def test(): from sito import read from obspy.signal.freqattributes import mper #, welch #from mtspec import mtspec ms = read('/home/richter/Data/Parkfield/raw/PKD_1996_296.mseed') #ms.plotTrace() print ms[0].stats # -*- snip -*- data = ms[0].data data = data - np.mean(data) #data -= np.linspace(0,1,len(data))*(data[-1]-data[0])+data[0] N = len(data) df = 1. / (ms[0].stats.endtime - ms[0].stats.starttime) print N // 2 * df spec1 = mper(data, cosTaper(N, 0.05), nextpow2(N))[:N // 2] #spec2 = welch(data, cosTaper(N, 0.05), nextpow2(N), len(data)/10, 0.2)[:N//2] spec1_d = oct_downsample(spec1, df, fac=1.3) freq1 = get_octfreqs(len(spec1_d), df, fac=1.3) ax = plot_psd(spec1, log=True) ax = plot_psd(spec1_d, freq1, log=True, ax=ax)
def test(): from sito import read from obspy.signal.freqattributes import mper # , welch # from mtspec import mtspec ms = read("/home/richter/Data/Parkfield/raw/PKD_1996_296.mseed") # ms.plotTrace() print ms[0].stats # -*- snip -*- data = ms[0].data data = data - np.mean(data) # data -= np.linspace(0,1,len(data))*(data[-1]-data[0])+data[0] N = len(data) df = 1.0 / (ms[0].stats.endtime - ms[0].stats.starttime) print N // 2 * df spec1 = mper(data, cosTaper(N, 0.05), nextpow2(N))[: N // 2] # spec2 = welch(data, cosTaper(N, 0.05), nextpow2(N), len(data)/10, 0.2)[:N//2] spec1_d = oct_downsample(spec1, df, fac=1.3) freq1 = get_octfreqs(len(spec1_d), df, fac=1.3) ax = plot_psd(spec1, log=True) ax = plot_psd(spec1_d, freq1, log=True, ax=ax)
def check_and_phase_shift(trace): # print trace taper_length = 20.0 if trace.stats.npts < 4 * taper_length*trace.stats.sampling_rate: = np.zeros(trace.stats.npts) return trace dt = np.mod(trace.stats.starttime.datetime.microsecond*1.0e-6, if ( - dt) <= np.finfo(float).eps: dt = 0 if dt != 0: if dt <= ( / 2.): dt = -dt # direction = "left" else: dt = ( - dt) # direction = "right" trace.detrend(type="demean") trace.detrend(type="simple") taper_1s = taper_length * float(trace.stats.sampling_rate) / trace.stats.npts cp = cosTaper(trace.stats.npts, taper_1s) *= cp n = int(2**nextpow2(len( FFTdata = scipy.fftpack.fft(, n=n) fftfreq = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(n, FFTdata = FFTdata * np.exp(1j * 2. * np.pi * fftfreq * dt) = np.real(scipy.fftpack.ifft(FFTdata, n=n)[:len(]) trace.stats.starttime += dt return trace else: return trace
def fft_taper(data): """ Cosine taper, 10 percent at each end (like done by [McNamara2004]_). .. warning:: Inplace operation, so data should be float. """ data *= cosTaper(len(data), 0.2) return data
def stream_taper(st): """ Applies cosine taper to a stream (iterates over all available traces). :param st: Input stream, processed in place :type st: An object """ for tr in st: try: mytaper = cosTaper(tr.stats.npts) t_tr = mytaper * ( except ValueError: logging.warn('Trace is too short for tapering - multiplying by 0\ instead') t_tr = 0.0 * ( = t_tr return st
def stream_taper(st): """ Applies cosine taper to a stream (iterates over all available traces). :param st: Input stream, processed in place :type st: An object """ for tr in st: try: mytaper = cosTaper(tr.stats.npts) t_tr = mytaper*( except ValueError: logging.warn('Trace is too short for tapering - multiplying by 0\ instead') t_tr = 0.0*( = t_tr return st
def convSTF(st, sigma=30.): gauss = lambda (t, s): 1. / (2. * np.pi * s**2.)**.5 \ * np.exp(-1*(t**2)/(2*(s**2))) df = st[0].stats.sampling_rate dt = 1./df t = np.linspace(0., sigma * 20., sigma * 20 * df + 1) stf = gauss((t-sigma*10, sigma)) nstf = len(stf) for tr in st: *= cosTaper(len(, p=0.05) nfft = util.nextpow2(max(nstf, tr.stats.npts)) * 2 stff = np.fft.rfft(stf, n=nfft) * dt trf = np.fft.rfft(tr, n=nfft) * dt = np.fft.irfft(stff * trf)[sigma*10*df:sigma*10*df+len(] * df return 1
def xcorrPickCorrection(pick1, trace1, pick2, trace2, t_before, t_after, cc_maxlag, filter=None, filter_options={}, plot=False, filename=None): """ Calculate the correction for the differential pick time determined by cross correlation of the waveforms in narrow windows around the pick times. For details on the fitting procedure refer to [Deichmann1992]_. The parameters depend on the epicentral distance and magnitude range. For small local earthquakes (Ml ~0-2, distance ~3-10 km) with consistent manual picks the following can be tried:: t_before=0.05, t_after=0.2, cc_maxlag=0.10, filter="bandpass", filter_options={'filter_low': 1, 'filter_high': 20} The appropriate parameter sets can and should be determined/verified visually using the option `show=True` on a representative set of picks. To get the corrected differential pick time calculate: ``((pick2 + pick2_corr) - pick1)``. To get a corrected differential travel time using origin times for both events calculate: ``((pick2 + pick2_corr - ot2) - (pick1 - ot1))`` :type pick1: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param pick1: Time of pick for `trace1`. :type trace1: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param trace1: Waveform data for `pick1`. Add some time at front/back. The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically. :type pick2: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param pick2: Time of pick for `trace2`. :type trace2: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param trace2: Waveform data for `pick2`. Add some time at front/back. The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically. :type t_before: float :param t_before: Time to start cross correlation window before pick times in seconds. :type t_after: float :param t_after: Time to end cross correlation window after pick times in seconds. :type cc_maxlag: float :param cc_maxlag: Maximum lag time tested during cross correlation in seconds. :type filter: string :param filter: None for no filtering or name of filter type as passed on to :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filter should be used. To avoid artifacts in filtering provide sufficiently long time series for `trace1` and `trace2`. :type filter_options: dict :param filter_options: Filter options that get passed on to :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filtering is used. :type plot: bool :param plot: Determines if pick is refined automatically (default, ""), if an informative matplotlib plot is shown ("plot"), or if an interactively changeable PyQt Window is opened ("interactive"). :type filename: string :param filename: If plot option is selected, specifying a filename here (e.g. 'myplot.pdf' or 'myplot.png') will output the plot to a file instead of opening a plot window. :rtype: (float, float) :returns: Correction time `pick2_corr` for `pick2` pick time as a float and corresponding correlation coefficient. """ # perform some checks on the traces if trace1.stats.sampling_rate != trace2.stats.sampling_rate: msg = "Sampling rates do not match: %s != %s" % \ (trace1.stats.sampling_rate, trace2.stats.sampling_rate) raise Exception(msg) if != msg = "Trace ids do not match: %s != %s" % (, warnings.warn(msg) samp_rate = trace1.stats.sampling_rate # check data, apply filter and take correct slice of traces slices = [] for _i, (t, tr) in enumerate(((pick1, trace1), (pick2, trace2))): start = t - t_before - (cc_maxlag / 2.0) end = t + t_after + (cc_maxlag / 2.0) duration = end - start # check if necessary time spans are present in data if tr.stats.starttime > start: msg = "Trace %s starts too late." % _i raise Exception(msg) if tr.stats.endtime < end: msg = "Trace %s ends too early." % _i raise Exception(msg) if filter and start - tr.stats.starttime < duration: msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \ "%s should have more additional data at the start." % _i warnings.warn(msg) if filter and tr.stats.endtime - end < duration: msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \ "%s should have more additional data at the end." % _i warnings.warn(msg) # apply signal processing and take correct slice of data if filter: ="float64") tr.detrend(type='demean') *= cosTaper(len(tr), 0.1) tr.filter(type=filter, **filter_options) slices.append(tr.slice(start, end)) # cross correlate shift_len = int(cc_maxlag * samp_rate) _cc_shift, cc_max, cc = xcorr(slices[0].data, slices[1].data, shift_len, full_xcorr=True) cc_curvature = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), np.diff(cc, 2), np.zeros(1))) cc_convex = >= 0, cc) cc_concave = < 0, cc) # check results of cross correlation if cc_max < 0: msg = "Absolute maximum is negative: %.3f. " % cc_max + \ "Using positive maximum: %.3f" % max(cc) warnings.warn(msg) cc_max = max(cc) if cc_max < 0.8: msg = "Maximum of cross correlation lower than 0.8: %s" % cc_max warnings.warn(msg) # make array with time shifts in seconds corresponding to cc function cc_t = np.linspace(-cc_maxlag, cc_maxlag, shift_len * 2 + 1) # take the subportion of the cross correlation around the maximum that is # convex and fit a parabola. # use vertex as subsample resolution best cc fit. peak_index = cc.argmax() first_sample = peak_index # XXX this could be improved.. while first_sample > 0 and cc_curvature[first_sample - 1] <= 0: first_sample -= 1 last_sample = peak_index while last_sample < len(cc) - 1 and cc_curvature[last_sample + 1] <= 0: last_sample += 1 if first_sample == 0 or last_sample == len(cc) - 1: msg = "Fitting at maximum lag. Maximum lag time should be increased." warnings.warn(msg) # work on subarrays num_samples = last_sample - first_sample + 1 if num_samples < 3: msg = "Less than 3 samples selected for fit to cross " + \ "correlation: %s" % num_samples raise Exception(msg) if num_samples < 5: msg = "Less than 5 samples selected for fit to cross " + \ "correlation: %s" % num_samples warnings.warn(msg) # quadratic fit for small subwindow coeffs, residual = scipy.polyfit( cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1], cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], deg=2, full=True)[:2] # check results of fit if coeffs[0] >= 0: msg = "Fitted parabola opens upwards!" warnings.warn(msg) if residual > 0.1: msg = "Residual in quadratic fit to cross correlation maximum " + \ "larger than 0.1: %s" % residual warnings.warn(msg) # X coordinate of vertex of parabola gives time shift to correct # differential pick time. Y coordinate gives maximum correlation # coefficient. dt = -coeffs[1] / 2.0 / coeffs[0] coeff = (4 * coeffs[0] * coeffs[2] - coeffs[1] ** 2) / (4 * coeffs[0]) # this is the shift to apply on the time axis of `trace2` to align the # traces. Actually we do not want to shift the trace to align it but we # want to correct the time of `pick2` so that the traces align without # shifting. This is the negative of the cross correlation shift. dt = -dt pick2_corr = dt # plot the results if selected if plot is True: import matplotlib if filename: matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) tmp_t = np.linspace(0, len(slices[0]) / samp_rate, len(slices[0])) ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[0].data / float(slices[0].data.max()), "k", label="Trace 1") ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()), "r", label="Trace 2") ax1.plot(tmp_t - dt, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()), "g", label="Trace 2 (shifted)") ax1.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "small"}) ax1.set_title("%s" % slices[0].id) ax1.set_xlabel("time [s]") ax1.set_ylabel("norm. amplitude") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_convex, ls="", marker=".", c="k", label="xcorr (convex)") ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_concave, ls="", marker=".", c="0.7", label="xcorr (concave)") ax2.plot(cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1], cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], "b.", label="used for fitting") tmp_t = np.linspace(cc_t[first_sample], cc_t[last_sample], num_samples * 10) ax2.plot(tmp_t, scipy.polyval(coeffs, tmp_t), "b", label="fit") ax2.axvline(-dt, color="g", label="vertex") ax2.axhline(coeff, color="g") ax2.set_xlabel("%.2f at %.3f seconds correction" % (coeff, -dt)) ax2.set_ylabel("correlation coefficient") ax2.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax2.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "x-small"}) #plt.legend(loc="lower left") if filename: fig.savefig(fname=filename) else: return (pick2_corr, coeff)
def mwcs(ccCurrent, ccReference, fmin, fmax, sampRate, tmin, windL, step): """... Parameters ---------- ccCurrent : numpy.ndarray The "Current" timeseries ccReference : numpy.ndarray The "Reference" timeseries fmin : int The lower frequency bound to compute the dephasing fmax : int The higher frequency bound to compute the dephasing sampRate : int The sample rate of the input timeseries tmin : int The leftmost time lag (used to compute the "time lags array") windL : int The moving window length step : int The step to jump for the moving window Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray Taxis,deltaT,deltaErr,deltaMcoh""" windL =*sampRate) step =*sampRate) count = 0 deltaT = [] deltaErr = [] deltaMcoh = [] Taxis = [] padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL)+1) tp = cosTaper(windL, 0.02) timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate))+tmin minind = 0 maxind = windL while maxind <= len(ccCurrent): ind = minind cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind+windL)].copy() cci -= np.mean(cci) cci *= tp cri = ccReference[ind:(ind+windL)].copy() cri -= np.mean(cri) cri *= tp Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:padd/2] Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:padd/2] Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2 Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2 dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, window='hanning')) dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, window='hanning')) #Calculate the cross-spectrum X = Fref*(Fcur.conj()) X = smooth(X, window='hanning') dcs = np.abs(X) #Find the values the frequency range of interest freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X)*2, 1./sampRate)[:padd/2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) # Get Coherence and its mean value coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur) mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange]) #Get Weights w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0) w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0) w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange])) # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize w = np.real(w) #Frequency array: v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi # vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi #Phase: phi = np.angle(X) phi[0] = 0 phi = np.unwrap(phi) # print phi[0] # phio = phi phi = phi[indRange] #Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression #forced through the origin #weights for the WLS must be the variance ! res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit() m = np.real(res.params[0]) deltaT.append(m) # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape e = np.sum((phi-m*v)**2) / (np.size(v)-1) s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2) sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2) e = np.sqrt(e*s2x2 / sx2**2) # print w.shape # plt.plot(vo, phio) # plt.scatter(v,phi,c=w) # plt.plot(vo,vo*m) # plt.xlim(-1,10) # plt.ylim(-5,5) # deltaErr.append(e) # print m, e, res.bse[0] deltaMcoh.append(np.real(mcoh)) Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL/2]) count = count + 1 minind += step maxind += step del Fcur, Fref del X del freqVec del indRange del w, v, e, s2x2 del res if maxind > len(ccCurrent)+step: logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed") return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T
def xcorrPickCorrection(pick1, trace1, pick2, trace2, t_before, t_after, cc_maxlag, filter=None, filter_options={}, plot=False, filename=None): """ Calculate the correction for the differential pick time determined by cross correlation of the waveforms in narrow windows around the pick times. For details on the fitting procedure refer to [Deichmann1992]_. The parameters depend on the epicentral distance and magnitude range. For small local earthquakes (Ml ~0-2, distance ~3-10 km) with consistent manual picks the following can be tried:: t_before=0.05, t_after=0.2, cc_maxlag=0.10, filter="bandpass", filter_options={'freqmin': 1, 'freqmax': 20} The appropriate parameter sets can and should be determined/verified visually using the option `show=True` on a representative set of picks. To get the corrected differential pick time calculate: ``((pick2 + pick2_corr) - pick1)``. To get a corrected differential travel time using origin times for both events calculate: ``((pick2 + pick2_corr - ot2) - (pick1 - ot1))`` :type pick1: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param pick1: Time of pick for `trace1`. :type trace1: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param trace1: Waveform data for `pick1`. Add some time at front/back. The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically. :type pick2: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param pick2: Time of pick for `trace2`. :type trace2: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param trace2: Waveform data for `pick2`. Add some time at front/back. The appropriate part of the trace is used automatically. :type t_before: float :param t_before: Time to start cross correlation window before pick times in seconds. :type t_after: float :param t_after: Time to end cross correlation window after pick times in seconds. :type cc_maxlag: float :param cc_maxlag: Maximum lag time tested during cross correlation in seconds. :type filter: str :param filter: None for no filtering or name of filter type as passed on to :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filter should be used. To avoid artifacts in filtering provide sufficiently long time series for `trace1` and `trace2`. :type filter_options: dict :param filter_options: Filter options that get passed on to :meth:`~obspy.core.Trace.trace.filter` if filtering is used. :type plot: bool :param plot: Determines if pick is refined automatically (default, ""), if an informative matplotlib plot is shown ("plot"), or if an interactively changeable PyQt Window is opened ("interactive"). :type filename: str :param filename: If plot option is selected, specifying a filename here (e.g. 'myplot.pdf' or 'myplot.png') will output the plot to a file instead of opening a plot window. :rtype: (float, float) :returns: Correction time `pick2_corr` for `pick2` pick time as a float and corresponding correlation coefficient. """ # perform some checks on the traces if trace1.stats.sampling_rate != trace2.stats.sampling_rate: msg = "Sampling rates do not match: %s != %s" % \ (trace1.stats.sampling_rate, trace2.stats.sampling_rate) raise Exception(msg) if != msg = "Trace ids do not match: %s != %s" % (, warnings.warn(msg) samp_rate = trace1.stats.sampling_rate # don't modify existing traces with filters if filter: trace1 = trace1.copy() trace2 = trace2.copy() # check data, apply filter and take correct slice of traces slices = [] for _i, (t, tr) in enumerate(((pick1, trace1), (pick2, trace2))): start = t - t_before - (cc_maxlag / 2.0) end = t + t_after + (cc_maxlag / 2.0) duration = end - start # check if necessary time spans are present in data if tr.stats.starttime > start: msg = "Trace %s starts too late." % _i raise Exception(msg) if tr.stats.endtime < end: msg = "Trace %s ends too early." % _i raise Exception(msg) if filter and start - tr.stats.starttime < duration: msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \ "%s should have more additional data at the start." % _i warnings.warn(msg) if filter and tr.stats.endtime - end < duration: msg = "Artifacts from signal processing possible. Trace " + \ "%s should have more additional data at the end." % _i warnings.warn(msg) # apply signal processing and take correct slice of data if filter: = tr.detrend(type='demean') *= cosTaper(len(tr), 0.1) tr.filter(type=filter, **filter_options) slices.append(tr.slice(start, end)) # cross correlate shift_len = int(cc_maxlag * samp_rate) _cc_shift, cc_max, cc = xcorr(slices[0].data, slices[1].data, shift_len, full_xcorr=True) cc_curvature = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), np.diff(cc, 2), np.zeros(1))) cc_convex = >= 0, cc) cc_concave = < 0, cc) # check results of cross correlation if cc_max < 0: msg = "Absolute maximum is negative: %.3f. " % cc_max + \ "Using positive maximum: %.3f" % max(cc) warnings.warn(msg) cc_max = max(cc) if cc_max < 0.8: msg = "Maximum of cross correlation lower than 0.8: %s" % cc_max warnings.warn(msg) # make array with time shifts in seconds corresponding to cc function cc_t = np.linspace(-cc_maxlag, cc_maxlag, shift_len * 2 + 1) # take the subportion of the cross correlation around the maximum that is # convex and fit a parabola. # use vertex as subsample resolution best cc fit. peak_index = cc.argmax() first_sample = peak_index # XXX this could be improved.. while first_sample > 0 and cc_curvature[first_sample - 1] <= 0: first_sample -= 1 last_sample = peak_index while last_sample < len(cc) - 1 and cc_curvature[last_sample + 1] <= 0: last_sample += 1 if first_sample == 0 or last_sample == len(cc) - 1: msg = "Fitting at maximum lag. Maximum lag time should be increased." warnings.warn(msg) # work on subarrays num_samples = last_sample - first_sample + 1 if num_samples < 3: msg = "Less than 3 samples selected for fit to cross " + \ "correlation: %s" % num_samples raise Exception(msg) if num_samples < 5: msg = "Less than 5 samples selected for fit to cross " + \ "correlation: %s" % num_samples warnings.warn(msg) # quadratic fit for small subwindow coeffs, residual = scipy.polyfit(cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1], cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], deg=2, full=True)[:2] # check results of fit if coeffs[0] >= 0: msg = "Fitted parabola opens upwards!" warnings.warn(msg) if residual > 0.1: msg = "Residual in quadratic fit to cross correlation maximum " + \ "larger than 0.1: %s" % residual warnings.warn(msg) # X coordinate of vertex of parabola gives time shift to correct # differential pick time. Y coordinate gives maximum correlation # coefficient. dt = -coeffs[1] / 2.0 / coeffs[0] coeff = (4 * coeffs[0] * coeffs[2] - coeffs[1]**2) / (4 * coeffs[0]) # this is the shift to apply on the time axis of `trace2` to align the # traces. Actually we do not want to shift the trace to align it but we # want to correct the time of `pick2` so that the traces align without # shifting. This is the negative of the cross correlation shift. dt = -dt pick2_corr = dt # plot the results if selected if plot is True: import matplotlib if filename: matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) tmp_t = np.linspace(0, len(slices[0]) / samp_rate, len(slices[0])) ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[0].data / float(slices[0].data.max()), "k", label="Trace 1") ax1.plot(tmp_t, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()), "r", label="Trace 2") ax1.plot(tmp_t - dt, slices[1].data / float(slices[1].data.max()), "g", label="Trace 2 (shifted)") ax1.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "small"}) ax1.set_title("%s" % slices[0].id) ax1.set_xlabel("time [s]") ax1.set_ylabel("norm. amplitude") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_convex, ls="", marker=".", c="k", label="xcorr (convex)") ax2.plot(cc_t, cc_concave, ls="", marker=".", c="0.7", label="xcorr (concave)") ax2.plot(cc_t[first_sample:last_sample + 1], cc[first_sample:last_sample + 1], "b.", label="used for fitting") tmp_t = np.linspace(cc_t[first_sample], cc_t[last_sample], num_samples * 10) ax2.plot(tmp_t, scipy.polyval(coeffs, tmp_t), "b", label="fit") ax2.axvline(-dt, color="g", label="vertex") ax2.axhline(coeff, color="g") ax2.set_xlabel("%.2f at %.3f seconds correction" % (coeff, -dt)) ax2.set_ylabel("correlation coefficient") ax2.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax2.legend(loc="lower right", prop={'size': "x-small"}) # plt.legend(loc="lower left") if filename: fig.savefig(fname=filename) else: return (pick2_corr, coeff)
def mwcs(ccCurrent, ccReference, fmin, fmax, sampRate, tmin, windL, step, plot=False): """... :type ccCurrent: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param ccCurrent: The "Current" timeseries :type ccReference: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param ccReference: The "Reference" timeseries :type fmin: float :param fmin: The lower frequency bound to compute the dephasing :type fmax: float :param fmax: The higher frequency bound to compute the dephasing :type sampRate: float :param sampRate: The sample rate of the input timeseries :type tmin: float :param tmin: The leftmost time lag (used to compute the "time lags array") :type windL: float :param windL: The moving window length :type step: float :param step: The step to jump for the moving window :type plot: bool :param plot: If True, plots the MWCS result for each window. Defaults to False :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: [Taxis,deltaT,deltaErr,deltaMcoh]. Taxis contains the central times of the windows. The three other columns contain dt, error and mean coherence for each window. """ windL =*sampRate) step =*sampRate) count = 0 deltaT = [] deltaErr = [] deltaMcoh = [] Taxis = [] padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL)+2) # Tentative checking if enough point are used to compute the FFT freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(int(padd), 1./sampRate)[:int(padd)/2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) if len(indRange) < 2: padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL)+3) tp = cosTaper(windL, .85) timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate))+tmin minind = 0 maxind = windL while maxind <= len(ccCurrent): ind = minind cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind+windL)].copy() cci = scipy.signal.detrend(cci, type='linear') cci -= cci.min() cci /= cci.max() cci -= np.mean(cci) cci *= tp cri = ccReference[ind:(ind+windL)].copy() cri = scipy.signal.detrend(cri, type='linear') cri -= cri.min() cri /= cri.max() cri -= np.mean(cri) cri *= tp Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:int(padd)/2] Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:int(padd)/2] Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2 Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2 smoother = 5 dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)) dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)) # Calculate the cross-spectrum X = Fref*(Fcur.conj()) X = smooth(X, window='hanning', half_win=smoother) dcs = np.abs(X) # Find the values the frequency range of interest freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X)*2, 1./sampRate)[:int(padd)/2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) # Get Coherence and its mean value coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur) mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange]) # Get Weights w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0) w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0) w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange])) # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize w = np.real(w) # Frequency array: v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi # Phase: phi = np.angle(X) phi[0] = 0. phi = np.unwrap(phi) #phio = phi.copy() phi = phi[indRange] # Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression # forced through the origin # weights for the WLS must be the variance ! res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit() # print "forced", np.real(res.params[0]) # print "!forced", np.real(res2.params[0]) m = np.real(res.params[0]) deltaT.append(m) # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape e = np.sum((phi-m*v)**2) / (np.size(v)-1) s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2) sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2) e = np.sqrt(e*s2x2 / sx2**2) # print w.shape if plot: plt.figure() plt.suptitle('%.1fs' % (timeaxis[ind + windL/2])) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(cci) plt.plot(cri) ax = plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(vo/(2*np.pi), phio) plt.scatter(v/(2*np.pi), phi, c=w, edgecolor='none', vmin=0.6, vmax=1) plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax) plt.plot(v/(2*np.pi), coh[indRange]) plt.axhline(mcoh, c='r') plt.axhline(1.0, c='k', ls='--') plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.5) plt.ylim(0, 1.5) deltaErr.append(e) deltaMcoh.append(np.real(mcoh)) Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL/2]) count += 1 minind += step maxind += step del Fcur, Fref del X del freqVec del indRange del w, v, e, s2x2 del res if maxind > len(ccCurrent)+step: logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed") return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T
def mwcs(ccCurrent, ccReference, fmin, fmax, sampRate, tmin, windL, step): windL = * sampRate) step = * sampRate) count = 0 deltaT = [] deltaErr = [] deltaMcoh = [] Taxis = [] padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL) + 1) tp = cosTaper(windL, 0.02) timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate)) + tmin minind = 0 maxind = windL while maxind <= len(ccCurrent): # print minind, maxind, timeaxis[np.mean([minind, maxind])], timeaxis[minind + windL/2] ind = minind cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind + windL)].copy() cci -= np.mean(cci) cci *= tp cri = ccReference[ind:(ind + windL)].copy() cri -= np.mean(cri) cri *= tp Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:padd / 2] Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:padd / 2] Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2 Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2 dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, type='hanning')) dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, type='hanning')) #Calculate the cross-spectrum X = Fref * (Fcur.conj()) X = smooth(X, type='hanning') dcs = np.abs(X) #Find the values the frequency range of interest freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X) * 2, 1. / sampRate)[:padd / 2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) # Get Coherence and its mean value coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur) mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange]) #Get Weights w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0) w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0) w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange])) # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize w = np.real(w) #Frequency array: v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi # vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi #Phase: phi = np.angle(X) phi[0] = 0 phi = np.unwrap(phi) # print phi[0] # phio = phi phi = phi[indRange] #Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression forced through the origin #weights for the WLS must be the variance ! res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit() m = np.real(res.params[0]) deltaT.append(m) # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape e = np.sum((phi - m * v)**2) / (np.size(v) - 1) s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2) sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2) e = np.sqrt(e * s2x2 / sx2**2) # print w.shape # plt.plot(vo, phio) # plt.scatter(v,phi,c=w) # plt.plot(vo,vo*m) # plt.xlim(-1,10) # plt.ylim(-5,5) # deltaErr.append(e) # print m, e, res.bse[0] deltaMcoh.append(np.real(mcoh)) Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL / 2]) count = count + 1 minind += step maxind += step del Fcur, Fref del X del freqVec del indRange del w, v, e, s2x2 del res if maxind > len(ccCurrent) + step: logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed") return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T
rms_threshold = filterdb.rms_threshold # print "Filter Bounds used:", filterid, low, high # Npts = min30 # Nc = 2* Npts - 1 # Nfft = 2**nextpow2(Nc) Nfft = min30 if min30 / 2 % 2 != 0: Nfft = min30 + 2 trames2hWb = np.zeros((2, int(Nfft)), dtype=np.complex) for i, station in enumerate(pair): # print "USING rms threshold = %f" % rms_threshold # logging.debug("rmsmat[i] = %f" % rmsmat[i]) if rmsmat[i] > rms_threshold: cp = cosTaper(len(trame2h[i]),0.04) if windsorizing != 0: indexes = np.where( np.abs(trame2h[i]) > (windsorizing * rmsmat[i]))[0] # clipping at windsorizing*rms trame2h[i][indexes] = (trame2h[i][indexes] / np.abs( trame2h[i][indexes])) * windsorizing * rmsmat[i] # logging.debug('whiten') trames2hWb[i] = whiten( trame2h[i]*cp, Nfft, dt, low, high, plot=False) else: # logging.debug("Station no %d, pas de pretraitement car rms < %f ou NaN"% (i, rms_threshold)) trames2hWb[i] = np.zeros(int(Nfft))
stream = read(file) for tr in stream: # get poles, zeros, sensitivity and gain paz = sp.getPAZ( # Uncomment the following for: # Integrate by adding a zero at the position zero # As for the simulation the poles and zeros are inverted and convolved # in the frequency domain this is basically mutliplying by 1/jw which # is an integration in the frequency domain # See "Of Poles and Zeros", Frank Scherbaum, Springer 2007 #paz['zeros'].append(0j) # preprocessing ='float64') #convert data to float = detrend(, 'linear') #detrend *= cosTaper(tr.stats.npts, 0.10) #costaper 5% at start and end # correct for instrument, play with water_level # this will results to unit of XSEEDs tag stage_signal_output_units # most common for seed is m/s, write xseed by sp.writeXSEED('xs.txt') = seisSim(, tr.stats.sampling_rate, paz, inst_sim=None, water_level=60.0) =['sensitivity'] # You need to do postprocessing the low freq are most likely artefacts (result from # dividing the freqresp / to high water_level), use a highpass to get # rid of the artefacts, e.g. highpass at e.g. 2.0Hz = highpass(, 2.0, df=tr.stats.sampling_rate, corners=2) # # the plotting part #
def mwcs(ccCurrent, ccReference, fmin, fmax, sampRate, tmin, windL, step, plot=False): """... :type ccCurrent: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param ccCurrent: The "Current" timeseries :type ccReference: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param ccReference: The "Reference" timeseries :type fmin: float :param fmin: The lower frequency bound to compute the dephasing :type fmax: float :param fmax: The higher frequency bound to compute the dephasing :type sampRate: float :param sampRate: The sample rate of the input timeseries :type tmin: float :param tmin: The leftmost time lag (used to compute the "time lags array") :type windL: float :param windL: The moving window length :type step: float :param step: The step to jump for the moving window :type plot: bool :param plot: If True, plots the MWCS result for each window. Defaults to False :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: [Taxis,deltaT,deltaErr,deltaMcoh]. Taxis contains the central times of the windows. The three other columns contain dt, error and mean coherence for each window. """ windL = * sampRate) step = * sampRate) count = 0 deltaT = [] deltaErr = [] deltaMcoh = [] Taxis = [] padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL) + 2) # Tentative checking if enough point are used to compute the FFT freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(int(padd), 1. / sampRate)[:int(padd) / 2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) if len(indRange) < 2: padd = 2**(nextpow2(windL) + 3) tp = cosTaper(windL, .85) timeaxis = (np.arange(len(ccCurrent)) / float(sampRate)) + tmin minind = 0 maxind = windL while maxind <= len(ccCurrent): ind = minind cci = ccCurrent[ind:(ind + windL)].copy() cci = scipy.signal.detrend(cci, type='linear') cci -= cci.min() cci /= cci.max() cci -= np.mean(cci) cci *= tp cri = ccReference[ind:(ind + windL)].copy() cri = scipy.signal.detrend(cri, type='linear') cri -= cri.min() cri /= cri.max() cri -= np.mean(cri) cri *= tp Fcur = scipy.fftpack.fft(cci, n=int(padd))[:int(padd) / 2] Fref = scipy.fftpack.fft(cri, n=int(padd))[:int(padd) / 2] Fcur2 = np.real(Fcur)**2 + np.imag(Fcur)**2 Fref2 = np.real(Fref)**2 + np.imag(Fref)**2 smoother = 5 dcur = np.sqrt(smooth(Fcur2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)) dref = np.sqrt(smooth(Fref2, window='hanning', half_win=smoother)) # Calculate the cross-spectrum X = Fref * (Fcur.conj()) X = smooth(X, window='hanning', half_win=smoother) dcs = np.abs(X) # Find the values the frequency range of interest freqVec = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(X) * 2, 1. / sampRate)[:int(padd) / 2] indRange = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(freqVec >= fmin, freqVec <= fmax)) # Get Coherence and its mean value coh = getCoherence(dcs, dref, dcur) mcoh = np.mean(coh[indRange]) # Get Weights w = 1.0 / (1.0 / (coh[indRange]**2) - 1.0) w[coh[indRange] >= 0.99] = 1.0 / (1.0 / 0.9801 - 1.0) w = np.sqrt(w * np.sqrt(dcs[indRange])) # w /= (np.sum(w)/len(w)) #normalize w = np.real(w) # Frequency array: v = np.real(freqVec[indRange]) * 2 * np.pi vo = np.real(freqVec) * 2 * np.pi # Phase: phi = np.angle(X) phi[0] = 0. phi = np.unwrap(phi) #phio = phi.copy() phi = phi[indRange] # Calculate the slope with a weighted least square linear regression # forced through the origin # weights for the WLS must be the variance ! res = sm.regression.linear_model.WLS(phi, v, w**2).fit() # print "forced", np.real(res.params[0]) # print "!forced", np.real(res2.params[0]) m = np.real(res.params[0]) deltaT.append(m) # print phi.shape, v.shape, w.shape e = np.sum((phi - m * v)**2) / (np.size(v) - 1) s2x2 = np.sum(v**2 * w**2) sx2 = np.sum(w * v**2) e = np.sqrt(e * s2x2 / sx2**2) # print w.shape if plot: plt.figure() plt.suptitle('%.1fs' % (timeaxis[ind + windL / 2])) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(cci) plt.plot(cri) ax = plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(vo / (2 * np.pi), phio) plt.scatter(v / (2 * np.pi), phi, c=w, edgecolor='none', vmin=0.6, vmax=1) plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax) plt.plot(v / (2 * np.pi), coh[indRange]) plt.axhline(mcoh, c='r') plt.axhline(1.0, c='k', ls='--') plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.5) plt.ylim(0, 1.5) deltaErr.append(e) deltaMcoh.append(np.real(mcoh)) Taxis.append(timeaxis[ind + windL / 2]) count += 1 minind += step maxind += step del Fcur, Fref del X del freqVec del indRange del w, v, e, s2x2 del res if maxind > len(ccCurrent) + step: logging.warning("The last window was too small, but was computed") return np.array([Taxis, deltaT, deltaErr, deltaMcoh]).T
summary.append("######## %s --- %s ########" % (T1, T2)) summary.append("#" * 79) summary.append(st.__str__(extended=True)) if exceptions: summary.append("#" * 33 + " Exceptions " + "#" * 33) summary += exceptions summary.append("#" * 79) trig = [] mutt = [] if st: # preprocessing, backup original data for plotting at end st.merge(0) st.detrend("linear") for tr in st: = * cosTaper(len(tr), 0.01) #st.simulate(paz_remove="self", paz_simulate=cornFreq2Paz(1.0), remove_sensitivity=False) st.sort() st.filter("bandpass", freqmin=PAR.LOW, freqmax=PAR.HIGH, corners=1, zerophase=True) st.trim(T1, T2) st_trigger = st.copy() st.normalize(global_max=False) # do the triggering trig = coincidenceTrigger("recstalta", PAR.ON, PAR.OFF, st_trigger, thr_coincidence_sum=PAR.MIN_STATIONS, max_trigger_length=PAR.MAXLEN, trigger_off_extension=PAR.ALLOWANCE, details=True, sta=PAR.STA, lta=PAR.LTA) for t in trig: info = "%s %ss %s %s" % (t['time'].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), ("%.1f" % t['duration']).rjust(4), ("%i" % t['cft_peak_wmean']).rjust(3), "-".join(t['stations'])) summary.append(info)
for istation, station in enumerate(stations): for comp in comps: files = eval("datafiles%s['%s']"%(comp,station)) if len(files) != 0: logging.debug("%s.%s Reading %i Files" % (station, comp, len(files))) stream = Stream() for file in sorted(files): st = read(file,format="MSEED") stream += st del st stream.merge() stream = stream.split() for trace in stream: data = if len(data) > 2: tp = cosTaper(len(data), 0.01 ) data -= np.mean(data) data *= tp = data else: *= 0 del data logging.debug("%s.%s Merging Stream" % (station, comp)) stream.merge(fill_value=0) #fills gaps with 0s and gives only one 'Trace' logging.debug("%s.%s Slicing Stream to %s:%s" % (station, comp,utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-','')),utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-',''))+goal_duration-stream[0] stream[0].trim(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-','')),utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-',''))+goal_duration-stream[0], pad=True,fill_value=0.0) trace = stream[0] data = freq = preprocess_lowpass
for comp in comps: files = eval("datafiles%s['%s']" % (comp, station)) if len(files) != 0: logging.debug("%s.%s Reading %i Files" % (station, comp, len(files))) stream = Stream() for file in sorted(files): st = read(file, format="MSEED") stream += st del st stream.merge() stream = stream.split() for trace in stream: data = if len(data) > 2: tp = cosTaper(len(data), 0.01) data -= np.mean(data) data *= tp = data else: *= 0 del data logging.debug("%s.%s Merging Stream" % (station, comp)) stream.merge(fill_value=0 ) #fills gaps with 0s and gives only one 'Trace' logging.debug( "%s.%s Slicing Stream to %s:%s" % (station, comp, utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-', '')), utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(goal_day.replace('-', '')) + goal_duration - stream[0]