def _show_plt(_plt, save=None): if save: _plt.savefig(save) _plt.close() output.success(f'image saved to file "{Path(save).absolute()}"') else:
def pairs_load(repo: Repo, roi_id, reload, quiet, completion_date): """ load data into DB """ # todo convert name to ID if completion_date: completion_date = parse_to_utc_string(completion_date) if completion_date is None: raise OCLIException( f"Completion date {completion_date} is invalid") output.comment(f"loading products up to {completion_date}") if not roi_id and not repo.active_roi: raise click.BadOptionUsage( 'roi_id', "ROI is required , set active ROI or provide --roi option") _id = int(roi_id) if roi_id else int(repo.active_roi) # check roi exists db = repo.roi.db try: geometry = db.loc[_id, 'geometry'] except KeyError: raise click.BadOptionUsage('roi_id', f'ROI "{_id}" not found') cache_file_name = _cache_pairs_file_name(repo) finder_conf = repo.get_config('finder', {}).copy() if completion_date: finder_conf['completionDate'] = completion_date if not quiet: output.table(finder_conf.items()) if quiet: d = pairs.load_data( geometry, reload=reload, callback=None, finder_conf=finder_conf, cache_file_name=cache_file_name, ) else: with click.progressbar(length=100, label='Loading sat products') as bar: def callback(total, step): if bar.length != total: bar.length = total bar.update(step) d = pairs.load_data(geometry, reload=reload, callback=callback, finder_conf=finder_conf, cache_file_name=cache_file_name) if d.empty: raise OCLIException('0 products loaded, product list is not updated!') else: output.success(f'{len(d)} products loaded into list')
def wp_activate(repo: Repo, name: str): """ Activate project""" # check project exists in the current workspace if name.isnumeric(): name = repo.list_projects()[int(name)]['name'] ap = repo.get_project_path(name) # todo check rw permissions? btw read-only access is valid for some opers if not os.path.isdir(ap): raise click.FileError( ap, hint= f" try to run 'create -n {name}' to create project in workspace") repo.set_config('active_project', name, autosave=False) repo.read_project() repo.save_main( ) # save only main to prevent project settings to be overridden output.success(f'current active project is "{name}" ({ap})') pass
def wp_init(repo: Repo, projects_home, yes): """ init tsar cli """ rc = get_main_rc_name(repo.rc_home) # if os.path.isfile(rc): if Path(rc).is_file() and not yes_or_confirm( yes, f'config file "{rc}" exits, override?'): return dc = default_main_config(repo.rc_home) if projects_home: dc['projects_home'] = projects_home _phome = dc['projects_home'] if Path(_phome).is_dir() and not yes_or_confirm( yes, f'Directory "{_phome}" exits, Continue?'): return os.makedirs(_phome, exist_ok=True) with open(rc, 'w') as _f: yaml.dump(dc, _f) output.success(f"configured project home {rc}")
def ai_makecog(repo: Repo, task: Task, roi_id, recipe_path, json_only, quiet, no_color, less, zone, kind, source, cos_key, friendly_name, print_res, warp_resampleAlg, overview_resampleAlg): """ Make COG TIFF from visualized results \b * to make GeoTIFF from custom ENVI file use --source option with filename of ENVI file (without extension) * to override recipe kind, use --kind option, example: making image from 'ai preview --export path/to/envi' file use makecog zone --kind Image --source path/to/envi * to avoid overriding recipe main results use --cos-key and --friendly-name option if --friendly-name starts with '+' value will be used as suffix for friendly_name in GeoJSON if --cos-key starts with '+' value will be used as suffix for COS.ResultKey in GeoJSON """ driver = 'MAKECOG' if source: try: # Only valid ENVI or GeoTiff files are alloed str = gdal.Info(source, format='json') driver = str['driverShortName'] if driver not in ['ENVI', 'GTiff']: raise OCLIException( f"Unsupported source file type: {str['driverShortName']} ({str['driverLongName']})" ) except Exception as e: raise OCLIException(f"Option --source: {e}") _recipe = recipe_path if recipe_path else resolve_recipe( repo, task, roi_id) recipe = Recipe(_recipe) kind = kind if kind != 'auto' else recipe.get('type') if kind in ['Rvi', 'Image']: recipe['type'] = 'Image' # log.error(recipe['COS']['ResultKey']) if cos_key: if cos_key.startswith('+'): recipe['COS']['ResultKey'] += cos_key[1:] else: recipe['COS']['ResultKey'] = cos_key if friendly_name: if friendly_name.startswith('+'): recipe['friendly_name'] += friendly_name[1:] else: recipe['friendly_name'] = friendly_name # log.error(recipe['COS']['ResultKey']) # log.error(recipe['friendly_name']) filenames = Filenames(zone, recipe) if source: input_file = source else: input_file = filenames.pred8c_img out_file = filenames.out_tiff cog_file = filenames.out_cog_tiff check_file = cog_file if json_only else input_file if not Path(check_file).is_file(): raise OCLIException(f'file not found: {check_file}') os.makedirs(Path(cog_file).parent, exist_ok=True) w = GDALWrap3(recipe, input_file, out_file, cog_file) try: if not json_only: if driver == 'GTiff': try: shutil.copy(input_file, cog_file) output.success(f"file {input_file} copied to {cog_file}") except Exception as e: raise OCLIException( f'Could not copy "{input_file}" to "{cog_file}" : {e}' ) else: if not quiet: with pfac(log, total=100, desc='Assembling') as (_, callback): def cb(pct, msg, user_data): _ud = user_data[0] # self.log.debug(f"translaing: {round(pct * 100, 2)}% -{msg}- {user_data} {pct}") # reset counter, this t\callback called from multiple prcesses if pct < 0.01: user_data[0] = 0 if user_data[0] == 0 or pct - _ud > 0.10: log.debug( f"Local translating : {round(pct * 100, 2)}%" ) user_data[0] = pct callback(100, pct, 'translating') w.make_cog(cb, warp_resampleAlg, overview_resampleAlg) else: w.make_cog(None, warp_resampleAlg, overview_resampleAlg) _json = w.make_geo_json() _json = _json if no_color else colorful_json(_json) if print_res: click.echo("\n\n\n") if less: click.echo_via_pager(_json) else: click.echo(_json) except (RuntimeError, OCLIException) as e: raise click.UsageError( output.error_style(f"COG-tiff generation failed,reason: {e}")) pass