def extract_file(name): """TODO: Insert assertions for error handling.""" """Extract the zip and save the contents of the zip into a directory organized by username in the config file. Save the GeoJSON output of the gpx in a mongo db instance.""" with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(UPLOAD_DEST, name)) as zipF: with'config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) zipF.extractall( os.path.join(UPLOAD_DEST, 'extracted_data', config.get('Device ID'), config.get('User'))) for files in zipF.infolist(): if files.filename.endswith(".gpx"): with as f: ogr2ogr.main([ '', '-skipfailures', '-f', 'GeoJSON', os.path.join(UPLOAD_DEST, files.filename + '.json'), os.path.join(UPLOAD_DEST, 'extracted_data', config.get('Device ID'), config.get('User'), files.filename) ]) filename = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DEST, files.filename + '.json') with open(filename) as jsonFile: config['track'] = json.load(jsonFile) os.remove(filename) config['track-name'] = files.filename.rstrip('.gpx') return True
def clMask2(img, clPath, baseName, wod): year=baseName.split("_")[2][0:4] tile=baseName.split("_")[5] mainDir=os.path.join(clPath, tile, year, baseName+".SAFE") if not os.path.exists(mainDir): print "problem finding cloud mask folder" raise SystemExit # look for cloudmask in remote folder for r, d, files in os.walk(mainDir): for f in files: if f.endswith("B00.gml"): clMpath=os.path.join(r,f) global clMpath cpv=wod+"cloudVec.shp" if not QgsVectorLayer(clMpath, "cl", "ogr").isValid(): print "problem with original cloud mask or no clouds in the image" return img #translate gml to shapefile ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-s_srs", "EPSG:32630", cpv, clMpath]) if not QgsVectorLayer(cpv, "cl", "ogr").isValid(): print "cloud vector translation didn't go well" raise SystemExit else: print "cloud vector translation did work!!" # rasterize cloud mask # parameters to rasterize cloudRes=QgsRasterLayer(img).rasterUnitsPerPixelX() cloudRast=wod+"clMask.tif" #rasterization cmd="gdal_rasterize -burn 10 -a_srs %s -te %s -tr %s %s %s %s" %(imgCrs.authid(), extImg.replace(","," "), cloudRes, cloudRes, cpv, cloudRast) print cmd os.system(cmd) #change nodata value cmd=" -unsetnodata %s" %(cloudRast) os.system(cmd) print "check nodatavalues in %s" %(cloudRast) #cloudRast2=wod+"clMaskNoData.tif" #p.runalg("grass7:r.null", cloudRast,"",1,False,False,False,False,False, extImg,cloudRes, cloudRast2) if not QgsRasterLayer(cloudRast).isValid(): print "Cloud raster %s has a problem \n" %(cloudRast) # Mask out cloudy pixels rMaskPath=wod+"clMaskNDVI.tif" cmd=" -A %s -B %s --outfile=%s --calc='A*(B<9)' " %(img, cloudRast, rMaskPath) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) c=y-x d=divmod(c.days*86400+c.seconds, 60) print "finished cloud masking in %f minutes and %f seconds" %(d[0], d[1]) if not QgsRasterLayer(rMaskPath).isValid(): print "problem masking image %s function 8 clMask" %baseName raise systemExit else: print"output of function 8 clMask is:\n %s" %rMaskPath return rMaskPath
def clMask2(img, clPath, baseName, wod): year=baseName. split("_")[2][0:4] tile=baseName.split("_")[5] mainDir=os.path.join(clPath, tile, year, baseName+".SAFE") if not os.path.exists(mainDir): print "problem finding cloud mask folder" raise SystemExit # look for cloudmask in remote folder for r, d, files in os.walk(mainDir): for f in files: if f.endswith("B00.gml"): clMpath=os.path.join(r,f) global clMpath cpv=wod+"cloudVec.shp" if not QgsVectorLayer(clMpath, "cl", "ogr").isValid(): print "problem with original cloud mask or no clouds in the image" return img #translate gml to shapefile ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-s_srs", "EPSG:32630", cpv, clMpath]) if not QgsVectorLayer(cpv, "cl", "ogr").isValid(): print "cloud vector translation didn't go well" raise SystemExit else: print "cloud vector translation did work!!" # rasterize cloud mask # parameters to rasterize fName=[ for field in QgsVectorLayer(cpv, "cl", "ogr").pendingFields()][0] print "first field name is" print fName cloudRes=QgsRasterLayer(img).rasterUnitsPerPixelX() cloudRast=wod+"clMask.tif" #rasterization cmd="gdal_rasterize -burn 0 -a_nodata 1000 -a_srs %s -te %s -tr %s %s %s %s" %(imgCrs.authid(), extImg.replace(","," "), cloudRes, cloudRes, cpv, cloudRast) print cmd os.system(cmd) #p.runalg("gdalogr:rasterize", cpv, fName, 1, 10,10, extImg, False, 5,0,4,75, 6,1,False,0,"-burn 1 -a_srs 'EPSG:32630'",cloudRast) if not QgsRasterLayer(cloudRast).isValid(): #turn null to 0 values in cloud mask and use them print "Cloud raster {cloudRast} has a problem \n" raise SystemExit # Mask out cloudy pixels rMaskPath=wod+"clMaskNDVI.tif" cmd=" -A %s -B %s --outfile=%s --calc='A*(B>0)' " %(img, cloudRast, rMaskPath) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) #p.runalg("gdalogr:rastercalculator", img, "1", cloudRast, "1", None, "1", None, "1", None, "1", None, "1", "A*((-1*B)+1)", "", 5, "", rMaskPath) #TODO add gdal calc expression c=y-x d=divmod(c.days*86400+c.seconds, 60) print "finished cloud masking in %f minutes and %f seconds" %(d[0], d[1]) if not QgsRasterLayer(rMaskPath).isValid(): print "problem masking image %s function 8 clMask" %baseName raise systemExit else: print"output of function 8 clMask is:\n %s" %rMaskPath return rMaskPath
def update_geojson(in_gpx, target_geojson): # Convert GPX to a temporary geojson file - will be appended in second step to target geojson ogr2ogr.main([ "", "-f", "geojson", in_gpx, "tracks", "tmp.geoJSON", "-fieldTypeToString", "DateTime" ]) # placeholder ogrmerge.process([""])
def transform(outFile, inFile, engine="ESRI Shapefile"): """Transfor a file using ogr2ogr.""" # from: # gishow-do-i-use-ogr2ogr-to-convert-a-gml-to-shapefile-in-python/ # 41637#41637 # note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script # name so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", engine, outFile, inFile])
def main(): #note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name #so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 ogr2ogr.main([ "", "-f", "KML", "out.kml", "data/san_andres_y_providencia_administrative.shp" ]) main()
def project_to_input(infeatures, outputFile2, gridpolys): shp = driver.Open(infeatures, 0) # Opening the file with GDAL, with read only acces lyr = shp.GetLayer() spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt() if shp is None: print "Open failed.\n" ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-t_srs", spatialref, outputFile2, gridpolys]) #note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name, so the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 shp = lyr = spatialref = None return outputFile2
def isValid(filePath): ''' Checks whether it is valid GML or not. \n input "path": type string, path to file which shall be extracted \n output true if file is valid, false if not ''' try: ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "outputV.json", filePath]) myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="outputV.json") return True except: raise Exception('The gml file from ' + filePath + ' has no valid gml Attributes')
def getBoundingBox(filePath): ''' extract bounding box from gml \n input "filepath": type string, file path to gml file \n returns bounding box of the file: type list, length = 4 , type = float, schema = [min(longs), min(lats), max(longs), max(lats)] ''' ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "outputB.json", filePath]) myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="outputB.json") os.remove("outputB.json") if myGeojson.bbox is not None: return (myGeojson.bbox) else: raise Exception('The gml file from ' + filePath + ' has no BoundingBox')
def getVectorRepresentation(filePath): ''' extracts coordinates from gml File (for vector representation) \n input "filepath": type string, file path to gml file \n returns extracted coordinates of content: type list, list of lists with length = 2 ''' ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "outputV.json", filePath]) myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="outputV.json") properties= (myGeojson.get_feature(0).geometry.coordinates[0]) os.remove("outputV.json") if properties is None: raise Exception('The gml file from ' + filePath + ' has no VectorRepresentation') else: return properties
def ISOCase(filepath): try: # @see # convert the gml file to a GeoJSON file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdirname) ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "GeoJSON", "output.json", filepath]) res = getPolygon("output.json", tmpdirname) os.chdir(curDir) return res # errors except: return (None, "file not found or your gml/xml/kml data is not valid")
def project_to_input(infeatures, outputFile2, gridpolys): shp = driver.Open(infeatures, 0) # Opening the file with GDAL, with read only acces lyr = shp.GetLayer() spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt() if shp is None: print "Open failed.\n" ogr2ogr.main( [ "", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-t_srs", spatialref, outputFile2, gridpolys ] ) #note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name, so the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 shp = lyr = spatialref = None return outputFile2
def __clip_shapefile(self, file): """ Create a new shapefile with rows and paths added to it """ print "Clipping the shapefile: %s" % get_file(file) clipper = '%s/%s' % (self.shapefile_output, get_file(file)) output = '%s/landsat-tiles.shp' % self.shapefile_output input = '%s/wrs2_descending/wrs2_descending.shp' % self.assests_dir argv = ['', '-clipsrc', clipper, output, input] if os.path.isfile(output): argv.insert(1, '-overwrite') ogr2ogr.main(argv) return True
def to_CSV(screenOn, screen, filein, fileout): """ Note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 This can be used to prune larger shapefiles into smaller files ====================== ogr2ogr -f CSV precip_20140107.csv nws_precip_1day_observed_20140107.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ """ if(screenOn): query = ["", "-f", "CSV", "-where", screen, fileout, filein, "-lco", "GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ","-skipfailures", "-overwrite"] else: query = ["", "-f", "CSV", fileout, filein, "-lco", "GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ"] ogr2ogr.main(query)
def convertShpToJson(shapefiles, out_folder, where=None): result = (True, []) converted = result[1] params = ["", "-f", "geojson", "-t_srs", "epsg:3857"] if where: params.append("-where") params.append(where) try: for shp in shapefiles[1]: in_file = os.path.join(shapefiles[0], shp) #Remove any . characters from the output name out_file = os.path.join( out_folder, "{0}.{1}".format( os.path.splitext(shp)[0].replace(".", ""), "json")) logging.debug("Converting {0} to {1}".format(in_file, out_file)) args = params + [out_file, in_file] conversion = ogr2ogr.main(args) if not conversion: result = (False, "SHP to GEOJSON conversion failed: {0}".format(shp)) break else: converted.append(os.path.split(out_file)[1]) except Exception as e: msg = str(e).replace("\n", " ") result = (False, msg) return result
def to_shp(screenOn, screen, filein, fileout): """ Note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 This can be used to prune larger shapefiles into smaller files ====================== EXAMPLE: to_shp(["", "ogr2ogr", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-where", "state='California'", "CA_roads_10m.shp" "ne_10m_roads_north_america.shp" ]) """ if(screenOn): query = ["", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-where", screen, fileout, filein] else: query = ["", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", fileout, filein] ogr2ogr.main(query)
def _load_tab_resources(tab_res, table_name): url = tab_res['url'].replace('https', 'http') logger.debug("using TAB file " + url) filepath, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url, "") logger.debug("TAB archive downlaoded")['unzip', '-j', filepath]) logger.debug("TAB unziped") tabfiles = glob.glob("*.[tT][aA][bB]") if len(tabfiles) == 0: _failure("No tab files found in zip " + tab_res['url']) tab_file = tabfiles[0] native_crs = 'EPSG:4326' pargs = [ '', '-f', 'PostgreSQL', "--config", "PG_USE_COPY", "YES", _get_db_param_string(_get_db_settings()), tab_file, '-nln', table_name, '-lco', 'GEOMETRY_NAME=geom', "-lco", "PRECISION=NO", '-t_srs', native_crs, '-nlt', 'PROMOTE_TO_MULTI', '-overwrite' ] res = ogr2ogr.main(pargs) if not res: _failure("Ogr2ogr: Failed to convert file to PostGIS") return native_crs
def import_geojson(tbname, src): log_info("Importing geojson data: ") log_info(" " + src) log_info(" Loading geojson data into the " + tbname + " table") ogr2ogr.main([ "", "-f", "PostgreSQL", "PG:" + pgconfig.connstr, src, "-nln", pgconfig.schema + "." + tbname, "-lco", "GEOMETRY_NAME=geom", "-overwrite" ]) # "-nlt", "PROMOTE_TO_MULTI" log_info(" Updating hazard_events table") sql = read_file(tbname + ".sql") execute_sql(sql) log_info("Import succeeded.")
def convertShpToJson(shapefiles, out_folder, where=None): result = (True, []) converted = result[1] params = ["", "-f", "geojson", "-t_srs", "epsg:3857"] if where: params.append("-where") params.append(where) try: for shp in shapefiles[1]: in_file = os.path.join(shapefiles[0], shp) #Remove any . characters from the output name out_file = os.path.join(out_folder, "{0}.{1}".format(os.path.splitext(shp)[0].replace(".", ""), "json")) logging.debug("Converting {0} to {1}".format(in_file, out_file)) args = params + [out_file, in_file] conversion = ogr2ogr.main(args) if not conversion: result = (False, "SHP to GEOJSON conversion failed: {0}".format(shp)) break else: converted.append(os.path.split(out_file)[1]) except Exception as e: msg = str(e).replace("\n", " ") result = (False, msg) return result
def getCloudMask(self, raw_path, out_path): """ Placeholder """ mask_pathname = None # find gml gml = getFile(raw_path, '*CLOUDS*.gml') if gml is not None: # projection not parsed correctly from l2a gml - retrieve from scene raster scene = getFile(raw_path, '*B02_10m.jp2') if scene is not None: epsg = getEpsgCode(scene) # generate shape file using raster epsg shp = os.path.join(out_path, 'clouds.shp') if ogr2ogr.main([ "", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-a_srs", 'EPSG:' + epsg, shp, gml ]) is True: mask_pathname = shp return mask_pathname
def ISOCase(filepath): """Method for extracting the convex hull of an ISO19xxx standardized file @param filepath Full path to ISO19xxx standardized file @returns a tuple where in first place is the convex hull as an array of point tuples """ try: # @see # convert the gml file to a GeoJSON file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdirname) ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "GeoJSON", "output.json", filepath]) res = ogr2ogrCase("output.json") os.chdir(curDir) return res # errors except: return (None, "file not found or your gml/xml/kml data is not valid")
def main(args): if (len(args) == 3): gmlFile=args[1] shpFile=args[2] else: print "./ <gml_file> <shape_file>\n" sys.exit(0) #note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name #so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 #Example using ogr2ogr #ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "KML", "out.kml", "data/san_andres_y_providencia_administrative.shp"]) #GML to multiple shape files #ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" polygon.shp multipolygon.gml #GPS #ogr2ogr.main(["","-t_srs", "EPSG:4326", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "bgt_tunnelpart.shp", "bgt_tunnelpart.gml"]) #lat and long #ogr2ogr.main(["","-t_srs" , "EPSG:28992", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "bgt_tunnelpart.shp", "bgt_tunnelpart.gml"]) ogr2ogr.main(["","-t_srs" , "EPSG:28992", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", shpFile, gmlFile])
def __srs_adjustment(self, file, load='a', type='EPSG:4326'): """ Run SRS adjustments Attributes: file - full path to the shapefile load - load key, consult ogr2ogr documentation type - type key, consult ogr2ogr documentation """ print "Executing SRS adjustments" output = '%s/%s' % (self.shapefile_output, get_file(file)) argv = ['', '-%s_srs' % load, type, os.path.dirname(output), file] if os.path.isfile(output): input = output argv.insert(1, '-overwrite') ogr2ogr.main(argv) return True
def ISOCase(filepath): """Method for extracting the boundingbox of an ISO19xxx standardized file @param filepath Full path to the ISO19xxx standardized file @returns a boundingbox as an array in a tuple in WGS84, formated like ([minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat], None) """ try: # @see # convert the gml file to a GeoJSON file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdirname) ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "GeoJSON", "output.json", filepath]) # get boundingbox from generated GeoJSON file myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="output.json") os.chdir(curDir) # delete generated GeoJSON file return (myGeojson.bbox, None) # errors except: return (None, "file not found or your gml/xml/kml data is not valid")
def kmltogeojson(data): out = StringIO.StringIO() temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() temp.write( temp.flush() outname = + '.geojson' result = ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "GeoJSON", outname,]) if result == True: return open(outname).read()
def main(args): if (len(args) == 3): gmlFile = args[1] shpFile = args[2] else: print "./ <gml_file> <shape_file>\n" sys.exit(0) #note: main is expecting sys.argv, where the first argument is the script name #so, the argument indices in the array need to be offset by 1 #Example using ogr2ogr #ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "KML", "out.kml", "data/san_andres_y_providencia_administrative.shp"]) #GML to multiple shape files #ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" polygon.shp multipolygon.gml #GPS #ogr2ogr.main(["","-t_srs", "EPSG:4326", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "bgt_tunnelpart.shp", "bgt_tunnelpart.gml"]) #lat and long #ogr2ogr.main(["","-t_srs" , "EPSG:28992", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "bgt_tunnelpart.shp", "bgt_tunnelpart.gml"]) ogr2ogr.main( ["", "-t_srs", "EPSG:28992", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", shpFile, gmlFile])
def ISOCase(filepath): """Method for extracting the boundingbox of an ISO19xxx standardized file @param filepath Full path to the ISO19xxx standardized file @returns a boundingbox as an array in a tuple in WGS84, formated like ([minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat], None) @see """ try: # in case GDAL works ogr.UseExceptions() isofile = ogr.CreateGeometryFromGML(filepath) crs = isofile.GetSpatialRef() if crs.IsProjected() == 1: crs = int(crs.GetAttrValue("PROJCS|AUTHORITY", 1)) elif crs.IsGeographic() == 1: crs = int(crs.GetAttrValue("GEOGCS|AUTHORITY", 1)) else: return (None, "CRS is missing!") bbox = isofile.GetEnvelope() result = CRSTransform(bbox[1], bbox[0], crs) result.extend(CRSTransform(bbox[3], bbox[2], crs)) ogr.DontUseExceptions() return (result, None) except: try: # convert the gml file to a GeoJSON file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdirname) ogr2ogr.main( ["", "-f", "GeoJSON", "output.json", filepath]) # get boundingbox from generated GeoJSON file result = ogr2ogrCase("output.json") os.chdir(curDir) # delete generated GeoJSON file return result # errors except: return (None, "file not found or your gml/xml/kml data is not valid")
def getTemporalExtent(filePath): ''' extracts temporal extent of the gml \n input "filepath": type string, file path to gml file \n returns temporal extent of the file: type list, length = 2, both entries have the type dateTime, temporalExtent[0] <= temporalExtent[1] ''' dateArray= [] ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "outputT.json", filePath]) myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="outputT.json") properties= (myGeojson.get_feature(0).properties) for key, value in properties.items(): if key=="beginLifespanVersion" or key=="date" or key=="endLifespanVersion" or key=="Start_Date" or key=="End_Date": dateArray.append(value) else: pass temporal_extent= [] os.remove("outputT.json") if(len(dateArray) > 0): temporal_extent.append(min(dateArray)) temporal_extent.append(max(dateArray)) return temporal_extent else: raise Exception('The gml file from ' + filePath + ' has no TemporalExtent')
def __extract_country(self, name): """ Create a new country shapefile with rows and paths Attributes: name - name of the country shapefile name e.g. country.shp """ print "Extracting the country: %s" % name input = '%s/ne_50m_admin_0_countries/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp' % \ self.assests_dir output = '%s/country.shp' % self.shapefile_output argv = [ '', '-where', 'admin like "%s" or adm0_a3 like "%s"' % (name, name), output, input ] if os.path.isfile(output): argv.insert(1, '-overwrite') ogr2ogr.main(argv) return True
def ogr2ogr_exec(argstring): """ Run an ogr2ogr command :param argstring: command line arguments as string :return: success or failure """ args = ["", ] args.extend(split_args(argstring)) old_stdout = sys.stdout result = StringIO() sys.stdout = result try: foo = ogr2ogr.main(args) if not foo: raise Exception(result.getvalue()) finally: if old_stdout: sys.stdout = old_stdout
def _upload2pg(dir, schema, epsg_code): """Tries to upload the shapefile to postgres. If something went wrong it returns the problem, returns True otherwise""" db_conf = settings.DATABASES['default'] #maybe better to use a system with ogr2ogr? args = [ '', '-f', 'PostgreSQL', 'PG:host={0} user={1} dbname={2} password={3} active_schema={4}\ '.format(db_conf['HOST'], db_conf['USER'], db_conf['NAME'], db_conf['PASSWORD'], schema), '-a_srs', 'EPSG:' + str(epsg_code), '-lco', 'PRECISION=NO', dir ] try: return ogr2ogr.main(args) except Exception, e: #the module ogr2ogr doesn't specify witch exception could be #raised, try the generic one return e.message
def _upload2pg(dir, schema, epsg_code): """Tries to upload the shapefile to postgres. If something went wrong it returns the problem, returns True otherwise""" db_conf = settings.DATABASES['default'] #maybe better to use a system with ogr2ogr? args = ['', '-f', 'PostgreSQL', 'PG:host={0} user={1} dbname={2} password={3} active_schema={4}\ '.format(db_conf['HOST'],db_conf['USER'],db_conf['NAME'], db_conf['PASSWORD'],schema), '-a_srs', 'EPSG:'+str(epsg_code), '-lco', 'PRECISION=NO', dir] try: return ogr2ogr.main(args) except Exception, e: #the module ogr2ogr doesn't specify witch exception could be #raised, try the generic one return e.message
def ogr2ogr_exec(argstring): """ Run an ogr2ogr command :param argstring: command line arguments as string :return: success or failure """ args = [ "", ] args.extend(split_args(argstring)) old_stdout = sys.stdout result = StringIO() sys.stdout = result try: foo = ogr2ogr.main(args) if not foo: raise Exception(result.getvalue()) finally: if old_stdout: sys.stdout = old_stdout
import ogr2ogr import os import_directory = "toImport/" output_directory = "../src/data" for filename in os.listdir(import_directory): ogr2ogr.main(["", "-t_srs", "EPSG:4326", "-f", "GeoJSON", output_directory + filename + ".json", filename + ".shp"])
def readInputFile(self): def checkDirExist(dir): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) checkDirExist(".\\input") checkDirExist(".\\output") try: # 讀檔 for i, files in enumerate(self.read_files): if files != "": # 重置參數 self.options = {} # 分割當前種類檔名 fs = files.split(',') for f in fs: # 去除空白 f = f.strip() self.file_set.append("{}.{}".format(f, self.ext[i])) '''dataframe前處理''' # shp檔 if self.ext[i] == 'shp': pass # csv檔 elif self.ext[i] == 'csv': # 啟用指定的fiona驅動 # see: supported_drivers['CSV'] = 'rw' # 指定經緯度參數的欄位名稱 # see: self.options['X_POSSIBLE_NAMES'] = 'Lon' self.options['Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES'] = 'Lat' # kml檔 elif self.ext[i] == 'kml': # kml轉shp shp檔存在 "input\\KML\\當前檔名" 資料夾下 out_dir = ".\\input\\KML\\{}".format(f) # 資料夾路徑 out_path = "{}\\{}.shp".format(out_dir, f) # 檔案路徑 checkDirExist(out_dir) ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", out_path, ".\\input\\{}.kml".format(f), "-dim", "2", "-lco", "ENCODING=UTF-8"]) # supported_drivers['libkml'] = 'rw' # supported_drivers['LIBKML'] = 'rw' # self.options['driver']='KML' '''讀取為dataframe''' print("\n讀取檔案: {}.{}".format(f, self.ext[i])) if self.ext[i] == 'kml': df = gp.read_file(out_path, encoding='utf-8') elif self.ext[i] == 'asc': res, err, geom = self.asc.getGeometry(f, self.temp_dir) if not res: self.err_msg += err return False, self.err_msg, self.file_set, self.df_set, self.color_set else: df = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geom) print(df.head()) self.df_set.append(df) continue else: df = gp.read_file(".\\input\\{}.{}".format(f, self.ext[i]), encoding='utf-8', **self.options) # {'init': 'epsg:4326'}會導致xy軸座標交換的錯誤 # see: = 'EPSG:4326' # 避免input沒給 這邊給預設值(WGS84) print("原座標系統: {}".format( # 座標轉換 df = df.to_crs(epsg=4326) print("轉換為: {}".format( # 只取geometry # search = u"臺北市" # df = df[df['COUNTYNAME'].isin(["臺北市"])] print(df.head()) # df = df[['COUNTYNAME','geometry']] df = df[['geometry']] df.reset_index(drop=True) self.df_set.append(df) i += 1 return True, self.err_msg, self.file_set, self.df_set, self.color_set except DriverError: self.err_msg += "無法讀取檔案: {}!".format(f) return False, self.err_msg, self.file_set, self.df_set, self.color_set
#get the list of shapefiles in cwd shapelist = getshp(cwd) #code not used yet, but it could at some# #point be useful to pass layer objects# #open the files as layer objects #layerlist = openlist(shapelist) #make a dict from the filenames and the layer objects #layerdict = dict(zip(shapelist, layerlist)) #add fields and values from filename for layer in shapelist: valuedict = splitname(layer, fieldnames) addfields(layer, valuedict) addfeaturearea(layer, 'Area') addfieldpercent(layer,'Area', 'Percent') print("Fields and Values added") #merge files into a single .shp file using method in mergeSpatialFiles(shapelist, 'mergedshp.shp', 'ESRI Shapefile') print("Shapefiles merged") #convert merged .shp file into a .geojson file ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "out.geojson", "mergedshp.shp"]) print("Export to geojson successful")
def main(argv): #Parse options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", "--polygoninput", dest="polyInput", default="./tmp/grid.shp", help="Input polygon SHP. Default is a grid measured by -l and -r", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-i", "--pointinput", dest="pointInput", help="Input csv file path", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-x", "--longitude", dest="longitude", default='longitude', help="CSV longitude header. Default is 'longitude'") parser.add_option("-y", "--latitude", dest="latitude", default='latitude', help="CSV latitude header. Default is 'latitude'") parser.add_option("-z", "--zfield", dest="zfield", default=False, help="CSV attribute header to aggregate on. Default is raw count") parser.add_option("-l", "--cols", dest="cols", default=0.5, help="Fraction of longitude for grid if -p is not supplied. Default is 0.1") parser.add_option("-r", "--rows", dest="rows", default=0.5, help="Fraction of latitude for grid if -p is not supplied. Default is 0.1") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() basename = os.path.basename(options.pointInput) inputname, inputextension = os.path.splitext(basename) #Clean up try: shutil.rmtree("./tmp") except: print "No cleanup required... Continuing..." #Write DBF os.makedirs("./tmp") ogr2ogr.main(["","-f","ESRI Shapefile","./tmp",options.pointInput]) #Write VRT print "Writing CSV VRT..." vrt = open('./tmp/'+inputname+'.vrt','w') vrt.write("<OGRVRTDataSource>\n") vrt.write("\t<OGRVRTLayer name='"+inputname+"'>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<SrcDataSource relativeToVRT='1'>./</SrcDataSource>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<LayerSRS>WGS84</LayerSRS>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='"+options.longitude+"' y='"+options.latitude+"'/>\n") vrt.write("\t</OGRVRTLayer>\n") vrt.write("</OGRVRTDataSource>") vrt.close() #Write SHP print "Converting to SHP..." ogr2ogr.main(["","-f","ESRI Shapefile","./tmp","./tmp/"+inputname+".vrt","-overwrite"]) #Convex hull # Get a Layer print "Calculating convex hull..." inConShapefile = "./tmp/"+inputname+".shp" inDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") inConDataSource = inDriver.Open(inConShapefile, 0) inConLayer = inConDataSource.GetLayer() # Collect all Geometry geomcol = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection) for feature in inConLayer: geomcol.AddGeometry(feature.GetGeometryRef()) # Calculate convex hull convexhull = geomcol.ConvexHull() # Save extent to a new Shapefile outConShapefile = "./tmp/convexhull.shp" outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") # Remove output shapefile if it already exists if os.path.exists(outConShapefile): outDriver.DeleteDataSource(outConShapefile) # Create the output shapefile outConDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(outConShapefile) outConLayer = outConDataSource.CreateLayer("convexhull", geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) # Add an ID field idField = ogr.FieldDefn("id", ogr.OFTInteger) outConLayer.CreateField(idField) # Create the feature and set values featureDefn = outConLayer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(convexhull) feature.SetField("id", 1) outConLayer.CreateFeature(feature) # Close DataSource inConDataSource.Destroy() #Create grid print "Creating grid..." #Get extent xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = outConLayer.GetExtent() # convert sys.argv to float xmin = float(xmin) xmax = float(xmax) ymin = float(ymin) ymax = float(ymax) gridWidth = float(options.cols) gridHeight = float(options.rows) # get rows rows = ceil((ymax-ymin)/gridHeight) # get columns cols = ceil((xmax-xmin)/gridWidth) # start grid cell envelope ringXleftOrigin = xmin ringXrightOrigin = xmin + gridWidth ringYtopOrigin = ymax ringYbottomOrigin = ymax-gridHeight # create output file outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') if os.path.exists('./tmp/grid.shp'): os.remove('./tmp/grid.shp') outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource('./tmp/grid.shp') outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer('./tmp/grid.shp',geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon ) featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() # create grid cells countcols = 0 while countcols < cols: countcols += 1 # reset envelope for rows ringYtop = ringYtopOrigin ringYbottom =ringYbottomOrigin countrows = 0 while countrows < rows: countrows += 1 ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop) ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYtop) ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYbottom) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYbottom) ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) # add new geom to layer outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) outFeature.SetGeometry(poly) outLayer.CreateFeature(outFeature) outFeature.Destroy # new envelope for next poly ringYtop = ringYtop - gridHeight ringYbottom = ringYbottom - gridHeight # new envelope for next poly ringXleftOrigin = ringXleftOrigin + gridWidth ringXrightOrigin = ringXrightOrigin + gridWidth # Close DataSources outDataSource.Destroy() #Clip poly SHP by data convex hull print "Clipping polygon SHP by convex hull..." spatialReference = osr.SpatialReference() spatialReference.ImportFromProj4('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') polyShapefile = options.polyInput pointShapefile = "./tmp/"+inputname+".shp" driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") polyDataSource = driver.Open(polyShapefile, 0) polyLayer = polyDataSource.GetLayer() clipData = driver.CreateDataSource("./tmp") clipLayer = clipData.CreateLayer("clip",spatialReference,ogr.wkbPolygon) polyLayer.Clip(outConLayer,clipLayer) outConDataSource.Destroy() pointDataSource = driver.Open(pointShapefile, 0) pointLayer = pointDataSource.GetLayer() aField = ogr.FieldDefn("Area", ogr.OFTReal) cField = ogr.FieldDefn("Count", ogr.OFTReal) sField = ogr.FieldDefn("SumAttr", ogr.OFTReal) dField = ogr.FieldDefn("CountDens", ogr.OFTReal) tField = ogr.FieldDefn("AttrDens",ogr.OFTReal) clipLayer.CreateField(aField) clipLayer.CreateField(cField) clipLayer.CreateField(sField) clipLayer.CreateField(dField) clipLayer.CreateField(tField) #Iterate over SHP features print "Calculating point density..." for feature in clipLayer: geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() area = geom.Area() pointLayer.SetSpatialFilter(geom) count = pointLayer.GetFeatureCount() density = count/area print density sumattr=0 if options.zfield and count>0: for point in pointLayer: attr = point.GetField(options.zfield) try: sumattr+=float(attr) except: print "Invalid attr" attrdensity=sumattr/area else: attrdensity=density feature.SetField("Area",area) feature.SetField("Count",count) feature.SetField("SumAttr",sumattr) feature.SetField("CountDens",density) feature.SetField("AttrDens",attrdensity) clipLayer.SetFeature(feature) # Close DataSource polyDataSource.Destroy() pointDataSource.Destroy()
## from import ogr2ogr shp = "C:\\Data\\Projects_GIS\\2020\\001_a_GEODB\\BRK_Mapping_Pluvial_IT_US\\pluvial_brk_302.shp" out_gjson= "C:\\Temp\\dump\\output.geojson" ogr2ogr.main([ 'ogr2ogr', '-f', 'GeoJSON', 'output.geojson' , shp ])
conn = pymssql.connect(host='sql2014a8', database='abm_13_2_3', as_dict=True) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT scenario_id, path, scenario_year FROM ref.scenario WHERE scenario_id = %s' % (scenario_id)) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: print scenario_path ogr2ogr.main([ 'E:\\OSGeo4W64\\bin\\ogr2ogr.exe', '-f', 'ESRI Shapefile', '{0}hwy_load_{1}.shp'.format(scenario_path, row['scenario_id']), 'MSSQL:server=sql2014a8;database=abm_13_2_3;trusted_connection=yes;', '-sql', 'SELECT scenario_id as scen_id,scenario_year as scen_yr,abm_version as abm_ver,hwy_link_id as hwy_link,hwycov_id,GEOMETRY::STGeomFromWKB(shape.STAsBinary(), 4326) as shape,link_name,length_mile as len_mile,count_jur,count_stat,count_loc,ifc,ifc_desc,ihov,itruck,post_speed,iway,imed,from_node,from_nm,to_node,to_nm,COALESCE(total_flow,0) as total_flow,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow,0) as abTotFlow,COALESCE(ba_tot_flow,0) as baTotFlow,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as ab_vmt, COALESCE(ba_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as ba_vmt,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow,0) * length_mile + COALESCE(ba_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as vmt,COALESCE(ROUND(((ab_ea_min * ab_ea_flow) + (ab_am_min * ab_am_flow) + (ab_md_min * ab_md_flow) + (ab_pm_min * ab_pm_flow) + (ab_ev_min * ab_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as ab_vht,COALESCE(ROUND(((ba_ea_min * ba_ea_flow) + (ba_am_min * ba_am_flow) + (ba_md_min * ba_md_flow) + (ba_pm_min * ba_pm_flow) + (ba_ev_min * ba_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as ba_vht,COALESCE(ROUND(((ab_ea_min * ab_ea_flow) + (ab_am_min * ab_am_flow) + (ab_md_min * ab_md_flow) + (ab_pm_min * ab_pm_flow) + (ab_ev_min * ab_ev_flow) + (ba_ea_min * ba_ea_flow) + (ba_am_min * ba_am_flow) + (ba_md_min * ba_md_flow) + (ba_pm_min * ba_pm_flow) + (ba_ev_min * ba_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as vht,COALESCE(ab_ea_flow, 0) as ab_ea_flow,COALESCE(ba_ea_flow, 0) as ba_ea_flow,COALESCE(ab_am_flow, 0) as ab_am_flow,COALESCE(ba_am_flow, 0) as ba_am_flow,COALESCE(ab_md_flow, 0) as ab_md_flow,COALESCE(ba_md_flow, 0) as ba_md_flow,COALESCE(ab_pm_flow, 0) as ab_pm_flow,COALESCE(ba_pm_flow, 0) as ba_pm_flow,COALESCE(ab_ev_flow, 0) as ab_ev_flow,COALESCE(ba_ev_flow, 0) as ba_ev_flow,COALESCE(ab_auto_flow, 0) as abAutoFlow,COALESCE(ba_auto_flow, 0) as baAutoFlow,COALESCE(ab_sov_flow, 0) as abSovFlow,COALESCE(ba_sov_flow, 0) as baSovFlow,COALESCE(ab_hov2_flow, 0) as abHov2Flow,COALESCE(ba_hov2_flow, 0) as baHov2Flow,COALESCE(ab_hov3_flow, 0) as abHov3Flow,COALESCE(ba_hov3_flow, 0) as baHov3Flow,COALESCE(ab_truck_flow, 0) as abTrucFlow,COALESCE(ba_truck_flow, 0) as baTrucFlow,COALESCE(ab_bus_flow, 0) as abBusFlow,COALESCE(ba_bus_flow, 0) as baBusFlow,ab_ea_mph,ba_ea_mph,ab_am_mph,ba_am_mph,ab_md_mph,ba_md_mph,ab_pm_mph,ba_pm_mph,ab_ev_mph,ba_ev_mph,ab_ea_min,ba_ea_min,ab_am_min,ba_am_min,ab_md_min,ba_md_min,ab_pm_min,ba_pm_min,ab_ev_min,ba_ev_min,ab_ea_lane,ba_ea_lane,ab_am_lane,ba_am_lane,ab_md_lane,ba_md_lane,ab_pm_lane,ba_pm_lane,ab_ev_lane,ba_ev_lane,ab_ea_voc,ba_ea_voc,ab_am_voc,ba_am_voc,ab_md_voc,ba_md_voc,ab_pm_voc,ba_pm_voc,ab_ev_voc,ba_ev_voc FROM abm.fn_hwy_vol_by_mode_and_tod ({0})' .format(row['scenario_id']), '-overwrite', '-s_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:2230' ]) #subprocess.check_call(os_command)) #os_command = ['E:\\OSGeo4W64\\bin\\ogr2ogr.exe', '-f', 'ESRI Shapefile', # '{0}hwy_load_{1}.shp'.format(scenario_path, row['scenario_id']), # 'MSSQL:server=sql2014a8;database=abm_13_2_3;trusted_connection=yes;', '-sql', # 'SELECT scenario_id as scen_id,scenario_year as scen_yr,abm_version as abm_ver,hwy_link_id as hwy_link,hwycov_id,GEOMETRY::STGeomFromWKB(shape.STAsBinary(), 4326) as shape,link_name,length_mile as len_mile,count_jur,count_stat,count_loc,ifc,ifc_desc,ihov,itruck,post_speed,iway,imed,from_node,from_nm,to_node,to_nm,COALESCE(total_flow,0) as total_flow,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow,0) as abTotFlow,COALESCE(ba_tot_flow,0) as baTotFlow,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as ab_vmt, COALESCE(ba_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as ba_vmt,COALESCE(ab_tot_flow,0) * length_mile + COALESCE(ba_tot_flow, 0) * length_mile as vmt,COALESCE(ROUND(((ab_ea_min * ab_ea_flow) + (ab_am_min * ab_am_flow) + (ab_md_min * ab_md_flow) + (ab_pm_min * ab_pm_flow) + (ab_ev_min * ab_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as ab_vht,COALESCE(ROUND(((ba_ea_min * ba_ea_flow) + (ba_am_min * ba_am_flow) + (ba_md_min * ba_md_flow) + (ba_pm_min * ba_pm_flow) + (ba_ev_min * ba_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as ba_vht,COALESCE(ROUND(((ab_ea_min * ab_ea_flow) + (ab_am_min * ab_am_flow) + (ab_md_min * ab_md_flow) + (ab_pm_min * ab_pm_flow) + (ab_ev_min * ab_ev_flow) + (ba_ea_min * ba_ea_flow) + (ba_am_min * ba_am_flow) + (ba_md_min * ba_md_flow) + (ba_pm_min * ba_pm_flow) + (ba_ev_min * ba_ev_flow)) / 60, 3), 0) as vht,COALESCE(ab_ea_flow, 0) as ab_ea_flow,COALESCE(ba_ea_flow, 0) as ba_ea_flow,COALESCE(ab_am_flow, 0) as ab_am_flow,COALESCE(ba_am_flow, 0) as ba_am_flow,COALESCE(ab_md_flow, 0) as ab_md_flow,COALESCE(ba_md_flow, 0) as ba_md_flow,COALESCE(ab_pm_flow, 0) as ab_pm_flow,COALESCE(ba_pm_flow, 0) as ba_pm_flow,COALESCE(ab_ev_flow, 0) as ab_ev_flow,COALESCE(ba_ev_flow, 0) as ba_ev_flow,COALESCE(ab_auto_flow, 0) as abAutoFlow,COALESCE(ba_auto_flow, 0) as baAutoFlow,COALESCE(ab_sov_flow, 0) as abSovFlow,COALESCE(ba_sov_flow, 0) as baSovFlow,COALESCE(ab_hov2_flow, 0) as abHov2Flow,COALESCE(ba_hov2_flow, 0) as baHov2Flow,COALESCE(ab_hov3_flow, 0) as abHov3Flow,COALESCE(ba_hov3_flow, 0) as baHov3Flow,COALESCE(ab_truck_flow, 0) as abTrucFlow,COALESCE(ba_truck_flow, 0) as baTrucFlow,COALESCE(ab_bus_flow, 0) as abBusFlow,COALESCE(ba_bus_flow, 0) as baBusFlow,ab_ea_mph,ba_ea_mph,ab_am_mph,ba_am_mph,ab_md_mph,ba_md_mph,ab_pm_mph,ba_pm_mph,ab_ev_mph,ba_ev_mph,ab_ea_min,ba_ea_min,ab_am_min,ba_am_min,ab_md_min,ba_md_min,ab_pm_min,ba_pm_min,ab_ev_min,ba_ev_min,ab_ea_lane,ba_ea_lane,ab_am_lane,ba_am_lane,ab_md_lane,ba_md_lane,ab_pm_lane,ba_pm_lane,ab_ev_lane,ba_ev_lane,ab_ea_voc,ba_ea_voc,ab_am_voc,ba_am_voc,ab_md_voc,ba_md_voc,ab_pm_voc,ba_pm_voc,ab_ev_voc,ba_ev_voc FROM abm.fn_hwy_vol_by_mode_and_tod ({0})'.format( # row['scenario_id']), # '-overwrite', '-s_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:2230'] #subprocess.check_call(os_command) else: print 'Scenario Not Available: %s, %s' % (scenario_id, scenario_path)
def getBoundingBox(name, path): """returns the bounding Box of supported Datatypes and standards in WGS84. supported data: Shapefile (.shp), GeoJson (.json/.geojson), GeoTIFF (.tif), netCDF (.nc), GeoPackage (.gpkg), alle ISO19xxx standardisiete Formate, CSV on the web @param path Path to the file @param name name of the file with extension @returns a boundingbox as an array in a tuple in WGS84, formated like ([minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat], None) """ # connect name and path to file filepath = "%s\%s" % (path, name) # get file extension filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filepath) print(file_extension) #shapefile handelig if file_extension == ".shp": try: myshp = open(filepath, "rb") sf = shapefile.Reader(shp=myshp) # error except: return (None, "File Error!") else: # if no error accured return (sf.bbox, None) # geojson handeling elif file_extension == ".json" or file_extension == ".geojson": try: myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath=filepath) return (myGeojson.bbox, None) except ValueError: # if geojson is not a featureCollection myJson = open(filepath, "rb") myJson = json.load(myJson) # raw FeatureCollection myGeojson = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] } myGeojson.get("features").append(myJson) myGeojson = pygeoj.load(data=myGeojson) return (myGeojson.bbox, None) # errors except: return (None, "File Error!") elif file_extension == ".tif" or file_extension == ".tiff": # @see try: # get the existing coordinate system ds = gdal.Open(filepath) old_cs= osr.SpatialReference() old_cs.ImportFromWkt(ds.GetProjectionRef()) # create the new coordinate system wgs84_wkt = """ GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]""" new_cs = osr.SpatialReference() new_cs .ImportFromWkt(wgs84_wkt) # create a transform object to convert between coordinate systems transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(old_cs,new_cs) #get the point to transform, pixel (0,0) in this case width = ds.RasterXSize height = ds.RasterYSize gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() minx = gt[0] miny = gt[3] + width*gt[4] + height*gt[5] maxx = gt[0] + width*gt[1] + height*gt[2] maxy = gt[3] #get the coordinates in lat long latlongmin = transform.TransformPoint(minx,miny) latlongmax = transform.TransformPoint(maxx,maxy) bbox = [latlongmin[0], latlongmin[1], latlongmax[0], latlongmax[1]] return (bbox, None) # errors except: return (None, "File Error or TIFF is not GeoTIFF") # netCDF handeling elif file_extension == ".nc": try: # ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath) # transform coordinates section in a dictionary coordinates = ds.to_dict()['coords'] # get the coordinates as a list lats = coordinates['latitude']['data'] longs = coordinates['longitude']['data'] # taking the smallest and highest coordinates from the lists bbox = [min(longs), min(lats), max(longs), max(lats)] return (bbox, None) # errors except KeyError: return (None, "coordinate names may be spelled wrong: should be 'latitude'/'longitude") except: return (None, "File Error!") # handeling geoPackage elif file_extension == ".gpkg": # @see try: conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(""" SELECT min(min_x), min(min_y), max(max_x), max(max_y), srs_id FROM gpkg_contents WHERE NOT srs_id = 4327 GROUP BY srs_id """) row = c.fetchall() bboxes = [] if row == None: assert LookupError("No valid data detected (EPSG:4327 not supported)") for line in row: bboxes.append([line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4]]) wgs84bboxen = [] for bbox in bboxes: box = CRSTransform(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[4]) box.extend(CRSTransform(bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4])) wgs84bboxen.append(box) bbox = [wgs84bboxen[0][0], wgs84bboxen[0][1], wgs84bboxen[0][2], wgs84bboxen[0][3]] for wgs84Box in wgs84bboxen: if wgs84Box[0] < bbox[0]: bbox[0] = wgs84Box[0] if wgs84Box[1] < bbox[1]: bbox[1] = wgs84Box[1] if wgs84Box[2] > bbox[2]: bbox[2] = wgs84Box[2] if wgs84Box[3] > bbox[3]: bbox[3] = wgs84Box[3] return(bbox, None) except LookupError as e: return(None, e) except: return (None, "File Error!") finally: try: conn.close() except: pass # csv or csv formated textfile handeling (csv on the web) elif file_extension == ".csv" or file_extension == ".txt": # @see try: # finding the correct collums for latitude and longitude csvfile = open(filepath) head = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|') # get the headline an convert, if possible, ';' to ',' # and seperate each word devided by a ',' into an array header = next(head)[0].replace(";", ",").split(",") lng=None lat=None # searching for valid names for latitude and longitude for t in header: if t == "longitude": lng = "longitude" if t == "latitude": lat = "latitude" if t == "lon": lng = "lon" if t == "lng": lng = "lng" if t == "lat": lat = "lat" # if there is no valid name or coordinates, an exception is thrown an cought with an errormassage if(lat == None or lng == None): raise ValueError("pleas rename latitude an longitude: latitude/lat, longitude/lon/lng") # errors except ValueError as e: return (None, e) except: return (None, "File Error!") # if no error accured else: try: df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0) # get all coordinates from found collums latitudes = df[lng].tolist() longitudes = df[lat].tolist() # taking the smallest and highest coordinates from the lists bbox = [min(longitudes), min(latitudes), max(longitudes), max(latitudes)] return (bbox, None) # in case the words are separated by a ';' insted of a comma except KeyError: try: # tell the reader that the seperator is a ';' df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0, sep=';') # get all coordinates from found collums latitudes = df[lng].tolist() longitudes = df[lat].tolist() # taking the smallest and highest coordinates from the lists bbox = [min(longitudes), min(latitudes), max(longitudes), max(latitudes)] return (bbox, None) # the csv is not valid except KeyError: return (None, "Pleas seperate your data with either ',' or ';'!") # errors except: return (None, "File Error: File not found or check if your csv file is valid to 'csv on the web'") # gml handeling elif file_extension == ".gml" or file_extension == ".xml" or file_extension == ".kml": try: # @see # convert the gml file to a GeoJSON file ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "%s.json" % (name), filepath]) # srcDS = gdal.OpenEx(filepath) # ds = gdal.VectorTranslate('output.json', srcDS, format='GeoJSON') # get boundingbox from generated GeoJSON file myGeojson = pygeoj.load(filepath="%s.json"%name) click.echo(myGeojson.bbox) # delete generated GeoJSON file return (myGeojson.bbox, None) # errors except: return (None, "file not found or your gml/xml/kml data is not valid") finally: try: os.remove("%s.json"%name) except: pass # if the extension has not been implemented yet or won't be supported else: return (None, "type %s not yet supported" % file_extension)
import os import ogr2ogr gpx_directory_path = r"C:\Users\Fran\Downloads\export_22552451\activities" gpx_list = os.listdir(gpx_directory_path) for gpx_file in gpx_list: if gpx_file.endswith(".gpx"): full_gpx_path = os.path.join(gpx_directory_path, gpx_file) print(f"Converting {full_gpx_path} to shapefile") output_shapefile = os.path.splitext(full_gpx_path)[0] + ".shp" try: ogr2ogr.main( ["", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", output_shapefile, full_gpx_path]) ## download from here print(f"Finished Converting {full_gpx_path} to shapefile \n") except Exception as e: print("failed to convert") print(e) print("Finished converting all gpx to shp")
def StringToRaster(raster): # Check if string is provided fileInfo = QFileInfo(raster) path = fileInfo.filePath() baseName = fileInfo.baseName() layer = QgsRasterLayer(path, baseName) #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer) entries = [] # Define band1 boh1 = QgsRasterCalculatorEntry() boh1.ref = 'ndvi20160607sentinel@5' boh1.raster = layer boh1.bandNumber = 5 entries.append( boh1 ) # Process calculation with input extent and resolution calc = QgsRasterCalculator( '(ndvi20160607sentinel@5) * 166.67 + 111.67', 'C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/outputfile.tif', 'GTiff', layer.extent(), layer.width(), layer.height(), entries ) calc.processCalculation() fileInfo = QFileInfo('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/outputfile.tif') path = fileInfo.filePath() baseName = fileInfo.baseName() layer = QgsRasterLayer(path, baseName) #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer) if layer.isValid() is True: print "Layer was loaded successfully!" else: print "Unable to read basename and file path - Your string is probably invalid" shape = QgsVectorLayer('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/perceel-hier-rdnew.geojson', 'perceel', 'ogr') #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(shape) xmin = (shape.extent().xMinimum()) #extract the minimum x coord from our layer xmax = (shape.extent().xMaximum()) #extract our maximum x coord from our layer ymin = (shape.extent().yMinimum()) #extract our minimum y coord from our layer ymax = (shape.extent().yMaximum()) #extract our maximum y coord from our layer #prepare the extent in a format the VectorGrid tool can interpret (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) extent = str(xmin)+ ',' + str(xmax)+ ',' +str(ymin)+ ',' +str(ymax) # raster the given shape processing.runalg('qgis:vectorgrid', extent, 20, 20, 0, 'C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/rasterShapes.geojson') shapeRaster = QgsVectorLayer('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/rasterShapes.geojson', 'perceelRaster', 'ogr') shapeRaster.setCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(28992, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId)) #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(shapeRaster) #clip the raster returned processing.runalg('qgis:clip', shapeRaster, shape, 'C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/clippedRaster.shp') #define oldPath and newPath ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "ESRI Shapefile", "-s_srs", "epsg:28992", "-t_srs", "epsg:32632", "C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/clippedRasterNew.shp", "C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/clippedRaster.shp"]) clippedRaster = QgsVectorLayer('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/clippedRasterNew.shp', 'clippedRaster', 'ogr') clippedRaster.setCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(32632, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId)) #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(clippedRaster) #zonalstatistics processing.runalg('qgis:zonalstatistics', layer, 1, clippedRaster, '', False, 'C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/filledRaster.geojson') filledRaster = QgsVectorLayer('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/filledRaster.geojson', 'filledRaster', 'ogr') filledRaster.setCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(32632, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId)) #QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(filledRaster) ogr2ogr.main(["","-f", "GeoJSON", "-s_srs", "epsg:32632", "-t_srs", "epsg:4326", "C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/taakkaart.geojson", "C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/filledRaster.geojson"]) taakkaart = QgsVectorLayer('C:/Hackathon Farmhack data/Output/taakkaart.geojson', 'taakkaart', 'ogr') QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(taakkaart)
def main(argv): #Get input and output from command line args parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="inputfile", help="Input csv file path", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outfile", default="./tmp/mbtiles.mbtiles", help="Output MBtiles file path. Default is ./tmp/mbtiles.mbtiles", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-a", "--alg", dest="alg", default="invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0", help="GDAL grid algorithm. Default is 'invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0'") parser.add_option("-m", "--zoom", dest="zoom", default="1-3", help="Zoom level in single quotes. Default is '1-3'") parser.add_option("-c", "--color1", dest="color1", default='255 255 0', help="RGB color for lowest level, Default '255 255 0' for yellow") parser.add_option("-d", "--color2", dest="color2", default='255 0 0', help="RGB color for highest level, Default is '255 0 0' for red") parser.add_option("-n", "--nearest", dest="nearest", default=False, help="If true, raster values will be assigned to nearest step, rather than continuous. Default is continuous. To be used in conjunction with -s") parser.add_option("-s", "--steps", dest="steps", default=10, help="Number of steps in the color relief if specified and -n is 'True'. Default is 10") parser.add_option("-r", "--rows", dest="rows", default=1000, help="Grid rows. Default is 1000") parser.add_option("-l", "--cols", dest="cols", default=1000, help="Grid columns. Default is 1000") parser.add_option("-x", "--longitude", dest="longitude", default='longitude', help="CSV longitude header. Default is 'longitude'") parser.add_option("-y", "--latitude", dest="latitude", default='latitude', help="CSV latitude header. Default is 'latitude'") parser.add_option("-z", "--zfield", dest="zfield", help="CSV z-field header") parser.add_option("-p", "--clipshape", dest="clipshape", default="./tmp/convexhull.shp", help="Shapefile to clip tif. Default is generated convex-hull") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() basename = os.path.basename(options.inputfile) inputname, inputextension = os.path.splitext(basename) #Clean up try: shutil.rmtree("./tmp") except: print "No cleanup required... Continuing..." #Write DBF os.makedirs("./tmp") ogr2ogr.main(["","-f","ESRI Shapefile","./tmp",options.inputfile]) #Write VRT print "Writing CSV VRT..." vrt = open('./tmp/'+inputname+'.vrt','w') vrt.write("<OGRVRTDataSource>\n") vrt.write("\t<OGRVRTLayer name='"+inputname+"'>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<SrcDataSource relativeToVRT='1'>./</SrcDataSource>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<LayerSRS>WGS84</LayerSRS>\n") vrt.write("\t\t<GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='"+options.longitude+"' y='"+options.latitude+"'/>\n") vrt.write("\t</OGRVRTLayer>\n") vrt.write("</OGRVRTDataSource>") vrt.close() #Write SHP print "Converting to SHP..." ogr2ogr.main(["","-f","ESRI Shapefile","./tmp","./tmp/"+inputname+".vrt","-overwrite"]) #Rasterize SHP print "Rasterizing..." rasterize = subprocess.Popen(["gdal_grid","-outsize",str(options.rows),str(options.cols),"-a",options.alg,"-zfield",options.zfield,"./tmp/"+inputname+".shp","-l",inputname,"./tmp/"+inputname+".tif","--config", "GDAL_NUM_THREADS", "ALL_CPUS"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) rOutput = rasterize.communicate()[0] print rOutput #Convex hull # Get a Layer print "Calculating convex hull..." inShapefile = "./tmp/"+inputname+".shp" inDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") inDataSource = inDriver.Open(inShapefile, 0) inLayer = inDataSource.GetLayer() # Collect all Geometry geomcol = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection) for feature in inLayer: geomcol.AddGeometry(feature.GetGeometryRef()) # Calculate convex hull convexhull = geomcol.ConvexHull() # Save extent to a new Shapefile outShapefile = "./tmp/convexhull.shp" outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") # Remove output shapefile if it already exists if os.path.exists(outShapefile): outDriver.DeleteDataSource(outShapefile) # Create the output shapefile outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(outShapefile) outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer("convexhull", geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) # Add an ID field idField = ogr.FieldDefn("id", ogr.OFTInteger) outLayer.CreateField(idField) # Create the feature and set values featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) feature.SetGeometry(convexhull) feature.SetField("id", 1) outLayer.CreateFeature(feature) # Close DataSource inDataSource.Destroy() outDataSource.Destroy() #Write color relief txt print "Writing color relief txt..." steps = int(options.steps) colorTxt = open("./tmp/"+"color.txt","w") colorTxt.write("0% "+options.color1+"\n") percentStep = 100/float(steps) for step in range(1,steps): percentR = str(((int(options.color1.split()[0])*(steps-step))+(int(options.color2.split()[0])*step))/steps) percentG = str(((int(options.color1.split()[1])*(steps-step))+(int(options.color2.split()[1])*step))/steps) percentB = str(((int(options.color1.split()[2])*(steps-step))+(int(options.color2.split()[2])*step))/steps) colorTxt.write(str(percentStep*step)+"% "+percentR+" "+percentG+" "+percentB+" "+"\n") colorTxt.write("100% "+options.color2) colorTxt.close() #Color the raster print "Colorizing raster..." if options.nearest: colorize = subprocess.Popen(["gdaldem", "color-relief","./tmp/"+inputname+".tif", "./tmp/color.txt", "./tmp/"+inputname+"_color.tif","-nearest_color_entry"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: colorize = subprocess.Popen(["gdaldem", "color-relief","./tmp/"+inputname+".tif", "./tmp/color.txt", "./tmp/"+inputname+"_color.tif"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cOutput = colorize.communicate()[0] print cOutput #Warp for compression and clip to convex hull print "Warping raster..." warp = subprocess.Popen(["gdalwarp","-co","compress=deflate", "-co", "tiled=yes", "-r", "lanczos", "-cutline", options.clipshape, "-dstnodata", "0", "./tmp/"+inputname+"_color.tif", "./tmp/"+inputname+"_final.tif"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) wOutput = warp.communicate()[0] print wOutput #Draw VRT for parallel gdal2tiles print "Building tile VRT..." buildVrt = subprocess.Popen(["gdalbuildvrt","./tmp/tiles.vrt", "./tmp/"+inputname+"_final.tif"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) vOutput = buildVrt.communicate()[0] print vOutput #Draw png tiles print "Drawing tiles..." argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( ['./','-z',options.zoom,'./tmp/tiles.vrt','./tmp/tiles'] ) if argv: c1 = Configuration(argv[1:]) tile=c1.create_tile() gdal2tiles.process(c1,tile) #Create MBtiles print "Generating MBtiles file..." mbtiles = subprocess.Popen(["mb-util","./tmp/tiles",options.outfile,"--scheme","tms"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) mOutput = mbtiles.communicate()[0] print mOutput print "Done."
def convertSHPtoKML(filename): output_filename = str(filename)+"KML" input_filename = filename ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "KML", str(output_filename)+".kml", str(input_filename)+".shp"]) return True