コード例 #1
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_vs_reference(self):
     qs = np.arange(2, 3.52, 0.02)
     silver = structure.load_coor(ref_file('SilverSphere.coor'))
     cl = scatter.sph_hrm_coefficients(silver, q_magnitudes=qs, 
     ref = np.loadtxt(ref_file('ag_kam.dat')) # computed in matlab
     assert_allclose(cl, ref)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
 def test_fromfiles(self):
     ss = xray.Shotset.fromfiles( [ref_file('test_cbf.cbf'),
                                   ref_file('test_cbf2.cbf')] )
     assert ss.num_shots == 2
     n = 0
     for i in ss.intensities:
         n += 1
     assert ss.num_shots == n
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_sample.py プロジェクト: igiroux/odin
def test_reporter():
    # stolen/modified from MDTraj/tests/test_reporter.py ... thanks rmcgibbo
    tempdir = os.path.join(testdir, 'test_reporter')

    pdb = PDBFile( ref_file('ala2.pdb') )
    forcefield = ForceField('amber99sbildn.xml', 'amber99_obc.xml')
    system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, 
    integrator = LangevinIntegrator(300*kelvin, 1.0/picoseconds, 2.0*femtoseconds)

    platform = Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference')
    simulation = Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator, platform)


    reffile  = os.path.join(tempdir, 'traj.h5')
    testfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'traj-test.h5')

    ref_reporter = HDF5Reporter(reffile, 2, coordinates=True, time=True,
        cell=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, temperature=True,
    test_reporter = sample.MCReporter(testfile, 2, coordinates=True, time=True,
            cell=True, potentialEnergy=True, kineticEnergy=True, temperature=True,



    with HDF5TrajectoryFile(testfile) as f:
        got = f.read()
        yield lambda: eq(got.temperature.shape, (50,))
        yield lambda: eq(got.potentialEnergy.shape, (50,))
        yield lambda: eq(got.kineticEnergy.shape, (50,))
        yield lambda: eq(got.coordinates.shape, (50, 22, 3))
        yield lambda: eq(got.velocities.shape, (50, 22, 3))
        yield lambda: eq(got.time, 0.002*2*(1+np.arange(50)))
        yield lambda: f.topology == mdtraj.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb')).top

    ref_traj = mdtraj.load(reffile)
    test_traj = mdtraj.load(testfile)
    yield lambda: eq(ref_traj.xyz, test_traj.xyz)
    yield lambda: eq(ref_traj.unitcell_vectors, test_traj.unitcell_vectors)
    yield lambda: eq(ref_traj.time, test_traj.time)

    yield lambda: eq(ref_traj.xyz, test_traj.xyz)
    yield lambda: eq(ref_traj.unitcell_vectors, test_traj.unitcell_vectors)
コード例 #4
 def test_fromfiles(self):
     ss = xray.Shotset.fromfiles(
     assert ss.num_shots == 2
     n = 0
     for i in ss.intensities:
         n += 1
     assert ss.num_shots == n
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_sample.py プロジェクト: igiroux/odin
 def setup(self):
     if not HAVE_OPENMM: return
     self.potential = potential.FlatPotential()
     self.prior = 'amber99sbildn.xml'
     self.pdb = mdtraj.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.topology = PDBFile(ref_file('ala2.pdb')).topology # NEED TO CHANGE LATER
     self.starting_positions = self.pdb.xyz[0]
     self.mdmc = sample.MDMC(self.potential, self.prior, 
                             self.topology, self.starting_positions,
                             openmm_platform='Reference', platform_properties={},
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
    def setup(self):

        self.nq = 2  # number of detector vectors to do

        xyzQ = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_atom_benchmark.xyz'))
        self.xyzlist = xyzQ[:, :3] * 10.0  # nm -> ang.
        self.atomic_numbers = xyzQ[:, 3].flatten()

        self.q_grid = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_q.xyz'))[:self.nq]

        self.rfloats = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_x_3_random_floats.txt'))
        self.num_molecules = self.rfloats.shape[0]
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.nq = 2 # number of detector vectors to do
     xyzQ = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_atom_benchmark.xyz'))
     self.xyzlist = xyzQ[:,:3] * 10.0 # nm -> ang.
     self.atomic_numbers = xyzQ[:,3].flatten()
     self.q_grid = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_q.xyz'))[:self.nq]
     self.rfloats = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_x_3_random_floats.txt'))
     self.num_molecules = self.rfloats.shape[0]
コード例 #8
 def setup(self):
     if not HAVE_OPENMM: return
     self.potential = potential.FlatPotential()
     self.prior = 'amber99sbildn.xml'
     self.pdb = mdtraj.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.topology = PDBFile(
         ref_file('ala2.pdb')).topology  # NEED TO CHANGE LATER
     self.starting_positions = self.pdb.xyz[0]
     self.mdmc = sample.MDMC(self.potential,
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_intensity_profile(self):
     q_values = [2.4, 2.67, 3.0] # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     rings = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 10, q_values, self.num_phi, 1) # 3 molec, 1 shots
     ip = rings.intensity_profile()
     assert ip[1,1] > ip[0,1]
     assert ip[1,1] > ip[2,1]
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.q_values  = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
     self.num_phi   = 360
     self.traj      = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.num_shots = 2
     self.rings     = xray.Rings.simulate(self.traj, 1, self.q_values,
                                          self.num_phi, self.num_shots) # 1 molec
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_xray2.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
    def setup(self):

        self.q_values  = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
        self.num_phi   = 360
        self.traj      = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
        self.num_shots = 2

        # generate the tables file on disk, then re-open it
        intensities = np.abs( np.random.randn(self.num_shots, len(self.q_values),
                                              self.num_phi) / 100.0 + \
                              np.cos( np.linspace(0.0, 4.0*np.pi, self.num_phi) ) )

        if os.path.exists('tmp_tables.h5'):
        hdf = tables.File('tmp_tables.h5', 'w')
        a = tables.Atom.from_dtype(np.dtype(np.float64))
        node = hdf.createEArray(where='/', name='data',
                                shape=(0, len(self.q_values), self.num_phi), 
                                atom=a, filters=io.COMPRESSION)

        self.tables_file = tables.File('tmp_tables.h5', 'r+')
        pi = self.tables_file.root.data
        pm = np.random.binomial(1, 0.9, size=(len(self.q_values), self.num_phi))
        k = 1.0
        self.rings = xray.Rings(self.q_values, pi, k, pm)

コード例 #12
    def test_to_rings(self):

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 2)

        shot_ip = shot.intensity_profile(0.1)
        q_values = shot_ip[:, 0]
        rings = shot.to_rings(q_values)
        assert rings.num_shots == shot.num_shots

        rings_ip = rings.intensity_profile()

        # normalize to the 6th entry, and discard values before that
        # which are usually just large + uninformative
        rings_ip[:, 1] /= rings_ip[5, 1]
        shot_ip[:, 1] /= shot_ip[5, 1]

        # for some reason assert_allclose not working, but this is
        x = np.sum(np.abs(rings_ip[5:, 1] - shot_ip[5:, 1]))
        x /= float(len(rings_ip[5:, 1]))
        print x
        assert x < 0.2  # intensity mismatch
        assert_allclose(rings_ip[:, 0],
                        shot_ip[:, 0],
                        err_msg='test impl error')
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_i_profile(self):
     # doubles as a test for intensity_maxima()
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 5, 1)
     p = s.intensity_profile()
     m = s.intensity_maxima()
     assert np.any(np.abs(p[m,0] - 2.67) < 1e-1) # |q| = 2.67 is in {maxima}
コード例 #14
 def setup(self):
     self.q_values = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
     self.num_phi = 360
     self.l = 50.0
     self.d = xray.Detector.generic(spacing=0.4, l=self.l)
     self.i = np.abs(np.random.randn(self.d.num_pixels))
     self.t = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.shot = xray.Shotset(self.i, self.d)
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_structure.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_rm_com():
    t = trajectory.load( ref_file('ala2.pdb') )
    r = structure.remove_COM(t)
    masses = [ a.element.mass for a in t.topology.atoms() ]
    for i in range(t.n_frames):
        assert_array_almost_equal(np.zeros(3), np.average(t.xyz[i,:,:], weights=masses, axis=0))
コード例 #16
    def test_multi_panel_interp(self):
        # regression test ensuring detectors w/multiple basisgrid panels
        # are handled correctly

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        q_values = np.array([2.66])
        multi_d = xray.Detector.load(ref_file('lcls_test.dtc'))
        num_phi = 1080
        num_molecules = 1

        xyzlist = t.xyz[0, :, :] * 10.0  # convert nm -> ang. / first snapshot
        atomic_numbers = np.array(
            [a.element.atomic_number for a in t.topology.atoms])

        # generate a set of random numbers that we can use to make sure the
        # two simulations have the same molecular orientation (and therefore)
        # output
        rfloats = np.random.rand(num_molecules, 3)

        # --- first, scatter onto a perfect ring
        q_grid = xray.xray._q_grid_as_xyz(q_values, num_phi, multi_d.k)

        ring_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules,
        perf = xray.Rings(q_values, ring_i[None, None, :], multi_d.k)

        # --- next, to the full detector
        q_grid2 = multi_d.reciprocal
        real_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules,

        # interpolate
        ss = xray.Shotset(real_i, multi_d)
        real = ss.to_rings(q_values, num_phi)

        # count the number of points that differ significantly between the two
        diff = ( np.abs((perf.polar_intensities[0,0,:] - real.polar_intensities[0,0,:]) \
                 / (real.polar_intensities[0,0,:] + 1e-300) ) > 1e-3)
        print np.sum(diff)
        assert np.sum(diff) < 300
コード例 #17
def test_rm_com():
    t = trajectory.load( ref_file('ala2.pdb') )
    r = structure.remove_COM(t)
    masses = [ a.element.mass for a in t.topology.atoms() ]
    for i in range(t.n_frames):
        assert_array_almost_equal(np.zeros(3), np.average(t.xyz[i,:,:], weights=masses, axis=0))
コード例 #18
 def test_i_profile(self):
     # doubles as a test for intensity_maxima()
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 5, 1)
     p = s.intensity_profile()
     m = s.intensity_maxima()
     assert np.any(
         np.abs(p[m, 0] - 2.67) < 1e-1)  # |q| = 2.67 is in {maxima}
コード例 #19
 def test_intensity_profile(self):
     q_values = [2.4, 2.67, 3.0]  # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     rings = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 10, q_values, self.num_phi,
                                 1)  # 3 molec, 1 shots
     ip = rings.intensity_profile()
     assert ip[1, 1] > ip[0, 1]
     assert ip[1, 1] > ip[2, 1]
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: ratnerd0/odin
    def test_python_call(self):
        print "testing python wrapper fxn..."
        traj = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
        num_molecules = 512
        detector = Detector.generic()

        py_I = xray.simulate_shot(traj, num_molecules, detector, verbose=True)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.q_values = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
     self.num_phi  = 360
     self.l = 50.0
     self.d = xray.Detector.generic(spacing=0.4, l=self.l)
     self.i = np.abs( np.random.randn(self.d.num_pixels) )
     self.t = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.shot = xray.Shotset(self.i, self.d)
コード例 #22
 def setup(self):
     self.q_values = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
     self.num_phi = 360
     self.traj = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.num_shots = 2
     self.rings = xray.Rings.simulate(self.traj, 1, self.q_values,
                                      self.num_shots)  # 1 molec
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
def test_plotiq():
    if not MPL: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'plotiq -i %s -m 1.0 > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('refshot.shot')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('intensity_plot.pdf'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
コード例 #24
def test_cbf2shot():
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'cbf2shot -i %s -o test.shot > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('test1.cbf')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('test.shot'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
        o = xray.Shotset.load('test.shot')
コード例 #25
def test_replicate():
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'replicate -i %s -n 10 -d 0.1 > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('goldBenchMark.coor')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('replicated.pdb'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
        o = trajectory.load('replicated.pdb')
コード例 #26
def test_plotcorr():
    if not MPL: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'plotcorr -i %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('refshot.shot')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('correlation_plot.pdf'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_interpolate_to_polar(self):
     # doubles as a test for _implicit_interpolation
     q_values = np.array([2.0, 2.67, 3.7]) # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 3, 1)
     pi, pm = s.interpolate_to_polar(q_values=q_values)
     ip = np.sum(pi[0,:,:], axis=1)
     assert ip[1] > ip[0]
     assert ip[1] > ip[2]
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_cbf2shot():
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'cbf2shot -i %s -o test.shot > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('test_cbf.cbf')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('test.shot'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
        o = xray.Shotset.load('test.shot')
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_plotcorr():
    if not MPL: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'plotcorr -i %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('reference_shot.shot')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('correlation_plot.pdf'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
コード例 #30
 def test_interpolate_to_polar(self):
     # doubles as a test for _implicit_interpolation
     q_values = np.array([2.0, 2.67, 3.7])  # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 3, 1)
     pi, pm = s.interpolate_to_polar(q_values=q_values)
     ip = np.sum(pi[0, :, :], axis=1)
     assert ip[1] > ip[0]
     assert ip[1] > ip[2]
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_solvate():
    if not OPENMM: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'solvate -i %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('ala2.pdb')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('solvated.pdb'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
        o = trajectory.load('solvated.pdb')
コード例 #32
def test_solvate():
    if not OPENMM: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'solvate -i %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file('ala2.pdb')
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('solvated.pdb'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
        o = trajectory.load('solvated.pdb')
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_exptdata.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.t = trajectory.load( ref_file('ala2.pdb') )
     # make a fake restraint array
     self.restraint_array = np.zeros((2,4))
     self.restraint_array[0,:] = np.array([0, 5,   1.0, 1])
     self.restraint_array[1,:] = np.array([4, 10, 10.0, 0])
     self.dr = exptdata.DistanceRestraint(self.restraint_array)
コード例 #34
    def setup(self):

        self.t = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))

        # make a fake restraint array
        self.restraint_array = np.zeros((2, 4))
        self.restraint_array[0, :] = np.array([0, 5, 1.0, 1])
        self.restraint_array[1, :] = np.array([4, 10, 10.0, 0])

        self.dr = exptdata.DistanceRestraint(self.restraint_array)
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_potential.py プロジェクト: igiroux/odin
 def test_predictions(self):
     ala2 = mdtraj.trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     p = self.wep.predictions(ala2)
     assert p.shape == (1,5)
     #print 'pred0', self.expt1.predict(ala2)
     #print 'prediction', p
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
def test_plotiq():
    if not MPL: raise SkipTest
    if TRAVIS: raise SkipTest
    cmd = 'odin.xray.plotiq -i %s -m 1.0 > /dev/null 2>&1' % ref_file(
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
    if not os.path.exists('intensity_plot.pdf'):
        raise RuntimeError('no output produced')
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: ratnerd0/odin
    def test_gpu_scatter(self):
        print "testing c code..."
        xyzQ = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_atom_benchmark.xyz'))
        xyzlist = xyzQ[:,:3]
        atomic_numbers = xyzQ[:,3].flatten()
        q_grid = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_q.xyz'))[:self.nq]
        rfloats = np.loadtxt(ref_file('512_x_3_random_floats.txt'))
        num_molecules = rfloats.shape[0]
        gpu_I = call_gpuscatter(xyzlist, atomic_numbers, num_molecules, q_grid, rfloats)
        self.ref_I = ref_simulate_shot(xyzlist, atomic_numbers, num_molecules, q_grid, rfloats)

        print "GPU", gpu_I
        print "CPU", self.ref_I
        assert_allclose(gpu_I, self.ref_I, rtol=1e-03,
                        err_msg='scatter: gpu/cpu reference mismatch')
コード例 #38
    def test_all_on_many_img(self):
        image = imread(ref_file('chough-test2.png'))
        CM = om.CircularHough(radii=np.arange(10, 40, 2))
        maxima = CM(image, mode='all')
        print "many circles:", maxima

        # the reference was confirmed visually TJL 12.27.12, the last
        # circle is, in fact, a false positive... (not sure how to fix it)
        ref = [(20, 62, 272), (20, 63, 168), (20, 64, 64), (22, 59, 376),
               (22, 60, 482), (26, 57, 691), (26, 58, 587), (26, 59, 589),
               (30, 56, 795), (34, 52, 952)]

        assert_allclose(maxima, ref)
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_structure.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_load_coor():
    s = structure.load_coor( ref_file('goldBenchMark.coor') )
    t = trajectory.load('s.pdb')
    assert_array_almost_equal(s.xyz, t.xyz, decimal=3)
    for a in t.topology.atoms():
        assert a.element.symbol == 'Au'
    if os.path.exists('s.pdb'):
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_math.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_all_on_many_img(self):
     image = imread(ref_file('chough-test2.png'))
     CM = om.CircularHough(radii=np.arange(10,40,2))
     maxima = CM(image, mode='all')                          
     print "many circles:", maxima
     # the reference was confirmed visually TJL 12.27.12, the last
     # circle is, in fact, a false positive... (not sure how to fix it)
     ref = [(20, 62, 272), (20, 63, 168), (20, 64, 64), (22, 59, 376), 
            (22, 60, 482), (26, 57, 691), (26, 58, 587), (26, 59, 589), 
            (30, 56, 795), (34, 52, 952)]
     assert_allclose(maxima, ref)
コード例 #41
def test_load_coor():
    s = structure.load_coor( ref_file('goldBenchMark.coor') )
    t = trajectory.load('s.pdb')
    assert_array_almost_equal(s.xyz, t.xyz, decimal=3)
    for a in t.topology.atoms():
        assert a.element.symbol == 'Au'
    if os.path.exists('s.pdb'):
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
    def test_multi_panel_interp(self):
        # regression test ensuring detectors w/multiple basisgrid panels
        # are handled correctly

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        q_values = np.array([2.66])
        multi_d = xray.Detector.load(ref_file('lcls_test.dtc'))
        num_phi = 1080
        num_molecules = 1

        xyzlist = t.xyz[0,:,:] * 10.0 # convert nm -> ang. / first snapshot
        atomic_numbers = np.array([ a.element.atomic_number for a in t.topology.atoms ])

        # generate a set of random numbers that we can use to make sure the
        # two simulations have the same molecular orientation (and therefore)
        # output
        rfloats = np.random.rand(num_molecules, 3)

        # --- first, scatter onto a perfect ring
        q_grid = xray.xray._q_grid_as_xyz(q_values, num_phi, multi_d.k)

        ring_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules, q_grid, xyzlist,
                                      atomic_numbers, rfloats=rfloats)
        perf = xray.Rings(q_values, ring_i[None,None,:], multi_d.k)

        # --- next, to the full detector
        q_grid2 = multi_d.reciprocal
        real_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules, q_grid2, xyzlist,
                                      atomic_numbers, rfloats=rfloats)

        # interpolate
        ss = xray.Shotset(real_i, multi_d)
        real = ss.to_rings(q_values, num_phi)

        # count the number of points that differ significantly between the two
        diff = ( np.abs((perf.polar_intensities[0,0,:] - real.polar_intensities[0,0,:]) \
                 / (real.polar_intensities[0,0,:] + 1e-300) ) > 1e-3)
        print np.sum(diff)
        assert np.sum(diff) < 300
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
    def test_py_cpu_smoke(self):

        traj = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
        num_molecules = 1
        detector = xray.Detector.generic()
        detector.beam.photons_scattered_per_shot = 1e3

        I = scatter.simulate_shot(traj, num_molecules, detector, 
        # simple statistical sanity check
        assert np.abs(I.sum() - detector.beam.photons_scattered_per_shot) < \
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: igiroux/odin
 def setup(self):
     restraint_array = np.zeros((2,4))
     restraint_array[0,:] = np.array([0, 5,   1.0, 1])
     restraint_array[1,:] = np.array([4, 10, 10.0, 0])
     dr = exptdata.DistanceRestraint(restraint_array)
     self.expts = [dr]
     self.confs = mdtraj.load(ref_file('ala3_3frames.h5'))
     self.meem = models.MaxEntEnsembleModel('IdealGas.xml', *self.expts)
     self.meem._conformations = self.confs # NEED TO REPLACE
     self.lambdas = np.ones(self.meem.num_measurements)
コード例 #45
    def setup(self):

        restraint_array = np.zeros((2, 4))
        restraint_array[0, :] = np.array([0, 5, 1.0, 1])
        restraint_array[1, :] = np.array([4, 10, 10.0, 0])
        dr = exptdata.DistanceRestraint(restraint_array)

        self.expts = [dr]
        self.confs = mdtraj.load(ref_file('ala3_3frames.h5'))
        self.meem = models.MaxEntEnsembleModel('IdealGas.xml', *self.expts)
        self.meem._conformations = self.confs  # NEED TO REPLACE

        self.lambdas = np.ones(self.meem.num_measurements)

コード例 #46
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
    def test_python_call(self):
        Test the GPU scattering simulation interface (scatter.simulate)

        if not GPU: raise SkipTest
        print "testing python wrapper fxn..."
        traj = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
        num_molecules = 512
        detector = xray.Detector.generic()

        py_I = scatter.simulate_shot(traj, num_molecules, detector)

        assert not np.all( py_I == 0.0 )
        assert not np.isnan(np.sum( py_I ))
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
 def test_to_rings_on_disk(self):
     # this test uses the Rings `rings_filename` flag
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 1)
     q_values = [1.0, 2.0]
     rings_ref = shot.to_rings(q_values)
     if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
     shot.to_rings(q_values, rings_filename='tmp.ring')
     rings = xray.Rings.load('tmp.ring')
     if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_scatter.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
    def test_python_call(self):
        Test the GPU scattering simulation interface (scatter.simulate)

        if not GPU: raise SkipTest
        print "testing python wrapper fxn..."

        traj = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
        num_molecules = 512
        detector = xray.Detector.generic()

        py_I = scatter.simulate_shot(traj, num_molecules, detector)

        assert not np.all(py_I == 0.0)
        assert not np.isnan(np.sum(py_I))
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_structure.py プロジェクト: dermen/odin
def test_multiply_conformations():
    traj = structure.load_coor(ref_file('goldBenchMark.coor'))
    n_samples = 150
    otraj = structure.multiply_conformations(traj, n_samples, 0.1)

    # iterate over x,y,z and check if any of the bins are more than 3 STD from the mean
    for i in [0,1,2]:
        h = np.histogram(otraj.xyz[:,0,i])[0]
        cutoff = h.std() * 3.0 # chosen arbitrarily
        deviations = np.abs(h - h.mean())
        print deviations / h.std()
        if np.any( deviations > cutoff ):
            raise RuntimeError('Highly unlikely centers of mass are randomly '
                               'distributed in space. Test is stochastic, though, so'
                               ' try running again to make sure you didn\'t hit a '
                               'statistical anomaly')
コード例 #50
    def test_to_rings_on_disk(self):
        # this test uses the Rings `rings_filename` flag

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 1)
        q_values = [1.0, 2.0]
        rings_ref = shot.to_rings(q_values)

        if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
        shot.to_rings(q_values, rings_filename='tmp.ring')
        rings = xray.Rings.load('tmp.ring')


        if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
コード例 #51
def test_multiply_conformations():
    traj = structure.load_coor(ref_file('goldBenchMark.coor'))
    n_samples = 150
    otraj = structure.multiply_conformations(traj, n_samples, 0.1)

    # iterate over x,y,z and check if any of the bins are more than 3 STD from the mean
    for i in [0,1,2]:
        h = np.histogram(otraj.xyz[:,0,i])[0]
        cutoff = h.std() * 3.0 # chosen arbitrarily
        deviations = np.abs(h - h.mean())
        print deviations / h.std()
        if np.any( deviations > cutoff ):
            raise RuntimeError('Highly unlikely centers of mass are randomly '
                               'distributed in space. Test is stochastic, though, so'
                               ' try running again to make sure you didn\'t hit a '
                               'statistical anomaly')
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_xray2.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.q_values = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
     self.num_phi  = 360
     self.l = 50.0
     self.d = xray.Detector.generic(spacing=0.4, l=self.l)
     self.t = trajectory.load(ref_file('ala2.pdb'))
     self.num_shots = 2
     intensities = np.abs(np.random.randn(self.num_shots, self.d.num_pixels))
     io.saveh('tmp_tables.h5', data=intensities)
     self.tables_file = tables.File('tmp_tables.h5')
     self.i = self.tables_file.root.data
     self.shot = xray.Shotset(self.i, self.d)
コード例 #53
    def test_iprofile_consistency(self):

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        d = xray.Detector.generic()
        s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, d, 5, 1)

        q_values = np.arange(1.0, 4.0, 0.02)
        num_phi = 360

        # compute from polar interp
        pi, pm = s._implicit_interpolation(q_values, num_phi)
        pi = pi.reshape(len(q_values), num_phi)
        ip1 = np.zeros((len(q_values), 2))
        ip1[:, 0] = q_values
        ip1[:, 1] = pi.sum(1)

        # compute from detector
        ip2 = s.intensity_profile(0.02)

        # compute from rings
        r = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 10, q_values, 360, 1)
        ip3 = r.intensity_profile()

        # make sure maxima are all similar
        ind1 = utils.maxima(math2.smooth(ip1[:, 1], beta=15.0, window_size=21))
        ind2 = utils.maxima(math2.smooth(ip2[:, 1], beta=15.0, window_size=21))
        ind3 = utils.maxima(math2.smooth(ip3[:, 1], beta=15.0, window_size=21))

        m1 = ip1[ind1, 0]
        m2 = ip2[ind2, 0]
        m3 = ip3[ind3, 0]

        # discard the tails of the sim -- they have weak/noisy peaks
        # there should be strong peaks at |q| ~ 2.66, 3.06
        m1 = m1[(m1 > 2.0) * (m1 < 3.2)]
        m2 = m2[(m2 > 2.0) * (m2 < 3.2)]
        m3 = m3[(m3 > 2.0) * (m3 < 3.2)]

        # I'll let them be two q-brackets off
        assert_allclose(m1, m2, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m1, m3, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m2, m3, atol=0.045)
コード例 #54
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
    def test_iprofile_consistency(self):

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        d = xray.Detector.generic()
        s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, d, 5, 1)

        q_values = np.arange(1.0, 4.0, 0.02)
        num_phi = 360

        # compute from polar interp
        pi, pm = s._implicit_interpolation(q_values, num_phi)
        pi = pi.reshape(len(q_values), num_phi)
        ip1 = np.zeros((len(q_values), 2))
        ip1[:,0] = q_values
        ip1[:,1] = pi.sum(1)

        # compute from detector
        ip2 = s.intensity_profile(0.02)

        # compute from rings
        r = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 10, q_values, 360, 1)
        ip3 = r.intensity_profile()

        # make sure maxima are all similar
        ind1 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip1[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        ind2 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip2[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        ind3 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip3[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        m1 = ip1[ind1,0]
        m2 = ip2[ind2,0]
        m3 = ip3[ind3,0]
        # discard the tails of the sim -- they have weak/noisy peaks
        # there should be strong peaks at |q| ~ 2.66, 3.06
        m1 = m1[(m1 > 2.0) * (m1 < 3.2)]
        m2 = m2[(m2 > 2.0) * (m2 < 3.2)]
        m3 = m3[(m3 > 2.0) * (m3 < 3.2)]

        # I'll let them be two q-brackets off
        assert_allclose(m1, m2, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m1, m3, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m2, m3, atol=0.045)
コード例 #55
ファイル: test_xray.py プロジェクト: rinkelp/odin
 def test_to_rings(self):
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 1)
     shot_ip = shot.intensity_profile(0.1)
     q_values = shot_ip[:,0]
     rings = shot.to_rings(q_values)
     rings_ip = rings.intensity_profile()
     # normalize to the 6th entry, and discard values before that
     # which are usually just large + uninformative
     rings_ip[:,1] /= rings_ip[5,1]
     shot_ip[:,1] /= shot_ip[5,1]
     # for some reason assert_allclose not working, but this is
     x = np.sum( np.abs(rings_ip[5:,1] - shot_ip[5:,1]) )
     x /= float(len(rings_ip[5:,1]))
     print x
     assert x < 0.2 # intensity mismatch
     assert_allclose(rings_ip[:,0], shot_ip[:,0], err_msg='test impl error')
コード例 #56
    def test_rotated_beam(self):
        # shift a detector up (in x) a bit and test to make sure there's no diff
        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 5, 1)

        sh = 50.0  # the shift mag
        xyz = self.d.xyz.copy()
        shift = np.zeros_like(xyz)
        shift[:, 0] += sh
        beam_vector = np.array([sh / self.l, 0.0, 1.0])

        # note that the detector du is further from the interaction site
        du = xray.Detector(xyz + shift, self.d.k, beam_vector=beam_vector)
        su = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, du, 5, 1)

        p1 = s.intensity_profile(q_spacing=0.05)
        p2 = su.intensity_profile(q_spacing=0.05)

        p1 /= p1.max()
        p2 /= p2.max()
        p1 = p2[:10, :]
        p2 = p2[:p1.shape[0], :]

        assert_allclose(p1, p2, rtol=0.1)
コード例 #57
ファイル: test_scripts.py プロジェクト: sdoniach/odin
 def setup(self):
     self.file = ref_file('ala2.pdb')