コード例 #1
def _add_paz_and_coords(trace, dataless, paz_dict=None):
    trace.stats.paz = None
    trace.stats.coords = None
    traceid = trace.get_id()
    time = trace.stats.starttime
    # We first look into the dataless dictionary, if available
    if isinstance(dataless, dict):
        for sp in dataless.values():
            # Check first if our traceid is in the dataless file
            if traceid not in str(sp):
                paz = AttribDict(sp.get_paz(traceid, time))
                coords = AttribDict(sp.get_coordinates(traceid, time))
            except SEEDParserException as err:
                logger.error('%s time: %s' % (err, str(time)))
    elif isinstance(dataless, Inventory):
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
                # get_sacpz() can issue warnings on more than one PAZ found,
                # so let's catch those warnings and log them properly
                sacpz = dataless.get_response(traceid, time).get_sacpz()
                for w in warns:
                    message = str(w.message)
                    logger.warning('%s: %s' % (traceid, message))
            attach_paz(trace, io.StringIO(sacpz))
            paz = trace.stats.paz
            coords = AttribDict(dataless.get_coordinates(traceid, time))
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error('%s traceid: %s time: %s' % (err, traceid, str(time)))
        trace.stats.paz = paz
        # elevation is in meters in the dataless
        coords.elevation /= 1000.
        trace.stats.coords = coords
    except Exception:
    # If we couldn't find any PAZ in the dataless dictionary,
    # we try to attach paz from the paz dictionary passed
    # as argument
    if trace.stats.paz is None and paz_dict is not None:
        # Look for traceid or for a generic paz
        net, sta, loc, chan = trace.id.split('.')
        ids = [
            trace.id, '.'.join(('__', '__', '__', '__')), '.'.join(
                (net, '__', '__', '__')), '.'.join((net, sta, '__', '__')),
            '.'.join((net, sta, loc, '__')), 'default'
        for id in ids:
                paz = paz_dict[id]
                trace.stats.paz = paz
            except KeyError:
    # If we're still out of luck,
    # we try to build the sensitivity from the
    # user2 and user3 header fields (ISNet format)
    if trace.stats.paz is None and trace.stats.format == 'ISNet':
            # instrument constants
            u2 = trace.stats.sac.user2
            u3 = trace.stats.sac.user3
            paz = AttribDict()
            paz.sensitivity = u3 / u2
            paz.poles = []
            paz.zeros = []
            paz.gain = 1
            trace.stats.paz = paz
        except AttributeError:
    # Still no paz? Antilles or IPOC format!
    if (trace.stats.paz is None and
        (trace.stats.format == 'Antilles' or trace.stats.format == 'IPOC')):
        paz = AttribDict()
        paz.sensitivity = 1
        paz.poles = []
        paz.zeros = []
        paz.gain = 1
        trace.stats.paz = paz
    # If we still don't have trace coordinates,
    # we try to get them from SAC header
    if trace.stats.coords is None:
            stla = trace.stats.sac.stla
            stlo = trace.stats.sac.stlo
                stel = trace.stats.sac.stel
                # elevation is in meters in SAC header:
                stel /= 1000.
            except AttributeError:
                stel = 0.
            coords = AttribDict()
            coords.elevation = stel
            coords.latitude = stla
            coords.longitude = stlo
            trace.stats.coords = coords
        except AttributeError:
    # Still no coords? Raise an exception
    if trace.stats.coords is None:
        raise Exception('%s: could not find coords for trace: skipping trace' %
コード例 #2
def _add_paz_and_coords(trace, metadata, paz_dict, config):
    traceid = trace.get_id()
    # If we already know that traceid is skipped, raise a silent exception
    if traceid in _add_paz_and_coords.skipped:
        raise Exception()
    trace.stats.paz = None
    trace.stats.coords = None
    time = trace.stats.starttime
    # We first check whether metadata is a dataless dictionary
    if isinstance(metadata, dict):
        for sp in metadata.values():
            # Check first if our traceid is in the dataless file
            if traceid not in str(sp):
                paz = AttribDict(sp.get_paz(traceid, time))
                coords = AttribDict(sp.get_coordinates(traceid, time))
            except SEEDParserException as err:
                logger.error('%s time: %s' % (err, str(time)))
    elif isinstance(metadata, Inventory):
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
                # get_sacpz() can issue warnings on more than one PAZ found,
                # so let's catch those warnings and log them properly
                sacpz = metadata.get_response(traceid, time).get_sacpz()
                for w in warns:
                    message = str(w.message)
                    logger.warning('%s: %s' % (traceid, message))
            attach_paz(trace, io.StringIO(sacpz))
            paz = trace.stats.paz
            coords = AttribDict(metadata.get_coordinates(traceid, time))
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error('%s traceid: %s time: %s' % (err, traceid, str(time)))
        trace.stats.paz = paz
        # elevation is in meters
        coords.elevation /= 1000.
        trace.stats.coords = coords
    except Exception:
    # If we couldn't find any PAZ in the dataless dictionary
    # or in the Inventory, we try to attach paz from a paz dictionary
    if trace.stats.paz is None and paz_dict is not None:
        # Look for traceid or for a generic paz
        net, sta, loc, chan = trace.id.split('.')
        ids = [
            '.'.join(('__', '__', '__', '__')),
            '.'.join((net, '__', '__', '__')),
            '.'.join((net, sta, '__', '__')),
            '.'.join((net, sta, loc, '__')),
        for id in ids:
                paz = paz_dict[id]
                trace.stats.paz = paz
            except KeyError:
    # If a "sensitivity" config option is provided, override the paz computed
    # from metadata or paz_dict
    if config.sensitivity is not None:
        # instrument constants
        paz = AttribDict()
        paz.sensitivity = _compute_sensitivity(trace, config)
        paz.poles = []
        paz.zeros = []
        paz.gain = 1
        trace.stats.paz = paz
    # If we still don't have trace coordinates,
    # we try to get them from SAC header
    if trace.stats.coords is None:
            stla = trace.stats.sac.stla
            stlo = trace.stats.sac.stlo
                stel = trace.stats.sac.stel
                # elevation is in meters in SAC header:
                stel /= 1000.
            except AttributeError:
                stel = 0.
            coords = AttribDict()
            coords.elevation = stel
            coords.latitude = stla
            coords.longitude = stlo
            trace.stats.coords = coords
        except AttributeError:
    # Still no coords? Raise an exception
    if trace.stats.coords is None:
        raise Exception(
            '%s: could not find coords for trace: skipping trace' % traceid)
    if trace.stats.coords.latitude == trace.stats.coords.longitude == 0:
            '{}: trace has latitude and longitude equal to zero!'.format(