コード例 #1
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def _get_event(cursor, event_id, event_name, model_id):
    e = event(event_id, event_name, model_id)
    _metrics = osqlite_util.query_event_metrics(cursor, [event_id])
    if _metrics is not None:
        for event_id, comp_id, metric_id in _metrics:
            if model_id != USER_EVENT_MODEL_ID:
                mnames = osqlite_util.query_metrics(cursor, \
                                            metric_id_list = [metric_id])
                if mnames is None:
                    raise OCSqliteError("Metric ID " + str(metric_id) + " not found")
                mname, metric_id, a1, a2, coll_comp, a2 = mnames[0]
                e.add_metric(metric_id, mname)
                # Query the component type and the identifier of the coll_comp
                comp = osqlite_util.query_components(cursor, comp_name = coll_comp)
                comp = osqlite_util.query_components(cursor, comp_id_list=[comp_id])
            if comp is None:
                raise OCSqliteError(event.name + ": " + "component name " + \
                                        coll_comp + " not found")
            if len(comp) > 1:
                raise OCSqliteError(event.name + ": node " + coll_comp + \
                                        " not unique")
            comp_name, comp_type, identifier, comp_id, parent_id = comp[0]
            e.add_component(comp_id, comp_type, identifier)
    _actions = osqlite_util.query_event_msg_action(cursor, [event_id])
    if _actions is None:
        return e
    for event_id, level, msg, action in _actions:
        level_name = osqlite_util.get_severity_level(level)
        e.add_severity_action(level_name, action)
        e.set_severity_msg(level_name, msg)
    return e
コード例 #2
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_apply_on_metric_component(cursor, metric_s, template):
    metric_info = {'extension': [], 'metric_id': []}
    metrics = metric_s.split(',')
    for metric in metrics:
        tmp = osqlite_util.process_metric_name_id_string(metric)
        if tmp is None:
            raise OCSqliteError(metric + ": Couldn't get metric_name and metric_id")


    tmp = ",".join(['?'] * len(metric_info['metric_id']))
    cursor.execute("SELECT metrics.metric_id,components.type, components.identifier " \
                   "FROM components JOIN metrics WHERE " \
                   "metrics.prod_comp_id = components.comp_id AND " \
                   "metrics.metric_id in (" + tmp + ")", metric_info['metric_id'])
    queried_comps = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(queried_comps) < 1:
        raise OCSqliteError("Producer component of metric " + \
                                str(metric_info['metric_id']) + " not found")
    comps = {}
    comps_order = []
    for metric_id, comp_type, identifier in queried_comps:
        if comp_type not in comps:
            comps[comp_type] = {'identifier': [], 'name': []}

        idx = metric_info['metric_id'].index(str(metric_id))
        if identifier not in comps[comp_type]['identifier']:
            template_metrics_s = template.get_metric_text(comp_type)
            if ('#' not in template_metrics_s) and \
                            (metric_info['extension'][idx] != ""):
    return (comps, comps_order)
コード例 #3
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_template_apply_on(cursor, all_templates):
    apply_on_hosts = {}
    order = []
    tmp = osqlite_util.query_template_apply_on(cursor)
    if tmp is None:
        raise OCSqliteError("No apply on record")

    # Reverse the order because the parser inserts the apply_on in reverse order
    for host, template_name, metric_s in tmp:   # for each template
        apply_on = None
        Get the host to apply the templates on
        _comp = osqlite_util.query_components(cursor, comp_name = host)
        if len(_comp) > 1:
            raise OCSqliteError("More than 1 component associated with the host " + _comp)
        name, comp_type, identifier, comp_id, parent_id = _comp[0]
        Only one iteration
        if name not in apply_on_hosts:
            apply_on_hosts[name] = apply_on_node(comp_type, identifier)

        apply_on = apply_on_hosts[name]
        template = all_templates[template_name]
        comps, comps_order = get_apply_on_metric_component(cursor, metric_s, template)
        temp = apply_on_node.apply_on_template(template_name)
        temp.set_components(comps, comps_order)
    return (apply_on_hosts, order)
コード例 #4
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_sampler_templates(cursor):
    templates = osqlite_util.query_template_info(cursor)
    # Nov 24, 2014
    # Reverse the order because the oparser_sqlite inserts in reverse order
    # of the text file
    if templates is None:
        raise OCSqliteError("No sampler templates")
    sampler_templates = {}
    _sampler_templates_order = []
    mtype_id_order = []
    for name, ldmsd_set, cfg, metrics in templates:
        temp = sampler_template(name, ldmsd_set)
        tmp = get_template_metric_component_types(cursor, metrics)
        mtype_id, comp_metrics, order = tmp
        if comp_metrics is None:
            print "template " + name + \
                            ": failed to get component metrics."
            return None
        temp.set_component_and_metrics(comp_metrics, order)
        template_cfg, order = get_template_config(cfg)
        if template_cfg is None:
            raise OCSqliteError("template " + name + \
                                    ": Failed to get template configuration")
        temp.set_cfg(template_cfg, order)
        sampler_templates[temp.name] = temp
    templ_idx_order = sorted(xrange(len(mtype_id_order)), key = lambda k: mtype_id_order[k])
    sampler_templates_order = [_sampler_templates_order[i] for i in templ_idx_order]
    return (sampler_templates, sampler_templates_order)
コード例 #5
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_template_metric_component_types(cursor, metric_s):
    metrics = metric_s.split(',')
    comp_type_metrics = {}
    comp_type_info = {}
    mtype_id_order = []
    ctype_order = []
    metric_info = {}
    for metric in metrics:
        tmp = osqlite_util.process_metric_name_id_string(metric)
        if tmp is None:
            raise OCSqliteError(metric + \
                        ": Couldn't get metric_name and metric_id")
        metric_info[int(tmp['metric_id'])] = tmp

    tmp = ",".join(['?'] * len(metric_info.keys()))
    cursor.execute("SELECT metric_id,metric_type_id,prod_comp_id,type,identifier " \
                   "FROM metrics JOIN components WHERE " \
                   "prod_comp_id = comp_id AND metric_id IN (" + tmp + ")", \
    queried_comps = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(queried_comps) < 1:
        raise OCSqliteError("producer component of metric " + \
                        str(metric_info['metric_id']) + " not found")
    for metric_id, mtype_id, prod_comp_id, comp_type, identifier in queried_comps:
        if comp_type not in comp_type_info:
            comp_type_info[comp_type] = {'mbase_name': [metric_info[metric_id]['base_name']], \
                                         'mfull_name': [metric_info[metric_id]['full_name']], \
                                         'identifier': {}}
            if metric_info[metric_id]['base_name'] not in comp_type_info[comp_type]['mbase_name']:
            if metric_info[metric_id]['full_name'] not in comp_type_info[comp_type]['mfull_name']:
        if identifier not in comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier']:
            comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier'][identifier] = [metric_info[metric_id]['extension']]
            if metric_info[metric_id]['extension'] not in comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier'][identifier]:
    if len(ctype_order) == 0:
        return None

    ctype_order_idx = sorted(xrange(len(mtype_id_order)), key = lambda k: mtype_id_order[k])
    order = []
    for i in ctype_order_idx:
        comp_type = ctype_order[i]
        comp_type_metrics[comp_type] = []
        key = 'mbase_name'
        if len(comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier']) == 1:
            id = comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier'].keys()[0]
            if len(comp_type_info[comp_type]['identifier'][id]) > 1:
                key = 'mfull_name'
        comp_type_metrics[comp_type] = comp_type_info[comp_type][key]
    return (mtype_id_order[ctype_order_idx[0]], comp_type_metrics, order)
コード例 #6
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_component_types(cursor):
    all_comp_types = {}
    comp_types_order = []
    all_comp_map = {}
    comp_types = osqlite_util.query_comp_type_info(cursor)

    if comp_types is None:
        raise OCSqliteError("No component types in the database")
    for comp_type, gif_path, visible, category in comp_types:
        if gif_path is None:
            # This is to filter out the cable components.
            # For all component types defined in components.conf,
            # gif_path is an empty string if it isn't given.
            # The parser should give a more reliable way
            # to detect whether a component should be printed
            # into the components.conf file or not
        ctype, all_comp_map = process_component_type(cursor, comp_type = comp_type, \
                                            gif_path = gif_path, \
                                            visible = visible, \
                                            category = category, \
        all_comp_types[comp_type] = ctype
    return (all_comp_types, comp_types_order, all_comp_map)
コード例 #7
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_cables(cursor, all_cable_types):
    cables = osqlite_util.query_cables(cursor)
    if cables is None:
        raise OCSqliteError("No cables")
    cable_types = {}
    cable_types_order = []
    for type_id, src_comp_id, dest_comp_id in cables:
        if type_id not in cable_types:
            cable_types[type_id] = []
        cb_type = all_cable_types[type_id].get_type()
        src = osqlite_util.query_component(cursor, src_comp_id)
        if src is None:
            raise OCSqliteError("comp_id " + str(src_comp_id) + " not found")
        src_type = src[1]
        src_identifier = src[2]
        dest = osqlite_util.query_component(cursor, dest_comp_id)
        if dest is None:
            raise Exception("comp_id " + str(dest_comp_id) + " not found")
        dest_type = dest[1]
        dest_identifier = dest[2]
        parent_id_s = str(src_comp_id) + "," + str(dest_comp_id)
        candidate_cables = osqlite_util.query_components(cursor, \
                                                parent_id_s = parent_id_s)
        if candidate_cables is None:
            raise OCSqliteError("No cables that link between comp_ids " + \
                            str(src_comp_id) + " and " + str(dest_comp_id))
        cb = None
        for name, type, identifier, comp_id, parent_id_s in candidate_cables:
            if type == cb_type:
                cb = cable(type, name)
                cb.set_src(src_type, src_identifier, src_comp_id)
                cb.set_dest(dest_type, dest_identifier, dest_comp_id)
        if cb is None:
            raise OCSqliteError("No cables of type " + cb_type + "that link " \
                            "between comp_ids " + str(src_comp_id) + \
                            " and " + str(dest_comp_id))
    cables = []
    for cb_type in cable_types_order:
        cables += cable_types[cb_type]
    return cables
コード例 #8
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def process_component_type(cursor, comp_type, gif_path, category, visible, all_comp_map):
    identifiers = []
    names = []
        ctype = component_type(comp_type=comp_type, gif_path=gif_path, category=category, visible=visible)
        all_comps = osqlite_util.query_components(cursor, comp_type = comp_type) # ordered by comp_id
        if all_comps is None:
            raise OCSqliteError("No components of type " + comp_type)
        for name, _type, identifier, comp_id, parent_id in all_comps:
            ptn, fmt, num_var, vars = osqlite_util.get_format(identifier)
            comp = component(name, _type, comp_id, identifier)
            all_comp_map[comp_id] = comp
        give_names = get_give_name(identifiers, names)
        for give_name in give_names:
        return (ctype, all_comp_map)
    except AssertionError:
    except Exception:
コード例 #9
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def _get_component_tree_text(comp_tree, comp_id, num_indent):
    node = comp_tree.get_node_data(comp_id)
    if node is None:
        raise OCSqliteError("comp " + str(comp_id) + " not found")
    comp = node['comp']
    leaves = {}
    leaves_order = []
    if comp_tree.is_leaf(comp_id) or node['visited']:
        If leave, just return the empty string and itself
        node['visited'] = True
        return ("", node)
        s = (INDENT * num_indent) + comp.comp_type + "{" + comp.identifier + "}"
        s += "/" + NEWLINE
        num_indent += 1
        for child in comp_tree.get_children(comp_id):
            tmp = _get_component_tree_text(comp_tree, child, num_indent)
            leaf = tmp[1]
            if leaf is not None:
                comp = leaf['comp']
                if comp.comp_type not in leaves:
                    leaves[comp.comp_type] = []
                if comp.identifier not in leaves[comp.comp_type]:
                s += tmp[0]
        if len(leaves) > 0:
            for child_type in leaves_order:
                s += (INDENT * num_indent) + child_type + \
                        "{" + osqlite_util.collapse_string(leaves[child_type]) + "}" \
                        + NEWLINE
        node['visited'] = True
        return (s, None)
コード例 #10
ファイル: oconvert_sqlite.py プロジェクト: saurabhjha1/ovis
def get_event_metrics_components_text(cursor, event):
    metrics_text = ""
    components_text = ""
        if event.model_id == USER_EVENT_MODEL_ID:
            components_text = _process_event_components(cursor, event)
            return (metrics_text, components_text)

        mname_fmt = {'base': "", 'ext': []}
        for metric_id in sorted(event.metrics.keys()):
            mname = event.metrics[metric_id]
            # Find the name format
            if 'baler_ptn' in mname:
                mname_fmt['base'] = '%baler_ptn%'
                idx = mname.index('#')
                ext = mname[:idx]
            elif '#' in mname:
                idx = mname.index('#') + 1
                mname_fmt['base'] = mname[:idx] + "%"
                ext = mname[idx:]
                mname_fmt['base'] = mname
                ext = ""
            if ext not in mname_fmt['ext']:

        # Query distinct components collecting the metrics
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(comp_id)) FROM metrics " \
                       "JOIN components WHERE coll_comp = components.name AND " \
                       "metrics.name LIKE '" + mname_fmt['base'] + "' ORDER BY comp_id")
        exp_num = cursor.fetchone()
        if exp_num is None:
            raise Exception(event.name + ": components collecting the metrics not found")
        exp_num = exp_num[0]
        if len(event.components) == exp_num:
            components_text = "*"
            components_text = _process_event_components(cursor, event)

        # Find the total number of metrics with the name format
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(name)) FROM metrics " \
                       "WHERE name LIKE '" + mname_fmt['base'] + "'")

        exp_count = cursor.fetchone()
        if exp_count is None:
            raise OCSqliteError(event.name + ": metric " + mname_fmt + " not found")
        exp_count = exp_count[0]
        if len(mname_fmt['ext']) == exp_count:
            if 'baler_ptn' in mname_fmt['base']:
                metrics_text = "[*]#baler_ptn"
                metrics_text = mname_fmt['base'].replace("%", "[*]")
            mname_fmt['base'] = mname_fmt['base'].replace("%", "")
            if 'baler_ptn' in mname_fmt['base']:
                full_name_s = [s + "#" + mname_fmt['base'] for s in sorted(mname_fmt['ext'])]
                metrics_text = osqlite_util.collapse_string(full_name_s)
                full_name_s = [mname_fmt['base'] + s for s in sorted(mname_fmt['ext'])]
                metrics_text = osqlite_util.collapse_string(full_name_s)

        return (metrics_text, components_text)
    except Exception: