コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
                 db_bins=(-200, -50, 1.),
        Initialize the PPSD object setting all fixed information on the station
        that should not change afterwards to guarantee consistent spectral
        The necessary instrument response information can be provided in two

        * Providing an `obspy.xseed` :class:`~obspy.xseed.parser.Parser`,
          e.g. containing metadata from a Dataless SEED file. This is the safer
          way but it might a bit slower because for every processed time
          segment the response information is extracted from the parser.
        * Providing a dictionary containing poles and zeros information. Be
          aware that this leads to wrong results if the instrument's response
          is changing with data added to the PPSD. Use with caution!

        :note: When using `is_rotational_data=True` the applied processing
               steps are changed. Differentiation of data (converting velocity
               to acceleration data) will be omitted and a flat instrument
               response is assumed, leaving away response removal and only
               dividing by `paz['sensitivity']` specified in the provided `paz`
               dictionary (other keys do not have to be present then). For
               scaling factors that are usually multiplied to the data remember
               to use the inverse as `paz['sensitivity']`.

        :type stats: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Stats`
        :param stats: Stats of the station/instrument to process
        :type paz: dict, optional
        :param paz: Response information of instrument. If not specified the
                information is supposed to be present as stats.paz.
        :type parser: :class:`obspy.xseed.parser.Parser`, optional
        :param parser: Parser instance with response information (e.g. read
                from a Dataless SEED volume)
        :type skip_on_gaps: bool, optional
        :param skip_on_gaps: Determines whether time segments with gaps should
                be skipped entirely. [McNamara2004]_ merge gappy
                traces by filling with zeros. This results in a clearly
                identifiable outlier psd line in the PPSD visualization. Select
                `skip_on_gaps=True` for not filling gaps with zeros which might
                result in some data segments shorter than `ppsd_length` not
                used in the PPSD.
        :type is_rotational_data: bool, optional
        :param is_rotational_data: If set to True adapt processing of data to
                rotational data. See note for details.
        :type db_bins: tuple of three ints/floats
        :param db_bins: Specify the lower and upper boundary and the width of
                the db bins. The bin width might get adjusted to fit  a number
                of equally spaced bins in between the given boundaries.
        :type ppsd_length: float, optional
        :param ppsd_length: Length of data segments passed to psd in seconds.
                In the paper by [McNamara2004]_ a value of 3600 (1 hour) was
                chosen. Longer segments increase the upper limit of analyzed
                periods but decrease the number of analyzed segments.
        :type overlap: float, optional
        :param overlap: Overlap of segments passed to psd. Overlap may take
                values between 0 and 1 and is given as fraction of the length
                of one segment, e.g. `ppsd_length=3600` and `overlap=0.5`
                result in an overlap of 1800s of the segments.
        # check if matplotlib is available, no official dependency for
        # obspy.signal
        if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION is None:
            raise ImportError(msg_matplotlib_ImportError)

        if paz is not None and parser is not None:
            msg = "Both paz and parser specified. Using parser object for " \

        self.id = "%(network)s.%(station)s.%(location)s.%(channel)s" % stats
        self.network = stats.network
        self.station = stats.station
        self.location = stats.location
        self.channel = stats.channel
        self.sampling_rate = stats.sampling_rate
        self.delta = 1.0 / self.sampling_rate
        self.is_rotational_data = is_rotational_data
        self.ppsd_length = ppsd_length
        self.overlap = overlap
        # trace length for one segment
        self.len = int(self.sampling_rate * ppsd_length)
        # set paz either from kwarg or try to get it from stats
        self.paz = paz
        self.parser = parser
        if skip_on_gaps:
            self.merge_method = -1
            self.merge_method = 0
        # nfft is determined mimicking the fft setup in McNamara&Buland paper:
        # (they take 13 segments overlapping 75% and truncate to next lower
        #  power of 2)
        #  - take number of points of whole ppsd segment (default 1 hour)
        self.nfft = ppsd_length * self.sampling_rate
        #  - make 13 single segments overlapping by 75%
        #    (1 full segment length + 25% * 12 full segment lengths)
        self.nfft = self.nfft / 4.0
        #  - go to next smaller power of 2 for nfft
        self.nfft = prevpow2(self.nfft)
        #  - use 75% overlap (we end up with a little more than 13 segments..)
        self.nlap = int(0.75 * self.nfft)
        self.times_used = []
        self.times = self.times_used
        self.times_data = []
        self.times_gaps = []
        self.hist_stack = None
        # set up the binning for the db scale
        num_bins = int((db_bins[1] - db_bins[0]) / db_bins[2])
        self.spec_bins = np.linspace(db_bins[0],
                                     num_bins + 1,
        self.colormap = LinearSegmentedColormap('mcnamara', CDICT, 1024)
コード例 #2
ファイル: spectral_estimation.py プロジェクト: bmorg/obspy
    def __init__(self, stats, paz=None, parser=None, skip_on_gaps=False,
                 is_rotational_data=False, db_bins=(-200, -50, 1.),
                 ppsd_length=3600., overlap=0.5, water_level=600.0):
        Initialize the PPSD object setting all fixed information on the station
        that should not change afterwards to guarantee consistent spectral
        The necessary instrument response information can be provided in two

        * Providing an `obspy.xseed` :class:`~obspy.xseed.parser.Parser`,
          e.g. containing metadata from a Dataless SEED file. This is the safer
          way but it might a bit slower because for every processed time
          segment the response information is extracted from the parser.
        * Providing a dictionary containing poles and zeros information. Be
          aware that this leads to wrong results if the instrument's response
          is changing with data added to the PPSD. Use with caution!

        :note: When using `is_rotational_data=True` the applied processing
               steps are changed. Differentiation of data (converting velocity
               to acceleration data) will be omitted and a flat instrument
               response is assumed, leaving away response removal and only
               dividing by `paz['sensitivity']` specified in the provided `paz`
               dictionary (other keys do not have to be present then). For
               scaling factors that are usually multiplied to the data remember
               to use the inverse as `paz['sensitivity']`.

        :type stats: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Stats`
        :param stats: Stats of the station/instrument to process
        :type paz: dict, optional
        :param paz: Response information of instrument. If not specified the
                information is supposed to be present as stats.paz.
        :type parser: :class:`obspy.xseed.parser.Parser`, optional
        :param parser: Parser instance with response information (e.g. read
                from a Dataless SEED volume)
        :type skip_on_gaps: bool, optional
        :param skip_on_gaps: Determines whether time segments with gaps should
                be skipped entirely. [McNamara2004]_ merge gappy
                traces by filling with zeros. This results in a clearly
                identifiable outlier psd line in the PPSD visualization. Select
                `skip_on_gaps=True` for not filling gaps with zeros which might
                result in some data segments shorter than `ppsd_length` not
                used in the PPSD.
        :type is_rotational_data: bool, optional
        :param is_rotational_data: If set to True adapt processing of data to
                rotational data. See note for details.
        :type db_bins: tuple of three ints/floats
        :param db_bins: Specify the lower and upper boundary and the width of
                the db bins. The bin width might get adjusted to fit  a number
                of equally spaced bins in between the given boundaries.
        :type ppsd_length: float, optional
        :param ppsd_length: Length of data segments passed to psd in seconds.
                In the paper by [McNamara2004]_ a value of 3600 (1 hour) was
                chosen. Longer segments increase the upper limit of analyzed
                periods but decrease the number of analyzed segments.
        :type overlap: float, optional
        :param overlap: Overlap of segments passed to psd. Overlap may take
                values between 0 and 1 and is given as fraction of the length
                of one segment, e.g. `ppsd_length=3600` and `overlap=0.5`
                result in an overlap of 1800s of the segments.
        :type water_level: float, optional
        :param water_level: Water level used in instrument correction.
        if paz is not None and parser is not None:
            msg = "Both paz and parser specified. Using parser object for " \

        self.id = "%(network)s.%(station)s.%(location)s.%(channel)s" % stats
        self.network = stats.network
        self.station = stats.station
        self.location = stats.location
        self.channel = stats.channel
        self.sampling_rate = stats.sampling_rate
        self.delta = 1.0 / self.sampling_rate
        self.is_rotational_data = is_rotational_data
        self.ppsd_length = ppsd_length
        self.overlap = overlap
        self.water_level = water_level
        # trace length for one segment
        self.len = int(self.sampling_rate * ppsd_length)
        # set paz either from kwarg or try to get it from stats
        self.paz = paz
        self.parser = parser
        if skip_on_gaps:
            self.merge_method = -1
            self.merge_method = 0
        # nfft is determined mimicking the fft setup in McNamara&Buland paper:
        # (they take 13 segments overlapping 75% and truncate to next lower
        #  power of 2)
        #  - take number of points of whole ppsd segment (default 1 hour)
        self.nfft = ppsd_length * self.sampling_rate
        #  - make 13 single segments overlapping by 75%
        #    (1 full segment length + 25% * 12 full segment lengths)
        self.nfft = self.nfft / 4.0
        #  - go to next smaller power of 2 for nfft
        self.nfft = prevpow2(self.nfft)
        #  - use 75% overlap (we end up with a little more than 13 segments..)
        self.nlap = int(0.75 * self.nfft)
        self.times_used = []
        self.times = self.times_used
        self.times_data = []
        self.times_gaps = []
        self.hist_stack = None
        # set up the binning for the db scale
        num_bins = int((db_bins[1] - db_bins[0]) / db_bins[2])
        self.spec_bins = np.linspace(db_bins[0], db_bins[1], num_bins + 1,
        self.colormap = LinearSegmentedColormap('mcnamara', CDICT, 1024)
コード例 #3
ファイル: spectrum.py プロジェクト: ashameena/UTILS
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import read
import sys
from obspy.signal.util import prevpow2

st = read(sys.argv[1])
print 'Stream read from the following address\n%s\ncontains:\n%s' %(sys.argv[1], st)
st = st.merge()
tr = st[0]
print 'Trace is:\n\n%s' % tr
#tr.filter('lowpass', freq = 2.0)
#tr.filter('highpass', freq = 0.001)

samp_rate = tr.stats.sampling_rate
nyquist = samp_rate/2.

#tr_fft = np.fft.fft(tr.data)
#fft_power_amp = tr_fft.real**2 + tr_fft.imag**2
#fft_amp = np.sqrt(fft_power_amp)
#tr.data -= tr.data.mean()

num = prevpow2((len(tr.data)))
fft_amp_new = np.fft.rfft(tr.data, n = num)
freq = np.linspace(0, samp_rate, num)

#plt.plot(np.log10(freq[0:(len(freq)/2)]), np.log10(fft_amp[0:(len(freq)/2)]))
#plt.plot(np.log10(freq[0:(len(freq)/2)]), abs(fft_amp_new[0:(len(freq)/2)]))
plt.plot(np.log10(freq[1:(len(freq)/2)]), np.log10(abs(fft_amp_new[1:(len(freq)/2)])))
コード例 #4
ファイル: psd.py プロジェクト: kasra-hosseini/obspy
    def __init__(self, stats, paz=None, parser=None, skip_on_gaps=False,
                 is_rotational_data=False, db_bins=[-200, -50, 0.5]):
        Initialize the PPSD object setting all fixed information on the station
        that should not change afterwards to guarantee consistent spectral
        The necessary instrument response information can be provided in two

        * Providing an `obspy.xseed` :class:`~obspy.xseed.parser.Parser`,
          e.g. containing metadata from a Dataless SEED file. This is the safer
          way but it might a bit slower because for every processed time
          segment the response information is extracted from the parser.
        * Providing a dictionary containing poles and zeros information. Be
          aware that this leads to wrong results if the instrument's response
          is changing with data added to the PPSD. Use with caution!

        :note: When using `is_rotational_data=True` the applied processing
               steps are changed. Differentiation of data (converting velocity
               to acceleration data) will be omitted and a flat instrument
               response is assumed, leaving away response removal and only
               dividing by `paz['sensitivity']` specified in the provided `paz`
               dictionary (other keys do not have to be present then). For
               scaling factors that are usually multiplied to the data remember
               to use the inverse as `paz['sensitivity']`.

        :type stats: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Stats`
        :param stats: Stats of the station/instrument to process
        :type paz: dict (optional)
        :param paz: Response information of instrument. If not specified the
                information is supposed to be present as stats.paz.
        :type parser: :class:`obspy.xseed.parser.Parser` (optional)
        :param parser: Parser instance with response information (e.g. read
                from a Dataless SEED volume)
        :type skip_on_gaps: Boolean (optional)
        :param skip_on_gaps: Determines whether time segments with gaps should
                be skipped entirely. McNamara & Buland merge gappy
                traces by filling with zeros. This results in a clearly
                identifiable outlier psd line in the PPSD visualization. Select
                `skip_on_gaps=True` for not filling gaps with zeros which might
                result in some data segments shorter than 1 hour not used in
                the PPSD.
        :type is_rotational_data: Boolean (optional)
        :param is_rotational_data: If set to True adapt processing of data to
                rotational data. See note for details.
        :type db_bins: List of three ints/floats
        :param db_bins: Specify the lower and upper boundary and the width of
                the db bins. The bin width might get adjusted to fit  a number
                of equally spaced bins in between the given boundaries.
        # check if matplotlib is available, no official dependency for
        # obspy.signal
        if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION is None:
            raise ImportError(msg_matplotlib_ImportError)

        if paz is not None and parser is not None:
            msg = "Both paz and parser specified. Using parser object for " \

        self.id = "%(network)s.%(station)s.%(location)s.%(channel)s" % stats
        self.network = stats.network
        self.station = stats.station
        self.location = stats.location
        self.channel = stats.channel
        self.sampling_rate = stats.sampling_rate
        self.delta = 1.0 / self.sampling_rate
        self.is_rotational_data = is_rotational_data
        # trace length for one hour piece
        self.len = int(self.sampling_rate * PPSD_LENGTH)
        # set paz either from kwarg or try to get it from stats
        self.paz = paz
        self.parser = parser
        if skip_on_gaps:
            self.merge_method = -1
            self.merge_method = 0
        # nfft is determined mimicing the fft setup in McNamara&Buland paper:
        # (they take 13 segments overlapping 75% and truncate to next lower
        #  power of 2)
        #  - take number of points of whole ppsd segment (currently 1 hour)
        self.nfft = PPSD_LENGTH * self.sampling_rate
        #  - make 13 single segments overlapping by 75%
        #    (1 full segment length + 25% * 12 full segment lengths)
        self.nfft = self.nfft / 4.0
        #  - go to next smaller power of 2 for nfft
        self.nfft = prevpow2(self.nfft)
        #  - use 75% overlap (we end up with a little more than 13 segments..)
        self.nlap = int(0.75 * self.nfft)
        self.times_used = []
        self.times = self.times_used
        self.times_data = []
        self.times_gaps = []
        self.hist_stack = None
        # set up the binning for the db scale
        num_bins = int((db_bins[1] - db_bins[0]) / db_bins[2])
        self.spec_bins = np.linspace(db_bins[0], db_bins[1], num_bins + 1,
        self.colormap = LinearSegmentedColormap('mcnamara', CDICT, 1024)
コード例 #5
import sys
from obspy.signal.util import prevpow2

st = read(sys.argv[1])
print 'Stream read from the following address\n%s\ncontains:\n%s' % (
    sys.argv[1], st)
st = st.merge()
tr = st[0]
print 'Trace is:\n\n%s' % tr
#tr.filter('lowpass', freq = 2.0)
#tr.filter('highpass', freq = 0.001)

samp_rate = tr.stats.sampling_rate
nyquist = samp_rate / 2.

#tr_fft = np.fft.fft(tr.data)
#fft_power_amp = tr_fft.real**2 + tr_fft.imag**2
#fft_amp = np.sqrt(fft_power_amp)
#tr.data -= tr.data.mean()

num = prevpow2((len(tr.data)))
fft_amp_new = np.fft.rfft(tr.data, n=num)
freq = np.linspace(0, samp_rate, num)

#plt.plot(np.log10(freq[0:(len(freq)/2)]), np.log10(fft_amp[0:(len(freq)/2)]))
#plt.plot(np.log10(freq[0:(len(freq)/2)]), abs(fft_amp_new[0:(len(freq)/2)]))
plt.plot(np.log10(freq[1:(len(freq) / 2)]),
         np.log10(abs(fft_amp_new[1:(len(freq) / 2)])))