def sniff_wifi(): if plat == "OSX": # bridge to objective c(apple stuff) objc.loadBundle( "CoreWLAN", bundle_path="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework", module_globals=globals() ) for iname in CWInterface.interfaceNames(): interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) wifi_parameters = ( "Interface: %s, SSID: %s, Transmit Rate: %s, Transmit Power: %s, RSSI: %s" % (iname, interface.ssid(), interface.transmitRate(), interface.transmitPower(), interface.rssi()) ) elif plat == "LINUX": interface = Wireless("wlan0") # Link Quality, Signal Level and Noise Level line wifi_parameters = "Interface: %s, SSID: %s, Transmit Rate: %s, Transmit Power: %s" % ( "wlan0", interface.getEssid(), interface.getBitrate(), interface.getTXPower(), ) # record wifi parameters print wifi_parameters open(channels_file, "a").write(wifi_parameters + "\n")
def load_growl(self): if self.loaded_growl.isSet(): return try: TRACE('Loading Growl...') pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() if self.GrowlApplicationBridge is None: bundle_path = '%s/Growl.framework' % get_frameworks_dir() env = {} objc.loadBundle('GrowlApplicationBridge', env, bundle_path=bundle_path) self.GrowlApplicationBridge = env['GrowlApplicationBridge'] installed = self.GrowlApplicationBridge.isGrowlInstalled() running = self.GrowlApplicationBridge.isGrowlRunning() TRACE('Growl is installed? %r; Growl is running? %r', installed, running) if running: TRACE('Initializing Growl Delegate') self.GrowlApplicationBridge.setGrowlDelegate_(self) else: return except Exception: unhandled_exc_handler() self.growl_had_problems = True TRACE('Growl had problems, tossing ability to notify out the window') else: self.growl_had_problems = False self.growlIsReady()
def __init__(self, master): try: objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework')) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? self.updater = None
def wifi_connect(self): try: objc.loadBundle( 'CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) iface = CWInterface.interface( ) # CWInterface is provided by MacOS system not in python module, get from CoreWLAN obect-C networks, scan_error = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_( self.ssid, None) network = networks.anyObject() connect_success, connect_error = iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_( network, self.password, None) if connect_success: print('Successful to connect wifi ' + self.ssid) hostname = socket.gethostname() IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) #print('curl --insecure --data "show_video_id:=BBB|http://' + IPAddr + ':8080/spain.mp4" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST') a = os.popen( 'curl --insecure --data "show_video_id:=BBB|http://' + IPAddr + ':8080/spain.mp4" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST' ).readlines() print(a) if connect_error: print('!!!! failed to connect wifi "' + self.ssid + '"') except Exception as e: print(e)
def OSX_get_a_certificate(): # This function is @#$@#@#$ retarded. Its only point is to extract a single # cert from the OSX trusted cert store, so I can put it in a file, so I give # that file to Python's SSL module (which gives it to OpenSSL), which then # basically ignores that I'm explicitly telling it to only trust that one # certificate, and uses all the certificates in OSX's trusted cert store, # anyways. But it forces me to give it a file with a cert in it regardless # of the fact that it's planning to use the **entire cert store** # regardless of what I actually ask for...sigh. Why??? import objc, tempfile global OSX_cert_tempfile # ALSO, wtf doesn't Security.framework already have python wrappers like the # rest of OSX's frameworks?? Just make up a minimal wrapper here... Security=types.ModuleType('Security') objc.loadBundle(Security.__name__, Security.__dict__, bundle_identifier="") objc.parseBridgeSupport('''<signatures version="0.9"><depends_on path="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework"/><enum name="kSecFormatX509Cert" value="9"/><enum name="kSecItemPemArmour" value="1"/><function name="SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates"><arg type="o^@"/><retval type="l"/></function><function name="SecKeychainItemExport"><arg type="@"/><arg type="I"/><arg type="I"/><arg type="^{?=II^v@@@II}"/><arg type="o^@"/><retval type="l"/></function></signatures>''', Security.__dict__, Security.__name__) res, certs = Security.SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates(None) if res == 0: for cert in certs: res, data = Security.SecKeychainItemExport( cert, Security.kSecFormatX509Cert, Security.kSecItemPemArmour, None, None) if res == 0: OSX_cert_tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() OSX_cert_tempfile.write(str(buffer(data))) OSX_cert_tempfile.flush() return return None
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, note): mm=NSApp().mainMenu() # disable the start-dictation item in the edit menu edmenu = mm.itemAtIndex_(2).submenu() for it in edmenu.itemArray(): action = it.action() if action in (NSSelectorFromString("startDictation:"), ): edmenu.removeItem_(it) # add a hidden item to the menus that can be triggered internally by the editor for menu in mm.itemArray()[2:5]: flicker = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_('Flash This Menu', None, '') flicker.setEnabled_(True) flicker.setHidden_(True) menu.submenu().insertItem_atIndex_(flicker,0) # If the sparkle framework was installed in our bundle, init an updater self.sparkle = None sparkle_path = bundle_path(fmwk='Sparkle') if os.path.exists(sparkle_path): objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path=sparkle_path) self.sparkle = objc.lookUpClass('SUUpdater').sharedUpdater() self.updatesMenu.setTarget_(self.sparkle) self.updatesMenu.setAction_("checkForUpdates:") self.updatesMenu.setHidden_(False)
def __init__(self, window): try: objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework')) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? self.updater = None
def __init__(self, tkroot: 'tk.Tk' = None, provider: str = 'internal'): """ :param tkroot: reference to the root window of the GUI :param provider: 'internal' or other string if not """ self.root: 'tk.Tk' = tkroot self.provider: str = provider self.thread: threading.Thread = None if self.use_internal(): return if sys.platform == 'win32': import ctypes try: self.updater = ctypes.cdll.WinSparkle # Set the appcast URL self.updater.win_sparkle_set_appcast_url(update_feed.encode()) # Set the appversion *without* build metadata, as WinSparkle # doesn't do proper Semantic Version checks. # NB: It 'accidentally' supports pre-release due to how it # splits and compares strings: # <> self.updater.win_sparkle_set_app_build_version( appversion_nobuild) # set up shutdown callback global root root = tkroot self.callback_t = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None) # keep reference self.callback_fn = self.callback_t(self.shutdown_request) self.updater.win_sparkle_set_shutdown_request_callback( self.callback_fn) # Get WinSparkle running self.updater.win_sparkle_init() except Exception as ex: print_exc() self.updater = None return if sys.platform == 'darwin': import objc try: objc.loadBundle( 'Sparkle', globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework')) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? print_exc() self.updater = None
def __init__(self, master): try: objc.loadBundle( "Sparkle", globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, "Frameworks", "Sparkle.framework") ) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? self.updater = None
def connect_to_wifi_network(network_name, network_pass): objc.loadBundle( 'CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) iface = CWInterface.interface() networks, error = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_(network_name, None) network = networks.anyObject() success, error = iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_( network, network_pass, None)
def check_for_updates(self): sparkle_path = pathForFramework(self.SPARKLE_PATH) loadBundle('Sparkle', self.objc_namespace, bundle_path=sparkle_path) sparkle = self.objc_namespace['SUUpdater'].sharedUpdater() #sparkle.setAutomaticallyChecksForUpdates_(True) #sparkle.setAutomaticallyDownloadsUpdates_(True) NSURL = self.objc_namespace['NSURL'] sparkle.setFeedURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(self.APPCAST_URL)) sparkle.checkForUpdateInformation() sparkle.checkForUpdatesInBackground() print "Check for updates in background"
def init(self): self = objc.super(Delegate, self).init() try: objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework')) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() self.updater.setDelegate_(self) except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? self.updater = None self.infocallback = None return self
def init(self): self = super(SparkleUpdater, self).init() # Load Sparkle framework. bundle_path = os.path.join( NSBundle.mainBundle().privateFrameworksPath(), 'Sparkle.framework') objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path=bundle_path) self.sparkle = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() self.sparkle.setDelegate_(self) return self
def init(self): self = super(Growler, self).init() = 'UpShot' objc.loadBundle('GrowlApplicationBridge', globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework(os.path.join( NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath(), 'Growl.framework'))) self._growl = GrowlApplicationBridge self._growl.setGrowlDelegate_(self) self._callback = lambda ctx: None return self
def init(self): self = super(Growler, self).init() = 'UpShot' objc.loadBundle( 'GrowlApplicationBridge', globals(), bundle_path=os.path.join( NSBundle.mainBundle().privateFrameworksPath(), 'Growl.framework')) self._growl = GrowlApplicationBridge self._growl.setGrowlDelegate_(self) return self
def auto_update(): """Run Sparkle auto-updating.""" NSLog('Checking for updates...') # Load Sparkle framework. base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), 'Frameworks') bundle_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Sparkle.framework')) NSLog(bundle_path) objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path=bundle_path) # Instantiate a sparkle updater and check for updates. sparkle_updater = SUUpdater.alloc().init() sparkle_updater.checkForUpdates_(NSApplication.sharedApplication())
def init(self): self = super(Growler, self).init() = "UpShot" objc.loadBundle( "GrowlApplicationBridge", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework(os.path.join(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath(), "Growl.framework")), ) self._growl = GrowlApplicationBridge self._growl.setGrowlDelegate_(self) self._callback = lambda ctx: None return self
def connectToWifi(self, data): wifiData = self.cleanWifiData(data) name = wifiData[0] password = wifiData[1] objc.loadBundle( "CoreWLAN", bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) iface = CWInterface.interface() networks, error = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_(name, None) network = networks.anyObject() success, error = iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_( network, password, None)
def init(self): self = super(Growler, self).init() = 'UpShot' objc.loadBundle('GrowlApplicationBridge', globals(), bundle_path=os.path.join( NSBundle.mainBundle().privateFrameworksPath(), 'Growl.framework')) self._growl = GrowlApplicationBridge self._growl.setGrowlDelegate_(self) return self
def fact(): '''Returns the current bluetooth sharing''' result = 'None' objc.loadBundle("IOBluetooth", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework( u'/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework')) btprefs = IOBluetoothPreferences.alloc().init() result = bool(btprefs.fileTransferServicesEnabled()) return {factoid: result}
def set_status(): """ Reads a YML file named .slack_wifi_status.yml in the home directory of the user, and sets the slack status text and emoji according to the ssid entry in the yml file. Example: --- slack: interface: en0 token: <oauth token from slack app> url: <commuting ssid name>: status: On a Bus icon: ":bus:" <office ssid name>: status: "In Office" icon: ":office:" <home ssid name>: status: "WFH" icon: ":house:" Default: status: "" icon: "" ... """ objc.loadBundle( 'CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) home = expanduser("~") f = open('%s/.slack_wifi_status.yml' % home) config = yaml.safe_load(f)['slack'] f.close() interfaceName = config['interface'] en = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(interfaceName) ssidConfig = config['Default'] if en: ssid = en.ssid() if config[ssid]: ssidConfig = config[ssid] profile = { "status_text": ssidConfig['status'], "status_emoji": ssidConfig['icon'] } js = json.dumps(profile) data = {"token": config['token'], "profile": js} response =['url'], data=data)
def init(self): self = objc.super(Delegate, self).init() try: objc.loadBundle( 'Sparkle', globals(), join(dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework')) self.updater = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() self.updater.setDelegate_(self) except: # can't load framework - not frozen or not included in app bundle? self.updater = None self.infocallback = None return self
def connect_to_wifi(): if OS == "Darwin": import objc from objc import CWInterface objc.loadBundle( "CoreWLAN", bundle_path="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework", module_globals=globals(), ) iface = CWInterface.interface() networks, error = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_( WIFI["network"], None) network = networks.anyObject() success, error = iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_( network, WIFI["password"], None) if error: print(f"[DEBUG] Couldn't connect to wifi '{WIFI['network']}'") return False else: print(f"[DEBUG] Connected to wifi '{WIFI['network']}'") return True elif OS == "Linux": import os cmd = "sudo iwlist wlp2s0 scan | grep -ioE 'ssid:\"(.*{}.*)'" result = list(os.popen(cmd.format(WIFI["SERVER"]))) if "Device or resource busy" in result: return False else: ssid_list = [item.lstrip("SSID:").strip('"\n') for item in result] for name in ssid_list: cmd = (f"nmcli d wifi connect {name} " f"password {WIFI['password']} " f"iface {IFACE}") if os.system(cmd) != 0: print(f"[DEBUG] Couldn't connect to wifi '{WIFI['network']}'") return False else: print(f"[DEBUG] Connected to wifi '{WIFI['network']}'") return True else: print(f"[DEBUG] OS '{OS}' not supported for auto wifi connection") return False
def openPort(): global board objc.loadBundle( 'ActiveWireBoard', globals(), bundle_path='/Library/Frameworks/ActiveWireBoard.framework') board = ActiveWireBoard.alloc() board.init() if board.openBoard() == False: print 'error opening board' raise EPLPulseEEGException("Couldn't open ActiveWire Board") if board.setBinaryPinDirections_("1111111111111111") == False: raise EPLPulseEEGException("Couldn't set pin directions") setState(False) #force the board to always start low
def scan(concrete_ssid=None): bundle_path = '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework' objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', bundle_path=bundle_path, module_globals=globals()) iface = CWInterface.interface() networks = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_includeHidden_error_( concrete_ssid, True, None) return { i.ssid(): { 'RSSI': i.rssiValue(), 'BSSID': i.bssid() } for i in networks[0].allObjects() if i.ssid() is not None }
def fact(): '''Returns the wifi power status of the Mac''' wifi_status = None objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) wifi = CWInterface.interfaceNames() if wifi: for iname in wifi: interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) try: wifi_status = "On" if interface.powerOn() == 1 else "Off" except AttributeError: wifi_status = None return {factoid: wifi_status}
def checkUpdater(self): sparkle_path = bundle_path(fmwk="Sparkle") if os.path.exists(sparkle_path): # if this is a sparkle build, hook the ui elements up to the sharedUpdater objc.loadBundle("Sparkle", globals(), bundle_path=sparkle_path) sparkle = objc.lookUpClass("SUUpdater").sharedUpdater() self.updateDaily.bind_toObject_withKeyPath_options_("value", sparkle, "automaticallyChecksForUpdates", None) self.updateNow.setTarget_(sparkle) self.updateNow.setAction_("checkForUpdates:") else: # otherwise hide the Software Update box and resize the window updater_box = self.updateNow.superview().superview() updater_box.setHidden_(True) frame = self.window().frame() frame.size.height -= 52 self.window().setFrame_display_(frame, True)
def get_ssid(): objc.loadBundle( "CoreWLAN", bundle_path="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework", module_globals=globals()) interfaceNames = CWInterface.interfaceNames() if interfaceNames == None: return None ssid = None for iname in CWInterface.interfaceNames(): interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) ssid = interface.ssid() return ssid
def main(): bundle_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'build/Release/CocoaTileDriver.bundle') CocoaTileDriver = objc.loadBundle("CocoaTileDriver", globals(), bundle_path) AccessibilityElement = CocoaTileDriver.classNamed_("AccessibilityElement") print AccessibilityElement.systemWide().attributeNames()
def moveMouse(x, y): bndl = objc.loadBundle( 'CoreGraphics', globals(), '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework') objc.loadBundleFunctions(bndl, globals(), [('CGWarpMouseCursorPosition', 'v{CGPoint=ff}')]) CGWarpMouseCursorPosition((x, y))
def _load_objc_framework(framework_name): """Load an ObjC Framework bundle. :param str framework_name: framework_name (str): The name of the framework to load. :return: Generic class instance with public framework contents attached as attributes and methods. :rtype: object """ log.trace('wifi._load_objc_framework: loading {}.'.format(framework_name)) loaded_classes = dict() framework_bundle = objc.loadBundle( framework_name, bundle_path=os.path.dirname(ctypes.util.find_library(framework_name)), module_globals=loaded_classes) class AttributedFramework(): pass framework = AttributedFramework() for name, loaded_class in loaded_classes.items(): if not name.startswith('_'): setattr(framework, name, loaded_class) return framework
def checkUpdater(self): sparkle_path = bundle_path(fmwk='Sparkle') if os.path.exists(sparkle_path): # if this is a sparkle build, hook the ui elements up to the sharedUpdater objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path=sparkle_path) sparkle = objc.lookUpClass('SUUpdater').sharedUpdater() self.updateDaily.bind_toObject_withKeyPath_options_( 'value', sparkle, "automaticallyChecksForUpdates", None) self.updateNow.setTarget_(sparkle) self.updateNow.setAction_("checkForUpdates:") else: # otherwise hide the Software Update box and resize the window updater_box = self.updateNow.superview().superview() updater_box.setHidden_(True) frame = self.window().frame() frame.size.height -= 52 self.window().setFrame_display_(frame, True)
def _load_objc_framework(self, f_name, f_path, class_whitelist): loaded = {} _ = objc.loadBundle(f_name, bundle_path=f_path, module_globals=loaded) desired = {} for x in class_whitelist: if x in loaded: desired[x] = loaded[x] return namedtuple("AttributedFramework", desired.keys())(**desired)
def load_framework(framework_path): try: framework_name = path.basename(framework_path).split('.')[0] print('Loading %s from %s' % (framework_name, framework_path)) return objc.loadBundle(framework_name, globals(), framework_path) except Exception as ex: print('Loading failed with exception: %s' % ex) return None
def load_objc_framework(framework_name): # Utility function that loads a Framework bundle and creates a namedtuple where the attributes are the loaded classes from the Framework bundle loaded_classes = dict() framework_bundle = objc.loadBundle( framework_name, bundle_path=os.path.dirname(ctypes.util.find_library(framework_name)), module_globals=loaded_classes) return collections.namedtuple('AttributedFramework', loaded_classes.keys())(**loaded_classes)
def _loadBundle(frameworkName, frameworkIdentifier, frameworkPath): if frameworkIdentifier is None: bundle = loadBundle(frameworkName, {}, bundle_path=frameworkPath, scan_classes=False) else: try: bundle = loadBundle(frameworkName, {}, bundle_identifier=frameworkIdentifier, scan_classes=False) except ImportError: bundle = loadBundle(frameworkName, {}, bundle_path=frameworkPath, scan_classes=False) return bundle
def sniff_wifi(): if plat=='OSX': # bridge to objective c(apple stuff) objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) for iname in CWInterface.interfaceNames(): interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) wifi_parameters= 'Interface: %s, SSID: %s, Transmit Rate: %s, Transmit Power: %s, RSSI: %s' % (iname, interface.ssid(), interface.transmitRate(), interface.transmitPower(), interface.rssi()) elif plat=='LINUX': interface=Wireless('wlan0') # Link Quality, Signal Level and Noise Level line wifi_parameters= 'Interface: %s, SSID: %s, Transmit Rate: %s, Transmit Power: %s' % ('wlan0', interface.getEssid(), interface.getBitrate(), interface.getTXPower()) #record wifi parameters print wifi_parameters open(channels_file, "a").write(wifi_parameters+'\n')
def get_updater(): if sys.platform == 'darwin' and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): """ Use sparkle framework on macOS. Examples: """ from objc import loadBundle bundle_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework') loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path) sparkle = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() # noqa: F821 sparkle.setAutomaticallyChecksForUpdates_(True) sparkle.setAutomaticallyDownloadsUpdates_(False) sparkle.checkForUpdatesInBackground() return sparkle else: # TODO: implement for Linux return None
def main(): # Init Globals instance globs.system = platform.system() # Linux or Windows or MacOS (Darwin) try: import objc # WifiDialog except ImportError: msg = 'Objc module not installed. Disabling Network Selector' print(msg) globs.networkSelector = False globs.disabledModules.append(('Objc', msg)) else: globs.networkSelector = True # Init network (Mac only!!!) if globs.system == 'Darwin' and globs.networkSelector: objc.loadBundle( 'CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) for iname in CWInterface.interfaceNames(): interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) print("""Interface: %s SSID: %s BSSID: %s Transmit Rate: %s Transmit Power: %s RSSI: %s""" % (iname, interface.ssid(), interface.bssid(), interface.transmitRate(), interface.transmitPower(), interface.rssi())) globs.iface = CWInterface.interface() if not globs.iface: print('No Network Interface') # Create DemoFrame frame, passing globals instance as parameter app = wx.App(False) frame = MyFrame(None, -1, title="Test") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def setMousePosition(x, y): if sys.platform == "linux2": import subprocess['xdotool', 'mousemove', str(x), str(y)]) elif sys.platform == "darwin": import objc bndl = objc.loadBundle('CoreGraphics', globals(), '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework') objc.loadBundleFunctions(bndl, globals(), [('CGWarpMouseCursorPosition', 'v{CGPoint=dd}')]) CGWarpMouseCursorPosition((x, y))
def fact(): '''Returns the wifi ssid of the Mac''' wifi_ssid = None objc.loadBundle( 'CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) wifi = CWInterface.interfaceNames() if wifi: for iname in wifi: interface = CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(iname) if interface: try: wifi_ssid = interface.ssid() except AttributeError: pass return {factoid: wifi_ssid}
def run(cmd, lock=False): if lock is True: # Taken from import objc # We don't load module_globals as we only need the principalClass bundle = objc.loadBundle('AppleKeychainExtra', bundle_path="/Applications/Utilities/Keychain", module_globals=None, scan_classes=False) instance = bundle.principalClass().alloc().init() instance.performSelector_withObject_("_lockScreenMenuHit:", None) else: os.system(cmd)
def _loadBundle(frameworkName, frameworkIdentifier, frameworkPath): if frameworkIdentifier is None: bundle = loadBundle( frameworkName, {}, bundle_path=frameworkPath, scan_classes=False) else: try: bundle = loadBundle( frameworkName, {}, bundle_identifier=frameworkIdentifier, scan_classes=False) except ImportError: bundle = loadBundle( frameworkName, {}, bundle_path=frameworkPath, scan_classes=False) return bundle
def __init__(self): objc.loadBundle( 'IOBluetooth', self, bundle_path=u'/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework' ) # Thank you mailing list archives. Figured out how to # do these signatures from a 2005 mailing list post. objc.setSignatureForSelector( 'IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord', 'getRFCOMMChannelID:', 'i12@0:o^C' ) objc.setSignatureForSelector( 'IOBluetoothDevice', 'openRFCOMMChannelSync:withChannelID:delegate:', 'i16@0:o^@C@' ) objc.setSignatureForSelector( 'IOBluetoothRFCOMMChannel', 'writeSync:length:', 'i16@0:*S' )
def toggleBluetooth(): bundle = objc.loadBundle('IOBluetooth', globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework('/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework')) if not bundle: alfred.exit('Toggle Bluetooth fail. initFrameworkWrapper error') fs = [('IOBluetoothPreferenceGetControllerPowerState', 'oI'),('IOBluetoothPreferenceSetControllerPowerState','vI')] ds = {} objc.loadBundleFunctions(bundle, ds, fs) for (name, handle) in fs: if not name in ds: alfred.exit('Toggle Bluetooth fail. failed to load: {}'.format(name)) if ds['IOBluetoothPreferenceGetControllerPowerState']() == 1: ds['IOBluetoothPreferenceSetControllerPowerState'](0) alfred.exit('Bluetooth Disabled.') else: ds['IOBluetoothPreferenceSetControllerPowerState'](1) alfred.exit('Bluetooth Enable.')
def load_SystemConfigurationFramework(self): try: # If it's already been wrapped, we're done. import SystemConfiguration return SystemConfiguration except ImportError: # Nope, so, try again, the hard way... import objc SystemConfiguration=types.ModuleType('SystemConfiguration') SCbndl = objc.loadBundle(SystemConfiguration.__name__, SystemConfiguration.__dict__, bundle_identifier="") objc.loadBundleFunctions(SCbndl, SystemConfiguration.__dict__, [ (u'SCDynamicStoreCreate', '@@@@@'), (u'SCDynamicStoreSetValue', 'B@@@') ]) return SystemConfiguration
def _check_for_access(self): '''Check for accessibility permission''' # Because unsigned bundle will fail to call # AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions with a segment falt, we're # not currently stepping into this function. return self.log('Begin checking for accessibility') core_services = objc.loadBundle( 'CoreServices', globals(), bundle_identifier='' ) objc.loadBundleFunctions( core_services, globals(), [('AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions', b'Z@')] ) objc.loadBundleFunctions( core_services, globals(), [('kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt', b'@')] ) self.log('Bundle loaded') try: if not AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions( # noqa {kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt: False} # noqa ): self.log('Requesting access, Opening syspref window') NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().openURL_( NSURL.alloc().initWithString_( 'x-apple.systempreferences:' '' '?Privacy_Accessibility' ) ) except: # Unsigned bundle will fail to call AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions self.log(( 'Error detecting accessibility permission status, ' 'KeyCounter might not work' )) self.log('Access already granted')
"""Module for controlling a Wi-Fi interface using CoreWLAN. """ import logging import os import time from . import cocoadialog from . import defaults # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top try: import objc objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', globals(), bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework') def R(selector, error_arg_num): """Register metadata for CWInterface selectors that return NSError values. This tells the Objective-C bridge that the requested selector would normally take a reference to an NSError as an argument and should instead return any errors alongside the normal return values. This causes the method to return a tuple of [Return value, Error or None]. Args: selector: The selector as it's known in Objective-C error_arg_num: Which numbered argument would the NSError be passed in """ objc.registerMetaDataForSelector( 'CWInterface', selector,
from objc import (YES, NO, nil, signature, loadBundle, _C_NSInteger, _C_NSUInteger, _C_NSBOOL) from miro.plat.frontends.widgets import tableview from miro.plat.frontends.widgets import wrappermap from miro.plat.frontends.widgets.base import Container, Bin, FlippedView from miro.util import Matrix, bitness try: from AppKit import NSScrollerKnobStyleLight except ImportError: # NSScrollerKnobStyleLight is only defined in recent x code versions. NSScrollerKnobStyleLight = 2 rbSplitViewBundlePath = '%s/RBSplitView.framework' % NSBundle.mainBundle().privateFrameworksPath() loadBundle('RBSplitView', globals(), bundle_path=rbSplitViewBundlePath) _nspointsignature = dict() _nssizesignature = dict() _nsrectsignature = dict() _cgfloatsignature = dict() _nspointsignature[32] = '{_NSPoint=ff}' _nspointsignature[64] = '{CGPoint=dd}' _nssizesignature[32] = '{_NSSize=ff}' _nssizesignature[64] = '{CGSize=dd}' _nsrectsignature[32] = ''.join(['{_NSRect=', _nspointsignature[32], _nssizesignature[32], '}']) _nsrectsignature[64] = ''.join(['{CGRect=', _nspointsignature[64],
def GetAirportInfo(include_nearby_networks=False): """Returns information about current AirPort connection. Args: include_nearby_networks: bool, if True a nearby_networks key will be in the returned dict with a list of detected SSIDs nearby. Returns: dict: key value pairs from CWInterface data. If an error occurs or there is no Wi-Fi interface: the dict will be empty. """ airport_info = {} try: objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', globals(), bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework') except ImportError: logging.error('Could not load CoreWLAN framework.') return airport_info cw_interface_state = {0: u'Inactive', 1: u'Scanning', 2: u'Authenticating', 3: u'Associating', 4: u'Running'} cw_security = {-1: u'Unknown', 0: u'None', 1: u'WEP', 2: u'WPA Personal', 3: u'WPA Personal Mixed', 4: u'WPA2 Personal', 6: u'Dynamic WEP', 7: u'WPA Enterprise', 8: u'WPA Enterprise Mixed', 9: u'WPA2 Enterprise'} cw_phy_mode = {0: u'None', 1: u'802.11a', 2: u'802.11b', 3: u'802.11g', 4: u'802.11n'} cw_channel_band = {0: u'Unknown', 1: u'2 GHz', 2: u'5 GHz'} iface = CWInterface.interface() # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if not iface: return airport_info airport_info['name'] = iface.interfaceName() airport_info['hw_address'] = iface.hardwareAddress() airport_info['service_active'] = bool(iface.serviceActive()) airport_info['country_code'] = iface.countryCode() airport_info['power'] = bool(iface.powerOn()) airport_info['SSID'] = iface.ssid() airport_info['BSSID'] = iface.bssid() airport_info['noise_measurement'] = iface.noiseMeasurement() airport_info['phy_mode'] = iface.activePHYMode() airport_info['phy_mode_name'] = cw_phy_mode[iface.activePHYMode()] airport_info['rssi'] = iface.rssiValue() airport_info['state'] = iface.interfaceState() airport_info['state_name'] = cw_interface_state[iface.interfaceState()] airport_info['transmit_power'] = iface.transmitPower() airport_info['transmit_rate'] = iface.transmitRate() # Get channel information cw_channel = iface.wlanChannel() if cw_channel: airport_info['channel_number'] = cw_channel.channelNumber() airport_info['channel_band'] = cw_channel_band[cw_channel.channelBand()] # Get security information # If the security setting is unknown returns NSIntegerMax # which is a very large number and annoying to test for in calling scripts. # Change any value larger than 100 (the enum currently ends at 10) to -1. security = if security > 100: security = -1 airport_info['security'] = security airport_info['security_name'] = cw_security[security] # Get nearby network information, if requested if include_nearby_networks: nearby_networks = [] try: for nw in iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_(None, None): ssid = nw.ssid() if ssid not in nearby_networks: nearby_networks.append(ssid) except TypeError: pass airport_info['nearby_networks'] = nearby_networks return airport_info
import Quartz import objc import os dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = dirname + '/objc/Key.framework' bundle = objc.loadBundle("Key", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework(path)) class Keyboard: @staticmethod def press(code): keyEvent = Quartz.CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, Key.getKeyCode_(code), True) Quartz.CGEventPost(Quartz.kCGHIDEventTap, keyEvent) @staticmethod def release(code): keyEvent = Quartz.CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(None, Key.getKeyCode_(code), False) Quartz.CGEventPost(Quartz.kCGHIDEventTap, keyEvent) @staticmethod def key(character): return Key.getKeyCode_(character)
# Load the framework relative to the executable in the .app bundle # pyobjc doc recommended moving the framework wrapper to a separate python file. import sys import objc # if app is standalone, import the framework from the app itself. else use the development path. if hasattr(sys, "frozen"): # TODO: what is this objc.pathForFramework? #objc.loadBundle("WiiRemoteFramerowk", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework(u'@executable_path@/../../Frameworks/WiiRemote.framework')) objc.loadBundle("WiiRemoteFramerowk", globals(), bundle_path=u'@executable_path@/../../Frameworks/WiiRemote.framework') else: # objc.loadBundle("WiiRemoteFramework", globals(), bundle_path=u"Frameworks/WiiRemote.framework") objc.loadBundle("WiiRemoteFramework", globals(), bundle_path=u"/Users/fdkz/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WiiRemoteFramework-azcjpedhwzbkwigedekxtdjiaqcs/Build/Products/Debug/WiiRemote.framework") # pyobjc 2.3 doc: It is currently necessary to import the wrapper modules for all frameworks that are used by # your framework. Not doing this may lead to subtle bugs in other parts of the code. This is a limitation of # PyObjC that will be lifted in a future version. objc.loadBundle('IOBluetooth', globals(), bundle_path=u'/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework') # # enums from WiiRemote.h # class WiiButtonType: WiiRemoteAButton = 0 WiiRemoteBButton = 1 WiiRemoteOneButton = 2 WiiRemoteTwoButton = 3 WiiRemoteMinusButton = 4
_FRAMEWORK_PATH = u'/Library/Frameworks/LightAquaBlue.framework' if not os.path.isdir(_FRAMEWORK_PATH): raise ImportError("Cannot load LightAquaBlue framework, not found at" + \ _FRAMEWORK_PATH) try: # mac os 10.5 loads frameworks using bridgesupport metadata __bundle__ = objc.initFrameworkWrapper("LightAquaBlue", frameworkIdentifier="com.blammit.LightAquaBlue", frameworkPath=objc.pathForFramework(_FRAMEWORK_PATH), globals=globals()) except AttributeError: # earlier versions use loadBundle() and setSignatureForSelector() objc.loadBundle("LightAquaBlue", globals(), bundle_path=objc.pathForFramework(_FRAMEWORK_PATH)) # return int, take (object, object, object, output unsigned char, output int) # i.e. in python: return (int, char, int), take (object, object, object) objc.setSignatureForSelector("BBServiceAdvertiser", "addRFCOMMServiceDictionary:withName:UUID:channelID:serviceRecordHandle:", "i@0:@@@o^Co^I") # set to take (6-char array, unsigned char, object) # this seems to work even though the selector doesn't take a char aray, # it takes a struct 'BluetoothDeviceAddress' which contains a char array. objc.setSignatureForSelector("BBBluetoothOBEXClient", "initWithRemoteDeviceAddress:channelID:delegate:", '@@:r^[6C]C@') del objc
#!/usr/bin/python """ I didn't create this but I'm storing it so I can reuse it. """ import objc SSID = "MyWifiNetwork" PASSWORD = "******" objc.loadBundle('CoreWLAN', bundle_path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework', module_globals=globals()) iface = CWInterface.interface() networks, err = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_err_(SSID, None) network = networks.anyObject() success, err = iface.associateToNetwork_password_err_(network, PASSWORD, None)
import objc objc.loadBundle('NetworkStatistics', globals(), bundle_path='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetworkStatistics.framework/')