コード例 #1
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def get_xl_data2():

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2
    from officelib.const import xlDown
    from pysrc.snippets import smooth1
    import re
    from itertools import takewhile
    xl, wb = xlBook2('PID.xlsx')
    ws = wb.Worksheets('p30')
    cells = ws.Cells

    # columns = (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29)
    columns = range(2, 19, 4)

    parse_name = re.compile(r"p(\d*)i([\d\.]*)").match

    all_dat = []
    ap = all_dat.append
    row = 2

    def good(o):
        return o != (None, None)

    for col in columns:

        data = cells.Range(cells(row, col), cells(row, col + 1).End(xlDown)).Value
        name = cells(1, col + 1).Value
        xldata = takewhile(good, data)
        x, y = zip(*xldata)
        x_data, y_data = smooth1(x, y)

        p, i = parse_name(name).groups()
        ap(xlData(name, x_data, y_data, p, i))

    return all_dat
コード例 #2
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def plotpid2(n=15000):
    import sys

        del sys.modules['scripts.run.temp_sim']
    except KeyError:
    from scripts.run.temp_sim import TempSim, PIDController

    sim = TempSim(D('28.183533'), 19, 0)
    pid = PIDController(37, 40, D('0.55'))
    # pid = PIDController(37, 40, 0.5)

    pv = sim.current_temp
    #: @type: list[tuple[D]]
    steps = [('0', '0', '0', '0', '0') for _ in range(11)]
    for _ in range(n):
        hd = pid.step_output(pv)
        t, pv = sim.step_heat(hd)
        steps.append((t, pv, pid.last_error, pid.accumulated_error, hd))

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2

    xl, wb = xlBook2('PID.xlsx')
    ws = wb.Worksheets(2)
    cells = ws.Cells

    firstcol = 30
    cells.Range(cells(1, firstcol), cells(1, firstcol + 4)).Value = (
        "Time", "Temp", "LastErr", "AccumErr", "HeatDuty%")
    cells.Range(cells(2, firstcol), cells(len(steps) + 1, len(steps[0]) + firstcol - 1)).Value = \
        [tuple(map(str, data)) for data in steps]
コード例 #3
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def get_xl_data():

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2
    from officelib.const import xlDown
    from itertools import dropwhile
    import re

    xl, wb = xlBook2('PID.xlsx')
    ws = wb.Worksheets(3)
    cells = ws.Cells

    columns = (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29)

    def bad(tpl):
        x, y = tpl
        return x is None or y < 28

    parse_name = re.compile(r"p(\d*)i([\d\.]*)").match

    all_dat = []
    ap = all_dat.append
    row = 2

    for col in columns:
        xldat = cells.Range(cells(row, col), cells(row, col + 1).End(xlDown)).Value
        name = cells(1, col + 1).Value
        data = dropwhile(bad, xldat)
        x, y = tuple(zip(*data))
        x_data, y_data = smooth1(x, y)
        p, i = parse_name(name).groups()
        ap(xlData(name, x_data, y_data, p, i))

    return all_dat
コード例 #4
ファイル: co2_accuracy.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def extract_data():
    xl, wb = xlcom.xlBook2("M3-TR-3-004a.xlsx")
    rv = []
    for n in (0, 1, 2):
        name = "C-20 %d" % n
        ws = wb.Worksheets(name)
        data = extract_ws_data(ws)
        rv.append((name, data))
    return rv
コード例 #5
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def supermath():
    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2

    xl, wb = xlBook2("PID.xlsx")
    ws = wb.Worksheets(2)
    cells = ws.Cells
    xl.Visible = False
    n = 5400

    # use excel to do regression work for us.
    ref_m, ref_b = get_regression(cells, 2, 20)
    refdata = [ref_m * i + ref_b for i in range(1, n + 1)]  # start at 1

    print("ref m: %.6f" % ref_m, "ref b: %.6f" % ref_b)

    c = D('-0.0000615198895')
    start_temp = D('37.04')
    best_diff = 9999999999
    m = b = None
        while True:

            steps = run_decay_test(n, start_temp, c)
            strsteps = [(str(t), str(v)) for t, v in steps]
            ws = wb.Worksheets(3)
            cells = ws.Cells
            cell_range = cells.Range

            ls = len(steps)
            cell_range(cells(1, 1), cells(ls, 2)).Value = strsteps
            m, b = get_regression(cells, 1, 1)

            print("c: %s" % c, "m: %.8f" % m, "b:  %.8f" % b)

            pvs = [tpl[1] for tpl in steps]

            diffs = map(D.__sub__, refdata, pvs)
            totaldiff = sum(diffs)

            if totaldiff < best_diff:
                best_diff = totaldiff
                start_temp += totaldiff / len(pvs)

            print("totaldiff: %.8f" % totaldiff)

            c = (ref_m / m) * c
            # start_temp += ref_b - b

        return c, m, b, start_temp
        xl.Visible = True

    return c, m, b, start_temp
コード例 #6
ファイル: mixingtime.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
    def from_csv(cls, csv, name=None, logger=None, cvar='pHARaw'):
        @param csv: filename of csv file
        @param logger: Logger

        Instantize class from filename of raw batch file.
        Enter function at IP00043 Rev A 7.4.2
        xl, wb = xlcom.xlBook2(csv)
        if name is None:
            name = _get_filename(csv)
        return cls(name, xl, wb, logger, cvar)
コード例 #7
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def get_m():
    from cli_data.cli import delsim
    from scripts.run.temp_sim import TempSim
    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2
    # from officelib.xllib.xladdress import cellRangeStr
    from time import sleep
    # from pysrc.snippets import smooth1

    xl, wb = xlBook2('PID.xlsx')

    cells = wb.Worksheets('xtra').Cells

    # refdata = get_paired_cols(cells.Range('E2'))
    # refx, refy = zip(*refdata)
    # refx, refy = smooth1(refx, refy)
    # refx = refx[:]

    incr = h / 20
    plotcell = cells.Range('J2')
    cell2 = cells.Range('L2')
    ref_m = D('0.005497')

    b_cell = cells.Range("M2")

    linest_range = cells.Range(cell2, b_cell)
    linest_formula = "=linest(%s,%s)"

    xcol = 10
    ycol = 11

    linest_range.Value = ((0.002, 0),)

    while D(cell2.Value) < ref_m:
        print("Plotting data with h=%s" % h)
        plot_m(h, linest_formula, linest_range, plotcell, xcol, ycol)
        h += incr

    incr /= 10

    while D(cell2.Value) > ref_m:
        print("Plotting data with h=%s" % h)
        plot_m(h, linest_formula, linest_range, plotcell, xcol, ycol)
        h -= incr

    return h
コード例 #8
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def plotxl(data, firstcol=1, firstrow=2,
           y_header="SimData", wb_name="PID.xlsx", ws_id=3):

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2

    xl, wb = xlBook2(wb_name)
    ws = wb.Worksheets(ws_id)
    cells = ws.Cells

    startcell = cells(firstrow, firstcol)
    endcell = cells(len(data) + firstrow - 1, firstcol + len(data[0]) - 1)

    if y_header and firstrow > 1:
        cells(firstrow - 1, firstcol + 1).Value = y_header
    cells.Range(startcell, endcell).Value = data

    return startcell, endcell
コード例 #9
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def manysuper3():
    d = 0
    last = 99999999999
    totaldiff = 0
    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2
    from cli_data.cli import supermath3

    xl, wb = xlBook2("PID.xlsx")
    cell = wb.Worksheets(1).Cells.Range("C8")
        while True:
            totaldiff = supermath3(d)
            cell.Value = d
            d += 10
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    return d, totaldiff
コード例 #10
ファイル: mixingtime.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
    def __init__(self, name=None, xl=None, wb=None, logger=None, saveas_info=None, tests_per_group=3):

        if xl or wb:
            if xl:
                wb = xl.Workbooks.Add()
            elif wb:
                xl = wb.Application
            xl, wb = xlcom.xlBook2()

        self.xl = xl
        self.wb = wb
        self.ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
        self.name = name or "Compiled Data"
        self.logger = logger or BuiltinLogger(self.__class__.__name__, logging.INFO)
        self.tests = []
        self.compiled_tests = 0
        self.tests_per_group = tests_per_group

        self.saveas_info = saveas_info or CompiledMixingSaveAsInfo("C:/.replcache/mixing test/")
コード例 #11
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def plotsim(n=7200, c=D('-0.00004679011328')):
        import sys

        del sys.modules['scripts.run.temp_sim']
    except KeyError:
    from scripts.run.temp_sim import TempSim

    sim = TempSim(D('37.115'), 19, 0, c)
    steps = sim.iterate(n)
    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2

    xl, wb = xlBook2('PID.xlsx')

    ws = wb.Worksheets(2)
    cells = ws.Cells

    firstcol = 19

    cells.Range(cells(2, firstcol), cells(len(steps) + 1, firstcol + 1)).Value = [(str(t), str(v)) for t, v in steps]
コード例 #12
ファイル: old_cli.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def xl_2_data():

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlBook2, HiddenXl
    from officelib.xllib.xladdress import cellStr

    fpath = "C:\\users\\public\\documents\\pbsss\\temp pid\\pbs 3 thick sleeve\\compiled.xlsx"
    xl, wb = xlBook2(fpath)

    ws = wb.Worksheets("ProcedureEx")
    #: @type: typehint.Range
    cells = ws.Cells

    found = set()
    # tests = []

    def cell_hash(cell):
        to_hash = (cell.Row, cell.Column)
        return hash(to_hash)

    with HiddenXl(xl):
        match = cells.Find("Name:", cells(1, 1), SearchOrder=xlByRows)
        h = cell_hash(match)
        tests = [get_test_data(match)]
        while True:
            match = cells.FindNext(match)
            h = cell_hash(match)
            if h in found:
            test = get_test_data(match)

    return tests
コード例 #13
ファイル: co2_accuracy.py プロジェクト: nitetrain8/scripts
def move_data():
    data = extract_data()
    xl, wb = xlcom.xlBook2("M3-TR-3-004a.xlsx")
    for name, ws_data in data:
        move_ws_data(wb, name, data)