def compute(dataobj_list, offsetobj_list, eqobj_list): print("Computing common mode from %d stations " % (len(dataobj_list))) detrended_objects = [] raw_objects = [] cmr_objects = [] # common-mode-removed objects cmr_deviations = [] # Objects with no earthquakes or seasonals for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(dataobj_list[i], offsetobj_list[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, eqobj_list[i]) newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts(newobj, 0, 'lssq') detrended_objects.append(newobj) common_mode_obj = define_common_mode(detrended_objects) print("Removing common mode from %d objects " % (len(dataobj_list))) for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): cmr_object = remove_cm_from_object(detrended_objects[i], common_mode_obj) cmr_objects.append(cmr_object) # Keep a measure of the spread of this data for i in range(len(cmr_objects)): udata = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(cmr_objects[i].dU, size=365) cmr_deviations.append(np.nanmax(udata) - np.nanmin(udata)) return [common_mode_obj, detrended_objects, cmr_objects, cmr_deviations]
def compute(dataobj_list, offsetobj_list, eqobj_list, distances, data_config_file): latitudes_list = [i.coords[1] for i in dataobj_list] sorted_objects = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(latitudes_list, dataobj_list))] # the raw, sorted data. sorted_offsets = [ x for _, x in sorted(zip(latitudes_list, offsetobj_list)) ] # the raw, sorted data. sorted_eqs = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(latitudes_list, eqobj_list))] # the raw, sorted data. sorted_distances = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(latitudes_list, distances))] # the sorted distances. detrended_objects = [] no_offset_objects = [] no_offsets_no_trends = [] no_offsets_no_trends_no_seasons = [] # Detrended objects (or objects with trends and no offsets; depends on what you want.) for i in range(len(sorted_objects)): newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( sorted_objects[i], 0, 'lssq', data_config_file) detrended_objects.append(newobj) # still has offsets, doesn't have trends newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(sorted_objects[i], sorted_offsets[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, sorted_eqs[i]) no_offset_objects.append(newobj) # still has trends, doesn't have offsets # Objects with no earthquakes or seasonals for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): # Remove the steps earthquakes newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(sorted_objects[i], sorted_offsets[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, sorted_eqs[i]) newobj = gps_ts_functions.remove_outliers(newobj, 20) # 20mm outlier definition # The detrended TS without earthquakes stage1obj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, 0, 'lssq', data_config_file) no_offsets_no_trends.append(stage1obj) # The detrended TS without earthquakes or seasonals stage2obj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( stage1obj, 1, 'lssq', data_config_file) no_offsets_no_trends_no_seasons.append(stage2obj) return [ detrended_objects, no_offset_objects, no_offsets_no_trends, no_offsets_no_trends_no_seasons, sorted_distances ]
def compute(myData, offset_obj, eq_obj, MyParams, starttime, endtime): if starttime is None: starttime = myData.dtarray[0] if endtime is None: endtime = myData.dtarray[-1] newData = gps_ts_functions.impose_time_limits(myData, starttime, endtime) if MyParams.offsets_remove == 1: # Remove offsets and antenna changes newData = offsets.remove_offsets(newData, offset_obj) if MyParams.outliers_remove == 1: # Remove outliers newData = gps_ts_functions.remove_outliers(newData, MyParams.outliers_def) if MyParams.earthquakes_remove == 1: # Remove earthquakes newData = offsets.remove_offsets(newData, eq_obj) trend_out = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newData, MyParams.seasonals_remove, MyParams.seasonals_type, MyParams.data_config_file) return [newData, trend_out]
def compute(dataobj_list, offsetobj_list, eqobj_list): east_slope_list = [] north_slope_list = [] vert_slope_list = [] # Objects with no earthquakes or seasonals for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): # Remove the steps earthquakes newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(dataobj_list[i], offsetobj_list[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, eqobj_list[i]) [east_slope, north_slope, vert_slope, east_std, north_std, vert_std] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope(newobj) east_slope_list.append(east_slope) north_slope_list.append(north_slope) vert_slope_list.append(vert_slope) return [east_slope_list, north_slope_list, vert_slope_list]
def remove_by_model(Data0, data_config_file): # Right now configured for the Hines data. starttime1 = dt.datetime.strptime("20100403", "%Y%m%d"); endtime1 = dt.datetime.strptime("20100405", "%Y%m%d"); starttime2 = dt.datetime.strptime("20200328", "%Y%m%d"); endtime2 = dt.datetime.strptime("20200330", "%Y%m%d"); # Input Hines data. model_data = get_station_hines(, data_config_file); if not model_data: # if None return Data0; if len(Data0.dtarray) == 0: # if empty return Data0; if model_data.dtarray[-1] < Data0.dtarray[-1]: print("\nWARNING! Trying to use a short postseismic model to fix a long GNSS time series."); print("PROBLEMS MAY OCCUR- tread carefully!!\n\n"); # These will be the same size. Data0, model = gps_ts_functions.pair_gps_model_keeping_gps(Data0, model_data); # pair_gps_model_keeping_gps leaves data outside of the model timespan # Data0, model = gps_ts_functions.pair_gps_model(Data0, model_data); # removes data outside of the model timespan. # Subtract the model from the data. dtarray, dE_gps, dN_gps, dU_gps = [], [], [], []; Se_gps, Sn_gps, Su_gps = [], [], []; for i in range(len(Data0.dtarray)): dtarray.append(Data0.dtarray[i]); dE_gps.append(Data0.dE[i] - model.dE[i]); dN_gps.append(Data0.dN[i] - model.dN[i]); dU_gps.append(Data0.dU[i] - model.dU[i]); Se_gps.append(Data0.Se[i]); Sn_gps.append(Data0.Sn[i]); Su_gps.append(Data0.Su[i]); # In this method, we correct for offsets at the beginning and end of the modeled time series. interval1 = [starttime1, endtime1]; east_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dE_gps, interval1, 20); north_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dN_gps, interval1, 20); vert_offset1 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dU_gps, interval1, 20); interval2 = [starttime2, endtime2]; east_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dE_gps, interval2, 20); north_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dN_gps, interval2, 20); vert_offset2 = offsets.fit_single_offset(dtarray, dU_gps, interval2, 20); offsets_obj = offsets.Offsets(e_offsets=[east_offset1, east_offset2], n_offsets=[north_offset1, north_offset2], u_offsets=[vert_offset1, vert_offset2], evdts=[starttime1, starttime2]); corrected_data = gps_io_functions.Timeseries(, coords=Data0.coords, dtarray=dtarray, dE=dE_gps, dN=dN_gps, dU=dU_gps, Se=Se_gps, Sn=Sn_gps, Su=Su_gps, EQtimes=Data0.EQtimes); corrected_data = offsets.remove_offsets(corrected_data, offsets_obj); return corrected_data;
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Example driver for individual time series reading and writing. Read, Process a little, and Write Back Out. """ import gps_input_pipeline import offsets import gps_io_functions station = "P325" data_config_file = "/Users/kmaterna/Documents/B_Research/GEOPHYS_DATA/GPS_POS_DATA/config.txt" outfile = station + "_noearthquake.pos" [myData, offset_obj, eq_obj] = gps_input_pipeline.get_station_data(station, 'unr', data_config_file, refframe='ITRF') newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(myData, offset_obj) # remove antenna changes and instrument changes newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, eq_obj) # remove earthquakes gps_io_functions.write_pbo_pos_file(newobj, outfile, comment="Writing a station's .pos file")
def compute(dataobj_list, offsetobj_list, eqobj_list, deltat1, deltat2, fit_type, time_after_start_date, critical_variance): dt1_start = dt.datetime.strptime(deltat1[0], "%Y%m%d") dt1_end = dt.datetime.strptime(deltat1[1], "%Y%m%d") dt2_start = dt.datetime.strptime(deltat2[0], "%Y%m%d") dt2_end = dt.datetime.strptime(deltat2[1], "%Y%m%d") # No earthquakes objects noeq_objects = [] east_slope_obj = [] north_slope_obj = [] vert_slope_obj = [] # For the vertical correction. names = [] coords = [] for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): names.append(dataobj_list[i].name) coords.append(dataobj_list[i].coords) # The main processing loop for slopes. for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): # Remove the earthquakes print(names[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(dataobj_list[i], offsetobj_list[i]) newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, eqobj_list[i]) if fit_type == 'none': newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, 0, fit_type) # remove seasonals else: if == 'P349': newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, 1, 'shasta') if == 'ORVB': newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, 1, 'oroville') if fit_type != 'none': newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, 1, fit_type) # remove seasonals # NOTE: WRITTEN IN JUNE 2019 # An experiment for removing ETS events # if in ["P349","P060","P330","P331","P332","P343","P338","P341"]: ets_intervals = remove_ets_events.input_tremor_days() # newobj=gps_ts_functions.remove_outliers(newobj,3.0); # 3 mm outlier def. # newobj=remove_ets_events.remove_ETS_times(newobj,ets_intervals, offset_num_days=15); # 30 days on either end of the offsets newobj = remove_ets_events.remove_characteristic_ETS( newobj, ets_intervals) # using only the characteristic offset noeq_objects.append(newobj) # Get the pre-event and post-event velocities (earthquakes removed) [ east_slope_before, north_slope_before, vert_slope_before, esig0, nsig0, usig0 ] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope( newobj, starttime=dt1_start + dt.timedelta(days=time_after_start_date), endtime=dt1_end) [ east_slope_after, north_slope_after, vert_slope_after, esig1, nsig1, usig1 ] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope( newobj, starttime=dt2_start + dt.timedelta(days=time_after_start_date), endtime=dt2_end) # Get the uncertainties on the velocity-change estimate [east_slope_unc1, north_slope_unc1, vert_slope_unc1] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope_unc( newobj, dt1_start + dt.timedelta(days=time_after_start_date), dt1_end) [east_slope_unc2, north_slope_unc2, vert_slope_unc2] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope_unc( newobj, dt2_start + dt.timedelta(days=time_after_start_date), dt2_end) east_dv_unc = gps_ts_functions.add_two_unc_quadrature( east_slope_unc1, east_slope_unc2) north_dv_unc = gps_ts_functions.add_two_unc_quadrature( north_slope_unc1, north_slope_unc2) vert_dv_unc = gps_ts_functions.add_two_unc_quadrature( vert_slope_unc1, vert_slope_unc2) # When do we ignore stations? When their detrended time series have a large variance. if abs(esig0) > critical_variance or abs( nsig0) > critical_variance or abs( esig1) > critical_variance or abs( nsig1) > critical_variance: print("Kicking station %s out..." % dataobj_list[i].name) [east_slope_after, north_slope_after, vert_slope_after] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] [east_slope_before, north_slope_before, vert_slope_before] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] [east_slope_unc1, north_slope_unc1, vert_slope_unc1] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] [east_slope_unc2, north_slope_unc2, vert_slope_unc2] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] east_slope_obj.append( [east_slope_before, east_slope_after, east_dv_unc]) north_slope_obj.append( [north_slope_before, north_slope_after, north_dv_unc]) vert_slope_obj.append( [vert_slope_before, vert_slope_after, vert_dv_unc]) # Adjusting verticals by a reference station. vert_slope_obj = vert_adjust_by_reference_stations(names, coords, vert_slope_obj) return [noeq_objects, east_slope_obj, north_slope_obj, vert_slope_obj]
def read_station_ts(gps_bbox, gps_reference, remove_coseismic=0): """A reading function specific to Brawley right now. """ blacklist = [] network = 'pbo' station_names, _, _ = stations_within_radius.get_stations_within_box( gnss_object.gps_data_config_file, coord_box=gps_bbox, network=network) print(station_names) [dataobj_list, offsetobj_list, eqobj_list, _] = \ gps_input_pipeline.multi_station_inputs(station_names, blacklist, network, "NA", gnss_object.gps_data_config_file) # Importing BRAW [myData, offset_obj, eq_obj ] = gps_input_pipeline.get_station_data("BRAW", "unr", gnss_object.gps_data_config_file, refframe="NA") myData = gps_ts_functions.impose_time_limits( myData, dt.datetime.strptime("20080505", "%Y%m%d"), dt.datetime.strptime("20200101", "%Y%m%d")) dataobj_list.append(myData) offsetobj_list.append(offset_obj) eqobj_list.append(eq_obj) # Now we are doing a bit of adjustments, for seasonal corrections and base station. cleaned_objects = [] for i in range(len(dataobj_list)): one_object = dataobj_list[i] newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(one_object, offsetobj_list[i]) # will remove antenna offsets from everything if == 'BRAW': newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, seasonals_remove=1, seasonals_type="lssq", data_config_file=gnss_object.gps_data_config_file, remove_trend=0) else: newobj = gps_seasonal_removals.make_detrended_ts( newobj, seasonals_remove=1, seasonals_type="nldas", data_config_file=gnss_object.gps_data_config_file, remove_trend=0) if remove_coseismic: print("Removing coseismic offsets") newobj = offsets.remove_offsets(newobj, eqobj_list[i]) newobj = gps_ts_functions.remove_outliers(newobj, 20) # 20mm outlier definition # Here we detrend using pre-2010 velocities, # assuming tectonic strain accumulation won't contribute to geothermal field deformation. # Remove the postseismic by the Hines model endtime = dt.datetime.strptime("2010-04-01", "%Y-%m-%d") [east_slope, north_slope, vert_slope, _, _, _] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope(newobj, endtime=endtime, missing_fraction=0.2) east_params = [east_slope, 0, 0, 0, 0] north_params = [north_slope, 0, 0, 0, 0] vert_params = [vert_slope, 0, 0, 0, 0] newobj = gps_postseismic_remove.remove_by_model( newobj, gnss_object.gps_data_config_file) # This will actually remove the coseismic offset if within the window. newobj = gps_ts_functions.detrend_data_by_value( newobj, east_params, north_params, vert_params) cleaned_objects.append(newobj) # Subtracting the reference GPS station. ref_dataobjlist = [] reference_station = [ x for x in cleaned_objects if == gps_reference ][0] for one_object in cleaned_objects: refobj = gps_ts_functions.get_referenced_data(one_object, reference_station) ref_dataobjlist.append(refobj) return ref_dataobjlist