コード例 #1
ファイル: test_event.py プロジェクト: yanyuandaxia/obspy
    def test_plot_catalog_before_1900(self):
        Tests plotting events with origin times before 1900
        cat = read_events()
        cat[1].origins[0].time = UTCDateTime(813, 2, 4, 14, 13)

        # just checking this runs without error is fine, no need to check
        # content
        with MatplotlibBackend("AGG", sloppy=True):
            cat.plot(outfile=io.BytesIO(), method='basemap')
            # also test with just a single event
            cat.events = [cat[1]]
            cat.plot(outfile=io.BytesIO(), method='basemap')
コード例 #2
def xcorr_pick_correction(pick1, trace1, pick2, trace2, t_before, t_after,
                          cc_maxlag, filter=None, filter_options={},
                          plot=False, filename=None):
    Calculate the correction for the differential pick time determined by cross
    correlation of the waveforms in narrow windows around the pick times.
    For details on the fitting procedure refer to [Deichmann1992]_.

    The parameters depend on the epicentral distance and magnitude range. For
    small local earthquakes (Ml ~0-2, distance ~3-10 km) with consistent manual
    picks the following can be tried::

        t_before=0.05, t_after=0.2, cc_maxlag=0.10,
        filter="bandpass", filter_options={'freqmin': 1, 'freqmax': 20}

    The appropriate parameter sets can and should be determined/verified
    visually using the option `plot=True` on a representative set of picks.

    To get the corrected differential pick time calculate: ``((pick2 +
    pick2_corr) - pick1)``. To get a corrected differential travel time using
    origin times for both events calculate: ``((pick2 + pick2_corr - ot2) -
    (pick1 - ot1))``

    :type pick1: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param pick1: Time of pick for `trace1`.
    :type trace1: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace1: Waveform data for `pick1`. Add some time at front/back.
            The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically.
    :type pick2: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
    :param pick2: Time of pick for `trace2`.
    :type trace2: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :param trace2: Waveform data for `pick2`. Add some time at front/back.
            The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically.
    :type t_before: float
    :param t_before: Time to start cross correlation window before pick times
            in seconds.
    :type t_after: float
    :param t_after: Time to end cross correlation window after pick times in
    :type cc_maxlag: float
    :param cc_maxlag: Maximum lag/shift time tested during cross correlation in
    :type filter: str
    :param filter: `None` for no filtering or name of filter type
            as passed on to :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filter
            should be used. To avoid artifacts in filtering provide
            sufficiently long time series for `trace1` and `trace2`.
    :type filter_options: dict
    :param filter_options: Filter options that get passed on to
            :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filtering is used.
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: If `True`, a plot window illustrating the alignment of the two
        traces at best cross correlation will be shown. This can and should be
        used to verify the used parameters before running automatedly on large
        data sets.
    :type filename: str
    :param filename: If plot option is selected, specifying a filename here
            (e.g. 'myplot.pdf' or 'myplot.png') will output the plot to a file
            instead of opening a plot window.
    :rtype: (float, float)
    :returns: Correction time `pick2_corr` for `pick2` pick time as a float and
            corresponding correlation coefficient.
    # perform some checks on the traces
    if trace1.stats.sampling_rate != trace2.stats.sampling_rate:
        msg = "Sampling rates do not match: %s != %s" % \
            (trace1.stats.sampling_rate, trace2.stats.sampling_rate)
        raise Exception(msg)
    if trace1.id != trace2.id:
        msg = "Trace ids do not match: %s != %s" % (trace1.id, trace2.id)
    samp_rate = trace1.stats.sampling_rate
    # don't modify existing traces with filters
    if filter:
        trace1 = trace1.copy()
        trace2 = trace2.copy()
    # check data, apply filter and take correct slice of traces
    slices = []
    for _i, (t, tr) in enumerate(((pick1, trace1), (pick2, trace2))):
        start = t - t_before - (cc_maxlag / 2.0)
        end = t + t_after + (cc_maxlag / 2.0)
        duration = end - start
        # check if necessary time spans are present in data
        if tr.stats.starttime > start:
            msg = "Trace %s starts too late." % _i
            raise Exception(msg)
        if tr.stats.endtime < end:
            msg = "Trace %s ends too early." % _i
            raise Exception(msg)
        if filter and start - tr.stats.starttime < duration:
            msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \
                  "%s should have more additional data at the start." % _i
        if filter and tr.stats.endtime - end < duration:
            msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \
                  "%s should have more additional data at the end." % _i
        # apply signal processing and take correct slice of data
        if filter:
            tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float64)
            tr.data *= cosine_taper(len(tr), 0.1)
            tr.filter(type=filter, **filter_options)
        slices.append(tr.slice(start, end))
    # cross correlate
    shift_len = int(cc_maxlag * samp_rate)
    cc = correlate(slices[0].data, slices[1].data, shift_len, method='direct')
    _cc_shift, cc_max = xcorr_max(cc)
    cc_curvature = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), np.diff(cc, 2), np.zeros(1)))
    cc_convex = np.ma.masked_where(np.sign(cc_curvature) >= 0, cc)
    cc_concave = np.ma.masked_where(np.sign(cc_curvature) < 0, cc)
    # check results of cross correlation
    if cc_max < 0:
        msg = "Absolute maximum is negative: %.3f. " % cc_max + \
              "Using positive maximum: %.3f" % max(cc)
        cc_max = max(cc)
    if cc_max < 0.8:
        msg = "Maximum of cross correlation lower than 0.8: %s" % cc_max
    # make array with time shifts in seconds corresponding to cc function
    cc_t = np.linspace(-cc_maxlag, cc_maxlag, shift_len * 2 + 1)
    # take the subportion of the cross correlation around the maximum that is
    # convex and fit a parabola.
    # use vertex as subsample resolution best cc fit.
    peak_index = cc.argmax()
    first_sample = peak_index
    # XXX this could be improved..
    while first_sample > 0 and cc_curvature[first_sample - 1] <= 0:
        first_sample -= 1
    last_sample = peak_index
    while last_sample < len(cc) - 1 and cc_curvature[last_sample + 1] <= 0:
        last_sample += 1
    if first_sample == 0 or last_sample == len(cc) - 1:
        msg = "Fitting at maximum lag. Maximum lag time should be increased."
    # work on subarrays
    num_samples = last_sample - first_sample + 1
    if num_samples < 3:
        msg = "Less than 3 samples selected for fit to cross " + \
              "correlation: %s" % num_samples
        raise Exception(msg)
    if num_samples < 5:
        msg = "Less than 5 samples selected for fit to cross " + \
              "correlation: %s" % num_samples
    # quadratic fit for small subwindow
    coeffs, residual = scipy.polyfit(
        cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1],
        cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], deg=2, full=True)[:2]
    # check results of fit
    if coeffs[0] >= 0:
        msg = "Fitted parabola opens upwards!"
    if residual > 0.1:
        msg = "Residual in quadratic fit to cross correlation maximum " + \
              "larger than 0.1: %s" % residual
    # X coordinate of vertex of parabola gives time shift to correct
    # differential pick time. Y coordinate gives maximum correlation
    # coefficient.
    dt = -coeffs[1] / 2.0 / coeffs[0]
    coeff = (4 * coeffs[0] * coeffs[2] - coeffs[1] ** 2) / (4 * coeffs[0])
    # this is the shift to apply on the time axis of `trace2` to align the
    # traces. Actually we do not want to shift the trace to align it but we
    # want to correct the time of `pick2` so that the traces align without
    # shifting. This is the negative of the cross correlation shift.
    dt = -dt
    pick2_corr = dt
    # plot the results if selected
    if plot is True:
        with MatplotlibBackend(filename and "AGG" or None, sloppy=True):
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
            tmp_t = np.linspace(0, len(slices[0]) / samp_rate, len(slices[0]))
            ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[0].data / float(slices[0].data.max()), "k",
                     label="Trace 1")
            ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()), "r",
                     label="Trace 2")
            ax1.plot(tmp_t - dt, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()),
                     "g", label="Trace 2 (shifted)")
            ax1.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "small"})
            ax1.set_title("%s" % slices[0].id)
            ax1.set_xlabel("time [s]")
            ax1.set_ylabel("norm. amplitude")
            ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
            ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_convex, ls="", marker=".", color="k",
                     label="xcorr (convex)")
            ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_concave, ls="", marker=".", color="0.7",
                     label="xcorr (concave)")
            ax2.plot(cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1],
                     cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], "b.",
                     label="used for fitting")
            tmp_t = np.linspace(cc_t[first_sample], cc_t[last_sample],
                                num_samples * 10)
            ax2.plot(tmp_t, scipy.polyval(coeffs, tmp_t), "b", label="fit")
            ax2.axvline(-dt, color="g", label="vertex")
            ax2.axhline(coeff, color="g")
            ax2.set_xlabel("%.2f at %.3f seconds correction" % (coeff, -dt))
            ax2.set_ylabel("correlation coefficient")
            ax2.set_ylim(-1, 1)
            ax2.set_xlim(cc_t[0], cc_t[-1])
            ax2.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "x-small"})
            # plt.legend(loc="lower left")
            if filename:

    return (pick2_corr, coeff)
コード例 #3
ファイル: scan.py プロジェクト: xiaogh98/obspy
def scan(paths,
    :type plot: bool or str
    :param plot: False for no plot at all, True for interactive window, str for
        output to image file.
    scanner = Scanner(format=format,

    if plot is None:
        plot = False

    # Print help and exit if no arguments are given
    if len(paths) == 0 and npz_input is None:
        msg = "No paths specified and no npz data to load specified"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if npz_input:
    for path in paths:

    if not scanner.data:
        if verbose:
            print("No waveform data found.")
        return None
    if npz_output:

    kwargs = dict(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, seed_ids=seed_ids)
    if plot:
        if plot is True:
            scanner.plot(outfile=None, show=True, **kwargs)
            # plotting to file, so switch to non-interactive backend
            with MatplotlibBackend("AGG", sloppy=False):
                scanner.plot(outfile=plot, show=False, **kwargs)
        scanner.analyze_parsed_data(print_gaps=print_gaps, **kwargs)

    return scanner
コード例 #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA

import unittest

from obspy.core.util import add_doctests, add_unittests
from obspy.core.util.misc import MatplotlibBackend

# this code is needed to run the tests without any X11 or any other
# display, e.g. via a SSH connection. Import it only once, else a nasty
# warning occurs.
# see also: http://matplotlib.org/faq/howto_faq.html
MatplotlibBackend("AGG", sloppy=False)

MODULE_NAME = "obspy.imaging"

def suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    add_doctests(suite, MODULE_NAME)
    add_unittests(suite, MODULE_NAME)
    return suite

if __name__ == '__main__':