コード例 #1
    def integrate(self, theta0):
        Integrate curve matching equations along the curve. Note that this 
        trajectory does not necessarily satisfy the natural boundary 
        conditions. For this, use `match` instead.


        theta0 : scalar
                 Initial value for angle


        g : GroupTrajectory
            Trajectory in SE(2) mapping c0 to c1. 

        theta, omega, v, delta_theta, delta_omega, delta_v = \
            integrate(self.c0, self.c1, theta0, self.m)

        g = GroupTrajectory(self.num_points, self.h, self.m)
        g.theta = theta 
        g.x = self.compute_displacements(theta)

        g.omega = omega
        g.v = v

        g.delta_omega = delta_omega
        g.delta_v = delta_v
        return g
コード例 #2
def solve_bvp(c0, c1, m, theta_guess, full_output=False, tol=1e-8, n_iter=20):

    delta = -1
    n = 0
    theta_start = theta_guess

    while (n < n_iter) and (abs(delta) > tol):

        # ipdb.set_trace()

        # Integrate forward in time
        theta, omega, v, delta_theta, delta_omega, delta_v = integrate(c0, c1, theta_guess, m)

        # Calculate adjustment for angle as the fraction numer/denom
        numer = (
            m * (1 + omega[-1] ** 2 / 4) * omega[-1]
            + omega[-1] / 4 * np.dot(v[-1, :], v[-1, :])
            + np.dot(v[-1, :], np.dot(J, c0[-1, :]))
            - omega[-1] / 2 * np.dot(v[-1, :], c0[-1, :])

        c, d = coefficients_first_variation(omega[-1], v[-1, :], c0[-1, :], m)
        denom = c * delta_omega[-1] + np.dot(d, delta_v[-1, :])

        if abs(denom) < 1e-7 and abs(numer) < 1e-7:
            # For now, report error and finish up prematurely
            # TODO investigate when this happens, and apply l'Hospital
            print "Warning: ill-behaved update quotient in shooting method. " "Initial value for theta_guess: %d." % theta_start
            return -1

        # Update initial guess
        n += 1
        delta = numer / denom
        theta_guess -= delta
        theta_guess %= 2 * np.pi

    out = theta, omega, v, delta_theta, delta_omega, delta_v
    if full_output:
        res = right_boundary_condition(theta[-1], omega[-1], v[-1, :], c0[-1, :], c1[-1, :], m)
        out += (res, n)

    return out