plt.savefig('vib_%d_%d_u.eps' % (timesteps_per_period, num_periods)) #f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=1, w_F=2) f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=0, w_F=2) f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=1, w_F=np.pi) f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=20, w_F=2 * np.pi) # qualitatively wrong FE, almost ok BE, smaller T #f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=20, w_F=0.5*np.pi) # cool, FE almost there, BE good # Define different sets of experiments solvers_theta = [ odespy.ForwardEuler(f), # Implicit methods must use Newton solver to converge odespy.BackwardEuler(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'), odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'), ] solvers_RK = [odespy.RK2(f), odespy.RK4(f)] solvers_accurate = [ odespy.RK4(f), odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'), odespy.DormandPrince(f, atol=0.001, rtol=0.02) ] solvers_CN = [odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton')] if __name__ == '__main__': timesteps_per_period = 20 solver_collection = 'theta' num_periods = 1 try:
(RHS(b=0.4, F=lambda t: 10 * sin(0.5 * pi * t)), 'Medium damping, large forcing w/smaller frequency'), (RHS(b=1.2, F=lambda t: 10 * sin(0.5 * pi * t)), 'Strong damping, large forcing w/smaller frequency'), (RHS(b=0.4, F=lambda t: 1 * sin(2 * pi * t)), 'Medium damping, medium forcing w/larger frequency'), (RHS(b=0.4, F=lambda t: 10 * sin(2 * pi * t)), 'Medium damping, large forcing w/larger frequency'), (RHS(b=1.2, F=lambda t: 10 * sin(2 * pi * t)), 'Strong damping, large forcing w/larger frequency'), ] for rhs, title in ODEs: solvers = [ odespy.ForwardEuler(rhs), # Implicit methods must use Newton solver to converge odespy.BackwardEuler(rhs, nonlinear_solver='Newton'), odespy.CrankNicolson(rhs, nonlinear_solver='Newton'), VibSolverWrapper4Odespy(rhs), ] T = 20 # Period is 1 dt = 0.05 # 20 steps per period filename = 'FEBNCN_' + title.replace(', ', '_').replace('w/', '') title = title + ' (dt=%g)' % dt plt.figure() run_solvers_and_plot(solvers, rhs, T, dt, title=title, filename=filename) raw_input()