def get_date_range(self, start_date, end_date): min_time = datetime.min.time() date_list = [] single_month = False # Calculate the last day of month of start date month_end = end_of(start_date, 'month') if start_date != end_date and end_date > month_end: date_list.append((start_date, month_end)) next_month_start = add(month_end, days=1) end_month_start = start_of(end_date, 'month') if end_month_start == end_date: previous_month_end = end_month_start elif next_month_start > add(end_month_start, days=-1): previous_month_end = end_month_start else: previous_month_end = add(end_month_start, days=-1) else: date_list.append((start_date, end_date)) next_month_start = start_date end_month_start = start_of(end_date, 'month') previous_month_end = end_date single_month = True if not single_month and next_month_start != previous_month_end: # Loop over "date_range" odoo library function for start_day_month in date_range(datetime.combine(next_month_start, min_time), datetime.combine(previous_month_end, min_time)): end_day_month = end_of(, 'month') if end_day_month <= end_date: date_list.append((, end_day_month)) if end_month_start > start_date and end_month_start != end_date: date_list.append((end_month_start, end_date)) elif end_month_start > start_date and end_month_start == end_date: date_list.append((end_date, end_date)) return date_list
def _get_orderpoint_action(self): """Create manual orderpoints for missing product in each warehouses. It also removes orderpoints that have been replenish. In order to do it: - It uses the report.stock.quantity to find missing quantity per product/warehouse - It checks if orderpoint already exist to refill this location. - It checks if it exists other sources (e.g RFQ) tha refill the warehouse. - It creates the orderpoints for missing quantity that were not refill by an upper option. return replenish report ir.actions.act_window """ action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("stock.action_orderpoint_replenish") action['context'] = self.env.context # Search also with archived ones to avoid to trigger product_location_check SQL constraints later # It means that when there will be a archived orderpoint on a location + product, the replenishment # report won't take in account this location + product and it won't create any manual orderpoint # In master: the active field should be remove orderpoints = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].with_context(active_test=False).search([]) # Remove previous automatically created orderpoint that has been refilled. to_remove = orderpoints.filtered(lambda o: == SUPERUSER_ID and o.qty_to_order <= 0.0 and o.trigger == 'manual') to_remove.unlink() orderpoints = orderpoints - to_remove to_refill = defaultdict(float) all_product_ids = [] all_warehouse_ids = [] # Take 3 months since it's the max for the forecast report to_date = add(, months=3) qty_by_product_warehouse = self.env['report.stock.quantity'].read_group( [('date', '=', to_date), ('state', '=', 'forecast')], ['product_id', 'product_qty', 'warehouse_id'], ['product_id', 'warehouse_id'], lazy=False) for group in qty_by_product_warehouse: warehouse_id = group.get('warehouse_id') and group['warehouse_id'][0] if group['product_qty'] >= 0.0 or not warehouse_id: continue all_product_ids.append(group['product_id'][0]) all_warehouse_ids.append(warehouse_id) to_refill[(group['product_id'][0], warehouse_id)] = group['product_qty'] if not to_refill: return action # Recompute the forecasted quantity for missing product today but at this time # with their real lead days. key_to_remove = [] # group product by lead_days and warehouse in order to read virtual_available # in batch pwh_per_day = defaultdict(list) for (product, warehouse), quantity in to_refill.items(): product = self.env['product.product'].browse(product).with_prefetch(all_product_ids) warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].browse(warehouse).with_prefetch(all_warehouse_ids) rules = product._get_rules_from_location(warehouse.lot_stock_id) lead_days = rules.with_context(bypass_delay_description=True)._get_lead_days(product)[0] pwh_per_day[(lead_days, warehouse)].append( for (days, warehouse), p_ids in pwh_per_day.items(): products = self.env['product.product'].browse(p_ids) qties = products.with_context(, + relativedelta.relativedelta(days=days) ).read(['virtual_available']) for qty in qties: if float_compare(qty['virtual_available'], 0, precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) >= 0: key_to_remove.append((qty['id'], else: to_refill[(qty['id'],] = qty['virtual_available'] for key in key_to_remove: del to_refill[key] if not to_refill: return action # Remove incoming quantity from other origin than moves (e.g RFQ) product_ids, warehouse_ids = zip(*to_refill) dummy, qty_by_product_wh = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_ids)._get_quantity_in_progress(warehouse_ids=warehouse_ids) rounding = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure') # Group orderpoint by product-warehouse orderpoint_by_product_warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].read_group( [('id', 'in', orderpoints.ids)], ['product_id', 'warehouse_id', 'qty_to_order:sum'], ['product_id', 'warehouse_id'], lazy=False) orderpoint_by_product_warehouse = { (record.get('product_id')[0], record.get('warehouse_id')[0]): record.get('qty_to_order') for record in orderpoint_by_product_warehouse } for (product, warehouse), product_qty in to_refill.items(): qty_in_progress = qty_by_product_wh.get((product, warehouse)) or 0.0 qty_in_progress += orderpoint_by_product_warehouse.get((product, warehouse), 0.0) # Add qty to order for other orderpoint under this warehouse. if not qty_in_progress: continue to_refill[(product, warehouse)] = product_qty + qty_in_progress to_refill = {k: v for k, v in to_refill.items() if float_compare( v, 0.0, precision_digits=rounding) < 0.0} lot_stock_id_by_warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search_read([ ('id', 'in', [g[1] for g in to_refill.keys()]) ], ['lot_stock_id']) lot_stock_id_by_warehouse = {w['id']: w['lot_stock_id'][0] for w in lot_stock_id_by_warehouse} # With archived ones to avoid `product_location_check` SQL constraints orderpoint_by_product_location = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].with_context(active_test=False).read_group( [('id', 'in', orderpoints.ids)], ['product_id', 'location_id', 'ids:array_agg(id)'], ['product_id', 'location_id'], lazy=False) orderpoint_by_product_location = { (record.get('product_id')[0], record.get('location_id')[0]): record.get('ids')[0] for record in orderpoint_by_product_location } orderpoint_values_list = [] for (product, warehouse), product_qty in to_refill.items(): lot_stock_id = lot_stock_id_by_warehouse[warehouse] orderpoint_id = orderpoint_by_product_location.get((product, lot_stock_id)) if orderpoint_id: self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].browse(orderpoint_id).qty_forecast += product_qty else: orderpoint_values = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint']._get_orderpoint_values(product, lot_stock_id) orderpoint_values.update({ 'name': _('Replenishment Report'), 'warehouse_id': warehouse, 'company_id': self.env['stock.warehouse'].browse(warehouse), }) orderpoint_values_list.append(orderpoint_values) orderpoints = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(orderpoint_values_list) for orderpoint in orderpoints: orderpoint.route_id = orderpoint.product_id.route_ids[:1] orderpoints.filtered(lambda o: not o.route_id)._set_default_route_id() return action