def make_resp_multitype(current_user_id, resp, order_key, reverse_sort=True): users = filter(lambda x: resp[x]['type'] == 'user', resp) posts = filter(lambda x: resp[x]['type'] == 'post', resp) questions = filter(lambda x: resp[x]['type'] == 'question', resp) users = User.query.filter( posts = Post.query.filter( questions = Question.query.filter( users = [{'type':'user', order_key:resp[][order_key], 'user':guest_user_to_dict(u, current_user_id) } for u in users] questions = questions_to_dict(questions, current_user_id) questions = [{'type':'question', order_key:resp[q['id']][order_key], 'question':q } for q in questions] posts = posts_to_dict(posts, current_user_id) posts = [{'type':'post', order_key:resp[p['id']][order_key], 'post':p } for p in posts] final_list = users + questions + posts final_list.sort(key=lambda item: item[order_key], reverse=reverse_sort) return final_list
def get_home_feed(cur_user_id, offset, limit=10, club_questions=True): from math import sqrt from random import randint celebs_following = get_celebs_following(cur_user_id) fed_upto_time, fed_upto = get_and_update_fed_marker(cur_user_id, offset) print 'fed_upto', fed_upto print 'fed_upto_time', fed_upto_time # TODO: rewrite query to get feeds after LAST FED MARKER posts = db.session.execute(text("""SELECT posts.show_after,, posts.question_author, posts.question, posts.answer_author, posts.media_url, posts.thumbnail_url, posts.answer_type, posts.timestamp, posts.deleted,, posts.lon, posts.location_name, posts.country_name, posts.country_code, posts.ready, posts.popular, posts.view_count, posts.client_id FROM posts INNER JOIN user_follows ON user_follows.followed = posts.answer_author AND user_follows.user = :cur_user_id and user_follows.unfollowed=:unfollowed WHERE deleted=false AND answer_author != :cur_user_id AND posts.timestamp <= :fed_upto_time ORDER BY posts.timestamp DESC,posts.show_after DESC LIMIT :offset, :limit """), params={ 'cur_user_id':cur_user_id, 'offset':offset, 'limit':limit, 'unfollowed':False, 'fed_upto_time':fed_upto_time } ) posts = list(posts) posts = posts_to_dict(posts, cur_user_id) shortner = 0 questions = [] feeds = [] _q_len = 0 question_pages = [] question_pages_fetched = 0 if len(celebs_following) > 0: while question_pages_fetched < 4: # TODO: logic to get question pages from different celebs. _q_len, questions, following = get_question_from_followings(celebs_following, cur_user_id=cur_user_id) if questions: shortner += 1 question_pages.append((following, questions)) question_pages_fetched += 1 if posts: print 'posts to hain bhai : ', len(posts) # added logic to get count of posts + question pages ----> limit if len(posts) + shortner <= limit: shortner = 0 else: shortner = len(posts) + shortner - limit feeds = [{'type':'post', 'post':post} for post in posts[:len(posts) - shortner] ] for question_page in question_pages: if club_questions: question_user = thumb_user_to_dict(User.query.filter( == question_page[0]).first(), cur_user_id) question_user['questions'] = [] for q in question_page[1]: question_user['questions'].append(question_to_dict(q, cur_user_id)) if len(q.body) > 150: break if randint(0, 9) % 2 == 0: break idx = randint(0, len(feeds)) print 'inserting question_page at index : ', idx feeds.insert(idx, {'questions': question_user, 'type': 'questions'}) else: questions = [] for question_page in question_pages: questions.extend(question_page[1]) questions = questions_to_dict(questions, cur_user_id) for q in questions: idx = randint(0, len(feeds)) print 'inserting question at index : ', idx feeds.insert(idx, {'question': q, 'type': 'question'}) tentative_idx = -1 if int(len(celebs_following) * sqrt(_q_len)): tentative_idx = offset + limit + int(len(celebs_following) * sqrt(_q_len)) # TODO: limit must be replaced by len(posts) next_index = offset+limit-shortner if posts else tentative_idx if offset < 40 else -1 return feeds, next_index