コード例 #1
ファイル: test_session.py プロジェクト: sc4you/connector
 def test_from_env(self):
     """ ConnectorSession.from_env(env) """
     session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
     self.assertEqual(session.cr, self.env.cr)
     self.assertEqual(session.uid, self.env.uid)
     self.assertEqual(session.context, self.env.context)
     self.assertEqual(session.pool, self.env.registry)
コード例 #2
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
 def write(self, vals):
     res = super(StockPicking, self).write(vals)
     if vals.get('carrier_tracking_ref'):
         session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
         for record_id in self.ids:
             on_tracking_number_added.fire(session, self._name, record_id)
     return res
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_session.py プロジェクト: sc4you/connector
 def test_change_context_uninitialized(self):
     """ Change the context on a session not initialized with a context """
     session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
     test_key = 'test_key'
     with session.change_context({test_key: 'value'}):
         self.assertEqual(session.context.get('test_key'), 'value')
     self.assertNotIn(test_key, session.context)
コード例 #4
ファイル: product.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
    def _price_changed(self, vals):
        """ Fire the ``on_product_price_changed`` on all the variants of
        the template if the price of the product could have changed.

        If one of the field used in a sale pricelist item has been
        modified, we consider that the price could have changed.

        There is no guarantee that's the price actually changed,
        because it depends on the pricelists.
        price_fields = self._price_changed_fields()
        if any(field in vals for field in price_fields):
            product_model = self.env['product.product']
            session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
            products = product_model.search([('product_tmpl_id', 'in',
            # when the write is done on the product.product, avoid
            # to fire the event 2 times
            if self.env.context.get('from_product_ids'):
                from_product_ids = self.env.context['from_product_ids']
                remove_products = product_model.browse(from_product_ids)
                products -= remove_products
            for product in products:
                on_product_price_changed.fire(session, product_model._name,
コード例 #5
ファイル: product.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
    def _price_changed(self, vals):
        """ Fire the ``on_product_price_changed`` if the price
        of the product could have changed.

        If one of the field used in a sale pricelist item has been
        modified, we consider that the price could have changed.

        There is no guarantee that's the price actually changed,
        because it depends on the pricelists.
        price_fields = self._price_changed_fields()
        if any(field in vals for field in price_fields):
            session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
            for prod_id in self.ids:
                on_product_price_changed.fire(session, self._name, prod_id)
コード例 #6
ファイル: pos_order.py プロジェクト: escanerad/odoo-addons
 def check_sii(self):
     queue_obj = self.env['queue.job']
     for order in self:
         company = order.company_id
         if company.sii_enabled:
             if not company.use_connector:
                 eta = company._get_sii_eta()
                 session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
                 new_delay = check_one_simplified.delay(
                     session, 'pos.order', order.id, eta=eta)
                 queue_ids = queue_obj.search([
                     ('uuid', '=', new_delay)
                 ], limit=1)
                 order.simplified_jobs_ids |= queue_ids
コード例 #7
ファイル: pos_order.py プロジェクト: escanerad/odoo-addons
 def send_sii(self):
     queue_obj = self.env['queue.job']
     for order in self:
         company = order.company_id
         if company.sii_enabled and company.sii_method == 'auto' and \
             if not company.use_connector:
                 eta = company._get_sii_eta()
                 session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
                 new_delay = confirm_one_simplified.delay(
                     session, 'pos.order', order.id, eta=eta)
                 queue_ids = queue_obj.search([
                     ('uuid', '=', new_delay)
                 ], limit=1)
                 order.simplified_jobs_ids |= queue_ids
コード例 #8
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
    def do_transfer(self):
        # The key in the context avoid the event to be fired in
        # StockMove.action_done(). Allow to handle the partial pickings
        self_context = self.with_context(__no_on_event_out_done=True)
        result = super(StockPicking, self_context).do_transfer()
        session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
        for picking in self:
            if picking.picking_type_id.code != 'outgoing':
            if picking.related_backorder_ids:
                method = 'partial'
                method = 'complete'
            on_picking_out_done.fire(session, 'stock.picking', picking.id,

        return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
    def action_done(self):
        fire_event = not self.env.context.get('__no_on_event_out_done')
        if fire_event:
            pickings = self.mapped('picking_id')
            states = {p.id: p.state for p in pickings}

        result = super(StockMove, self).action_done()

        if fire_event:
            session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
            for picking in pickings:
                if states[picking.id] != 'done' and picking.state == 'done':
                    if picking.picking_type_id.code != 'outgoing':
                    # partial pickings are handled in
                    # StockPicking.do_transfer()
                    on_picking_out_done.fire(session, 'stock.picking',
                                             picking.id, 'complete')

        return result
コード例 #10
ファイル: invoice.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
 def invoice_validate(self):
     res = super(AccountInvoice, self).invoice_validate()
     session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
     for record_id in self.ids:
         on_invoice_validated.fire(session, self._name, record_id)
     return res
コード例 #11
ファイル: invoice.py プロジェクト: esousy/connector-ecommerce
 def confirm_paid(self):
     res = super(AccountInvoice, self).confirm_paid()
     session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
     for record_id in self.ids:
         on_invoice_paid.fire(session, self._name, record_id)
     return res
コード例 #12
 def _get_service(self, record, service_class):
     session = ConnectorSession.from_env(self.env)
     env = get_environment(session, record._name, self.backend_id.id)
     service = env.backend.get_class(service_class, session, record._name)
     return service(env, None, {})