コード例 #1
ファイル: test_client.py プロジェクト: a-schaefer/obspy
    def test_getPAZ(self):
        Test for the Client.getPAZ function.

        As reference the EHZ channel of MANZ is taken, the result is compared
        to the entries of the local response file of the Bavarian network.
        # reference values
        zeros = [0j, 0j]
        poles = [-3.700400e-02 + 3.701600e-02j, -3.700400e-02 - 3.701600e-02j,
                 -2.513300e+02 + 0.000000e+00j, -1.310400e+02 - 4.672900e+02j,
                 -1.310400e+02 + 4.672900e+02j]
        normalization_factor = 6.0077e+07
        sensitivity = 2.5168e+09
        # initialize client
        client = Client('erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de', 18001,
        # fetch poles and zeros
        dt = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1)
        paz = client.getPAZ('BW', 'MANZ', '', 'EHZ', dt)
        # compare instrument
        self.assertEqual(normalization_factor, paz.normalization_factor)
        self.assertEqual(poles, paz.poles)
        self.assertEqual(zeros, paz.zeros)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sensitivity / 1e9, paz.sensitivity / 1e9, 4)
        # PAZ over multiple channels should raise an exception
        self.assertRaises(ArcLinkException, client.getPAZ, 'BW', 'MANZ', '',
                          'EH*', dt)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_client.py プロジェクト: a-schaefer/obspy
 def test_SRL(self):
     Tests if example in ObsPy paper submitted to the Electronic
     Seismologist section of SRL is still working. The test shouldn't be
     changed because the reference gets wrong.
     paz = {'gain': 60077000.0,
            'poles': [(-0.037004000000000002 + 0.037016j),
                      (-0.037004000000000002 - 0.037016j),
                      (-251.33000000000001 + 0j),
                      (-131.03999999999999 - 467.29000000000002j),
                      (-131.03999999999999 + 467.29000000000002j)],
            'sensitivity': 2516778600.0,
            'zeros': [0j, 0j]}
     dat1 = np.array([288, 300, 292, 285, 265, 287, 279, 250, 278, 278])
     dat2 = np.array([445, 432, 425, 400, 397, 471, 426, 390, 450, 442])
     # Retrieve data via ArcLink
     client = Client(host="webdc.eu", port=18001, user='******')
     t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-24 00:20:03")
     st = client.getWaveform("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ", t, t + 30)
     poles_zeros = client.getPAZ("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ",
                                 t, t + 30).values()[0]
     self.assertEquals(paz['gain'], poles_zeros['gain'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['poles'], poles_zeros['poles'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['sensitivity'], poles_zeros['sensitivity'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['zeros'], poles_zeros['zeros'])
     self.assertEquals('BW', st[0].stats['network'])
     self.assertEquals('RJOB', st[0].stats['station'])
     self.assertEquals(200.0, st[0].stats['sampling_rate'])
     self.assertEquals(6001, st[0].stats['npts'])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat1, st[0].data[:10])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat2, st[0].data[-10:])
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_client.py プロジェクト: msimon00/obspy
 def test_SRL(self):
     Tests if example in ObsPy paper submitted to the Electronic
     Seismologist section of SRL is still working. The test shouldn't be
     changed because the reference gets wrong.
     paz = {'gain': 60077000.0,
            'poles': [(-0.037004000000000002 + 0.037016j),
                      (-0.037004000000000002 - 0.037016j),
                      (-251.33000000000001 + 0j),
                      (-131.03999999999999 - 467.29000000000002j),
                      (-131.03999999999999 + 467.29000000000002j)],
            'sensitivity': 2516778600.0,
            'zeros': [0j, 0j]}
     dat1 = np.array([288, 300, 292, 285, 265, 287, 279, 250, 278, 278])
     dat2 = np.array([445, 432, 425, 400, 397, 471, 426, 390, 450, 442])
     # Retrieve data via ArcLink
     client = Client(host="webdc.eu", port=18001)
     t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-24 00:20:03")
     st = client.getWaveform("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ", t, t + 30)
     poles_zeros = client.getPAZ("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ",
                                 t, t + 30).values()[0]
     self.assertEquals(paz['gain'], poles_zeros['gain'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['poles'], poles_zeros['poles'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['sensitivity'], poles_zeros['sensitivity'])
     self.assertEquals(paz['zeros'], poles_zeros['zeros'])
     self.assertEquals('BW', st[0].stats['network'])
     self.assertEquals('RJOB', st[0].stats['station'])
     self.assertEquals(200.0, st[0].stats['sampling_rate'])
     self.assertEquals(6001, st[0].stats['npts'])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat1, st[0].data[:10])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(dat2, st[0].data[-10:])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_client.py プロジェクト: msimon00/obspy
    def test_getPAZ(self):
        Test for the Client.getPAZ function.

        As reference the EHZ channel of MANZ is taken, the result is compared
        to the entries of the local response file of the Bavarian network.
        # reference values
        zeros = [0j, 0j]
        poles = [-3.700400e-02 + 3.701600e-02j, -3.700400e-02 - 3.701600e-02j,
                 -2.513300e+02 + 0.000000e+00j, -1.310400e+02 - 4.672900e+02j,
                 -1.310400e+02 + 4.672900e+02j]
        normalization_factor = 6.0077e+07
        sensitivity = 2.5168e+09
        # initialize client
        client = Client('erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de', 18001)
        # fetch poles and zeros
        dt = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1)
        paz = client.getPAZ('BW', 'MANZ', '', 'EHZ', dt)
        # compare instrument
        self.assertEqual(normalization_factor, paz.normalization_factor)
        self.assertEqual(poles, paz.poles)
        self.assertEqual(zeros, paz.zeros)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sensitivity / 1e9, paz.sensitivity / 1e9, 4)
        # PAZ over multiple channels should raise an exception
        self.assertRaises(ArcLinkException, client.getPAZ, 'BW', 'MANZ', '',
                          'EH*', dt)
コード例 #5
def stream_arklink_read(host="webdc.eu", port=18001, timeout=100,
                 start_time="2009-08-24 00:20:03", time_interval=30,
                 network_id="BW", station_id="RJOB", location_id="",
                 channel_id="EH*", get_paz=False):
    """ Arklink server client.

    For a detailed description of how it works refer to ObsPy website

    client = Client_arc(host, port, timeout)
    t = UTCDateTime(start_time)
        st = client.getWaveform(network_id, station_id, location_id, channel_id, \
                                t, t + time_interval)
        n_trace = len(st)

        if get_paz:
            paz = client.getPAZ(network_id, station_id, location_id, channel_id, \
                                t, t + time_interval)
            return st, paz, n_trace
            return st, n_trace
        print "An error occurred reading the data."
        st = []
        n_trace = 0
        paz = []
        if get_paz:
            return st, paz, n_trace
            return st, n_trace
コード例 #6
ファイル: get_paz.py プロジェクト: wangwu1991/sito
def save_all_paz():
    client = Client()
    paz = {}
    for st in 'PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PATCX HMBCX PSGCX MNMCX'.split():
        paz[st] = dict(client.getPAZ('CX', st, location, channel, t))
    print paz
    with open(PAZ_FILE % ('ALL', channel), 'w') as f:
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_client.py プロジェクト: msimon00/obspy
 def test_getPAZ2(self):
     Test for the Client.getPAZ function for erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de.
     poles = [-3.700400e-02 + 3.701600e-02j, -3.700400e-02 - 3.701600e-02j]
     dt = UTCDateTime(2009, 1, 1)
     client = Client("erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de", 18001)
     # fetch poles and zeros
     paz = client.getPAZ('BW', 'MANZ', '', 'EHZ', dt)
     self.assertEqual(len(poles), 2)
     self.assertEqual(poles, paz['poles'][:2])
コード例 #8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from obspy.arclink import Client
from obspy.signal import cornFreq2Paz, seisSim

# Retrieve data via ArcLink
# please provide a valid email address for the keyword user
client = Client(user="******")
t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-24 00:20:03")
st = client.getWaveform('BW', 'RJOB', '', 'EHZ', t, t + 30)
paz = client.getPAZ('BW', 'RJOB', '', 'EHZ', t)
paz = paz.values()[0]

# 1Hz instrument
one_hertz = cornFreq2Paz(1.0)
# Correct for frequency response of the instrument
res = seisSim(st[0].data.astype('float32'),
# Correct for overall sensitivity
res = res / paz['sensitivity']

# Plot the seismograms
sec = np.arange(len(res)) / st[0].stats.sampling_rate
plt.plot(sec, st[0].data, 'k')
plt.title("%s %s" % (st[0].stats.station, t))
コード例 #9
ファイル: exercise_3c.py プロジェクト: QuLogic/obspy-docs
from obspy.core import read
from obspy.core.util.geodetics import gps2DistAzimuth
from obspy.arclink import Client
from math import log10

st = read("../data/LKBD.MSEED")

paz_wa = {'sensitivity': 2800, 'zeros': [0j], 'gain': 1,
          'poles': [-6.2832-4.7124j, -6.2832+4.7124j]}

client = Client(user="******")
t = st[0].stats.starttime
paz_le3d5s = client.getPAZ("CH", "LKBD", "", "EHZ", t)

st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_le3d5s, paz_simulate=paz_wa, water_level=10)

t = UTCDateTime("2012-04-03T02:45:03")
st.trim(t, t + 50)

tr_n = st.select(component="N")[0]
ampl_n = max(abs(tr_n.data))
tr_e = st.select(component="E")[0]
ampl_e = max(abs(tr_e.data))
ampl = max(ampl_n, ampl_e)

sta_lat = 46.38703
sta_lon = 7.62714
event_lat = 46.218
event_lon = 7.706

epi_dist, az, baz = gps2DistAzimuth(event_lat, event_lon, sta_lat, sta_lon)
コード例 #10
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from obspy.arclink import Client
from obspy.signal import cornFreq2Paz, seisSim

# Retrieve data via ArcLink
# please provide a valid email address for the keyword user
client = Client(user="******")
# t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-24 00:20:03")
# st = client.getWaveform('BW', 'RJOB', '', 'EHZ', t, t + 30)
# paz = client.getPAZ('BW', 'RJOB', '', 'EHZ', t)

t = UTCDateTime("2009-10-16 00:00:00")
st = client.getWaveform('', '', '', 'MHZ', t, t + 3600)
paz = client.getPAZ('', '', '', 'MHZ', t)

# 1Hz instrument
one_hertz = cornFreq2Paz(1.0)
# Correct for frequency response of the instrument
res = seisSim(st[0].data.astype('float32'),
# Correct for overall sensitivity
res = res / paz['sensitivity']

# Plot the seismograms
sec = np.arange(len(res)) / st[0].stats.sampling_rate
コード例 #11
ファイル: exercise_3c.py プロジェクト: wilsonteng97/docs
from obspy.core.util.geodetics import gps2DistAzimuth
from obspy.arclink import Client
from math import log10

st = read("../data/LKBD.MSEED")

paz_wa = {
    'sensitivity': 2800,
    'zeros': [0j],
    'gain': 1,
    'poles': [-6.2832 - 4.7124j, -6.2832 + 4.7124j]

client = Client(user="******")
t = st[0].stats.starttime
paz_le3d5s = client.getPAZ("CH", "LKBD", "", "EHZ", t)

st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_le3d5s, paz_simulate=paz_wa, water_level=10)

t = UTCDateTime("2012-04-03T02:45:03")
st.trim(t, t + 50)

tr_n = st.select(component="N")[0]
ampl_n = max(abs(tr_n.data))
tr_e = st.select(component="E")[0]
ampl_e = max(abs(tr_e.data))
ampl = max(ampl_n, ampl_e)

sta_lat = 46.38703
sta_lon = 7.62714
event_lat = 46.218
コード例 #12
ファイル: get_paz.py プロジェクト: wangwu1991/sito
def save_paz():
    client = Client()
    paz2 = client.getPAZ(network, station, location, channel, t)
    with open(PAZ_FILE % (station, channel), 'w') as f:
コード例 #13
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from obspy.arclink import Client
from obspy.signal import cornFreq2Paz, seisSim

# Retrieve data via ArcLink
# please provide a valid email address for the keyword user
client = Client(user="******")
t = UTCDateTime("2009-08-24 00:20:03")
st = client.getWaveform("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ", t, t + 30)
paz = client.getPAZ("BW", "RJOB", "", "EHZ", t, t + 30)
paz = paz.values()[0]

# 1Hz instrument
one_hertz = cornFreq2Paz(1.0)
# Correct for frequency response of the instrument
res = seisSim(st[0].data.astype("float32"), st[0].stats.sampling_rate, paz, inst_sim=one_hertz)
# Correct for overall sensitivity
res = res / paz["sensitivity"]

# Plot the seismograms
sec = np.arange(len(res)) / st[0].stats.sampling_rate
plt.plot(sec, st[0].data, "k")
plt.title("%s %s" % (st[0].stats.station, t))
plt.plot(sec, res, "k")
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.ylabel("1Hz CornerFrequency")