def gsc_with_filters(site, creds, start_date, end_date=default_end, storage='authorizedcreds.dat'): scDict = defaultdict(list) # Create a dict to populate with extraction webmasters_service = authorize_creds(creds, storage) # Authorize the API request = { 'startDate': start_date, 'endDate': end_date, 'dimensions': ['date', 'page', 'query'], #country, device, page, query, searchAppearance 'dimensionFilterGroups': [{ 'filters': [{ 'dimension': 'query', 'operator': 'contains', #contains, equals, notEquals, notContains 'expression': 'chouinard' }] }] } response = execute_request(webmasters_service, site, request) try: for row in response['rows']: scDict['date'].append(row['keys'][0] or 0) scDict['page'].append(row['keys'][1] or 0) scDict['query'].append(row['keys'][2] or 0) scDict['clicks'].append(row['clicks'] or 0) #scDict['ctr'].append(row['ctr'] or 0) #scDict['impressions'].append(row['impressions'] or 0) #scDict['position'].append(row['position'] or 0) except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred: {e}') # Add response to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data=scDict) return df
def gsc_by_url(list_of_urls, creds, start_date, end_date=default_end, storage='authorizedcreds.dat'): webmasters_service = authorize_creds( creds) # Get credentials to log in the api scDict = defaultdict(list) for url in list_of_urls: request = { 'startDate': date_to_str(start_date), 'endDate': date_to_str(end_date), 'dimensions': 'page', #country, device, page, query, searchAppearance 'dimensionFilterGroups': [{ 'filters': [{ 'dimension': 'page', 'operator': 'equals', #contains, equals, notEquals, notContains 'expression': url }] }] } response = execute_request(webmasters_service, site, request) scDict['page'].append(url) try: for row in response['rows']: scDict['clicks'].append(row['clicks'] or 0) scDict['impressions'].append(row['impressions'] or 0) except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred while extracting {url}: {e}') # Add response to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data=scDict) return df
Retrieve a list of validated properties from Google Search Console. @author: Jean-Christophe Chouinard. @role: Sr. SEO Specialist at @website: @LinkedIn: @Twitter: Learn Python for SEO Get API Keys How to format your request ''' from oauth import authorize_creds, execute_request creds = 'client_secrets.json' webmasters_service = authorize_creds(creds) site_list = webmasters_service.sites().list().execute() # Filter for verified websites verified_sites_urls = [s['siteUrl'] for s in site_list['siteEntry'] if s['permissionLevel'] != 'siteUnverifiedUser' and s['siteUrl'][:4] == 'http']
def gsc_to_csv(site, output, creds, start_date, end_date=default_end, storage='authorizedcreds.dat'): get_path = fm.get_full_path(site, output, start_date) domain_name = get_path[1] # Get Domain From URL output_path = get_path[3] # Folder created with your domain name fm.create_project(domain_name) # Create a new project folder csv_dt = fm.get_dates_csvs(output_path, site, output) # Read existing CSV webmasters_service = authorize_creds( creds) # Get credentials to log in the api # Set up Dates dates = dm.get_dates(start_date) start_date = dates[1] # Start first day of the month. end_date = end_date # End 3 days in the past, since GSC don't show latest data. delta = datetime.timedelta( days=1) # This will let us loop one day at the time scDict = defaultdict(list) # initialize empty Dict to store data while start_date <= end_date: # Loop through all dates until start_date is equal to end_date. curr_month = dm.date_to_YM(start_date) full_path = os.path.join(output_path + curr_month + '_' + output) print(full_path) # If a GSC csv file exists from previous extraction # and dates in the file match to dates we are extracting... if csv_dt is not None and \ dm.date_to_str(start_date) in csv_dt: print('Existing Date: %s' % start_date) #... Print the date start_date += delta #... and increment without extraction else: # If the file doesn't exist, or date don't match... # ... Print and start the extraction print('Start date at beginning: %s' % start_date) maxRows = 25000 # Maximum 25K per call numRows = 0 # Start at Row Zero status = '' # Initialize status of extraction while (status != 'Finished' ): # As long as today's data have not been fully extracted. # Extract this information from GSC dt = dm.date_to_str(start_date) print(f'date = {dt}') request = { 'startDate': dt, # Get today's date (while loop) 'endDate': dt, # Get today's date (while loop) 'dimensions': ['date', 'page', 'query'], # Extract This information 'rowLimit': maxRows, # Set number of rows to extract at once (max 25k) 'startRow': numRows # Start at row 0, then row 25k, then row 50k... until with all. } response = execute_request(webmasters_service, site, request) #Process the response try: for row in response['rows']: scDict['date'].append(row['keys'][0] or 0) scDict['page'].append(row['keys'][1] or 0) scDict['query'].append(row['keys'][2] or 0) scDict['clicks'].append(row['clicks'] or 0) scDict['ctr'].append(row['ctr'] or 0) scDict['impressions'].append(row['impressions'] or 0) scDict['position'].append(row['position'] or 0) print('successful at %i' % numRows) except: print('error occurred at %i' % numRows) # Add response to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data=scDict) df['clicks'] = df['clicks'].astype('int') df['ctr'] = df['ctr'] * 100 df['impressions'] = df['impressions'].astype('int') df['position'] = df['position'].round(2) # Increment the 'start_row' print('Numrows at the start of loop: %i' % numRows) try: numRows = numRows + len(response['rows']) except: status = 'Finished' # If no response left, change status print('Numrows at the end of loop: %i' % numRows) if numRows % maxRows != 0: # If numRows not divisible by 25k... status = 'Finished' # change status, you have covered all lines. #print(f'DF to write {df.head()}') to_write = df[df['date'].str.contains(dm.date_to_str(start_date))] fm.write_to_csv(to_write, full_path) start_date += delta # Increment start_date to continue the loop print(f'Done extracting {site}')