コード例 #1
ファイル: deploy.py プロジェクト: gomezsan/ochothon
        def body(self, args, _, proxy):

            assert len(args.containers), 'at least one container definition is required'

            # - load the overrides from yaml if specified
            overrides = {}
            if not args.overrides:
                args.overrides = []

            for path in args.overrides:
                    with open(path, 'r') as f:
                        logger.debug('merging %s into overrides' % path)
                        overrides = merge(overrides, yaml.load(f))

                except IOError:

                    logger.debug('unable to load %s' % args.overrides)

                except YAMLError as failure:

                    if hasattr(failure, 'problem_mark'):
                        mark = failure.problem_mark
                        assert 0, '%s is invalid (line %s, column %s)' % (args.overrides, mark.line+1, mark.column+1)

            # - run the workflow proper (one thread per container definition)
            threads = {template: _Automation(
                args.strict) for template in args.containers}

            # - wait for all our threads to join
            n = len(threads)
            outcome = {key: thread.join() for key, thread in threads.items()}
            pct = (100 * sum(1 for _, js in outcome.items() if js['ok'])) / n if n else 0
            up = sum(len(js['up']) for _, js in outcome.items())
            logger.info(json.dumps(outcome) if args.json else '%d%% success (+%d pods)' % (pct, up))
            return 0 if pct == 100 else 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: pod.py プロジェクト: lmok/ochothon-orchestration
 def _self_curl():
     reply = get('http://localhost:9000/threads')
     code = reply.status_code
     assert code == 200 or code == 201, 'Self curling failed'
     return merge({'stressed': choice(['Very', 'Nope'])},
コード例 #3
ファイル: pod.py プロジェクト: lmok/ochothon-orchestration
 def _self_curl():
     reply = get('http://localhost:9000/threads')
     code = reply.status_code
     assert code == 200 or code == 201, 'Self curling failed'
     return merge({'stressed': choice(['Very', 'Nope'])}, json.loads(reply.text))
コード例 #4
ファイル: deploy.py プロジェクト: a3linux/ochothon
    def run(self):

            # - we need to pass the framework master IPs around (ugly)
            assert 'MARATHON_MASTER' in os.environ, '$MARATHON_MASTER not specified (check your portal pod)'
            master = choice(os.environ['MARATHON_MASTER'].split(','))
            headers = \
                    'content-type': 'application/json',
                    'accept': 'application/json'

            with open(self.template, 'r') as f:

                # - parse the template yaml file (e.g container definition)
                raw = yaml.load(f)
                assert raw, 'empty YAML input (user error ?)'

                # - merge with our defaults
                # - we want at least the cluster & image settings
                # - TCP 8080 is added by default to the port list
                defaults = \
                        'start': True,
                        'debug': False,
                        'settings': {},
                        'ports': [8080],
                        'verbatim': {}

                cfg = merge(defaults, raw)
                assert 'cluster' in cfg, 'cluster identifier undefined (user error ?)'
                assert 'image' in cfg, 'docker image undefined (user error ?)'

                # - if a suffix is specified append it to the cluster identifier
                if self.suffix:
                    cfg['cluster'] = '%s-%s' % (cfg['cluster'], self.suffix)

                # - timestamp the application (we really want a new uniquely identified application)
                # - lookup the optional overrides and merge with our pod settings if specified
                # - this is what happens when the -o option is used
                stamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                qualified = '%s.%s' % (self.namespace, cfg['cluster'])
                application = 'ochopod.%s-%s' % (qualified, stamp)
                if qualified in self.overrides:

                    blk = self.overrides[qualified]
                    logger.debug('%s : overriding %d settings (%s)' %
                                 (self.template, len(blk), qualified))
                    cfg['settings'] = merge(cfg['settings'], blk)

                def _nullcheck(cfg, prefix):

                    # - walk through the settings and flag any null value
                    missing = []
                    if cfg is not None:
                        for key, value in cfg.items():
                            if value is None:
                                missing += ['%s.%s' % ('.'.join(prefix), key)]
                            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                                missing += _nullcheck(value, prefix + [key])

                    return missing

                missing = _nullcheck(cfg['settings'], ['pod'])
                assert not missing, '%d setting(s) missing ->\n\t - %s' % (
                    len(missing), '\n\t - '.join(missing))

                # - if we still have no target default it to 1 single pod
                if not self.pods:
                    self.pods = 1

                # - setup our port list
                # - the port binding is specified either by an integer (container port -> dynamic mesos port), by
                #   two integers (container port -> host port) or by an integer followed by a * (container port ->
                #   same port on the host)
                # - the marathon pods must by design map /etc/mesos
                def _parse_port(token):
                    if isinstance(token, int):
                        return {'containerPort': token}
                    elif isinstance(token, str) and token.endswith(' *'):
                        port = int(token[:-2])
                        return {'containerPort': port, 'hostPort': port}
                    elif isinstance(token, str):
                        ports = token.split(' ')
                        assert len(
                        ) == 2, 'invalid port syntax (must be two integers separated by 1+ spaces)'
                        return {
                            'containerPort': int(ports[0]),
                            'hostPort': int(ports[1])
                        assert 0, 'invalid port syntax ("%s")' % token

                # - note the marathon-ec2 ochopod bindings will set the application hint automatically
                #   via environment variable (e.g no need to specify it here)
                # - make sure to mount /etc/mesos and /opt/mesosphere to account for various mesos installs
                ports = [_parse_port(token)
                         for token in cfg['ports']] if 'ports' in cfg else []
                spec = \
                        'id': application,
                        'instances': self.pods,
                                'ochopod_cluster': cfg['cluster'],
                                'ochopod_debug': str(cfg['debug']).lower(),
                                'ochopod_start': str(cfg['start']).lower(),
                                'ochopod_namespace': self.namespace,
                                'pod': json.dumps(cfg['settings'])
                                'type': 'DOCKER',
                                        'forcePullImage': True,
                                        'image': cfg['image'],
                                        'network': 'BRIDGE',
                                        'portMappings': ports
                                            'containerPath': '/etc/mesos',
                                            'hostPath': '/etc/mesos',
                                            'mode': 'RO'
                                            'containerPath': '/opt/mesosphere',
                                            'hostPath': '/opt/mesosphere',
                                            'mode': 'RO'

                # - if we have a 'verbatim' block in our image definition yaml, merge it now
                if 'verbatim' in cfg:
                    spec = merge(cfg['verbatim'], spec)

                # - pick a marathon master at random
                # - fire the POST /v2/apps to create our application
                # - this will indirectly spawn our pods
                url = 'http://%s/v2/apps' % master
                reply = post(url, data=json.dumps(spec), headers=headers)
                code = reply.status_code
                logger.debug('-> %s (HTTP %d)' % (url, code))
                assert code == 200 or code == 201, 'submission failed (HTTP %d)' % code

                # - wait for all the pods to be in the 'running' mode
                # - the 'application' hint is set by design to the marathon application identifier
                # - the sequence counters allocated to our new pods are returned as well
                target = ['dead', 'running'
                          ] if self.strict else ['dead', 'stopped', 'running']

                @retry(timeout=self.timeout, pause=3, default={})
                def _spin():
                    def _query(zk):
                        replies = fire(zk, qualified, 'info')
                        return [(hints['process'], seq)
                                for seq, hints, _ in replies.values()
                                if hints['application'] == application
                                and hints['process'] in target]

                    js = run(self.proxy, _query)
                    assert len(js) == self.pods, 'not all pods running yet'
                    return js

                js = _spin()
                running = sum(1 for state, _ in js if state is not 'dead')
                up = [seq for _, seq in js]
                self.out['up'] = up
                self.out['ok'] = self.pods == running
                logger.debug('%s : %d/%d pods are running ' %
                             (self.template, running, self.pods))

                if not up:

                    # - nothing is running (typically because the image has an issue and is not
                    #   not booting the ochopod script for instance, which happens often)
                    # - in that case fire a HTTP DELETE against the marathon application to clean it up
                    url = 'http://%s/v2/apps/%s' % (master, application)
                    reply = delete(url, headers=headers)
                    code = reply.status_code
                    logger.debug('-> %s (HTTP %d)' % (url, code))
                    assert code == 200 or code == 204, 'application deletion failed (HTTP %d)' % code

        except AssertionError as failure:

            logger.debug('%s : failed to deploy -> %s' %
                         (self.template, failure))

        except YAMLError as failure:

            if hasattr(failure, 'problem_mark'):
                mark = failure.problem_mark
                logger.debug('%s : invalid deploy.yml (line %s, column %s)' %
                             (self.template, mark.line + 1, mark.column + 1))

        except Exception as failure:

            logger.debug('%s : failed to deploy -> %s' %
                         (self.template, diagnostic(failure)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: deploy.py プロジェクト: a3linux/ochothon
    def run(self):

            # - we need to pass the framework master IPs around (ugly)
            assert 'MARATHON_MASTER' in os.environ, '$MARATHON_MASTER not specified (check your portal pod)'
            master = choice(os.environ['MARATHON_MASTER'].split(','))
            headers = \
                    'content-type': 'application/json',
                    'accept': 'application/json'

            with open(self.template, 'r') as f:

                # - parse the template yaml file (e.g container definition)
                raw = yaml.load(f)
                assert raw, 'empty YAML input (user error ?)'

                # - merge with our defaults
                # - we want at least the cluster & image settings
                # - TCP 8080 is added by default to the port list
                defaults = \
                        'start': True,
                        'debug': False,
                        'settings': {},
                        'ports': [8080],
                        'verbatim': {}

                cfg = merge(defaults, raw)
                assert 'cluster' in cfg, 'cluster identifier undefined (user error ?)'
                assert 'image' in cfg, 'docker image undefined (user error ?)'

                # - if a suffix is specified append it to the cluster identifier
                if self.suffix:
                    cfg['cluster'] = '%s-%s' % (cfg['cluster'], self.suffix)

                # - timestamp the application (we really want a new uniquely identified application)
                # - lookup the optional overrides and merge with our pod settings if specified
                # - this is what happens when the -o option is used
                stamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
                qualified = '%s.%s' % (self.namespace, cfg['cluster'])
                application = 'ochopod.%s-%s' % (qualified, stamp)
                if qualified in self.overrides:

                    blk = self.overrides[qualified]
                    logger.debug('%s : overriding %d settings (%s)' % (self.template, len(blk), qualified))
                    cfg['settings'] = merge(cfg['settings'], blk)

                def _nullcheck(cfg, prefix):

                    # - walk through the settings and flag any null value
                    missing = []
                    if cfg is not None:
                        for key, value in cfg.items():
                            if value is None:
                                missing += ['%s.%s' % ('.'.join(prefix), key)]
                            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                                missing += _nullcheck(value, prefix + [key])

                    return missing

                missing = _nullcheck(cfg['settings'], ['pod'])
                assert not missing, '%d setting(s) missing ->\n\t - %s' % (len(missing), '\n\t - '.join(missing))

                # - if we still have no target default it to 1 single pod
                if not self.pods:
                    self.pods = 1

                # - setup our port list
                # - the port binding is specified either by an integer (container port -> dynamic mesos port), by
                #   two integers (container port -> host port) or by an integer followed by a * (container port ->
                #   same port on the host)
                # - the marathon pods must by design map /etc/mesos
                def _parse_port(token):
                    if isinstance(token, int):
                        return {'containerPort': token}
                    elif isinstance(token, str) and token.endswith(' *'):
                        port = int(token[:-2])
                        return {'containerPort': port, 'hostPort': port}
                    elif isinstance(token, str):
                        ports = token.split(' ')
                        assert len(ports) == 2, 'invalid port syntax (must be two integers separated by 1+ spaces)'
                        return {'containerPort': int(ports[0]), 'hostPort': int(ports[1])}
                        assert 0, 'invalid port syntax ("%s")' % token

                # - note the marathon-ec2 ochopod bindings will set the application hint automatically
                #   via environment variable (e.g no need to specify it here)
                # - make sure to mount /etc/mesos and /opt/mesosphere to account for various mesos installs
                ports = [_parse_port(token) for token in cfg['ports']] if 'ports' in cfg else []
                spec = \
                        'id': application,
                        'instances': self.pods,
                                'ochopod_cluster': cfg['cluster'],
                                'ochopod_debug': str(cfg['debug']).lower(),
                                'ochopod_start': str(cfg['start']).lower(),
                                'ochopod_namespace': self.namespace,
                                'pod': json.dumps(cfg['settings'])
                                'type': 'DOCKER',
                                        'forcePullImage': True,
                                        'image': cfg['image'],
                                        'network': 'BRIDGE',
                                        'portMappings': ports
                                            'containerPath': '/etc/mesos',
                                            'hostPath': '/etc/mesos',
                                            'mode': 'RO'
                                            'containerPath': '/opt/mesosphere',
                                            'hostPath': '/opt/mesosphere',
                                            'mode': 'RO'

                # - if we have a 'verbatim' block in our image definition yaml, merge it now
                if 'verbatim' in cfg:
                    spec = merge(cfg['verbatim'], spec)

                # - pick a marathon master at random
                # - fire the POST /v2/apps to create our application
                # - this will indirectly spawn our pods
                url = 'http://%s/v2/apps' % master
                reply = post(url, data=json.dumps(spec), headers=headers)
                code = reply.status_code
                logger.debug('-> %s (HTTP %d)' % (url, code))
                assert code == 200 or code == 201, 'submission failed (HTTP %d)' % code

                # - wait for all the pods to be in the 'running' mode
                # - the 'application' hint is set by design to the marathon application identifier
                # - the sequence counters allocated to our new pods are returned as well
                target = ['dead', 'running'] if self.strict else ['dead', 'stopped', 'running']
                @retry(timeout=self.timeout, pause=3, default={})
                def _spin():
                    def _query(zk):
                        replies = fire(zk, qualified, 'info')
                        return [(hints['process'], seq) for seq, hints, _ in replies.values()
                                if hints['application'] == application and hints['process'] in target]

                    js = run(self.proxy, _query)
                    assert len(js) == self.pods, 'not all pods running yet'
                    return js

                js = _spin()
                running = sum(1 for state, _ in js if state is not 'dead')
                up = [seq for _, seq in js]
                self.out['up'] = up
                self.out['ok'] = self.pods == running
                logger.debug('%s : %d/%d pods are running ' % (self.template, running, self.pods))

                if not up:

                    # - nothing is running (typically because the image has an issue and is not
                    #   not booting the ochopod script for instance, which happens often)
                    # - in that case fire a HTTP DELETE against the marathon application to clean it up
                    url = 'http://%s/v2/apps/%s' % (master, application)
                    reply = delete(url, headers=headers)
                    code = reply.status_code
                    logger.debug('-> %s (HTTP %d)' % (url, code))
                    assert code == 200 or code == 204, 'application deletion failed (HTTP %d)' % code

        except AssertionError as failure:

            logger.debug('%s : failed to deploy -> %s' % (self.template, failure))

        except YAMLError as failure:

            if hasattr(failure, 'problem_mark'):
                mark = failure.problem_mark
                logger.debug('%s : invalid deploy.yml (line %s, column %s)' % (self.template, mark.line+1, mark.column+1))

        except Exception as failure:

            logger.debug('%s : failed to deploy -> %s' % (self.template, diagnostic(failure)))