コード例 #1
ファイル: fetcher.py プロジェクト: seisman/obsplus
    def __call__(
        time_arg: event_time_type,
        time_before: Optional[float] = None,
        time_after: Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> obspy.Stream:
        Using a reference time, return a waveforms that encompasses that time.

            The argument that will indicate a start time. Can be a one
            length events, and event, a float, or a UTCDatetime object
            The time before time_arg to include in waveforms
            The time after time_arg to include in waveforms

        tbefore = to_timedelta64(time_before, default=self.time_before)
        tafter = to_timedelta64(time_after, default=self.time_after)
        assert (tbefore is not None) and (tafter is not None)
        # get the reference time from the object
        time = to_datetime64(get_reference_time(time_arg))
        t1 = time - tbefore
        t2 = time + tafter
        return self.get_waveforms(starttime=to_utc(t1),
コード例 #2
 def test_no_precision_lost(self):
     """There should be no precision lost in converting to a timedelta."""
     td = np.timedelta64(1_111_111_111, "ns")
     out = to_timedelta64(td)
     assert out == td
     # and also in negative
     assert (-td) == to_timedelta64(-td)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fetcher.py プロジェクト: seisman/obsplus
 def __init__(
     waveforms: fetcher_waveform_type,
     stations: Optional[fetcher_event_type] = None,
     events: Optional[fetcher_event_type] = None,
     picks: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
     stream_processor: Optional[stream_proc_type] = None,
     time_before: Optional[float] = None,
     time_after: Optional[float] = None,
     event_query: Optional[dict] = None,
     # if fetch_arg is a WaveFetcher just update dict and return
     if isinstance(waveforms, Fetcher):
     # get clients for each data types
     self._picks_input = picks
     # waveforms processor for applying filters and such
     self.stream_processor = stream_processor
     # set event time/query parameters
     self.time_before = to_timedelta64(time_before)
     self.time_after = to_timedelta64(time_after)
     self.event_query = event_query or {}
コード例 #4
 def bing_pick_bulk(self, bingham_catalog):
     """ Create a dataframe from the bingham_test picks. """
     picks = obsplus.picks_to_df(bingham_catalog)
     df = picks[list(NSLC)]
     df["starttime"] = picks["time"] - to_timedelta64(1.011)
     df["endtime"] = picks["time"] + to_timedelta64(7.011)
     return df
コード例 #5
ファイル: statsgroup.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
    def set_rel_time_windows(self, **time_windows) -> Optional["StatsGroup"]:
        Method for applying relative time windows to the StatsGroup

            The time windows are set on a per-phase basis for arbitrary phase
            types through the following format:
            phase=(before_pick, after_pick). For example, P=(0.1, 1), S=(0.5, 2),
            Noise=(0, 5). Note that phase names are limited to valid attribute
            names (alphanumeric, cannot start with a number).

        Other Parameters
            Flag indicating whether the StatsGroup should be modified inplace
            or a copy should be returned.
        # TODO: I'm going to gloss over this for right now because it doesn't
        #  affect my use case, but this might be overwriting user-provided
        #  start and end times?
        # Loop over each of the provided phase
        for ph, tw in time_windows.items():
            if not isinstance(tw, Sequence) or isinstance(tw, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"time windows must be a tuples of start and end times: {ph}"
            if not len(tw) == 2:
                raise ValueError(f"time windows must be a tuple of floats: {ph}={tw}")
            # Get all of the picks that have a matching phase
            phase_ind = self.data.index.get_level_values("phase_hint") == ph
            # If none of the picks match, issue a warning and move on
            if not phase_ind.any():
                warnings.warn(f"No picks matching phase type: {ph}")
            if (tw[0] + tw[1]) < 0:
                raise ValueError(f"Time after must occur after time before: {ph}")
            time_before = to_timedelta64(tw[0])
            time_after = to_timedelta64(tw[1])
            # Otherwise, set the time windows
            if (
                self.data.loc[phase_ind, "starttime"].notnull().any()
                or self.data.loc[phase_ind, "endtime"].notnull().any()
                    "Overwriting existing time windows for one or more phases."
            self.data.loc[phase_ind, "starttime"] = (
                self.data.loc[phase_ind, "time"] - time_before
            self.data.loc[phase_ind, "endtime"] = (
                self.data.loc[phase_ind, "time"] + time_after
        self.data = self._update_meta(self.data)
        return self
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_stats_group.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
 def abs_time_windows(self, node_stats_group_no_tws):
     """create absolute time windows"""
     time_before = 0.2
     time_after = 1
     phase = node_stats_group_no_tws.data.droplevel("seed_id_less").iloc[-1]
     return {
         phase.name: (
             phase.time - to_timedelta64(time_before),
             phase.time + to_timedelta64(time_after),
コード例 #7
ファイル: statsgroup.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
 def _get_event_phase_window(
     self, event, dist_df, sampling_rate, restrict_to_arrivals: bool
     Get the pick time, window start and window end for all phases.
     # determine min duration based on min samples and sec/dist
     # min duration based on required num of samples
     min_samples = get_default_param("min_samples", obj=self)
     min_dur_samps = min_samples / sampling_rate
     # min duration based on distances
     seconds_per_m = get_default_param("seconds_per_meter", obj=self)
     dist = dist_df.loc[str(event.resource_id), "hyp_distance_m"]
     min_dur_dist = pd.Series(dist * seconds_per_m, index=dist.index)
     # the minimum duration is the max the min sample requirement and the
     # min distance requirement
     min_duration = to_timedelta64(np.maximum(min_dur_dist, min_dur_samps))
     # get dataframe
     if not len(event.picks):
         raise NoPhaseInformationError()
     df = get_phase_window_df(
     # make sure there are no NaNs
     assert not df.isnull().any().any()
     return df
コード例 #8
def _get_absolute_time(time: Union[time_types, np.ndarray],
                       ref_time: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Get an absolute time from a possible reference time.

        Can either  be a an absolute time, or a timedelta with respect to
        The object time is referenced to.
    def _is_time_delta(obj):
        """ return True if an object is a timedelta like thing. """
        if isinstance(obj, (int, float)):
            return True
        dtype = getattr(obj, "dtype", None)
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64):
            return True
        is_int = np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer)
        is_float = np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating)
        if is_int or is_float:
            return True
        return False

    # First try converting to datetime64, if that fails convert to timedelta.
    if _is_time_delta(time):
        dt = ref_time + to_timedelta64(time)
        dt = to_datetime64(time)
    return np.broadcast_to(dt, np.shape(ref_time))
コード例 #9
 def test_identity_function_on_delta_series(self):
     """Delta series should simply return an equal delta series."""
     deltas = np.timedelta64(10_000_100, "us") * np.arange(10)
     ser = pd.Series(deltas)
     out = to_timedelta64(ser)
     assert ser.equals(out)
     assert out is not ser
コード例 #10
 def test_series(self):
     """Ensure an entire series can be converted to timedeltas."""
     ser = pd.Series([0, 2.22, 3, 5])
     out = to_timedelta64(ser)
     assert all(
         [isinstance(x, (np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta)) for x in out])
     assert isinstance(out, pd.Series)
コード例 #11
ファイル: statsgroup.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
 def _get_noise_windows(self, phase_df, df):
     Get noise window rows by first looking for noise phase, if None
     just use start of trace.
     # init df for each unique channel that needs a noise spectra
     noise_df = phase_df[~phase_df["seed_id"].duplicated()]
     noise_df["phase_hint"] = "Noise"
     # If no noise spectra is defined use start of traces
     if df.empty:
         # get parameters for determining noise windows start and stop
         noise_end = to_timedelta64(
             get_default_param("noise_end_before_p", obj=self)
         min_noise_dur = to_timedelta64(
             get_default_param("noise_min_duration", obj=self)
         largest_window = (phase_df["endtime"] - phase_df["starttime"]).max()
         # Necessary to do it this way because max and np.max can't
         # handle NaN/NaT properly
         min_duration = pd.Series([min_noise_dur, largest_window]).max()
         # set start and stop for noise window
         noise_df["endtime"] = phase_df["starttime"].min() - noise_end
         noise_df["starttime"] = noise_df["endtime"] - min_duration
         # else use either the noise window defined for a specific station
         # or, if a station has None, use the noise window with the earliest
         # start time
         ser_min = df.loc[df["starttime"].idxmin()]
         t1, t2 = ser_min["starttime"], ser_min["endtime"]
         # drop columns on df and noise df to facilitate merge
         df = df[["network", "station", "starttime", "endtime"]]
         noise_df = noise_df.drop(columns=["starttime", "endtime"])
         noise_df = noise_df.merge(df, how="left", on=["network", "station"])
         # fill nan
         noise_df = noise_df.fillna({"starttime": t1, "endtime": t2})
     # set time between min and max
     noise_df["time"] = (
         noise_df["starttime"] + (noise_df["endtime"] - noise_df["starttime"]) / 2
     # noise_df["time"] = noise_df[["starttime", "endtime"]].mean(axis=1)
     # make sure there are no null values
     out = noise_df.set_index(list(_INDEX_NAMES))
     # drop any duplicate indices
     return out.loc[~out.index.duplicated()]
コード例 #12
ファイル: statsgroup.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
    def add_time_buffer(
        start: Optional[Union[float, pd.Series]] = None,
        end: Optional[Union[float, pd.Series]] = None,
    ) -> "StatsGroup":
        Method for adding a time before to start and end of windows.

            The time, in seconds, to add to the start of the window
            The time, in seconds, to add to the start of the window
        df = self.data.copy()
        if start is not None:
            df.loc[:, "starttime"] = df["starttime"] - to_timedelta64(start)
        if end is not None:
            df.loc[:, "endtime"] = df["endtime"] + to_timedelta64(end)
        return self.new_from_dict(data=df)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_stats_group.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
 def test_add_time_buffer(
         self, node_stats_group
 ):  # Not quite sure what's going on in this test...
     Ensure time can be added to the start and end of the node_stats_group.
     # Add times, start and end
     df = node_stats_group.data
     start = 1
     end = pd.Series(2, index=df.index)
     sg = node_stats_group.add_time_buffer(start=start, end=end)
     # Make sure a copy did occur
     assert sg is not node_stats_group
     # Make sure time offset is correct
     df2 = sg.data
     # Make sure to only get records with non-NaN start and end times
     df3 = df2.loc[df2["starttime"].notnull() & df2["endtime"].notnull()]
     df4 = df.loc[df3.index]
     assert ((df3["starttime"] +
              to_timedelta64(1)) == df4["starttime"]).all()
     assert ((df3["endtime"] - to_timedelta64(2)) == df4["endtime"]).all()
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_stats_group.py プロジェクト: mmesim/mopy
 def test_set_rel_time_windows(self, add_rel_time_windows):
     """Make sure it is possible to set relative time windows"""
     assert not add_rel_time_windows.data.starttime.isnull().any()
     assert not add_rel_time_windows.data.endtime.isnull().any()
     assert (add_rel_time_windows.data.endtime >
     # Make sure the tw is as expected for each of the provided phase types
     for phase in self.relative_windows:
         pick = add_rel_time_windows.data.xs(phase,
         assert pd.Timestamp(
             unit="ns") == (pick.time -
         assert pd.Timestamp(
             "ns") == (pick.time +
         # Make sure the times are semi-plausible
         assert (pick.starttime > pd.Timestamp(
             1800, 1, 1)) and (pick.endtime > pd.Timestamp(1800, 1, 1))
コード例 #15
ファイル: wavebank.py プロジェクト: seisman/obsplus
 def _get_gap_dfs(df, min_gap):
     """ function to apply to each group of seed_id dataframes """
     # get the min gap
     if min_gap is None:
         min_gap = 1.5 * df["sampling_period"].iloc[0]
         min_gap = to_timedelta64(min_gap)
     # get df for determining gaps
     dd = (df.drop_duplicates().sort_values(["starttime", "endtime"
     shifted_starttimes = dd.starttime.shift(-1)
     cum_max = np.maximum.accumulate(dd["endtime"] + min_gap)
     gap_index = cum_max < shifted_starttimes
     # create a dataframe of gaps
     df = dd[gap_index]
     df["starttime"] = dd.endtime[gap_index]
     df["endtime"] = shifted_starttimes[gap_index]
     df["gap_duration"] = df["endtime"] - df["starttime"]
     return df
コード例 #16
def _get_waveform_df(stream: wave_type) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Convert a stream of sequence of traces into a datframe.

        The streams to index

    This is private because it is probably not quite polished enough to include
    in the public API. More thought is needed how to do this properly.
    stats_columns = list(NSLC) + ["starttime", "endtime", "sampling_rate"]
    trace_contents = [{i: tr.stats[i] for i in stats_columns} for tr in stream]
    df = pd.DataFrame(trace_contents, columns=stats_columns)
    # ensure time(y) columns have proper
    df["starttime"] = to_datetime64(df["starttime"])
    df["endtime"] = to_datetime64(df["endtime"])
    df["sampling_period"] = to_timedelta64(1 / df["sampling_rate"])
    df["seed_id"] = get_seed_id_series(df)
    df["trace"] = [ObjectWrapper(tr) for tr in stream]
    return df
コード例 #17
 def test_identity_function_on_delta_array(self):
     """Delta array should simply return a delta array."""
     deltas = np.timedelta64(10_000_100, "us") * np.arange(10)
     out = to_timedelta64(deltas)
     assert np.all(deltas == out)
コード例 #18
 def test_array(self):
     """Test the return values from an array."""
     ar = np.array([0, 2.22, 3, 5])
     out = to_timedelta64(ar)
     assert all([isinstance(x, np.timedelta64) for x in out])
コード例 #19
 def test_float(self):
     """Test converting floats to time deltas (interpreted as seconds)"""
     vals = [1.23322, 10.2323, -1232.22]
     out = [to_timedelta64(x) for x in vals]
     assert all([isinstance(x, np.timedelta64) for x in out])
コード例 #20
ファイル: fetcher.py プロジェクト: seisman/obsplus
    def yield_event_waveforms(
        time_before: Optional[float] = None,
        time_after: Optional[float] = None,
        reference: Union[str, Callable] = "origin",
        raise_on_fail: bool = True,
    ) -> Tuple[str, Stream]:
        Yield event_id and streams for each event.

            The time before (in seconds) the reference that will be included
            in the waveforms if possible.
            The Time after (in seconds) the reference that will be included
            in the waveforms if possible.
            A str that indicates how the starttime of the trace should be
            determined. The following are supported:
                origin - use the origin time of the event
                p - use the first p time as the start for each station
                s - use the first s times as the start for each station
            If "p" or "s" is used only streams corresponding to stations with
            the appropriate phase pick will be returned.
            If True, re raise an exception if one is caught during waveform
            fetching, else continue to next event.

        Streams will not be yielded for any event for which a reference time
        cannot be obtained. For example, if reference='S' only events with some
        S picks will be yielded.
        def _check_yield_event_waveform_(reference, ta, tb):
            if not reference.lower() in self.reference_funcs:
                msg = (f"reference of {reference} is not supported. Supported "
                       f"reference arguments are {list(self.reference_funcs)}")
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if not (np.abs(tb) + np.abs(ta)) > np.timedelta64(0, "s"):
                msg = (
                    "time_before and/or time_after must be specified in either "
                    "Fetcher's init or the yield_event_Waveforms call")
                raise ValueError(msg)

        tb = to_timedelta64(time_before, default=self.time_before)
        ta = to_timedelta64(time_after, default=self.time_after)
        _check_yield_event_waveform_(reference, ta, tb)
        # get reference times
        ref_func = self.reference_funcs[reference.lower()]
        reftime_df = ref_func(self)
        # if using a wavebank preload index over entire time-span for speedup
        if isinstance(self.waveform_client, WaveBank) and len(reftime_df):
            mt = reftime_df["time"].min() - tb
            mx = reftime_df["time"].max() + ta
            index = self.waveform_client.read_index(starttime=mt, endtime=mx)
            get_bulk_wf = partial(self._get_bulk_wf, index=index)
            get_bulk_wf = self._get_bulk_wf
        # iterate each event in the events and yield the waveform
        for event_id, df in reftime_df.groupby("event_id"):
            # make sure ser is either a single datetime or a series of datetimes
            time = to_datetime64(df["time"])
            t1, t2 = time - tb, time + ta
            bulk_args = self._get_bulk_args(starttime=t1, endtime=t2)
                yield EventStream(event_id, get_bulk_wf(bulk_args))
            except Exception:
                if raise_on_fail:
                    msg = f"Fetcher failed to get waveforms for {event_id}."
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_pd_utils.py プロジェクト: seisman/obsplus
 def test_time_delta(self, time_df):
     """ Test that timedelta dtype. """
     out1 = upd.cast_dtypes(time_df, {"delta": "ops_timedelta"})["delta"]
     out2 = to_timedelta64(time_df["delta"])
     assert (out1 == out2).all()
コード例 #22
 def test_tuple_and_list(self):
     """tests for tuples and lists."""
     input1 = [2, -3, 4.5]
     out1 = to_timedelta64(input1)
     out2 = to_timedelta64(tuple(input1))
     assert np.all(out1 == out2)
コード例 #23
 def test_nullish_values_returns_default(self):
     """Nullish values should return default values."""
     default = np.timedelta64(0, "s")
     out1 = to_timedelta64(None, default=default)
     assert out1 == default
コード例 #24
 def test_whole_number(self):
     """test converting a number to a timedelta."""
     vals = [1, 2, 1000, 23, -122]
     out = [to_timedelta64(x) for x in vals]
     assert all(isinstance(x, np.timedelta64) for x in out)