コード例 #1
ファイル: tpidmany.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def full_scan_steps(steps_report):

    # Bug warning- subsequent scans of the same filename with
    different time offsets are ignored, as the pickled file
    already contains time-offset timestamps.

    @param steps_report: filename of steps report
    @type steps_report: str
    @return: list
    @rtype: list[(datetime, datetime, datetime)]
    steps_report = getFullFilename(steps_report)
    cache = _get_cache_name(steps_report)

    if path_exists(cache) and _cache_valid(steps_report, cache):
        tests = unpickle_info(cache)
        steps_report = getFullFilename(steps_report)
        steps = extract_raw_steps(steps_report)
        tests = extract_test_steps(steps)
        tests = parse_test_dates(tests)
        pickle_info(tests, cache)

    return tests
コード例 #2
ファイル: tpidmany.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def full_open_data_report(csv_report):
    Open the data report and create a DataReport
    instance from the file. The result is also cached
    in a .pickle file for intra-runtime persistance.

    Attempt first to see if a corresponding .pickle cache file
    exists for the same report upon being called, and if the
    cache is considered 'recent'.

    To be recent, the .pickle file must have been modified
    more recently than both the script and the corresponding
    .csv data report.

    This function will probably bug out if filenames passed
    are identical, even if paths weren't.

    @param csv_report: csv_report of data report
    @type csv_report: str
    @return: DataReport for report
    @rtype: DataReport

    csv_report = getFullFilename(csv_report)
    cache = _get_cache_name(csv_report)

    if path_exists(cache) and _cache_valid(csv_report, cache):
        batch = unpickle_info(cache)
        csv_report = getFullFilename(csv_report)
        batch = DataReport(csv_report)
        pickle_info(batch, cache)
    return batch
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_olutils.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/officelib
    def test_get_full_filename_dir_no_ctxt(self):
        Search for a filename eg Foo/bar.txt
        with input "Foo/bar"

        for file in self.files:
            if not exists(file):
                raise self.failureException("Temp directory unexpectedly absent")

            base, name = split(file)
            name, ext = splitext(name)

            name = name.rstrip("\\/")
            expected = normpath(file)

            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            result = getFullFilename(name, temp_dir)
            self.assertEqual(expected, result)

            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            result2 = getFullFilename(name)
            self.assertEqual(expected, result2)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_olutils.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/officelib
    def test_get_lib_path_partial_name_noext(self):
        td = len(temp_dir)
        files = [splitext(f[td:])[0] for f in self.files]
        for path, expected in zip(files, self.files):

            base, name = split(path)

            # test inner function
            direct_result = _get_lib_path_parital_qualname(name, base, (temp_dir,))
            self.assertEqual(expected, direct_result)

            # test public interface
            full_result = getFullFilename(path, temp_dir)
            self.assertEqual(expected, full_result)

            # results should be the same
            self.assertEqual(full_result, direct_result)

            # splitext returns '\' in front of name. remove that and assert again.
            noslash = _get_lib_path_parital_qualname(name, base.lstrip("\\/"), (temp_dir,))
            self.assertEqual(noslash, full_result)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_olutils.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/officelib
    def test_get_full_filename_name_only_ext(self):
        The most common case

        for file in self.files:
            base, name = split(file)

            expected = normpath(file)

            result = getFullFilename(name, temp_dir)

            self.assertEqual(expected, result)

            result2 = getFullFilename(name)
            self.assertEqual(expected, result2)
コード例 #6
ファイル: proxies.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/pbslib
 def ProcessFile(self, filename):
     @param filename: filename to process
     @type filename: str
     @return: None
     @rtype: None
     filename = getFullFilename(filename)
     self._filename = filename
コード例 #7
ファイル: _base.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/pbslib
 def _set_filename(self, filename):
     @param filename: filename to parse
     @type filename: str
     @return: full_filename, for convenience.
     @rtype: str
     full_filename = getFullFilename(filename)
     self._filename = split(full_filename)[1]
     self._full_filename = full_filename
     return full_filename
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_olutils.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/officelib
    def test_get_full_filename_no_directory_with_drive(self):
        When sending in the filename with no directory,
        get the correct filepath


        for file in self.files:
            if not exists(file):
                raise self.failureException("Temp directory unexpectedly absent")

            name, ext = splitext(file)
            expected = normpath(file)
            result = getFullFilename(name, temp_dir)

            self.assertEqual(expected, result)

            result2 = getFullFilename(name)
            self.assertEqual(expected, result2)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_olutils.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/officelib
    def test_get_full_filename_exact(self):
        When inputing an exact file, get the exact filename

        @return: None
        @rtype: None

        for file in self.files:
            if not exists(file):
                raise self.failureException("Temp directory unexpectedly absent")
            expected = normpath(file)
            result = getFullFilename(file, temp_dir)

            self.assertEqual(expected, result)
コード例 #10
def xlBook2(filepath=None, new=False, visible=True, search=False, xl=None):
    """Get win32com workbook object from filepath.
    If workbook is open, get active object.
    If workbook is not open, create a new instance of
    xl and open the workbook in that instance.
    If filename is not found, see if user specified
    default filename error behavior as returning new
    workbook. If not, raise error. If so, return new workbook

    Warning: returns error in some circumstances if dialogs or
    certain areas like formula bar in the desired Excel instance
    have focus.

    @param filepath: valid filepath
    @type filepath: str | None
    @param visible: xl instance visible to user?
                    turn off to do heavy processing before showing
    @type visible: bool
    @param new: open in a new window
    @type new: bool

    @return: the newly opened xl workbook instance
    @rtype: (typehint.ExcelApplication, typehint.ExcelWorkbook)

    Update 1/15/2014- Lots of refactoring to make it really clean and such.
    Or so I tried.

    Update 1/29/2014- this function is now converted to abstract internal function.
    Interfaced moved to new function with same name.

    This function still contains logic.

    Update 1/31/2014- renamed function xlBook2, now public.
    if xl is None:
        xl = Excel(new, visible)

    if not filepath:
        wb = __ensure_wb(xl)
        return xl, wb

    _base, name = _split(filepath)
    no_ext_name, ext = _splitext(name)

    # First try to see if passed name of open workbook
    # xl can be a pain, so try with and without ext.
    wbs = xl.Workbooks
    possible_names = (

    if wbs.Count:
        for fname in possible_names:
                wb = wbs(fname)
                v_print("\'%s\' found, returning existing workbook." % filepath)

                return xl, wb

    # Workbook wasn't open, get filepath and open it.
    # This may take a *long* time. 
        if search:
            v_print("Searching for file...")
            filepath = getFullFilename(filepath, hint=xl.DefaultFilePath)

    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        # cleanup if filepath wasn't found.
        if new:
            xl.Visible = True
        raise xlLibError("Couldn't find path '%s', check that it is correct." % filepath) from e

        wb = wbs.Open(filepath, Notify=False)
        if new:
            xl.Visible = True
        v_print("Filename \'%s\' found.\nReturning newly opened workbook." % filepath)
        return xl, wb

    raise xlLibError("Unknown error occurred. \nCheck filename: %s "
                     "If the target file is open, ensure\nno dialogs are open." % filepath)