コード例 #1
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: evoup/cause-effect
def add_noise_model_BA(A,B):
    if len(A) > 300:
        A = random.sample(A,300)
    if len(B) > 300:
        B = random.sample(B,300)
    pv = octave.call('/home/ole/src/cause_effect_sample_code/additive-noise/code/fitA.m',B,A)
    print "add_noise_model_BA=",pv
    return pv
コード例 #2
def compare_results(name, function, args, values):
    args = [values.get(arg) for arg in args]
    res = function(*args)  # Python call.
    # FIXME: Test only the first output when multiple outputs are present.
    if isinstance(res, tuple):
        nout = len(res)
        res = res[0]
        nout = 1
    val = octave.call('sw_%s' % name, *args, nout=nout)  # Octave call.
    if nout > 1:
        val = val[0]
    val, res = val.squeeze(), res.squeeze()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(val, res)
コード例 #3
ファイル: pfCalculates.py プロジェクト: lyvic/Partikelflug
    def run(self):
        print 'Reading values and calling Octave'
        [Calculate.y, Calculate.y2] = \
            oc.call('Wurfp3.m', [self.rhop, self.dp, self.v,
                    self.angle, self.prec, self.duration,
                    self.windx, self.windy, self.rhog,
                    self.eta, self.grav, self.posx, self.posz], verbose=False)
        print 'Done! Data from Octave available'
        self.guest.myplot(0, self.y[:, 0], self.y[:, 1], 'Time in [s]',
                          'Speed in [m/s]', pttl='Speed-Time-Horizontal')

        # Return from octave: [t,nghs,nghp,ngvs,ngvp,hnt,hnp,hnv,vnt,vnv,vnp]
        self.maxhight = str(max(Calculate.y[:, 4]))
        self.maxhightxid = nm.argmax(Calculate.y[:, 4])
        self.maxhightx = str(Calculate.y[self.maxhightxid, 2])
        self.duration = str(Calculate.y2[0, 0])
        self.relaxtime = str(Calculate.y2[0, 1])
        self.VTSN = str(Calculate.y2[0, 2])
        self.VTSS = str(Calculate.y2[0, 3])
        self.nusv = str(Calculate.y2[0, 4])
        self.absolutey = [abs(x) for x in Calculate.y[1:, 4]]
        self.hitground = str(Calculate.y[nm.argmin(self.absolutey), 2])
        dc.getcontext().prec = 12
        self.maxhightdec = self.decimalize(self.maxhight)
        self.maxhightxdec = self.decimalize(self.maxhightx)
        self.hitgrounddec = self.decimalize(self.hitground)
        self.VTSNdec = self.decimalize(self.VTSN)
        self.VTSSdec = self.decimalize(self.VTSS)
        self.nusvdec = self.decimalize(self.nusv)
        maxflight = "Max flight height: "+str(self.maxhightdec)+" meters at "\
            + str(self.maxhightxdec)+" meters \n"+str(self.VTSNdec)\
            + " m/s Newton settling velocity\n"\
            + str(self.VTSSdec)+" m/s Stokes settling velocity\n"\
            + str(self.nusvdec)+" m/s numerical settling velocity\n"
        if self.maxhightxid < nm.argmin(self.absolutey):
            hitground = "Hits ground in: "+str(self.hitgrounddec)\
                        + " meters distance \n"
            hitground = "Does not reach the ground in observed timespan \n"
        entries = "Done \n"+"Relax-time: "+self.relaxtime+" seconds\n" + \
            "Duration: "+self.duration+" seconds\n"+maxflight+hitground\

        self.guest.info.insert(tki.END, entries)
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, octave, parent, debug=False):
     OBSOLETE: version 1.0 of oct2py gets this right!!
     oct2py doesn't handle nested Octave variables very well. However, the 
     result is an empty NumPy array for which the dtypes are the nested 
     variable names in Octave. This ugly monkey patch gets all the second
     nested variables.
     parent : string
         Octave variable name of type struct (aka as a nested variable)
     octave : oct2py._oct2py.Oct2Py object
         A valid living octave instance of oct2py for which all relevant
         BECAS commands have been executed. It should hence contain
         all the relevant BECAS output variables.
     # oct2py doesn't handle nested Octave variables very well. However, 
     # the result is a NumPy array for which the dtypes are the nested 
     # variable names in Octave. This ugly monkey patch gets all the second
     # nested variables.
     oct_var = octave.call(parent)
     for child in oct_var.dtype.names:
         # there seems to be a bug (or is it a feature?) in oct2py:
         # long nested variable names are truncated, or when ending with r?
         # Ugly monkey patch follows to get back the missing r at the end
         if child == 'AlphaPrincipleAxis_ElasticCente':
             child += 'r'
         # can't use eval because that is only for expressions (no =). 
         # Exec can also supports statements
         expr = "self.%s = octave.call('%s.%s')" % (child, parent, child)
         if debug:
         exec compile(expr, "<string>", "exec")
     # and set the class name to the parent name, but that needs to be
     # a string here....
     self.__class__.__name__ = parent
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, octave, parent, debug=False):
        OBSOLETE: version 1.0 of oct2py gets this right!!
        oct2py doesn't handle nested Octave variables very well. However, the 
        result is an empty NumPy array for which the dtypes are the nested 
        variable names in Octave. This ugly monkey patch gets all the second
        nested variables.
        parent : string
            Octave variable name of type struct (aka as a nested variable)
        octave : oct2py._oct2py.Oct2Py object
            A valid living octave instance of oct2py for which all relevant
            BECAS commands have been executed. It should hence contain
            all the relevant BECAS output variables.

        # oct2py doesn't handle nested Octave variables very well. However,
        # the result is a NumPy array for which the dtypes are the nested
        # variable names in Octave. This ugly monkey patch gets all the second
        # nested variables.
        oct_var = octave.call(parent)
        for child in oct_var.dtype.names:
            # there seems to be a bug (or is it a feature?) in oct2py:
            # long nested variable names are truncated, or when ending with r?
            # Ugly monkey patch follows to get back the missing r at the end
            if child == 'AlphaPrincipleAxis_ElasticCente':
                child += 'r'

            # can't use eval because that is only for expressions (no =).
            # Exec can also supports statements
            expr = "self.%s = octave.call('%s.%s')" % (child, parent, child)

            if debug:

            exec compile(expr, "<string>", "exec")

        # and set the class name to the parent name, but that needs to be
        # a string here....
        self.__class__.__name__ = parent
コード例 #6
def compare_results(name, function, args):
    args = [values.get(arg) for arg in args]

    try:  # Python.
        res = function(*args)
        print('%s: python runtime error' % name)
        return 'no_python'

    # FIXME: Testing only the first output when multiple outputs are present.
    nout = 1
    if isinstance(res, tuple):
        nout = len(res)
        res = res[0]

    try:  # Octave.
        val = octave.call('sw_%s' % name, *args, verbose=False, nout=nout)
        if nout > 1:
            val = val[0]
    except Oct2PyError:
        print('%s: Octave runtime error' % name)
        print("python:\n%s" % res)
        return 'no_octave'

    val = val.squeeze()
    res = res.squeeze()

        perfect = (val == res).all()
        print('%s: Comparison failed' % name)
        print("octave:\n%s" % val)
        print("python:\n%s" % res)
        return 'no_comparison'
    if np.allclose(val, res, rtol=1e-15, atol=0):
        print('%s: Passed' % name)
        return 'passed'
        print('%s: Failed' % name)
        print("octave:\n%s" % val)
        print("python:\n%s" % res)
        return 'failed'
コード例 #7
ファイル: pfCalculates.py プロジェクト: lyvic/Partikelflug
    def run(self):
        print 'Reading values and calling Octave - mode 3D'
        [Calculate3D.y, Calculate3D.y2] = \
            oc.call('Wurf3D.m', [self.rhop, self.dp, self.v,
                    self.anglee, self.anglea, self.prec, self.duration,
                    self.windx, self.windy, self.windz, self.rhog,
                    self.eta, self.grav, self.posx, self.posy, self.posz],
        print 'Done! Data from Octave available - mode 3D'
        self.guest.myplot(1, self.y[:, 4], self.y[:, 5], 'XDistance in [m]',
                          'YDistance in [m]', self.y[:, 6], 'ZHeight in [m]',

        # Return from octave:
        # dat1=[ngt,ngxs,ngys,ngzs,ngxp,ngyp,ngzp];
        # dat2=[duration,trelax,VTSN,VTSS,nusv];
        self.maxhight = str(max(Calculate3D.y[:, 6]))
        self.maxhightxid = nm.argmax(Calculate3D.y[:, 6])
        self.maxhightx = str(Calculate3D.y[self.maxhightxid, 4])
        self.maxhighty = str(Calculate3D.y[self.maxhightxid, 5])
        self.duration = str(Calculate3D.y2[0, 0])
        self.relaxtime = str(Calculate3D.y2[0, 1])
        self.VTSN = str(Calculate3D.y2[0, 2])
        self.VTSS = str(Calculate3D.y2[0, 3])
        self.nusv = str(Calculate3D.y2[0, 4])
        self.absolutez = [abs(x) for x in Calculate3D.y[1:, 6]]
        self.hitgroundx = str(Calculate3D.y[nm.argmin(self.absolutez), 4])
        self.hitgroundy = str(Calculate3D.y[nm.argmin(self.absolutez), 5])
        self.hitgroundxf = float(Calculate3D.y[nm.argmin(self.absolutez), 4])
        self.hitgroundyf = float(Calculate3D.y[nm.argmin(self.absolutez), 5])
        self.hitgrounddist = nm.sqrt(nm.square(self.hitgroundxf)
                                     + nm.square(self.hitgroundyf))
        dc.getcontext().prec = 12
        self.maxhightdec = self.decimalize(self.maxhight)
        self.maxhightxdec = self.decimalize(self.maxhightx)
        self.maxhightydec = self.decimalize(self.maxhighty)
        self.hitgroundxdec = self.decimalize(self.hitgroundx)
        self.hitgroundydec = self.decimalize(self.hitgroundy)
        self.hitgrounddist = self.decimalize(self.hitgrounddist)
        self.relaxtimedec = self.decimalize(self.relaxtime)
        self.durationdec = self.decimalize(self.duration)
        self.VTSNdec = self.decimalize(self.VTSN)
        self.VTSSdec = self.decimalize(self.VTSS)
        self.nusvdec = self.decimalize(self.nusv)
        maxflight = "Max flight height: \n" \
            + str(self.maxhightdec)+" meters in Z at \n"\
            + str(self.maxhightxdec)+" meters in X\n"\
            + str(self.maxhightydec)+" meters in Y\n"\
            + str(self.VTSNdec)+" m/s Newton settling velocity\n"\
            + str(self.VTSSdec)+" m/s Stokes settling velocity\n"\
            + str(self.nusvdec)+" m/s numerical settling velocity\n"
        if self.maxhightxid < nm.argmin(self.absolutez):
            hitground = "Hits ground at: \n"\
                + str(self.hitgroundxdec)+" meters X \n"\
                + str(self.hitgroundydec)+" meters Y \n"\
                + str(self.hitgrounddist)+" meters from source \n"
            hitground = "Does not reach the ground in observed timespan \n"
        entries = "Done \n"+"Relax-time: "+self.relaxtime+" seconds\n" +\
            "Duration: "+self.duration+" seconds\n"+maxflight+hitground\

        self.guest.info.insert(tki.END, entries)
コード例 #8
ファイル: oppy.py プロジェクト: Balagrio/Oppy
def ffun(x): return octave.call("myfun.m",x)*(-1) # ggf. durch octave.myfun(x) ersetzen

# Grenzen, z.B.
#xmin    = [10.,3.,2.,0.05,0.05]
#xmax    = [60.,5.,5.,1.5,1.5]
xmin    = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]