def hear_meet(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Creates poll to decide on time for given date""" global meeting_polls global time_options today = gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] try: msg_date = parse(message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1]) assert (not isinstance(msg_date, type(None))) if < today: raise ValueError except (IndexError, AssertionError) as e: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='I can\'t read that date.')) return except ValueError: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='I\'m not stupid that date has passed.')) return meeting = Poll( title=f"Meeting on {datetime.strftime(msg_date, '%A, %x')}. Who's in?", options=[PollOption(text=time) for time in time_options]) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'makepoll', thread_id, thread_type, poll=meeting)) tag_all(client, author_id, None, thread_id, thread_type)
def check_status(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="bot is live at {}".format(
def coin_flip(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): coin_flip = random.choice([1, 2]) if coin_flip == 1: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="You got heads!")) else: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="You got tails!"))
def _load_action(self, elem): logging.getLogger().debug('reading action tag: <%s>' % (elem.attrib['id'])) action = Action(elem.attrib['id']) for move_elem in elem.getchildren(): action.moves.append(self._load_move(move_elem)) return action
def handle_meeting_vote(client, author_id, poll, thread_id, thread_type): global meeting_polls global CONSENSUS_THRESHOLD gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] # update meeting_polls by checking today's date, and prune any that've passed today = for poll_uid in list(meeting_polls.keys()): if meeting_polls[poll_uid]['date'].date() < today: meeting_polls.pop(poll_uid) # check poll for consensus, i.e majority of users. If so, send update and deactivate poll n_users = float( len(Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]))) check_consensus = lambda votes: (votes / n_users) >= CONSENSUS_THRESHOLD consensus = [ check_consensus(float(option.votes_count)) for option in client.fetchPollOptions(poll.uid) ] if any(consensus[:-1]): # meeting is happening meeting_time = client.fetchPollOptions( poll.uid)[consensus.index(True)].text meeting_date = datetime.strftime(meeting_polls[poll.uid]['date'], '%A, %x') action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f'Consensus reached! Meeting at {meeting_time} on {meeting_date}' )) return elif consensus[-1]: # meeting is not happening action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f'Consensus reached! Meeting at {meeting_time} isn\'t happening.' )) return else:"No consensus on poll {poll.uid} yet.")
def return_self(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Echoes what you tell the bot to say""" action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1]))
def laugh(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Laughs""" action_queue.put( Action(client, 'voiceclip', thread_id, thread_type, clipPath="resources/laugh.aac"))
def list_functions(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Lists all available functions""" message_string = "List of available functions:\n" for key in list(command_lib.keys()): if key != "help" and not command_lib[key]["private"]: message_string += str( key) + " - " + command_lib[key]['description'] + "\n" action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=message_string))
def world_peace(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Creates world peace""" kick_random(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'image', thread_id, thread_type, imagePath="resources/worldpeace.gif"))
def remind(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): msg = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] try: print("Parsing time....") reminder_date = search_dates(msg)[0] print("Got the time") except TypeError: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Maybe I'm dumb but I can't find a date in that message.") ) return reminder_content = msg.replace(reminder_date[0] + " ", '') if reminder_date[1].replace(microsecond=0) in reminders: reminders[reminder_date[1].replace(microsecond=0)].append( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=f"Reminder: {reminder_content}")) else: reminders[reminder_date[1].replace(microsecond=0)] = [ Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=f"Reminder: {reminder_content}", mentions=[Mention(thread_id=author_id, offset=0, length=1)]) ] action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"Ok, I'll remind you to {reminder_content} at {reminder_date[1].strftime('%x, %I:%M%p')}" ))
def kick_random(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Kicks a random person from the chat""" gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] persons_list = Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]) num = random.randint(0, len(persons_list) - 1) #random number within range person = persons_list[num]"{} removed {} from {}".format(author_id, "random", thread_id)) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'removeuser', thread_id, thread_type, pid=person.uid)) return"Unable to remove: person not found.")
def make_friend(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] person_to_friend = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): if person_to_friend.lower() in action_queue.put( Action(client, 'makefriend', thread_id, thread_type, pid=person.uid))
def pin(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): if Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id].type == ThreadType.USER: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Pin only works in Group chats!")) return string_get = groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("string").get() pin_get = groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("pin_id").get() if message_object.replied_to == None: to_pin = message_object.text.split(' ')[1:] if not to_pin: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Make sure you have something to pin!")) return if string_get is None: groups_ref.child(thread_id).set({"string": to_pin}) else: groups_ref.child(thread_id).update({"string": to_pin}) if pin_get != None: groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("pin_id").delete() else: if pin_get is None: groups_ref.child(thread_id).set( {"pin_id": message_object.replied_to.uid}) else: groups_ref.child(thread_id).update( {"pin_id": message_object.replied_to.uid}) if string_get != None: groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("string").delete()
def wiki(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Checks wikipedia for term""" try: search_term = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] search_result = wikipedia.summary(search_term, sentences=2) except wikipedia.exceptions.WikipediaException: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='Invalid search term.')) return except IndexError: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='You didn\'t give me anything to search dipshit.')) return action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=search_result))
def pm_person(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] person_to_pm = message_object.text.split(' ')[1:] for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): names = [person.first_name, person.last_name, person.nickname] if any([name in person_to_pm for name in names]): thread_id = person.uid action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, ThreadType.USER, text="hello friend"))
def recite(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= "1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.\n" + "2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.\n" + "3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws" ))
def urban_dict(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Returns query output from Urban Dictionary""" word = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] r = requests.get( "{}".format(word)) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, features="html.parser") action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=soup.find("div", attrs={ "class": "meaning" }).text))
def tag_all(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Tags everyone in the chat""" gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] mention_list = [] message_text = '@all' for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): mention_list.append(Mention(thread_id=person.uid, offset=0, length=1)) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=message_text, mentions=mention_list))
def scenesfromahat(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): os.system("rm -rf scenesfromahat.pdf") os.system("rm -rf scenesfromahat.txt") os.system( "wget -O scenesfromahat.pdf" ) os.system("pdftotext -layout scenesfromahat.pdf scenesfromahat.txt") with open("scenesfromahat.txt") as f: lines = f.readlines() action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=random.choice(lines)))
def admin(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] person_to_admin = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): if person_to_admin.lower() in"{} added as admin {} from {}".format( author_id, person_to_admin, thread_id)) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'makeadmin', thread_id, thread_type, pid=person.uid)) return"Unable to add admin: person not found.")
def command_handler(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): if message_object.text.split(' ')[0][0] == '!': command = command_lib.get(message_object.text.split(' ')[0][1:]) if command is not None: command["func"](client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type) else: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="That command doesnt exist. Did you mean !" + str(didyoumean(message_object.text.split(' ')[0][1:])))) else: sentiment_react(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type)
def kick(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Kicks the specified user from the chat""" gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] person_to_kick = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): if person_to_kick.lower() in"{} removed {} from {}".format(author_id, person_to_kick, thread_id)) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'removeuser', thread_id, thread_type, pid=person.uid)) return"Unable to remove: person not found.")
def brief(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): if Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id].type == ThreadType.USER: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Brief only works in Group chats!")) return string_get = groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("string").get() pin_get = groups_ref.child(thread_id).child("pin_id").get() if string_get is None and pin_get is None: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="You never pinned anything")) elif pin_get is None: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=string_get)) else: try: message_object = Client.fetchMessageInfo(client, mid=pin_get, thread_id=thread_id) print(message_object.attachments) if not message_object.attachments: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=message_object.text)) else: for x in message_object.attachments: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'forward', thread_id, thread_type, attachmentID=x.uid)) except FBchatException: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Your Pinned Message might not exist anymore"))
def reset_emotions(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): global emotionmap global reaction_history default_emotions = { MessageReaction.HEART: [[1, 0, 0], 1], MessageReaction.SAD: [[0, 0, 1], 1], MessageReaction.SMILE: [[0.707, 0, 0.707], 1], MessageReaction.WOW: [[0.707, 0.707, 0], 1], MessageReaction.ANGRY: [[0, 0.707, 0.707], 1] } emotionmap = copy.deepcopy(default_emotions) reaction_history = {} action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=f'Emotion memory reset at {}'))'Emotion vectors: {emotionmap}')'Reaction history: {reaction_history}')
def random_mention(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """Tags a random person""" random.seed(time.time()) gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] person_list = [] for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): person_list.append(person) chosen_number = random.randrange(0, len(person_list), 1) chosen_person = person_list[chosen_number] person_name = chosen_person.first_name rand_mention = Mention(thread_id=chosen_person.uid, offset=0, length=len(person_name) + 1) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="@" + person_name + " you have been chosen", mentions=[rand_mention]))
def sentiment_react(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): global emotionmap pol = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer().polarity_scores(message_object.text) compound = pol['compound'] pol = list(pol.values())[:-1][::-1] similarity = {, emotionmap[i][0]) / (np.linalg.norm(pol) * np.linalg.norm(emotionmap[i][0])): i for i in emotionmap.keys() } # if emotion vector is +/- ~30 degrees from an emotion, send that reaction if sorted(list(similarity.keys()), reverse=True)[0] > 0.866 and np.absolute(compound) > 0.4: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'reaction', thread_id, thread_type, mid=message_object.uid, reaction=similarity[sorted(list(similarity.keys()), reverse=True)[0]]))
def end_anon(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """ Ends an anonymous chat session and destroys data. Format: !end <person name> """ global anon_dict global anon_target_dict if thread_type != ThreadType.USER: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='Please only do this in my PM.')) return try: target = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] target_id = client.searchForUsers(target, limit=1)[0].uid except IndexError: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Who do I end? Usage: !end <person name here>")) return # make sure there's at least one active session between the sender and target author_chats = set( [key for key, value in anon_dict.items() if value == author_id]) target_chats = set( [key for key, value in anon_target_dict.items() if value == target_id]) common_chats = list(author_chats & target_chats) if len(common_chats) == 1: del anon_dict[common_chats[0]] del anon_target_dict[common_chats[0]] action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=f'Session with {target} ended. All data deleted.')) elif len(common_chats) > 1: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f'Multiple active sessions with {target} detected. Deleting all {len(common_chats)} sessions...' )) for hexcode in common_chats: del anon_dict[hexcode] del anon_target_dict[hexcode] action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='All data deleted.')) else: # no chat sessions between sender and target action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"You don't appear to have an active chat sessions with {target}. Use !send to start one." ))
def reply_anon(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """ Replies to message from anonymous sender. Format: !reply [sender's id] message """ global anon_dict global anon_target_dict if thread_type != ThreadType.USER: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Sorry, this feature only works in my PM.")) return try: target = re.match(r"[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]", message_object.text).groups()[0] message = message_object.text.replace(f"[{target}]", "").split(" ", 1)[1][1:] except: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= "Didn't give a message! Usage: !reply [recipient name] message" )) return # determine whether message is coming from sender or target if author_id in anon_target_dict.values( ): # message is from a target -> target is a hexcode target_user = client.fetchUserInfo(author_id)[author_id] if target in anon_dict.keys(): action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', anon_dict[target], ThreadType.USER, text= f"Reply from {target_user.first_name}: {message}\nTo reply to them, type !reply [<their name here>] <your message here>" )) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text=f'Reply sent to {target}.')) return else: # chat session has been deleted action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"You don't appear to have an active chat session with {target}. Use !send to start one." )) return elif author_id in anon_dict.values( ): # message is from a sender -> target is a name target_user = client.searchForUsers(target, limit=1)[0] # make sure sender and target have a session going for k, v in anon_dict.items(): if v == author_id and anon_target_dict[k] == target_user.uid: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', target_user.uid, ThreadType.USER, text= f"Reply from {k}: {message}\nCopy/paste the template below to send a reply." )) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', target_user.uid, ThreadType.USER, text=f"!reply [{k}] <reply here>")) action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f'Reply sent from you ({anon_id}) to {target_user.first_name}.' )) return # if code reaches here there was no active session found action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"You don't appear to have an active chat session with {target_user.first_name}. Use !send to start one." )) return else: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= "You don't have any active chat sessions open. Either use !send to deliver an anonymous message or wait for one to come to you." ))
def odds(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): # if message contains bracket - is a reply hash_search = target = re.match(r"[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]", message_object.text).groups() gc_thread = Client.fetchThreadInfo(client, thread_id)[thread_id] if len(hash_search) == 0: # message contains people - is start of new game # make sure game is started in group chat if thread_type != ThreadType.GROUP: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text='Please only do this is a group chat.')) return new_hash = shake_256( str(int(author_id) + random.randint(-1e4, 1e4)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(6) instigator = client.fetchUserInfo(author_id)[author_id] # find user person_to_friend = message_object.text.split(' ', 1)[1] target = None for person in Client.fetchAllUsersFromThreads(self=client, threads=[gc_thread]): if person_to_friend.lower in target = person.uid if target == None: # tell the user they're dumb return action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', target.uid, ThreadType.USER, text= f"You've been challenged to an odds game by {instigator.first_name}. Pick a number between 1 and 10. To reply, copy and send the message below." )) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', target.uid, ThreadType.USER, text=f"!odds [{new_hash}] <your number here>")) action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', instigator.uid, ThreadType.USER, text= f"You started an odds game with {target.first_name}. Pick a number between 1 and 10. To reply, copy and send the message below." )) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', instigator.uid, ThreadType.USER, text=f"!odds [{new_hash}] <your number here>")) else: # if message contains bracket - is a reply # check hashcode against database # check if both slots in the hashcode are filled if '''both slots are filled''': action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', gc_thread, ThreadType.GROUP, text= f'{winner.first_name} has won the odds. Do what you will.') )
def send_anon(client, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type): """ Sends message to selected person. Format: !send [target] message """ global anon_dict global anon_target_dict if thread_type != ThreadType.USER: action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text="Sorry, this feature only works in my PM.")) return try: target = re.match(r"[^[]*\[([^]]*)\]", message_object.text).groups()[0] message = message_object.text.replace(f"[{target}]", "").split(" ", 1)[1][1:] except: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= "Didn't give a message! Usage: !send [recipient name] message") ) return # find recipient target = client.searchForUsers(target, limit=1)[0] if not target.is_friend: action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"I can't contact {target.first_name} {target.last_name}; I'm not friends with them." )) return # add author to lookup table {sha256(author_id + salt) : author_id} anon_id = shake_256( str(int(author_id) + random.randint(-1e4, 1e4)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(8) anon_dict[anon_id] = author_id anon_target_dict[anon_id] = target.uid # pm recipient action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', target.uid, ThreadType.USER, text= f'New message from {anon_id}:\n{message}\nTo respond, copy/paste the template below and add in your response.' )) action_queue.put( Action(client, 'message', target.uid, ThreadType.USER, text=f'!reply [{anon_id}] <your message here>')) action_queue.put( Action( client, 'message', thread_id, thread_type, text= f"Message sent from you ({anon_id}) to {target.first_name} {target.last_name}.\nReminder: you can end this chat session at any time by typing !end {target.first_name}" ))