コード例 #1
 def test_abs_x(self):
     "Test absolute X addressing mode"
     instruction = 'adc $4400, x'
     expected = {'label': None, 'mneumonic': 'adc', 'operands': '$4400, x'}
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     # Now test with a label
     instruction = 'test_label:' + '    ' + instruction
     expected['label'] = 'test_label'
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
コード例 #2
 def test_accumulator(self):
     "Test accumulator addressing mode"
     instruction = 'rol a'
     expected = {'label': None, 'mneumonic': 'rol', 'operands': 'a'}
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     # Now test with a label
     instruction = 'test_label:' + '    ' + instruction
     expected['label'] = 'test_label'
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
コード例 #3
 def test_implied(self):
     "Test implied addressing mode"
     instruction = 'brk'
     expected = {'label': None, 'mneumonic': 'brk', 'operands': None}
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     # Now test with a label
     instruction = 'test_label:' + '    ' + instruction
     expected['label'] = 'test_label'
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
コード例 #4
 def test_immediate(self):
     "Test immediate addressing mode"
     instruction = 'adc #$44'
     expected = {'label': None, 'mneumonic': 'adc', 'operands': '#$44'}
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     # Now test with a label
     instruction = 'test_label:' + '    ' + instruction
     expected['label'] = 'test_label'
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
コード例 #5
 def test_ind_y(self):
     "Test indirect Y addressing mode"
     instruction = 'adc ($44), y'
     expected = {'label': None, 'mneumonic': 'adc', 'operands': '($44), y'}
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
     # Now test with a label
     instruction = 'test_label:' + '    ' + instruction
     expected['label'] = 'test_label'
     result = oddball.parse_line(instruction)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)