コード例 #1
st = read('RAW/*', debug_headers=True)
k = len(st)
i = 0
while i < k:
    tr = st[i]
    print(tr.id, tr.stats.starttime.year, tr.stats.starttime.julday)
    ### differential Volcity to Accerletion
    diftr = obspy.core.trace.Trace.differentiate(tr)

    ### Pole and Zero
    chn = tr.stats.channel
    sta = tr.stats.station
    Ps = "PZs/" + "*" + sta + "*" + "HHZ" + "*"
    HH_paz = glob.glob(Ps)
    pz.attach_paz(diftr, HH_paz[0])
    paz = dict(diftr.stats.paz)

    ### power spectrum density
    ppsd = PPSD(diftr.stats, paz, ppsd_length=3600.0, overlap=0.95)
    [t, amp] = ppsd.get_mode()

    ### Output
    ts = str(tr.stats.starttime.year) + "." + str(tr.stats.starttime.julday)
    txt = sta + "." + chn + "." + ts + ".txt"
    with open(txt, mode="w") as f:
        for j in range(len(t)):
            f.write("%e %6.2f\n" % (t[j], amp[j]))

    i += 1
コード例 #2
cMHdata = "datafiles/CRUI3.SP.mseed"
cMHmeta = "datafiles/CRUI3.xml"
cEHdata = "datafiles/CRUI1-2.mseed"
cEHmeta = "datafiles/CRUI1.xml"

#first get cruise ppsd info
print("Working on cruise data")
stMHc = read(cMHdata)
invMHc = read_inventory(cMHmeta)
stMHc_sel = stMHc.select(channel='MHW')
trc = stMHc_sel[0]
ppsdMHc = PPSD(trc.stats, metadata=invMHc, ppsd_length=600.0,
               skip_on_gaps=True, period_limits=(0.02, 100.0),
               db_bins=(-200, -50, 1.))
(cMHpd, cMHpsd) = ppsdMHc.get_mode()
stEHc = read(cEHdata)
invEHc = read_inventory(cEHmeta)
stEHc_sel = stEHc.select(channel='EHW')
trc = stEHc_sel[0]
ppsdEHc = PPSD(trc.stats, metadata=invEHc, ppsd_length=200.0,
               skip_on_gaps=True, period_limits=(0.02, 100.0),
               db_bins=(-200, -50, 1.))
(cEHpd, cEHpsd) = ppsdEHc.get_mode()

# For reference, earth low and high noise models
(nlnmpd, nlnmpsd) = get_nlnm()
(nhnmpd, nhnmpsd) = get_nhnm()

# channels = ['EHU', 'EHV', 'EHW']