def _read_ndk(filename, *args, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable """ Reads an NDK file to a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object. :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. """ # Read the whole file at once. While an iterator would be more efficient # the largest NDK file out in the wild is 13.7 MB so it does not matter # much. if not hasattr(filename, "read"): # Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string. try: with open(filename, "rt") as fh: data = except Exception: try: data = filename.decode() except Exception: data = str(filename) data = data.strip() else: data = if hasattr(data, "decode"): data = data.decode() # Create iterator that yields lines. def lines_iter(): prev_line = -1 while True: next_line = data.find("\n", prev_line + 1) if next_line < 0: break yield data[prev_line + 1:next_line] prev_line = next_line if len(data) > prev_line + 1: yield data[prev_line + 1:] # Use one Flinn Engdahl object for all region determinations. fe = FlinnEngdahl() cat = Catalog(resource_id=_get_resource_id("catalog", str(uuid.uuid4()))) # Loop over 5 lines at once. for _i, lines in enumerate(zip_longest(*[lines_iter()] * 5)): if None in lines: msg = "Skipped last %i lines. Not a multiple of 5 lines." % ( lines.count(None)) warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyNDKWarning) continue # Parse the lines to a human readable dictionary. try: record = _read_lines(*lines) except (ValueError, ObsPyNDKException): exc = traceback.format_exc() msg = ("Could not parse event %i (faulty file?). Will be " "skipped. Lines of the event:\n" "\t%s\n" "%s") % (_i + 1, "\n\t".join(lines), exc) warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyNDKWarning) continue # Use one creation info for essentially every item. creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id="GCMT", version=record["version_code"]) # Use the ObsPy Flinn Engdahl region determiner as the region in the # NDK files is oftentimes trimmed. region = fe.get_region(record["centroid_longitude"], record["centroid_latitude"]) # Create an event object. event = Event(force_resource_id=False, event_type="earthquake", event_type_certainty="known", event_descriptions=[ EventDescription(text=region, type="Flinn-Engdahl region"), EventDescription(text=record["cmt_event_name"], type="earthquake name") ]) # Assemble the time for the reference origin. try: time = _parse_date_time(record["date"], record["time"]) except ObsPyNDKException: msg = ("Invalid time in event %i. '%s' and '%s' cannot be " "assembled to a valid time. Event will be skipped.") % \ (_i + 1, record["date"], record["time"]) warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyNDKWarning) continue # Create two origins, one with the reference latitude/longitude and # one with the centroidal values. ref_origin = Origin( force_resource_id=False, time=time, longitude=record["hypo_lng"], latitude=record["hypo_lat"], # Convert to m. depth=record["hypo_depth_in_km"] * 1000.0, origin_type="hypocenter", comments=[ Comment(text="Hypocenter catalog: %s" % record["hypocenter_reference_catalog"], force_resource_id=False) ]) ref_origin.comments[0].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "comment", tag="ref_origin") ref_origin.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "origin", tag="reforigin") cmt_origin = Origin( force_resource_id=False, longitude=record["centroid_longitude"], longitude_errors={ "uncertainty": record["centroid_longitude_error"] }, latitude=record["centroid_latitude"], latitude_errors={"uncertainty": record["centroid_latitude_error"]}, # Convert to m. depth=record["centroid_depth_in_km"] * 1000.0, depth_errors={ "uncertainty": record["centroid_depth_in_km_error"] * 1000 }, time=ref_origin["time"] + record["centroid_time"], time_errors={"uncertainty": record["centroid_time_error"]}, depth_type=record["type_of_centroid_depth"], origin_type="centroid", time_fixed=False, epicenter_fixed=False, creation_info=creation_info.copy()) cmt_origin.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "origin", tag="cmtorigin") = [ref_origin, cmt_origin] event.preferred_origin_id = # Create the magnitude object. mag = Magnitude(force_resource_id=False, mag=round(record["Mw"], 2), magnitude_type="Mwc", origin_id=cmt_origin.resource_id, creation_info=creation_info.copy()) mag.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "magnitude", tag="moment_mag") event.magnitudes = [mag] event.preferred_magnitude_id = # Add the reported mb, MS magnitudes as additional magnitude objects. event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude( force_resource_id=False, mag=record["mb"], magnitude_type="mb", comments=[ Comment( force_resource_id=False, text="Reported magnitude in NDK file. Most likely 'mb'." ) ])) event.magnitudes[-1].comments[-1].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "comment", tag="mb_magnitude") event.magnitudes[-1].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "magnitude", tag="mb") event.magnitudes.append( Magnitude( force_resource_id=False, mag=record["MS"], magnitude_type="MS", comments=[ Comment( force_resource_id=False, text="Reported magnitude in NDK file. Most likely 'MS'." ) ])) event.magnitudes[-1].comments[-1].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "comment", tag="MS_magnitude") event.magnitudes[-1].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "magnitude", tag="MS") # Take care of the moment tensor. tensor = Tensor(m_rr=record["m_rr"], m_rr_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_rr_error"]}, m_pp=record["m_pp"], m_pp_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_pp_error"]}, m_tt=record["m_tt"], m_tt_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_tt_error"]}, m_rt=record["m_rt"], m_rt_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_rt_error"]}, m_rp=record["m_rp"], m_rp_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_rp_error"]}, m_tp=record["m_tp"], m_tp_errors={"uncertainty": record["m_tp_error"]}, creation_info=creation_info.copy()) mt = MomentTensor( force_resource_id=False, scalar_moment=record["scalar_moment"], tensor=tensor, data_used=[DataUsed(**i) for i in record["data_used"]], inversion_type=record["source_type"], source_time_function=SourceTimeFunction( type=record["moment_rate_type"], duration=record["moment_rate_duration"]), derived_origin_id=cmt_origin.resource_id, creation_info=creation_info.copy()) mt.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "momenttensor") axis = [Axis(**i) for i in record["principal_axis"]] focmec = FocalMechanism( force_resource_id=False, moment_tensor=mt, principal_axes=PrincipalAxes( # The ordering is the same as for the IRIS SPUD service and # from a website of the Saint Louis University Earthquake # center so it should be correct. t_axis=axis[0], p_axis=axis[2], n_axis=axis[1]), nodal_planes=NodalPlanes( nodal_plane_1=NodalPlane(**record["nodal_plane_1"]), nodal_plane_2=NodalPlane(**record["nodal_plane_2"])), comments=[ Comment(force_resource_id=False, text="CMT Analysis Type: %s" % record["cmt_type"].capitalize()), Comment(force_resource_id=False, text="CMT Timestamp: %s" % record["cmt_timestamp"]) ], creation_info=creation_info.copy()) focmec.comments[0].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "comment", tag="cmt_type") focmec.comments[1].resource_id = _get_resource_id( record["cmt_event_name"], "comment", tag="cmt_timestamp") focmec.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "focal_mechanism") event.focal_mechanisms = [focmec] event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = # Set at end to avoid duplicate resource id warning. event.resource_id = _get_resource_id(record["cmt_event_name"], "event") cat.append(event) if len(cat) == 0: msg = "No valid events found in NDK file." raise ObsPyNDKException(msg) return cat
def makeCatalog(StazList, mt, scale, args): epi = args.epi.rsplit() model = args.model.split(os.sep) NrSt = len(StazList) NrCo = NrSt * 3 (Fmin, Fmax) = getFreq(args) Tmin = ('%.0f' % (1 / Fmax)) Tmax = ('%.0f' % (1 / Fmin)) mo = ('%.3e' % (mt[0])) mw = ('%.2f' % (mt[1])) Pdc = ('%.2f' % (float(mt[2]) / 100)) Pclvd = ('%.2f' % (float(mt[3]) / 100)) Tval = ('%10.3e' % (mt[22])) Tplg = ('%4.1f' % (mt[23])) Tazi = ('%5.1f' % (mt[24])) Nval = ('%10.3e' % (mt[25])) Nplg = ('%4.1f' % (mt[26])) Nazi = ('%5.1f' % (mt[27])) Pval = ('%10.3e' % (mt[28])) Pplg = ('%4.1f' % (mt[29])) Pazi = ('%5.1f' % (mt[30])) STp1 = ('%5.1f' % (mt[31])) DPp1 = ('%4.1f' % (mt[32])) RAp1 = ('%6.1f' % (mt[33])) STp2 = ('%5.1f' % (mt[34])) DPp2 = ('%4.1f' % (mt[35])) RAp2 = ('%6.1f' % (mt[36])) var = ('%.2f' % (mt[37])) qua = ('%d' % (mt[38])) mij = [mt[4], mt[5], mt[6], mt[7], mt[8], mt[9]] mm0 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[0])) mm1 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[1])) mm2 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[2])) mm3 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[3])) mm4 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[4])) mm5 = str('%10.3e' % (mij[5])) # Aki konvention Mrr = mm5 Mtt = mm0 Mff = mm1 Mrt = mm3 Mrf = mm4 Mtf = mm2 # stress regime A1 = PrincipalAxis(val=mt[22], dip=mt[23], strike=mt[24]) A2 = PrincipalAxis(val=mt[25], dip=mt[26], strike=mt[27]) A3 = PrincipalAxis(val=mt[28], dip=mt[29], strike=mt[30]) (regime, sh) = stressRegime(A1, A2, A3) sh = ('%5.1f' % (sh)) #### Build classes ################################# # #Resource Id is the event origin time for definition res_id = ResourceIdentifier(args.ori) nowUTC = datetime.datetime.utcnow() info = CreationInfo(author="pytdmt", version="2.4", creation_time=nowUTC) evOrigin = Origin(resource_id=res_id, time=args.ori, latitude=epi[0], longitude=epi[1], depth=epi[2], earth_model_id=model[-1], creation_info=info) # Magnitudes magnitude = Magnitude(mag=mw, magnitude_type="Mw") # Nodal Planes np1 = NodalPlane(strike=STp1, dip=DPp1, rake=RAp1) np2 = NodalPlane(strike=STp2, dip=DPp2, rake=RAp2) planes = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=np1, nodal_plane_2=np2) # Principal axes Taxe = Axis(azimuth=Tazi, plunge=Tplg, length=Tval) Naxe = Axis(azimuth=Nazi, plunge=Nplg, length=Nval) Paxe = Axis(azimuth=Pazi, plunge=Pplg, length=Pval) axes = PrincipalAxes(t_axis=Taxe, p_axis=Paxe, n_axis=Naxe) # MT elements MT = Tensor(m_rr=Mrr, m_tt=Mtt, m_pp=Mff, m_rt=Mrt, m_rp=Mrf, m_tp=Mtf) # Stress regime regStr = 'Stress regime: ' + regime + ' - SH = ' + sh strDes = EventDescription(regStr) # MT dataset dataInfo = DataUsed(wave_type="combined", station_count=NrSt, component_count=NrCo, shortest_period=Tmin, longest_period=Tmax) source = MomentTensor(data_used=dataInfo, scalar_moment=mo, tensor=MT, variance_reduction=var, double_couple=Pdc, clvd=Pclvd, iso=0) focMec = FocalMechanism(moment_tensor=source, nodal_planes=planes, principal_axes=axes, azimuthal_gap=-1) #Initialize Event Catalog mtSolution = Event(creation_info=info) mtSolution.magnitudes.append(magnitude) mtSolution.focal_mechanisms.append(focMec) mtSolution.event_descriptions.append(strDes) cat = Catalog() cat.append(mtSolution) return cat
def outputOBSPY(hp, event=None, only_fm_picks=False): """ Make an Event which includes the current focal mechanism information from HASH Use the 'only_fm_picks' flag to only include the picks HASH used for the FocalMechanism. This flag will replace the 'picks' and 'arrivals' lists of existing events with new ones. Inputs ------- hp : hashpy.HashPype instance event : obspy.core.event.Event only_fm_picks : bool of whether to overwrite the picks/arrivals lists Returns ------- obspy.core.event.Event Event will be new if no event was input, FocalMech added to existing event """ # Returns new (or updates existing) Event with HASH solution n = hp.npol if event is None: event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[], picks=[], origins=[]) origin = Origin(arrivals=[]) origin.time = UTCDateTime(hp.tstamp) origin.latitude = hp.qlat origin.longitude = hp.qlon origin.depth = hp.qdep origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.icusp) origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Origin/{0}'.format( hp.icusp)) for _i in range(n): p = Pick() p.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) p.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Pick/{0}'.format( p.creation_info.version)) p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=hp.snet[_i], station_code=hp.sname[_i], channel_code=hp.scomp[_i]) if hp.p_pol[_i] > 0: p.polarity = 'positive' else: p.polarity = 'negative' a = Arrival() a.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i]) a.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Arrival/{0}'.format( p.creation_info.version)) a.azimuth = hp.p_azi_mc[_i, 0] a.takeoff_angle = 180. - hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0] a.pick_id = p.resource_id origin.arrivals.append(a) event.picks.append(p) event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id.resource_id else: # just update the changes origin = event.preferred_origin() picks = [] arrivals = [] for _i in range(n): ind = hp.p_index[_i] a = origin.arrivals[ind] p = a.pick_id.getReferredObject() a.takeoff_angle = hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0] picks.append(p) arrivals.append(a) if only_fm_picks: origin.arrivals = arrivals event.picks = picks # Use me double couple calculator and populate planes/axes etc x = hp._best_quality_index # Put all the mechanisms into the 'focal_mechanisms' list, mark "best" as preferred for s in range(hp.nmult): dc = DoubleCouple([hp.str_avg[s], hp.dip_avg[s], hp.rak_avg[s]]) ax = dc.axis focal_mech = FocalMechanism() focal_mech.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime(), focal_mech.triggering_origin_id = origin.resource_id focal_mech.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier( 'smi:hash/FocalMechanism/{0}/{1}'.format(hp.icusp, s + 1)) focal_mech.method_id = ResourceIdentifier('HASH') focal_mech.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes() focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane1) focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane2) focal_mech.principal_axes = PrincipalAxes() focal_mech.principal_axes.t_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['T']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['T']['dip']) focal_mech.principal_axes.p_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['P']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['P']['dip']) focal_mech.station_polarity_count = n focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = hp.magap focal_mech.misfit = hp.mfrac[s] focal_mech.station_distribution_ratio = hp.stdr[s] focal_mech.comments.append( Comment( hp.qual[s], resource_id=ResourceIdentifier( focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id + '/comment/quality'))) #---------------------------------------- event.focal_mechanisms.append(focal_mech) if s == x: event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id return event
def _parseRecordDa(self, line, focal_mechanism): """ Parses the 'source parameter data - principal axes and nodal planes' record Da """ exponent = self._intZero(line[3:5]) scale = math.pow(10, exponent) t_axis_len = self._floatWithFormat(line[5:9], '4.2', scale) t_axis_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(line[9:12], '3.2', scale) t_axis_plunge = self._int(line[12:14]) t_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[14:17]) n_axis_len = self._floatWithFormat(line[17:21], '4.2', scale) n_axis_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(line[21:24], '3.2', scale) n_axis_plunge = self._int(line[24:26]) n_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[26:29]) p_axis_len = self._floatWithFormat(line[29:33], '4.2', scale) p_axis_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(line[33:36], '3.2', scale) p_axis_plunge = self._int(line[36:38]) p_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[38:41]) np1_strike = self._int(line[42:45]) np1_dip = self._int(line[45:47]) np1_slip = self._int(line[47:51]) np2_strike = self._int(line[51:54]) np2_dip = self._int(line[54:56]) np2_slip = self._int(line[56:60]) t_axis = Axis() t_axis.length = t_axis_len self._storeUncertainty(t_axis.length_errors, t_axis_stderr) t_axis.plunge = t_axis_plunge t_axis.azimuth = t_axis_azimuth n_axis = Axis() n_axis.length = n_axis_len self._storeUncertainty(n_axis.length_errors, n_axis_stderr) n_axis.plunge = n_axis_plunge n_axis.azimuth = n_axis_azimuth p_axis = Axis() p_axis.length = p_axis_len self._storeUncertainty(p_axis.length_errors, p_axis_stderr) p_axis.plunge = p_axis_plunge p_axis.azimuth = p_axis_azimuth principal_axes = PrincipalAxes() principal_axes.t_axis = t_axis principal_axes.n_axis = n_axis principal_axes.p_axis = p_axis focal_mechanism.principal_axes = principal_axes nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane() nodal_plane_1.strike = np1_strike nodal_plane_1.dip = np1_dip nodal_plane_1.rake = np1_slip nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane() nodal_plane_2.strike = np2_strike nodal_plane_2.dip = np2_dip nodal_plane_2.rake = np2_slip nodal_planes = NodalPlanes() nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = nodal_plane_1 nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = nodal_plane_2 focal_mechanism.nodal_planes = nodal_planes
def _parse_record_da(self, line, focal_mechanism): """ Parses the 'source parameter data - principal axes and nodal planes' record Da """ exponent = self._int_zero(line[3:5]) scale = math.pow(10, exponent) t_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[5:9], '4.2', scale) t_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[9:12], '3.2', scale) t_axis_plunge = self._int(line[12:14]) t_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[14:17]) n_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2', scale) n_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[21:24], '3.2', scale) n_axis_plunge = self._int(line[24:26]) n_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[26:29]) p_axis_len = self._float_with_format(line[29:33], '4.2', scale) p_axis_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[33:36], '3.2', scale) p_axis_plunge = self._int(line[36:38]) p_axis_azimuth = self._int(line[38:41]) np1_strike = self._int(line[42:45]) np1_dip = self._int(line[45:47]) np1_slip = self._int(line[47:51]) np2_strike = self._int(line[51:54]) np2_dip = self._int(line[54:56]) np2_slip = self._int(line[56:60]) t_axis = Axis() t_axis.length = t_axis_len self._store_uncertainty(t_axis.length_errors, t_axis_stderr) t_axis.plunge = t_axis_plunge t_axis.azimuth = t_axis_azimuth n_axis = Axis() n_axis.length = n_axis_len self._store_uncertainty(n_axis.length_errors, n_axis_stderr) n_axis.plunge = n_axis_plunge n_axis.azimuth = n_axis_azimuth p_axis = Axis() p_axis.length = p_axis_len self._store_uncertainty(p_axis.length_errors, p_axis_stderr) p_axis.plunge = p_axis_plunge p_axis.azimuth = p_axis_azimuth principal_axes = PrincipalAxes() principal_axes.t_axis = t_axis principal_axes.n_axis = n_axis principal_axes.p_axis = p_axis focal_mechanism.principal_axes = principal_axes nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane() nodal_plane_1.strike = np1_strike nodal_plane_1.dip = np1_dip nodal_plane_1.rake = np1_slip nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane() nodal_plane_2.strike = np2_strike nodal_plane_2.dip = np2_dip nodal_plane_2.rake = np2_slip nodal_planes = NodalPlanes() nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = nodal_plane_1 nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = nodal_plane_2 focal_mechanism.nodal_planes = nodal_planes