コード例 #1
def _check_H(p, H, field, gamma_mul):
    If H express the prime ideal, return (H, f),
    where f: residual degree.
    Else return some column of M_1 (not (1,0,..,0)^t).
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    if H == None:
        f = field.degree
        f = H.row - H.column # rank(A), A.column
    # CCANT Algo 6.2.9 step 10-11
    # step 10
    B = matrix.unitMatrix(f, F_p)
    M_basis = []
    for j in range(1, f + 1):
        alpha_pow = _pow_by_base_mul(B[j], p, gamma_mul, f)
        alpha_pow -= B[j]
    M_1 = matrix.FieldMatrix(f, f, M_basis).kernel()
    # step 11
    if M_1.column > 1: # dim(M_1) > 1
        return M_1[M_1.column]
        H_simple = _two_element_repr_prime_ideal(
                   p, H.map(lambda x: x.getResidue()), field, f)
        p_alg = algfield.BasicAlgNumber([[p] + [0] * (field.degree - 1), 1], 
        sol = module.Ideal_with_generator([p_alg, H_simple])
        return (sol, f)
コード例 #2
def _div_mod_pO(self, other, base_multiply, p):
    ideal division modulo pO by using base_multiply
    n = other.row
    m = other.column 
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    #Algo 2.3.7
    if self == None:
        self_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, F_p)
        r = 0
        self_new = self
        r = self.column
    if r == m:
        return matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p)
    # if r > m, raise NoInverseImage error
    X = matrix.Subspace.fromMatrix(other.inverseImage(self_new))
    B = X.supplementBasis()
    other_self = other * B # first r columns are self, others are supplement

    gamma_part = other_self.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, m + 1))
    omega_gamma = other_self.inverseImage(_matrix_mul_by_base_mul(
        matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p), gamma_part, base_multiply))
    vect_list = []
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        vect = vector.Vector([F_p.zero] * ((m - r) ** 2))
        for i in range(1, m - r + 1):
            for j in range(1, m - r + 1):
                vect[(m - r) * (i - 1) + j] = _mul_place(
                    k, i, omega_gamma, m - r)[j + r]
    return matrix.FieldMatrix( (m - r) ** 2, n, vect_list).kernel()
コード例 #3
def _separable_algebra(p, H, base_multiply):
    return A=O/H (as matrix representation)
    # CCANT Algo 6.2.9 step 8-9
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    n = base_multiply.row
    if H == None:
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        r = 0
        H_new = H
        r = H.column
    # step 8
    H_add_one = H_new.copy()
    if H_add_one.column == n:
        raise ValueError
    H_add_one.extendColumn(vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] * (n - 1)))
    full_base = H_add_one.supplementBasis()
    # step 9
    A = full_base.subMatrix(
        range(1, n + 1), range(r + 1, n + 1))
    gamma_mul = full_base.inverseImage(
        _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(A, A, base_multiply))
    gamma_mul = gamma_mul.subMatrix(
        range(r + 1, n + 1), range(1, gamma_mul.column + 1))
    return A, gamma_mul
コード例 #4
 def testBSGS(self):
     F_65537 = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(65537)
     e2 = elliptic.EC([-1, 0], F_65537)
     P1 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [30840, 53250]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.BSGS(P1))
     P2 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [10657, 46245]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.BSGS(P2))
コード例 #5
    def testWeilPairing(self):
        # this example was refered to Washington.
        e = elliptic.EC([0, 2], 7)
        P = [5, 1]
        Q = [0, 3]
        R = e.WeilPairing(3, P, Q)
        self.assertEqual(finitefield.FinitePrimeFieldElement(2, 7), R)

        # test case of extension field, characteristic 7
        p = 7
        r = 11
        F = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
        PX = uniutil.polynomial({0:3,1:3,2:2,3:1,4:4,5:1,6:1,10:1},F)
        Fx = finitefield.FiniteExtendedField(p,PX)

        E = elliptic.EC([F.one,-F.one],F)
        Ex = elliptic.EC([Fx.one,-Fx.one],Fx)

        P = [3,6]
        assert E.whetherOn(P)
        assert Ex.whetherOn(P)
        assert E.mul(11,P) == E.infpoint
        Qxcoord = Fx.createElement(6*7**9+7**8+7**6+6*7**3+6*7**2+7+6)
        Qycoord = Fx.createElement(3*7**9+6*7**8+4*7**7+2*7**6+5*7**4+5*7**3+7**2+7+3)
        Q = [Qxcoord,Qycoord]
        assert Ex.whetherOn(Q)
        assert Ex.mul(11,Q) == Ex.infpoint

        w = Ex.WeilPairing(11, P, Q)
        Wp = Fx.createElement(7**9 + 5*7**8 + 4*7**7 + 2*7**5 + 7**4 + 6*7**2)
        assert w == Wp
コード例 #6
def fppoly(coeffs, p):
    Return a Z_p coefficient polynomial constructed from given
    coeffs.  The coeffs is a list of coefficients in ascending order.
    return uniutil.polynomial(enumerate(coeffs),
コード例 #7
 def testWeilPairingIsFunction(self):
     # e2 is isomorphic to Z/256 x Z/256
     F_65537 = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(65537)
     e2 = elliptic.EC([-1, 0], F_65537)
     P1 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [30840, 53250]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.pointorder(P1))
     P2 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [10657, 46245]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.pointorder(P2))
     weil10 = set(e2.WeilPairing(256, P1, P2) for i in range(10))
     # since Weil pairing is a function, the result is always same
     self.assertEqual(1, len(weil10))
     # Weil pairing is a function E[m]xE[m] -> mu_m
     self.assertEqual(e2.basefield.one, weil10.pop()**256)
コード例 #8
def PolynomialoverGF(fieldrepr, coeffs, symbol="#1"):
    """ Create OneVariablePolynomial from coeffs with mapping
    if isinstance(fieldrepr, int):
        field = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(fieldrepr)
    elif isinstance(
        (finitefield.FinitePrimeField, finitefield.FiniteExtendedField)):
        field = fieldrepr

    if type(coeffs) is dict:
        return polynomial.OneVariableSparsePolynomial(coeffs, symbol, field)
    elif type(coeffs) is list:
        coefficients = list(map(field.createElement, coeffs))
        return polynomial.OneVariableDensePolynomial(coefficients, symbol)
コード例 #9
def root_Fp(g, p, flag=True):
    Return a root over F_p of nonzero polynomial g.
    p must be prime.
    If flag = False, return a root randomly
    if isinstance(g, list):
        if not isinstance(g[0], tuple):
            g = zip(range(len(g)), g)
    Fp = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    g = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial(g, Fp)
    h = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({1: -1, p: 1}, Fp)
    g = g.gcd(h)
    deg_g = g.degree()
    if g[0] == 0:
        deg_g = deg_g - 1
        g = g.shift_degree_to(deg_g)
    while True:
        if deg_g == 0:
            return None
        if deg_g == 1:
            return (-g[0] / g[1]).toInteger()
        elif deg_g == 2:
            d = g[1] * g[1] - 4 * g[0]
            e = arith1.modsqrt(d.toInteger(), p)
            return ((-g[1] - e) / (2 * g[2])).toInteger()
        deg_h = 0
        x = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({0: -1, (p - 1) >> 1: 1}, Fp)
        if flag:
            a = 0
            while deg_h == 0 or deg_h == deg_g:
                b = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({0: -a, 1: 1}, Fp)
                v = g(b)
                h = x.gcd(v)
                a = a + 1
                deg_h = h.degree()
                b = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({0: a - 1, 1: 1}, Fp)
            while deg_h == 0 or deg_h == deg_g:
                a = bigrandom.randrange(p)
                b = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({0: -a, 1: 1}, Fp)
                v = g(b)
                h = x.gcd(v)
                deg_h = h.degree()
                b = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({0: a, 1: 1}, Fp)
        g = h(b)
        deg_g = deg_h
コード例 #10
def GaloisField(char, modulus=None):
    """ Create FiniteField from modulus.
    modulus must be a form of PolynomialoverGF or PolynomialoverGF.

    GaloisField is aliased as GF or FiniteField .
    if isinstance(modulus, list):
        polyGF = PolynomialoverGF(char, modulus)
        return finitefield.FiniteExtendedField(char, polyGF)
    if type(modulus) is polynomial.OneVariablePolynomialCharNonZero:
        return finitefield.FiniteExtendedField(char, modulus)
    if type(char) is polynomial.OneVariablePolynomialCharNonZero:
        character = char.getCoefficientRing().getCharacteristic()
        return finitefield.FiniteExtendedField(character, char)
    elif not modulus:
        return finitefield.FinitePrimeField(char)
    raise ValueError(
        "modulus must be sequence or OneVariablePolynomialCharNonZero")
コード例 #11
def allroots_Fp(g, p):
    Return roots over F_p of nonzero polynomial g.
    p must be prime.
    if isinstance(g, list):
        if not isinstance(g[0], tuple):
            g = zip(range(len(g)), g)
    Fp = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    g = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial(g, Fp)
    h = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial({1: -1, p: 1}, Fp)
    g = g.gcd(h)
    deg_g = g.degree()
    roots = []
    if g[0] == 0:
        deg_g = deg_g - 1
        g = g.shift_degree_to(deg_g)
    return roots + roots_loop(g, deg_g, p, Fp)
コード例 #12
def _splitting_squarefree(p, H, base_multiply, A, gamma_mul, alpha):
    split squarefree part
    F_p = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
    if H == None:
        n = base_multiply.row
        f = n
        H_new = matrix.zeroMatrix(n, 1, F_p)
        n = H.row
        f = n - H.column
        H_new = H.copy()
    # step 12
    one_gamma = vector.Vector([F_p.one] + [F_p.zero] *
                              (f - 1))  # w.r.t. gamma_1
    minpoly_matrix_alpha = matrix.FieldMatrix(f, 2, [one_gamma, alpha])
    ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    alpha_pow = alpha
    while ker == None:
        alpha_pow = _vect_mul_by_base_mul(alpha_pow, alpha, gamma_mul, f)
        ker = minpoly_matrix_alpha.kernel()
    minpoly_alpha = uniutil.FinitePrimeFieldPolynomial(enumerate(ker[1].compo),
    # step 13
    m_list = minpoly_alpha.factor()
    # step 14
    L = []
    for (m_s, i) in m_list:
        M_s = H_new.copy()
        beta_s_gamma = _substitution_by_base_mul(m_s, alpha, gamma_mul,
                                                 one_gamma, f)
        # beta_s_gamma (w.r.t. gamma) -> beta_s (w.r.t. omega)
        beta_s = A * beta_s_gamma
        omega_beta_s = _matrix_mul_by_base_mul(matrix.unitMatrix(n, F_p),
    return L