コード例 #1
 def format_note(rl):
     if rl.line_id.housekeeping_note:
         local_timestamp = Datetime.context_timestamp(
             self, Datetime.from_string(rl.checkin))
         checkin = local_timestamp.strftime("%a %d %b")
         return "{}: {}".format(checkin, rl.line_id.housekeeping_note)
         return False
コード例 #2
def ctx_tz(record, field):
    res_lang = None
    ctx = record._context
    tz_name = pytz.timezone(ctx.get('tz') or record.env.user.tz)
    timestamp = Datetime.from_string(record[field])
    if ctx.get('lang'):
        res_lang = record.env['res.lang'].search([('code', '=', ctx['lang'])], limit=1)
    if res_lang:
        timestamp = pytz.utc.localize(timestamp, is_dst=False)
        return datetime.strftime(timestamp.astimezone(tz_name), res_lang.date_format + ' ' + res_lang.time_format)
    return Datetime.context_timestamp(record, timestamp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: pos.py プロジェクト: feketemihai/odoo
def ctx_tz(record, field):
    res_lang = None
    ctx = record._context
    tz_name = pytz.timezone(ctx.get('tz') or record.env.user.tz)
    timestamp = Datetime.from_string(record[field])
    if ctx.get('lang'):
        res_lang = record.env['res.lang'].search([('code', '=', ctx['lang'])], limit=1)
    if res_lang:
        timestamp = pytz.utc.localize(timestamp, is_dst=False)
        return datetime.strftime(timestamp.astimezone(tz_name), res_lang.date_format + ' ' + res_lang.time_format)
    return Datetime.context_timestamp(record, timestamp)
コード例 #4
 def action_delayed_line(self):
     raise UserError(
         _('This line is scheduled for: %s. \n However it is now planned to '
           'arrive late.') %
             Dt.context_timestamp(self, Dt.from_string(self.date_planned))))
コード例 #5
    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, attendances):

        # Setup sheet and data
        report_name = "ATTENDANCE FROM " + str(
            data['form']['date_from']) + " TO " + data['form']['date_to']
        all_employees = self.env['hr.employee'].search([])
        # Parse date from and date to type date
        date_from = datetime.strptime(data['form']['date_from'], "%Y-%m-%d")
        date_to = datetime.strptime(data['form']['date_to'], "%Y-%m-%d")

        # Get all dates between the date from and date to dates
        dates = []
        delta = date_to - date_from  # as timedelta

        for i in range(delta.days + 1):
            day = date_from + timedelta(days=i)

        employees = all_employees[:]
        employees = employees.sorted(lambda e: e.department_id.sequence
                                     if e.department_id else 1000)

        # Setup columns
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
        titles = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
        center = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center'})
        t_heading = workbook.add_format({
            'align': 'center',
            'bold': True,
            'bg_color': '#BD5B5B',
            'border': 1,
            'valign': 'vcenter'
        sheet.set_column('B:B', 10)
        sheet.set_column('C:C', 35)
        sheet.set_column('D:D', 30)
        sheet.set_column('E:E', 35)

        # Add company logo
        # logo = self.env.user.sudo().company_id.logo
        # imgdata = base64.b64decode(logo)
        # image = io.BytesIO(imgdata)
        # sheet.insert_image(0, 1, 'python.png', {'x_scale': 0.5, 'y_scale': 0.5, 'image_data': image})

        # Print dates between date from and date to
        dates_column = 5
        dates_format = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center'})
        for a_date in dates:
            sheet.merge_range(6, dates_column, 6, dates_column + 1,
                              a_date.strftime("%d-%b"), dates_format)
            sheet.set_column(dates_column + 2, dates_column + 2, 15)
            sheet.write_row(7, dates_column,
                            ['Enter', 'Exit', 'Working Hours'], t_heading)
            dates_column += 3

        # Headings and titles
        sheet.merge_range(0, 2, 0, dates_column, 'HR DEPARTMENT', titles)
        sheet.merge_range(1, 2, 1, dates_column, 'ATTENDANCE REPORT', titles)
        sheet.merge_range(3, 2, 3, dates_column, "AVERAGE WORKING HOURS",
            5, 2, 5, dates_column, 'FROM : ' + date_from.strftime("%d-%b") +
            ' TO : ' + date_to.strftime("%d-%b"), center)
                        ['Employee \nID', 'Name', 'Job Title', 'Department'],

        # Continue titles and company logo after days printed
        # sheet.insert_image(0, dates_column, 'python.png', {'x_scale': 0.5, 'y_scale': 0.5, 'image_data': image})
        sheet.set_column(dates_column, dates_column, 11)
        sheet.write(7, dates_column, 'Average \nWorking \nHours', t_heading)
        sheet.set_row(7, 60)
        row = 1
        for obj in employees:
            num_days = 0
            total_hours = 0
            if len(obj.machine_attendance_ids) > 0:
                rgb_color = obj.department_id.color
                if not rgb_color:
                    rgb_color = "rgba(255,0,0,1)"
                color = '#FFFFFF'
                if len(rgb_color) > 1:
                    color = rgb_to_hex(
                                       rindex(',')] + ")"))
                color = color.upper()
                emp_id = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': '#F09481',
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                attendance = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': color,
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                time = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': 'silver',
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                sheet.write_row('B' + str(row + 8), [row], emp_id)
                sheet.write_row('C' + str(row + 8), [
                    obj.name, obj.job_id.name or '-', obj.department_id.name
                    or '-'
                ], attendance)
                employee_attendance_ids = \
                    obj.machine_attendance_ids.filtered(lambda a:
                                                        date_to >=
                                                                        strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) >= date_from)
                day_column = 5
                for a_date in dates:
                    a_date_attendances = employee_attendance_ids.filtered(
                        lambda attend: ODT.context_timestamp(
                            attend, ODT.from_string(attend.punching_time)
                        ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == a_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                    if a_date_attendances:
                        first_check_in_rec = a_date_attendances.sorted(
                            lambda a: a.punching_time)[0]
                        last_check_out_rec = a_date_attendances.sorted(
                            lambda a: a.punching_time)[-1]
                        first_check_in = first_check_in_rec.punching_time
                        last_check_out = last_check_out_rec.punching_time
                        worked_hours = 0
                        if first_check_in == last_check_out:
                            last_check_out = '-'
                            delta = datetime.strptime(last_check_out, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) - \
                                    datetime.strptime(first_check_in, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
                            worked_hours = delta.total_seconds() / 3600.0
                            last_check_out = ODT.context_timestamp(
                                obj, ODT.from_string(last_check_out)).strftime(
                        num_days += 1
                        total_hours += worked_hours
                        first_check_in = ODT.context_timestamp(
                        sheet.write_row(row + 7, day_column, [
                            first_check_in, last_check_out,
                            round(worked_hours, 2)
                        ], time)
                        sheet.write_row(row + 7, day_column, ['-', '-', '-'],
                    day_column += 3
                employee_avg = 0 if num_days == 0 or total_hours == 0 else total_hours / num_days
                employee_avg = round(employee_avg, 2)
                    row + 7, dates_column, employee_avg,
                        'align': 'center',
                        'border': 1
                row += 1
コード例 #6
    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, attendances):
        row = 1

        # Setup sheet and data
        report_name = datetime.today().strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d") + "DAILY ATTENDANCE REPORT"
        attendances = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([])

        attendances = attendances.filtered(
            lambda attend: ODT.context_timestamp(
                attend, ODT.from_string(attend.check_in)).strftime(
                    '%Y-%m-%d') == data['form']['date'])
        attendances = attendances.sorted(lambda r: r.department_id.id)

        # Setup columns
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
        titles = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
        t_heading = workbook.add_format({
            'align': 'center',
            'bold': True,
            'bg_color': '#BD5B5B',
            'border': 1
        sheet.set_column('C:C', 25)
        sheet.set_column('D:D', 20)
        sheet.set_column('E:E', 25)
        sheet.set_column('F:F', 15)
        sheet.set_column('G:G', 15)
        sheet.set_column('H:H', 20)

        # Headings and titles
        sheet.write('E1', 'HR DEPARTMENT', titles)
        sheet.write('E2', 'DAILY ATTENDANCE REPORT', titles)
        sheet.write('E4', 'DATE : ' + data['form']['date'], titles)
        sheet.write_row('B6', [
            'Emp ID', 'Name', 'Job Title', 'Department', 'Enter', 'Exit',
            'Worked hours'
        ], t_heading)

        # Add company logo
        logo = self.env.user.sudo().company_id.logo
        imgdata = base64.b64decode(logo)
        image = io.BytesIO(imgdata)
        sheet.insert_image('B1', 'python.png', {
            'x_scale': 0.5,
            'y_scale': 0.5,
            'image_data': image
        sheet.insert_image('H1', 'python.png', {
            'x_scale': 0.5,
            'y_scale': 0.5,
            'image_data': image,
            'x_offset': 50

        for obj in attendances:
            rgb_color = obj.employee_id.department_id.color
            color = '#FFFFFF'
            if len(rgb_color) > 1:
                color = rgb_to_hex(
                        rgb_color[rgb_color.index('('):rgb_color.rindex(',')] +
            color = color.upper()
            emp_id = workbook.add_format({
                'bg_color': '#F09481',
                'align': 'center',
                'border': 1
            attendance = workbook.add_format({
                'bg_color': color,
                'align': 'center',
                'border': 1
            time = workbook.add_format({
                'bg_color': 'silver',
                'align': 'center',
                'border': 1
            sheet.write_row('B' + str(row + 6), [row], emp_id)
            sheet.write_row('C' + str(row + 6), [
                obj.employee_id.name, obj.employee_id.job_id.name or '-',
            ], attendance)
            sheet.write_row('F' + str(row + 6), [
                ODT.context_timestamp(obj, ODT.from_string(
                ODT.context_timestamp(obj, ODT.from_string(
                round(obj.worked_hours, 2)
            ], time)
            row += 1
コード例 #7
    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, attendances):
        row = 1

        # Setup sheet and data
        report_name = datetime.today().strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d") + "DAILY ABSENCE REPORT"
        attendances = self.env['zk.machine.attendance'].search([])

        attendances = attendances.filtered(
            lambda attend: ODT.context_timestamp(
                attend, ODT.from_string(attend.punching_time)).strftime(
                    '%Y-%m-%d') == data['form']['date'])

        employees = self.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search([])
        employees = employees.filtered(
            lambda e: e.id not in attendances.mapped('employee_id.id'))
        employees = employees.sorted(lambda e: e.department_id.sequence
                                     if e.department_id else 1000)

        # Setup columns
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
        titles = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
        t_heading = workbook.add_format({
            'align': 'center',
            'bold': True,
            'bg_color': '#BD5B5B',
            'border': 1
        sheet.set_column('C:C', 35)
        sheet.set_column('D:D', 30)
        sheet.set_column('E:E', 35)

        # Headings and titles
        sheet.merge_range(0, 1, 0, 4, 'HR DEPARTMENT', titles)
        sheet.merge_range(1, 1, 1, 4, 'DAILY ABSENCE REPORT', titles)
        sheet.merge_range(3, 1, 3, 4, 'DATE : ' + data['form']['date'], titles)
        sheet.write_row('B6', ['Emp ID', 'Name', 'Job Title', 'Department'],

        for obj in employees:
            rgb_color = obj.department_id.color
            color = '#FFFFFF'
            if not rgb_color:
                rgb_color = "rgba(255,0,0,1)"
            if len(rgb_color) > 1:
                color = rgb_to_hex(
                        rgb_color[rgb_color.index('('):rgb_color.rindex(',')] +
            color = color.upper()
            emp_id = workbook.add_format({
                'bg_color': '#F09481',
                'align': 'center',
                'border': 1
            attendance = workbook.add_format({
                'bg_color': color,
                'align': 'center',
                'border': 1
            sheet.write_row('B' + str(row + 6), [row], emp_id)
            sheet.write_row('C' + str(row + 6), [
                obj.name, obj.job_id.name or '-', obj.department_id.name or '-'
            ], attendance)
            row += 1
コード例 #8
    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, attendances):
        row = 1

        # Setup sheet and data
        report_name = datetime.today().strftime(
        attendances = self.env['zk.machine.attendance'].search([])

        attendances = attendances.filtered(
            lambda attend: ODT.context_timestamp(
                attend, ODT.from_string(attend.punching_time)).strftime(
                    '%Y-%m-%d') == data['form']['date'])
        attendances = attendances.sorted(lambda r: r.department_id.sequence
                                         if r.department_id else 1000)

        # Setup columns
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
        titles = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
        t_heading = workbook.add_format({
            'align': 'center',
            'bold': True,
            'bg_color': '#BD5B5B',
            'border': 1
        sheet.set_column('C:C', 35)
        sheet.set_column('D:D', 30)
        sheet.set_column('E:E', 35)
        sheet.set_column('F:F', 15)
        sheet.set_column('G:G', 15)
        sheet.set_column('H:H', 20)

        # Headings and titles
        sheet.write('E1', 'HR DEPARTMENT', titles)
        sheet.write('E2', 'DAILY ATTENDANCE REPORT', titles)
        sheet.write('E4', 'DATE : ' + data['form']['date'], titles)
        sheet.write_row('B6', [
            'Emp ID', 'Name', 'Job Title', 'Department', 'Enter', 'Exit',
            'Worked hours'
        ], t_heading)

        # Add company logo
        # logo = self.env.user.sudo().company_id.logo
        # imgdata = base64.b64decode(logo)
        # image = io.BytesIO(imgdata)
        # sheet.insert_image('B1', 'python.png', {'x_scale': 0.5, 'y_scale': 0.5, 'image_data': image})
        # sheet.insert_image('H1', 'python.png', {'x_scale': 0.5, 'y_scale': 0.5, 'image_data': image, 'x_offset': 50})
        printed_employee_ids = []
        for obj in attendances:
            if obj.employee_id.id not in printed_employee_ids:
                rgb_color = obj.employee_id.department_id.color
                color = '#FFFFFF'
                if not rgb_color:
                    rgb_color = "rgba(255,0,0,1)"
                if len(rgb_color) > 1:
                    color = rgb_to_hex(
                                       rindex(',')] + ")"))
                color = color.upper()
                emp_id = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': '#F09481',
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                attendance = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': color,
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                time = workbook.add_format({
                    'bg_color': 'silver',
                    'align': 'center',
                    'border': 1
                sheet.write_row('B' + str(row + 6), [row], emp_id)
                sheet.write_row('C' + str(row + 6), [
                    obj.employee_id.name, obj.employee_id.job_id.name or '-',
                    obj.employee_id.department_id.name or '-'
                ], attendance)
                punchings = attendances.filtered(
                    lambda a: a.employee_id.id == obj.employee_id.id)
                punchings = punchings.sorted(lambda r: r.punching_time)
                check_in = punchings[0].punching_time
                check_out = punchings[-1].punching_time
                worked_hours = 0
                if check_in == check_out:
                    check_out = '-'
                    delta = datetime.strptime(check_out, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) -\
                            datetime.strptime(check_in, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
                    worked_hours = delta.total_seconds() / 3600.0
                    check_out = ODT.context_timestamp(
                        obj, ODT.from_string(check_out)).strftime('%H:%M')
                sheet.write_row('F' + str(row + 6), [
                        obj, ODT.from_string(check_in)).strftime('%H:%M'),
                    round(worked_hours, 2)
                ], time)
                row += 1