コード例 #1
    def render_mailbox(self, user_ext):
	output = "<h1>Correo de voz</h1>\n"
	model = Model()
	model.session.commit() # refresh session
	all_messages = model.query(VoiceMailMessage).filter_by(mailboxuser=user_ext)
	folders = set()
	for message in all_messages:
	folders = list(folders)
	for folder in folders:
		result = []
		messages = model.query(VoiceMailMessage).filter_by(mailboxuser=user_ext, dir=folder)
		output += "<h2>"+os.path.basename(folder)+"</h2>\n"
		for message in messages:
			actions2 = ""
			if message.msg_id:
				audio = html.format_audio('/voicemail/message/' + message.msg_id)
				actions = '<form method="POST" action="/voicemail/delete/%s/%s"><input type="hidden" name="msg_id" value="%s" /><input type="hidden" name="user_ext" value="%s" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Borrar" /></form>' % (user_ext, message.msg_id, message.msg_id, user_ext)
				if folder.endswith('INBOX'):
					actions2 += '<form method="POST" action="/voicemail/archive/%s/%s"><input type="hidden" name="msg_id" value="%s" /><input type="hidden" name="user_ext" value="%s" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Archivar" /></form>' % (user_ext, message.msg_id, message.msg_id, user_ext)
				audio = ""
				actions = ""
			result.append([message.callerid, time.ctime(message.origtime), str(message.duration), audio, actions, actions2])
		output += html.format_table([['origen', 'fecha', 'duracion', 'audio', 'actions', '']] + result)
	return output
コード例 #2
ファイル: dundi.py プロジェクト: aleph1888/rtcheckcalls
    def render_dundipeers(self, request, peers, connections):
	res = [['name', 'address', 'nongeo', 'alias', 'signal']]
	for name, node in peers.iteritems():
		address = node.get('host', '')
		nongeo = str(node.get('nongeo', ''))
		alias = str(node.get('inkey', ''))
		online = 'no'
		if address and address in connections:
			ping = connections[address]['ping']
			online = format_ping(ping)
		res.append([name, address, nongeo, alias, online])
	return html.format_table(res)
コード例 #3
ファイル: dundi.py プロジェクト: hungld/rtcheckcalls
 def render_dundipeers(self, request, peers, connections):
     res = [["name", "address", "nongeo", "alias", "signal"]]
     for name, node in peers.iteritems():
         address = node.get("host", "")
         nongeo = str(node.get("nongeo", ""))
         alias = str(node.get("inkey", ""))
         online = "no"
         if address and address in connections:
             ping = connections[address]["ping"]
             online = format_ping(ping)
         res.append([name, address, nongeo, alias, online])
     return html.format_table(res)
コード例 #4
ファイル: tinc.py プロジェクト: hungld/rtcheckcalls
 def render_tincpeers(self, request, tinc):
     res = [["name", "address", "subnet", "signal"]]
     for name, node in tinc.nodes.iteritems():
         address = node.get("address", "")
         subnet = node.get("subnet", "")
         online = ok_icon(False)
         if subnet:
             ping = do_one(subnet, 1)
             if ping:
                 online = format_ping(ping)
                 online = format_ping(False)
         res.append([name, address, subnet, online])
     return html.format_table(res)
コード例 #5
 def render_tincpeers(self, request, tinc):
     res = [['name', 'address', 'subnet', 'signal']]
     for name, node in tinc.nodes.iteritems():
         address = node.get('address', '')
         subnet = node.get('subnet', '')
         online = ok_icon(False)
         if subnet:
             ping = do_one(subnet, 1)
             if ping:
                 online = format_ping(ping)
                 online = format_ping(False)
         res.append([name, address, subnet, online])
     return html.format_table(res)
コード例 #6
ファイル: calls.py プロジェクト: guyt101z/rtcheckcalls
    def render_all_text(self):
	model = Model()
	calls = model.query(Call).order_by(desc(Call.timestamp)).limit(1000)
        origins = set()
        count_country = defaultdict(int)
        result = ""
        call_data = [['Origin', 'Destination', 'Country', 'Duration', 'Date']]
        for call in calls:
            country_data = ext2country(str(call.destination))
            count_country[country_data[0]+"-"+country_data[1]] += 1

            if call.user:
                origin = str(call.user.voip_id)
                origin = "unknown"

            destination = str(call.destination)
            country_data = ": ".join(country_data)
            duration = "%.2f min" % (call.duration/60.0,)
            date = str(self.format_date(call.timestamp))

            call_data.append([origin, destination, country_data, duration, date])

        result += html.format_table(call_data)
        # country stats
        country_data = [['Country', 'Count']]
        for key, value in count_country.iteritems():
            country_data.append([key, str(value)])
        result += html.format_table(country_data)
        # number of origins
        origins = list(origins)
        result += "<p>Origins (%s): %s</p>" % (len(origins), str(origins))
	return print_template('content-pbx-lorea', {'content': result})
コード例 #7
    def render_stats(self, request):
        output = "<h2>Estadisticas llamadas en el ultimo mes</h2>"
        model = obelisk.model.Model()
        ts_start = time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
        calls = model.query(obelisk.model.Call).filter(
            obelisk.model.Call.timestamp > datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_start))
        all_calls = set()
        es_mobiles = set()
        mobiles_min = 0.0
        mobiles_min_2 = 0.0
        mobiles_min_3 = 0.0
        mobiles_min_4 = 0.0
        es_fixes = set()
        users = set()
        mobile_freq = {}
        for c in calls:
            if c.user:
            destination = c.destination
            destination = destination.replace('+', '00')
            if len(destination) == 3:
            elif destination.startswith('0000'):
            elif len(destination) == 9:
                destination = '0034' + destination
            if destination.startswith('00349') or destination.startswith(
            elif destination.startswith('0034'):
                mobiles_min += c.charged / 60.0
                if destination in mobile_freq:
                    mobile_freq[destination] += 1
                    mobile_freq[destination] = 1

        # call stats for last month
        output += 'total calls %d\n' % (len(all_calls), )
        output += 'distinct es fix ' + str(len(es_fixes)) + "\n"
        output += 'distinct es mob %d \n' % (len(es_mobiles), )
        output += 'distinct users: %d minutes to mobiles: %d\n' % (len(users),
        mobile_freq_2 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 1, mobile_freq)
        mobile_freq_3 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 2, mobile_freq_2)
        mobile_freq_4 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 3, mobile_freq_3)

        for c in calls:
            destination = c.destination
            destination = destination.replace('+', '00')
            if len(destination) == 9:
                destination = '0034' + destination
            if destination in mobile_freq_2:
                mobiles_min_2 += c.charged / 60.0
            if destination in mobile_freq_3:
                mobiles_min_3 += c.charged / 60.0
            if destination in mobile_freq_4:
                mobiles_min_4 += c.charged / 60.0

        output += "frequencies: 2/%d/%d 3/%d/%d 4/%d/%d\n" % (
            len(mobile_freq_2), mobiles_min_2, len(mobile_freq_3),
            mobiles_min_3, len(mobile_freq_4), mobiles_min_4)

        # call stats per provider
        output += "<h2>Llamadas por proveedor en la ultima semana</h2>"
        ts_start_week = time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
        providers = model.query(obelisk.model.Provider)
        results = []
        for provider in providers:
            if not provider.name:
            calls = provider.calls.filter(
                obelisk.model.Call.timestamp > datetime.fromtimestamp(
            total_time = 0
            total_calls = 0
            total_freq_2 = 0
            total_freq_3 = 0
            total_freq_4 = 0
            for call in calls:
                duration = call.charged
                if call.rate == 0.0:
                    total_time += duration / 60.0
                    total_calls += 1
                destination = call.destination.replace('+', '00')
                if len(destination) == 9:
                    destination = '0034' + destination
                if destination in mobile_freq_2:
                    total_freq_2 += duration / 60.0
                if destination in mobile_freq_3:
                    total_freq_3 += duration / 60.0
                if destination in mobile_freq_4:
                    total_freq_4 += duration / 60.0

                "%d" % (total_time, ),
        output += html.format_table([[
            "Nombre", "Minutos gratis", "Llamadas gratis", "Total llamadas",
            "Freq 2", "Freq 3", "Freq 4"
        ]] + results)
        return output
コード例 #8
ファイル: providers.py プロジェクト: aleph1888/rtcheckcalls
    def render_stats(self, request):
	output = "<h2>Estadisticas llamadas en el ultimo mes</h2>"
	model = obelisk.model.Model()
	ts_start = time.time() - 60*60*24*30
	calls = model.query(obelisk.model.Call).filter(obelisk.model.Call.timestamp>datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_start))
	all_calls = set()
	es_mobiles = set()
	mobiles_min = 0.0
	mobiles_min_2 = 0.0
	mobiles_min_3 = 0.0
	mobiles_min_4 = 0.0
	es_fixes = set()
	users = set()
	mobile_freq = {}
	for c in calls:
		if c.user:
		destination = c.destination
		destination = destination.replace('+', '00')
		if len(destination) == 3:
		elif destination.startswith('0000'):
		elif len(destination) == 9:
			destination = '0034' + destination
		if destination.startswith('00349') or destination.startswith('00348'):
		elif destination.startswith('0034'):
			mobiles_min += c.charged/60.0
			if destination in mobile_freq:
				mobile_freq[destination] += 1
				mobile_freq[destination] = 1

	# call stats for last month
	output += 'total calls %d\n' % (len(all_calls),)
	output += 'distinct es fix ' + str(len(es_fixes)) + "\n"
	output += 'distinct es mob %d \n' % (len(es_mobiles),)
	output += 'distinct users: %d minutes to mobiles: %d\n' % (len(users), mobiles_min)
	mobile_freq_2 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 1, mobile_freq)
	mobile_freq_3 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 2, mobile_freq_2)
	mobile_freq_4 = filter(lambda s: mobile_freq[s] > 3, mobile_freq_3)

	for c in calls:
		destination = c.destination
                destination = destination.replace('+', '00')
		if len(destination) == 9:
			destination = '0034' + destination
		if destination in mobile_freq_2:
			mobiles_min_2 += c.charged/60.0
		if destination in mobile_freq_3:
			mobiles_min_3 += c.charged/60.0
		if destination in mobile_freq_4:
			mobiles_min_4 += c.charged/60.0

	output += "frequencies: 2/%d/%d 3/%d/%d 4/%d/%d\n" % (len(mobile_freq_2), mobiles_min_2, len(mobile_freq_3), mobiles_min_3, len(mobile_freq_4), mobiles_min_4)

	# call stats per provider
	output += "<h2>Llamadas por proveedor en la ultima semana</h2>"
	ts_start_week = time.time() - 60*60*24*7
	providers = model.query(obelisk.model.Provider)
	results = []
	for provider in providers:
		if not provider.name:
		calls = provider.calls.filter(obelisk.model.Call.timestamp>datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_start_week))
		total_time = 0
		total_calls = 0
		total_freq_2 = 0
		total_freq_3 = 0
		total_freq_4 = 0
		for call in calls:
			duration = call.charged
			if call.rate == 0.0:
				total_time += duration/60.0
				total_calls += 1
			destination = call.destination.replace('+', '00')
			if len(destination) == 9:
				destination = '0034' + destination
			if destination in mobile_freq_2:
				total_freq_2 += duration / 60.0
			if destination in mobile_freq_3:
				total_freq_3 += duration / 60.0
			if destination in mobile_freq_4:
				total_freq_4 += duration / 60.0

		results.append([provider.name, "%d" % (total_time,), str(total_calls), str(len(list(calls))), str(total_freq_2), str(total_freq_3), str(total_freq_4)])
	output += html.format_table([["Nombre", "Minutos gratis", "Llamadas gratis", "Total llamadas", "Freq 2", "Freq 3", "Freq 4"]]+results)
	return output