async def on_connect(websocket, path): # 等待client 链接 传来的参数是charge point传来的 """ For every new charge point that connects, create a ChargePoint instance and start listening for messages. """ charge_point_id = path.strip('/') # cp = ChargePoint(charge_point_id, websocket) # # create_gui(cp) # 将每个cp添加到字典里 EVSE_dict[charge_point_id] = cp # print(cp) # print(EVSE_dict) def which_function_1(): fun2 = cp.send_remote_start_transaction() fun1 = cp.start() fun2 = cp.send_remote_start_transaction() await asyncio.gather( fun1, fun2, # cp.send_remote_stop_transaction(), # # cp.send_clear_cache_request() )
async def main(): async with websockets.connect('ws://localhost:9000/CP_1', subprotocols=['ocpp1.6']) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('CP_1', ws) await asyncio.gather(cp.start(), cp.send_boot_notification())
async def main(): async with websockets.connect('ws://', subprotocols=['ocpp1.6']) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('CP_1', ws) await asyncio.gather(cp.start(), cp.send_boot_notification(), cp.send_authorize(), cp.send_start_transaction())
async def main(): async with websockets.connect( 'wss://', subprotocols=['ocpp1.6'] ) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('test1', ws) await asyncio.gather(cp.start(), cp.execute()) await ws.close()
async def main(): async with websockets.connect('%s/serial123' % config.CS_URL, subprotocols=['ocpp1.6']) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('serial123', ws) await asyncio.gather(cp.start(), cp.send_boot_notification(), cp.send_heartbeat(), cp.send_start_transaction(), cp.send_stop_transaction())
async def main(): async with websockets.connect( # 链接 'ws://localhost:9000/CP_1', # 目的地址 + 序号 subprotocols=['ocpp1.6']) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('CP_1', ws) # 实例化cp 包含名字和 ws 协议 await asyncio.gather( cp.start(), cp.send_boot_notification(), # cp.clear_cache_notification() ) #先start ,在发送
async def on_connect ( websocket, path ) : """ For every new charge point that connects, create a ChargePoint instance and start listening for messages. """ charge_point_id = path.strip('/') cp = ChargePoint(charge_point_id, websocket) print("Client Connected") await asyncio.gather(cp.start(),cp.send_trigger_message())
async def on_connect( websocket, path): # 等待client 链接 websocket 和 path 是client传来的参数,(变量名) """ For every new charge point that connects, create a ChargePoint instance and start listening for messages. """ charge_point_id = path.strip('/') # 获得client 编号 # charge_point_id = '12345' # print(charge_point_id) print("path from client is : %s" % path) # message_from_gui = await websocket.recv() # if charge_point_id.startswith("***",0,3): # # print ("this message is from gui") # print("charge point id is : %s" %charge_point_id) # # message_from_gui = await websocket.recv() # print("message from client is : %s" %message_from_gui) # # return # else cp = ChargePoint(charge_point_id, websocket) #创建ChargerPoint 实例化 记为 cp # 将每个cp添加到全局字典里 EVSE_dict[charge_point_id] = cp await asyncio.gather( cp.start(), # cp.send_clear_cache_request(), # cp.send_remote_start_transaction(), # cp.send_remote_stop_transaction(), # cp.set_charging_profile() # cp.clear_charging_profile() # cp.cancel_reservation() # cp.change_availability() # cp.get_configuration() # cp.change_configuration() # cp.data_transfer() # cp.get_local_list_version() # cp.send_local_list() # cp.reset() # cp.unlock_connector() # cp.update_firmware() )
async def main(): async with websockets.connect( # 'ws://', # subprotocols=['ocpp1.6']) as ws: cp = ChargePoint('CP_1', ws) # await asyncio.gather( cp.start(), # cp.boot_notification(), # cp.authorize(), # cp.heart_beat(), # cp.start_transaction(), # cp.stop_transaction(), # cp.meter_value(), # cp.status_notification(), cp.data_transfer(), )