def get_amphora_for_lb_subflow(self, prefix, role=constants.ROLE_STANDALONE, is_spare=False): """Tries to allocate a spare amphora to a loadbalancer if none exists, create a new amphora. """ sf_name = prefix + '-' + constants.GET_AMPHORA_FOR_LB_SUBFLOW # Don't replace a spare with another spare, just build a fresh one. if is_spare: get_spare_amp_flow = linear_flow.Flow(sf_name) get_spare_amp_flow.add( self._get_create_amp_for_lb_subflow(prefix, role, is_spare=is_spare)) return get_spare_amp_flow # We need a graph flow here for a conditional flow amp_for_lb_flow = graph_flow.Flow(sf_name) # Setup the task that maps an amphora to a load balancer allocate_and_associate_amp = database_tasks.MapLoadbalancerToAmphora( name=sf_name + '-' + constants.MAP_LOADBALANCER_TO_AMPHORA, requires=(constants.LOADBALANCER_ID, constants.FLAVOR, constants.AVAILABILITY_ZONE), provides=constants.AMPHORA_ID) # Define a subflow for if we successfully map an amphora map_lb_to_amp = self._get_post_map_lb_subflow(prefix, role) # Define a subflow for if we can't map an amphora create_amp = self._get_create_amp_for_lb_subflow(prefix, role) # Add them to the graph flow amp_for_lb_flow.add(allocate_and_associate_amp, map_lb_to_amp, create_amp) # Setup the decider for the path if we can map an amphora, map_lb_to_amp, decider=self._allocate_amp_to_lb_decider, decider_depth='flow') # Setup the decider for the path if we can't map an amphora, create_amp, decider=self._create_new_amp_for_lb_decider, decider_depth='flow') return amp_for_lb_flow
def get_amphora_for_lb_subflow(self, prefix, role=constants.ROLE_STANDALONE): """Tries to allocate a spare amphora to a loadbalancer if none exists, create a new amphora. """ sf_name = prefix + '-' + constants.GET_AMPHORA_FOR_LB_SUBFLOW # We need a graph flow here for a conditional flow amp_for_lb_flow = graph_flow.Flow(sf_name) # Setup the task that maps an amphora to a load balancer allocate_and_associate_amp = database_tasks.MapLoadbalancerToAmphora( name=sf_name + '-' + constants.MAP_LOADBALANCER_TO_AMPHORA, requires=(constants.LOADBALANCER_ID, constants.FLAVOR, constants.AVAILABILITY_ZONE), provides=constants.AMPHORA_ID) # Define a subflow for if we successfully map an amphora map_lb_to_amp = self._get_post_map_lb_subflow(prefix, role) # Define a subflow for if we can't map an amphora create_amp = self._get_create_amp_for_lb_subflow(prefix, role) # Add them to the graph flow amp_for_lb_flow.add(allocate_and_associate_amp, map_lb_to_amp, create_amp) # Setup the decider for the path if we can map an amphora, map_lb_to_amp, decider=self._allocate_amp_to_lb_decider, decider_depth='flow') # Setup the decider for the path if we can't map an amphora, create_amp, decider=self._create_new_amp_for_lb_decider, decider_depth='flow') # Plug the network # todo(xgerman): Rework failover flow if prefix != constants.FAILOVER_AMPHORA_FLOW: sf_name = prefix + '-' + constants.AMP_PLUG_NET_SUBFLOW amp_for_lb_net_flow = linear_flow.Flow(sf_name) amp_for_lb_net_flow.add(amp_for_lb_flow) amp_for_lb_net_flow.add(*self._get_amp_net_subflow(sf_name)) return amp_for_lb_net_flow return amp_for_lb_flow