コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Borg.Brain.Vision.ObstacleDetector")
        avm.__init__(self, controller_ip, controller_port)
        self.fail_count = 0

        #TODO: Remove this hack (inserted to be backwards compitable for config files that set "kinect" as source instead of "kinect_depth":
        if source == "kinect":
            source = "kinect_depth"

        if standalone:
        # if detector is run as standalone, the kinect images will be retreived
        # directly from the kinect instead of from shared memory
        # set standalone true, if you want to use the obstacle detector without the architecture
        self.standalone = standalone

        # update frequency of the behaviour
        self.update_frequency = 20

        # bit depth of the used depth image
        self.imageDepth = 8

        #tolerance when it comes to detecting obstacles (don't set it too tight)
        # The higher the tollerance, the larger an obstacle should be before it is detected
        # when it's to low the risk is taken it will detect the floor as an obstacle...
        self.tolerance = 2.0
        self.minTolerance = self.tolerance
        self.maxTolerance = self.tolerance

        # calibration matrix (containing floor calibrated data)
        # min.cal, max.cal and avg.cal are files generated during calibrations.
        # They contain the distance min, max and average distance to the floor from the kinect.
        # The test files are used by obstacledetectortest.py
        if test == 0:
            minfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/min.cal'
            maxfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/max.cal'
            avgfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/avg.cal'
            minfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/testmin.cal'
            maxfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/testmax.cal'
            avgfile = os.environ[
                'BORG'] + '/brain/src/vision/obstacledetectorutil/testavg.cal'

        # read the calibration files and store the content in variables (multidimensional arrays).
        self.minMatrix = self.getCalibrationData(minfile)
        self.maxMatrix = self.getCalibrationData(maxfile)
        self.avgMatrix = self.getCalibrationData(avgfile)

        # current image where obstacles should be detected in.
        self.image = 0

        #segmentizer, used for segmentating images into segments
        self.segmentizer = Segmentizer()

        # specify the source (file or kinect)
        # reading from file is used for testing
        # when read from kinect, the depth images are read from the shared memory, or directly from the kinect (specified in self.standalone)
        self.source = source
        if source == "file":
            if filepath == "default":
                self.path = os.environ[
                    'BORG'] + '/brain/data/od_images/ball_left/'
                self.path = filepath
            self.filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.path, '*.png'))
            self.framenumber = 0
            self.vid_mem_reader = util.vidmemreader.VidMemReader([self.source])