def import_item(self): self.ensure_one() message = "" mapping_id = None update_id = None create_id = None channel_domain = self.get_channel_domain() vals = EL( state = 'done' carrier_id = False shipping_carrier = vals.pop('shipping_carrier') map_domain = channel_domain + \ [('shipping_service_id', '=', vals.get('store_id'))] match = self.env['channel.shipping.mappings'].search( map_domain, limit=1) if not vals.get('name'): message += "<br/>Shipping Method without name can't evaluated" state = 'error' if not vals.get('store_id'): message += "<br/>Shipping Method without store ID can't evaluated" state = 'error' if not shipping_carrier: message += "<br/>Shipping Method without shipping carrier can't evaluated" state = 'error' try: carrier_id = self.get_shiping_carrier(shipping_carrier).id except Exception as e: state = 'error' message += '<br/> Error in evaluating Shipping carrier %s' % ( vals.get('name', '')) if state == 'done': if not match: mapping_id = self.create_shipping_mapping( self.channel_id, carrier_id, vals) message += '<br/> Shipping carrier %s Successfully Evaluated' % ( vals.get('name', '')) create_id = mapping_id else: res = match.write(vals) mapping_id = match update_id = mapping_id if res: message += 'Some Shipping carriers have been updated' self.set_feed_state(state=state) self.message = "%s <br/> %s" % (self.message, message) return dict( mapping_id=mapping_id, message=message, update_id=update_id, create_id=create_id )
def import_type(self, channel_id): self.ensure_one() message = "" update_id = None create_id = None state = 'done' vals = EL( vals = self.get_channel_specific_type_vals(channel_id, vals) store_id = vals.pop('store_id') if not vals.get('name'): message += "<br/>Type without name can't evaluated" state = 'error' if not store_id: message += "<br/>Type without store ID can't evaluated" state = 'error' parent_id = vals.pop('parent_id') if parent_id: res = self.get_type_id(parent_id, channel_id) res_parent_id = res.get('type_id') if res_parent_id: vals['parent_id'] = res_parent_id else: _logger.error('#CategError1 %r' % res) state = 'error' vals.pop('description', None) vals.pop('website_message_ids', '') vals.pop('message_follower_ids', '') match = self._context.get('ctype_mappings').get(, {}).get(self.store_id) if match: match = self.env['channel.type.mappings'].browse(match) if state == 'done': update_id = match try: match.category_name.write(vals) message += '<br/> type %s successfully updated' % ( vals.get('name', '')) except Exception as e: _logger.error('#CategError2 %r', e) message += '<br/>%s' % (e) state = 'error' elif state == 'error': message += '<br/>Error while type update.' else: if state == 'done': try: erp_id = self.env['product.type'].create(vals) create_id = channel_id.create_type_mapping( erp_id, store_id, self.leaf_category) message += '<br/> Category %s Successfully Evaluate' % ( vals.get('name', '')) except Exception as e: _logger.error('#CategError3 %r', e) message += '<br/>%s' % (e) state = 'error' self.set_feed_state(state=state) self.message = "%s <br/> %s" % (self.message, message) return dict(create_id=create_id, update_id=update_id, message=message)
def import_product(self, channel_id): self.ensure_one() message = "" create_id = None update_id = None context = dict(self._context) context.update({ 'pricelist':, 'lang': channel_id.language_id.code, }) vals = EL( store_id = vals.pop('store_id') state = 'done' if not vals.get('name'): message += "<br/>Product without name can't evaluated" state = 'error' if not store_id: message += "<br/>Product without store ID can't evaluated" state = 'error' categ_id = if categ_id: vals['categ_id'] = categ_id weight_unit = vals.pop('weight_unit') if weight_unit: uom_id = channel_id.get_uom_id(name=weight_unit).id if uom_id: vals['uom_id'] = uom_id vals['uom_po_id'] = uom_id dimensions_unit = vals.pop('dimensions_unit') if dimensions_unit: vals['dimensions_uom_id'] = channel_id.get_uom_id( name=dimensions_unit).id if not vals.pop('wk_product_id_type'): vals['wk_product_id_type'] = 'wk_upc' variant_lines = vals.pop('feed_variants') feed_variants = self.feed_variants if variant_lines: check_attr = self.check_attribute_value(feed_variants) state = check_attr.get('state') message += check_attr.get('message') qty_available = vals.pop('qty_available') list_price = vals.get('list_price', '') if not self.channel_id.override_price: list_price = vals.pop('list_price') list_price = list_price and parse_float(list_price) or 0 image_url = vals.pop('image_url') if not vals.get('barcode'): vals['barcode'] = False location_id = channel_id.location_id if not vals.get('image') and image_url and (image_url not in [ 'false', 'False', False ]): image_res = channel_id.read_website_image_url(image_url) if image_res: vals['image'] = image_res match = channel_id.match_template_mappings(store_id, **vals) template_exists_odoo = channel_id.match_odoo_template( vals, variant_lines=feed_variants) vals.pop('website_message_ids', '') vals.pop('message_follower_ids', '') if state == 'done': if match: extra_categ_ids = vals.pop('extra_categ_ids') if not template_exists_odoo: template_id = match.template_name template_id.with_context(context).write(vals) else: template_exists_odoo.with_context(context).write(vals) template_id = template_exists_odoo match.write({ 'default_code': vals.get('default_code'), 'barcode': vals.get('barcode') }) extra_categ = self.env['extra.categories'].search([ ('instance_id', '=',, ('product_id', '=', ]) if extra_categ_ids: res = self.get_extra_categ_ids(extra_categ_ids, channel_id) message += res.get('message', '') categ_ids = res.get('categ_ids') if categ_ids: # code for instance wise category ids data = { 'extra_category_ids': [(6, 0, categ_ids)], 'instance_id':, 'category_id': categ_id, } if extra_categ: extra_categ.with_context(context).write(data) else: extra_categ = self.env[ 'extra.categories'].with_context( context).create(data) template_id.channel_category_ids = [(6, 0, [])] else: state = 'error' if len(variant_lines): context['wk_qty_update'] = False res = self.with_context(context).update_product_variants( variant_lines, template_id, store_id, location_id, channel_id) if res: message += res state = 'error' else: for variant_id in template_id.product_variant_ids: variant_vals = ['default_code', 'barcode'])[0] self.wk_change_product_price(product_id=variant_id, price=list_price, channel_id=channel_id) # if qty_available and eval(qty_available) > 0: # self.wk_change_product_qty( # variant_id, qty_available, location_id) match_product = channel_id.match_product_mappings( store_id, 'No Variants', default_code=variant_vals.get('default_code'), barcode=variant_vals.get('barcode')) if not match_product: channel_id.create_product_mapping( template_id, variant_id, store_id, 'No Variants', { 'default_code': variant_vals.get('default_code'), 'barcode': variant_vals.get('barcode') }) update_id = match else: template_id = None try: vals['taxes_id'] = None vals['supplier_taxes_id'] = None if not template_exists_odoo: if variant_lines: context['create_product_product'] = 1 extra_categ_ids = vals.pop('extra_categ_ids') if extra_categ_ids: res = self.get_extra_categ_ids( extra_categ_ids, channel_id) message += res.get('message', '') categ_ids = res.get('categ_ids') if categ_ids: # code for instance wise category ids data = { 'extra_category_ids': [(6, 0, categ_ids)], 'instance_id':, 'category_id': categ_id, } extra_categ = self.env[ 'extra.categories'].with_context( context).create(data) vals['channel_category_ids'] = [ (6, 0, []) ] template_id = self.env[ 'product.template'].with_context( context).create(vals) else: state = 'error' else: template_id = self.env[ 'product.template'].with_context( context).create(vals) else: # template_exists_odoo.with_context(context).write(vals) template_id = template_exists_odoo extra_categ_ids = vals.pop('extra_categ_ids') if extra_categ_ids: res = self.get_extra_categ_ids( extra_categ_ids, channel_id) message += res.get('message', '') categ_ids = res.get('categ_ids') if categ_ids: # code for instance wise category ids data = { 'extra_category_ids': [(6, 0, categ_ids)], 'instance_id':, 'category_id': categ_id, } template_id.channel_category_ids = [(0, 0, data)] else: state = 'error' template_id = None if len(variant_lines) and template_id: res = self._create_product_lines( variant_lines, template_id, store_id, location_id, channel_id) if res: res += message state = 'error' elif template_id: for variant_id in template_id.product_variant_ids: variant_vals = ['default_code', 'barcode'])[0] self.wk_change_product_price(product_id=variant_id, price=list_price, channel_id=channel_id) if qty_available and eval(qty_available) > 0: self.wk_change_product_qty( variant_id, qty_available, location_id) match = channel_id.match_product_mappings( store_id, 'No Variants', default_code=variant_vals.get('default_code'), barcode=variant_vals.get('barcode')) if not match: channel_id.create_product_mapping( template_id, variant_id, store_id, 'No Variants', { 'default_code': variant_vals.get('default_code'), 'barcode': variant_vals.get('barcode') }) except Exception as e: _logger.error('----------Exception------------%r', e) message += '<br/>Error in variants %s' % (e) state = 'error' if state == 'done': template_id = template_id and template_id or template_exists_odoo if template_id: create_id = channel_id.create_template_mapping( template_id, store_id, { 'default_code': vals.get('default_code'), 'barcode': vals.get('barcode') }) if state == 'done': message += '<br/> Product %s Successfully Evaluate' % ( vals.get('name', '')) self.set_feed_state(state=state) self.message = "%s <br/> %s" % (self.message, message) return dict(update_id=update_id, create_id=create_id, message=message)
def import_partner(self, channel_id): message = "" state = 'done' update_id = None create_id = None self.ensure_one() vals = EL( _type = vals.get('type') store_id = vals.pop('store_id') vals.pop('website_message_ids', '') vals.pop('message_follower_ids', '') vals.pop('store_source', '') match = channel_id.match_partner_mappings(store_id, _type) name = vals.pop('name') if not name: message += "<br/>Partner without name can't evaluated." state = 'error' if not store_id: message += "<br/>Partner without store id can't evaluated." state = 'error' parent_store_id = vals['parent_id'] if parent_store_id: partner_res = self.get_partner_id(parent_store_id, channel_id=channel_id) message += partner_res.get('message') partner_id = partner_res.get('partner_id') if partner_id: vals['parent_id'] = else: state = 'error' if state == 'done': country_id = vals.pop('country_id') if country_id: country_id = channel_id.get_country_id(country_id) if country_id: vals['country_id'] = state_id = vals.pop('state_id') state_name = vals.pop('state_name') if (state_id or state_name) and country_id: state_id = channel_id.get_state_id(state_id, country_id, state_name) if state_id: vals['state_id'] = last_name = vals.pop('last_name', '') if last_name: vals['name'] = "%s %s" % (name, last_name) else: vals['name'] = name if match: if state == 'done': try: match.odoo_partner.write(vals) message += '<br/> Partner %s successfully updated' % (name) except Exception as e: message += '<br/>%s' % (e) state = 'error' update_id = match elif state == 'error': message += 'Error while partner updated.' else: if state == 'done': try: erp_id = self.env['res.partner'].create(vals) create_id = channel_id.create_partner_mapping( erp_id, store_id, _type) message += '<br/>Partner %s successfully evaluated.' % ( name) except Exception as e: message += '<br/>%s' % (e) state = 'error' self.set_feed_state(state=state) self.message = "%s <br/> %s" % (self.message, message) return dict(create_id=create_id, update_id=update_id, message=message)
def import_order(self, channel_id): message = "" update_id = None create_id = None self.ensure_one() vals = EL( store_id = vals.pop('store_id') store_source = vals.pop('store_source') match = channel_id.match_order_mappings(store_id) state = 'done' store_partner_id = vals.pop('partner_id') date_info = self.get_order_date_info(channel_id, vals) if date_info.get('date_order'): vals['date_order'] = date_info.get('date_order') date_invoice = date_info.get('date_invoice') confirmation_date = date_info.get('confirmation_date') if store_partner_id: if not match: res_partner = self.get_order_partner_id( store_partner_id, channel_id) message += res_partner.get('message', '') partner_id = res_partner.get('partner_id') partner_invoice_id = res_partner.get('partner_invoice_id') partner_shipping_id = res_partner.get('partner_shipping_id') if partner_id and partner_invoice_id and partner_shipping_id: vals['partner_id'] = vals['partner_invoice_id'] = vals['partner_shipping_id'] = else: message += '<br/>Partner, Invoice, Shipping Address must present.' state = 'error' _logger.error('#OrderError1 %r' % message) else: message += '<br/>No partner in sale order data.' state = 'error' _logger.error('#OrderError2 %r' % message) if state == 'done': carrier_id = vals.pop('carrier_id', '') if carrier_id: carrier_res = self.get_carrier_id(carrier_id, channel_id=channel_id) message += carrier_res.get('message') carrier_id = carrier_res.get('carrier_id') if carrier_id: vals['carrier_id'] = order_line_res = self._get_order_line_vals(vals, carrier_id, channel_id) message += order_line_res.get('message', '') if not order_line_res.get('status'): state = 'error' _logger.error('#OrderError3 %r' % order_line_res) else: order_line = order_line_res.get('order_line') if len(order_line): vals['order_line'] = order_line state = 'done' currency = self.currency if state == 'done' and currency: currency_id = channel_id.get_currency_id(currency) if not currency_id: message += '<br/> Currency %s no active in Odoo' % (currency) state = 'error' _logger.error('#OrderError4 %r' % message) else: pricelist_id = channel_id.match_create_pricelist_id( currency_id) vals['pricelist_id'] = vals.pop('name') vals.pop('id') vals.pop('website_message_ids', '') vals.pop('message_follower_ids', '') vals['team_id'] = vals['warehouse_id'] = if match and match.order_name: if state == 'done': try: order_state = vals.pop('order_state') if match.order_name.state == 'draft': match.order_name.write(dict(order_line=[(5, 0)])) match.order_name.write(vals) message += '<br/> Order %s successfully updated' % ( vals.get('name', '')) else: message += 'Only order state can be update as order not in draft state.' message += self.env[ '']._SetOdooOrderState( match.order_name, channel_id, order_state, self.payment_method, date_invoice=date_invoice, confirmation_date=confirmation_date) except Exception as e: message += '<br/>%s' % (e) _logger.error('#OrderError5 %r' % message) state = 'error' update_id = match elif state == 'error': message += '<br/>Error while order update.' else: if state == 'done': try: order_state = vals.pop('order_state') erp_id = self.env['sale.order'].create(vals) message += self.env[ '']._SetOdooOrderState( erp_id, channel_id, order_state, self.payment_method, date_invoice=date_invoice, confirmation_date=confirmation_date) message += '<br/> Order %s successfully evaluated' % ( self.store_id) create_id = channel_id.create_order_mapping( erp_id, store_id, store_source) except Exception as e: message += '<br/>%s' % (e) _logger.error('#OrderError6 %r' % message) state = 'error' self.set_feed_state(state=state) self.message = "%s <br/> %s" % (self.message, message) return dict(create_id=create_id, update_id=update_id, message=message)