class TestOdmlXlsTableAttributes(unittest.TestCase): """ test, if changes of the attributes can be made and if wrong input leads to the right exceptions """ def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() def test_change_pattern(self): self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'alternating' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'alternating') self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'checkerboard' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'checkerboard') self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'alternating' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'alternating') with self.assertRaises(Exception): # TODO: exception?? self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'something' def test_change_changingpoint(self): self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'sections' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'sections') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'properties' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'properties') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'values' self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'values') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = None self.assertEquals(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, None) with self.assertRaises(Exception): # TODO: exception?? self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'something' def test_mark_columns(self): self.test_xls_table.mark_columns('SectionName', 'Path', 'Value') self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_xls_table._marked_cols, ['SectionName', 'Path', 'Value']) self.test_xls_table.mark_columns('DataUnit') self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_xls_table._marked_cols, ['DataUnit']) def test_highlight_defaults(self): self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = True self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults) self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = False self.assertFalse(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertFalse(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults) self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = 'True' self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults)
def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_showall_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, SectionDefinition=3, PropertyName=4, PropertyDefinition=5, Value=6, DataUnit=7, DataUncertainty=8, odmlDatatype=9) self.filename = 'testfile.xls'
class TestOdmlXlsTableAttributes(unittest.TestCase): """ test, if changes of the attributes can be made and if wrong input leads to the right exceptions """ def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() def test_change_pattern(self): self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'alternating' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'alternating') self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'checkerboard' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'checkerboard') self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'alternating' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.pattern, 'alternating') with self.assertRaises(Exception): # TODO: exception?? self.test_xls_table.pattern = 'something' def test_change_changingpoint(self): self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'sections' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'sections') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'properties' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'properties') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'values' self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, 'values') self.test_xls_table.changing_point = None self.assertEqual(self.test_xls_table.changing_point, None) with self.assertRaises(Exception): # TODO: exception?? self.test_xls_table.changing_point = 'something' def test_mark_columns(self): self.test_xls_table.mark_columns('SectionName', 'Path', 'Value') self.assertListEqual(self.test_xls_table._marked_cols, ['SectionName', 'Path', 'Value']) self.test_xls_table.mark_columns('DataUnit') self.assertListEqual(self.test_xls_table._marked_cols, ['DataUnit']) def test_highlight_defaults(self): self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = True self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults) self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = False self.assertFalse(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertFalse(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults) self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults = 'True' self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table._highlight_defaults) self.assertTrue(self.test_xls_table.highlight_defaults)
def test_load_from_during_init(self): def generate_doc(): doc = odml.Document() doc.append(odml.Section('mysection')) doc[0].append(odml.Property('myproperty', values=17)) return doc # test loading from odml doc and odml doc generator OdmlTable(generate_doc()) OdmlTable(generate_doc) # saving to test load_from with filepath # generate odml table = OdmlTable(generate_doc) table.write2odml(save_to=self.filename + '.odml') # generate xls table = OdmlXlsTable(generate_doc) table.write2file(save_to=self.filename + '.xls') # generate csv table = OdmlCsvTable(generate_doc) table.write2file(save_to=self.filename + '.csv') # loading from files OdmlTable(self.filename + '.odml') OdmlTable(self.filename + '.xls') OdmlTable(self.filename + '.csv')
def test_saveload_empty_value(self): doc = odml.Document() doc.append(odml.Section('sec')) doc[0].append(odml.Property('prop', values=[])) table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_odmldoc(doc) table.change_header('full') table.write2file(self.filename) table2 = OdmlTable() table2.load_from_xls_table(self.filename) # comparing values which are written to xls by default self.assertEqual(len(table._odmldict), len(table2._odmldict)) self.assertEqual(len(table._odmldict), 1) self.assertDictEqual(table._odmldict[0], table2._odmldict[0])
def test_load_from_xls(self): self.filetype = 'xls' table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_function(create_small_test_odml) dict_in = [{key: dic[key] if dic[key] is not None else '' for key in dic} for dic in table._odmldict] table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, SectionType=3, SectionDefinition=4, PropertyName=5, PropertyDefinition=6, Value=7, ValueDefinition=8, DataUnit=9, DataUncertainty=10, odmlDatatype=11) table.write2file(self.filename + '.' + self.filetype) self.test_table.load_from_xls_table(self.filename + '.' + self.filetype) dict_out = self.test_table._odmldict self.assertEquals(dict_in, dict_out)
def test_load_from_xls(self): self.filetype = 'xls' table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_function(create_small_test_odml) dict_in = table._odmldict table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, SectionType=3, SectionDefinition=4, PropertyName=5, PropertyDefinition=6, Value=7, DataUnit=8, DataUncertainty=9, odmlDatatype=10) table.write2file(self.filename + '.' + self.filetype) self.test_table.load_from_xls_table(self.filename + '.' + self.filetype) dict_out = self.test_table._odmldict self.assertEqual(dict_in, dict_out)
def test_saveload_empty_header(self): doc = odml.Document() table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_odmldoc(doc) table.change_header('full') table.write2file(self.filename) table2 = OdmlTable() table2.load_from_xls_table(self.filename) # comparing values which are written to xls by default self.assertEqual(table._odmldict, []) self.assertDictEqual( { 'author': None, 'date': None, 'repository': None, 'version': None }, table._docdict)
def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() self.filename = 'test.xls'
class TestOdmlXlsTable(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() self.filename = 'test.xls' def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.filename) def test_xls_datatypes(self): """ test for all datatypes, if the information in the table is right """ expected = [['Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', '', 'repository', '', 'version', '0.1'], ['Path to Section', 'Property Name', 'Value', 'odML Data Type', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', -10, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', 0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', 10, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Float', -1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Float', 0.0, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Float', 1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'true', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'false', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 't', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'f', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'T', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'F', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 1, 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 0, 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/datetime', 'Datetime', (2014, 12, 11, 15, 2, 0), 'datetime', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/datetime', 'Date', (2014, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0), 'date', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/datetime', 'Time', (0, 0, 0, 15, 2, 0), 'time', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/string-like', 'String', 'this is a string', 'string', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/string-like', 'Text', 'this is a text. It is ' + 'longer than a string and contains punctuation marks!', 'text', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/texts/string-like', 'Person', 'Jana Pick', 'person', '', '', '', '', '']] self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_datatype_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_valueInformation = True self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in range(worksheet.nrows): for col in range(worksheet.ncols): cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date,convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEquals(value, expected[row][col]) def test_empty_rows(self): """ test, if emtpy rows appear in the table """ expected = [['Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', '', 'repository', '', 'version', ''], ['Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Property Name','','','','','',''], ['/section1', 'section1', 'property1','','','','','','',''], ['/section2', 'section2', 'property1','','','','','','','']] self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_2samerows_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, PropertyName=3) self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = False self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = False self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in range(worksheet.nrows): for col in range(worksheet.ncols): c_value = worksheet.cell(row, col).value self.assertEquals(c_value, expected[row][col])
def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable()
class TestOdmlXlsTable(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() self.filename = 'test.xls' def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) def test_xls_datatypes(self): """ test for all datatypes, if the information in the table is right """ # input = [['Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', '', 'repository', '','version', '0.1'], # ['Path to Section', 'Property Name', 'Value', 'odML Data Type', '', '', '','', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Float', -1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Float', 0.0, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Float', 1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Integer', -10.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Integer', 0.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/numbers', 'Integer', 10.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'true', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'false', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 't', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'f', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'T', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 'F', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 1.0, 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/other', 'Boolean', 0.0, 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/texts/datetime', 'Date', (2014, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0), 'date', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/texts/datetime', 'Datetime', (2014, 12, 11, 15, 2, 0), 'datetime', '', '', '','', ''], # ['/texts/datetime', 'Time', (0, 0, 0, 15, 2, 0), 'time', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/texts/string-like', 'Person', 'Jana Pick', 'person', '', '', '', '', ''], # ['/texts/string-like', 'String', 'this is a string', 'string', '', '','', '',''], # ['/texts/string-like', 'Text', 'this is a text. It is longer than a string and contains punctuation marks!', 'text', '', '', '', '', '']] expected = [ [ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '0.1' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Property Name', 'Value', 'odML Data Type', '', '', '', '', '' ], ['/numbers', 'Float', -1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Float', 0.0, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Float', 1.234, 'float', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', -10.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', 0.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/numbers', 'Integer', 10.0, 'int', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'True', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/other', 'Boolean', 'False', 'boolean', '', '', '', '', ''], [ '/texts/datetime', 'Date', (2014, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0), 'date', '', '', '', '', '' ], [ '/texts/datetime', 'Datetime', (2014, 12, 11, 15, 2, 0), 'datetime', '', '', '', '', '' ], [ '/texts/datetime', 'Time', (0, 0, 0, 15, 2, 0), 'time', '', '', '', '', '' ], [ '/texts/string-like', 'Person', 'Jana Pick', 'person', '', '', '', '', '' ], [ '/texts/string-like', 'String', 'this is a string', 'string', '', '', '', '', '' ], [ '/texts/string-like', 'Text', 'this is a text. It is longer than a string and contains punctuation marks!', 'text', '', '', '', '', '' ] ] self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_datatype_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = True self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skip undefined entries continue cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date, convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEqual(value, expected[row][col]) def test_empty_rows(self): """ test, if emtpy rows appear in the table """ expected = [ [ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Property Name', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], ['/section1', 'section1', 'property1', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['/section2', 'section2', 'property1', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] ] self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_2samerows_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, PropertyName=3) self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = False self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = False self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skip undefined entries continue c_value = worksheet.cell(row, col).value self.assertEqual(c_value, expected[row][col]) def test_write_read(self): self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_complex_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = True old_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.test_xls_table._odmldict) # including all columns available self.test_xls_table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, PropertyName=3, SectionType=4, SectionDefinition=5, PropertyDefinition=6, Value=7, DataUnit=8, DataUncertainty=9, odmlDatatype=10) self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) self.test_xls_table.load_from_xls_table(self.filename) new_dict = self.test_xls_table._odmldict self.assertListEqual(old_dict, new_dict) def test_saveload_empty_value(self): doc = odml.Document() doc.append(odml.Section('sec')) doc[0].append(odml.Property('prop', values=[])) table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_odmldoc(doc) table.change_header('full') table.write2file(self.filename) table2 = OdmlTable() table2.load_from_xls_table(self.filename) # comparing values which are written to xls by default self.assertEqual(len(table._odmldict), len(table2._odmldict)) self.assertEqual(len(table._odmldict), 1) self.assertDictEqual(table._odmldict[0], table2._odmldict[0]) def test_saveload_empty_header(self): doc = odml.Document() table = OdmlXlsTable() table.load_from_odmldoc(doc) table.change_header('full') table.write2file(self.filename) table2 = OdmlTable() table2.load_from_xls_table(self.filename) # comparing values which are written to xls by default self.assertEqual(table._odmldict, []) self.assertDictEqual( { 'author': None, 'date': None, 'repository': None, 'version': None }, table._docdict)
class TestShowallOdmlXlsTable(unittest.TestCase): """ test possible combinations of the attributes showall_sections, showall_properties and showall_valueinformation to see wether the same values are not printed again, unless it is the start of a new section or property """ def setUp(self): self.test_xls_table = OdmlXlsTable() self.test_xls_table.load_from_function(create_showall_test_odml) self.test_xls_table.change_header(Path=1, SectionName=2, SectionDefinition=3, PropertyName=4, PropertyDefinition=5, Value=6, DataUnit=7, DataUncertainty=8, odmlDatatype=9) self.filename = 'testfile.xls' def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.filename) def test_tt(self): """ showall_sections=True showall_properties=True """ expected = [[ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Section Definition', 'Property Name', 'Property Definition', 'Value', 'Data Unit', 'Data Uncertainty', 'odML Data Type' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value2', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value3', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property2', 'prop2', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property3', 'prop3', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text' ], [ '/section2', 'section2', 'sec2', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value2', 'g', 1, 'string' ]] self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = True self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skipping unspecified cells continue cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date, convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEqual(value, expected[row][col]) # with open(self.filename, 'r') as xlsfile: # xlsreader = xls.reader(xlsfile) # row_num = 0 # for row in xlsreader: # self.assertEqual(row, expected[row_num]) # row_num += 1 def test_ff(self): """ showall_sections=False showall_properties=False """ expected = [ [ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Section Definition', 'Property Name', 'Property Definition', 'Value', 'Data Unit', 'Data Uncertainty', 'odML Data Type' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['', '', '', '', '', 'value2', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', 'value3', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', 'property2', 'prop2', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text'], ['', '', '', 'property3', 'prop3', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text'], [ '/section2', 'section2', 'sec2', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['', '', '', '', '', 'value2', '', '', ''] ] self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = False self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = False self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skipping unspecified cells continue cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date, convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEqual(value, expected[row][col]) def test_ft(self): """ showall_sections=False showall_properties=True """ expected = [ [ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Section Definition', 'Property Name', 'Property Definition', 'Value', 'Data Unit', 'Data Uncertainty', 'odML Data Type' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['', '', '', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value2', 'g', 1, 'string'], ['', '', '', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value3', 'g', 1, 'string'], ['', '', '', 'property2', 'prop2', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text'], ['', '', '', 'property3', 'prop3', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text'], [ '/section2', 'section2', 'sec2', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['', '', '', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value2', 'g', 1, 'string'] ] self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = False self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = True self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skipping unspecified cells continue cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date, convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEqual(value, expected[row][col]) def test_tf(self): """ showall_sections=True showall_properties=False """ expected = [ [ 'Document Information', 'author', '', 'date', None, 'repository', '', 'version', '' ], [ 'Path to Section', 'Section Name', 'Section Definition', 'Property Name', 'Property Definition', 'Value', 'Data Unit', 'Data Uncertainty', 'odML Data Type' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', '', '', 'value2', '', '', ''], ['/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', '', '', 'value3', '', '', ''], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property2', 'prop2', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text' ], [ '/section1', 'section1', 'sec1', 'property3', 'prop3', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'text' ], [ '/section2', 'section2', 'sec2', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], [ '/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', 'property1', 'prop1', 'value1', 'g', 1, 'string' ], ['/section3', 'section3', 'sec3', '', '', 'value2', '', '', ''] ] self.test_xls_table.show_all_sections = True self.test_xls_table.show_all_properties = False self.test_xls_table.write2file(self.filename) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.filename) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for row in list(range(worksheet.nrows)): for col in list(range(worksheet.ncols)): if expected[row][col] is None: # skipping unspecified cells continue cell = worksheet.cell(row, col) value = cell.value if cell.ctype == 3: # if its a date, convert it to a tuple value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, 0) self.assertEqual(value, expected[row][col])