コード例 #1
    def parse_record(self, line):
        if line[0] == "Kontonummer":
            # it's the table header
            return None

        if len(line) < 3:
            """e.g.: ['# 1 vorgemerkte Umsätze nicht angezeigt']"""
            return None
        if not line[2]:
            return None

        if self.statement.account_id is None:
            self.statement.account_id = line[0]

        sl = StatementLine()
        sl.id = line[1]
        sl.date = self.parse_datetime(line[2])
        sl.date_avail = self.parse_datetime(line[3])
        sl.amount = self.parse_float(line[4])
        sl.trntype = TMAPPINGS.get(line[5],
                                   'DEBIT' if sl.amount < 0 else 'CREDIT')
        sl.payee = line[7][:32]
        sl.memo = "%s: %s" % (line[6],
                              " ".join(x for x in line[13:31] if len(x) > 0))

        if len(line[8]) > 0 and len(line[9]) > 0:
            # additional bank information is present
            splitted = self.parse_iban(line[8])
            if splitted:
                sl.bank_account_to = BankAccount(**splitted)
                sl.bank_account_to = BankAccount(line[9], line[8])

        return sl
コード例 #2
    def parse_record(self, line):
        if self.cur_record < 2:
            return None

        m = None
        parse_info = None

        if len(line) == 11:
            m = self.mt940_mappings
            parse_info = self.parse_transaction_info_mt940
        elif len(line) == 17:
            m = self.camt_mappings
            parse_info = self.parse_transaction_info_camt
            raise ValueError("invalid input line: '%s'" % line)

        if self.statement.account_id is None:
            self.statement.account_id = line[m["accid"]]

        sl = StatementLine()
        sl.date_avail = self.parse_datetime(line[m["valdate"]])
        if len(line[m["date"]]) > 0:
            sl.date = self.parse_datetime(line[m["date"]])
            sl.date = sl.date_avail
        sl.amount = self.parse_float(line[m["amount"]])
        sl.trntype = self.parse_transaction_type(sl.amount,

        # remove leading or all) zeros
        line[m["toaccid"]] = line[m["toaccid"]].lstrip('0')

        if len(line[m["toaccid"]]) > 0 and len(line[m["tobankid"]]) > 0:
            # additional bank information is present
            splitted = self.parse_iban(line[m["toaccid"]])
            if splitted:
                sl.bank_account_to = BankAccount(**splitted)
                sl.bank_account_to = BankAccount(line[m["tobankid"]],

        if line[m["currency"]] != self.statement.currency:
            # different currency is used
            sl.currency = line[m["currency"]]

        # remove additional spaces in the payee
        sl.payee = re.sub(' +', ' ', line[m["payee"]])[:32]

        info = parse_info(line)
        # remove additional spaces in the memo
        sl.memo = "%s: %s" % (line[m["btext"]],
                              re.sub(' +', ' ', info["memo"].strip()))

        # we need to generate an ID because nothing is given
        sl.id = generate_stable_transaction_id(sl)
        return sl
コード例 #3
    def parse_record(self, line):
        if len(line) < 5:
            return None
        elif len(line) < 12:
            # possibly meta information about the account
            if "BLZ" in line[0]:
                self.statement.bank_id = line[1]
            elif "Konto" in line[0]:
                self.statement.account_id = line[1]

            return None

        if line[9] == "Anfangssaldo":
            self.statement.start_date = self.parse_datetime(line[0])
            self.statement.start_balance = self.parse_float(line[11])
            return None
        elif line[9] == "Endsaldo":
            self.statement.end_date = self.parse_datetime(line[0])
            self.statement.end_balance = self.parse_float(line[11])
            return None
        elif line[0] == "Buchungstag":
            # it's the table header
            return None

        sl = StatementLine()
        sl.date = self.parse_datetime(line[0])
        sl.date_avail = self.parse_datetime(line[1])

        # Note: amount has no sign. We need to guess it later...
        sl.amount = self.parse_float(line[11])

        info = self.parse_transaction_info(line)
        sl.amount *= info["sign"]
        sl.trntype = info["ttype"]

        if "iban" in info:
            # additional bank information if present
            sl.bank_account_to = BankAccount(**self.parse_iban(info["iban"]))

        if line[10] != self.statement.currency:
            # different currency is used
            sl.currency = line[10]

        # remove additional spaces in the payee
        sl.payee = re.sub(" +", " ", line[3].replace("\n", " ").strip())[:32]

        # remove additional spaces in the memo
        sl.memo = re.sub(" +", " ", info["memo"].strip())

        # we need to generate an ID because nothing is given
        sl.id = generate_stable_transaction_id(sl)
        return sl