def get_ij_inds(grd,**kargs): f=kargs.get('url','') vlon=kargs.get('vlon','Longitude') vlat=kargs.get('vlat','Latitude') lon=kargs.get('lon',False) lat=kargs.get('lat',False) lon_add=kargs.get('lon_add',-360) fsave=kargs.get('fsave','ijinds.pickle') if lon is False: lon=netcdf.use(f,vlon) if np.any(lon>360): lon=np.mod(lon,360) lon+=lon_add if lat is False: lat=netcdf.use(f,vlat) rlon=netcdf.use(grd,'lon_rho') rlat=netcdf.use(grd,'lat_rho') xlim=rlon.min(),rlon.max() ylim=rlat.min(),rlat.max() from okean import calc i1,i2,j1,j2=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,xlim,ylim,margin=1) i1=i1-2 i2=i2+2 j1=j1-2 j2=j2+2 if fsave: np.asarray([ i1,i2,j1,j2]).dump(fsave) print 'saved %s'%fsave return np.asarray([ i1,i2,j1,j2])
def grid_vicinity(grid, x, y, margin=5, rect=False, retinds=False): ''' Returns True for x,y points inside roms grid boundary plus margin. Margin is the number of cells to add around the grid. if rect is True returns True for all points in the smallest 2d xy grid (usually a rectangle) around the grid. In this case,margin is the rectangle margin, ie, in units of xy, not in units of grid if retinds, in the case of rect, the rectangle j1,j2 and i1,i2 are also returned (cond,inds=grid_vicinity(....); i1,i2,j1,j2=inds) mma, TAMU 2011 ''' xg = netcdf.use(grid, 'lon_rho') yg = netcdf.use(grid, 'lat_rho') xlim = xg.min(), xg.max() ylim = yg.min(), yg.max() if x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if rect: out = np.zeros(x.shape, 'bool') i1, i2, j1, j2 = calc.ij_limits(x, y, xlim, ylim, margin) out[j1:j2, i1:i2] = 1 else: from roms import Grid g = Grid(grid) xb, yb = g.border(margin=-margin) out = calc.inpolygon(x, y, xb, yb) if rect and retinds: return out, (i1, i2, j1, j2) else: return out
def grid_vicinity(grid,x,y,margin=5,rect=False,retinds=False): ''' Returns True for x,y points inside roms grid boundary plus margin. Margin is the number of cells to add around the grid. if rect is True returns True for all points in the smallest 2d xy grid (usually a rectangle) around the grid. In this case,margin is the rectangle margin, ie, in units of xy, not in units of grid if retinds, in the case of rect, the rectangle j1,j2 and i1,i2 are also returned (cond,inds=grid_vicinity(....); i1,i2,j1,j2=inds) mma, TAMU 2011 ''' xg=netcdf.use(grid,'lon_rho') yg=netcdf.use(grid,'lat_rho') xlim=xg.min(),xg.max() ylim=yg.min(),yg.max() if x.ndim==1 and y.ndim==1: x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) if rect: out=np.zeros(x.shape,'bool') i1,i2,j1,j2=calc.ij_limits(x,y,xlim,ylim,margin) out[j1:j2,i1:i2]=1 else: from roms import Grid g=Grid(grid) xb,yb=g.border(margin=-margin) out=calc.inpolygon(x,y,xb,yb) if rect and retinds: return out,(i1,i2,j1,j2) else: return out
def get_ij_inds(grd, **kargs): f = kargs.get('url', '') vlon = kargs.get('vlon', 'Longitude') vlat = kargs.get('vlat', 'Latitude') lon = kargs.get('lon', False) lat = kargs.get('lat', False) lon_add = kargs.get('lon_add', -360) fsave = kargs.get('fsave', 'ijinds.pickle') if lon is False: lon = netcdf.use(f, vlon) if np.any(lon > 360): lon = np.mod(lon, 360) lon += lon_add if lat is False: lat = netcdf.use(f, vlat) rlon = netcdf.use(grd, 'lon_rho') rlat = netcdf.use(grd, 'lat_rho') xlim = rlon.min(), rlon.max() ylim = rlat.min(), rlat.max() from okean import calc i1, i2, j1, j2 = calc.ij_limits(lon, lat, xlim, ylim, margin=1) i1 = i1 - 2 i2 = i2 + 2 j1 = j1 - 2 j2 = j2 + 2 if fsave: np.asarray([i1, i2, j1, j2]).dump(fsave) print 'saved %s' % fsave return np.asarray([i1, i2, j1, j2])
def extract(self, year, level=3, version=2, lims=False): a = SMOSdownload(self.path) p = a.destination_folder(year, level, version, gen=False) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(p, '*.nc')) files.sort() res = OrderedDict() for f in files: print(' -- extracting from %s' % f) if f == files[0]: lon = netcdf.use(f, 'longitude') lat = netcdf.use(f, 'latitude') if lims: i0, i1, j0, j1 = calc.ij_limits(lon, lat, lims[:2], lims[2:], margin=2) ii = '%d:%d' % (i0, i1 + 1) jj = '%d:%d' % (j0, j1 + 1) lon = netcdf.use(f, 'longitude', longitude=ii) lat = netcdf.use(f, 'latitude', latitude=jj) else: ii, jj = ':', ':' date0 = netcdf.nctime(f, 'date_start')[0] date1 = netcdf.nctime(f, 'date_stop')[0] date = netcdf.nctime(f, 'time')[0] sss = netcdf.use(f, 'sss', longitude=ii, latitude=jj) res[date] = date0, date1, sss return lon, lat, res
def extract(self,year,level=3,version=2,lims=False): a=SMOSdownload(self.path) p=a.destination_folder(year,level,version,gen=False) files=glob.glob(os.path.join(p,'*.nc')) files.sort() res=OrderedDict() for f in files: print(' -- extracting from %s'%f) if f==files[0]: lon=netcdf.use(f,'longitude') lat=netcdf.use(f,'latitude') if lims: i0,i1,j0,j1=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,lims[:2],lims[2:],margin=2) ii='%d:%d'%(i0,i1+1) jj='%d:%d'%(j0,j1+1) lon=netcdf.use(f,'longitude',longitude=ii) lat=netcdf.use(f,'latitude',latitude=jj) else: ii,jj=':',':' date0=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_start')[0] date1=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_stop')[0] date=netcdf.nctime(f,'time')[0] sss=netcdf.use(f,'sss',longitude=ii,latitude=jj) res[date]=date0,date1,sss return lon,lat,res
def get_lonlat(date,vname,dataset='GOM'): url=gen_url(date,vname,dataset) lon=netcdf.use(url,'Longitude') lat=netcdf.use(url,'Latitude') if dataset=='GLOBAL': lon=np.mod(lon,360)-360 return lon,lat
def get(xlim, ylim): x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') i0, i1, j0, j1 = calc.ij_limits(x, y, xlim, ylim) ix = '%d:%d' % (i0, i1) iy = '%d:%d' % (j0, j1) x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon', lon=ix) y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat', lat=iy) z = netcdf.use(f, 'z', lon=ix, lat=iy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) np.savez('etopo1_madeira.npz', x=x, y=y, z=z)
def roms2swan_grid(grd, exc=9999., label='swan_bathy'): '''exc (EXCeption) = mask points ''' x = netcdf.use(grd, 'lon_rho') y = netcdf.use(grd, 'lat_rho') m = netcdf.use(grd, 'mask_rho') h = netcdf.use(grd, 'h') h[m == 0] = exc ny, nx = h.shape fbot = label + '.bot' fgrd = label + '.grd' # depths file: fb = open(fbot, 'w') for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): fb.write(' ') fb.write('%12.8f' % h[j, i]) fb.write('\n') fb.close() print(' -- created swan depths file %s' % fbot) # coords file: #v=np.hstack((x.T.flatten(),y.T.flatten())) v = np.hstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())) np.savetxt(fgrd, v, fmt='%12.6f') print(' -- created swan computational grid file %s\n' % fgrd) # add to swan INPUT: print('\n') print( 'CGRID CURVILINEAR %d %d EXC 9.999000e+003 9.999000e+003 CIRCLE 36 0.04 1.0 24' % (nx - 1, ny - 1)) print('READGRID COORDINATES 1 \'%s\' 4 0 0 FREE ' % (fgrd)) print('INPGRID BOTTOM CURVILINEAR 0 0 %d %d EXC 9.999000e+003' % (nx - 1, ny - 1)) print('READINP BOTTOM 1 \'%s\' 4 0 FREE ' % (fbot)) print('\n')
def extract(self, year, type, lims=False, date=False): a = OSTIAdownload(self.path) p = a.destination_folder(year, type) #########level,version,gen=False) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(p, '*.nc')) files.sort() res = OrderedDict() c = -1 for f in files: c += 1 print(' -- extracting from %s' % f) if c == 0: lon = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') lat = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') if lims: i0, i1, j0, j1 = calc.ij_limits(lon, lat, lims[:2], lims[2:], margin=2) ii = '%d:%d' % (i0, i1 + 1) jj = '%d:%d' % (j0, j1 + 1) lon = netcdf.use(f, 'lon', lon=ii) lat = netcdf.use(f, 'lat', lat=jj) else: ii, jj = ':', ':' date = netcdf.nctime(f, 'time')[0] u = netcdf.use(f, 'analysed_sst', lon=ii, lat=jj) if c == 0: sst =, ) + u.shape, u.dtype) time = np.zeros(len(files), datetime.datetime) sst[c] = u time[c] = date ### date0=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_start')[0] ### date1=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_stop')[0] # res[date]=sst ##### return lon,lat,res return time, lon, lat, sst
def roms2swan_grid(grd,exc=9999.,label='swan_bathy'): '''exc (EXCeption) = mask points ''' x=netcdf.use(grd,'lon_rho') y=netcdf.use(grd,'lat_rho') m=netcdf.use(grd,'mask_rho') h=netcdf.use(grd,'h') h[m==0]=exc ny,nx=h.shape fbot=label+'.bot' fgrd=label+'.grd' # depths file: fb=open(fbot,'w') for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): fb.write(' ') fb.write('%12.8f'%h[j,i]) fb.write('\n') fb.close() print ' -- created swan depths file %s'%fbot # coords file: #v=np.hstack((x.T.flatten(),y.T.flatten())) v=np.hstack((x.flatten(),y.flatten())) np.savetxt(fgrd,v,fmt='%12.6f') print ' -- created swan computational grid file %s\n'%fgrd # add to swan INPUT: print '\n' print 'CGRID CURVILINEAR %d %d EXC 9.999000e+003 9.999000e+003 CIRCLE 36 0.04 1.0 24'%(nx-1,ny-1) print 'READGRID COORDINATES 1 \'%s\' 4 0 0 FREE '%(fgrd) print 'INPGRID BOTTOM CURVILINEAR 0 0 %d %d EXC 9.999000e+003'%(nx-1,ny-1) print 'READINP BOTTOM 1 \'%s\' 4 0 FREE '%(fbot) print '\n'
def extract(self,year,type,lims=False,date=False): a=OSTIAdownload(self.path) p=a.destination_folder(year,type)#########level,version,gen=False) files=glob.glob(os.path.join(p,'*.nc')) files.sort() res=OrderedDict() c=-1 for f in files: c+=1 print(' -- extracting from %s'%f) if c==0: lon=netcdf.use(f,'lon') lat=netcdf.use(f,'lat') if lims: i0,i1,j0,j1=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,lims[:2],lims[2:],margin=2) ii='%d:%d'%(i0,i1+1) jj='%d:%d'%(j0,j1+1) lon=netcdf.use(f,'lon',lon=ii) lat=netcdf.use(f,'lat',lat=jj) else: ii,jj=':',':' date=netcdf.nctime(f,'time')[0] u=netcdf.use(f,'analysed_sst',lon=ii,lat=jj) if c==0:,)+u.shape,u.dtype) time=np.zeros(len(files),datetime.datetime) sst[c]=u time[c]=date ### date0=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_start')[0] ### date1=netcdf.nctime(f,'date_stop')[0] # res[date]=sst ##### return lon,lat,res return time,lon,lat,sst
def read_wind(grd, date, ij=False): f = source(date) print('-- reading from %s' % f) time = netcdf.nctime(f, 'time') if 0: try: i = np.where(time == date)[0][0] except: return 'date %s not found' % date.isoformat(' ') else: i = 0 returnXY = False if ij is False: returnXY = True lon = netcdf.use(f, 'longitude') # -180..180 lat = netcdf.use(f, 'latitude') g = roms.Grid(grd) xl0 = np.asarray((g.lon.min(), g.lon.max())) xl = np.asarray((g.lon.min(), g.lon.max())) if np.any(xl > 180) or np.any(xl < -180): print('ERROR: grid is supposed to be -180<x<180') print( 'Can be implemented with mpl_toolkits.basemap.shiftgrid ... TODO' ) print('(') return yl =, ij = calc.ij_limits(lon, lat, xl, yl, margin=1) i0, i1, j0, j1 = ij u = netcdf.use(f, 'eastward_wind', longitude='%d:%d' % (i0, i1), latitude='%d:%d' % (j0, j1), time=i) v = netcdf.use(f, 'northward_wind', longitude='%d:%d' % (i0, i1), latitude='%d:%d' % (j0, j1), time=i) if returnXY: lon = netcdf.use(f, 'longitude', longitude='%d:%d' % (i0, i1), latitude='%d:%d' % (j0, j1)) lat = netcdf.use(f, 'latitude', longitude='%d:%d' % (i0, i1), latitude='%d:%d' % (j0, j1)) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) #if np.all(xl0<0): lon=lon-360 # this may be wrong ... if xl is near 0, lon ay have pos and neg values !!! fix this one day ... return lon, lat, u, v, ij else: return u, v
def read_wind(grd,date,ij=False): f=source(date) print '-- reading from %s'%f time=netcdf.nctime(f,'time') if 0: try: i=np.where(time==date)[0][0] except: return 'date %s not found'%date.isoformat(' ') else: i=0 returnXY=False if ij is False: returnXY=True lon=netcdf.use(f,'longitude') # -180..180 lat=netcdf.use(f,'latitude') g=roms.Grid(grd) xl0=np.asarray((g.lon.min(),g.lon.max())) xl=np.asarray((g.lon.min(),g.lon.max())) if np.any(xl>180) or np.any(xl<-180): print 'ERROR: grid is supposed to be -180<x<180' print 'Can be implemented with mpl_toolkits.basemap.shiftgrid ... TODO' print '(' return, ij=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,xl,yl,margin=1) i0,i1,j0,j1=ij u=netcdf.use(f,'eastward_wind',longitude='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),latitude='%d:%d'%(j0,j1),time=i) v=netcdf.use(f,'northward_wind',longitude='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),latitude='%d:%d'%(j0,j1),time=i) if returnXY: lon=netcdf.use(f,'longitude',longitude='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),latitude='%d:%d'%(j0,j1)) lat=netcdf.use(f,'latitude',longitude='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),latitude='%d:%d'%(j0,j1)) lon,lat=np.meshgrid(lon,lat) #if np.all(xl0<0): lon=lon-360 # this may be wrong ... if xl is near 0, lon ay have pos and neg values !!! fix this one day ... return lon,lat,u,v, ij else: return u,v
def read_wind(grd,date,ij=False): f=source(date) print '-- reading from %s'%f time=netcdf.nctime(f,'time') try: i=np.where(time==date)[0][0] except: return 'date %s not found'%d.isoformat(' ') returnXY=False if ij is False: returnXY=True lon=netcdf.use(f,'lon') lat=netcdf.use(f,'lat') g=roms.Grid(grd) xl0=np.asarray((g.lon.min(),g.lon.max())) xl=np.asarray((g.lon.min(),g.lon.max())) if np.all(xl<0): xl=xl+360 elif np.any(xl<0) and np.any(xl>0): print 'ERROR: zero crossing not implemented !!!' print 'can be done with mpl_toolkits.basemap.shiftgrid ... TODO' print '(' return, ij=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,xl,yl,margin=1) i0,i1,j0,j1=ij u=netcdf.use(f,'uwnd',lon='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),lat='%d:%d'%(j0,j1),time=i) v=netcdf.use(f,'vwnd',lon='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),lat='%d:%d'%(j0,j1),time=i) if returnXY: lon=netcdf.use(f,'lon',lon='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),lat='%d:%d'%(j0,j1)) lat=netcdf.use(f,'lat',lon='%d:%d'%(i0,i1),lat='%d:%d'%(j0,j1)) lon,lat=np.meshgrid(lon,lat) if np.all(xl0<0): lon=lon-360 # this may be wrong ... if xl is near 0, lon ay have pos and neg values !!! fix this one day ... return lon,lat,u,v, ij else: return u,v
def cordex_file_data(f,lims=False,quiet=False): ''' CORDEX data for ROMS No accumulated variables are considered ''' out={} # time, x, y: if not quiet: print(' reading time,x,y') out['time']=netcdf.nctime(f,'time') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon') y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 if x.ndim==1 and y.ndim==1: x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) if if if lims: from okean import calc xlim,ylim=lims i1,i2,j1,j2=calc.ij_limits(x,y,xlim,ylim,margin=3) else: i0=0 j0=0 j1,i1=x.shape I=range(i1,i2) J=range(j1,j2) x=x[j1:j2,i1:i2] y=y[j1:j2,i1:i2] # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') vname='tair' tair=netcdf.use(f,vname,lon=I,lat=J)-273.15 out['tair']=Data(x,y,tair,'Celsius') # R humidity [0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity (from specific humidity)') vname='humid' q=netcdf.use(f,vname,lon=I,lat=J) # specific humidity rhum=q/air_sea.qsat(tair) rhum[rhum>1]=1 out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') vname='press' pres=netcdf.use(f,vname,lon=I,lat=J) out['pres']=Data(x,y,pres,'Pa') # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 -> cm/d] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') vname='rain' prate=netcdf.use(f,vname,lon=I,lat=J) prate=prate*86400*100/1000. prate[prate<0]=0 out['prate']=Data(x,y,prate,'cm/d') # Net shortwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') if not quiet: print(' SW down') sw_down=netcdf.use(f,'sw_down',lon=I,lat=J) if not quiet: print(' SW up') sw_up=netcdf.use(f,'sw_up',lon=I,lat=J) sw_net=sw_down-sw_up out['radsw']=Data(x,y,sw_net,'W m-2',info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') if not quiet: print(' LW down') lw_down=netcdf.use(f,'lw_down',lon=I,lat=J) if not quiet: print(' LW up') lw_up=netcdf.use(f,'lw_up',lon=I,lat=J) lw_net=lw_down-lw_up out['radlw']=Data(x,y,-lw_net,'W m-2',info='positive upward') # downward lw: out['dlwrf']=Data(x,y,-lw_down,'W m-2',info='negative... downward') # signs convention is better explained in # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') uwnd=netcdf.use(f,'u',lon=I,lat=J) vwnd=netcdf.use(f,'v',lon=I,lat=J) if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2+vwnd**2) taux,tauy=air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd,vwnd) out['wspd']=Data(x,y,speed,'m s-1') out['uwnd']=Data(x,y,uwnd,'m s-1') out['vwnd']=Data(x,y,vwnd,'m s-1') out['sustr']=Data(x,y,taux,'Pa') out['svstr']=Data(x,y,tauy,'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--100 --> 0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') if 'clouds' in netcdf.varnames(f): clouds=netcdf.use(f,'clouds',lon=I,lat=J)/100. out['cloud']=Data(x,y,clouds,'fraction (0--1)') else: print('==> clouds not present!') return fill_extremes(out,quiet)
from okean import netcdf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU # <markdowncell> # Lets use some ROMS-ESPRESSO output and load info from a glider: # <codecell> froms='' fglider='' fglider='' x=netcdf.use(fglider,'longitude') y=netcdf.use(fglider,'latitude') t=netcdf.nctime(fglider,'time') a=glider.RomsGlider(froms,x,y,t) a.plot() # <markdowncell> # Extract and plot the glider data # <codecell> z=netcdf.use(fglider,'depth') v=netcdf.use(fglider,'temperature')
%matplotlib inline from okean.roms import glider from okean import netcdf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # <markdowncell> # Lets use some ROMS-ESPRESSO output and load info from a glider: # <codecell> froms='' fglider='' x=netcdf.use(fglider,'longitude') y=netcdf.use(fglider,'latitude') t=netcdf.nctime(fglider,'time') a=glider.RomsGlider(froms,x,y,t) a.plot() # <markdowncell> # Extract and plot the glider data # <codecell> vmin=30.0 vmax=36.0 z=netcdf.use(fglider,'depth')
def frc2gnome(fname, frc, grd, xylim=False, dates=False, ij=(1, 1), **kargs): ''' Creates GNOME wind file kargs: t[u,v]var t[u,v]dim x[y,ang]var Ex: .frc2gnome(out,frc,grd,ij=(10,10),dates=dates,**{'tdim':'Time'}) ''' deta, dxi = ij tvar = 'time' uvar = 'Uwind' vvar = 'Vwind' #tvar='bulk_time' #uvar='uwnd' #vvar='vwnd' tdim = 'time' #tdim='bulk_time' xdim = 'xi_rho' ydim = 'eta_rho' xvar = 'lon_rho' yvar = 'lat_rho' angvar = 'angle' if 'tvar' in kargs.keys(): tvar = kargs['tvar'] if 'uvar' in kargs.keys(): uvar = kargs['uvar'] if 'vvar' in kargs.keys(): vvar = kargs['vvar'] if 'tdim' in kargs.keys(): tdim = kargs['tdim'] if 'xdim' in kargs.keys(): xdim = kargs['xdim'] if 'ydim' in kargs.keys(): ydim = kargs['ydim'] if 'xvar' in kargs.keys(): xvar = kargs['xvar'] if 'yvar' in kargs.keys(): yvar = kargs['yvar'] if 'angvar' in kargs.keys(): angvar = kargs['angvar'] dims = netcdf.fdim(grd) xi, eta = dims[xdim], dims[ydim] xi0, eta0 = xi, eta ncg = netcdf.ncopen(grd) nc0 = netcdf.ncopen(frc) try: t = netcdf.nctime(nc0, tvar) except: t = netcdf.use(nc0, tvar) t = netcdf.num2date(t, 'days since %d-01-01' % year0) time = netcdf.date2num(t, tunits) x0 = netcdf.use(grd, xvar) y0 = netcdf.use(grd, yvar) if x0.ndim == 1: x0, y0 = np.meshgrid(x0, y0) if angvar: ang = netcdf.use(grd, angvar) if not xylim is False: xlim = xylim[:2] ylim = xylim[2:] i1, i2, j1, j2 = calc.ij_limits(x0, y0, xlim, ylim) xi = i2 - i1 eta = j2 - j1 else: i1, i2 = 0, xi j1, j2 = 0, eta XI = '%d:%d:%d' % (i1, i2, dxi) ETA = '%d:%d:%d' % (j1, j2, deta) xi = len(range(i1, i2, dxi)) eta = len(range(j1, j2, deta)) # create file: create_wind(fname, xi, eta) nc = netcdf.ncopen(fname, 'a') x = x0[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] y = y0[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] nc.vars['lon'][:] = x nc.vars['lat'][:] = y if angvar: ang = ang[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] n = -1 for it in range(len(time)): if not dates is False: d0, d1 = dates if t[it] < d0 or t[it] >= d1: continue n += 1 u = netcdf.use(nc0, uvar, **{xdim: XI, ydim: ETA, tdim: it}) v = netcdf.use(nc0, vvar, **{xdim: XI, ydim: ETA, tdim: it}) # rotate uv: if angvar: print('rotating ...') u, v = calc.rot2d(u, v, -ang) nc.vars['time'][n] = time[it] print('filling uv', n, t[it]) nc.vars['air_u'][n, ...] = u nc.vars['air_v'][n, ...] = v nc.close() nc0.close() ncg.close()
def cfsr_file_data(files,quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one CFRS files ''' def load_time(f): time=np.array((),datetime.datetime) ff=glob.glob(f) ff.sort() for f in ff: time=np.append(time,netcdf.nctime(f,'time')) return time def fix_time(t,var,t0,t1): # convert 1h, 7h, ... to 0h, 6h, ... if t[0].hour in [1,7,13,19]: # not all! sp analysis starts at 0, 6,...! print ' 1,7,... to 0,6,...' var=(var[1:]*5+var[:-1]*1)/6. t=t[1:]-datetime.timedelta(hours=1) cond=(t>=t0)&(t<=t1) t=t[cond] var=var[cond] if t[0]>t0: dt=t[0]-t0 dt=dt.days*24+dt.seconds/3600. # hours print 'missind data at start: %.2d h missing --> repeating 1st data'%dt v=np.zeros((var.shape[0]+1,)+var.shape[1:],var.dtype) v[1:]=var v[0]=var[0] var=v if t[-1]<t1: dt=t1-t[-1] dt=dt.days*24+dt.seconds/3600. # hours print 'missind data at end: %.2d h missing --> repeating last data'%dt v=np.zeros((var.shape[0]+1,)+var.shape[1:],var.dtype) v[:-1]=var v[-1]=var[-1] var=v return var out={} # time: if 0: time=netcdf.nctime(files['cc'],'time') # files have diff units !! so, cannot load all times at once! # thse result will use only units of 1st file!! else: time=load_time(files['cc']) out['time']=time # T air [K->C] if not quiet: print ' --> T air' f=files['st'] tair=netcdf.use(f,'TMP_L103') tair=tair-273.15 x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print ' time ok' else:
y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print ' time ok' else: print ' time differs !!!!', tair=fix_time(ttmp,tair,time[0],time[-1]) print ' ...fixed!' out['tair']=Data(x,y,tair,'C') # R humidity [%-->0--1] if not quiet: print ' --> R humidity' f=files['rh'] rhum=netcdf.use(f,'R_H_L103') rhum=rhum/100. x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print ' time ok' else: print ' time differs !!!!', rhum=fix_time(ttmp,rhum,time[0],time[-1]) print ' ...fixed!' out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa]
def wrf_file_data(file,quiet=False): ''' WRF data for ROMS ''' out={} # time: if not quiet: print ' --> get time' time=read_time(file) out['time']=time # lon,lat: if not quiet: print ' --> reading x,y' x=netcdf.use(file,'XLONG',**{'0': 0}) y=netcdf.use(file,'XLAT',**{'0': 0}) # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print ' --> T air' tair=netcdf.use(file,'T2')-273.15 out['tair']=Data(x,y,tair,'Celsius') # R humidity [kg/kg --> 0--1] if not quiet: print ' --> R humidity from QV at 2m' wv=netcdf.use(file,'Q2') # water vapor mixing ratio at 2m rhum=wv/air_sea.qsat(tair) rhum[rhum>1]=1 out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print ' --> Surface pressure' pres=netcdf.use(file,'PSFC') out['pres']=Data(x,y,pres,'Pa') # P rate [mm --> cm day-1] if not quiet: print ' --> P rate (rainc+rainnc)' rainc = netcdf.use(file,'RAINC') rainnc = netcdf.use(file,'RAINNC') prate=rainc+rainnc if not quiet: print ' accum2avg...' prate=accum2avg(prate,dt=time[1]-time[0]) # mm s-1 conv= 0.1*86400 # from mm s-1 --> cm day-1 prate=prate*conv # cm day-1 prate[prate<0]=0 # interpolation errors may result in negative rain! out['prate']=Data(x,y,prate,'cm day-1') # LW, SW, latent, sensible signs: # positive (downward flux, heating) or negative (upward flux, cooling) # # Net shortwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print ' --> Net shortwave flux' sw_down=netcdf.use(file,'SWDOWN') albedo=netcdf.use(file,'ALBEDO') sw_net=sw_down*(1-albedo) out['radsw']=Data(x,y,sw_net,'W m-2',info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print ' --> Net longwave flux' lw_down=netcdf.use(file,'GLW') # positive # sst needed: if not quiet: print ' --> SST for LW up' sst=netcdf.use(file,'SST') # K lw_net = air_sea.lwhf(sst,lw_down) # positive down # here vars have roms-agrif signs --> radlw is positive upward! #conversion to ROMS is done in out['radlw']=Data(x,y,-lw_net,'W m-2',info='positive upward') out['dlwrf']=Data(x,y,-lw_down,'W m-2',info='positive upward') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print ' --> U and V wind' uwnd=netcdf.use(file,'U10') vwnd=netcdf.use(file,'V10') if not quiet: print ' --> calc wind speed and stress' speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2+vwnd**2) taux,tauy=air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd,vwnd) out['wspd']=Data(x,y,speed,'m s-1') out['uwnd']=Data(x,y,uwnd,'m s-1') out['vwnd']=Data(x,y,vwnd,'m s-1') out['sustr']=Data(x,y,taux,'Pa') out['svstr']=Data(x,y,tauy,'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--1]: if not quiet: print ' --> Cloud cover for LONGWAVE. Use LONGWAVE_OUT instead...' if 'CLDFRA' in netcdf.varnames(file): clouds=netcdf.use(file,'CLDFRA').sum(-3) clouds=np.where(clouds>1,1,clouds) else: if not quiet: print 'CLDFRA not found!! Using SST and air_sea.clouds' sst=netcdf.use(f,'SST') clouds=air_sea.clouds(lw_net,sst,tair,rhum,Wtype='net') out['cloud']=Data(x,y,clouds,'fraction (0--1)') return out
def read_time(file): return parse_time(netcdf.use(file,'Times'))
def frc2gnome(fname,frc,grd,xylim=False,dates=False,ij=(1,1),**kargs): ''' Creates GNOME wind file kargs: t[u,v]var t[u,v]dim x[y,ang]var Ex: .frc2gnome(out,frc,grd,ij=(10,10),dates=dates,**{'tdim':'Time'}) ''' deta,dxi=ij tvar='time' uvar='Uwind' vvar='Vwind' #tvar='bulk_time' #uvar='uwnd' #vvar='vwnd' tdim='time' #tdim='bulk_time' xdim='xi_rho' ydim='eta_rho' xvar='lon_rho' yvar='lat_rho' angvar='angle' if 'tvar' in kargs.keys(): tvar=kargs['tvar'] if 'uvar' in kargs.keys(): uvar=kargs['uvar'] if 'vvar' in kargs.keys(): vvar=kargs['vvar'] if 'tdim' in kargs.keys(): tdim=kargs['tdim'] if 'xdim' in kargs.keys(): xdim=kargs['xdim'] if 'ydim' in kargs.keys(): ydim=kargs['ydim'] if 'xvar' in kargs.keys(): xvar=kargs['xvar'] if 'yvar' in kargs.keys(): yvar=kargs['yvar'] if 'angvar' in kargs.keys(): angvar=kargs['angvar'] dims=netcdf.fdim(grd) xi,eta=dims[xdim],dims[ydim] xi0,eta0=xi,eta ncg=netcdf.ncopen(grd) nc0=netcdf.ncopen(frc) try: t=netcdf.nctime(nc0,tvar) except: t=netcdf.use(nc0,tvar) t=netcdf.num2date(t,'days since %d-01-01' % year0) time=netcdf.date2num(t,tunits) x0=netcdf.use(grd,xvar) y0=netcdf.use(grd,yvar) if x0.ndim==1: x0,y0=np.meshgrid(x0,y0) if angvar: ang=netcdf.use(grd,angvar) if not xylim is False: xlim=xylim[:2] ylim=xylim[2:] i1,i2,j1,j2=calc.ij_limits(x0,y0,xlim,ylim) xi=i2-i1 eta=j2-j1 else: i1,i2=0,xi j1,j2=0,eta XI ='%d:%d:%d' %(i1,i2,dxi) ETA ='%d:%d:%d' %(j1,j2,deta) xi=len(range(i1,i2,dxi)) eta=len(range(j1,j2,deta)) # create file: create_wind(fname,xi,eta) nc=netcdf.ncopen(fname,'a') x=x0[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] y=y0[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] nc.vars['lon'][:]=x nc.vars['lat'][:]=y if angvar: ang=ang[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] n=-1 for it in range(len(time)): if not dates is False: d0,d1=dates if t[it]<d0 or t[it]>=d1: continue n+=1 u=netcdf.use(nc0,uvar,**{xdim:XI,ydim:ETA,tdim:it}) v=netcdf.use(nc0,vvar,**{xdim:XI,ydim:ETA,tdim:it}) # rotate uv: if angvar: print 'rotating ...' u,v=calc.rot2d(u,v,-ang) nc.vars['time'][n]=time[it] print 'filling uv',n,t[it] nc.vars['air_u'][n,...]=u nc.vars['air_v'][n,...]=v nc.close() nc0.close() ncg.close()
ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print ' time ok' else: print ' time differs !!!!', tair, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, tair, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print ' ...fixed!' else: print 'time is NOT OK. Please check !!' return out['tair'] = Data(x, y, tair, 'C') # R humidity [%-->0--1] if not quiet: print ' --> R humidity' f = files['rh'] rhum = netcdf.use(f, 'R_H_L103') rhum = rhum / 100. x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print ' time ok' else: print ' time differs !!!!', rhum, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, rhum, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print ' ...fixed!' else: print 'time is NOT OK. Please check !!'
def use(self,varname,**kargs): return netcdf.use(,varname,**kargs)
def load_data(f,quiet=0,**kargs): ''' Loads prognostic variables (temp,salt,u,v,ubar,vbar,zeta) from netcdf file or opendap server. Also loads lon,lat, depth, and time. If f is a file, it must include the 1d variables lon,lat and depth; the 2d variable ssh (zeta) and the 3d variables temp, salt, u and v; ie, each file must contain data for a simgle time. The file must also contain the variable time. If f is a opendap address, it must contain also all these variables or the ones defined in the input karg settings (DataAccess object) To deal with the case of variables in different files/opendap addresses, f can also be a dictionary with keys the variables and values the files or opendap addresses. In this case, the keys must be: - temp - salt - u - v - ssh - misc, for lon, lat, depth, time and dimensions or xy for lon,lat and x,ydim; z for depth and zdim, time for time The output data (dict) is suitable to be used by data2roms, which interpolates the data to ROMS 3d grid. Also outputs an error/status string. kargs: inds, dict with dimension names/values (where time dim can be integer or datetime) settings, DataAccess object extra, extra misc vars to load [(outKey0,fileVar0),...] t_units, units of variable time, by default the att units is used ''' sett=DataAccess() inds={} extra=[] t_units=[] if 'settings' in kargs.keys(): sett = kargs['settings'] if 'inds' in kargs.keys(): inds = kargs['inds'] if 'extra' in kargs.keys(): extra = kargs['extra'] if 't_units' in kargs.keys(): t_units = kargs['t_units'] res={} msg='' if not isinstance(f,dict) and not f.startswith('http') and not isfile(f): msg='file not found %s' % f if not quiet: print msg return res, msg # load nc files: if not isinstance(f,dict): f={'temp':f,'salt':f,'u':f,'v':f,'ssh':f,'misc':f} if not f.has_key('xy'): f['xy'] = f['misc'] if not f.has_key('z'): f['z'] = f['misc'] if not f.has_key('time'): f['time'] = f['misc'] filesUsed=[] ncUsed=[] for i in f.keys(): if not quiet: print '(%s) loading from %s' % (i.ljust(5),f[i]) if i=='temp': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncTemp=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncTemp=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncTemp] elif i=='salt': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncSalt=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncSalt=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncSalt] elif i=='u': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncU=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncU=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncU] elif i=='v': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncV=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncV=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncV] elif i=='ssh': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncSsh=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncSsh=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncSsh] elif i=='xy': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncXy=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncXy=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncXy] elif i=='z': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncZ=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncZ=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncZ] elif i=='time': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncTime=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncTime=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncTime] elif i=='misc': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncMisc=ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncMisc=netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed+=[f[i]] ncUsed+=[ncMisc] # load dims: if not quiet: print ' loading dims...' dimsXy=netcdf.fdim(ncXy) dimsZ =netcdf.fdim(ncZ) res['NX']=dimsXy[sett.xdim] res['NY']=dimsXy[sett.ydim] ###if sett.z_name: if sett.zdim: res['NZ']=dimsZ[sett.zdim] else: res['NZ']=1 # about horizontal inds: if inds.has_key(sett.xdim) and len(inds[sett.xdim])==2 and not isinstance(inds[sett.xdim],basestring): if not quiet: print ' calc horizontal inds...' xlim=inds[sett.xdim] ylim=inds[sett.ydim] inds.pop(sett.xdim) inds.pop(sett.ydim) lon=netcdf.use(ncXy,sett.x_name,**inds) if np.any(lon>360): lon=np.mod(lon,360.) lat=netcdf.use(ncXy,sett.y_name,**inds) i0,i1,j0,j1=calc.ij_limits(lon,lat,xlim,ylim,margin=3) inds[sett.xdim]='%d:%d' % (i0,i1) inds[sett.ydim]='%d:%d' % (j0,j1) if not quiet: print ' loading lon, lat, depth...' res['lon'] = netcdf.use(ncXy,sett.x_name,**inds) if np.any(res['lon']>360): res['lon']=np.mod(res['lon'],360.) res['lat'] = netcdf.use(ncXy,sett.y_name,**inds) if sett.z_name: res['depth'] = -netcdf.use(ncZ,sett.z_name,**inds) else: res['depth']=False if res['lon'].size!=res['lat'].size: res['lon'],res['lat']=np.meshgrid(res['lon'],res['lat']) # needed for griddata, later # update nx,ny: if inds.has_key(sett.xdim): res['NY'],res['NX']=res['lon'].shape # extra misc vars: if len(extra): for outKey,fileVar in extra: if not quiet: print ' loading extra misc... %s %s' % (outKey,fileVar) res[outKey]=netcdf.use(ncMisc,fileVar,**inds) # time: # file may have one or several times. If several, time dim must be given # with kargs inds! if not quiet: print ' loading time...' if t_units: times=netcdf.use(ncTime,sett.time_name) times=netcdftime.num2date(times,t_units) else: times=netcdf.nctime(ncTime,sett.time_name) if inds.has_key(sett.tdim): try: tind=dts.parse_date(inds[sett.tdim]) except: tind=inds[sett.tdim] # is an integer, for instance if isinstance(tind,datetime.datetime): tind,=np.where(times==tind) if tind.size: tind=tind[0] inds[sett.tdim]=tind # update inds to extract other variables else: Msg='date not found' msg+='\n'+Msg return res,msg+' ERROR' date=times[tind] if not quiet: print ' tind, date= %d %s' % (tind,date.isoformat(' ')) elif times.size==1: date=times[0] if not quiet: print ' date= %s' % date.isoformat(' ') else: # must provide tind as input!! Msg='several dates in file... provice tind!' msg+='\n'+Msg return res,msg+' ERROR' res['date'] = date empty3d=np.zeros([res['NZ'],res['NY'],res['NX']]) empty2d=np.zeros([res['NY'],res['NX']]) if 'temp' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading temp...' if sett.temp_name in ncTemp.varnames: res['temp'] = netcdf.use(ncTemp,sett.temp_name,**inds) else: Msg='var %s not found' % 'temp' msg+='\n'+Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['temp']=empty3d if 'salt' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading salt...' if sett.salt_name in ncSalt.varnames: res['salt'] = netcdf.use(ncSalt,sett.salt_name,**inds) else: Msg='var %s not found' % 'salt' msg+='\n'+Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['salt']=empty3d if 'u' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading u...' if sett.u_name in ncU.varnames: res['u'] = netcdf.use(ncU,sett.u_name,**inds) else: Msg='var %s not found' % 'u' msg+='\n'+Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['u']=empty3d if 'v' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading v...' if sett.v_name in ncV.varnames: res['v'] = netcdf.use(ncV,sett.v_name,**inds) else: Msg='var %s not found' % 'v' msg+='\n'+Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['v']=empty3d if 'ssh' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading ssh...' if sett.ssh_name in ncSsh.varnames: res['ssh'] = netcdf.use(ncSsh,sett.ssh_name,**inds) else: Msg='var %s not found' % 'ssh' msg+='\n'+Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['ssh']=empty2d for nc in ncUsed: try: nc.close() except: pass return res, msg
def his2gnome(fname,his,grd=False,nomask=False,gshhsMask=True,xylim=False,dates=False,ij=(1,1)): ''' Creates GNOME wind file Ex: his2gnome(out,his,grd,dates=dates,ij=(2,2)) if gshhsMask, the high res mask file mask_gshhs.npy will be created at 1st usage. Mask is based on high (h) resolution gshhs data which must be available (env variable GSHHS_MASK must be set). ''' if not grd: grd=his deta,dxi=ij dims=netcdf.fdim(his) xi,eta=dims['xi_rho'],dims['eta_rho'] xi0,eta0=xi,eta nc0=netcdf.ncopen(his) time=netcdf.nctime(nc0,'ocean_time') # for roms agrif: #t=netcdf.use(nc0,'scrum_time') #time=netcdf.num2date(t,'seconds since %d-01-01' % year0) x0=netcdf.use(grd,'lon_rho') y0=netcdf.use(grd,'lat_rho') ang=netcdf.use(grd,'angle') if not xylim is False: xlim=xylim[:2] ylim=xylim[2:] i1,i2,j1,j2=calc.ij_limits(x0,y0,xlim,ylim) print i1,i2,j1,j2 xi=i2-i1 eta=j2-j1 else: i1,i2=0,xi j1,j2=0,eta XI ='%d:%d:%d' %(i1,i2,dxi) ETA ='%d:%d:%d' %(j1,j2,deta) xi=len(range(i1,i2,dxi)) eta=len(range(j1,j2,deta)) # create file: create_uv(fname,xi,eta) nc=netcdf.ncopen(fname,'a') for v0,v in ('lon_rho','lon'),('lat_rho','lat'),('mask_rho','mask'),('h','depth'): print 'filling %s with %s' % (v,v0) nc.vars[v][:]=netcdf.use(grd,v0,xi_rho=XI,eta_rho=ETA) if nomask: print 'NO MASK !!!' nc.vars['mask'][:]=1 if gshhsMask: try: mask=np.load('mask_gshhs.npy') except: mask=1+0*netcdf.use(nc0,'mask_rho',xi_rho=XI,eta_rho=ETA) mask=mask.astype('bool') x=netcdf.use(grd,'lon_rho',xi_rho=XI,eta_rho=ETA) y=netcdf.use(grd,'lat_rho',xi_rho=XI,eta_rho=ETA) from okean import gshhs axis=x.min(),x.max(),y.min(),y.max() g=gshhs.gshhs(axis, resolution='h',area_thresh=0., max_level=2,clip=True) for lon, lat, level in zip(g.lon,, g.level): if level == 1: # land print 'mask ',lon.shape i=calc.inpolygon(x,y,lon,lat) mask=mask & ~i mask.dump('mask_gshhs.npy') nc.vars['mask'][:]=mask x=x0[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] y=y0[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] ang=ang[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] n=-1 for it in range(len(time)): if not dates is False: d0,d1=dates if time[it]<d0 or time[it]>=d1: continue n+=1 U=np.zeros((eta0,xi0),'f') V=np.zeros((eta0,xi0),'f') nc.vars['time'][n]=netcdf.date2num(time[it],tunits) # for roms agrif: #u=netcdf.use(nc0,'u',time=it,s_rho=-1) #v=netcdf.use(nc0,'v',time=it,s_rho=-1) u=netcdf.use(nc0,'u',ocean_time=it,s_rho=-1) v=netcdf.use(nc0,'v',ocean_time=it,s_rho=-1) # mask extrap: print 'mask extrap...' u=calc.mask_extrap(x0,y0,,u)) v=calc.mask_extrap(x0,y0,,v)) U[:,1:-1]=0.5*(u[:,:-1]+u[:,1:]) U[:,0]=u[:,0] U[:,-1]=u[:,-1] V[1:-1,:]=0.5*(v[:-1.:]+v[1:,:]) V[0,:]=v[0,:] V[-1,:]=v[-1,:] U=U[j1:j2,i1:i2] V=V[j1:j2,i1:i2] U=U[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] V=V[j1:j2:deta,i1:i2:dxi] # rotate uv: print 'rotating ...' U,V=calc.rot2d(U,V,-ang) print 'filling uv', n, time[it] nc.vars['u'][n,...]=U nc.vars['v'][n,...]=V nc.close() nc0.close()
def plt_hslice(conf,plconf,date,FA='a',nest=0,**kargs): err='' fig=False info={} type = 'avg' var = 'temp' slice = 'z' ind = -10 time = -1 currents = False dcurr = (3,3) scurr = 3 lcurr = 0.2 ifig = 0 # closefig = True clim = False quiet = False outStoragePath=False cmap = None norm = None useBar = True # currents are barotropic for 2D vars (like zeta) keys=kargs.keys() if 'type' in keys: type = kargs['type'] if 'var' in keys: var = kargs['var'] if 'slice' in keys: slice = kargs['slice'] if 'ind' in keys: ind = kargs['ind'] if 'time' in keys: time = kargs['time'] if 'currents' in keys: currents = kargs['currents'] if 'dcurr' in keys: dcurr = kargs['dcurr'] if 'scurr' in keys: scurr = kargs['scurr'] if 'lcurr' in keys: lcurr = kargs['lcurr'] if 'ifig' in keys: ifig = kargs['ifig'] if 'closefig' in keys: closefig = kargs['closefig'] if 'clim' in keys: clim = kargs['clim'] if 'quiet' in keys: quiet = kargs['quiet'] if 'ostorage' in keys: outStoragePath = kargs['ostorage'] if 'cmap' in keys: cmap = kargs['cmap'] if 'usebar' in keys: useBar = kargs['usebar'] if 'norm' in keys: norm = kargs['norm'] date=dateu.parse_date(date) # find input files: args={'cf':conf,'date':date,'FA':FA,'nest':nest,'ostorage':outStoragePath} his = opt.nameof('out',type,**args) clm = opt.nameof('in','clm',**args) grd = opt.nameof('in','grd',**args) if not os.path.isfile(his): err='Main file not found (%s)' % his return err,fig,info if not os.path.isfile(grd): err='Grid file not found (%s)' % grd return err,fig,info r=roms.His(his,grd) # plot grid: proj,fig, ax = plt_grid(plconf,grd,ifig) def add_colorbar(handle,**args): ax=pl.gca() Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'AXES') cbpos = Data['cbpos'][ifig] cbbgpos = Data['cbbgpos'][ifig] cbbgc = Data['cbbgcolor'][ifig] cbbga = Data['cbbgalpha'][ifig] cblab = Data['cblabel'][ifig] # colorbar bg axes: if cbbgpos: rec=pl.axes((cbpos[0]-cbpos[2]*cbbgpos[0],cbpos[1]-cbbgpos[2]*cbpos[3], cbpos[2]*(1+cbbgpos[0]+cbbgpos[1]),cbpos[3]*(1+cbbgpos[2]+cbbgpos[3])), axisbg=cbbgc,frameon=1) rec.patch.set_alpha(cbbga) rec.set_xticks([]) rec.set_yticks([]) for k in rec.axes.spines.keys(): rec.axes.spines[k].set_color(cbbgc) rec.axes.spines[k].set_alpha(cbbga) # colorbar: if cbpos: cbax=fig.add_axes(cbpos) if cbpos[2]>cbpos[3]: orient='horizontal' else: orient='vertical' cb=pl.colorbar(handle,cax=cbax,orientation=orient,drawedges=0,**args) pl.axes(ax) # colorbar label: if cblab: Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'HSLICES') varnames=Data['varnames'][ifig].split(',') vnames=Data['vnames'][ifig].split(',') lab='' for i in range(len(varnames)): if varnames[i].strip()==var: lab=vnames[i].strip() break if lab: if r.hasz(var): if slice=='k': if ind==0: lab = 'Bottom '+lab elif ind in (-1,'surface'): lab = 'Surface '+lab elif slice=='z': lab=lab+' '+str(ind)+'m' cb.set_label(lab) def add_currkey(handle): Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'HSLICES') pos=Data['kcurrpos'][ifig] if pos: pl.quiverkey(handle, pos[0], pos[1], lcurr, '%s m/s' % str(lcurr),labelpos='S', coordinates='axes') # hslice: if var: if slice=='k': metodo=r.slicek elif slice=='z': metodo=r.slicez x,y,z,v=metodo(var,ind,time,plot=False) x,y=proj(x,y) # cmap: if isinstance(cmap,basestring):[cmap] except: try: from okean import pl_tools[cmap] except: # original data from clm if slice=='k' and ind in (-1,) and var+'_original' in netcdf.varnames(clm): tcurr= r.datetime[time] x_o=netcdf.use(clm,'x_original') y_o=netcdf.use(clm,'y_original') x_o,y_o=proj(x_o,y_o) v_o=netcdf.use(clm,'y_original') t_o=netcdf.nctime(clm,'clim_time') # average to current time: i0,=np.where(t_o<=tcurr)[-1] i1,=np.where(t_o>tcurr)[0] v_o0=netcdf.use(clm,var+'_original',time=i0) v_o1=netcdf.use(clm,var+'_original',time=i1) # avg: a=tcurr-t_o[i0] b=t_o[i1]-tcurr a=a.days*86400+a.seconds b=b.days*86400+b.seconds if a==0: v_o=v_o0 elif b==0: v_o=v_o1 else: v_o=(v_o0*b+v_o1*a)/(a+b) pch=pl.pcolormesh(x_o,y_o,v_o,shading='flat',cmap=cmap) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0],clim[1]) if norm=='log': from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm Norm=LogNorm(vmin=clim[0],vmax=clim[1]) else: Norm=None # change hypoxia colorbar/cmap if var=='dye_01': HypoxiaLim=135 from okean import pl_tools cmap=pl_tools.ucmaps().gen_oxygen(v=(0,HypoxiaLim,300.)) # default is 0,135,300 !! pch=pl.pcolormesh(x,y,v,shading='flat',cmap=cmap, norm=Norm) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0],clim[1]) # hypoxia: if var=='dye_01' and ind==0 and ifig==0: cond=v<135. cond=v<HypoxiaLim cond=(v<HypoxiaLim)&(r.grid.h>5) pm=r.grid.use('pm') pn=r.grid.use('pn') A=(1/pm[cond]*1/pn[cond]/1e6).sum() x_,y_=proj(-98,29.5) pl.text(x_,y_,'Hypoxia area = %.0f km$^2$' % A,color='r', fontweight='bold',fontname='monospace', bbox=dict(edgecolor='none',facecolor='white', alpha=0.8)) # hypoxia. # colorbar: if norm=='log': tks=10**np.linspace(np.log10(clim[0]),np.log10(clim[1]),4) opts={'ticks':tks,'format':'%.2f'} else: opts={'ticks':None} add_colorbar(pch,**opts) if currents: if (var and r.hasz(var)) or not useBar: uvind=ind else: uvind='bar' x,y,z,u,v=r.sliceuv(uvind,time) xm, ym = proj(x,y) mm=np.zeros(x.shape,'bool') mm[::dcurr[0],::dcurr[1]]=True Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'HSLICES') wcurr=Data['wcurr'][ifig] acurr=Data['acurr'][ifig] qvopts={'units':'x','scale':scurr,'width':wcurr,'alpha':acurr} if var: q=pl.quiver(xm[mm],ym[mm],u[mm],v[mm],**qvopts) else: s=np.sqrt(u**2+v**2) q=pl.quiver(xm[mm],ym[mm],u[mm],v[mm],s[mm],**qvopts) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0],clim[1]) add_colorbar(q) add_currkey(q) # store some info that may be required later info['hasz']=False if var and r.hasz(var): info['hasz']=True # logo: if ifig==0: im=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'logo_INOCAR.png') i=pl.imread(im) h,w=i.shape[:2] rx=.12 W=(proj.xmax- proj.xmin)*rx H=W*h/w l=proj.xmax #pl.fill([proj.xmax-W, proj.xmax, proj.xmax, proj.xmax-W], # [proj.ymin, proj.ymin, proj.ymin+2.8*H, proj.ymin+2.8*H], # '#500000',alpha=0.25,ec='none') ax.imshow(i,extent=(proj.xmax*.98-W,proj.xmax*.98, proj.ymin+H*.1, proj.ymin+H*1.1),zorder=1e3) #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+2.2*H,'OOF', # fontdict={'size':14,'family':'serif'}, # color='#500000',ha='center',weight='bold') pl.text(proj.xmax*.8, proj.ymax*(-.1),r.datetime[time].strftime("%d %b %Y"), fontdict={'size':11,'family':'monospace'},ha='center') if FA=='f': s='Pronostico desde %s' % r.datetime[0].strftime("%d %b %Y") pl.text(proj.xmax*.8, proj.ymax*(-.15),s, #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+1.1*H,s, fontdict={'fontsize':10},ha='center') # logo. # lims change in some mpl versions !! pl.gca().axis([proj.xmin, proj.xmax, proj.ymin, proj.ymax]) return err, fig, info
def ww3_specpoints(romsgrd, nseg=(5, 5), addxy=(.001, .001)): gx = netcdf.use(romsgrd, 'lon_rho') gy = netcdf.use(romsgrd, 'lat_rho') mask = netcdf.use(romsgrd, 'mask_rho') eta, xi = gx.shape if 0: # use range (step=nseg) spec_res = nseg dxi, deta = spec_res ix = range(0, xi, dxi) + [xi - 1] iy = range(0, eta, deta) + [eta - 1] else: # use linspace (nseg=n segments) nNS, nEW = nseg ix = np.round(np.linspace(0, xi - 1, nNS)).astype('i') iy = np.round(np.linspace(0, eta - 1, nEW)).astype('i') ix, iy = np.meshgrid(ix, iy) ix = calc.var_border(ix) iy = calc.var_border(iy) # unsorted unique: _, i = np.unique(ix + iy * 1j, return_index=True) i = np.sort(i) ix = ix[i] iy = iy[i] # add 1st: ix = np.append(ix, ix[0]) iy = np.append(iy, iy[0]) # create segments: segx = [] segy = [] for i in range(len(ix) - 1): I = ix[i], ix[i + 1] J = iy[i], iy[i + 1] i0, i1 = np.min(I), np.max(I) j0, j1 = np.min(J), np.max(J) if i0 == i1: mseg = mask[j0:j1, i0] else: mseg = mask[j0, i0:i1] if 1: # not use fully masked segments: if np.all(mseg == 0): print 'masked segment %d %d %d %d' % (i0, j0, i1, j1) continue else: # not use if segment starts with mask: if mseg.size and mseg[0] == 0: print 'masked 1st point of segment %d %d %d %d' % (i0, j0, i1, j1) continue segx += [[i0, i1]] segy += [[j0, j1]] # XY and IJ: XY = [] IJ = [] for i in range(len(segx)): i0, i1 = segx[i][0], segx[i][1] j0, j1 = segy[i][0], segy[i][1] IJ += [[i0, j0, i1, j1]] XY += [[gx[j0, i0], gy[j0, i0], gx[j1, i1], gy[j1, i1]]] IJ = np.asarray(IJ) XY = np.asarray(XY) # got to be sure the point is inside the comp grid avoiding the message: # "** Error : Boundary point outside comp. grid" if not addxy is False: XY = in_comp_grid(XY, IJ, addxy) return XY, IJ
def plt_wind(conf,plconf,date,FA='a',nest=0,**kargs): err = '' fig = False info = '' ifig = kargs.get('ifig',0) day = kargs.get('day',0) quiet = kargs.get('quiet',0) time=day date=dateu.parse_date(date) # find input files: args={'cf':conf,'date':date,'FA':FA,'nest':nest} atm = opt.nameof('in','blk',**args) grd = opt.nameof('in','grd',**args) if not os.path.isfile(atm): err='ATM file not found (%s)' % atm return err,fig,info if not os.path.isfile(grd): err='Grid file not found (%s)' % grd return err,fig,info Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'WIND') dcurr=Data['dcurr'][ifig] lcurr=Data['lcurr'][ifig] scurr=Data['scurr'][ifig] clim =Data['clim'][ifig] tind = Data['time'][ifig] x=netcdf.use(grd,'lon_rho') y=netcdf.use(grd,'lat_rho') wtime=netcdf.nctime(atm,'time') cnd=(wtime>=date+datetime.timedelta(days=day))&(date<date+datetime.timedelta(days=day+1)) u=netcdf.use(atm,'Uwind',time=cnd) v=netcdf.use(atm,'Uwind',time=cnd) if tind=='dailyMean': u=u.mean(0) v=v.mean(0) sdate=wtime[cnd][0] # for title... 1st day 00h is expected to be 1st date, # or model should not run! else: # tind of some day, ex: tind 0 from forec day 3 u=u[tind] v=v[tind] sdate=wtime[cnd][tind] if day>len(u)-1: err='Invalid day %d (max=%d)' % (day,len(u)-1) return err,fig,info # plot grid: proj,fig,ax= plt_grid(plconf,grd,ifig) # no mask on land: mask=np.zeros(u.shape,'bool') mask[::dcurr[0],::dcurr[1]]=True xm, ym = proj(x,y) s=np.sqrt(u**2+v**2) q=pl.quiver(xm[mask],ym[mask],u[mask],v[mask],s[mask],scale=scurr,zorder=100) pl.clim(clim[0],clim[1]) def add_colorbar(handle,**args): ax=pl.gca() Data,err = opt.get_plconf(plconf,'AXES') cbpos = Data['cbpos'][ifig] cbbgpos = Data['cbbgpos'][ifig] cbbgc = Data['cbbgcolor'][ifig] cbbga = Data['cbbgalpha'][ifig] cblab = Data['cblabel'][ifig] # colorbar bg axes: if cbbgpos: rec=pl.axes((cbpos[0]-cbpos[2]*cbbgpos[0],cbpos[1]-cbbgpos[2]*cbpos[3], cbpos[2]*(1+cbbgpos[0]+cbbgpos[1]),cbpos[3]*(1+cbbgpos[2]+cbbgpos[3])), axisbg=cbbgc,frameon=1) rec.patch.set_alpha(cbbga) rec.set_xticks([]) rec.set_yticks([]) for k in rec.axes.spines.keys(): rec.axes.spines[k].set_color(cbbgc) rec.axes.spines[k].set_alpha(cbbga) # colorbar: if cbpos: cbax=fig.add_axes(cbpos) if cbpos[2]>cbpos[3]: orient='horizontal' else: orient='vertical' cb=pl.colorbar(handle,cax=cbax,orientation=orient,drawedges=0,**args) pl.axes(ax) # colorbar label: cb.set_label(r'Wind Speed [m s$^{\rm{-1}}$]') def add_currkey(handle): pos=Data['kcurrpos'][ifig] if pos: pl.quiverkey(handle, pos[0], pos[1], lcurr, '%s m/s' % str(lcurr),labelpos='S', coordinates='axes') add_colorbar(q) add_currkey(q) # tilte: Title,err=opt.get_plconf(plconf,'AXES','title') if Title[ifig]: simpleTitle=1 rdate=date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') title='wind %s %s %d' % (rdate,FA,day) if simpleTitle: # simpler version of title: if FA=='f': # forecast date: rdate=dateu.next_date(date,day); rdate=rdate.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') title='wind %s' % (rdate) if FA=='f': title=title+' (forec)' pl.title(title) # logo: if ifig==0: im=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'logo_INOCAR.png') i=pl.imread(im) h,w=i.shape[:2] rx=.12 W=(proj.xmax- proj.xmin)*rx H=W*h/w l=proj.xmax #pl.fill([proj.xmax-W, proj.xmax, proj.xmax, proj.xmax-W], # [proj.ymin, proj.ymin, proj.ymin+2.8*H, proj.ymin+2.8*H], # '#500000',alpha=0.25,ec='none') ax.imshow(i,extent=(proj.xmax*.98-W,proj.xmax*.98, proj.ymin+H*.1, proj.ymin+H*1.1),zorder=1e3) #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+2.2*H,'OOF', # fontdict={'size':14,'family':'serif'}, # color='#500000',ha='center',weight='bold') pl.text(proj.xmax*.8, proj.ymax*(-.1),sdate.strftime("%d %b %Y"), #pl.text(proj.xmax*.62, proj.ymax*.93,sdate.strftime("%d %b %Y"), fontdict={'size':13,'family':'monospace'},ha='center') # change date format if tind is not daily mean, ie, add hour, etc if FA=='f': s='Pronostico desde %s' % date.strftime("%d %b %Y") pl.text(proj.xmax*.8, proj.ymax*(-.15),s, ##this is outside #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+1.1*H,s, ##this is in the proj (inside) fontdict={'fontsize':10},ha='center') # logo. # lims change in some mpl versions !! pl.gca().axis([proj.xmin, proj.xmax, proj.ymin, proj.ymax]) return err,fig,info
def ww3_specpoints(romsgrd,nseg=(5,5),addxy=(.001,.001)): gx=netcdf.use(romsgrd,'lon_rho') gy=netcdf.use(romsgrd,'lat_rho') mask=netcdf.use(romsgrd,'mask_rho') eta,xi=gx.shape if 0: # use range (step=nseg) spec_res=nseg dxi,deta=spec_res ix=range(0,xi,dxi)+[xi-1] iy=range(0,eta,deta)+[eta-1] else: # use linspace (nseg=n segments) nNS,nEW=nseg ix=np.round(np.linspace(0,xi-1,nNS)).astype('i') iy=np.round(np.linspace(0,eta-1,nEW)).astype('i') ix,iy=np.meshgrid(ix,iy) ix=calc.var_border(ix) iy=calc.var_border(iy) # unsorted unique: _,i=np.unique(ix+iy*1j,return_index=True) i=np.sort(i) ix=ix[i] iy=iy[i] # add 1st: ix=np.append(ix,ix[0]) iy=np.append(iy,iy[0]) # create segments: segx=[] segy=[] for i in range(len(ix)-1): I=ix[i],ix[i+1] J=iy[i],iy[i+1] i0,i1=np.min(I),np.max(I) j0,j1=np.min(J),np.max(J) if i0==i1: mseg=mask[j0:j1,i0] else: mseg=mask[j0,i0:i1] if 1: # not use fully masked segments: if np.all(mseg==0): print 'masked segment %d %d %d %d'%(i0,j0,i1,j1) continue else: # not use if segment starts with mask: if mseg.size and mseg[0]==0: print 'masked 1st point of segment %d %d %d %d'%(i0,j0,i1,j1) continue segx+=[[i0,i1]] segy+=[[j0,j1]] # XY and IJ: XY=[] IJ=[] for i in range(len(segx)): i0,i1=segx[i][0],segx[i][1] j0,j1=segy[i][0],segy[i][1] IJ+=[[i0,j0,i1,j1]] XY+=[[gx[j0,i0], gy[j0,i0], gx[j1,i1], gy[j1,i1]]] IJ=np.asarray(IJ) XY=np.asarray(XY) # got to be sure the point is inside the comp grid avoiding the message: # "** Error : Boundary point outside comp. grid" if not addxy is False: XY=in_comp_grid(XY,IJ,addxy) return XY,IJ
def cfsr_file_data(files, quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one CFRS files ''' def load_time(f): time = np.array((), datetime.datetime) ff = glob.glob(f) ff.sort() for f in ff: time = np.append(time, netcdf.nctime(f, 'time')) return time def load_time_main(f): time = load_time(f) # I want 0,6,12,... after 2006 results may be 3,9,15, ... if time[0].hour in [3, 9, 15, 21]: time = time + datetime.timedelta(hours=3) # for 2011 1st time is not 0! if time[0].hour == 6: time = np.hstack((time[0].replace(hour=0), time)) return time def fix_time(t, var, t0, t1): # convert 1h, 7h, ... to 0h, 6h, ... if t[0].hour in [1, 7, 13, 19]: # not all! sp analysis starts at 0, 6,...! print(' 1,7,... to 0,6,...') var = (var[1:] * 5 + var[:-1] * 1) / 6. t = t[1:] - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif t[0].hour in [3, 9, 15, 21]: print(' 3,9,... to 0,6,...') var = (var[1:] * 3 + var[:-1] * 3) / 6. t = t[1:] - datetime.timedelta(hours=3) cond = (t >= t0) & (t <= t1) t = t[cond] var = var[cond] if t[0] > t0: dt = t[0] - t0 dt = dt.days * 24 + dt.seconds / 3600. # hours print( 'missing data at start: %.2d h missing --> repeating 1st data' % dt) v = np.zeros((var.shape[0] + 1, ) + var.shape[1:], var.dtype) v[1:] = var v[0] = var[0] var = v t_ = np.zeros((t.shape[0] + 1, ) + t.shape[1:], t.dtype) t_[1:] = t t_[0] = t0 t = t_ if t[-1] < t1: dt = t1 - t[-1] dt = dt.days * 24 + dt.seconds / 3600. # hours print( 'missing data at end: %.2d h missing --> repeating last data' % dt) v = np.zeros((var.shape[0] + 1, ) + var.shape[1:], var.dtype) v[:-1] = var v[-1] = var[-1] var = v t_ = np.zeros((t.shape[0] + 1, ) + t.shape[1:], t.dtype) t_[:-1] = t t_[-1] = t1 t = t_ return var, t out = {} # time: if 0: time = netcdf.nctime(files['cc'], 'time') # files have diff units !! so, cannot load all times at once! # these result will use only units of 1st file!! else: time = load_time_main(files['cc']) out['time'] = time # T air [K->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') f = files['st'] tair = netcdf.use(f, 'TMP_L103') tair = tair - 273.15 x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!', ) tair, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, tair, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['tair'] = Data(x, y, tair, 'C') # R humidity [%-->0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity') f = files['rh'] rhum = netcdf.use(f, 'R_H_L103') rhum = rhum / 100. x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!' ), # should use end=' ' for python3 print continuation rhum, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, rhum, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['rhum'] = Data(x, y, rhum, '0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') f = files['sp'] pres = netcdf.use(f, 'PRES_L1') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), pres, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, pres, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['pres'] = Data(x, y, pres, 'Pa') # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 -> cm/d] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') f = files['pr'] if 'PRATE_L1' in netcdf.varnames(f): prate = netcdf.use(f, 'PRATE_L1') else: prate = netcdf.use(f, 'PRATE_L1_Avg_1') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # Conversion kg m^-2 s^-1 to cm/day prate = prate * 86400 * 100 / 1000. prate = np.where(abs(prate) < 1.e-4, 0, prate) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), prate, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, prate, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['prate'] = Data(x, y, prate, 'cm/d') # Net shortwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') if not quiet: print(' SW down') f = files['rad'] sw_down = netcdf.use(f, 'DSWRF_L1_Avg_1') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if not quiet: print(' SW up') sw_up = netcdf.use(f, 'USWRF_L1_Avg_1') sw_net = sw_down - sw_up sw_net = np.where(sw_net < 1.e-10, 0, sw_net) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), sw_net, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, sw_net, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['radsw'] = Data(x, y, sw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') if not quiet: print(' LW down') f = files['rad'] lw_down = netcdf.use(f, 'DLWRF_L1_Avg_1') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if not quiet: print(' LW up') lw_up = netcdf.use(f, 'ULWRF_L1_Avg_1') lw_net = lw_down - lw_up lw_net = np.where(np.abs(lw_net) < 1.e-10, 0, lw_net) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), lw_net, tfix1 = fix_time(ttmp, lw_net, time[0], time[-1]) lw_down, tfix2 = fix_time(ttmp, lw_down, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix1.size == tfix2.size == time.size and np.all((tfix1 == time) & (tfix2 == time)): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return # ROMS (agrif, used to be!) convention: positive upward out['radlw'] = Data(x, y, -lw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # downward lw: out['dlwrf'] = Data(x, y, -lw_down, 'W m-2', info='negative... downward') # signs convention is better explained in # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') f = files['uv'] uwnd = netcdf.use(f, 'U_GRD_L103') vwnd = netcdf.use(f, 'V_GRD_L103') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), uwnd, tfix1 = fix_time(ttmp, uwnd, time[0], time[-1]) vwnd, tfix2 = fix_time(ttmp, vwnd, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix1.size == tfix2.size == time.size and np.all((tfix1 == time) & (tfix2 == time)): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return # if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2) taux, tauy = air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd, vwnd) out['wspd'] = Data(x, y, speed, 'm s-1') out['uwnd'] = Data(x, y, uwnd, 'm s-1') out['vwnd'] = Data(x, y, vwnd, 'm s-1') out['sustr'] = Data(x, y, taux, 'Pa') out['svstr'] = Data(x, y, tauy, 'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--100 --> 0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') f = files['cc'] if 'T_CDC_L200' in netcdf.varnames(f): clouds = netcdf.use(f, 'T_CDC_L200') else: clouds = netcdf.use(f, 'T_CDC_L200_Avg_1') x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) clouds = clouds / 100. # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), clouds, tfix = fix_time(ttmp, clouds, time[0], time[-1]) if tfix.size == time.size and np.all(tfix == time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['cloud'] = Data(x, y, clouds, 'fraction (0--1)') # rhum has different resolution (0.5, just like dew point!) # so, i can edit or just interpolate here rhum to # other vars resolution: if out['rhum'].data.shape != out['uwnd'].data.shape: from okean import calc print('rhum shape differs!! --> interp:') nt, ny, nx = out['uwnd'].data.shape x, y = out['uwnd'].x, out['uwnd'].y rhum = np.zeros((nt, ny, nx), out['rhum'].data.dtype) for it in range(nt): if it % 100 == 0: print(' %d of %d' % (it, nt)) rhum[it] = calc.griddata(out['rhum'].x, out['rhum'].y, out['rhum'].data[it], x, y) out['rhum'] = Data(x, y, rhum, '0--1') return out
def interim_file_data(files, quiet=False): ''' ECMWF ERA INTERIM data for ROMS To be used with data obtained from the new server: and not the old one ( To deal with data from old server use module interim_past => forecast vars: time=00h, 12h step=3,6,9,12 --> n forec steps=4 needed (suggestion): - Surface net solar radiation (ssr) - Surface thermal radiation (str) - Total precipitation (tp) others: - Surface thermal radiation downwards (strd) - Evaporation (e) - ... =>analysis+forec vars: (interim analysis starts every 6h; forecast starts every 12h !!) time=00h,6h,12h,18h step=0,3,9 (3 and 9 are for the forecast 00h and 12h) needed (suggestion): - Surface pressure (sp) - Total cloud cover (tcc) - 10 metre U wind component (v10u or u10) - 10 metre V wind component (v10v or v10) - 2 metre temperature (v2t or t2m) - 2 metre dewpoint temperature (v2d or d2m) Accumulated vars (rad SW, LW and precipitation are converted to averages by acum2avg ''' # some variables may have different names! Vars = {} Vars['v10u'] = 'v10u', 'u10' Vars['v10v'] = 'v10v', 'v10' Vars['v2t'] = 'v2t', 't2m' Vars['v2d'] = 'v2d', 'd2m' def find_v(name): if name in Vars.keys(): for v in Vars[name]: if varfile(v): return v else: return name def varfile(var): for f in files: if var in netcdf.varnames(f): return f def check_var_type(var): # new interim dataserver provides forec+analysis vars with extra dim # 'type', 0 or 1 if var.ndim == 4: if not quiet: print(' dealing with var type... '), v = np.zeros(var.shape[1:], var.dtype) v[::2] = var[0, ::2, ...] v[1::2] = var[1, 1::2, ...] var = v if not quiet: print('done.') return var out = {} # time: # all times from analysis file, except last ind which will be # the last time of forecast file aFile = varfile(find_v('v2t')) # air temp, for instance fFile = varfile(find_v('ssr')) # sw rad, for instance if not quiet: print(' reading "analysis" time from file %s' % aFile) aTime = netcdf.nctime(aFile, 'time') aTime.sort() # analysis+forecast files may not have time sorted!! if not quiet: print(' reading "forecast" time from file %s' % fFile) fTime = netcdf.nctime(fFile, 'time') fTime.sort() # this one should be sorted... time = np.append(aTime, fTime[-1]) out['time'] = time # calc number of forecast steps stored,nforec (used by accum2avg) if [fTime[i].hour for i in range(8)] == range(3, 22, 3) + [0]: nforec = 4 elif [fTime[i].hour for i in range(4)] == range(6, 19, 6) + [0]: nforec = 2 else: if not quiet: print('INTERIM WRONG TIME: cannot n forec steps') return if not quiet: print(' ==> n forecast steps = %d' % nforec) # x,y: if not quiet: print(' reading x,y from file %s' % files[0]) x = netcdf.use(files[0], 'longitude') y = netcdf.use(files[0], 'latitude') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 if x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') vname = find_v('v2t') f = varfile(vname) # time may not be monotonically increasing !! # when using mix of analysis and forecast variables and steps sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) tair = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) - 273.15 tair = check_var_type(tair) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') tair = fill_tend(tair) out['tair'] = Data(x, y, tair, 'Celsius') # R humidity [0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity (from T dew)') vname = find_v('v2d') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) Td = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) - 273.15 Td = check_var_type(Td) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend... (T dew)') Td = fill_tend(Td) T = tair rhum = relative_humidity(T, Td) ## rhum=((112-0.1*T+Td)/(112+0.9*T))**8 rhum[rhum > 1] = 1 out['rhum'] = Data(x, y, rhum, '0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') vname = find_v('sp') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) pres = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) pres = check_var_type(pres) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') pres = fill_tend(pres) out['pres'] = Data(x, y, pres, 'Pa') # P rate [m --> cm day-1] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') vname = find_v('tp') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) prate = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) prate = check_var_type(prate) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') prate = accum2avg(prate, nforec) conv = 100 * 86400 # from m s-1 --> cm day-1 #conv= 100*86400/1000. # from kg m-2 s-1 --> cm day-1 prate = prate * conv # cm day-1 if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') prate = fill_t0(prate) prate[prate < 0] = 0 out['prate'] = Data(x, y, prate, 'cm day-1') # Net shortwave flux [W m-2 s+1 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') vname = find_v('ssr') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) sw_net = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) sw_net = check_var_type(sw_net) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') sw_net = accum2avg(sw_net, nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') sw_net = fill_t0(sw_net) out['radsw'] = Data(x, y, sw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2 s+1 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') vname = find_v('str') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) lw_net = netcdf.use( f, vname, time=sortInds) * -1 # let us consider positive upward (*-1) lw_net = check_var_type(lw_net) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') lw_net = accum2avg(lw_net, nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') lw_net = fill_t0(lw_net) out['radlw'] = Data(x, y, lw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # longwave down: # can be obtained from clouds!! if not quiet: print(' --> Down longwave flux') vname = find_v('strd') f = varfile(vname) if f: sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) lw_down = netcdf.use( f, vname, time=sortInds) * -1 # let us consider positive upward (*-1) lw_down = check_var_type(lw_down) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') lw_down = accum2avg(lw_down, nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') lw_down = fill_t0(lw_down) out['dlwrf'] = Data(x, y, lw_down, 'W m-2', info='negative... downward') else: print('down long wave CANNOT BE USED') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') vname = find_v('v10u') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) uwnd = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) uwnd = check_var_type(uwnd) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') uwnd = fill_tend(uwnd) vname = find_v('v10v') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) vwnd = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) vwnd = check_var_type(vwnd) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') vwnd = fill_tend(vwnd) if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2) taux, tauy = air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd, vwnd) out['wspd'] = Data(x, y, speed, 'm s-1') out['uwnd'] = Data(x, y, uwnd, 'm s-1') out['vwnd'] = Data(x, y, vwnd, 'm s-1') out['sustr'] = Data(x, y, taux, 'Pa') out['svstr'] = Data(x, y, tauy, 'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') vname = find_v('tcc') f = varfile(vname) sortInds = np.argsort(netcdf.use(f, 'time')) clouds = netcdf.use(f, vname, time=sortInds) clouds = check_var_type(clouds) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds != range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') clouds = fill_tend(clouds) out['cloud'] = Data(x, y, clouds, 'fraction (0--1)') return out
def read_time(file): return parse_time(netcdf.use(file, 'Times'))
def narr_file_data(fname,xlim=False,ylim=False,quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one NARR file ''' out={} # loading grid: if 0: if not quiet: print(' reading lon,lat from file %s' % grd) nc=netcdf.ncopen(grd) x=nc.vars['East_longitude_0-360'][0,...]-360. y=nc.vars['Latitude_-90_to_+90'][0,...] # time always 1 !! nc.close() else: if not quiet: print(' reading lon,lat from file %s' % grdTxt) x,y=load_grid() #x=x-360. x=-x ny,nx=x.shape if (xlim,ylim)==(False,False):i0,i1,j0,j1=0,nx,0,ny else: i0,i1,j0,j1=calc.ij_limits(x, y, xlim, ylim, margin=0) x=x[j0:j1,i0:i1] y=y[j0:j1,i0:i1] try: nc=netcdf.ncopen(fname) except: return {} xx=str(i0)+':'+str(i1) yy=str(j0)+':'+str(j1) tdim=netcdf.fdim(nc,'time1') if tdim!=1: print('WARNING: tdim !=1 !!!!!!') # T surface [K->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') tair=netcdf.use(nc,'Temperature_surface',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) tair=tair-273.15 out['tair']=cb.Data(x,y,tair,'C') # R humidity [% -> 0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity') rhum=netcdf.use(nc,'Relative_humidity',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) out['rhum']=cb.Data(x,y,rhum/100.,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') pres=netcdf.use(nc,'Pressure_surface',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) out['pres']=cb.Data(x,y,pres,'Pa') # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 -> cm/d] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') prate=netcdf.use(nc,'Precipitation_rate',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) prate=prate*86400*100/1000. out['prate']=cb.Data(x,y,prate,'cm/d') # Net shortwave flux [ W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') if not quiet: print(' SW down') sw_down=netcdf.use(nc,'Downward_shortwave_radiation_flux',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) if not quiet: print(' SW up') sw_up=netcdf.use(nc,'Upward_short_wave_radiation_flux_surface',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) sw_net=sw_down-sw_up out['radsw']=cb.Data(x,y,sw_net,'W m-2',info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') if not quiet: print(' LW down') lw_down=netcdf.use(nc,'Downward_longwave_radiation_flux',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) if not quiet: print(' LW up') lw_up=netcdf.use(nc,'Upward_long_wave_radiation_flux_surface',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) lw_net=lw_down-lw_up out['radlw']=cb.Data(x,y,-lw_net,'W m-2',info='positive upward') # downward lw: out['dlwrf']=cb.Data(x,y,-lw_down,'W m-2',info='negative... downward') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') # vertical dim is height_above_ground1: 10 and 30 m uwnd=netcdf.use(nc,'u_wind_height_above_ground',height_above_ground1=0,time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) vwnd=netcdf.use(nc,'v_wind_height_above_ground',height_above_ground1=0,time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2+vwnd**2) taux,tauy=air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd,vwnd) out['wspd']=cb.Data(x,y,speed,'m s-1') out['uwnd']=cb.Data(x,y,uwnd,'m s-1') out['vwnd']=cb.Data(x,y,vwnd,'m s-1') out['sustr']=cb.Data(x,y,taux,'Pa') out['svstr']=cb.Data(x,y,tauy,'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--100 --> 0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') clouds=netcdf.use(nc,'Total_cloud_cover',time1=0,x=xx,y=yy) out['cloud']=cb.Data(x,y,clouds/100.,'fraction (0--1)') nc.close() return out
def load_data(f, quiet=0, **kargs): ''' Loads prognostic variables (temp,salt,u,v,ubar,vbar,zeta) from netcdf file or opendap server. Also loads lon,lat, depth, and time. If f is a file, it must include the 1d variables lon,lat and depth; the 2d variable ssh (zeta) and the 3d variables temp, salt, u and v; ie, each file must contain data for a simgle time. The file must also contain the variable time. If f is a opendap address, it must contain also all these variables or the ones defined in the input karg settings (DataAccess object) To deal with the case of variables in different files/opendap addresses, f can also be a dictionary with keys the variables and values the files or opendap addresses. In this case, the keys must be: - temp - salt - u - v - ssh - misc, for lon, lat, depth, time and dimensions or xy for lon,lat and x,ydim; z for depth and zdim, time for time The output data (dict) is suitable to be used by data2roms, which interpolates the data to ROMS 3d grid. Also outputs an error/status string. kargs: inds, dict with dimension names/values (where time dim can be integer or datetime) settings, DataAccess object extra, extra misc vars to load [(outKey0,fileVar0),...] t_units, units of variable time, by default the att units is used ''' sett = DataAccess() inds = {} extra = [] t_units = [] if 'settings' in kargs.keys(): sett = kargs['settings'] if 'inds' in kargs.keys(): inds = kargs['inds'] if 'extra' in kargs.keys(): extra = kargs['extra'] if 't_units' in kargs.keys(): t_units = kargs['t_units'] res = {} msg = '' if not isinstance(f, dict) and not f.startswith('http') and not isfile(f): msg = 'file not found %s' % f if not quiet: print msg return res, msg # load nc files: if not isinstance(f, dict): f = {'temp': f, 'salt': f, 'u': f, 'v': f, 'ssh': f, 'misc': f} if not f.has_key('xy'): f['xy'] = f['misc'] if not f.has_key('z'): f['z'] = f['misc'] if not f.has_key('time'): f['time'] = f['misc'] filesUsed = [] ncUsed = [] for i in f.keys(): if not quiet: print '(%s) loading from %s' % (i.ljust(5), f[i]) if i == 'temp': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncTemp = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncTemp = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncTemp] elif i == 'salt': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncSalt = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncSalt = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncSalt] elif i == 'u': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncU = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncU = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncU] elif i == 'v': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncV = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncV = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncV] elif i == 'ssh': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncSsh = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncSsh = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncSsh] elif i == 'xy': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncXy = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncXy = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncXy] elif i == 'z': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncZ = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncZ = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncZ] elif i == 'time': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncTime = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncTime = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncTime] elif i == 'misc': if f[i] in filesUsed: ncMisc = ncUsed[filesUsed.index(f[i])] else: ncMisc = netcdf.ncopen(f[i]) filesUsed += [f[i]] ncUsed += [ncMisc] # load dims: if not quiet: print ' loading dims...' dimsXy = netcdf.fdim(ncXy) dimsZ = netcdf.fdim(ncZ) res['NX'] = dimsXy[sett.xdim] res['NY'] = dimsXy[sett.ydim] ###if sett.z_name: if sett.zdim: res['NZ'] = dimsZ[sett.zdim] else: res['NZ'] = 1 # about horizontal inds: if inds.has_key( sett.xdim) and len(inds[sett.xdim]) == 2 and not isinstance( inds[sett.xdim], basestring): if not quiet: print ' calc horizontal inds...' xlim = inds[sett.xdim] ylim = inds[sett.ydim] inds.pop(sett.xdim) inds.pop(sett.ydim) lon = netcdf.use(ncXy, sett.x_name, **inds) if np.any(lon > 360): lon = np.mod(lon, 360.) lat = netcdf.use(ncXy, sett.y_name, **inds) i0, i1, j0, j1 = calc.ij_limits(lon, lat, xlim, ylim, margin=3) inds[sett.xdim] = '%d:%d' % (i0, i1) inds[sett.ydim] = '%d:%d' % (j0, j1) if not quiet: print ' loading lon, lat, depth...' res['lon'] = netcdf.use(ncXy, sett.x_name, **inds) if np.any(res['lon'] > 360): res['lon'] = np.mod(res['lon'], 360.) res['lat'] = netcdf.use(ncXy, sett.y_name, **inds) if sett.z_name: res['depth'] = -netcdf.use(ncZ, sett.z_name, **inds) else: res['depth'] = False if res['lon'].size != res['lat'].size: res['lon'], res['lat'] = np.meshgrid(res['lon'], res['lat']) # needed for griddata, later # update nx,ny: if inds.has_key(sett.xdim): res['NY'], res['NX'] = res['lon'].shape # extra misc vars: if len(extra): for outKey, fileVar in extra: if not quiet: print ' loading extra misc... %s %s' % (outKey, fileVar) res[outKey] = netcdf.use(ncMisc, fileVar, **inds) # time: # file may have one or several times. If several, time dim must be given # with kargs inds! # but file may also have no time dim or time name ! if sett.time_name: if not quiet: print ' loading time...' if t_units: times = netcdf.use(ncTime, sett.time_name) times = netcdf.num2date(times, t_units) else: times = netcdf.nctime(ncTime, sett.time_name) if inds.has_key(sett.tdim): try: tind = dts.parse_date(inds[sett.tdim]) except: tind = inds[sett.tdim] # is an integer, for instance if isinstance(tind, datetime.datetime): tind, = np.where(times == tind) if tind.size: tind = tind[0] inds[sett. tdim] = tind # update inds to extract other variables else: Msg = 'date not found' msg += '\n' + Msg return res, msg + ' ERROR' date = times[tind] try: len(date) ndates = True except: ndates = False if ndates: if not quiet: print ' tind, date= len=%d: %d to %d, %s to %s' % ( len(date), tind[0], tind[-1], date[0].isoformat(' '), date[-1].isoformat(' ')) else: if not quiet: print ' tind, date= %d %s' % (tind, date.isoformat(' ')) elif times.size == 1: date = times[0] if not quiet: print ' date= %s' % date.isoformat(' ') else: # must provide tind as input!! Msg = 'several dates in file... provice tind!' msg += '\n' + Msg return res, msg + ' ERROR' res['date'] = date else: if not quiet: print ' warning: not using time !!' res['date'] = 0 empty3d = np.zeros([res['NZ'], res['NY'], res['NX']]) empty2d = np.zeros([res['NY'], res['NX']]) if 'temp' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading temp...' if sett.temp_name in ncTemp.varnames: res['temp'] = netcdf.use(ncTemp, sett.temp_name, **inds) else: Msg = 'var %s not found' % 'temp' msg += '\n' + Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['temp'] = empty3d if 'salt' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading salt...' if sett.salt_name in ncSalt.varnames: res['salt'] = netcdf.use(ncSalt, sett.salt_name, **inds) else: Msg = 'var %s not found' % 'salt' msg += '\n' + Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['salt'] = empty3d if 'u' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading u...' if sett.u_name in ncU.varnames: res['u'] = netcdf.use(ncU, sett.u_name, **inds) else: Msg = 'var %s not found' % 'u' msg += '\n' + Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['u'] = empty3d if 'v' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading v...' if sett.v_name in ncV.varnames: res['v'] = netcdf.use(ncV, sett.v_name, **inds) else: Msg = 'var %s not found' % 'v' msg += '\n' + Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['v'] = empty3d if 'ssh' in f.keys(): if not quiet: print ' loading ssh...' if sett.ssh_name in ncSsh.varnames: res['ssh'] = netcdf.use(ncSsh, sett.ssh_name, **inds) else: Msg = 'var %s not found' % 'ssh' msg += '\n' + Msg if not quiet: print Msg res['ssh'] = empty2d for nc in ncUsed: try: nc.close() except: pass return res, msg
def cfsr_file_data(files, quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one CFRS files ''' def load_time(f): time = np.array((), datetime.datetime) ff = glob.glob(f) ff.sort() for f in ff: time = np.append(time, netcdf.nctime(f, 'time')) return time def load_time_main(f): time = load_time(f) # I want 0,6,12,... after 2006 results may be 3,9,15, ... if time[0].hour in [3, 9, 15, 21]: time = time + datetime.timedelta(hours=3) # for 2011 1st time is not 0! if time[0].hour == 6: time = np.hstack((time[0].replace(hour=0), time)) return time def fix_time(t, var, t0, t1): # convert 1h, 7h, ... to 0h, 6h, ... if t[0].hour in [1, 7, 13, 19]: # not all! sp analysis starts at 0, 6,...! print ' 1,7,... to 0,6,...' var = (var[1:] * 5 + var[:-1] * 1) / 6. t = t[1:] - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif t[0].hour in [3, 9, 15, 21]: print ' 3,9,... to 0,6,...' var = (var[1:] * 3 + var[:-1] * 3) / 6. t = t[1:] - datetime.timedelta(hours=3) cond = (t >= t0) & (t <= t1) t = t[cond] var = var[cond] if t[0] > t0: dt = t[0] - t0 dt = dt.days * 24 + dt.seconds / 3600. # hours print 'missind data at start: %.2d h missing --> repeating 1st data' % dt v = np.zeros((var.shape[0] + 1, ) + var.shape[1:], var.dtype) v[1:] = var v[0] = var[0] var = v t_ = np.zeros((t.shape[0] + 1, ) + t.shape[1:], t.dtype) t_[1:] = t t_[0] = t0 t = t_ if t[-1] < t1: dt = t1 - t[-1] dt = dt.days * 24 + dt.seconds / 3600. # hours print 'missind data at end: %.2d h missing --> repeating last data' % dt v = np.zeros((var.shape[0] + 1, ) + var.shape[1:], var.dtype) v[:-1] = var v[-1] = var[-1] var = v t_ = np.zeros((t.shape[0] + 1, ) + t.shape[1:], t.dtype) t_[:-1] = t t_[-1] = t1 t = t_ return var, t out = {} # time: if 0: time = netcdf.nctime(files['cc'], 'time') # files have diff units !! so, cannot load all times at once! # these result will use only units of 1st file!! else: time = load_time_main(files['cc']) out['time'] = time # T air [K->C] if not quiet: print ' --> T air' f = files['st'] tair = netcdf.use(f, 'TMP_L103') tair = tair - 273.15 x = netcdf.use(f, 'lon') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 y = netcdf.use(f, 'lat') x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # check time: ttmp = load_time(f) if ttmp.size == time.size and np.all(ttmp == time): print ' time ok' else:
def plt_hslice(conf, plconf, date, FA='a', nest=0, **kargs): err = '' fig = False info = {} type = 'avg' var = 'temp' slice = 'z' ind = -10 time = -1 currents = False dcurr = (3, 3) scurr = 3 lcurr = 0.2 ifig = 0 # closefig = True clim = False quiet = False outStoragePath = False cmap = None norm = None useBar = True # currents are barotropic for 2D vars (like zeta) keys = kargs.keys() if 'type' in keys: type = kargs['type'] if 'var' in keys: var = kargs['var'] if 'slice' in keys: slice = kargs['slice'] if 'ind' in keys: ind = kargs['ind'] if 'time' in keys: time = kargs['time'] if 'currents' in keys: currents = kargs['currents'] if 'dcurr' in keys: dcurr = kargs['dcurr'] if 'scurr' in keys: scurr = kargs['scurr'] if 'lcurr' in keys: lcurr = kargs['lcurr'] if 'ifig' in keys: ifig = kargs['ifig'] if 'closefig' in keys: closefig = kargs['closefig'] if 'clim' in keys: clim = kargs['clim'] if 'quiet' in keys: quiet = kargs['quiet'] if 'ostorage' in keys: outStoragePath = kargs['ostorage'] if 'cmap' in keys: cmap = kargs['cmap'] if 'usebar' in keys: useBar = kargs['usebar'] if 'norm' in keys: norm = kargs['norm'] date = dateu.parse_date(date) # find input files: args = { 'cf': conf, 'date': date, 'FA': FA, 'nest': nest, 'ostorage': outStoragePath } his = opt.nameof('out', type, **args) clm = opt.nameof('in', 'clm', **args) grd = opt.nameof('in', 'grd', **args) if not os.path.isfile(his): err = 'Main file not found (%s)' % his return err, fig, info if not os.path.isfile(grd): err = 'Grid file not found (%s)' % grd return err, fig, info r = roms.His(his, grd) # plot grid: proj, fig, ax = plt_grid(plconf, grd, ifig) def add_colorbar(handle, **args): ax = pl.gca() Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'AXES') cbpos = Data['cbpos'][ifig] cbbgpos = Data['cbbgpos'][ifig] cbbgc = Data['cbbgcolor'][ifig] cbbga = Data['cbbgalpha'][ifig] cblab = Data['cblabel'][ifig] # colorbar bg axes: if cbbgpos: rec = pl.axes((cbpos[0] - cbpos[2] * cbbgpos[0], cbpos[1] - cbbgpos[2] * cbpos[3], cbpos[2] * (1 + cbbgpos[0] + cbbgpos[1]), cbpos[3] * (1 + cbbgpos[2] + cbbgpos[3])), axisbg=cbbgc, frameon=1) rec.patch.set_alpha(cbbga) rec.set_xticks([]) rec.set_yticks([]) for k in rec.axes.spines.keys(): rec.axes.spines[k].set_color(cbbgc) rec.axes.spines[k].set_alpha(cbbga) # colorbar: if cbpos: cbax = fig.add_axes(cbpos) if cbpos[2] > cbpos[3]: orient = 'horizontal' else: orient = 'vertical' cb = pl.colorbar(handle, cax=cbax, orientation=orient, drawedges=0, **args) pl.axes(ax) # colorbar label: if cblab: Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'HSLICES') varnames = Data['varnames'][ifig].split(',') vnames = Data['vnames'][ifig].split(',') lab = '' for i in range(len(varnames)): if varnames[i].strip() == var: lab = vnames[i].strip() break if lab: if r.hasz(var): if slice == 'k': if ind == 0: lab = 'Bottom ' + lab elif ind in (-1, 'surface'): lab = 'Surface ' + lab elif slice == 'z': lab = lab + ' ' + str(ind) + 'm' cb.set_label(lab) def add_currkey(handle): Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'HSLICES') pos = Data['kcurrpos'][ifig] if pos: pl.quiverkey(handle, pos[0], pos[1], lcurr, '%s m/s' % str(lcurr), labelpos='S', coordinates='axes') # hslice: if var: if slice == 'k': metodo = r.slicek elif slice == 'z': metodo = r.slicez x, y, z, v = metodo(var, ind, time, plot=False) x, y = proj(x, y) # cmap: if isinstance(cmap, basestring): try: cmap =[cmap] except: try: from okean import pl_tools cmap =[cmap] except: cmap = # original data from clm if slice == 'k' and ind in ( -1, ) and var + '_original' in netcdf.varnames(clm): tcurr = r.datetime[time] x_o = netcdf.use(clm, 'x_original') y_o = netcdf.use(clm, 'y_original') x_o, y_o = proj(x_o, y_o) v_o = netcdf.use(clm, 'y_original') t_o = netcdf.nctime(clm, 'clim_time') # average to current time: i0, = np.where(t_o <= tcurr)[-1] i1, = np.where(t_o > tcurr)[0] v_o0 = netcdf.use(clm, var + '_original', time=i0) v_o1 = netcdf.use(clm, var + '_original', time=i1) # avg: a = tcurr - t_o[i0] b = t_o[i1] - tcurr a = a.days * 86400 + a.seconds b = b.days * 86400 + b.seconds if a == 0: v_o = v_o0 elif b == 0: v_o = v_o1 else: v_o = (v_o0 * b + v_o1 * a) / (a + b) pch = pl.pcolormesh(x_o, y_o, v_o, shading='flat', cmap=cmap) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) if norm == 'log': from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm Norm = LogNorm(vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1]) else: Norm = None # change hypoxia colorbar/cmap if var == 'dye_01': HypoxiaLim = 135 from okean import pl_tools cmap = pl_tools.ucmaps().gen_oxygen( v=(0, HypoxiaLim, 300.)) # default is 0,135,300 !! pch = pl.pcolormesh(x, y, v, shading='flat', cmap=cmap, norm=Norm) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) # hypoxia: if var == 'dye_01' and ind == 0 and ifig == 0: cond = v < 135. cond = v < HypoxiaLim cond = (v < HypoxiaLim) & (r.grid.h > 5) pm = r.grid.use('pm') pn = r.grid.use('pn') A = (1 / pm[cond] * 1 / pn[cond] / 1e6).sum() x_, y_ = proj(-98, 29.5) pl.text(x_, y_, 'Hypoxia area = %.0f km$^2$' % A, color='r', fontweight='bold', fontname='monospace', bbox=dict(edgecolor='none', facecolor='white', alpha=0.8)) # hypoxia. # colorbar: if norm == 'log': tks = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(clim[0]), np.log10(clim[1]), 4) opts = {'ticks': tks, 'format': '%.2f'} else: opts = {'ticks': None} add_colorbar(pch, **opts) if currents: if (var and r.hasz(var)) or not useBar: uvind = ind else: uvind = 'bar' x, y, z, u, v = r.sliceuv(uvind, time) xm, ym = proj(x, y) mm = np.zeros(x.shape, 'bool') mm[::dcurr[0], ::dcurr[1]] = True Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'HSLICES') wcurr = Data['wcurr'][ifig] acurr = Data['acurr'][ifig] qvopts = {'units': 'x', 'scale': scurr, 'width': wcurr, 'alpha': acurr} if var: q = pl.quiver(xm[mm], ym[mm], u[mm], v[mm], **qvopts) else: s = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) q = pl.quiver(xm[mm], ym[mm], u[mm], v[mm], s[mm], **qvopts) if clim: pl.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) add_colorbar(q) add_currkey(q) # store some info that may be required later info['hasz'] = False if var and r.hasz(var): info['hasz'] = True # logo: if ifig == 0: im = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'logo_INOCAR.png') i = pl.imread(im) h, w = i.shape[:2] rx = .12 W = (proj.xmax - proj.xmin) * rx H = W * h / w l = proj.xmax #pl.fill([proj.xmax-W, proj.xmax, proj.xmax, proj.xmax-W], # [proj.ymin, proj.ymin, proj.ymin+2.8*H, proj.ymin+2.8*H], # '#500000',alpha=0.25,ec='none') ax.imshow(i, extent=(proj.xmax * .98 - W, proj.xmax * .98, proj.ymin + H * .1, proj.ymin + H * 1.1), zorder=1e3) #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+2.2*H,'OOF', # fontdict={'size':14,'family':'serif'}, # color='#500000',ha='center',weight='bold') pl.text(proj.xmax * .8, proj.ymax * (-.1), r.datetime[time].strftime("%d %b %Y"), fontdict={ 'size': 11, 'family': 'monospace' }, ha='center') if FA == 'f': s = 'Pronostico desde %s' % r.datetime[0].strftime("%d %b %Y") pl.text( proj.xmax * .8, proj.ymax * (-.15), s, #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+1.1*H,s, fontdict={'fontsize': 10}, ha='center') # logo. # lims change in some mpl versions !! pl.gca().axis([proj.xmin, proj.xmax, proj.ymin, proj.ymax]) return err, fig, info
def use(self,varname,**kargs): return netcdf.use(,varname,**kargs)
def plt_wind(conf, plconf, date, FA='a', nest=0, **kargs): err = '' fig = False info = '' ifig = kargs.get('ifig', 0) day = kargs.get('day', 0) quiet = kargs.get('quiet', 0) time = day date = dateu.parse_date(date) # find input files: args = {'cf': conf, 'date': date, 'FA': FA, 'nest': nest} atm = opt.nameof('in', 'blk', **args) grd = opt.nameof('in', 'grd', **args) if not os.path.isfile(atm): err = 'ATM file not found (%s)' % atm return err, fig, info if not os.path.isfile(grd): err = 'Grid file not found (%s)' % grd return err, fig, info Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'WIND') dcurr = Data['dcurr'][ifig] lcurr = Data['lcurr'][ifig] scurr = Data['scurr'][ifig] clim = Data['clim'][ifig] tind = Data['time'][ifig] x = netcdf.use(grd, 'lon_rho') y = netcdf.use(grd, 'lat_rho') wtime = netcdf.nctime(atm, 'time') cnd = (wtime >= date + datetime.timedelta(days=day)) & ( date < date + datetime.timedelta(days=day + 1)) u = netcdf.use(atm, 'Uwind', time=cnd) v = netcdf.use(atm, 'Uwind', time=cnd) if tind == 'dailyMean': u = u.mean(0) v = v.mean(0) sdate = wtime[cnd][ 0] # for title... 1st day 00h is expected to be 1st date, # or model should not run! else: # tind of some day, ex: tind 0 from forec day 3 u = u[tind] v = v[tind] sdate = wtime[cnd][tind] if day > len(u) - 1: err = 'Invalid day %d (max=%d)' % (day, len(u) - 1) return err, fig, info # plot grid: proj, fig, ax = plt_grid(plconf, grd, ifig) # no mask on land: mask = np.zeros(u.shape, 'bool') mask[::dcurr[0], ::dcurr[1]] = True xm, ym = proj(x, y) s = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) q = pl.quiver(xm[mask], ym[mask], u[mask], v[mask], s[mask], scale=scurr, zorder=100) pl.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) def add_colorbar(handle, **args): ax = pl.gca() Data, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'AXES') cbpos = Data['cbpos'][ifig] cbbgpos = Data['cbbgpos'][ifig] cbbgc = Data['cbbgcolor'][ifig] cbbga = Data['cbbgalpha'][ifig] cblab = Data['cblabel'][ifig] # colorbar bg axes: if cbbgpos: rec = pl.axes((cbpos[0] - cbpos[2] * cbbgpos[0], cbpos[1] - cbbgpos[2] * cbpos[3], cbpos[2] * (1 + cbbgpos[0] + cbbgpos[1]), cbpos[3] * (1 + cbbgpos[2] + cbbgpos[3])), axisbg=cbbgc, frameon=1) rec.patch.set_alpha(cbbga) rec.set_xticks([]) rec.set_yticks([]) for k in rec.axes.spines.keys(): rec.axes.spines[k].set_color(cbbgc) rec.axes.spines[k].set_alpha(cbbga) # colorbar: if cbpos: cbax = fig.add_axes(cbpos) if cbpos[2] > cbpos[3]: orient = 'horizontal' else: orient = 'vertical' cb = pl.colorbar(handle, cax=cbax, orientation=orient, drawedges=0, **args) pl.axes(ax) # colorbar label: cb.set_label(r'Wind Speed [m s$^{\rm{-1}}$]') def add_currkey(handle): pos = Data['kcurrpos'][ifig] if pos: pl.quiverkey(handle, pos[0], pos[1], lcurr, '%s m/s' % str(lcurr), labelpos='S', coordinates='axes') add_colorbar(q) add_currkey(q) # tilte: Title, err = opt.get_plconf(plconf, 'AXES', 'title') if Title[ifig]: simpleTitle = 1 rdate = date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') title = 'wind %s %s %d' % (rdate, FA, day) if simpleTitle: # simpler version of title: if FA == 'f': # forecast date: rdate = dateu.next_date(date, day) rdate = rdate.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') title = 'wind %s' % (rdate) if FA == 'f': title = title + ' (forec)' pl.title(title) # logo: if ifig == 0: im = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'logo_INOCAR.png') i = pl.imread(im) h, w = i.shape[:2] rx = .12 W = (proj.xmax - proj.xmin) * rx H = W * h / w l = proj.xmax #pl.fill([proj.xmax-W, proj.xmax, proj.xmax, proj.xmax-W], # [proj.ymin, proj.ymin, proj.ymin+2.8*H, proj.ymin+2.8*H], # '#500000',alpha=0.25,ec='none') ax.imshow(i, extent=(proj.xmax * .98 - W, proj.xmax * .98, proj.ymin + H * .1, proj.ymin + H * 1.1), zorder=1e3) #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+2.2*H,'OOF', # fontdict={'size':14,'family':'serif'}, # color='#500000',ha='center',weight='bold') pl.text( proj.xmax * .8, proj.ymax * (-.1), sdate.strftime("%d %b %Y"), #pl.text(proj.xmax*.62, proj.ymax*.93,sdate.strftime("%d %b %Y"), fontdict={ 'size': 13, 'family': 'monospace' }, ha='center') # change date format if tind is not daily mean, ie, add hour, etc if FA == 'f': s = 'Pronostico desde %s' % date.strftime("%d %b %Y") pl.text( proj.xmax * .8, proj.ymax * (-.15), s, ##this is outside #pl.text(proj.xmax-W/2., proj.ymin+1.1*H,s, ##this is in the proj (inside) fontdict={'fontsize': 10}, ha='center') # logo. # lims change in some mpl versions !! pl.gca().axis([proj.xmin, proj.xmax, proj.ymin, proj.ymax]) return err, fig, info
def narr_file_data(fname, xlim=False, ylim=False, quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one NARR file ''' out = {} # loading grid: if 0: if not quiet: print ' reading lon,lat from file %s' % grd nc = netcdf.ncopen(grd) x = nc.vars['East_longitude_0-360'][0, ...] - 360. y = nc.vars['Latitude_-90_to_+90'][0, ...] # time always 1 !! nc.close() else: if not quiet: print ' reading lon,lat from file %s' % grdTxt x, y = load_grid() #x=x-360. x = -x ny, nx = x.shape if (xlim, ylim) == (False, False): i0, i1, j0, j1 = 0, nx, 0, ny else: i0, i1, j0, j1 = calc.ij_limits(x, y, xlim, ylim, margin=0) x = x[j0:j1, i0:i1] y = y[j0:j1, i0:i1] try: nc = netcdf.ncopen(fname) except: return {} xx = str(i0) + ':' + str(i1) yy = str(j0) + ':' + str(j1) tdim = netcdf.fdim(nc, 'time1') if tdim != 1: print 'WARNING: tdim !=1 !!!!!!' # T surface [K->C] if not quiet: print ' --> T air' tair = netcdf.use(nc, 'Temperature_surface', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) tair = tair - 273.15 out['tair'] = cb.Data(x, y, tair, 'C') # R humidity [% -> 0--1] if not quiet: print ' --> R humidity' rhum = netcdf.use(nc, 'Relative_humidity', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) out['rhum'] = cb.Data(x, y, rhum / 100., '0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print ' --> Surface pressure' pres = netcdf.use(nc, 'Pressure_surface', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) out['pres'] = cb.Data(x, y, pres, 'Pa') # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 -> cm/d] if not quiet: print ' --> P rate' prate = netcdf.use(nc, 'Precipitation_rate', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) prate = prate * 86400 * 100 / 1000. out['prate'] = cb.Data(x, y, prate, 'cm/d') # Net shortwave flux [ W m-2] if not quiet: print ' --> Net shortwave flux' if not quiet: print ' SW down' sw_down = netcdf.use(nc, 'Downward_shortwave_radiation_flux', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) if not quiet: print ' SW up' sw_up = netcdf.use(nc, 'Upward_short_wave_radiation_flux_surface', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) sw_net = sw_down - sw_up out['radsw'] = cb.Data(x, y, sw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print ' --> Net longwave flux' if not quiet: print ' LW down' lw_down = netcdf.use(nc, 'Downward_longwave_radiation_flux', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) if not quiet: print ' LW up' lw_up = netcdf.use(nc, 'Upward_long_wave_radiation_flux_surface', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) lw_net = lw_down - lw_up out['radlw'] = cb.Data(x, y, -lw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # downward lw: out['dlwrf'] = cb.Data(x, y, -lw_down, 'W m-2', info='negative... downward') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print ' --> U and V wind' # vertical dim is height_above_ground1: 10 and 30 m uwnd = netcdf.use(nc, 'u_wind_height_above_ground', height_above_ground1=0, time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) vwnd = netcdf.use(nc, 'v_wind_height_above_ground', height_above_ground1=0, time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) if not quiet: print ' --> calc wind speed and stress' speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2) taux, tauy = air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd, vwnd) out['wspd'] = cb.Data(x, y, speed, 'm s-1') out['uwnd'] = cb.Data(x, y, uwnd, 'm s-1') out['vwnd'] = cb.Data(x, y, vwnd, 'm s-1') out['sustr'] = cb.Data(x, y, taux, 'Pa') out['svstr'] = cb.Data(x, y, tauy, 'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--100 --> 0--1]: if not quiet: print ' --> Cloud cover' clouds = netcdf.use(nc, 'Total_cloud_cover', time1=0, x=xx, y=yy) out['cloud'] = cb.Data(x, y, clouds / 100., 'fraction (0--1)') nc.close() return out
def interim_file_data(files,quiet=False): ''' ECMWF ERA INTERIM data for ROMS To be used with data obtained from the new server: and not the old one ( To deal with data from old server use module interim_past => forecast vars: time=00h, 12h step=3,6,9,12 --> n forec steps=4 needed (suggestion): - Surface net solar radiation (ssr) - Surface thermal radiation (str) - Total precipitation (tp) others: - Surface thermal radiation downwards (strd) - Evaporation (e) - ... =>analysis+forec vars: (interim analysis starts every 6h; forecast starts every 12h !!) time=00h,6h,12h,18h step=0,3,9 (3 and 9 are for the forecast 00h and 12h) needed (suggestion): - Surface pressure (sp) - Total cloud cover (tcc) - 10 metre U wind component (v10u or u10) - 10 metre V wind component (v10v or v10) - 2 metre temperature (v2t or t2m) - 2 metre dewpoint temperature (v2d or d2m) Accumulated vars (rad SW, LW and precipitation are converted to averages by acum2avg ''' # some variables may have different names! Vars={} Vars['v10u']='v10u','u10' Vars['v10v']='v10v','v10' Vars['v2t']='v2t','t2m' Vars['v2d']='v2d','d2m' def find_v(name): if name in Vars.keys(): for v in Vars[name]: if varfile(v): return v else: return name def varfile(var): for f in files: if var in netcdf.varnames(f): return f def check_var_type(var): # new interim dataserver provides forec+analysis vars with extra dim # 'type', 0 or 1 if var.ndim==4: if not quiet: print(' dealing with var type... '), v=np.zeros(var.shape[1:],var.dtype) v[::2]=var[0,::2,...] v[1::2]=var[1,1::2,...] var=v if not quiet: print('done.') return var out={} # time: # all times from analysis file, except last ind which will be # the last time of forecast file aFile=varfile(find_v('v2t')) # air temp, for instance fFile=varfile(find_v('ssr')) # sw rad, for instance if not quiet: print(' reading "analysis" time from file %s' % aFile) aTime=netcdf.nctime(aFile,'time') aTime.sort() # analysis+forecast files may not have time sorted!! if not quiet: print(' reading "forecast" time from file %s' % fFile) fTime=netcdf.nctime(fFile,'time') fTime.sort() # this one should be sorted... time=np.append(aTime,fTime[-1]) out['time']=time # calc number of forecast steps stored,nforec (used by accum2avg) if [fTime[i].hour for i in range(8)]==range(3,22,3)+[0]: nforec=4 elif [fTime[i].hour for i in range(4)]==range(6,19,6)+[0]: nforec=2 else: if not quiet: print('INTERIM WRONG TIME: cannot n forec steps') return if not quiet: print(' ==> n forecast steps = %d' % nforec) # x,y: if not quiet: print(' reading x,y from file %s' % files[0]) x=netcdf.use(files[0],'longitude') y=netcdf.use(files[0],'latitude') x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 if x.ndim==1 and y.ndim==1: x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') vname=find_v('v2t') f=varfile(vname) # time may not be monotonically increasing !! # when using mix of analysis and forecast variables and steps sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) tair=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds)-273.15 tair=check_var_type(tair) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') tair=fill_tend(tair) out['tair']=Data(x,y,tair,'Celsius') # R humidity [0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity (from T dew)') vname=find_v('v2d') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) Td=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds)-273.15 Td=check_var_type(Td) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend... (T dew)') Td=fill_tend(Td) T=tair rhum=air_sea.relative_humidity(T,Td) ## rhum=((112-0.1*T+Td)/(112+0.9*T))**8 rhum[rhum>1]=1 out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') vname=find_v('sp') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) pres=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) pres=check_var_type(pres) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') pres=fill_tend(pres) out['pres']=Data(x,y,pres,'Pa') # P rate [m --> cm day-1] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') vname=find_v('tp') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) prate=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) prate=check_var_type(prate) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') prate=accum2avg(prate,nforec) conv= 100*86400 # from m s-1 --> cm day-1 #conv= 100*86400/1000. # from kg m-2 s-1 --> cm day-1 prate=prate*conv # cm day-1 if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') prate=fill_t0(prate) prate[prate<0]=0 out['prate']=Data(x,y,prate,'cm day-1') # Net shortwave flux [W m-2 s+1 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') vname=find_v('ssr') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) sw_net=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) sw_net=check_var_type(sw_net) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') sw_net=accum2avg(sw_net,nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') sw_net=fill_t0(sw_net) out['radsw']=Data(x,y,sw_net,'W m-2',info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2 s+1 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') vname=find_v('str') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) lw_net=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds)*-1 # let us consider positive upward (*-1) lw_net=check_var_type(lw_net) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') lw_net=accum2avg(lw_net,nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') lw_net=fill_t0(lw_net) out['radlw']=Data(x,y,lw_net,'W m-2',info='positive upward') # longwave down: # can be obtained from clouds!! if not quiet: print(' --> Down longwave flux') vname=find_v('strd') f=varfile(vname) if f: sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) lw_down=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds)*-1 # let us consider positive upward (*-1) lw_down=check_var_type(lw_down) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') lw_down=accum2avg(lw_down,nforec) if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') lw_down=fill_t0(lw_down) out['dlwrf']=Data(x,y,lw_down,'W m-2',info='negative... downward') else: print('down long wave CANNOT BE USED') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') vname=find_v('v10u') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) uwnd=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) uwnd=check_var_type(uwnd) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') uwnd=fill_tend(uwnd) vname=find_v('v10v') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) vwnd=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) vwnd=check_var_type(vwnd) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') vwnd=fill_tend(vwnd) if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2+vwnd**2) taux,tauy=air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd,vwnd) out['wspd']=Data(x,y,speed,'m s-1') out['uwnd']=Data(x,y,uwnd,'m s-1') out['vwnd']=Data(x,y,vwnd,'m s-1') out['sustr']=Data(x,y,taux,'Pa') out['svstr']=Data(x,y,tauy,'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') vname=find_v('tcc') f=varfile(vname) sortInds=np.argsort(netcdf.use(f,'time')) clouds=netcdf.use(f,vname,time=sortInds) clouds=check_var_type(clouds) if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') clouds=fill_tend(clouds) out['cloud']=Data(x,y,clouds,'fraction (0--1)') return out
def extract(self,varname,method='fast',nfast=1,quiet=1): if not self.roms.hast(varname): method,nfast='fast',1 tag=self.horiz_var_type(varname) if tag in self.uinds.keys(): inds0=self.inds0[tag] uinds=self.uinds[tag] else: inds0,uinds=self.locate(varname,quiet) J,I,T = uinds.T J0,I0,T0 = inds0.T if not self.roms.hast(varname): no_time=True else: no_time=False if method=='fast': # faster but will download more data than needed! II=range(I.min(),I.max()+1) JJ=range(J.min(),J.max()+1) TT=range(T[T>=0].min(),T.max()+1) if not calc.isiterable(nfast) and nfast==1: if not quiet: print('loading %s : ijt= %d %d %d'%(varname,len(II),len(JJ),len(TT))) v=netcdf.use(,varname,xiSEARCH=II,etaSEARCH=JJ,ocean_time=TT) else: v=False if not calc.isiterable(nfast): nfast=min(nfast,len(TT)-1) tmp=range(TT[0],TT[-1]+2,(TT[-1]-TT[0])/nfast) if tmp[-1]<TT[-1]+1: tmp+=[TT[-1]+1] else: tmp=nfast for k in range(len(tmp)-1): tt=range(tmp[k],tmp[k+1]) if not quiet: print('loading %s : ijt= %d %d %d (t %d to %d)'%(varname,len(II),len(JJ),len(tt), tt[0],tt[-1])) vtmp=netcdf.use(,varname,xiSEARCH=II,etaSEARCH=JJ,ocean_time=tt) if not v is False: if vtmp.ndim<v.ndim: vtmp=vtmp[np.newaxis,:] # if len of last tt is 1 ! v=np.vstack((v,vtmp)) else: v=vtmp if v.ndim>3:,v.shape[1]),'f') else:,'f') for i in range(I.size): xi = I[i]-I.min() eta = J[i]-J.min() if T[i]>=0: tind = T[i]-T[T>=0].min() else: tind=T[i] # negative means data ouside model time if v.ndim==4: V[i]=v[tind,:,eta,xi] elif v.ndim==3: V[i]=v[tind,eta,xi] elif v.ndim==2: V[i]=v[eta,xi] else: V=False for i in range(len(I)): if T[i]<0: continue if not quiet: print('loading %s (%d of %d): ijt= %d %d %d'%(varname,i,len(I),I[i],J[i],T[i])) v=netcdf.use(,varname,xiSEARCH=I[i],etaSEARCH=J[i],ocean_time=T[i]) if V is False: if v.ndim>1: shape=(len(I),)+v.shape else: shape=len(I),'f') V[i]=v lon,lat=self.model_lon_lat(varname) U=np.array(()) for i in range(len(self.t)): xi = I0[i] eta = J0[i] tind = T0[i] if tind<0: continue # data outside model time # rotate cell before interp: xp=np.asarray([lon[eta,xi],lon[eta,xi+1],lon[eta+1,xi+1],lon[eta+1,xi],self.x[i]]) yp=np.asarray([lat[eta,xi],lat[eta,xi+1],lat[eta+1,xi+1],lat[eta+1,xi],self.y[i]]) xp,yp=calc.rot2d(xp,yp,self.roms.grid.angle[eta,xi]) x=xp[:-1].min(),xp[-1],xp[:-1].max() y=yp[:-1].min(),yp[-1],yp[:-1].max() A = x[1]-x[0] a = x[2]-x[1] B = y[1]-y[0] b = y[2]-y[1] tcond=(T==tind)#|(tind<0) tcond1=(T==tind+1)#|(tind+1<0) j0=np.where((I==xi)&(J==eta)&tcond)[0][0] j1=np.where((I==xi+1)&(J==eta)&tcond)[0][0] j2=np.where((I==xi+1)&(J==eta+1)&tcond)[0][0] j3=np.where((I==xi)&(J==eta+1)&tcond)[0][0] u0=(V[j0]*a*b+V[j1]*A*b+V[j2]*A*B+V[j3]*a*B)/(a*b+A*b+A*B+a*B) if not no_time: dt0=self.t[i]-self.roms.time[tind] dt1=self.roms.time[tind+1]-self.t[i] dt0=dt0.days*86400+dt0.seconds dt1=dt1.days*86400+dt1.seconds k0=np.where((I==xi)&(J==eta)&tcond1)[0][0] k1=np.where((I==xi+1)&(J==eta)&tcond1)[0][0] k2=np.where((I==xi+1)&(J==eta+1)&tcond1)[0][0] k3=np.where((I==xi)&(J==eta+1)&tcond1)[0][0] u1=(V[k0]*a*b+V[k1]*A*b+V[k2]*A*B+V[k3]*a*B)/(a*b+A*b+A*B+a*B) u=(u0*dt1+u1*dt0)/(dt1+dt0) else: u=u0 if not U.size:,u.size),'f'),U) U[i]=u U=np.squeeze(U) return U
def his2gnome(fname, his, grd=False, nomask=False, gshhsMask=True, xylim=False, dates=False, ij=(1, 1)): ''' Creates GNOME wind file Ex: his2gnome(out,his,grd,dates=dates,ij=(2,2)) if gshhsMask, the high res mask file mask_gshhs.npy will be created at 1st usage. Mask is based on high (h) resolution gshhs data which must be available (env variable GSHHS_MASK must be set). ''' if not grd: grd = his deta, dxi = ij dims = netcdf.fdim(his) xi, eta = dims['xi_rho'], dims['eta_rho'] xi0, eta0 = xi, eta nc0 = netcdf.ncopen(his) time = netcdf.nctime(nc0, 'ocean_time') # for roms agrif: #t=netcdf.use(nc0,'scrum_time') #time=netcdf.num2date(t,'seconds since %d-01-01' % year0) x0 = netcdf.use(grd, 'lon_rho') y0 = netcdf.use(grd, 'lat_rho') ang = netcdf.use(grd, 'angle') if not xylim is False: xlim = xylim[:2] ylim = xylim[2:] i1, i2, j1, j2 = calc.ij_limits(x0, y0, xlim, ylim) print(i1, i2, j1, j2) xi = i2 - i1 eta = j2 - j1 else: i1, i2 = 0, xi j1, j2 = 0, eta XI = '%d:%d:%d' % (i1, i2, dxi) ETA = '%d:%d:%d' % (j1, j2, deta) xi = len(range(i1, i2, dxi)) eta = len(range(j1, j2, deta)) # create file: create_uv(fname, xi, eta) nc = netcdf.ncopen(fname, 'a') for v0, v in ('lon_rho', 'lon'), ('lat_rho', 'lat'), ('mask_rho', 'mask'), ('h', 'depth'): print('filling %s with %s' % (v, v0)) nc.vars[v][:] = netcdf.use(grd, v0, xi_rho=XI, eta_rho=ETA) if nomask: print('NO MASK !!!') nc.vars['mask'][:] = 1 if gshhsMask: try: mask = np.load('mask_gshhs.npy') except: mask = 1 + 0 * netcdf.use(nc0, 'mask_rho', xi_rho=XI, eta_rho=ETA) mask = mask.astype('bool') x = netcdf.use(grd, 'lon_rho', xi_rho=XI, eta_rho=ETA) y = netcdf.use(grd, 'lat_rho', xi_rho=XI, eta_rho=ETA) from okean import gshhs axis = x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max() g = gshhs.gshhs(axis, resolution='h', area_thresh=0., max_level=2, clip=True) for lon, lat, level in zip(g.lon,, g.level): if level == 1: # land print('mask ', lon.shape) i = calc.inpolygon(x, y, lon, lat) mask = mask & ~i mask.dump('mask_gshhs.npy') nc.vars['mask'][:] = mask x = x0[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] y = y0[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] ang = ang[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] n = -1 for it in range(len(time)): if not dates is False: d0, d1 = dates if time[it] < d0 or time[it] >= d1: continue n += 1 U = np.zeros((eta0, xi0), 'f') V = np.zeros((eta0, xi0), 'f') nc.vars['time'][n] = netcdf.date2num(time[it], tunits) # for roms agrif: #u=netcdf.use(nc0,'u',time=it,s_rho=-1) #v=netcdf.use(nc0,'v',time=it,s_rho=-1) u = netcdf.use(nc0, 'u', ocean_time=it, s_rho=-1) v = netcdf.use(nc0, 'v', ocean_time=it, s_rho=-1) # mask extrap: print('mask extrap...') u = calc.mask_extrap(x0, y0, == 0, u)) v = calc.mask_extrap(x0, y0, == 0, v)) U[:, 1:-1] = 0.5 * (u[:, :-1] + u[:, 1:]) U[:, 0] = u[:, 0] U[:, -1] = u[:, -1] V[1:-1, :] = 0.5 * (v[:-1.:] + v[1:, :]) V[0, :] = v[0, :] V[-1, :] = v[-1, :] U = U[j1:j2, i1:i2] V = V[j1:j2, i1:i2] U = U[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] V = V[j1:j2:deta, i1:i2:dxi] # rotate uv: print('rotating ...') U, V = calc.rot2d(U, V, -ang) print('filling uv', n, time[it]) nc.vars['u'][n, ...] = U nc.vars['v'][n, ...] = V nc.close() nc0.close()
def era5_file_data(files, quiet=False): ''' ECMWF ERA5 data for ROMS variables: # radiation: msdwlwrf - mean_surface_downward_long_wave_radiation_flux #msdwswrf - mean_surface_downward_short_wave_radiation_flux -- not needed msnlwrf - mean_surface_net_long_wave_radiation_flux msnswrf - mean_surface_net_short_wave_radiation_flux # rain: mtpr - mean_total_precipitation_rate # wind: u10 - 10m_u_component_of_wind v10 - 10m_v_component_of_wind # temp: t2m - 2m_temperature d2m - 2m_dewpoint_temperature (for relative humidity) # pres: sp - surface_pressure # clouds: tcc - 'total_cloud_cover ''' ### # some variables may have different names! ### Vars={} ### Vars['v10u']='v10u','u10' ### Vars['v10v']='v10v','v10' ### Vars['v2t']='v2t','t2m' ### Vars['v2d']='v2d','d2m' ### #### def find_v(name): ### if name in Vars.keys(): ### for v in Vars[name]: ### if varfile(v): return v ### else: return name def varfile(var): for f in files: if var in netcdf.varnames(f): return f ##3 def check_var_type(var): ### # new interim dataserver provides forec+analysis vars with extra dim ### # 'type', 0 or 1 ### if var.ndim==4: ### if not quiet: print(' dealing with var type... '), ### v=np.zeros(var.shape[1:],var.dtype) ### v[::2]=var[0,::2,...] ### v[1::2]=var[1,1::2,...] ### var=v ### if not quiet: print('done.') ### ### return var out = {} # time: File = varfile('t2m') # air temp, for instance if not quiet: print(' reading time from file %s' % File) time = netcdf.nctime(File, 'time') # check if last time at 00h: if time[-1].hour != 0: dateEnd = datetime.datetime(time[-1].year, time[-1].month, time[-1].day) + datetime.timedelta(days=1) time = np.append(time, dateEnd) else: dateEnd = 0 out['time'] = time ### # all times from analysis file, except last ind which will be ###### # the last time of forecast file ### aFile=varfile(find_v('v2t')) # air temp, for instance ###### fFile=varfile(find_v('ssr')) # sw rad, for instance ### if not quiet: print(' reading "analysis" time from file %s' % aFile) ### aTime=netcdf.nctime(aFile,'time') ### aTime.sort() # analysis+forecast files may not have time sorted!! ### if not quiet: print(' reading "forecast" time from file %s' % fFile) ### fTime=netcdf.nctime(fFile,'time') ### fTime.sort() # this one should be sorted... ### time=np.append(aTime,fTime[-1]) ### out['time']=time ## # # calc number of forecast steps stored,nforec (used by accum2avg) # if [fTime[i].hour for i in range(8)]==range(3,22,3)+[0]: nforec=4 # elif [fTime[i].hour for i in range(4)]==range(6,19,6)+[0]: nforec=2 # else: # if not quiet: print('INTERIM WRONG TIME: cannot n forec steps') # return # ### if not quiet: print(' ==> n forecast steps = %d' % nforec) # x,y: if not quiet: print(' reading x,y from file %s' % File) x = netcdf.use(File, 'longitude') y = netcdf.use(File, 'latitude') x[x > 180] = x[x > 180] - 360 if x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') vname = 't2m' f = varfile(vname) tair = netcdf.use(f, vname) - 273.15 if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') tair = fill_tend(tair) out['tair'] = Data(x, y, tair, 'Celsius') # R humidity [0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity (from T dew)') vname = 'd2m' f = varfile(vname) Td = netcdf.use(f, vname) - 273.15 if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend... (T dew)') Td = fill_tend(Td) T = tair rhum = air_sea.relative_humidity(T, Td) rhum[rhum > 1] = 1 out['rhum'] = Data(x, y, rhum, '0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') vname = 'sp' f = varfile(vname) pres = netcdf.use(f, vname) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') pres = fill_tend(pres) out['pres'] = Data(x, y, pres, 'Pa') def avg_fix_time(v, DT): '''Fix data to right time in avg rate fields (ie, prev half hour to now) See: ''' DTstep = 1 a = DTstep / 2. b = DT - a u = np.zeros_like(v) u[:-1] = (v[:-1] * b + v[1:] * a) / (a + b) # last one lost, use prev value (from 30 min before) u[-1] = v[-1] return u DT = (time[1] - time[0]).total_seconds() / 3600. # hours # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 --> cm day-1] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') vname = 'mtpr' f = varfile(vname) prate = netcdf.use(f, vname) if not quiet: print(' avg_fix_time - DTstep=1h - DT=%.2f h' % DT) prate = avg_fix_time(prate, DT) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') prate = fill_tend(prate) conv = 100 * 86400 / 1000. # from kg m-2 s-1 --> cm day-1 prate = prate * conv # cm day-1 prate[prate < 0] = 0 out['prate'] = Data(x, y, prate, 'cm day-1') # dt=(TIMe[1]-time[0]).total_seconds()/3600. # if not quiet: print(' accum to avg at correct time - DTstep=1h - DT=%.2f h'%DT) # prate2=accum2avg(prate,DT) # prate2=prate2*1000 # return prate,prate2 # prate=check_var_type(prate) # if not quiet and np.any(sortInds!=range(len(sortInds))): print(' sort DONE') # if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') # prate=accum2avg(prate,nforec) # conv= 100*86400 # from m s-1 --> cm day-1 # #conv= 100*86400/1000. # from kg m-2 s-1 --> cm day-1 # prate=prate*conv # cm day-1 # if not quiet: print(' fill_t0...') # prate=fill_t0(prate) # prate[prate<0]=0 # out['prate']=Data(x,y,prate,'cm day-1') # # return out # Net shortwave flux [W m-2 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') vname = 'msnswrf' f = varfile(vname) sw_net = netcdf.use(f, vname) if not quiet: print(' avg_fix_time - DTstep=1h - DT=%.2f h' % DT) sw_net = avg_fix_time(sw_net, DT) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') sw_net = fill_tend(sw_net) out['radsw'] = Data(x, y, sw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2 --> W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') vname = 'msnlwrf' f = varfile(vname) lw_net = netcdf.use(f, vname) * -1 # positive upward (*-1) # here vars have roms-agrif signs --> radlw is positive upward! # conversion to ROMS is done in if not quiet: print(' avg_fix_time - DTstep=1h - DT=%.2f h' % DT) lw_net = avg_fix_time(lw_net, DT) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') lw_net = fill_tend(lw_net) out['radlw'] = Data(x, y, lw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # longwave down: if not quiet: print(' --> Down longwave flux') vname = 'msdwlwrf' f = varfile(vname) lw_down = netcdf.use(f, vname) * -1 # positive upward (*-1) if not quiet: print(' avg_fix_time - DTstep=1h - DT=%.2f h' % DT) lw_down = avg_fix_time(lw_down, DT) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') lw_down = fill_tend(lw_down) out['dlwrf'] = Data(x, y, lw_down, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') vname = 'u10' f = varfile(vname) uwnd = netcdf.use(f, vname) vname = 'v10' f = varfile(vname) vwnd = netcdf.use(f, vname) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') uwnd = fill_tend(uwnd) vwnd = fill_tend(vwnd) out['uwnd'] = Data(x, y, uwnd, 'm s-1') out['vwnd'] = Data(x, y, vwnd, 'm s-1') # speed and stress: if 0: if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2) taux, tauy = air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd, vwnd) out['wspd'] = Data(x, y, speed, 'm s-1') out['sustr'] = Data(x, y, taux, 'Pa') out['svstr'] = Data(x, y, tauy, 'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') vname = 'tcc' f = varfile(vname) clouds = netcdf.use(f, vname) if dateEnd: if not quiet: print(' fill_tend...') clouds = fill_tend(clouds) out['cloud'] = Data(x, y, clouds, 'fraction (0--1)') return out
def cfsr_file_data(files,quiet=False): ''' Returns bulk data from one CFRS files ''' def load_time(f): time=np.array((),datetime.datetime) ff=glob.glob(f) ff.sort() for f in ff: time=np.append(time,netcdf.nctime(f,'time')) return time def load_time_main(f): time=load_time(f) # I want 0,6,12,... after 2006 results may be 3,9,15, ... if time[0].hour in [3,9,15,21]: time=time+datetime.timedelta(hours=3) # for 2011 1st time is not 0! if time[0].hour==6: time=np.hstack((time[0].replace(hour=0),time)) return time def fix_time(t,var,t0,t1): # convert 1h, 7h, ... to 0h, 6h, ... if t[0].hour in [1,7,13,19]: # not all! sp analysis starts at 0, 6,...! print(' 1,7,... to 0,6,...') var=(var[1:]*5+var[:-1]*1)/6. t=t[1:]-datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif t[0].hour in [3,9,15,21]: print(' 3,9,... to 0,6,...') var=(var[1:]*3+var[:-1]*3)/6. t=t[1:]-datetime.timedelta(hours=3) cond=(t>=t0)&(t<=t1) t=t[cond] var=var[cond] if t[0]>t0: dt=t[0]-t0 dt=dt.days*24+dt.seconds/3600. # hours print('missing data at start: %.2d h missing --> repeating 1st data'%dt) v=np.zeros((var.shape[0]+1,)+var.shape[1:],var.dtype) v[1:]=var v[0]=var[0] var=v t_=np.zeros((t.shape[0]+1,)+t.shape[1:],t.dtype) t_[1:]=t t_[0]=t0 t=t_ if t[-1]<t1: dt=t1-t[-1] dt=dt.days*24+dt.seconds/3600. # hours print('missing data at end: %.2d h missing --> repeating last data'%dt) v=np.zeros((var.shape[0]+1,)+var.shape[1:],var.dtype) v[:-1]=var v[-1]=var[-1] var=v t_=np.zeros((t.shape[0]+1,)+t.shape[1:],t.dtype) t_[:-1]=t t_[-1]=t1 t=t_ return var,t out={} # time: if 0: time=netcdf.nctime(files['cc'],'time') # files have diff units !! so, cannot load all times at once! # these result will use only units of 1st file!! else: time=load_time_main(files['cc']) out['time']=time # T air [K->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') f=files['st'] tair=netcdf.use(f,'TMP_L103') tair=tair-273.15 x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!',) tair,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,tair,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['tair']=Data(x,y,tair,'C') # R humidity [%-->0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity') f=files['rh'] rhum=netcdf.use(f,'R_H_L103') rhum=rhum/100. x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), # should use end=' ' for python3 print continuation rhum,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,rhum,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') f=files['sp'] pres=netcdf.use(f,'PRES_L1') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), pres,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,pres,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['pres']=Data(x,y,pres,'Pa') # P rate [kg m-2 s-1 -> cm/d] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate') f=files['pr'] if 'PRATE_L1' in netcdf.varnames(f): prate=netcdf.use(f,'PRATE_L1') else: prate=netcdf.use(f,'PRATE_L1_Avg_1') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # Conversion kg m^-2 s^-1 to cm/day prate=prate*86400*100/1000. prate=np.where(abs(prate)<1.e-4,0,prate) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), prate,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,prate,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['prate']=Data(x,y,prate,'cm/d') # Net shortwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') if not quiet: print(' SW down') f=files['rad'] sw_down=netcdf.use(f,'DSWRF_L1_Avg_1') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) if not quiet: print(' SW up') sw_up=netcdf.use(f,'USWRF_L1_Avg_1') sw_net=sw_down-sw_up sw_net=np.where(sw_net<1.e-10,0,sw_net) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), sw_net,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,sw_net,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['radsw']=Data(x,y,sw_net,'W m-2',info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W/m^2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') if not quiet: print(' LW down') f=files['rad'] lw_down=netcdf.use(f,'DLWRF_L1_Avg_1') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) if not quiet: print(' LW up') lw_up=netcdf.use(f,'ULWRF_L1_Avg_1') lw_net=lw_down-lw_up lw_net=np.where(np.abs(lw_net)<1.e-10,0,lw_net) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), lw_net,tfix1=fix_time(ttmp,lw_net,time[0],time[-1]) lw_down,tfix2=fix_time(ttmp,lw_down,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix1.size==tfix2.size==time.size and np.all((tfix1==time)&(tfix2==time)): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return # ROMS (agrif, used to be!) convention: positive upward out['radlw']=Data(x,y,-lw_net,'W m-2',info='positive upward') # downward lw: out['dlwrf']=Data(x,y,-lw_down,'W m-2',info='negative... downward') # signs convention is better explained in # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') f=files['uv'] uwnd=netcdf.use(f,'U_GRD_L103') vwnd=netcdf.use(f,'V_GRD_L103') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), uwnd,tfix1=fix_time(ttmp,uwnd,time[0],time[-1]) vwnd,tfix2=fix_time(ttmp,vwnd,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix1.size==tfix2.size==time.size and np.all((tfix1==time)&(tfix2==time)): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return # if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2+vwnd**2) taux,tauy=air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd,vwnd) out['wspd']=Data(x,y,speed,'m s-1') out['uwnd']=Data(x,y,uwnd,'m s-1') out['vwnd']=Data(x,y,vwnd,'m s-1') out['sustr']=Data(x,y,taux,'Pa') out['svstr']=Data(x,y,tauy,'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--100 --> 0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover') f=files['cc'] if 'T_CDC_L200' in netcdf.varnames(f): clouds=netcdf.use(f,'T_CDC_L200') else: clouds=netcdf.use(f,'T_CDC_L200_Avg_1') x=netcdf.use(f,'lon'); x[x>180]=x[x>180]-360 y=netcdf.use(f,'lat') x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) clouds=clouds/100. # check time: ttmp=load_time(f) if ttmp.size==time.size and np.all(ttmp==time): print(' time ok') else: print(' time differs !!!!'), clouds,tfix=fix_time(ttmp,clouds,time[0],time[-1]) if tfix.size==time.size and np.all(tfix==time): print(' ...fixed!') else: print('time is NOT OK. Please check !!') return out['cloud']=Data(x,y,clouds,'fraction (0--1)') # rhum has different resolution (0.5, just like dew point!) # so, i can edit or just interpolate here rhum to # other vars resolution: if out['rhum'].data.shape!=out['uwnd'].data.shape: from okean import calc print('rhum shape differs!! --> interp:') nt,ny,nx=out['uwnd'].data.shape x,y=out['uwnd'].x,out['uwnd'].y rhum=np.zeros((nt,ny,nx), out['rhum'].data.dtype) for it in range(nt): if it%100==0: print(' %d of %d'%(it,nt)) rhum[it]=calc.griddata(out['rhum'].x,out['rhum'].y,out['rhum'].data[it],x,y) out['rhum']=Data(x,y,rhum,'0--1') return out
def wrf_file_data(file, quiet=False): ''' WRF data for ROMS ''' out = {} # time: if not quiet: print(' --> get time') time = read_time(file) out['time'] = time # lon,lat: if not quiet: print(' --> reading x,y') x = netcdf.use(file, 'XLONG', Time=0) #**{'0': 0}) y = netcdf.use(file, 'XLAT', Time=0) #**{'0': 0}) # tair [K-->C] if not quiet: print(' --> T air') tair = netcdf.use(file, 'T2') - 273.15 out['tair'] = Data(x, y, tair, 'Celsius') # R humidity [kg/kg --> 0--1] if not quiet: print(' --> R humidity from QV at 2m') wv = netcdf.use(file, 'Q2') # water vapor mixing ratio at 2m rhum = wv / air_sea.qsat(tair) rhum[rhum > 1] = 1 out['rhum'] = Data(x, y, rhum, '0--1') # surface pressure [Pa] if not quiet: print(' --> Surface pressure') pres = netcdf.use(file, 'PSFC') out['pres'] = Data(x, y, pres, 'Pa') # P rate [mm --> cm day-1] if not quiet: print(' --> P rate (rainc+rainnc)') rainc = netcdf.use(file, 'RAINC') rainnc = netcdf.use(file, 'RAINNC') prate = rainc + rainnc if not quiet: print(' accum2avg...') prate = accum2avg(prate, dt=time[1] - time[0]) # mm s-1 conv = 0.1 * 86400 # from mm s-1 --> cm day-1 prate = prate * conv # cm day-1 prate[prate < 0] = 0 # interpolation errors may result in negative rain! out['prate'] = Data(x, y, prate, 'cm day-1') # LW, SW, latent, sensible signs: # positive (downward flux, heating) or negative (upward flux, cooling) # # Net shortwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net shortwave flux') sw_down = netcdf.use(file, 'SWDOWN') albedo = netcdf.use(file, 'ALBEDO') sw_net = sw_down * (1 - albedo) out['radsw'] = Data(x, y, sw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive downward') # Net longwave flux [W m-2] if not quiet: print(' --> Net longwave flux') lw_down = netcdf.use(file, 'GLW') # positive # sst needed: if not quiet: print(' --> SST for LW up') sst = netcdf.use(file, 'SST') # K lw_net = air_sea.lwhf(sst, lw_down) # positive down # here vars have roms-agrif signs --> radlw is positive upward! #conversion to ROMS is done in out['radlw'] = Data(x, y, -lw_net, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') out['dlwrf'] = Data(x, y, -lw_down, 'W m-2', info='positive upward') # U and V wind speed 10m if not quiet: print(' --> U and V wind') uwnd = netcdf.use(file, 'U10') vwnd = netcdf.use(file, 'V10') if not quiet: print(' --> calc wind speed and stress') speed = np.sqrt(uwnd**2 + vwnd**2) taux, tauy = air_sea.wind_stress(uwnd, vwnd) out['wspd'] = Data(x, y, speed, 'm s-1') out['uwnd'] = Data(x, y, uwnd, 'm s-1') out['vwnd'] = Data(x, y, vwnd, 'm s-1') out['sustr'] = Data(x, y, taux, 'Pa') out['svstr'] = Data(x, y, tauy, 'Pa') # Cloud cover [0--1]: if not quiet: print(' --> Cloud cover for LONGWAVE. Use LONGWAVE_OUT instead...') if 0: pass # next code is wrong! If cloud cover is really needed, it needs to be calculated using wrfpost. # See # # if 'CLDFRA' in netcdf.varnames(file): # clouds=netcdf.use(file,'CLDFRA').sum(-3) # clouds=np.where(clouds>1,1,clouds) else: if not quiet: print('CLDFRA not found!! Using SST and air_sea.cloud_fraction') sst = netcdf.use(file, 'SST') - 273.15 clouds = air_sea.cloud_fraction(lw_net, sst, tair, rhum, Wtype='net') clouds[clouds < 0] = 0 clouds[clouds > 1] = 1 out['cloud'] = Data(x, y, clouds, 'fraction (0--1)') return out
def use(self,varname,**kargs): return netcdf.use(,varname,**kargs) def hasz(self,v):