def processEpisode(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"] except: remote_path = None nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) params = {} params['nzb_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: dirName_new = os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(dirName)).replace("\\", "/") params['nzb_folder'] = dirName_new if nzbName != None: params['nzb_name'] = nzbName if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = "%s%s:%s%s/post_process" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(username, password), stream=True) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return 1 # failure for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) time.sleep(60) #wait 1 minute for now... need to see just what gets logged and how long it takes to process return 0 # Success
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", download_id="", inputCategory=None, failureLink=None): host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["method"] delete_failed = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: extract = int(section[inputCategory]["extract"]) except: extract = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" baseURL = "%s%s:%s%s/api/%s" % (protocol, host, port, web_root, apikey) if not server_responding(baseURL): logger.error("Server did not respond. Exiting", section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - %s did not respond." % (section, section) ] imdbid = find_imdbid(dirName, inputName) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id) # pull info from release found if available release_id = None media_id = None downloader = None release_status_old = None if release: try: release_id = release.keys()[0] media_id = release[release_id]['media_id'] download_id = release[release_id]['download_info']['id'] downloader = release[release_id]['download_info']['downloader'] release_status_old = release[release_id]['status'] except: pass if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile( dirName ): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath process_all_exceptions(inputName, dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if not listMediaFiles( dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False) and listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True) and extract: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (dirName)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) good_files = 0 num_files = 0 # Check video files for corruption status = int(status) for video in listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): num_files += 1 if transcoder.isVideoGood(video, status): import_subs(video) good_files += 1 if num_files > 0 and good_files == num_files: if status: "Status shown as failed from Downloader, but %s valid video files found. Setting as success." % (str(good_files)), section) status = 0 elif num_files > 0 and good_files < num_files: "Status shown as success from Downloader, but corrupt video files found. Setting as failed.", section) if os.environ.has_key('NZBOP_VERSION') and os.environ[ 'NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] >= '14.0': print('[NZB] MARK=BAD') if failureLink: failureLink = failureLink + '&corrupt=true' status = 1 elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning( "No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return [0, ""] # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning( "No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = 1 if status == 0: if nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: result, newDirName = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug( "Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) dirName = newDirName else: logger.error( "Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Transcoding failed" % (section) ] for video in listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): if not release and not ".cp(tt" in video and imdbid: videoName, videoExt = os.path.splitext(video) video2 = "%s.cp(%s)%s" % (videoName, imdbid, videoExt) logger.debug('Renaming: %s to: %s' % (video, video2)) os.rename(video, video2) params = {} if download_id: params['downloader'] = downloader or clientAgent params['download_id'] = download_id params['media_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: params['media_folder'] = remoteDir(dirName) if method == "manage": command = "/manage.update" params = {} else: command = "/renamer.scan" url = "%s%s" % (baseURL, command) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) logger.postprocess("Starting %s scan for %s" % (method, inputName), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Finished %s scan for folder %s" % (method, dirName), section) if method == "manage": return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] else: logger.error( "FAILED: %s scan was unable to finish for folder %s. exiting!" % (method, dirName), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server did not return success" % (section) ] else: logger.postprocess("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED FOR %s" % (inputName), section) if failureLink: reportNzb(failureLink, clientAgent) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir( dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess( "Deleting failed files and folder %s" % dirName, section) rmDir(dirName) if not release_id and not media_id: logger.error( "Could not find a downloaded movie in the database matching %s, exiting!" % inputName, section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Failed download not found in %s" % (section, section) ] if release_id: logger.postprocess( "Setting failed release %s to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) url = baseURL + "/release.ignore" params = {'id': release_id} logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: %s has been set to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) else: logger.warning( "FAILED: Unable to set %s to ignored!" % (inputName), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to set %s to ignored" % (section, inputName) ] logger.postprocess( "Trying to snatch the next highest ranked release.", section) url = "%s/movie.searcher.try_next" % (baseURL) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params={'media_id': media_id}, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Snatched the next highest release ...", section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully snatched next highest release" % (section) ] else: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Unable to find a new release to snatch now. CP will keep searching!", section) return [ 0, "%s: No new release found now. %s will keep searching" % (section, section) ] # Added a releease that was not in the wanted list so confirm rename successful by finding this movie media.list. if not release: download_id = None # we don't want to filter new releases based on this. # we will now check to see if CPS has finished renaming before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. logger.postprocess( "Checking for status change, please stand by ...", section) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id, release_id) if release: try: if release_id is None and release_status_old is None: # we didn't have a release before, but now we do. logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Movie %s has now been added to CouchPotato" % (imdbid), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] release_status_new = release[release_id]['status'] if release_status_new != release_status_old: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Release %s has now been marked with a status of [%s]" % (inputName, str(release_status_new).upper()), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] except: pass if not os.path.isdir(dirName): logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Input Directory [%s] has been processed and removed" % (dirName), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] elif not listMediaFiles( dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True): logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Input Directory [%s] has no remaining media files. This has been fully processed." % (dirName), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] # pause and let CouchPotatoServer catch its breath time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning( "%s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (inputName, wait_for), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - No change in status" % (section) ]
def processEpisode(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): if status != 0: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED, nothing to process.",section) return 0 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) replaceExtensions(dirName) params = {} params['nzb_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: params['nzb_folder'] = remoteDir(dirName) if inputName != None: params['nzb_name'] = inputName if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = "%s%s:%s%s/post_process" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) success = False logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=params, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return 1 # failure for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if "Post Processing SUCCESSFULL!" in line: success = True if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 if success: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: This issue has been processed successfully",section) return 0 else: logger.warning("The issue does not appear to have successfully processed. Please check your Logs",section) return 1 # failure
def processEpisode(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, failed=False, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct fork fork, fork_params = autoFork(section, inputCategory) # Check video files for corruption status = int(failed) for video in listMediaFiles(dirName): if not transcoder.isVideoGood(video): status = 1 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] try: username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] except: username = "" password = "" try: apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] except: apikey = "" try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: delete_failed = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) except: delete_failed = 0 try: nzbExtractionBy = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory][ "nzbExtractionBy"] except: nzbExtractionBy = "Downloader" try: process_method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory][ "process_method"] except: process_method = None try: remote_path = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) except: wait_for = 2 if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile( dirName ): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath if fork not in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_TORRENT or ( clientAgent in ['nzbget', 'sabnzbd'] and nzbExtractionBy != "Destination"): if inputName: process_all_exceptions(inputName.lower(), dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) # Now check if tv files exist in destination. Eventually extraction may be done here if nzbExtractionBy == TorrentToMedia if listMediaFiles( dirName ): # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed. flatten( dirName ) # to make sure SickBeard can find the video (not in sub-folder) elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning( "No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning( "No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = 1 failed = 1 # configure SB params to pass fork_params['quiet'] = 1 if inputName is not None: fork_params['nzbName'] = inputName for param in copy.copy(fork_params): if param == "failed": fork_params[param] = failed if param in ["dirName", "dir"]: fork_params[param] = dirName if remote_path: fork_params[param] = remoteDir(dirName) if param == "process_method": if process_method: fork_params[param] = process_method else: del fork_params[param] # delete any unused params so we don't pass them to SB by mistake [fork_params.pop(k) for k, v in fork_params.items() if v is None] if status == 0: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: The download succeeded, sending a post-process request", section) else: if fork in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_FAILED or section == "NzbDrone": logger.postprocess( "FAILED: The download failed. Sending 'failed' process request to %s branch" % (fork), section) else: logger.postprocess( "FAILED: The download failed. %s branch does not handle failed downloads. Nothing to process" % (fork), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir( dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess( "Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName), section) rmDir(dirName) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) if status == 0 and nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: # only transcode successful downlaods result = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug( "SUCCESS: Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) else: logger.warning( "FAILED: Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = None if section == "SickBeard": url = "%s%s:%s%s/home/postprocess/processEpisode" % ( protocol, host, port, web_root) elif section == "NzbDrone": url = "%s%s:%s%s/api/command" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) url1 = "%s%s:%s%s/api/missing" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) headers = {"X-Api-Key": apikey} params = { 'sortKey': 'series.title', 'page': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'sortDir': 'asc' } if remote_path: data = json.dumps({ "name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": remote_path }) else: data = json.dumps({ "name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": dirName }) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: if section == "SickBeard": r = None r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=fork_params, stream=True, verify=False) elif section == "NzbDrone": start_numMissing = self.numMissing( url1, params, headers) # get current number of outstanding eppisodes. r = None r =, data=data, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 Success = False Started = False for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if section == "SickBeard" and "Processing succeeded" in line: Success = True elif section == "NzbDrone" and "stateChangeTime" in line: Started = True if status != 0 and delete_failed and not os.path.dirname( dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess( "Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName), section) rmDir(dirName) if Success: return 0 elif section == "NzbDrone" and Started: n = 0 current_numMissing = start_numMissing while n < 6: # set up wait_for minutes of no change in numMissing. time.sleep(10 * wait_for) new_numMissing = self.numMissing(url1, params, headers) if new_numMissing == current_numMissing: # nothing processed since last call n += 1 else: n = 0 current_numMissing = new_numMissing # reset counter and start loop again with this many missing. if current_numMissing < start_numMissing: logger.debug( "The number of missing episodes changes from %s to %s and then remained the same for %s minutes. Consider this successful" % (str(start_numMissing), str(current_numMissing), str(wait_for)), section) return 0 else: # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resume seeding now. logger.warning( "The number of missing episodes: %s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (str(start_numMissing), str(wait_for)), section) return 1 else: return 1 # We did not receive Success confirmation.
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: extract = int(section[inputCategory]["extract"]) except: extract = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) if not server_responding(url): logger.error("Server did not respond. Exiting", section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - %s did not respond." % (section, section) ] if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile( dirName ): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath process_all_exceptions(inputName, dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if not listMediaFiles( dirName, media=False, audio=True, meta=False, archives=False) and listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True) and extract: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (dirName)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if listMediaFiles( dirName, media=False, audio=True, meta=False, archives=False) and status: "Status shown as failed from Downloader, but %s valid video files found. Setting as successful." % (str(good_files)), section) status = 0 if status == 0: params = {} params['apikey'] = apikey params['cmd'] = "forceProcess" params['dir'] = os.path.dirname(dirName) if remote_path: params['dir'] = remoteDir(os.path.dirname(dirName)) release_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if not release_status: logger.error( "Could not find a status for %s, is it in the wanted list ?" % (inputName), section) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.text), section) if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif r.text == "OK": logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Post-Processing started for %s in folder %s ..." % (inputName, dirName), section) else: logger.error( "FAILED: Post-Processing has NOT started for %s in folder %s. exiting!" % (inputName, dirName), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Returned log from %s was not as expected." % (section, section) ] else: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED", section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process. %s does not support failed downloads" % (section, section) ] # we will now wait for this album to be processed before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): current_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if current_status is not None and current_status != release_status: # Something has changed. CPS must have processed this movie. logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: This release is now marked as status [%s]" % (current_status), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] if not os.path.isdir(dirName): logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: The input directory %s has been removed Processing must have finished." % (dirName), section) return [ 0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. uTorrent can resume seeding now. logger.warning( "The music album does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes. Please check your Logs" % (wait_for), section) return [ 1, "%s: Failed to post-process - No change in wanted status" % (section) ]
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] try: library = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["library"] except: library = None try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) fields = inputName.split("-") gamezID = fields[0].replace("[","").replace("]","").replace(" ","") downloadStatus = 'Wanted' if status == 0: downloadStatus = 'Downloaded' params = {} params['api_key'] = apikey params['mode'] = 'UPDATEREQUESTEDSTATUS' params['db_id'] = gamezID params['status'] = downloadStatus logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url),section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL") return 1 # failure result = r.json() logger.postprocess("%s" % (result),section) if library: logger.postprocess("moving files to library: %s" % (library),section) try: shutil.move(dirName, os.path.join(library, inputName)) except: logger.error("Unable to move %s to %s" % (dirName, os.path.join(library, inputName)), section) return 1 else: logger.error("No library specified to move files to. Please edit your configuration.", section) return 1 if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Status for %s has been set to %s in Gamez" % (gamezID, downloadStatus),section) return 0 # Success else: logger.error("FAILED: Status for %s has NOT been updated in Gamez" % (gamezID),section) return 1 # failure
def processEpisode(self, dirName, nzbName=None, failed=False, clientAgent = "manual", inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 # auto-detect correct fork fork, fork_params = autoFork(inputCategory) status = int(failed) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] try: apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] except: apikey = "" try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: delete_failed = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) except: delete_failed = 0 try: nzbExtractionBy = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["nzbExtractionBy"] except: nzbExtractionBy = "Downloader" try: process_method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["process_method"] except: process_method = None try: Torrent_NoLink = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["Torrent_NoLink"]) except: Torrent_NoLink = 0 try: remote_path = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"] except: remote_path = None if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile(dirName): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(nzbName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath if fork not in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_TORRENT or (clientAgent in ['nzbget','sabnzbd'] and nzbExtractionBy != "Destination"): if nzbName: process_all_exceptions(nzbName.lower(), dirName) nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) # Now check if tv files exist in destination. Eventually extraction may be done here if nzbExtractionBy == TorrentToMedia video = int(0) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirName): for file in filenames: filePath = os.path.join(dirpath, file) fileExtension = os.path.splitext(file)[1] if fileExtension in nzbtomedia.MEDIACONTAINER: # If the file is a video file if is_sample(filePath, nzbName, nzbtomedia.MINSAMPLESIZE, nzbtomedia.SAMPLEIDS): logger.debug("Removing sample file: %s" % (filePath), section) os.unlink(filePath) # remove samples else: video = video + 1 if video > 0: # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed. flatten(dirName) # to make sure SickBeard can find the video (not in sub-folder) elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = int(1) failed = True # configure SB params to pass fork_params['quiet'] = 1 if nzbName is not None: fork_params['nzbName'] = nzbName for param in copy.copy(fork_params): if param == "failed": fork_params[param] = failed if param in ["dirName", "dir"]: fork_params[param] = dirName if remote_path: dirName_new = os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(dirName)).replace("\\", "/") fork_params[param] = dirName_new if param == "process_method": if fork in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_TORRENT and Torrent_NoLink == 1 and not clientAgent in ['nzbget','sabnzbd']: #use default SickBeard settings here. del fork_params[param] if process_method: fork_params[param] = process_method else: del fork_params[param] # delete any unused params so we don't pass them to SB by mistake [fork_params.pop(k) for k,v in fork_params.items() if v is None] if status == 0: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: The download succeeded, sending a post-process request", section) else: if fork in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_FAILED: logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. Sending 'failed' process request to %s branch" % (fork), section) else: logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. %s branch does not handle failed downloads. Nothing to process" % (fork), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName), section) delete(dirName) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) if status == 0 and nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: # only transcode successful downlaods result = Transcoder().Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug("SUCCESS: Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) else: logger.warning("FAILED: Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = None if section == "SickBeard": url = "%s%s:%s%s/home/postprocess/processEpisode" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) elif section == "NzbDrone": url = "%s%s:%s%s/api/command" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url),section) try: r = None if section == "SickBeard": r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=fork_params, stream=True) elif section == "NzbDrone": params = {"name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": dirName} headers = {"X-Api-Key": apikey} r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, stream=True) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if status != 0 and delete_failed and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName),section) delete(dirName) return 0 # Success
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", download_id="", inputCategory=None, failureLink=None): host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["method"] delete_failed = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: extract = int(section[inputCategory]["extract"]) except: extract = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" baseURL = "%s%s:%s%s/api/%s" % (protocol, host, port, web_root, apikey) if not server_responding(baseURL): logger.error("Server did not respond. Exiting", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - %s did not respond." % (section, section) ] imdbid = find_imdbid(dirName, inputName) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id) # pull info from release found if available release_id = None media_id = None downloader = None release_status_old = None if release: try: release_id = release.keys()[0] media_id = release[release_id]['media_id'] download_id = release[release_id]['download_info']['id'] downloader = release[release_id]['download_info']['downloader'] release_status_old = release[release_id]['status'] except: pass if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile(dirName): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath process_all_exceptions(inputName, dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if not listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False) and listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True) and extract: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (dirName)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) good_files = 0 num_files = 0 # Check video files for corruption status = int(status) for video in listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): num_files += 1 if transcoder.isVideoGood(video, status): import_subs(video) good_files += 1 if not release and not ".cp(tt" in video and imdbid: videoName, videoExt = os.path.splitext(video) video2 = "%s.cp(%s)%s" % (videoName, imdbid, videoExt) logger.debug('Renaming: %s to: %s' % (video, video2)) os.rename(video, video2) if num_files > 0 and good_files == num_files: if status:"Status shown as failed from Downloader, but %s valid video files found. Setting as success." % (str(good_files)), section) status = 0 elif num_files > 0 and good_files < num_files:"Status shown as success from Downloader, but corrupt video files found. Setting as failed.", section) if os.environ.has_key('NZBOP_VERSION') and os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] >= '14.0': print('[NZB] MARK=BAD') if failureLink: failureLink = failureLink + '&corrupt=true' status = 1 elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return [0, ""] # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = 1 if status == 0: if nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: result, newDirName = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug("Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) dirName = newDirName else: logger.error("Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Transcoding failed" % (section) ] if method == "manage": command = "/manage.update" else: command = "/renamer.scan" params = {} if download_id: params['downloader'] = downloader or clientAgent params['download_id'] = download_id params['media_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: params['media_folder'] = remoteDir(dirName) url = "%s%s" % (baseURL, command) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) logger.postprocess("Starting %s scan for %s" % (method, inputName), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Finished %s scan for folder %s" % (method, dirName), section) else: logger.error("FAILED: %s scan was unable to finish for folder %s. exiting!" % (method, dirName), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server did not return success" % (section) ] else: logger.postprocess("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED FOR %s" % (inputName), section) if failureLink: reportNzb(failureLink, clientAgent) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % dirName, section) rmDir(dirName) if not release_id and not media_id: logger.error("Could not find a downloaded movie in the database matching %s, exiting!" % inputName, section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Failed download not found in %s" % (section, section) ] if release_id: logger.postprocess("Setting failed release %s to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) url = baseURL + "/release.ignore" params = {'id': release_id} logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: %s has been set to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) else: logger.warning("FAILED: Unable to set %s to ignored!" % (inputName), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to set %s to ignored" % (section, inputName) ] logger.postprocess("Trying to snatch the next highest ranked release.", section) url = "%s/movie.searcher.try_next" % (baseURL) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params={'media_id': media_id}) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] elif result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Snatched the next highest release ...", section) return [0, "%s: Successfully snatched next highest release" % (section) ] else: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Unable to find a new release to snatch now. CP will keep searching!", section) return [0, "%s: No new release found now. %s will keep searching" % (section, section) ] # Added a releease that was not in the wanted list so confirm rename successful by finding this movie media.list. if not release: download_id = None # we don't want to filter new releases based on this. # we will now check to see if CPS has finished renaming before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. logger.postprocess("Checking for status change, please stand by ...", section) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id, release_id) if release: try: if release_id is None and release_status_old is None: # we didn't have a release before, but now we do. logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Movie %s has now been added to CouchPotato" % (imdbid), section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] release_status_new = release[release_id]['status'] if release_status_new != release_status_old: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Release %s has now been marked with a status of [%s]" % ( inputName, str(release_status_new).upper()), section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] except: pass if not os.path.isdir(dirName): logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Input Directory [%s] has been processed and removed" % ( dirName), section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] elif not listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True): logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Input Directory [%s] has no remaining media files. This has been fully processed." % ( dirName), section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] # pause and let CouchPotatoServer catch its breath time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning( "%s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (inputName, wait_for), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - No change in status" % (section) ]
def process(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): if dirName is None: logger.error("No directory was given!") return 1 # failure # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) fields = nzbName.split("-") gamezID = fields[0].replace("[","").replace("]","").replace(" ","") downloadStatus = 'Wanted' if status == 0: downloadStatus = 'Downloaded' params = {} params['api_key'] = apikey params['mode'] = 'UPDATEREQUESTEDSTATUS' params['db_id'] = gamezID params['status'] = downloadStatus logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url),section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL") return 1 # failure result = r.json() logger.postprocess("%s" % (result),section) if result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Status for %s has been set to %s in Gamez" % (gamezID, downloadStatus),section) return 0 # Success else: logger.error("FAILED: Status for %s has NOT been updated in Gamez" % (gamezID),section) return 1 # failure
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] try: library = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["library"] except: library = None try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) fields = inputName.split("-") gamezID = fields[0].replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", "") downloadStatus = 'Wanted' if status == 0: downloadStatus = 'Downloaded' params = {} params['api_key'] = apikey params['mode'] = 'UPDATEREQUESTEDSTATUS' params['db_id'] = gamezID params['status'] = downloadStatus logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL") return 1 # failure result = r.json() logger.postprocess("%s" % (result), section) if library: logger.postprocess("moving files to library: %s" % (library), section) try: shutil.move(dirName, os.path.join(library, inputName)) except: logger.error( "Unable to move %s to %s" % (dirName, os.path.join(library, inputName)), section) return 1 else: logger.error( "No library specified to move files to. Please edit your configuration.", section) return 1 if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Status for %s has been set to %s in Gamez" % (gamezID, downloadStatus), section) return 0 # Success else: logger.error( "FAILED: Status for %s has NOT been updated in Gamez" % (gamezID), section) return 1 # failure
def process(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", download_id="", inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["method"] delete_failed = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"] except: remote_path = None if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" baseURL = "%s%s:%s%s/api/%s" % (protocol, host, port, web_root, apikey) imdbid = find_imdbid(dirName, nzbName) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id) # pull info from release found if available release_id = None media_id = None downloader = None release_status_old = None if len(release) == 1: try: release_id = release.keys()[0] media_id = release[release_id]['media_id'] download_id = release[release_id]['download_info']['id'] downloader = release[release_id]['download_info']['downloader'] release_status_old = release[release_id]['status'] except: pass process_all_exceptions(nzbName.lower(), dirName) nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) if status == 0: if nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: result = Transcoder().Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug("Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) else: logger.warning("Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) if method == "manage": command = "/manage.update" else: command = "/renamer.scan" params = {} if download_id: params['downloader'] = downloader or clientAgent params['download_id'] = download_id params['media_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: dirName_new = os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(dirName)).replace("\\", "/") params['media_folder'] = dirName_new url = "%s%s" % (baseURL, command) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) logger.postprocess("Starting %s scan for %s" % (method, nzbName), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Finished %s scan for folder %s" % (method, dirName), section) else: logger.error("FAILED: %s scan was unable to finish for folder %s. exiting!" % (method, dirName), section) return 1 # failure else: logger.postprocess("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED FOR %s" % (nzbName), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % dirName, section) delete(dirName) if not download_id: logger.error("Could not find a downloaded movie in the database matching %s, exiting!" % nzbName, section) return 1 # failure logger.postprocess("Setting failed release %s to ignored ..." % (nzbName), section) url = baseURL + "/release.ignore" logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params={'id': release_id}) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: %s has been set to ignored ..." % (nzbName), section) else: logger.warning("FAILED: Unable to set %s to ignored!" % (nzbName), section) logger.postprocess("Trying to snatch the next highest ranked release.", section) url = "%s/movie.searcher.try_next" % (baseURL) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params={'media_id': media_id}) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if result['success']: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Snatched the next highest release ...", section) return 0 else: logger.postprocess("FAILED: Unable to find a higher ranked release then %s to snatch!" % (nzbName), section) return 1 # we will now check to see if CPS has finished renaming before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. logger.postprocess("Checking for status change, please stand by ...", section) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id, release_id) if release: try: release_status_new = release[release_id]['status'] if release_status_new != release_status_old: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Release %s has now been marked with a status of [%s]" % ( nzbName, str(release_status_new).upper()), section) return 0 # success except: pass # pause and let CouchPotatoServer catch its breath time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning( "%s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (nzbName, wait_for), section) return 1 # failure
def processEpisode(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): if int(status) != 0: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED, nothing to process.",section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process. %s does not support failed downloads" % (section, section) ] host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = "%s%s:%s%s/post_process" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) if not server_responding(url): logger.error("Server did not respond. Exiting", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - %s did not respond." % (section, section) ] inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) clean_name, ext = os.path.splitext(inputName) if len(ext) == 4: # we assume this was a standrard extension. inputName = clean_name params = {} params['nzb_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: params['nzb_folder'] = remoteDir(dirName) if inputName != None: params['nzb_name'] = inputName success = False logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=params, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if ("Post Processing SUCCESSFUL!" or "Post Processing SUCCESSFULL!")in line: success = True if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] if success: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: This issue has been processed successfully",section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] else: logger.warning("The issue does not appear to have successfully processed. Please check your Logs",section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Returned log from %s was not as expected." % (section, section) ]
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) if status == 0: params = {} params['apikey'] = apikey params['cmd'] = "forceProcess" params['dir'] = os.path.dirname(dirName) if remote_path: params['dir'] = remoteDir(dirName) release_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if not release_status: logger.error( "Could not find a status for %s, is it in the wanted list ?" % (inputName), section) return 1 logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.text), section) if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif r.text == "OK": logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Post-Processing started for %s in folder %s ..." % (inputName, dirName), section) else: logger.error( "FAILED: Post-Processing has NOT started for %s in folder %s. exiting!" % (inputName, dirName), section) return 1 # failure else: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED", section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) # we will now wait 1 minutes for this album to be processed before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. current_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if current_status is not None and current_status != release_status: # Something has changed. CPS must have processed this movie. logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: This release is now marked as status [%s]" % (current_status), section) return 0 time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning( "The music album does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes. Please check your Logs" % (wait_for), section) return 1 # failure
def processEpisode(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, failed=False, clientAgent = "manual", inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct fork fork, fork_params = autoFork(section, inputCategory) # Check video files for corruption status = int(failed) for video in listMediaFiles(dirName): if not transcoder.isVideoGood(video): status = 1 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] try: username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] except: username = "" password = "" try: apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] except: apikey = "" try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: delete_failed = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) except: delete_failed = 0 try: nzbExtractionBy = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["nzbExtractionBy"] except: nzbExtractionBy = "Downloader" try: process_method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["process_method"] except: process_method = None try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) except: wait_for = 2 if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile(dirName): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath if fork not in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_TORRENT or (clientAgent in ['nzbget','sabnzbd'] and nzbExtractionBy != "Destination"): if inputName: process_all_exceptions(inputName.lower(), dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) # Now check if tv files exist in destination. Eventually extraction may be done here if nzbExtractionBy == TorrentToMedia if listMediaFiles(dirName): # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed. flatten(dirName) # to make sure SickBeard can find the video (not in sub-folder) elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = 1 failed = 1 # configure SB params to pass fork_params['quiet'] = 1 if inputName is not None: fork_params['nzbName'] = inputName for param in copy.copy(fork_params): if param == "failed": fork_params[param] = failed if param in ["dirName", "dir"]: fork_params[param] = dirName if remote_path: fork_params[param] = remoteDir(dirName) if param == "process_method": if process_method: fork_params[param] = process_method else: del fork_params[param] # delete any unused params so we don't pass them to SB by mistake [fork_params.pop(k) for k,v in fork_params.items() if v is None] if status == 0: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: The download succeeded, sending a post-process request", section) else: if fork in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_FAILED or section == "NzbDrone": logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. Sending 'failed' process request to %s branch" % (fork), section) else: logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. %s branch does not handle failed downloads. Nothing to process" % (fork), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName), section) rmDir(dirName) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) if status == 0 and nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: # only transcode successful downlaods result = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug("SUCCESS: Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) else: logger.warning("FAILED: Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = None if section == "SickBeard": url = "%s%s:%s%s/home/postprocess/processEpisode" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) elif section == "NzbDrone": url = "%s%s:%s%s/api/command" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) url1 = "%s%s:%s%s/api/missing" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) headers = {"X-Api-Key": apikey} params = {'sortKey': 'series.title', 'page': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'sortDir': 'asc'} if remote_path: data = json.dumps({"name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": remote_path}) else: data = json.dumps({"name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": dirName}) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url),section) try: if section == "SickBeard": r = None r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=fork_params, stream=True, verify=False) elif section == "NzbDrone": start_numMissing = self.numMissing(url1, params, headers) # get current number of outstanding eppisodes. r = None r =, data=data, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 Success = False Started = False for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if section == "SickBeard" and "Processing succeeded" in line: Success = True elif section == "NzbDrone" and "stateChangeTime" in line: Started = True if status != 0 and delete_failed and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName),section) rmDir(dirName) if Success: return 0 elif section == "NzbDrone" and Started: n = 0 current_numMissing = start_numMissing while n < 6: # set up wait_for minutes of no change in numMissing. time.sleep(10 * wait_for) new_numMissing = self.numMissing(url1, params, headers) if new_numMissing == current_numMissing: # nothing processed since last call n += 1 else: n = 0 current_numMissing = new_numMissing # reset counter and start loop again with this many missing. if current_numMissing < start_numMissing: logger.debug( "The number of missing episodes changes from %s to %s and then remained the same for %s minutes. Consider this successful" % (str(start_numMissing), str(current_numMissing), str(wait_for)), section) return 0 else: # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resume seeding now. logger.warning( "The number of missing episodes: %s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (str(start_numMissing), str(wait_for)), section) return 1 else: return 1 # We did not receive Success confirmation.
def processEpisode(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"] except: remote_path = None nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) params = {} params['nzb_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: dirName_new = os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(dirName)).replace( "\\", "/") params['nzb_folder'] = dirName_new if nzbName != None: params['nzb_name'] = nzbName if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" url = "%s%s:%s%s/post_process" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(username, password), stream=True) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return 1 # failure for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) time.sleep( 60 ) #wait 1 minute for now... need to see just what gets logged and how long it takes to process return 0 # Success
def processTorrent(inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, inputHash, inputID, clientAgent): status = 1 # 1 = failed | 0 = success root = 0 foundFile = 0 uniquePath = 1 if clientAgent != 'manual' and not nzbtomedia.DOWNLOADINFO: logger.debug( 'Adding TORRENT download info for directory %s to database' % (inputDirectory)) myDB = nzbToMediaDB.DBConnection() encoded, inputDirectory1 = CharReplace(inputDirectory) encoded, inputName1 = CharReplace(inputName) controlValueDict = {"input_directory": unicode(inputDirectory1)} newValueDict = { "input_name": unicode(inputName1), "input_hash": unicode(inputHash), "input_id": unicode(inputID), "client_agent": unicode(clientAgent), "status": 0, "last_update": } myDB.upsert("downloads", newValueDict, controlValueDict) logger.debug("Received Directory: %s | Name: %s | Category: %s" % (inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory)) inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, root = nzbtomedia.category_search( inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, root, nzbtomedia.CATEGORIES ) # Confirm the category by parsing directory structure if inputCategory == "": inputCategory = "UNCAT" usercat = inputCategory try: inputName = inputName.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass try: inputDirectory = inputDirectory.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass logger.debug("Determined Directory: %s | Name: %s | Category: %s" % (inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory)) # auto-detect section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory).isenabled() if section is None: section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection("ALL").isenabled() if section is None: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not defined or is not enabled. Please rename it or ensure it is enabled for the appropriate section in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % (inputCategory)) return [-1, ""] else: usercat = "ALL" if len(section) > 1: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not unique, %s are using it. Please rename it or disable all other sections using the same category name in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % (usercat, section.keys())) return [-1, ""] if section: sectionName = section.keys()[0]'Auto-detected SECTION:%s' % (sectionName)) else: logger.error( "Unable to locate a section with subsection:%s enabled in your autoProcessMedia.cfg, exiting!" % (inputCategory)) return [-1, ""] try: Torrent_NoLink = int(section[usercat]["Torrent_NoLink"]) except: Torrent_NoLink = 0 try: extract = int(section[usercat]['extract']) except: extract = 0 try: uniquePath = int(section[usercat]["unique_path"]) except: uniquePath = 1 if clientAgent != 'manual': nzbtomedia.pause_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) if uniquePath: outputDestination = os.path.normpath( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(nzbtomedia.OUTPUTDIRECTORY, inputCategory, nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName))) else: outputDestination = os.path.normpath( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(nzbtomedia.OUTPUTDIRECTORY, inputCategory)) try: outputDestination = outputDestination.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass"Output directory set to: %s" % (outputDestination)) if nzbtomedia.SAFE_MODE and outputDestination == nzbtomedia.TORRENT_DEFAULTDIR: logger.error( 'The output directory:[%s] is the Download Directory. Edit outputDirectory in autoProcessMedia.cfg. Exiting' % (inputDirectory)) return [-1, ""] logger.debug("Scanning files in directory: %s" % (inputDirectory)) if sectionName == 'HeadPhones': nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN.extend( inputCategory ) # Make sure we preserve folder structure for HeadPhones. now = inputFiles = nzbtomedia.listMediaFiles(inputDirectory) logger.debug("Found %s files in %s" % (str(len(inputFiles)), inputDirectory)) for inputFile in inputFiles: filePath = os.path.dirname(inputFile) fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputFile)) fullFileName = os.path.basename(inputFile) targetFile = nzbtomedia.os.path.join(outputDestination, fullFileName) if inputCategory in nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN: if not os.path.basename(filePath) in outputDestination: targetFile = nzbtomedia.os.path.join( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(outputDestination, os.path.basename(filePath)), fullFileName) logger.debug( "Setting outputDestination to %s to preserve folder structure" % (os.path.dirname(targetFile))) try: targetFile = targetFile.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass if root == 1: if not foundFile: logger.debug("Looking for %s in: %s" % (inputName, inputFile)) if (nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName) in nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputFile)) or ( nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(fileName) in nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName)): foundFile = True logger.debug("Found file %s that matches Torrent Name %s" % (fullFileName, inputName)) else: continue if root == 2: mtime_lapse = now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(inputFile)) ctime_lapse = now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(inputFile)) if not foundFile: logger.debug( "Looking for files with modified/created dates less than 5 minutes old." ) if (mtime_lapse < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) or ( ctime_lapse < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)): foundFile = True logger.debug( "Found file %s with date modifed/created less than 5 minutes ago." % (fullFileName)) else: continue # This file has not been recently moved or created, skip it if Torrent_NoLink == 0: try: nzbtomedia.copy_link(inputFile, targetFile, nzbtomedia.USELINK) nzbtomedia.rmReadOnly(targetFile) except: logger.error("Failed to link: %s to %s" % (inputFile, targetFile)) inputName, outputDestination = convert_to_ascii(inputName, outputDestination) if extract == 1: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (outputDestination)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(outputDestination) if not inputCategory in nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN: #don't flatten hp in case multi cd albums, and we need to copy this back later. nzbtomedia.flatten(outputDestination) # Now check if video files exist in destination: if sectionName in ["SickBeard", "NzbDrone", "CouchPotato"]: numVideos = len( nzbtomedia.listMediaFiles(outputDestination, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False)) if numVideos > 0:"Found %s media files in %s" % (numVideos, outputDestination)) status = 0 elif extract != 1: "Found no media files in %s. Sending to %s to process" % (outputDestination, sectionName)) status = 0 else: logger.warning("Found no media files in %s" % outputDestination) # Only these sections can handling failed downloads so make sure everything else gets through without the check for failed if not sectionName in ['CouchPotato', 'SickBeard', 'NzbDrone']: status = 0"Calling %s:%s to post-process:%s" % (sectionName, usercat, inputName)) result = [0, ""] if sectionName == 'UserScript': result = external_script(outputDestination, inputName, inputCategory, section[usercat]) elif sectionName == 'CouchPotato': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessMovie().process(sectionName, outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputHash, inputCategory) elif sectionName in ['SickBeard', 'NzbDrone']: if inputHash: inputHash = inputHash.upper() result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessTV().processEpisode( sectionName, outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputHash, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'HeadPhones': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessMusic().process(sectionName, outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'Mylar': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessComics().processEpisode( sectionName, outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'Gamez': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessGames().process(sectionName, outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) if result[0] != 0: if clientAgent != 'manual': logger.error( "A problem was reported in the autoProcess* script. If torrent was paused we will resume seeding" ) nzbtomedia.resume_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) else: if clientAgent != 'manual': # update download status in our DB nzbtomedia.update_downloadInfoStatus(inputName, 1) # remove torrent nzbtomedia.remove_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) if not sectionName == 'UserScript': # for user script, we assume this is cleaned by the script or option USER_SCRIPT_CLEAN # cleanup our processing folders of any misc unwanted files and empty directories nzbtomedia.cleanDir(outputDestination, sectionName, inputCategory) return result
class autoProcessTV: def command_complete(self, url, params, headers, section): r = None try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url1), section) return None if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return None else: try: res = json.loads(r.content) return res['state'] except: logger.error("%s did not return expected json data." % section, section) return None def CDH(self, url2, headers): r = None try: r = requests.get(url2, params={}, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url2), section) return False if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return False else: try: res = json.loads(r.content) return res["enableCompletedDownloadHandling"] except: return False def processEpisode(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, failed=False, clientAgent = "manual", download_id=None, inputCategory=None, failureLink=None): host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" if not server_responding("%s%s:%s%s" % (protocol,host,port,web_root)): logger.error("Server did not respond. Exiting", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - %s did not respond." % (section, section) ] # auto-detect correct fork fork, fork_params = autoFork(section, inputCategory) try: username = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["username"] password = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["password"] except: username = "" password = "" try: apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] except: apikey = "" try: delete_failed = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) except: delete_failed = 0 try: nzbExtractionBy = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["nzbExtractionBy"] except: nzbExtractionBy = "Downloader" try: process_method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["process_method"] except: process_method = None try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 try: wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) except: wait_for = 2 try: force = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["force"]) except: force = 0 try: extract = int(section[inputCategory]["extract"]) except: extract = 0 if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile(dirName): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath # Attempt to create the directory if it doesn't exist and ignore any # error stating that it already exists. This fixes a bug where SickRage # won't process the directory because it doesn't exist. try: os.makedirs(dirName) # Attempt to create the directory except OSError, e: # Re-raise the error if it wasn't about the directory not existing if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # Check video files for corruption status = int(failed) good_files = 0 num_files = 0 for video in listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): num_files += 1 if transcoder.isVideoGood(video, status): good_files += 1 import_subs(video) if num_files > 0: if good_files == num_files and not status == 0:'Found Valid Videos. Setting status Success') status = 0 failed = 0 if good_files < num_files and status == 0:'Found corrupt videos. Setting status Failed') status = 1 failed = 1 if os.environ.has_key('NZBOP_VERSION') and os.environ['NZBOP_VERSION'][0:5] >= '14.0': print('[NZB] MARK=BAD') if failureLink: failureLink = failureLink + '&corrupt=true' elif clientAgent == "manual" and not listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True): logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return [0, ""] # Success (as far as this script is concerned) if fork not in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_TORRENT or (clientAgent in ['nzbget','sabnzbd'] and nzbExtractionBy != "Destination"): if inputName: process_all_exceptions(inputName, dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) # Now check if tv files exist in destination. if listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed. flatten(dirName) # to make sure SickBeard can find the video (not in sub-folder) elif listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True) and extract: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (dirName)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) good_files = 0 num_files = 0 for video in listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): num_files += 1 if transcoder.isVideoGood(video, status): good_files += 1 import_subs(video) if num_files > 0 and good_files == num_files:'Found Valid Videos. Setting status Success') status = 0 failed = 0 if listMediaFiles(dirName, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False): # Check that a video exists. if not, assume failed. flatten(dirName) elif clientAgent == "manual": logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s to manually process." % (dirName), section) return [0, ""] # Success (as far as this script is concerned) else: logger.warning("No media files found in directory %s. Processing this as a failed download" % (dirName), section) status = 1 failed = 1 if status == 0 and nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: # only transcode successful downlaods result, newDirName = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug("SUCCESS: Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) dirName = newDirName else: logger.error("FAILED: Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Transcoding failed" % (section) ] # configure SB params to pass fork_params['quiet'] = 1 if inputName is not None: fork_params['nzbName'] = inputName for param in copy.copy(fork_params): if param == "failed": fork_params[param] = failed if param in ["dirName", "dir"]: fork_params[param] = dirName if remote_path: fork_params[param] = remoteDir(dirName) if param == "process_method": if process_method: fork_params[param] = process_method else: del fork_params[param] if param == "force": if force: fork_params[param] = force else: del fork_params[param] # delete any unused params so we don't pass them to SB by mistake [fork_params.pop(k) for k,v in fork_params.items() if v is None] if status == 0: logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: The download succeeded, sending a post-process request", section) else: if failureLink: reportNzb(failureLink, clientAgent) if fork in nzbtomedia.SICKBEARD_FAILED: logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. Sending 'failed' process request to %s branch" % (fork), section) elif section == "NzbDrone": logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. Sending failed download to %s for CDH processing" % (fork), section) return [1, "%s: Downlaod Failed. Sending back to %s" % (section, section) ] # Return as failed to flag this in the downloader. else: logger.postprocess("FAILED: The download failed. %s branch does not handle failed downloads. Nothing to process" % (fork), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir(dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName), section) rmDir(dirName) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process. %s does not support failed downloads" % (section, section) ] # Return as failed to flag this in the downloader. url = None if section == "SickBeard": url = "%s%s:%s%s/home/postprocess/processEpisode" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) elif section == "NzbDrone": url = "%s%s:%s%s/api/command" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) url2 = "%s%s:%s%s/api/config/downloadClient" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) headers = {"X-Api-Key": apikey} params = {'sortKey': 'series.title', 'page': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'sortDir': 'asc'} if remote_path: logger.debug("remote_path: %s" % (remoteDir(dirName)),section) data = {"name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": remoteDir(dirName), "downloadClientId": download_id} else: logger.debug("path: %s" % (dirName),section) data = {"name": "DownloadedEpisodesScan", "path": dirName, "downloadClientId": download_id} if not download_id: data.pop("downloadClientId") data = json.dumps(data) try: if section == "SickBeard": logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with params: %s" % (url, str(fork_params)), section) r = None s = requests.Session() login = "******" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) login_params = {'username': username, 'password': password}, data=login_params, stream=True, verify=False) r = s.get(url, auth=(username, password), params=fork_params, stream=True, verify=False) elif section == "NzbDrone": logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with data: %s" % (url, str(data)), section) r = None r =, data=data, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL: %s" % (url), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Unable to connect to %s" % (section, section) ] if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Server returned status %s" % (section, str(r.status_code)) ] Success = False Started = False if section == "SickBeard": for line in r.iter_lines(): if line: logger.postprocess("%s" % (line), section) if "Processing succeeded" in line or "Successfully processed" in line: Success = True elif section == "NzbDrone": try: res = json.loads(r.content) scan_id = int(res['id']) logger.debug("Scan started with id: %s" % (str(scan_id)), section) Started = True except Exception as e: logger.warning("No scan id was returned due to: %s" % (e), section) scan_id = None Started = False if status != 0 and delete_failed and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess("Deleting failed files and folder %s" % (dirName),section) rmDir(dirName) if Success: return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] elif section == "NzbDrone" and Started: n = 0 params = {} url = url + "/" + str(scan_id) while n < 6: # set up wait_for minutes to see if command completes.. time.sleep(10 * wait_for) command_status = self.command_complete(url, params, headers, section) if command_status and command_status in ['completed', 'failed']: break n += 1 if command_status: logger.debug("The Scan command return status: %s" % (command_status), section) if not os.path.exists(dirName): logger.debug("The directory %s has been removed. Renaming was successful." % (dirName), section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] elif command_status and command_status in ['completed']: logger.debug("The Scan command has completed successfully. Renaming was successful.", section) return [0, "%s: Successfully post-processed %s" % (section, inputName) ] elif command_status and command_status in ['failed']: logger.debug("The Scan command has failed. Renaming was not successful.", section) #return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process %s" % (section, inputName) ] if self.CDH(url2, headers): logger.debug("The Scan command did not return status completed, but complete Download Handling is enabled. Passing back to %s." % (section), section) return [status, "%s: Complete DownLoad Handling is enabled. Passing back to %s" % (section, section) ] else: logger.warning("The Scan command did not return a valid status. Renaming was not successful.", section) return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process %s" % (section, inputName) ] else: return [1, "%s: Failed to post-process - Returned log from %s was not as expected." % (section, section) ] # We did not receive Success confirmation.
def process(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', inputCategory=None): if dirName is None: logger.error("No directory was given!") return 1 # failure # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if not section: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % inputCategory) return 1 status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol, host, port, web_root) fields = nzbName.split("-") gamezID = fields[0].replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", "") downloadStatus = 'Wanted' if status == 0: downloadStatus = 'Downloaded' params = {} params['api_key'] = apikey params['mode'] = 'UPDATEREQUESTEDSTATUS' params['db_id'] = gamezID params['status'] = downloadStatus logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL") return 1 # failure result = r.json() logger.postprocess("%s" % (result), section) if result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Status for %s has been set to %s in Gamez" % (gamezID, downloadStatus), section) return 0 # Success else: logger.error( "FAILED: Status for %s has NOT been updated in Gamez" % (gamezID), section) return 1 # failure
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" if not os.path.isdir(dirName) and os.path.isfile(dirName): # If the input directory is a file, assume single file download and split dir/name. dirName = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(dirName))[0] SpecificPath = os.path.join(dirName, str(inputName)) cleanName = os.path.splitext(SpecificPath) if cleanName[1] == ".nzb": SpecificPath = cleanName[0] if os.path.isdir(SpecificPath): dirName = SpecificPath process_all_exceptions(inputName.lower(), dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if not listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=True, meta=False, archives=False) and listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=False, meta=False, archives=True): logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (dirName)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if listMediaFiles(dirName, media=False, audio=True, meta=False, archives=False) and status:"Status shown as failed from Downloader, but %s valid video files found. Setting as successful." % (str(good_files)), section) status = 0 url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) if status == 0: params = {} params['apikey'] = apikey params['cmd'] = "forceProcess" params['dir'] = os.path.dirname(dirName) if remote_path: params['dir'] = remoteDir(dirName) release_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if not release_status: logger.error("Could not find a status for %s, is it in the wanted list ?" % (inputName),section) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url) ,section) return 1 # failure logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.text),section) if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif r.text == "OK": logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Post-Processing started for %s in folder %s ..." % (inputName, dirName),section) else: logger.error("FAILED: Post-Processing has NOT started for %s in folder %s. exiting!" % (inputName, dirName),section) return 1 # failure else: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED", section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) # we will now wait for this album to be processed before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): current_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if current_status is not None and current_status != release_status: # Something has changed. CPS must have processed this movie. logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: This release is now marked as status [%s]" % (current_status),section) return 0 if not os.path.isdir(dirName): logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: The input directory %s has been removed Processing must have finished." % (dirName),section) return 0 time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. uTorrent can resume seeding now. logger.warning("The music album does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes. Please check your Logs" % (wait_for),section) return 1 # failure
def process(inputDirectory, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent='manual', download_id=None, inputCategory=None): if nzbtomedia.SAFE_MODE and inputDirectory == nzbtomedia.NZB_DEFAULTDIR: logger.error( 'The input directory:[%s] is the Default Download Directory. Please configure category directories to prevent processing of other media.' % ( inputDirectory)) return -1 if clientAgent != 'manual' and not nzbtomedia.DOWNLOADINFO: logger.debug('Adding NZB download info for directory %s to database' % (inputDirectory)) myDB = nzbToMediaDB.DBConnection() encoded, inputDirectory1 = CharReplace(inputDirectory) encoded, inputName1 = CharReplace(inputName) controlValueDict = {"input_directory": unicode(inputDirectory1)} newValueDict = {"input_name": unicode(inputName1), "input_hash": unicode(download_id), "input_id": unicode(download_id), "client_agent": unicode(clientAgent), "status": 0, "last_update": } myDB.upsert("downloads", newValueDict, controlValueDict) # auto-detect section if inputCategory is None: inputCategory = 'UNCAT' usercat = inputCategory section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory).isenabled() if section is None: section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection("ALL").isenabled() if section is None: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not defined or is not enabled. Please rename it or ensure it is enabled for the appropriate section in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % ( inputCategory)) return -1 else: usercat = "ALL" if len(section) > 1: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not unique, %s are using it. Please rename it or disable all other sections using the same category name in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % ( inputCategory, section.keys())) return -1 if section: sectionName = section.keys()[0]'Auto-detected SECTION:%s' % (sectionName)) else: logger.error("Unable to locate a section with subsection:%s enabled in your autoProcessMedia.cfg, exiting!" % ( inputCategory)) return -1 try: extract = int(section[usercat]['extract']) except: extract = 0 try: if int(section[usercat]['remote_path']) and not nzbtomedia.REMOTEPATHS: logger.error('Remote Path is enabled for %s:%s but no Network mount points are defined. Please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg, exiting!' % ( sectionName, inputCategory)) return -1 except: logger.error('Remote Path %s is not valid for %s:%s Please set this to either 0 to disable or 1 to enable!' % ( section[usercat]['remote_path'], sectionName, inputCategory)) inputName, inputDirectory = convert_to_ascii(inputName, inputDirectory) if extract == 1: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (inputDirectory)) extractFiles(inputDirectory)"Calling %s:%s to post-process:%s" % (sectionName, inputCategory, inputName)) if sectionName == "CouchPotato": result = autoProcessMovie().process(sectionName, inputDirectory, inputName, status, clientAgent, download_id, inputCategory) elif sectionName in ["SickBeard", "NzbDrone"]: result = autoProcessTV().processEpisode(sectionName, inputDirectory, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == "HeadPhones": result = autoProcessMusic().process(sectionName, inputDirectory, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == "Mylar": result = autoProcessComics().processEpisode(sectionName, inputDirectory, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == "Gamez": result = autoProcessGames().process(sectionName, inputDirectory, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'UserScript': result = external_script(inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, section[usercat]) else: result = -1 if result == 0: if clientAgent != 'manual': # update download status in our DB update_downloadInfoStatus(inputName, 1) # cleanup our processing folders of any misc unwanted files and empty directories cleanDir(inputDirectory, sectionName, inputCategory) return result
def processTorrent(inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, inputHash, inputID, clientAgent): status = 1 # 1 = failed | 0 = success root = 0 foundFile = 0 uniquePath = 1 if clientAgent != 'manual' and not nzbtomedia.DOWNLOADINFO: logger.debug('Adding TORRENT download info for directory %s to database' % (inputDirectory)) myDB = nzbToMediaDB.DBConnection() encoded, inputDirectory1 = CharReplace(inputDirectory) encoded, inputName1 = CharReplace(inputName) controlValueDict = {"input_directory": unicode(inputDirectory1)} newValueDict = {"input_name": unicode(inputName1), "input_hash": unicode(inputHash), "input_id": unicode(inputID), "client_agent": unicode(clientAgent), "status": 0, "last_update": } myDB.upsert("downloads", newValueDict, controlValueDict) logger.debug("Received Directory: %s | Name: %s | Category: %s" % (inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory)) inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, root = nzbtomedia.category_search(inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory, root, nzbtomedia.CATEGORIES) # Confirm the category by parsing directory structure if inputCategory == "": inputCategory = "UNCAT" usercat = inputCategory try: inputName = inputName.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass try: inputDirectory = inputDirectory.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass logger.debug("Determined Directory: %s | Name: %s | Category: %s" % (inputDirectory, inputName, inputCategory)) # auto-detect section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory).isenabled() if section is None: section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection("ALL").isenabled() if section is None: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not defined or is not enabled. Please rename it or ensure it is enabled for the appropriate section in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % ( inputCategory)) return [-1, ""] else: usercat = "ALL" if len(section) > 1: logger.error( 'Category:[%s] is not unique, %s are using it. Please rename it or disable all other sections using the same category name in your autoProcessMedia.cfg and try again.' % ( usercat, section.keys())) return [-1, ""] if section: sectionName = section.keys()[0]'Auto-detected SECTION:%s' % (sectionName)) else: logger.error("Unable to locate a section with subsection:%s enabled in your autoProcessMedia.cfg, exiting!" % ( inputCategory)) return [-1, ""] try: Torrent_NoLink = int(section[usercat]["Torrent_NoLink"]) except: Torrent_NoLink = 0 try: extract = int(section[usercat]['extract']) except: extract = 0 try: uniquePath = int(section[usercat]["unique_path"]) except: uniquePath = 1 if clientAgent != 'manual': nzbtomedia.pause_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) if uniquePath: outputDestination = os.path.normpath( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(nzbtomedia.OUTPUTDIRECTORY, inputCategory, nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName))) else: outputDestination = os.path.normpath( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(nzbtomedia.OUTPUTDIRECTORY, inputCategory)) try: outputDestination = outputDestination.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass"Output directory set to: %s" % (outputDestination)) if nzbtomedia.SAFE_MODE and outputDestination == nzbtomedia.TORRENT_DEFAULTDIR: logger.error( 'The output directory:[%s] is the Download Directory. Edit outputDirectory in autoProcessMedia.cfg. Exiting' % ( inputDirectory)) return [-1, ""] logger.debug("Scanning files in directory: %s" % (inputDirectory)) if sectionName == 'HeadPhones': nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN.extend( inputCategory) # Make sure we preserve folder structure for HeadPhones. now = inputFiles = nzbtomedia.listMediaFiles(inputDirectory) logger.debug("Found %s files in %s" % (str(len(inputFiles)), inputDirectory)) for inputFile in inputFiles: filePath = os.path.dirname(inputFile) fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputFile)) fullFileName = os.path.basename(inputFile) targetFile = nzbtomedia.os.path.join(outputDestination, fullFileName) if inputCategory in nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN: if not os.path.basename(filePath) in outputDestination: targetFile = nzbtomedia.os.path.join( nzbtomedia.os.path.join(outputDestination, os.path.basename(filePath)), fullFileName) logger.debug( "Setting outputDestination to %s to preserve folder structure" % (os.path.dirname(targetFile))) try: targetFile = targetFile.encode(nzbtomedia.SYS_ENCODING) except: pass if root == 1: if not foundFile: logger.debug("Looking for %s in: %s" % (inputName, inputFile)) if (nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName) in nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputFile)) or ( nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(fileName) in nzbtomedia.sanitizeName(inputName)): foundFile = True logger.debug("Found file %s that matches Torrent Name %s" % (fullFileName, inputName)) else: continue if root == 2: mtime_lapse = now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(inputFile)) ctime_lapse = now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(inputFile)) if not foundFile: logger.debug("Looking for files with modified/created dates less than 5 minutes old.") if (mtime_lapse < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) or (ctime_lapse < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)): foundFile = True logger.debug("Found file %s with date modifed/created less than 5 minutes ago." % (fullFileName)) else: continue # This file has not been recently moved or created, skip it if Torrent_NoLink == 0: try: nzbtomedia.copy_link(inputFile, targetFile, nzbtomedia.USELINK) nzbtomedia.rmReadOnly(targetFile) except: logger.error("Failed to link: %s to %s" % (inputFile, targetFile)) inputName, outputDestination = convert_to_ascii(inputName, outputDestination) if extract == 1: logger.debug('Checking for archives to extract in directory: %s' % (outputDestination)) nzbtomedia.extractFiles(outputDestination) if not inputCategory in nzbtomedia.NOFLATTEN: #don't flatten hp in case multi cd albums, and we need to copy this back later. nzbtomedia.flatten(outputDestination) # Now check if video files exist in destination: if sectionName in ["SickBeard", "NzbDrone", "CouchPotato"]: numVideos = len( nzbtomedia.listMediaFiles(outputDestination, media=True, audio=False, meta=False, archives=False)) if numVideos > 0:"Found %s media files in %s" % (numVideos, outputDestination)) status = 0 elif extract != 1:"Found no media files in %s. Sending to %s to process" % (outputDestination, sectionName)) status = 0 else: logger.warning("Found no media files in %s" % outputDestination) # Only these sections can handling failed downloads so make sure everything else gets through without the check for failed if not sectionName in ['CouchPotato', 'SickBeard', 'NzbDrone']: status = 0"Calling %s:%s to post-process:%s" % (sectionName, usercat, inputName)) result = [ 0, "" ] if sectionName == 'UserScript': result = external_script(outputDestination, inputName, inputCategory, section[usercat]) elif sectionName == 'CouchPotato': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessMovie().process(sectionName,outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputHash, inputCategory) elif sectionName in ['SickBeard','NzbDrone']: result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessTV().processEpisode(sectionName,outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'HeadPhones': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessMusic().process(sectionName,outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'Mylar': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessComics().processEpisode(sectionName,outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) elif sectionName == 'Gamez': result = nzbtomedia.autoProcessGames().process(sectionName,outputDestination, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) if result[0] != 0: if clientAgent != 'manual': logger.error( "A problem was reported in the autoProcess* script. If torrent was paused we will resume seeding") nzbtomedia.resume_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) else: if clientAgent != 'manual': # update download status in our DB nzbtomedia.update_downloadInfoStatus(inputName, 1) # remove torrent nzbtomedia.remove_torrent(clientAgent, inputHash, inputID, inputName) if not sectionName == 'UserScript': # for user script, we assume this is cleaned by the script or option USER_SCRIPT_CLEAN # cleanup our processing folders of any misc unwanted files and empty directories nzbtomedia.cleanDir(outputDestination, sectionName, inputCategory) return result
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", download_id="", inputCategory=None): # Check video files for corruption status = int(status) for video in listMediaFiles(dirName): if not transcoder.isVideoGood(video): status = 1 host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] method = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["method"] delete_failed = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["delete_failed"]) wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int( nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" baseURL = "%s%s:%s%s/api/%s" % (protocol, host, port, web_root, apikey) imdbid = find_imdbid(dirName, inputName) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id) # pull info from release found if available release_id = None media_id = None downloader = None release_status_old = None if release: try: release_id = release.keys()[0] media_id = release[release_id]['media_id'] download_id = release[release_id]['download_info']['id'] downloader = release[release_id]['download_info']['downloader'] release_status_old = release[release_id]['status'] except: pass process_all_exceptions(inputName.lower(), dirName) inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) if status == 0: if nzbtomedia.TRANSCODE == 1: result = transcoder.Transcode_directory(dirName) if result == 0: logger.debug( "Transcoding succeeded for files in %s" % (dirName), section) else: logger.warning( "Transcoding failed for files in %s" % (dirName), section) if method == "manage": command = "/manage.update" else: command = "/renamer.scan" params = {} if download_id: params['downloader'] = downloader or clientAgent params['download_id'] = download_id params['media_folder'] = dirName if remote_path: params['media_folder'] = remoteDir(dirName) url = "%s%s" % (baseURL, command) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) logger.postprocess("Starting %s scan for %s" % (method, inputName), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL", section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Finished %s scan for folder %s" % (method, dirName), section) else: logger.error( "FAILED: %s scan was unable to finish for folder %s. exiting!" % (method, dirName), section) return 1 # failure # Added a releease that was not in the wanted list so no way to check status, exit without errors if not release: return 0 else: logger.postprocess("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED FOR %s" % (inputName), section) if delete_failed and os.path.isdir( dirName) and not os.path.dirname(dirName) == dirName: logger.postprocess( "Deleting failed files and folder %s" % dirName, section) rmDir(dirName) if not download_id: logger.error( "Could not find a downloaded movie in the database matching %s, exiting!" % inputName, section) return 1 # failure logger.postprocess( "Setting failed release %s to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) url = baseURL + "/release.ignore" params = {'id': release_id} logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: %s has been set to ignored ..." % (inputName), section) else: logger.warning( "FAILED: Unable to set %s to ignored!" % (inputName), section) logger.postprocess( "Trying to snatch the next highest ranked release.", section) url = "%s/movie.searcher.try_next" % (baseURL) logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params={'media_id': media_id}) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url), section) return 1 # failure result = r.json() if not r.status_code in [,, ]: logger.error( "Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif result['success']: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Snatched the next highest release ...", section) return 0 else: logger.postprocess( "FAILED: Unable to find a higher ranked release then %s to snatch!" % (inputName), section) return 1 # we will now check to see if CPS has finished renaming before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. logger.postprocess( "Checking for status change, please stand by ...", section) release = self.get_release(baseURL, imdbid, download_id, release_id) if release: try: release_status_new = release[release_id]['status'] if release_status_new != release_status_old: logger.postprocess( "SUCCESS: Release %s has now been marked with a status of [%s]" % (inputName, str(release_status_new).upper()), section) return 0 # success except: pass # pause and let CouchPotatoServer catch its breath time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning( "%s does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes, Please check your logs." % (inputName, wait_for), section) return 1 # failure
def process(self, dirName, nzbName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): # auto-detect correct section section = nzbtomedia.CFG.findsection(inputCategory) if len(section) == 0: logger.error( "We were unable to find a section for category %s, please check your autoProcessMedia.cfg file." % (inputCategory)) return 1 status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"] except: remote_path = None if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" nzbName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(nzbName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) if status == 0: params = {} params['apikey'] = apikey params['cmd'] = "forceProcess" params['dir'] = os.path.dirname(dirName) if remote_path: dirName_new = os.path.join(remote_path, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(dirName))).replace("\\", "/") params['dir'] = dirName_new release_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if release_status: if release_status not in ["unprocessed", "snatched"]: logger.warning("%s is marked with a status of %s, skipping ..." % (nzbName, release_status),section) return 0 else: logger.error("Could not find a status for %s" % (nzbName),section) return 1 logger.debug("Opening URL: %s" % (url),section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url),section) return 1 # failure logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.text),section) if r.text == "OK": logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Post-Processing started for %s in folder %s ..." % (nzbName, dirName),section) else: logger.error("FAILED: Post-Processing has NOT started for %s in folder %s. exiting!" % (nzbName, dirName),section) return 1 # failure else: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED", section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) # we will now wait 1 minutes for this album to be processed before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. current_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if current_status is not None and current_status != release_status: # Something has changed. CPS must have processed this movie. logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: This release is now marked as status [%s]" % (current_status),section) return 0 time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning("The music album does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes. Please check your Logs" % (wait_for)) return 1 # failure
def process(self, section, dirName, inputName=None, status=0, clientAgent="manual", inputCategory=None): status = int(status) host = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["host"] port = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["port"] apikey = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["apikey"] wait_for = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["wait_for"]) try: ssl = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["ssl"]) except: ssl = 0 try: web_root = nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["web_root"] except: web_root = "" try: remote_path = int(nzbtomedia.CFG[section][inputCategory]["remote_path"]) except: remote_path = 0 if ssl: protocol = "https://" else: protocol = "http://" inputName, dirName = convert_to_ascii(inputName, dirName) url = "%s%s:%s%s/api" % (protocol,host,port,web_root) if status == 0: params = {} params['apikey'] = apikey params['cmd'] = "forceProcess" params['dir'] = os.path.dirname(dirName) if remote_path: params['dir'] = remoteDir(dirName) release_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if not release_status: logger.error("Could not find a status for %s, is it in the wanted list ?" % (inputName),section) return 1 logger.debug("Opening URL: %s with PARAMS: %s" % (url, params), section) try: r = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=False) except requests.ConnectionError: logger.error("Unable to open URL %s" % (url) ,section) return 1 # failure logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.text),section) if not r.status_code in [,,]: logger.error("Server returned status %s" % (str(r.status_code)), section) return 1 elif r.text == "OK": logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: Post-Processing started for %s in folder %s ..." % (inputName, dirName),section) else: logger.error("FAILED: Post-Processing has NOT started for %s in folder %s. exiting!" % (inputName, dirName),section) return 1 # failure else: logger.warning("FAILED DOWNLOAD DETECTED", section) return 0 # Success (as far as this script is concerned) # we will now wait 1 minutes for this album to be processed before returning to TorrentToMedia and unpausing. timeout = time.time() + 60 * wait_for while (time.time() < timeout): # only wait 2 (default) minutes, then return. current_status = self.get_status(url, apikey, dirName) if current_status is not None and current_status != release_status: # Something has changed. CPS must have processed this movie. logger.postprocess("SUCCESS: This release is now marked as status [%s]" % (current_status),section) return 0 time.sleep(10 * wait_for) # The status hasn't changed. we have waited 2 minutes which is more than enough. uTorrent can resule seeding now. logger.warning("The music album does not appear to have changed status after %s minutes. Please check your Logs" % (wait_for),section) return 1 # failure