コード例 #1
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: putneyj/nzbhydra
def countOldSearchResults(keepFor):
    return SearchResult.select().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).count()
コード例 #2
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: jedvalley123/nzbhydra
def search(search_request):
    # type: (bool, nzbhydra.search.SearchRequest) -> Dict[unicode, future.types.newint.newint]
    if search_request.maxage is None and config.settings.searching.maxAge:
        search_request.maxage = config.settings.searching.maxAge
        logger.info("Will ignore results older than %d days" % search_request.maxage)

    # Clean up cache
    for k in list(pseudo_cache.keys()):
        if pseudo_cache[k]["last_access"].replace(minutes=+5) < arrow.utcnow():

    # Clean up old search results. We do this here because we don't have any background jobs and this is the function most regularly called
    keepFor = config.settings.main.keepSearchResultsForDays
    oldSearchResultsCount = SearchResult.select().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).count()
    if oldSearchResultsCount > 0:
        logger.info("Deleting %d search results from database that are older than %d days" % (oldSearchResultsCount, keepFor))
        SearchResult.delete().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).execute()

    limit = search_request.limit
    external_offset = int(search_request.offset)
    search_hash = search_request.search_hash
    if search_hash not in pseudo_cache.keys() or search_request.offset == 0:  # If it's a new search (which starts with offset 0) do it again instead of using the cached results
        logger.debug("Didn't find this query in cache or want to do a new search")
        cache_entry = {"results": [], "indexer_infos": {}, "total": 0, "last_access": arrow.utcnow(), "offset": 0}
        indexers_to_call = pick_indexers(search_request)
        for p in indexers_to_call:
            cache_entry["indexer_infos"][p] = {"has_more": True, "search_request": search_request, "total_included": False}
        categoryResult = categories.getCategoryByAnyInput(search_request.category)
        search_request.category = categoryResult
        category = categoryResult.category
        dbsearch = Search(internal=search_request.internal, query=search_request.query, category=categoryResult.category.pretty, identifier_key=search_request.identifier_key, identifier_value=search_request.identifier_value, season=search_request.season, episode=search_request.episode, type=search_request.type,
        # dbsearch.save()
        cache_entry["dbsearch"] = dbsearch

        # Find ignored words and pParse query for ignored words
        search_request.forbiddenWords = []
        search_request.requiredWords = []
        if config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords:
            logger.debug("Using configured global forbidden words: %s" % config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords)
            search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
        if config.settings.searching.requiredWords:
            logger.debug("Using configured global required words: %s" % config.settings.searching.requiredWords)
            search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.requiredWords.split(",")))])
        if category.applyRestrictions == "both" or (category.applyRestrictions == "internal" and search_request.internal) or (category.applyRestrictions == "external" and not search_request.internal):
            if category.forbiddenWords:
                logger.debug("Using configured forbidden words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.forbiddenWords))
                search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
            if category.requiredWords:
                logger.debug("Using configured required words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.requiredWords))
                search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.requiredWords.split(",")))])
        if search_request.query:
            forbiddenWords = [str(x[1]) for x in re.findall(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", search_request.query)]
            if len(forbiddenWords) > 0:
                logger.debug("Query before removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                search_request.query = re.sub(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", "", search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Query after removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Found NOT terms: %s" % ",".join(forbiddenWords))


        pseudo_cache[search_hash] = cache_entry
        cache_entry = pseudo_cache[search_hash]
        indexers_to_call = [indexer for indexer, info in cache_entry["indexer_infos"].items() if info["has_more"]]
        dbsearch = cache_entry["dbsearch"]
        logger.debug("Found search in cache")

        logger.debug("Will search at indexers as long as we don't have enough results for the current offset+limit and any indexer has more results.")
    while len(cache_entry["results"]) < external_offset + limit and len(indexers_to_call) > 0:
        logger.debug("We want %d results but have only %d so far" % ((external_offset + limit), len(cache_entry["results"])))
        logger.debug("%d indexers still have results" % len(indexers_to_call))
        search_request.offset = cache_entry["offset"]
        logger.debug("Searching indexers with offset %d" % search_request.offset)
        result = search_and_handle_db(dbsearch, {x: search_request for x in indexers_to_call})
        search_results = []
        indexers_to_call = []

        for indexer, queries_execution_result in result["results"].items():
            with db.atomic():
                for result in queries_execution_result.results:
                    if result.title is None or result.link is None or result.indexerguid is None:
                        logger.info("Skipping result with missing data: %s" % result)
                    searchResult = SearchResult().get_or_create(indexer=indexer.indexer, title=result.title, link=result.link, details=result.details_link, guid=result.indexerguid)
                    searchResult = searchResult[0]  # Second is a boolean determining if the search result was created
                    result.searchResultId = searchResult.id

            logger.debug("%s returned %d results" % (indexer, len(queries_execution_result.results)))
                {"did_search": queries_execution_result.didsearch, "indexer": indexer.name, "search_request": search_request, "has_more": queries_execution_result.has_more, "total": queries_execution_result.total, "total_known": queries_execution_result.total_known,
                 "indexer_search": queries_execution_result.indexerSearchEntry})
            if queries_execution_result.has_more:
                logger.debug("%s still has more results so we could use it the next round" % indexer)

            if queries_execution_result.total_known:
                if not cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"]:
                    cache_entry["total"] += queries_execution_result.total
                    logger.debug("%s reports %d total results. We'll include in the total this time only" % (indexer, queries_execution_result.total))
                    cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"] = True
            elif queries_execution_result.has_more:
                logger.debug("%s doesn't report an exact number of results so let's just add another 100 to the total" % indexer)
                cache_entry["total"] += 100

        if search_request.internal or config.settings.searching.removeDuplicatesExternal:
            countBefore = len(search_results)
            grouped_by_sameness = find_duplicates(search_results)
            allresults = []
            for group in grouped_by_sameness:
                if search_request.internal:
                    for i in group:
                        # We give each group of results a unique value by which they can be identified later
                        i.hash = hash(group[0].guid)

                    # We sort by age first and then by indexerscore so the newest result with the highest indexer score is chosen
                    group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)
                    group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.indexerscore, reverse=True)
            search_results = allresults
            if not search_request.internal:
                countAfter = len(search_results)
                countRemoved = countBefore - countAfter
                logger.info("Removed %d duplicates from %d results" % (countRemoved, countBefore))
        search_results = sorted(search_results, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)

        cache_entry["offset"] += limit

    if search_request.internal:
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return them all because we search internally" % len(cache_entry["results"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:])
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return %d-%d of %d total available accounting for the limit set for the API search" % (len(cache_entry["results"]), external_offset, external_offset + limit, cache_entry["total"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:(external_offset + limit)])
    cache_entry["last_access"] = arrow.utcnow()

    return {"results": nzb_search_results, "indexer_infos": cache_entry["indexer_infos"], "dbsearchid": cache_entry["dbsearch"].id, "total": cache_entry["total"], "offset": external_offset}
コード例 #3
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: putneyj/nzbhydra
def search(search_request):
    logger.info("Starting new search: %s" % search_request)
    if search_request.maxage is None and config.settings.searching.maxAge:
        search_request.maxage = config.settings.searching.maxAge
        logger.info("Will ignore results older than %d days" % search_request.maxage)

    # Clean up cache
    for k in list(pseudo_cache.keys()):
        if pseudo_cache[k]["last_access"].replace(minutes=+5) < arrow.utcnow():

    # Clean up old search results. We do this here because we don't have any background jobs and this is the function most regularly called
    keepFor = config.settings.main.keepSearchResultsForDays
    oldSearchResultsCount = countOldSearchResults(keepFor)
    if oldSearchResultsCount > 0:
        logger.info("Deleting %d search results from database that are older than %d days" % (oldSearchResultsCount, keepFor))
        SearchResult.delete().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).execute()
        if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
            logger.debug("%d search results stored in database" % SearchResult.select().count())

    limit = search_request.limit
    external_offset = int(search_request.offset)
    search_hash = search_request.search_hash
    categoryResult = categories.getCategoryByAnyInput(search_request.category)
    search_request.category = categoryResult
    if search_hash not in pseudo_cache.keys() or search_request.offset == 0:  # If it's a new search (which starts with offset 0) do it again instead of using the cached results
        logger.debug("Didn't find this query in cache or want to do a new search")
        cache_entry = {"results": [], "indexer_infos": {}, "total": 0, "last_access": arrow.utcnow(), "offset": 0, "rejected": SearchModule.getRejectedCountDict()}
        category = categoryResult.category
        indexers_to_call = pick_indexers(search_request)
        for p in indexers_to_call:
            cache_entry["indexer_infos"][p] = {"has_more": True, "search_request": search_request, "total_included": False}

        dbsearch = Search(internal=search_request.internal, query=search_request.query, category=categoryResult.category.pretty, identifier_key=search_request.identifier_key, identifier_value=search_request.identifier_value, season=search_request.season, episode=search_request.episode,
                          type=search_request.type, title=search_request.title, author=search_request.author, username=search_request.username)
        # dbsearch.save()
        cache_entry["dbsearch"] = dbsearch

        # Find ignored words and parse query for ignored words
        search_request.forbiddenWords = []
        search_request.requiredWords = []
        applyRestrictionsGlobal = config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "both" or (config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "internal" and search_request.internal) or (config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "external" and not search_request.internal)
        applyRestrictionsCategory = category.applyRestrictions == "both" or (category.applyRestrictions == "internal" and search_request.internal) or (search_request.category.category.applyRestrictions == "external" and not search_request.internal)
        if config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords and applyRestrictionsGlobal:
            logger.debug("Using configured global forbidden words: %s" % config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords)
            search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
        if config.settings.searching.requiredWords and applyRestrictionsGlobal:
            logger.debug("Using configured global required words: %s" % config.settings.searching.requiredWords)
            search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.requiredWords.split(",")))])

        if category.forbiddenWords and applyRestrictionsCategory:
            logger.debug("Using configured forbidden words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.forbiddenWords))
            search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
        if category.requiredWords and applyRestrictionsCategory:
            logger.debug("Using configured required words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.requiredWords))
            search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.requiredWords.split(",")))])

        if search_request.query:
            forbiddenWords = [str(x[1]) for x in re.findall(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", search_request.query)]
            if len(forbiddenWords) > 0:
                logger.debug("Query before removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                search_request.query = re.sub(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", "", search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Query after removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Found NOT terms: %s" % ",".join(forbiddenWords))

        cache_entry["forbiddenWords"] = search_request.forbiddenWords
        cache_entry["requiredWords"] = search_request.requiredWords
        cache_entry["query"] = search_request.query

        pseudo_cache[search_hash] = cache_entry
        cache_entry = pseudo_cache[search_hash]
        indexers_to_call = [indexer for indexer, info in cache_entry["indexer_infos"].items() if info["has_more"]]
        dbsearch = cache_entry["dbsearch"]
        search_request.forbiddenWords = cache_entry["forbiddenWords"]
        search_request.requiredWords = cache_entry["requiredWords"]
        search_request.query = cache_entry["query"]
        logger.debug("Found search in cache")

        logger.debug("Will search at indexers as long as we don't have enough results for the current offset+limit and any indexer has more results.")
    if search_request.loadAll:
        logger.debug("Requested to load all results. Will continue to search until all indexers are exhausted")
    while (len(cache_entry["results"]) < external_offset + limit or search_request.loadAll) and len(indexers_to_call) > 0:
        if len(cache_entry["results"]) < external_offset + limit:
            logger.debug("We want %d results but have only %d so far" % ((external_offset + limit), len(cache_entry["results"])))
        elif search_request.loadAll:
            logger.debug("All results requested. Continuing to search.")
        logger.debug("%d indexers still have results" % len(indexers_to_call))
        search_request.offset = cache_entry["offset"]

        logger.debug("Searching indexers with offset %d" % search_request.offset)
        result = search_and_handle_db(dbsearch, {x: search_request for x in indexers_to_call})
        logger.debug("All search calls to indexers completed")
        search_results = []
        indexers_to_call = []

        waslocked = False
        before = arrow.now()
        if databaseLock.locked():
            logger.debug("Database accesses locked by other search. Will wait for our turn.")
            waslocked = True
        if waslocked:
            after = arrow.now()
            took = (after - before).seconds * 1000 + (after - before).microseconds / 1000
            logger.debug("Waited %dms for database lock" % took)
        for indexer, queries_execution_result in result["results"].items():
            with db.atomic():
                logger.info("%s returned %d results" % (indexer, len(queries_execution_result.results)))
                for result in queries_execution_result.results:
                    if result.title is None or result.link is None or result.indexerguid is None:
                        logger.info("Skipping result with missing data: %s" % result)
                        searchResultId = hashlib.sha1(str(indexer.indexer.id) + result.indexerguid).hexdigest()
                        tryGetOrCreateSearchResultDbEntry(searchResultId, indexer.indexer.id, result)
                        result.searchResultId = searchResultId
                    except (IntegrityError, OperationalError) as e:
                        logger.error("Error while trying to save search result to database. Skipping it. Error: %s" % e)

                {"did_search": queries_execution_result.didsearch, "indexer": indexer.name, "search_request": search_request, "has_more": queries_execution_result.has_more, "total": queries_execution_result.total, "total_known": queries_execution_result.total_known,
                 "indexer_search": queries_execution_result.indexerSearchEntry, "rejected": queries_execution_result.rejected, "processed_results": queries_execution_result.loaded_results})
            if queries_execution_result.has_more:
                logger.debug("%s still has more results so we could use it the next round" % indexer)

            if queries_execution_result.total_known:
                if not cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"]:
                    cache_entry["total"] += queries_execution_result.total
                    logger.debug("%s reports %d total results. We'll include in the total this time only" % (indexer, queries_execution_result.total))
                    cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"] = True
            elif queries_execution_result.has_more:
                logger.debug("%s doesn't report an exact number of results so let's just add another 100 to the total" % indexer)
                cache_entry["total"] += 100
            for rejectKey in cache_entry["rejected"].keys():
                if rejectKey in cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["rejected"].keys():
                    cache_entry["rejected"][rejectKey] += cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["rejected"][rejectKey]


        logger.debug("Searching for duplicates")
        numberResultsBeforeDuplicateRemoval = len(search_results)
        grouped_by_sameness, uniqueResultsPerIndexer = find_duplicates(search_results)
        allresults = []
        for group in grouped_by_sameness:
            if search_request.internal:
                for i in group:
                    # We give each group of results a unique value by which they can be identified later
                    i.hash = hash(group[0].details_link)

                # We sort by age first and then by indexerscore so the newest result with the highest indexer score is chosen
                group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)
                group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.indexerscore, reverse=True)
        search_results = allresults

        with databaseLock:
            for indexer, infos in cache_entry["indexer_infos"].iteritems():
                if indexer.name in uniqueResultsPerIndexer.keys():  # If the search failed it isn't contained in the duplicates list
                    uniqueResultsCount = uniqueResultsPerIndexer[infos["indexer"]]
                    processedResults = infos["processed_results"]
                    logger.debug("Indexer %s had a unique results share of %d%% (%d of %d total results were only provided by this indexer)" % (indexer.name, 100 / (numberResultsBeforeDuplicateRemoval / uniqueResultsCount), uniqueResultsCount, numberResultsBeforeDuplicateRemoval))
                    infos["indexer_search"].uniqueResults = uniqueResultsCount
                    infos["indexer_search"].processedResults = processedResults

        if not search_request.internal:
            countAfter = len(search_results)
            countRemoved = numberResultsBeforeDuplicateRemoval - countAfter
            logger.info("Removed %d duplicates from %d results" % (countRemoved, numberResultsBeforeDuplicateRemoval))

        search_results = sorted(search_results, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)

        cache_entry["offset"] += limit

    if len(indexers_to_call) == 0:
        logger.info("All indexers exhausted")
    elif len(cache_entry["results"]) >= external_offset + limit:
        logger.debug("Loaded a total of %d results which is enough for the %d requested. Stopping search." % (len(cache_entry["results"]), (external_offset + limit)))

    if search_request.internal:
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return them all because we search internally" % len(cache_entry["results"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:])
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return %d-%d of %d total available accounting for the limit set for the API search" % (len(cache_entry["results"]), external_offset, external_offset + limit, cache_entry["total"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:(external_offset + limit)])
    cache_entry["last_access"] = arrow.utcnow()
    for k, v in cache_entry["rejected"].items():
        if v > 0:
            logger.info("Rejected %d because: %s" % (v, k))
    logger.info("Returning %d results" % len(nzb_search_results))
    return {"results": nzb_search_results, "indexer_infos": cache_entry["indexer_infos"], "dbsearchid": cache_entry["dbsearch"].id, "total": cache_entry["total"], "offset": external_offset, "rejected": cache_entry["rejected"].items()}
コード例 #4
def search(search_request):
    if search_request.maxage is None and config.settings.searching.maxAge:
        search_request.maxage = config.settings.searching.maxAge
        logger.info("Will ignore results older than %d days" % search_request.maxage)

    # Clean up cache
    for k in list(pseudo_cache.keys()):
        if pseudo_cache[k]["last_access"].replace(minutes=+5) < arrow.utcnow():

    # Clean up old search results. We do this here because we don't have any background jobs and this is the function most regularly called
    keepFor = config.settings.main.keepSearchResultsForDays
    oldSearchResultsCount = SearchResult.select().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).count()
    if oldSearchResultsCount > 0:
        logger.info("Deleting %d search results from database that are older than %d days" % (oldSearchResultsCount, keepFor))
        SearchResult.delete().where(SearchResult.firstFound < (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=keepFor))).execute()
        if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
            logger.debug("%d search results stored in database" % SearchResult.select().count())

    limit = search_request.limit
    external_offset = int(search_request.offset)
    search_hash = search_request.search_hash
    categoryResult = categories.getCategoryByAnyInput(search_request.category)
    search_request.category = categoryResult
    if search_hash not in pseudo_cache.keys() or search_request.offset == 0:  # If it's a new search (which starts with offset 0) do it again instead of using the cached results
        logger.debug("Didn't find this query in cache or want to do a new search")
        cache_entry = {"results": [], "indexer_infos": {}, "total": 0, "last_access": arrow.utcnow(), "offset": 0}
        category = categoryResult.category
        indexers_to_call = pick_indexers(search_request)
        for p in indexers_to_call:
            cache_entry["indexer_infos"][p] = {"has_more": True, "search_request": search_request, "total_included": False}
        dbsearch = Search(internal=search_request.internal, query=search_request.query, category=categoryResult.category.pretty, identifier_key=search_request.identifier_key, identifier_value=search_request.identifier_value, season=search_request.season, episode=search_request.episode, type=search_request.type,
        # dbsearch.save()
        cache_entry["dbsearch"] = dbsearch

        # Find ignored words and parse query for ignored words
        search_request.forbiddenWords = []
        search_request.requiredWords = []
        applyRestrictionsGlobal = config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "both" or (config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "internal" and search_request.internal) or (config.settings.searching.applyRestrictions == "external" and not search_request.internal)
        applyRestrictionsCategory = category.applyRestrictions == "both" or (category.applyRestrictions == "internal" and search_request.internal) or (search_request.category.category.applyRestrictions == "external" and not search_request.internal)
        if config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords and applyRestrictionsGlobal:
            logger.debug("Using configured global forbidden words: %s" % config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords)
            search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
        if config.settings.searching.requiredWords and applyRestrictionsGlobal:
            logger.debug("Using configured global required words: %s" % config.settings.searching.requiredWords)
            search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, config.settings.searching.requiredWords.split(",")))])
        if category.forbiddenWords and applyRestrictionsCategory:
            logger.debug("Using configured forbidden words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.forbiddenWords))
            search_request.forbiddenWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.forbiddenWords.split(",")))])
        if category.requiredWords and applyRestrictionsCategory:
            logger.debug("Using configured required words for category %s: %s" % (category.pretty, category.requiredWords))
            search_request.requiredWords.extend([x.lower().strip() for x in list(filter(bool, category.requiredWords.split(",")))])
        if search_request.query:
            forbiddenWords = [str(x[1]) for x in re.findall(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", search_request.query)]
            if len(forbiddenWords) > 0:
                logger.debug("Query before removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                search_request.query = re.sub(r"[\s|\b](\-\-|!)(?P<term>\w+)", "", search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Query after removing NOT terms: %s" % search_request.query)
                logger.debug("Found NOT terms: %s" % ",".join(forbiddenWords))


        pseudo_cache[search_hash] = cache_entry
        cache_entry = pseudo_cache[search_hash]
        indexers_to_call = [indexer for indexer, info in cache_entry["indexer_infos"].items() if info["has_more"]]
        dbsearch = cache_entry["dbsearch"]
        logger.debug("Found search in cache")

        logger.debug("Will search at indexers as long as we don't have enough results for the current offset+limit and any indexer has more results.")
    while len(cache_entry["results"]) < external_offset + limit and len(indexers_to_call) > 0:
        logger.debug("We want %d results but have only %d so far" % ((external_offset + limit), len(cache_entry["results"])))
        logger.debug("%d indexers still have results" % len(indexers_to_call))
        search_request.offset = cache_entry["offset"]
        logger.debug("Searching indexers with offset %d" % search_request.offset)
        result = search_and_handle_db(dbsearch, {x: search_request for x in indexers_to_call})
        logger.debug("All search calls to indexers completed")
        search_results = []
        indexers_to_call = []

        for indexer, queries_execution_result in result["results"].items():
            #Drastically improves db access time but means that if one database write fails all fail. That's a risk we need to take 
            with db.atomic():
                logger.debug("%s returned %d results. Writing them to database..." % (indexer, len(queries_execution_result.results)))
                for result in queries_execution_result.results:
                    if result.title is None or result.link is None or result.indexerguid is None:
                        logger.info("Skipping result with missing data: %s" % result)
                    searchResult, _ = SearchResult().create_or_get(indexer=indexer.indexer, guid=result.indexerguid, title= result.title, link= result.link, details= result.details_link)
                    result.searchResultId = searchResult.id
                logger.debug("Written results results to database")

                    {"did_search": queries_execution_result.didsearch, "indexer": indexer.name, "search_request": search_request, "has_more": queries_execution_result.has_more, "total": queries_execution_result.total, "total_known": queries_execution_result.total_known,
                     "indexer_search": queries_execution_result.indexerSearchEntry})
                if queries_execution_result.has_more:
                    logger.debug("%s still has more results so we could use it the next round" % indexer)
                if queries_execution_result.total_known:
                    if not cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"]:
                        cache_entry["total"] += queries_execution_result.total
                        logger.debug("%s reports %d total results. We'll include in the total this time only" % (indexer, queries_execution_result.total))
                        cache_entry["indexer_infos"][indexer]["total_included"] = True
                elif queries_execution_result.has_more:
                    logger.debug("%s doesn't report an exact number of results so let's just add another 100 to the total" % indexer)
                    cache_entry["total"] += 100

        if search_request.internal or config.settings.searching.removeDuplicatesExternal:
            logger.debug("Searching for duplicates")
            countBefore = len(search_results)
            grouped_by_sameness = find_duplicates(search_results)
            allresults = []
            for group in grouped_by_sameness:
                if search_request.internal:
                    for i in group:
                        # We give each group of results a unique value by which they can be identified later
                        i.hash = hash(group[0].details_link)

                    # We sort by age first and then by indexerscore so the newest result with the highest indexer score is chosen
                    group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)
                    group = sorted(group, key=lambda x: x.indexerscore, reverse=True)
            search_results = allresults
            if not search_request.internal:
                countAfter = len(search_results)
                countRemoved = countBefore - countAfter
                logger.info("Removed %d duplicates from %d results" % (countRemoved, countBefore))
        search_results = sorted(search_results, key=lambda x: x.epoch, reverse=True)

        cache_entry["offset"] += limit

    if search_request.internal:
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return them all because we search internally" % len(cache_entry["results"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:])
        logger.debug("We have %d cached results and return %d-%d of %d total available accounting for the limit set for the API search" % (len(cache_entry["results"]), external_offset, external_offset + limit, cache_entry["total"]))
        nzb_search_results = copy.deepcopy(cache_entry["results"][external_offset:(external_offset + limit)])
    cache_entry["last_access"] = arrow.utcnow()
    logger.info("Returning %d results" % len(nzb_search_results))
    return {"results": nzb_search_results, "indexer_infos": cache_entry["indexer_infos"], "dbsearchid": cache_entry["dbsearch"].id, "total": cache_entry["total"], "offset": external_offset}