def get_customer_subscription_list(self, account_id, sort_number=-1): """ GetCustomerSubscriptionList_API :param account_id: Account (customer) ID :type account_id: int :param sort_number: defines how output data is sorted. 1 for the first filed, 2 for the second, etc. Positive number order the sort is ascending and negative is descending :type sort_number: int :return: All subscription from a account: SubscriptionID, SubscriptionName, PlanID, PlanName, PlanPeriodID, Period, PeriodType, StartDate, ExpirationDate, Status, ServStatus, ContainerName :rtype: list of dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'GetCustomerSubscriptionList_API', [account_id, sort_number]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = [] for line in data: result.append( { 'SubscriptionID': line[0], 'SubscriptionName': line[1], 'PlanID': line[2], 'PlanName': line[3], 'PlanPeriodID': line[4], 'Period': line[5], 'PeriodType': line[6], 'StartDate': timestamp2datetime(line[7]), 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime(line[8]), 'Status': line[9], 'ServStatus': line[10], 'ContainerName': line[11] } ) return result
def get_domain(self, full_domain_name): """ DomainInfoGet_API :param full_domain_name: Full Domain Name ( :type full_domain_name: str :return: Data about the account owner of the domain: AccountID, VendorID, DomainID, FullDomainName, DomainZoneID, Status, External DNS, RegistrationPeriod, startDate, ExpirationDate, PrimaryNameServer, SecondaryNameServer, ThirdNameServer, FourthNameSever, CompanyName, FName, MName, LName, Email, getPhone, getFax, FName, MName, LName, Email, getPhone, getFax, FName, MName, LName, Email, getPhone, getFax, FName, MName, LName, Email, getPhone, getFax :rtype: dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('DOMAINGATE', 'DomainInfoGet_API', [full_domain_name]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = { 'AccountID': data[0], 'VendorID': data[1], 'DomainID': data[2], 'FullDomainName': data[3], 'DomainZoneID': data[4], 'Status': data[5], 'External DNS': data[6], 'RegistrationPeriod': data[7], 'startDate': timestamp2datetime(data[8]), 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime(data[9]), 'PrimaryNameServer': data[10], 'SecondaryNameServer': data[11], 'ThirdNameServer': data[12], 'FourthNameSever': data[13], 'CompanyName': data[14], 'PersonalContactFName': data[15], 'PersonalContactMName': data[16], 'PersonalContactLName': data[17], 'PersonalContactEmail': data[18], 'PersonalContactgetPhone': data[19], 'PersonalContactgetFax': data[20], 'AdminContactFName': data[21], 'AdminContactMName': data[22], 'AdminContactLName': data[23], 'AdminContactEmail': data[24], 'AdminContactgetPhone': data[25], 'AdminContactgetFax': data[26], 'BillingContactFName': data[27], 'BillingContactMName': data[28], 'BillingContactLName': data[29], 'BillingContactEmail': data[30], 'BillingContactgetPhone': data[31], 'BillingContactgetFax': data[32], 'TechContactFName': data[33], 'TechContactMName': data[34], 'TechContactLName': data[35], 'TechContactEmail': data[36], 'TechContactgetPhone': data[37], 'TechContactgetFax': data[38] } return result
def get_subscription_private(self, subscription_id): """ SubscriptionGet :param subscription_id: Subscription ID :type subscription_id: int :return: Detailed data about a subscription, the same information showd in the BA subscription general screen: SubscriptionID, SubscriptionName, AccountID, PlanID, NON1, Status, ServStatus, SubscriptionPeriod, startDate, ExpirationDate, ParentSubscriptionID, SetupFee, RecurringFee, RenewalFee, NonRefundableAmount, FullRefundPeriod, LastSyncDate, FreezePrices, TransferFee, NON3, BillingPeriodType, NON4, NON5, NON6, BillingPeriod, NON1, LastBillingDate, NextBillingDate, AutoRenewal, BillingModel, RenewOrderInterval, RecurringType, NON11. NON fields are not known :rtype: dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'SubscriptionGet', [subscription_id]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] regex_search = '[^0-9.,]' regex_replace = '' result = { 'SubscriptionID': data[0], 'SubscriptionName': data[1], 'AccountID': data[2], 'PlanID': data[3], 'NON1': data[4], 'Status': data[5], 'ServStatus': data[6], 'SubscriptionPeriod': data[7], 'startDate': timestamp2datetime( data[8] ), 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime( data[9] ), 'ParentSubscriptionID': data[10], 'SetupFee': re.sub(regex_search, regex_replace, data[11]), 'RecurringFee': re.sub(regex_search, regex_replace, data[12]), 'RenewalFee': re.sub(regex_search, regex_replace, data[13]), 'NonRefundableAmount': re.sub(regex_search, regex_replace, data[14]), 'FullRefundPeriod': data[15], 'LastSyncDate': timestamp2datetime( data[16] ), 'FreezePrices': data[17], 'TransferFee': re.sub(regex_search, regex_replace, data[18]), 'NON2': data[19], 'BillingPeriodType': data[20], 'NON3': data[21], 'NON4': data[22], 'NON5': data[23], 'BillingPeriod': data[24], 'NON6': data[25], 'LastBillingDate': timestamp2datetime( data[26] ), 'NextBillingDate': timestamp2datetime( data[27] ), 'AutoRenewal': data[28], 'BillingModel': data[29], 'RenewOrderInterval': data[30], 'RecurringType': data[31], 'NON7': data[32] } return result
def get_sales_order_by_subsctiption(self, subscription_id, sort_number=1): """ SalesOrderGetSalesOrderBySubscList (method not included in the public API and shouldn't be used) :param subscription_id: Subscription ID :type subscription_id: int :param sort_number: defines how output data is sorted. 1 for the first filed, 2 for the second, etc. Positive number order the sort is ascending and negative is descending :type sort_number: int :return: List of orders for a subscription: OrderID, OrderNumber, OrderType, OrderDate, StatusIcon, Status OrderValue, TimeWait, User :rtype: list of dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'SalesOrderGetSalesOrderBySubscList', [subscription_id, sort_number]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = [] for line in data: result.append( { 'OrderID': line[0], 'OrderNumber': line[1], 'OrderType': line[2], 'OrderDate': timestamp2datetime( line[3] ), 'StatusIcon': line[4], 'Status': line[5], 'OrderValue': line[6], 'TimeWait': line[7], 'User': line[8] } ) return result
def get_order_fin_details_list(self, order_id, sort_number=1): """ OrderFinDetailsListGetExt_API :param order_id: Order ID :type order_id: int :param sort_number: defines how output data is sorted. 1 for the first filed, 2 for the second, etc. Positive number order the sort is ascending and negative is descending :type sort_number: int :return: Details with SKU from an order: DetailID, SKU, Description, Quantity, UOM, Duration, Period, UnitPrice, TaxCategory, DiscountAmount, ExtendedPrice, StartDate, EndDate, Subscription, DetailType, ResourceDescription :rtype: list of dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'OrderFinDetailsListGetExt_API', [order_id, sort_number]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = [] for line in data: result.append( { 'DetailID': line[0], 'SKU': line[1], 'Description': line[2].replace(' ', ''), 'Quantity': line[3], 'UOM': line[4], 'Duration': line[5], 'Period': line[6], 'UnitPrice': float(line[7].replace('BRL ', '')), 'TaxCategory': line[8], 'DiscountAmount': float(line[9].replace('BRL ', '')), 'ExtendedPrice': float(line[10].replace('BRL ', '')), 'StartDate': timestamp2datetime( line[11] ), 'EndDate': timestamp2datetime( line[12] ), 'Subscription': line[13], 'DetailType': line[14], 'ResourceDescription': line[15] } ) return result
def get_order(self, order_id): """ GetOrder_API :param order_id: Order ID :type order_id: int :return: Details of an order: OrderID, OrderNumber, VendorAccountID, CustomerID, OrderStatusID, OrderTypeID, CreationTime, OrderDate, Total, TaxTotal, DiscountTotal, MerchTotal, Comments, ExpirationDate, PromoCode, SalesBranchID, SalesPersonID, CurrencyID, CompletedDate :rtype: dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'GetOrder_API', [order_id]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = { 'OrderID': data[0], 'OrderNumber': data[1], 'VendorAccountID': data[2], 'CustomerID': data[3], 'OrderStatusID': data[4], 'OrderTypeID': data[5], 'CreationTime': timestamp2datetime( data[6] ), 'OrderDate': timestamp2datetime( data[7] ), 'Total': data[8], 'TaxTotal': data[9], 'DiscountTotal': data[10], 'MerchTotal': data[11], 'Comments': data[12], 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime( data[13] ), 'PromoCode': data[14], 'SalesBranchID': data[15], 'SalesPersonID': data[16], 'CurrencyID': data[17], 'CompletedDate': timestamp2datetime( data[18] ) } return result
def get_last_to_serv_status_transition_date(self, subscription_id, serv_status): """ GetLastToServStatusTransitionDate_API :param subscription_id: Subscription ID :type subscription_id: int :param serv_status: Status of the service :type serv_status: int :return: Last transaction date from a service status: ServiceStatusLastDate :rtype: dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'GetLastToServStatusTransitionDate_API', [subscription_id, serv_status]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = { 'ServiceStatusLastDate': timestamp2datetime( data[0]) } return result
def get_subscription_extended(self, subscription_id): """ SubscriptionDetailsGetEx_API :param subscription_id: Subscription ID :type subscription_id: int :return: Datailed data about a subscription: SubscriptionID, SubscriptionName, AccountID PlanID, PlanName, Status, ServStatus, StartDate, ExpirationDate, LastBillDate, NextBillDate, BillingPeriodType, BillingPeriod, Trial, ShutdownDate, TerminateDate, Period, PeriodType, FreezePrices, PromoCode :rtype: dict """ xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'SubscriptionDetailsGetEx_API', [subscription_id]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = { 'SubscriptionID': data[0], 'SubscriptionName': data[1], 'AccountID': data[2], 'PlanID': data[3], 'PlanName': data[4], 'Status': data[5], 'ServStatus': data[6], 'StartDate': timestamp2datetime( data[7]), 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime( data[8]), 'LastBillDate': timestamp2datetime( data[9]), 'NextBillDate': timestamp2datetime( data[10]), 'BillingPeriodType': data[11], 'BillingPeriod': data[12], 'Trial': data[13], 'ShutdownDate': timestamp2datetime( data[14]), 'TerminateDate': timestamp2datetime( data[15]), 'Period': data[16], 'PeriodType': data[17], 'FreezePrices': data[18], 'PromoCode': data[19] } return result
def get_order_by_status(self, order_type_id='', order_status_id='', order_start_time=None, order_end_time=None, vendor_id=1, sort_number=1): """ OrderByStatusListGet_API :param order_type_id: Order Type ID ('SO', 'CH', etc) :type order_type_id: str :param order_status_id: Order Status ID ('C1', 'NW', etc) :type order_status_id: str :param order_start_time: Start date :type order_start_time: datetime :param order_end_time: End date :type order_end_time: datetime :param vendor_id: Vendor ID :type vendor_id: int :param sort_number: defines how output data is sorted. 1 for the first filed, 2 for the second, etc. Positive number order the sort is ascending and negative is descending :type sort_number: int :return: List of orders: OrderID, OrderNumber, CustomerID, CustomerName, OrderStatus, OrderType, CreationTime, OrderDate, Total, TaxTotal, DiscountTotal, MerchTotal, ExpirationDate, PromoCode, SalesBranchID, SalesBranchName, SalesPersonID, SalesPersonName, Comments :rtype: list of dict """ if not vendor_id: raise Exception("'vendor_id cannot be null") if not order_start_time: order_start_time = datetime_month_fistday( ) if not order_end_time: order_end_time = datetime_month_lastday( ) xmlrpc_result = self.__call('BM', 'OrderByStatusListGet_API', [vendor_id, order_type_id, order_status_id, datetime2timestamp(order_start_time), datetime2timestamp(order_end_time), sort_number]) #The API always return the data in list format inside of another list: list[[data]] data = xmlrpc_result[0] result = [] for line in data: result.append( { 'OrderID': line[0], 'OrderNumber': line[1], 'CustomerID': line[2], 'CustomerName': line[3], 'OrderStatus': line[4], 'OrderType': line[5], 'CreationTime': timestamp2datetime( line[6] ), 'OrderDate': timestamp2datetime( line[7] ), 'Total': line[8], 'TaxTotal': line[9], 'DiscountTotal': line[10], 'MerchTotal': line[11], 'ExpirationDate': timestamp2datetime( line[12] ), 'PromoCode': line[13], 'SalesBranchID': line[14], 'SalesBranchName': line[15], 'SalesPersonID': line[16], 'SalesPersonName': line[17], 'Comments': line[18] } ) return result