_sw_rad = interpolate_met(sw_rad_hourly.filled(np.nan), 'srad', vcsn_lons, vcsn_lats, vcsn_elev_interp, rlons, rlats, elev) if mask is not None: hi_res_sw_rad[:, trimmed_mask == 0] = np.nan hourly_swin = hi_res_sw_rad # calculate snow and output to netcdf for i in range(len(hourly_dt)): # d_snow += dtstep / 86400.0 if which_model == 'dsc_snow': swe, d_snow, melt, acc = calc_dswe(swe, d_snow, hourly_temp[i], hourly_precip[i], hourly_doy[i], 3600, which_melt=which_model, sw=hourly_swin[i], **config) # else: swe, d_snow, melt, acc = calc_dswe(swe, d_snow, hourly_temp[i], hourly_precip[i], hourly_doy[i], 3600, which_melt=which_model, **config) # print swe[0] bucket_melt = bucket_melt + melt bucket_acc = bucket_acc + acc rain = hourly_precip[i] - acc bucket_rain = bucket_rain + rain bucket_ros = bucket_ros + rain * (swe > 0).astype( # creates binary snow cover then multiples by rain (0 or 1) # first calculate the energy availble for melting due to rainfall (Wm^-2) over snowcovered cells only qprc = (swe > 0).astype( * 4220. * rain / 3600. * (hourly_temp[i] - 273.16) # then calculate potential melt per timestep . don't limit to available swe as could have contributed to intial snow melt (accounted for by degree-day model) ros_melt = qprc / 334000. * 3600. ros_melt[(ros_melt < 0)] = 0 # only take positive portion (could be some rain at air temperature < 0) bucket_ros_melt = bucket_ros_melt + ros_melt # output at the end of each day, for var, data in zip(['swe', 'acc', 'melt', 'rain', 'ros', 'ros_melt'], [swe, bucket_acc, bucket_melt, bucket_rain, bucket_ros, bucket_ros_melt]): # data[(np.isnan(data))] = -9999. out_nc_file.variables[var][ii + 1, :, :] = data # decide if albedo is reset d_snow += 1 swe_alb = swe - swe_day_before d_snow[(swe_alb > config['alb_swe_thres'])] = 0 swe_day_before = swe * 1.0 # reset buckets bucket_melt = bucket_melt * 0 bucket_acc = bucket_acc * 0 bucket_rain = bucket_rain * 0 bucket_ros = bucket_ros * 0 bucket_ros_melt = bucket_ros_melt * 0 out_nc_file.close() json.dump(config, open(output_folder + '/config_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.json'.format(met_inp, which_model, catchment, output_dem, run_id, year_to_take), 'w')) pickle.dump(config, open(output_folder + '/config_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(met_inp, which_model, catchment, output_dem, run_id, year_to_take), 'wb'), protocol=3)
import numpy as np import pickle import matplotlib.pylab as plt import datetime as dt from nz_snow_tools.util.utils import convert_datetime_julian_day catchment = 'Wilkin' # string identifying catchment modelled output_dem = 'nztm250m' # identifier for output dem years_to_take = range( 2000, 2001 + 1) # range(2016, 2016 + 1) # [2013 + 1] # range(2001, 2013 + 1) modis_sc_threshold = 50 # value of fsca (in percent) that is counted as being snow covered output_folder = r'C:\Users\conwayjp\OneDrive - NIWA\projects\DSC Snow\MODIS' [ann_ts_av_sca_m, ann_ts_av_sca_thres_m, ann_dt_m, ann_scd_m] = pickle.load( open( output_folder + '/summary_MODIS_{}_{}_{}_{}_thres{}.pkl'.format( years_to_take[0], years_to_take[-1], catchment, output_dem, modis_sc_threshold), 'rb')) for ts_av_sca_m, dt_m in zip(ann_ts_av_sca_m, ann_dt_m): plt.plot(convert_datetime_julian_day(dt_m), ts_av_sca_m, label=dt_m[0].year) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.set_ylabel('SCA') ax.set_xlabel('day of year')
# nc_file_VN = nc.Dataset(r"C:/Users/Bonnamourar/Desktop/SIN/VCSN/VN_2007-2017/",'r') # PHILISTINE # nc_file_VC = nc.Dataset(r"C:/Users/Bonnamourar/Desktop/SIN/VCSN/VC_2007-2019/",'r') # nc_file_VN = nc.Dataset(r"C:/Users/Bonnamourar/Desktop/SIN/VCSN/VN_2007-2017/",'r') # MURCHISON nc_file_VC = nc.Dataset(r"C:/Users/Bonnamourar/Desktop/SIN/VCSN/VC_2007-2019/",'r') nc_file_VN = nc.Dataset(r"C:/Users/Bonnamourar/Desktop/SIN/VCSN/VN_2007-2017/", 'r') Stname = ['Murchison'] for i in range (0,10) : year = 2009 + i # load npy data inp_dat = np.load(Y_file.format(year),allow_pickle=True) inp_doy = np.asarray(convert_datetime_julian_day(inp_dat[:, 0])) inp_hourdec = convert_dt_to_hourdec(inp_dat[:, 0]) plot_dt = inp_dat[:, 0] # model stores initial state inp_precip_obs = np.asarray(inp_dat[:, 4], dtype=np.float) # load VCSN files # snow storage VC&VN files swe_VC = nc_file_VC.variables['snwstor'][:,0,0,0] swe_VN = nc_file_VN.variables['snwstor'][:,0,0,0] # time VC&VN files nc_datetimes_VC = nc.num2date(nc_file_VC.variables['time'][:], nc_file_VC.variables['time'].units) nc_datetimes_VN = nc.num2date(nc_file_VN.variables['time'][:], nc_file_VN.variables['time'].units) # accumulate precipitation VCSN files precip_VC = nc_file_VC.variables['aprecip'][:,0,0,0]
def snow_main(inp_file, init_swe=None, init_d_snow=None, which_melt='clark2009', alb_swe_thres=5.0, **config): """ main snow model loop. handles timestepping and storage of output. assumes all the input data is on the same spatial and temporal grid. Runs the model for the length of the netCDF file Output is writen at the end of each day. :param inp_file: full path to netCDF input file :param init_swe: inital grid of snow water equivalent (SWE; mm w.e.), dimensions (spatial:) :param init_d_snow: inital grid of times since last snowfall dimensions (spatial:) :param which_melt: string specifying which melt model to be run. options include 'clark2009', 'dsc_snow' :param alb_swe_thres: threshold for daily snowfall resetting albedo (mm w.e). calculated from daily swe change so that accumulation must be > melt :return: st_swe - calculated SWE (mm w.e.) at the end of each day. (n = number of days + 1) """ # load netCDF file and get the spatial dimensions out of it. inp_nc_file = nc.Dataset(inp_file) inp_dt = nc.num2date(inp_nc_file.variables['time'][:], inp_nc_file.variables['time'].units) num_timesteps = len(inp_dt) inp_hourdec = convert_dt_to_hourdec(inp_dt) inp_doy = convert_datetime_julian_day(inp_dt) # assume timestep is constant through input data dtstep = int((inp_dt[1] - inp_dt[0]).total_seconds()) # calculate how many days in input file num_out_steps = int(1 + num_timesteps * dtstep / 86400.0) inp_shape = inp_nc_file.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='air_temperature')[0].shape shape_xy = inp_shape[1:] # set up storage arrays if len(shape_xy) == 2: st_swe = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0], shape_xy[1])) * np.nan st_melt = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0], shape_xy[1])) * np.nan st_acc = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0], shape_xy[1])) * np.nan elif len(shape_xy) == 1: st_swe = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0])) * np.nan st_melt = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0])) * np.nan st_acc = np.empty((num_out_steps, shape_xy[0])) * np.nan # set up initial states of prognostic variables if not passed in if init_swe is None: init_swe = np.zeros(shape_xy) # default to no snow swe = init_swe if init_d_snow is None: init_d_snow = np.ones(shape_xy) * 30 # default to a month since snowfall d_snow = init_d_snow # set up daily buckets for melt and accumulation bucket_melt = swe * 0 bucket_acc = swe * 0 # store initial swe value st_swe[0, :] = init_swe st_melt[0, :] = 0 st_acc[0, :] = 0 ii = 1 # run through and update SWE for each timestep in input data for i in range(num_timesteps): # d_snow += dtstep / 86400.0 inp_ta, inp_precip, inp_sw = read_met_input(inp_nc_file, i) swe, d_snow, melt, acc = calc_dswe(swe, d_snow, inp_ta, inp_precip, inp_doy[i], dtstep, sw=inp_sw, which_melt=which_melt, **config) # print swe[0] bucket_melt = bucket_melt + melt bucket_acc = bucket_acc + acc if i != 0 and inp_hourdec[i] == 0 or inp_hourdec[i] == 24: # output daily don't store if st_swe[ii, :] = swe st_melt[ii, :] = bucket_melt st_acc[ii, :] = bucket_acc swe_alb = st_swe[ii, :] - st_swe[ii - 1, :] d_snow[(swe_alb > alb_swe_thres)] = 0 ii = ii + 1 # move storage counter for next output timestep bucket_melt = bucket_melt * 0 # reset buckets bucket_acc = bucket_acc * 0 return st_swe, st_melt, st_acc
hourly_dt = np.asarray( make_regular_timeseries(dt_t, dt_t + dt.timedelta(hours=23), 3600)) hourly_swin = daily_to_hourly_swin_grids(hi_res_sw_rad, lats, lons, hourly_dt, single_dt=True) # air temperature is three part sinusoidal between min at 8am and max at 2pm. NOTE original VCSN data has correct timestamp - ie. minimum to 9am, maximum from 9am. # use three days but only keep middle day hourly_temp = daily_to_hourly_temp_grids(hi_res_max_temp, hi_res_min_temp) hourly_temp = hourly_temp[24:48] # store precip day weights. day_weightings.extend(day_weightings_1) hourly_doy = convert_datetime_julian_day(hourly_dt) # calculate snow and output to netcdf for i in range(len(hourly_dt)): # d_snow += dtstep / 86400.0 swe, d_snow, melt, acc = calc_dswe(swe, d_snow, hourly_temp[i], hourly_precip[i], hourly_doy[i], 3600, sw=hourly_swin[i], which_melt=which_model, **config)